Relationship between Sagittarius man and Aquarius girl. Compatibility in love relationships: Sagittarius and Aquarius

It is established that they are able to understand each other at a glance and half a word. These two incredibly charming adventurers, who are ready to realize the most extravagant plans together, are distinguished by their easy-going nature and constant desire for the new and unknown. Both value independence - both their own and that of others, which also brings them very close. Sagittarius and Aquarius believe that only good things await them ahead, and this optimism further improves their prospects together.

Sagittarius and Aquarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Aquarius woman

Having met, the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are involved in an interesting game of love that captivates both of them, absolutely not thinking that with the same mutual ease they can go hand in hand throughout their lives. Their romance is filled with emotions, the embodiment of crazy ideas, crazy passion.

The Sagittarius man is distinguished by his straightforwardness, for which he sometimes acquires a reputation as a rude man. Such truthfulness delights the Aquarius companion, since she herself, although a difficult person, is not deceitful or hypocritical. A woman of this zodiac sign respects other people’s desire to protect her inner world from encroachment, because she has the same character. An Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man will see in each other what they themselves strive for.

Sagittarius, as an unpredictable person, can bring confusion into these relationships. But even this man’s antics do not threaten the integrity of this union. But what is a real threat to this family, as the horoscope warns, is banal boredom and immersion in routine, on the basis of which indifference towards each other can grow. In order not to lose a partner completely, everyone needs to try to look at the world through his eyes. For Aquarius and Sagittarius, people with an active psyche, this is not so difficult.

Such partners, by and large, have nothing to quarrel about, and if they quarrel, they quickly eliminate the causes and consequences of the conflict. Representatives of many other signs of the Zodiac are afraid of the sharp tongue of the Sagittarius man, but not the Aquarius woman, who is able to see a compliment where others hear only sarcastic remarks. Such tolerance will lead Sagittarius to amazement, and with this will come an understanding of what a treasure he has received. They can relax and work together, they can be inseparable anywhere and never tire of each other. Their main enemy, as mentioned above, is indifference and boredom. If they love and accept each other as they are, then Fire and Air - their elements - will make the flame of their love burn, if not forever, then for a very long time.

Compatibility Aquarius man - Sagittarius woman

Such a couple, regardless of age, often resembles teenagers - active, hooligan, not recognizing principles and stereotypes. Their relationship is actually a bit like a game, the rules of which are constantly changing. An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman are not only lovers for each other, but also friends, partners on whom you can always rely. As the length of time they live together increases, their mutual love only grows stronger, so divorces in such families are very rare. The Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man look at life equally easily, they are not afraid to introduce novelty, experiments and even radical changes into it. They will not impose restrictions on the freedom of the other half and will not abuse their independence themselves. True, both are owners, and their tolerance can quickly dry up if they see that their partner is using freedom not for the benefit of this relationship.

A sense of humor helps such a couple to live; mutual jokes do not offend them, and those around them are delighted with the fireworks of their healthy humor. Difficulties cannot unsettle such a husband and wife - on the contrary, they are perceived by them as a challenge to the fortitude of their spirit, abilities, and optimism.

When children appear in the family, both become more serious and try to provide them with a good education and upbringing, which consolidates them even more. No matter how old these people are, they are always ready for change, even in old age.

The union of Aquarius with Sagittarius should remain a community of two like-minded people and optimists for as long as possible, because if both get bogged down in everyday and economic affairs, this will noticeably reduce the intensity of feelings in this couple and make them more vulnerable. Together they need not only to take care of children, but also to set global goals for themselves, especially since they are able to successfully work in the same profession or joint business.

Aquarius and Sagittarius - sexual compatibility

The intimate life of the Sagittarius - Aquarius couple only confirms the excellent compatibility of representatives of these zodiac signs in other areas of life. Aquarius likes the fact that Sagittarius does not strive for too rapid development of their relationship and does not demand sexual exploits from him. He, in turn, will be happy to note his partner’s emotional freedom and his ingenuity. Both partners are ready for adventure, can make love in a variety of places, without pretensions to comfort and intimacy. Neither one nor the other has a desire for dominance or unhealthy jealousy, which makes it possible to predict successful intimate relationships over a long period of time.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius and Sagittarius in work and business

These are workers who are able to work quickly and creatively, and who know how to choose the optimal means to achieve goals. However, in order for their results to be impressive, they often lack hard work. Aquarius and Sagittarius would rather search for a way to evade the next joint task than search for the best result of its implementation. They are able to put forward a huge number of ideas, among which there will certainly be those worthy of attention, but many of their plans are too utopian, and for their objective assessment a sober look from a representative of a more realistic zodiac sign is necessary. In addition, it will be useful for the success of the common cause if someone else joins this tandem, at least as a performer. It's best if

This union creates a light, relaxed, noisy atmosphere around itself. Moreover, this is noticed not only by themselves, but also by those around them. Thanks to the good atmosphere, as the compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius and Aquarius says, the couple has a lot of friends together.

At the beginning of a relationship, romance is like an adventurous game, which is full of romantic, fresh and new ideas. The couple lives an interesting and vibrant life, where there are a lot of positive emotions. Sagittarius is optimistic. He does not like clear rules of life, is always easy-going and can even tell the crude and naked truth straight to the eyes of his interlocutor, the main thing is that he does not lie.

Aquarius will always be admired by their partner's truthfulness. He himself cannot tolerate deception, cunning and hypocrisy. This sign is very patient, smart and noble. He will never invade someone else's space, but he is in no hurry to reveal all his secrets. In a pair of Sagittarius and Aquarius, both signs will be able to open up completely and not hide their feelings from their partner.

As soon as they meet, the partners will never cease to be amazed at each other's qualities. The only stumbling point can be that Sagittarius has a dual character. At some moments it is impossible to predict his actions, and a quarrel may arise. Although, according to astrologers, they will not have catastrophic scandals. They are more likely to break up due to a boring relationship, which will develop into indifference on the part of each partner.

General compatibility of zodiac signs

In general, the couple has good compatibility. The only thing they should do to maintain an excellent loving relationship is to tune in to their partner’s wavelength more often. Moreover, they need to learn to analyze the situation from the chosen one’s side and be able to listen to him. Working on themselves will be interesting for each of them, and accepting new conditions of the game will be a great adventure for them and an opportunity to create an ideal relationship.
Conflicts between the couple will not arise so often, and they are easily resolved. The rudeness of Sagittarius, which scares others, will not offend the partner. Such a reaction from the chosen one can only strengthen Sagittarius’ feelings.

These two can have a great time together. Sagittarius and Aquarius have a lot in common: they love parties, outdoor activities and conversations with friends. This will bring the couple together and the two lovers will be inseparable both at work and on vacation.

In order not to endanger their feelings, the couple must learn to understand each other, accept all the shortcomings and advantages of the partner. The tolerance of each chosen one will help prevent crisis moments in the relationship.

This pair is the most extraordinary combination of Uranus and Jupiter. Both partners try to remain calm in all situations. Their concentration does not make it possible to destroy the foundation that the chosen ones created in family life.

Compatibility Man - Sagittarius - Woman - Aquarius

A man under the sign of Sagittarius is the embodiment of courage, truthfulness and bravery. The woman in this union is very fragile, timid and romantic in nature. He would prefer to hear any truth than hypocrisy. He does not choose words to express his opinion or the truth in the eyes of his interlocutor, no matter what it is.

On the other hand, the chosen one is an incorrigible romantic, in whom there are notes of sentimentality. He can make his beloved woman laugh in any situation, especially if she is in a bad mood. A Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman will prefer to receive a pet as a gift under the New Year's tree, since they love dogs and cats very much.

The couple's life is full of adventures. They love to take risks and can easily fly to India or any other country in one day. Although, a man periodically has thoughts of traveling alone, but as soon as he arrives in another country, he immediately calls his partner and invites her to join.

Compatibility Woman - Sagittarius - Man - Aquarius

The unpredictability of a man under the sign of Aquarius can conquer a girl at first sight. In a couple, she is the representative of a brave and assertive person who can make the chosen one’s heart beat faster.

Interesting actions and friendly manners of a woman can touch a partner to the depths of his soul. Aquarius values ​​such people, which means he will be able to accept his point of view and agree with his wife’s opinion on many issues.

A Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man make their lives varied. They enjoy each other during a parachute flight or during a philosophy seminar. The most interesting thing is that a woman does not like to be bored, and in her chosen one she will find an ally who will not disappoint her.

Stories from our readers

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs he is Aquarius, she is Sagittarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A couple of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman is very endearing with their goodwill, mutual sympathy and respect. They can be like wild, noisy children, constantly playing and changing the rules of the game. These partners are united not only by sensual love for each other, but also by camaraderie, truly friendly relations, partnership in work and creativity. This union breaks up extremely rarely, because the partners’ feelings for each other only grow stronger over the years.

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman is very light and airy. They love change, strive to experiment, reform their lives, completely coinciding in these desires and impulses. An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman will never limit the freedom of the other partner, because they themselves value their own independence very much. Their communication is imbued with healthy, sparkling humor - they are not offended by each other’s jokes, and, in turn, try to joke with others. Difficulties for this couple seem only to be exciting challenges that can serve as a reason to show all their abilities, and therefore, even in times of hardship, this couple does not lose optimism and a sense of humor, continuing to actively act for the sake of the future. The appearance of children makes this couple monolithic, inseparable. Love for children unites them in a common effort to ensure the future of the family, and most importantly, to provide a decent upbringing and education to the younger generation. Children become friends for an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman, who can, in turn, greatly influence their habits and worldview. Such couples, having reached old age, never tire of changing and renewing themselves, easily accept into their lives the trends inherent in the youth environment, and often resemble a couple of naughty teenagers. An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman complement each other perfectly in everything, and can successfully work in the same enterprise or participate in the same business. Partners are always honest with each other - they are devoid of hypocrisy and falsehood, and therefore understand each other well. There will be no jealousy in this couple - each of them recognizes the right of the companion to his own personal life. True, possessive moods are also present in both partners. Therefore, everyone’s loyalty to the antics of the chosen one will last on both sides until the partner begins to abuse trust.

No matter how ideal and cloudless the relationship between an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman may seem, they will still have to survive storms of quarrels. An alliance that was initially created as a union of two comrades-in-arms and like-minded people, united by common ideas, can collapse due to banal everyday problems, or the drift of goals into the plane of purely material and economic issues. A couple of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman will be strengthened by their common concern for children, common affairs and goals that they set for themselves.

He is Aquarius, she is Sagittarius - compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius and Aquarius - an example of an ideal relationship

This is one of the most successful unions. Representatives of these signs are united by a love of adventure, freedom, sociability, and an optimistic attitude.

Therefore, the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered very good.

Features of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. general characteristics

Sagittarius is filled with optimism and is attracted by adventures in business and love. They tirelessly strive to possess all the blessings of life, which include interesting work, relationships with a loved one, and fun pastime. Sagittarians do not doubt for a minute that everything in life is achievable. You just have to try.

  • Positive qualities: honesty, activity.
  • Negative qualities: rudeness, harshness.

Features of the zodiac sign Aquarius. general characteristics

Aquarius combines philanthropy and independence. His high intelligence does not allow him to communicate with people whom he considers stupider than himself. In general, he gets along with people easily, but it is difficult for him to maintain friendly connections for a long time, so Aquarius has few real friends.

Mostly ordinary acquaintances. They communicate with representatives of both sexes, and even after marriage they do not stop making friendly connections with friends of the opposite sex.

A broad outlook allows these people to feel comfortable in any society. In general, these are stable, calm people, but they love extraordinary actions. They can also shock their surroundings with complete rejection of authoritative opinions and traditions.

  • Positive qualities: high intelligence, sociability.
  • Negative qualities: stubbornness, inconstancy.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man

Immediately after meeting, real passion flares up between representatives of these signs. They get involved in the love game, but don’t even think about family life. Over time, they become indispensable to each other. Astrologers believe that compatibility in a union between a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman can be called optimal. They will never get bored of each other.

A man may seem like an ordinary boor to others; his straightforwardness shocks many. But this girl thinks differently. She is completely delighted with her partner’s honesty and openness. She will respect his point of view, because she herself needs the protection of her inner world.

These people have no particular reasons for conflicts, so the compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in this relationship will be almost ideal.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

This couple can live for many years in joy and fun. They do not age over the years, they only increase in enthusiasm and determination to diversify their lives. The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in love makes it possible for such a couple to enjoy a happy life for many years. Every year their relationship only improves. On the forum of these signs you can get acquainted with the stories of such happy couples.

These people are not afraid of change, they are ready to change and bring something new into their lives. The appearance of a child will improve their compatibility; Sagittarius - Aquarius will enthusiastically begin raising an heir.

A man and his wife must remain like-minded people; only by looking at life with optimism can they overcome everyday problems.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS – Compatibility – Astrotypologist Dmitry

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Compatibility of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman. In s�

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  1. The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in love relationships can be disrupted due to monotony and boredom.
  2. To prevent independence from destroying their compatibility, Sagittarius and Aquarius should not abuse their freedom. The horoscope warns: cheating can lead to a breakup.

How can the relationship between these signs develop?

In sex they are perfectly compatible. Both the guy and his partner are inventive and relaxed. Sexual compatibility in an Aquarius-Sagittarius couple is built on a mutual desire to diversify this area of ​​life.

Therefore, their intimate life is simply seething with surprises and experiments. Their friendship is bound by a passion for active recreation, adventure and interesting conversations.

Compatibility of zodiac signs: he is Aquarius, she is Sagittarius

An interesting horoscope develops when Sagittarius and Aquarius meet. Representatives of these extraordinary zodiac signs are drawn to each other. Sometimes, everything goes smoothly. A couple falls in love, gets married, has children and forgets to think about any tips about compatibility. Their love story is incredibly simple. But it doesn't always work out this way. More often, Sagittarius and Aquarius enter into a dance of love confrontations. Everyone tries to subjugate their partner.

It is very important here who is the man and who is the woman in the couple.

In any case, watch their development relations always very exciting. Aquarius girls, be careful, because the insidious Sagittarius can very quickly cloud your mind with conversations about passionate feelings, experiences, and promise castles in the air. Although, the Sagittarius man must also be on his guard. Your romance begins, will love win this time?

Before you fall in love, look at your horoscope

In the old days, before accepting a marriage proposal, a woman and her mother went to a fortune teller, a soothsayer. She always asked the date and time of birth of the bride and groom. This ritual was immutable, because it could determine the fate of the marriage. Refusals were given even to the most eligible bachelors if it turned out that the couple’s life would be a series of quarrels, scandals and failures. In India, the mother of the groom still goes to a seer monk who will tell everything about his future daughter-in-law. Again, her date of birth is required. The compatibility of zodiac signs has been known since ancient times.

Today it is fashionable to contact an astrologer to find out the fate of a marriage. In love or sexual relationships, people sometimes show their worst qualities. I want to be sure that everything will work out, but life will truly be a fairy tale with a happy ending. Of course, when you suddenly fall in love and it is mutual, it is very difficult to believe that your chosen one or chosen one is actually hiding his "dark" side. And you yourself, think about what desires or vices you are silent about in the first year of your life together?

Who is Sagittarius?

If you are interested in a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, study him inside and out. Why? We will reveal his horoscope to you. It can make you the happiest person in the world or it can doom you to suffering. We make our own choices, and the Stars only warn us. The Sagittarius woman is also not simple. She knows how manipulate people, knows how to make you believe she is right. IN love she is not as sincere as she might seem at first glance.

It’s worth starting with the fact that this is a very enterprising person. In your school company, he did not rest in the summer, but worked. Let it be for pennies, but already got into trouble, studied

contact people. He treats science very simply - does not concentrate on learning. Money is important to him, he is a very mercantile person, this man is a Sagittarius. He knows 10,000 ways to earn them. It seems you can't go wrong with him. This is not entirely true. He doesn't like to share what he earns. Sagittarians usually force their wives to work even harder, motivating this with some higher goals: to buy a bigger apartment, earn money for a decent vacation, send your children to good schools. More often than not, he simply doesn’t want to spend all his money.

Sagittarius's sex life is rich in experiences and partners. From his youth, he was accustomed to the fact that you can get what you want if you use your imagination. Women are greedy for beautiful words, it seems to them that this man, who quotes the greats, will definitely not quit in the morning. And he leaves without even closing the door behind him. In relationships with women Sagittarius is never sincere. As long as something is needed from her, he will be a cute cat, as soon as the need has disappeared - forgive me, goodbye, my love. Of course, everything changes when he meets a woman equal to himself in fortitude and intelligence. Sagittarius in love no longer a predator. Although, he will not forget about his ambitions. Remember, Sagittarius always remains himself, just for the sake of love for you, he makes you concessions.

The life horoscope of a Sagittarius woman is rich in events. She doesn't waste time sitting idle at home. It turned out to be a free evening - rather, to the people, to the lights of the big city. She loves to have fun in company. Always a lot of friends surround this woman. And there is something to love about her - she is active, positive, there is always news and incredible stories.

One “but”. Like a man, a Sagittarius woman is greedy for money. She's even more comfortable. If a man needs to earn it by the sweat of his brow, then a woman just needs to be smart, cunning and insightful. Then she will get everything she dreams of. Her sex life is very thoughtful. She doesn't like to give out her phone number left and right. The main thing is to make sure that the person is worthwhile.

When she had her fill, there will be many contenders for your hand and heart. A Sagittarius husband must understand with whom he connects his life. She is not the kind of wife who will iron socks, cook soups and be touched by children. She is, rather, one of those active wives who are given a beautiful car, an international passport and enough money on a bank card. If her husband wants to share a fun, eventful life with her, great, everything will be fine with them. Sagittarius generally appreciates it when someone respects her interests, even the most unusual ones. You'll think about the children later, but for now you young - forward to adventure. This will only strengthen your compatibility

Who is Aquarius?

One of the most prominent representatives of the water signs of the zodiac is Aquarius. It is best for him to live near a river or sea. Aquarius is repelled by standing water. His horoscope develops best where there is running water, because it takes away all sorrows. Aquarians are reserved people. They live stormy life in your head. The Aquarius man understands that he has to fight for his place in the world, although he really doesn’t want to. Such a husband will be curse work and secretly wish to stay at home and let his wife work.

The Aquarius man firmly decided even in childhood that he needed to live his life in such a way that only he would not be touched. He loves to get lost in the crowd. The Aquarius man is ready at work do routine work, if only there was no need to offer anything, invent anything, or work creatively somehow. His sex life begins late, rather on the initiative

women. In sex, he is not very inclined to experiments or trying something new. His love awaits after 30 years, and before that he will have to gain experience, get into trouble and be disappointed in women more than once. Aquarius will marry the woman who immediately promises him that taking care of the home, finances and children will fall on her shoulders. All these uninteresting and boring things she will do it herself so as not to irritate him. The wives of Aquarius face a life where there is no particular hope for their husband.

His compatibility with other zodiac signs is not very high, about 40% at best. The compatibility of two Aquarius is even less. Well, how to live life together if everyone refuses to take on at least some responsibility? Such a house will soon fall apart, burying the husbands and wives of Aquarius. An Aquarius man is ready for children only after he has lived with his wife for a year or two. You need to be sure that his choice is correct. Most often, he becomes so attached to one woman. His life is spent in a marriage without betrayal or affairs on the side. It’s easier than looking for excuses and justifications.

A special story is the Aquarius woman. She is patronized by the Moon, and there is little Venus in this woman. This indicates emotional coldness, lack of empathy. In love and friendship, she is easily disappointed in people, because she does not see their hidden motives. In a joke, he does not see the joke itself, but only various opportunities to offend her person. Selfishness is a distinctive feature of this sign. Most likely, the Aquarius woman was not popular at school, college, or at work. Even your own good looks she manages to hide it. This is because her soul is very vulnerable. It’s easy to offend her, but she can forgive you for years. This is how friendships collapse, former love turns into a bitter enemy.

Aquarius woman compatibility with men not great, but it is often possible to meet a wise person. He is ready to perceive her as she is. Although, even in this case, betrayal is common. The husband says that she is too cold, she never shows any sexual initiative. This is how marriages fail. The Aquarius woman must keep this in mind, otherwise there will be a series of unsuccessful marriages. You need to talk about your desires and problems, this is the only way to save your family from collapse. The husband will not always persistently get to the bottom of the reason for her silence.

At work, she also does not show proper initiative. Does it well and carefully. Aquarius is characterized by a love of working with their hands. She has no talent for numbers or technical intricacies. The more imagination, the fewer people around, the more successfully Aquarius works. Understand this, parents of an Aquarius girl, do not force her to study exact sciences.

Couple in love

A pair of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman is immediately doomed to failure. These are such different characters, completely different attitudes to life, love, sex, marriage. Starting a relationship is easy. Very soon you will understand that it is impossible to live at home in such a climate. Compatibility is minimal, bear each other it becomes very difficult for a long time. Such couples exist, but they are usually held together by something specific: early children, material

values, any kind of dependence. So simple, for love, it could not form. An Aquarius husband will be jealous, angry, and hate his wife. He just needs to understand that Sagittarius will not sit at home in front of the TV. Why suffer so much if you can leave on good terms. Stay friends, call each other on holidays.

For zodiac signs in the combination of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman, there are more chances. Of course, sex life here is of great importance for Sagittarius, and if Aquarius wants to be an impregnable cold fortress, then he will quickly find another, more accommodating one on the side. A Sagittarius man rarely leaves a marriage. He doesn’t leave his wives because of little things. For him family values ​​are important. These zodiac signs have a future if they make peace with each other: Aquarius is busy at home, Sagittarius accepts her as she is. Over the years, they are connected by common habits, compatibility increases, and love grows stronger. They begin to understand each other.

There is a lot of advice that can be given, but the main points are:

Aquarius rarely opens up right away. A completely inconspicuous personality that can conceal within itself fantasy fountains, millions of ideas, beautiful options for the development of events. Nobody asks, and he/she doesn’t tell. It is a characteristic feature of the water signs of the zodiac to keep everything to themselves. The world loses a lot because of this property of Aquarius.

Sagittarius is born under the auspices of Mars and Jupiter. These are powerful sources of strength. Sagittarius husband will please your wife variety of sexual activity. For Aquarius this is not

so important. At first, she may show a love for sex, but in reality she is as cold in bed as in life. The sexual energy in her flares up closer to the age of 30, when she can form and express what her body wants.

The Sagittarius life horoscope is always associated with the house. He can leave, run away, live in another country for years, but home is always the only one for him. There he strives, there he returns. This is useful knowledge for smart wives. Even if there is betrayal or leaving for another, he will never forget a simple home, sooner or later he will return. For such signs, this can play a decisive role in choosing a bride.

Aquarius has a different attitude towards home. Her horoscope is always associated with water, as is known. From any place, Aquarius is drawn to where there is a lot of water. She may move frequently without regret leave everything and go to the Ocean. This is a call to her nature, the energy of the Stars.

If you find a compromise according to these three points, then life together will be balanced and harmonious. The love horoscope of this couple can always be adjusted and balanced, like Libra. For such different signs, it's actually beneficial to spend a lot of time together. This harmonizes their personalities and erases rough edges. Love will lead you along a confusing path, but your feelings will become a beacon in the pitch darkness.

Aquarius and Sagittarius - compatibility of signs

These partners are attracted to each other, in addition, they are very close in spirit. Both are characterized by a certain rebellion and love of freedom. Aquarius is impressed by the open and friendly disposition of Sagittarius, while Aquarius is valuable to a partner for its extraordinary intellectual development and original ideas. At the same time Compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Sagittarius characterized by a certain contradiction: unpredictability, more or less characteristic of both partners, initially becomes a catalyst for the development of relationships, but subsequently can cause many unpleasant moments. It is positive for such relationships when partners are united by common ideas.

Sagittarius is interested in understanding the secrets of the soul of the chosen one. Few are able to truly understand Aquarius, since his genius is to some extent similar to madness. In addition, Aquarius is melancholic and can become depressed at times. However, in alliance with Sagittarius, it is easier for him to maintain a good mood. Aquarius is characterized by a high level of spiritual development; its rich creative potential is very attractive to Sagittarius. For such a couple, long intellectual conversations bring great pleasure.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius determines the presence of a certain freedom for both partners. Family relationships in the traditional sense often reach a dead end, so they should keep a little distance and be more attentive to each other's feelings. Sagittarius also needs to pay attention to the spiritual needs of Aquarius, which are much more important to him than the intimate side of the relationship.

In general, the union is full of unpredictable moments, which, nevertheless, can make partners happy. After all, a calm, measured life is not what a couple of Sagittarius and Aquarius needs.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius

Sexual compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Sagittarius is characterized by freedom and openness in relationships. In addition, they are very passionate and do not neglect outside connections. The intimate relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius is very expressive, while neither partner tries to dominate, they simply complement each other perfectly. These kindred spirits remain devoted to each other even with a great love of adventure.

Compatibility: Sagittarius man - Aquarius woman

The life together of a man born under the sign of Sagittarius and an Aquarius woman can rightfully be considered happy. They seem to live in their own world, full of harmony, optimism and built on mutual understanding. At the same time, they have many friends, because they are sociable, friendly and do not skimp on help if it is needed. The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman form a wonderful tandem, enjoying all manifestations of life. They travel a lot, constantly discovering something new, because the desire for new knowledge is quite strong in both signs. They do not limit each other’s freedom in any way, because they understand perfectly well that otherwise their love will fade away.

The Sagittarius man is more energetic than his chosen one, so the Aquarius lady perfectly balances her lover. Such relationships become a good foundation for a strong, happy marriage.

Compatibility: Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man

The meeting of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man most often occurs spontaneously, and they are constantly accompanied by unique coincidences of circumstances. Mutual attraction helps partners get closer quickly.

They unwittingly charm each other, and it becomes difficult for them to part. This is the compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in this ratio.

A man born under the sign of Aquarius will carry his beloved in his arms, and she will become the most beautiful, loving and devoted wife for him. Her inimitable charisma makes his life more joyful, and her boundless friendliness, combined with infectious optimism, save Aquarius from periods of heavy thoughts and depression.

The unpredictability and love of freedom of partners does not strain them at all; rather, on the contrary, it makes the relationship easier and more harmonious. The union of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man has every chance of becoming a model of family happiness. Moreover, the basis of their happiness is not material. They are united by spiritual kinship and great intellectual interest.

Business compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius

Compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Sagittarius in business always opens up new perspectives. They are capable of talentedly developing their own idea and introducing it into the market of goods and services. At the same time, the cooperation of these signs will be exclusively positive, since in everything they strive to receive, first of all, moral satisfaction, and not material reward.

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The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius depends on how much each member of the alliance can listen to their partner. Working on yourself will be a great chance to create an ideal relationship and smooth out moments of crisis.


General compatibility of zodiac signs

Misunderstandings between the couple will rarely occur: the rudeness of Sagittarius does not bother quiet Aquarius at all.

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius has a lot of similarities, they are ideally compatible and completely suit each other. Both love hiking together, picnics, and meeting friends. Both at the workplace and at the resort, it is impossible to separate them even in a noisy company.

The spontaneous and tactless Sagittarius arouses sincere affection in Aquarius with his openness and inability to pretend. An impulsive representative is accustomed to eternal grievances from others for his harsh statements and constant criticism. Therefore, he will single out Aquarius as an extraordinary person and will definitely be interested in him. Any joint venture of the fire-air zodiac union has a chance of success.

Sagittarius character

Sagittarians have a wonderful sense of humor, a charge of optimism, a rich imagination and a love of freedom.

At the same time, a representative of the fire element:

  • hates moral pressure;
  • does not like unsolicited advice;
  • they despise liars and hypocrites;
  • they simply make friends because their powerful energy attracts timid and unsociable people;
  • love to receive praise and approval for their words and actions;
  • he does everything easily and with interest;
  • he does not understand any hints, the main thing for Sagittarius is directness and openness;
  • They do not tolerate taking on responsibility and avoid making decisions;
  • Representatives of this sign have an excellent memory, but at the same time they are quite absent-minded.

Aquarius character

Aquarius always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. They are excellent conversationalists, faithful lovers and comrades. Aquarians do not like outside advice and prefer to solve problems on their own.

Aquarius Features:

  • representatives of the air sign are kind-hearted and humanists;
  • he likes to help people, communicate, make new acquaintances;
  • he cannot stand routine life and boredom, but sometimes apathy and indifference are also characteristic of him;
  • those born under the sign of Aquarius are rather timid and reserved;
  • he is unpredictable, impulsive and eccentric, and constantly changes his views;
  • hates flattery, imitation and two-faced people;
  • in a bad mood, he can withdraw into himself or utter harsh words;
  • loves experiments, risks and dreams of finding new things in all areas of life;
  • needs constant change of impressions.

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

A Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man easily find mutual understanding on any issues. Both enjoy communicating, overcoming life’s difficulties and spending time together. What is difficult for others, these zodiac constellations can do without any extra effort.

They are similar in their vision of the world, so they will never argue over trifles. Both signs are generous, easy-going and unpretentious in everyday life. The Aquarius man likes the cheerful disposition of the Sagittarius woman, and she likes the original sense of humor of her air partner.

By interacting with each other, they grow spiritually without experiencing the slightest rivalry. Two people are ready to accept the other with all their shortcomings and weaknesses. The Sagittarius lady will appreciate the kind heart of the Aquarius man, and he will appreciate her selflessness towards other people. Both are ready for self-sacrifice and altruism, therefore, they will never have disagreements on the basis of material wealth.


In a love relationship, Sagittarius and. Most often, the Sagittarius woman and her Aquarius match do not waste time trying to interest each other.

Love between them will obey the following rules:

  1. Both partners treat each other with respect and full understanding. The Aquarius man often finds himself in adventures and misadventures, but the representative of the Sagittarius sign comes to the rescue and offers his partner to find the best solution.
  2. An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman need each other every minute of their lives. The union between this couple is not a painful dependence: the partners really feel incredibly comfortable together. Both signs see only advantages in this love relationship.


An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman have excellent compatibility for forming a strong family. At any moment they will support each other without complaints, mutual criticism and quarrels. There are no misunderstandings between the husband and wife of these signs, since both hate lies.

The Aquarius and Sagittarius couple is quite calm about adultery, which helps protect the marriage from the unpleasant results of such adventures.

In this case, their union will be subject to certain rules:

  1. Their everyday life is left in the background. The Sagittarius woman prefers to spend time on hobbies, and the Aquarius man prefers to spend time on work. The couple does household chores exclusively together and as needed: everyone is happy and no one accuses anyone of laziness.
  2. Marriage unions of Aquarius men and Sagittarius women practically do not break up. They will not meet more understanding life partners.

Sexual compatibility

Partners have excellent sexual compatibility:

  • Aquarius husband is an experimenter in sex;
  • The Sagittarius wife is unpretentious and ready to fulfill the various wishes of her partner.

Even after years of married life, the ardor of this union does not fade. The couple is unable to tear themselves away from each other, and therefore is ready for even the most unbridled sex in unexpected different places. If both come together sexually, it means that the couple will splash out all their energy through intimacy.


The Sagittarius lady's friendship with the Aquarius guy has a chance to exist, but it will not work out in the full sense of the word. They understand each other, love to be frank and talk about taboo topics, but the couple simply cannot be friends. The horoscope prepares a love relationship for the union, albeit based on initial deep friendly sympathy.

Work and business

An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman are careerists, but they will never compete with each other. The couple will support each other in all endeavors, help to cope with problems, worries and work troubles. Aquarius and Sagittarius are excellent business and joint partners: they can achieve success only together.

They can start a risky business, but at the same time make no mistakes and receive significant benefits. If the work does not go according to plan, the couple will not blame each other, on the contrary: both will pull themselves together and solve problems together.

The video talks about the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman. Filmed by channel 1000 and 1 horoscope.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

A Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman are attracted to each other and are predisposed to excellent interaction. For a Sagittarius guy, a representative of the air element will be a real success. Next to this lady he will have the opportunity to remain himself. At the same time, the Aquarius woman is not offended by rude critical remarks that are typical of her partner.

Sagittarius and Aquarius complement their partner favorably and change thanks to each other:

  • the Aquarius woman will become more serious and strict;
  • The Sagittarius man will learn to approach life more directly and easily.

Both signs quickly find a common language and topics for conversation. Sagittarius is attracted by the airy character and unusual appearance of the representative of the element of air; a girl may be interested in the guy’s rich imagination and his stories about childhood. This couple will not need any effort to create a strong union.


The love relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man develops easily and simply. The young people like each other: they communicate without interference, discuss common topics. A representative of a fire sign often likes to complicate his life. At the same time, the Aquarius girl will take the slight seriousness or eccentricity of her chosen one with humor and help him solve the problem. She will not give unnecessary advice, instructions or put pressure on her partner. This is exactly what Sagittarius appreciates in her, who likes to solve problems himself and not depend on anyone.

Their love relationships will be governed by the following principles:

  1. In love, the freedom-loving Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman do not allow anyone into their private territory and do not like any control. Both are aware that their partner may have little secrets. This is what brings the couple closer together: they trust each other more.
  2. In relationships, the Sagittarius guy really appreciates the airy, spontaneous character of the representative of the air element. She respects his frankness, directness, determination and masculinity.
  3. A couple of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman rarely breaks up. A feeling of comfort in love can only be given to this ideal union by their reciprocity. If a couple naturally decides to start a family, then none of them regrets it after many years.


The marriage of representatives of the fire and air elements is based on spiritual intimacy and understanding.

There are many prerequisites for creating a strong marriage:

  • husband and wife are extremely honest with each other, they have no reason to play a double game and hide;
  • the Aquarius wife calmly reacts to the aggression and impulsive attacks of her Sagittarius husband;
  • the spouse perceives the partner’s screams as an additional release of negative emotions and knows how quickly Sagittarius cools down;
  • the Aquarius woman will definitely listen to the reason for her Sagittarius husband’s anger, support and cheer him up in any way;
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius spouses love to spend time outdoors, and perceive everyday life as boring everyday life.

Both happily share household chores or simply do not pay enough attention to them. The Aquarius woman is not an ideal housewife, but her Sagittarius husband is also not the most excellent homeowner. At the same time, no one in the couple has any complaints against the partner on either side.

Fire-air families practically do not break up. In marriage, spouses learn to compromise and eventually realize that they cannot find a more congenial person.

Sexual compatibility

Intimate relationships among partners are at the highest level for a number of reasons:

  1. An intricate Aquarius girl in bed with her Sagittarius husband acts relaxed and open. She completely satisfies all his sexual needs.
  2. For a Sagittarius man, the Aquarius lady is the ideal sexual partner. Girls of other zodiac symbols are afraid of criticism or comments from Sagittarius, and therefore do not open up sexually. With Aquarius the situation is exactly the opposite, and her fiery lover likes it.


A Sagittarius man and an Aquarius girl can communicate in a friendly manner for a long time, sharing their innermost secrets, experiences, and emotions.

But even in this case, talking about friendship is inappropriate for a number of reasons:

  • both the girl and the guy are trying to gain personal benefit from this contact;
  • the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man are united by great mutual love;
  • even if one of them (or both) are already in a relationship, married and have children, they will communicate perfectly.

The horoscope does not exclude the possibility that friendship will develop into a serious relationship - young people will eliminate all obstacles and become a happy couple.

Work and business

The bright working union of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is the most ideal of the entire zodiac for some reasons:

  • this business couple is promising and capable of completing any undertaking;
  • such a business union is active and proactive by its zodiac nature.

The leader in the work will be a serious and responsible person - a Sagittarius man. The Aquarius woman will become for him a source of original working methods, interesting solutions and new business goals.

If you are interested in the question of whether Sagittarius and Aquarius are compatible, then this article is for you. In it we will look at the compatibility horoscope of these two signs, and also find out what problems await this union.

Compatibility of these zodiac signs

So, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Compatibility is as follows: according to astrology, this love duet is filled with a variety of entertainment. This suggests that there will clearly not be boredom here. Being in an alliance, these two signs are straightforward and tactless, as a result of which quarrels periodically arise. But disagreements quickly end, as a rule, in stormy and passionate reconciliations. For this reason, it’s probably worth forgetting all the recent scandals. Aquarius and Sagittarius are very freedom-loving and cheerful people. In each other they dream of seeing a good traveling companion for life, because incredible adventures and discoveries will certainly await them.

What could be the pitfalls?

Often in a union of such zodiac signs, a situation arises when one of the partners tries to encroach on the freedom of his companion. Of course, no one renounces their right to independence. For this reason, disagreements arise in such a love duet as Aquarius and Sagittarius. Compatibility, as we see, is quite unstable in some situations. To avoid misunderstandings in this situation, it is recommended to find more common ground. And, of course, do not forget that you are united by the most important thing in life - love.

He is Aquarius, she is Sagittarius

Consider a union when Aquarius is a man and a woman is Sagittarius. There is no special feeling in such a union; neither partner is very passionate about each other. Often the Sagittarius woman, who adores talkative men, shows great sympathy. In her opinion, Aquarius can talk endlessly and interestingly about unusual ideas. As for the man in this union, it is very important for him that the woman he loves can create comfort in the house. If you have an Aquarius and Sagittarius union, compatibility in this case can be achieved. The main thing is to remember what your life partner likes. For example, a Sagittarius woman needs a man with a good sense of humor who knows how to make good money.

As for the Aquarius man, loyalty to his life partner is important to him. It is important that lovers know how to have fun in their free time together, because Aquarius needs this.

Woman - Aquarius, man - Sagittarius

Let us now consider another situation, when the woman is Aquarius and the man is Sagittarius. What will the stars say about such a union? So, compatibility horoscope. Aquarius and Sagittarius in marriage are deprived of great and passionate love. Partners often do not express any particular desire to enter into an alliance with each other for life. In such a duet, lovers are often brought together by the presence of common interests, which is important in any relationship.

However, in order to attract the attention of a capricious Aquarius woman, Sagittarius will have to do unconventional things. In order for a man to keep his beloved, he needs to come to terms with the eccentric nature of his life partner. Moreover, from Sagittarius in such a union, the Aquarius woman will demand fidelity, passion, and a frantic desire to move towards her goal. So, with regard to such a union as Aquarius and Sagittarius, compatibility has a place to be. However, subject to periodic concessions from both sides.
