Sondi test, go online for free with decryption. Sondi test will reveal something interesting about your personality

This script for automatic calculation of the Szondi test (online Szondi test) is based on the projective technique of L. Szondi, which reflects the deep mental processes and desires of a person. In particular, when writing the script, the following sources were used: "Textbook of Experimental Diagnosis of Drives", Sondi L. Per. with him. - M .: Kogito-Center, 2005; "", Sobchik LN, - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010 We recommend that you refer to these sources to understand the methodology and interpret the results.

This script for automatic calculation of the Sondi test is intended for self-study, self-interpretation. Online test cannot reflect the fullness and depth of the methodology. It also cannot give an interpretation of the level that a psychologist who has undergone special training in the framework of the fate-analytical approach of Szondi can give.

This script allows you to conduct a single pre-planned study, as well as multiple studies (up to 10 times).

Repeated research (10 times) makes it possible to get an attraction profile. The result is a table of drive intensity, the percentage of symptom reactions, the ratio of tendencies intensity indicators, as well as a ranked series of tendencies intensity degrees. Based on these data, you can independently interpret the results, draw up a formula for drives, etc.

All results are stored on the server and can be accessed by you at any time. So, after passing the test, you will receive a permanent link to the result, by which you can always return for further analysis, comparison, etc.

If you decide to conduct a multiple study (10 times with a frequency of 1 time per week or 1 time per day), then you need to additionally fill in the form fields below: “E-mail:” and give “ Unique name your series of multiple studies." Do not forget the data you entered, because when retaking the test, they are required. So, for example, if you decide to undergo a multiple study (for 10 days, 1 time per day or for 10 weeks, once a week), you indicate your gender, enter your full name, age, education, address of your e-mail and any name of the series, for example: "ball". When you next take the test as part of a multiple study, you will only need to enter your mail and the name of the “ball” series. As soon as you complete the series and receive the results, the series will close. However, you can always start a new one.

[Attention!] If you find errors in the calculations while working with the script, please let us know in the appropriate thread of the psychological forum, the errors will be corrected.

Instructions for the test

To get started, fill out the form data: specify your gender, full name, age, education. If you are starting a series of multiple studies, please provide an email address and give any name for the series.

You will be offered portraits, 6 series of 8 portraits each. Look closely at them. First, select the one that you at least relatively prefer over the others (the most attractive), and then another, also preferred, but slightly smaller than the first. Even if this is difficult to do and you don’t like any of them, then choose the one that you dislike the least, and then the next one after it.

Then you will need to choose the most unsympathetic portrait (the most unpleasant), and then the most unsympathetic portrait of the remaining ones. This will need to be repeated six times.

The projective methodology for the study of personality was published by L. Szondi in 1939.

The letters on the profile diagram indicate in coded form those needs (factors) that each of the eight portraits of a certain series corresponds to:

  • h - sexual non-differentiation;
  • s - sadism;
  • e - epileptoid tendencies (anger, jealousy, etc.);
  • hy - hysterical manifestations (demonstrativeness, etc.);
  • k - catatonic tendencies (isolation, touchiness, etc.)
  • p - paranoid tendencies;
  • d - depressive-melancholic features (sadness, craving for doing something unusual);
  • m - manic manifestations (increased tone of mood, search for pleasure in life).

If the subject during the response chooses the portrait as attractive, a sign (+) is placed under the letter on the profile scheme, if the portrait is selected as unsympathetic, the sign (-). Thus, at the end of the first part of the survey, the profile scheme should have 24 signs: 12 pluses and 12 minuses.

Processing survey results

According to the Szondi method, there are three forms of choice reaction:

  • Zero reactions- the subject never chooses a portrait of one code from among all presented in 6 series or chooses only one (as sympathetic or unsympathetic); in the given example, these are portraits with codes "e" - one negative choice (the portrait was chosen once as unsympathetic).
  • Complete reactions- the subject chooses 4 or more times a portrait that relates to a specific factor (as sympathetic or unsympathetic); in the example, these are portraits with the codes "s" (6 choices, 4 of them are positive and 2 negative), "p" (4 choices, 3 positive and 1 negative), "d" (4 choices, all negative). Among the complete reactions, separately designate ambivalent reactions- 4 or more choices, including two or more with opposite signs (choice by code "s" is complete and ambivalent); positive reactions - 4 or more choices, however, the number of negative ones among them is not more than one (for example, choice by code "p"); negative reactions- 4 or more choices, however, the number of positive ones among them is not more than one (for example, choice by code "d").
  • Medium reactions- a portrait that belongs to the first factor is selected two or three times (as sympathetic or unsympathetic). An example of such reactions on the scheme are portraits with codes "h" (3 choices, 2 positive and 1 negative), "hy" (two positive choices), "k" (2 choices, positive and negative), "m" (2 negative choice).

From the point of view of the psychology of drives, zero reactions indicate that this need (factor) is important for the subject, but at the time of testing it has already been fully satisfied (that is, even before the moment of choice).

The complete reaction also testifies to the significant role of this need (factor) of the subject. Szondi believes that, in contrast to the zero response, in the case of a full response, this need is unfulfilled (frustrated). He also emphasizes that the number of choices indicates the strength of the need, and the direction of the trend, (+) or (-), indicates the installation of "I". According to Szondi's theory, positive choices indicate that the subject is satisfied with this trend at home, but only external circumstances interfere with the realization of this need. A person is waiting for the right moment to satisfy this need.

Negative choices indicate that a person is not satisfied with the corresponding trend, objects to its manifestation in himself, and the realization of this need is hindered by intrapersonal barriers. In practice, three forms of complete reactions are often encountered:

  • Positive response with high voltage- the subject chooses four, five or six portraits of one factor, all of them as attractive (+4, +5, +6);
  • Negative reactions with high voltage- the subject chooses four, five or six portraits of one factor, all of them as unsympathetic (-4, -5, -6);
  • Full ambivalent reaction- the subject chooses six portraits of one factor in the options:
  1. two or three - as cute, the other two or three - as unsympathetic (+2/-2; +2/-3; +3/-2; +3/-3);
  2. four - as sympathetic (unsympathetic), two - in the opposite direction (+4/-2, +2/-4).

Interpretation of results

Consider the interpretation of positive and negative choices for each need (factor). Szondi believes that the need (factor) is split into two opposite tendencies, which are indicated on the profile by signs (+) and (-).

"h" factor- sexual non-differentiation ("eros factor"). Positive choices indicate a tendency towards personal love and tenderness; negative - about the tendency of love for humanity, humanism.

"s" factor- sadism (masculinity factor or "thanatos factor"). Positive choices testify to such qualities as courage, activity, aggressiveness, sadism. Negative - opposite qualities: civility, passivity, humility, readiness for self-sacrifice, nobility.

These two factors together create sexual drive vector "S".

Factor "e"- epileptoid tendencies ("ethos factor"). Positive choices are associated with such qualities as kindness, justice, tolerance, gentleness, willingness to help others. Negative - with such as the accumulation of anger, jealousy, intolerance, hatred.

The "hy" factor- hysterical manifestations ("moral factor"). Positive choices testify to such qualities as demonstrativeness, the desire to impress others, and artistry. Negative choices - modesty, moral censorship, a tendency to fantasize.

These two factors create demonstrative vector "R".

Factor "k"- catoton tendencies (material factor I). Positive choices determine the presence of such personal qualities as egocentrism, pedantry, resentment, a tendency to logically reasonable processes. Negative - self-denial, the desire to adapt to the team.

"r" factor- paranoid tendencies (spiritual factor I). Positive elections testify to the desire for leadership, rivalry, and inflated self-esteem. Negative - about low self-esteem, caution, suspicion, vulnerability.

These two factors create vector "I-urges" - "Sch".

"d" factor- depressive-melancholic features.

"m" factor- Manic manifestations. Positive choices confirm the presence of desire for pleasure, fun, presence in the group; negative choices indicate a tendency towards loneliness and independence.

These two factors create vector of social involvement "C".

Scheme of transformation of drive factors:

sexual attraction
h s
The need for personal and
collective tenderness
h+ h- s+ s-
Personal love: tenderness, suppleness, softness of character Love for Humanity: craving for culture, love for nature Sadism: cruelty, enterprise, perseverance Masochism: devotion, obedience, self-sacrifice
I am attraction
k p
The need for personal and
collective tenderness
k+ k- p+ p-
Attribution trend: selfishness, prudence, pedantry, stubbornness Denial trend: passion for denial, destruction Inflation: ardor, overestimation of oneself, enthusiasm Projection: underestimation of oneself, distrust, scrupulousness
paroxysmal attraction
e hy
The need for ethical
The need for moral
e+ e- hy+ hy-
Kindness trend: kindness, kindness, benevolence Evil trend: malice, vindictiveness, vindictiveness Exhibitionism: craving for approval, ambition Self-camouflage: shame, deceit, timidity, cowardice
contact attraction
d m
Object search Retention and rejection
d+ d- m+ m-
Object search: curiosity, insecurity, fickleness Inertia: loyalty, greed, inertia Saving an object: inconstancy, thirst for entertainment Object Rejection: loneliness, fussiness, failure

The Szondi test is a method of portrait drives that allows you to understand the structure of personality. It is represented by 6 groups of images, 8 pieces in each set. The person must choose the 2 most attractive pictures for him, and then the 2 least liked. It is recommended not to think during the test, but to answer, relying on the unconscious.

Szondi's teachings are based on the works and ideas of Z. Freud.

The Szondi test is based on the theory that personality structure is a combination of 8 basic drives. Moreover, the basis of the methodology is the doctrine of genetic determinism. According to this teaching, the fate of a person depends on the hidden desires of the Superego, the source of which are genes.

There are two main applications for this test:

  • Clinical practice (identification of various stress deviations and problems of the emotional background);
  • Professional consulting (career guidance, designing employee behavior at a critical moment, identifying motivating factors).

The emergence of the theory, which became the basis for the development of the test, falls on the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1930s, Szondi discovered a certain pattern in the communication of mentally ill patients - people with similar or identical pathologies were more likely to establish contact. Szondi attributed his attraction to his own kind to a genetic factor.

Test Description

For the test, 48 images are used, divided into groups of 8 pieces. A person must choose the 2 most attractive and 2 most repulsive in each block of pictures. When testing, time for reflection is limited, since images should be selected intuitively.

The images in this test are quite specific, so they can cause rejection. In this case, it is required to choose those that cause the least disgust, and then those that cause the most.

With the help of the test, 8 main drives are evaluated:

  • Sexual non-differentiation;
  • Sadism and masochism;
  • epileptoid tendencies;
  • Hysteria;
  • catatonia;
  • paranoia;
  • Depression;
  • Manic.

Each of the 8 portraits in a group of images refers to one or another attraction factor. After passing the test, the results are recorded on a special grid, after which points are calculated. If the test is taken online, the result is displayed automatically.


In this test, there are 3 possible outcomes for each factor:

  • Zero result. It is determined if a person has never chosen a portrait related to the factor as acceptable or unacceptable, or has chosen, but not more than once. It is believed that this result indicates the importance of the factor for a person, but its complete satisfaction at the time of the test.
  • Full result. It appears in those cases when a person chooses an image that belongs to one factor 4 or more times. Moreover, it does not matter if his reaction to the picture is negative or positive. In this result, one more subtype is distinguished, which is called ambivalent - the same number of positive and negative choices for one factor, which indicates a contradictory attitude towards the factor. This result indicates a significant attraction to the factor, and with the absence of its satisfaction. If there are more positive choices, the person is satisfied with this attraction, if there are more negative ones, he is not satisfied and tries to suppress it.
  • Average. Image selection is within 3 times (both negative and positive). This result is an indicator of the average value of each vector.

Positive and negative results

In addition to the need for each factor in life, there is also a division of test results into positive and negative, which also have their own interpretation:

  • Sexual non-differentiation: with positive answers, love and tenderness are noted, directed towards oneself; when negative - towards the outside world.
  • Sadism: positive choices indicate high activity, masculinity and even aggression; negative testify to civilization, nobility, the ability to sacrifice oneself, humility.
  • Epileptoid: positive - willingness to help, kindness, sense of justice, patience; negative - the accumulation of anger, intolerance, jealousy and hatred.
  • Hysteria: a positive result - the desire to show oneself to others, to impress; negative - modesty, adherence to morality, increased propensity for fantasies.
  • Catatonia: positive choices - egocentrism, resentment, increased logic, pedantry; negative - adaptation to the outside world, the desire to join the team.
  • Paranoia: positive - leadership, high self-esteem, desire for competition; negatively - vulnerability and lack of self-esteem, a tendency to caution and distrust.
  • Depression (melancholy): with positive choices - curiosity, uncertainty, but constancy; with negative - fidelity, greed and lack of activity.
  • Manic: positive results - a tendency to fun, enjoyment, the desire to be in a team; negative - isolation, independence, desire to be alone.

The totality of all results is evaluated separately and comprehensively, which allows us to note the most characteristic qualities of a person, to see her aspirations and shortcomings. The test helps especially well with career guidance, since the results will directly show in which teams and in which work an individual would be better off.

Features of decoding results

Szondi's drive theory implies that each of the factors is a leading life radical. Together, these factors form 4 life vectors:

  • Sexual attraction;
  • I am attraction;
  • Paroxysmal attraction;
  • Contact attraction.

All vectors have many variations of manifestation, and therefore, despite the genetic concept, each person has many roads (fate options) in front of him. Each factor can be implemented in many different ways.

The results obtained can be deciphered from three positions:

  • Interpretations of each factor and vector (in terms of zero, positive, negative and ambivalent reactions);
  • Transformations of each factor, based on 7 levels (phylogenetic, partial attraction of childhood, adulthood, character, profession, sublimation and the last level evaluating deviations from the norm);
  • Individual-personal approach (taking into account: biological prerequisites, constitutional type, personality and character traits, choice of profession, social activity and deviations from the norm).

Each of the types of interpretation allows you to describe the individual in as much detail as possible, based on the results obtained in the test. The technique allows you to make the most accurate portrait of a person. Also, in case of deviation of one or another factor, it is possible to reveal some details of the pathology that will help in its diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The Szondi test is excellent for dynamic monitoring of progress in psychiatric therapy.

Szondi's test - projective personality test, developed by the Swiss physician, psychoanalyst and psychologist Leopold Szondi in 1947.

Sondi's test is based on the position that typologically different personality structures can be represented by combinations of 8 basic drives. Each of them, depending on the formalized indicators, using the Szondi test, reveals one or another pathology or problem of the person being examined. To substantiate his test, Szondi suggests that portraits that correspond to the most significant needs of the individual and correspond to his genetically determined and dynamically relevant inclinations have the most pronounced power and psychodiagnostic significance. Szondi argues his assumptions with the conducted experimental studies of the test and clinical observations.

The stimulus material consists of 48 standard cards with portraits of people with mental disorders (homosexuality, sadism, epilepsy, hysteria, catatonic schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia, depression, mania). The portrait cards are divided into six series of eight pieces (one portrait from each category of patients). The subject is invited to choose two of the most and least liked in all series of portraits.

The main psychodiagnostic examination of drives consists of two parts. The first part consists in choosing twelve sympathetic and twelve unsympathetic portraits, it diagnoses those impulsive drives and ego functions that, due to their episodic relevance, come to the forefront of the personality. This part of the experiment is called the "first pass" and the "first pass" profile is called the "foreground profile" (FFP). Thus, for the diagnosis of the first run, 24 portraits out of 48 proposed are used.

The second part of the survey consists of choosing those 24 portraits that were left unselected in the first run. Based on the results of the second part, a conclusion is drawn up about the impulses of the drives of that part of the personality that has remained in the background (the so-called background profile (PZP)).

Time - 15-20 minutes.

The test is designed to work with children over 10 years of age and adults. Since the structure of drives underlying the perception of the material of the Szondi methodology is universal, the Szondi test can be used for people of any nationality and socio-regional affiliation.

Subject of diagnosis: Diagnosis of the content and structure of human motives, assessment of the emotional state and personality traits, probability prediction various diseases, professional, sexual and criminal preferences.

The technique can be used:

  • in clinical practice, psychological counseling and psychotherapy - to clarify the content of the problems and opportunities of clients, identify the level of stress and emotional disorders, evaluate the effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological correction, forensic psychological examination,
  • in personnel management and professional consulting - for career guidance and professional selection, assessment of the professional potential of employees, predicting their behavior in extreme situations and the effectiveness of solving various problems, choosing ways to motivate.

Theoretical basis

The theoretical basis of the method is the theory of genetic determinism. According to Szondi's ideas, a person's life is controlled by the latent energy of desires, that is, by the needs and energy of the Superego. Genes are the source of desire. The genetically minimal unit of desire is an impulsive tendency, while a person carries two hereditary inclinations for each need - one maternal and one paternal, which are combined into one pair of genes. When one trend comes to the fore, the other remains latent and awaits its manifestation. Thus, Szondi believed that impulsive tendencies are embedded in the form of a pair that creates a need or a factor.

Szondi's interpretive approach is based on the ideas of 3. Freud, who represented the personality as a complex interconnected construct in which the "I" of a person (Ego) is formed, on the one hand, under the influence of "It" (Id), that is, under the powerful influence of instincts, unconscious inclinations and needs, and on the other hand, under the influence of the requirements of society, which imposes prohibitions, taboos on the free satisfaction of selfish needs. If the socio-cultural norms of behavior are internalized (assimilated) by a person, then the behavior that is dictated by unconscious instincts is inhibited, taken under control by his own "super-ego" (Super-Ego). Expressed internal conflict between true needs and internalized social attitudes individual (frustration) leads to neuropsychiatric disorders, which can manifest themselves in various ways: depression, sleep disturbances, fears, physiological manifestations, improper behavior, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, outbursts of aggression, etc. Since one of the leading needs is the need to realize sexual desire, Freud put the frustration of sexual need at the forefront of many problems of the neurotic circle, sometimes in the form of early sexual-erotic experiences recorded in the subconscious.

History of creation

The technique was developed by the Viennese psychologist L. Szondi in the 30s of the XX century. Leopold Szondi, in the course of his many years of practical work in the clinic, discovered a certain pattern that governs the selectivity of a person in communicating with others: as it turned out, patients of the clinic communicate more closely and create stable forms of relationships (friendship, love, marriage) with people who suffer from similar forms mental deviations. The unconscious attraction to like-minded persons is undoubtedly rooted in a genetic predisposition. This is the basis of the concept of Szondi's fate analysis, according to which, during life, on the basis of inherited genotypic properties, each specific person manifests a choice (genotropism) due to them in relation to those persons who are close to his own personality pattern. In the laboratory of endocrinology and constitutional pathology, he collected extensive empirical material using photographic portraits of persons with serious psychological problems and various mental illnesses. The data of clinical and genetic research formed the basis of the test of eight drives, the interpretation of which in the form of fate analysis is based on the theory of the unconscious and the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud.

Adaptations and modifications

Modification S.N. Sobchik - Method of portrait selection (MPV)

Despite the desire to preserve the specifics of Szondi's style as much as possible, at times it was necessary to resort to more understandable terminology for a modern psychologist. As for the interpretation, in a modified version it is based on a comparison of eight factors with eight individual typological properties on the basis of the above-mentioned theory of leading tendencies, which considers personality as a formation rooted in a genetically predetermined predisposition. Leading trends are those stable fate-fulfilling factors that permeate all levels of personality and largely determine the lifestyle, choice of professional activity, spheres of social activity, and also significantly influence the formation of an individual hierarchy of values.

In a modified version, all portraits were made anew by the famous and very talented artist B. I. Ensky. At the same time, a special role was assigned to the preservation of their psychological essence and similarity with the original. Then the validity of the test was tested in an experiment on representative groups of the norm (765 people) and on a contingent of patients with borderline mental disorders (282 people). In the course of further use of this technique, the number of both samples increased many times over.

The main goal pursued by the author of the modified portrait selection method (MPV) is to study the conceptual basis of the methodology and its phenomenological comparability with the individual typological approach underlying the theory of leading tendencies. In addition, the modification of the method made it possible to use the categorical-conceptual arsenal of a modern psychologist and clarify the phenomenological structure of the methodology in the context of the above-mentioned typology of individual personality traits.

The second research plan (additional selection of the remaining portraits from each series - two more pleasant and two less pleasant - after the first, main choice) in the modified test is used mainly to identify the character and professional tropism in those subjects whose data on the first choice turned out to be inexpressive and reduced to the complete balance of all tendencies. At the same time, points are calculated by simply summing up the indicators of the first (front-planned) and second (back-planned) elections, which makes it possible to place emphasis in the structure of personal properties and give appropriate recommendations.

To facilitate and make the psychologist's work more efficient, to save him from the routine work of selecting and calculating data, S. N. Sobchik, together with the programmer L. Ya. Khvostov, developed a computer program for the Szondi test. It works both in an interactive mode (with the presentation of six series of eight portraits on the monitor screen in each presentation), and according to the data obtained during a routine examination, by entering quantitative indicators manually. At the same time, the computer provides both psychoanalytic and individual typological interpretation with recommendations for choosing a profession.


The stimulus material of the technique is represented by six series of portraits (I-VI); in each series - eight portraits of people who have one of a number of pathologies in the purest form: sexual undifferentiation, aggressiveness, manifested by sadomasochistic tendencies, epileptoid traits, hysterical tendencies, schizoid manifestations, paranoia, depression, manic state.

During the examination, the subject is asked to first choose two pretty (or most acceptable) portraits, and then two least attractive (unacceptable) portraits from eight portraits of the first series presented and arranged according to their serial number. This procedure is repeated each time upon presentation of each new series - there are six of them in total. The selected portraits are registered according to the serial number of each portrait from 1 to 8 and the code of each portrait, reflecting its factorial value: h - sexual non-differentiation; s - sadism-masochism; e - epileptoid tendencies; hu - hysterical tendencies; k - catatonic manifestations; p - paranoia; d - depressive state; m - manic manifestations.

Roman numerals from I to VI indicate the series number. Thus, each of the six presentations contains eight portraits, which are laid out in front of the subject in two rows in accordance with their numbering.

The subject is given the following instruction: "You will be offered a series of portraits. Look at them carefully. First, select the one that you at least relatively prefer over the others, and then another, also preferred, but slightly smaller than the first. Even if this is difficult to do and do not like none of them, then choose the one that you dislike the least, and then the next one." The subject can lay out a row of eight portraits belonging to the same series, thus getting a continuum, one of the poles of which is the pole of sympathy, the other is the pole of antipathy. The first two portraits are counted as preferred, the last two as rejected. With strong resistance, which most often has an ego-protective character, the study can be carried out as follows: after the instruction “Please select the two most pleasant or attractive portraits from those lying in front of you”, both selected portraits are removed and put in a separate pile. Then follows the instruction: "Please select the two most unpleasant portraits and give them to me." These two portraits are also removed from the subject's field of vision and added to a separate pile of rejected portraits. This procedure is done with each of the six series. The subject should start examining the portraits and make his choice only when all eight portraits of the given series lie in front of him. At the same time, the experiment should be designed in such a way that the time for reflection is limited.

The researcher is interested in the first immediate reaction. The study, designated by Szondi as a "background entry" (in Sobchak's modification - "background"), provides the subjects with the opportunity to additionally select two attractive and two rejected portraits from the remaining after the first selection of portraits of each series. Each background personal profile is formed separately and compared with the data of the first study using a vector formula. The personal profile of the subject emerges when filling in special grids. For multiple studies, two registration sheets are prepared, each containing ten grids. One set of grids is designed for both single and multiple "foreground" surveys, and the second one is for additional, "background" surveys.

Results processing

Attraction profiling

Registration form-grid for the Szondi test

The letters on the profile diagram indicate in coded form those needs (factors) that each of the eight portraits of a certain series corresponds to:

  • h - sexual non-differentiation;
  • s - sadism;
  • e - epileptoid tendencies (anger, jealousy, etc.);
  • hy - hysterical manifestations (demonstrativeness, etc.);
  • k - catatonic tendencies (isolation, touchiness, etc.)
  • p - paranoid tendencies;
  • d - depressive-melancholic features (sadness, craving for doing something unusual);
  • m - manic manifestations (increased tone of mood, search for pleasure in life).

If the subject during the response chooses the portrait as attractive, a sign (+) is placed under the letter on the profile scheme, if the portrait is selected as unsympathetic, the sign (-). Thus, at the end of the first part of the survey, the profile scheme should have 24 signs: 12 pluses and 12 minuses.

Processing survey results

According to the Szondi method, there are three forms of choice reaction:

  1. Zero reactions- the subject never chooses a portrait of one code from among all presented in 6 series or chooses only one (as sympathetic or unsympathetic); in the given example, these are portraits with codes "e" - one negative choice (the portrait was chosen once as unsympathetic).
  2. Complete reactions- the subject chooses 4 or more times a portrait that relates to a specific factor (as sympathetic or unsympathetic); in the example, these are portraits with the codes "s" (6 choices, 4 of them are positive and 2 negative), "p" (4 choices, 3 positive and 1 negative), "d" (4 choices, all negative). Among the complete reactions, separately designate ambivalent reactions- 4 or more choices, including two or more with opposite signs (choice by code "s" is complete and ambivalent); positive reactions - 4 or more choices, however, the number of negative ones among them is not more than one (for example, choice by code "p"); negative reactions - 4 or more choices, but the number of positive ones among them is not more than one (for example, choice by code "d").
  3. Medium reactions- a portrait that belongs to the first factor is selected two or three times (as sympathetic or unsympathetic). An example of such reactions on the scheme are portraits with codes "h" (3 choices, 2 positive and 1 negative), "hy" (two positive choices), "k" (2 choices, positive and negative), "m" (2 negative choice).

From the point of view of the psychology of drives, zero reactions indicate that this need (factor) is important for the subject, but at the time of testing it has already been fully satisfied (that is, even before the moment of choice).

The complete reaction also testifies to the significant role of this need (factor) of the subject. Szondi believes that, in contrast to the zero response, in the case of a full response, this need is unfulfilled (frustrated). He also emphasizes that the number of choices indicates the strength of the need, and the direction of the trend, (+) or (-), indicates the installation of "I". According to Szondi's theory, positive choices indicate that the subject is satisfied with this trend at home, but only external circumstances interfere with the realization of this need. A person is waiting for the right moment to satisfy this need.

Negative choices indicate that a person is not satisfied with the corresponding trend, objects to its manifestation in himself, and the realization of this need is hindered by intrapersonal barriers. In practice, three forms of complete reactions are often encountered:

  1. Positive response with high voltage- the subject chooses four, five or six portraits of one factor, all of them as attractive (+4, +5, +6);
  2. Negative reactions with high voltage- the subject chooses four, five or six portraits of one factor, all of them as unsympathetic (-4, -5, -6);
  3. Full ambivalent reaction- the subject chooses six portraits of one factor in the options:
    • a) two or three - as cute, the other two or three - as unsympathetic (+2/-2; +2/-3; +3/-2; +3/-3);
    • b) four - as sympathetic (unsympathetic), two - in the opposite direction (+4/-2, +2/-4).

Interpretation of results

Consider the interpretation of positive and negative choices for each need (factor). Szondi believes that the need (factor) is split into two opposite tendencies, which are indicated on the profile by signs (+) and (-).

  • "h" factor- sexual non-differentiation ("eros factor"). Positive choices indicate a tendency towards personal love and tenderness; negative - about the tendency of love for humanity, humanism.
  • "s" factor- sadism (masculinity factor or "thanatos factor"). Positive choices testify to such qualities as courage, activity, aggressiveness, sadism. Negative - opposite qualities: civility, passivity, humility, readiness for self-sacrifice, nobility.

These two factors together create sexual drive vector "S".

  • Factor "e"- epileptoid tendencies ("ethos factor"). Positive choices are associated with such qualities as kindness, justice, tolerance, gentleness, willingness to help others. Negative - with such as the accumulation of anger, jealousy, intolerance, hatred.
  • The "hy" factor- hysterical manifestations ("moral factor"). Positive choices testify to such qualities as demonstrativeness, the desire to impress others, and artistry. Negative choices - modesty, moral censorship, a tendency to fantasize.

These two factors create demonstrative vector "R".

  • Factor "k"- catoton tendencies (material factor I). Positive choices determine the presence of such personal qualities as egocentrism, pedantry, resentment, a tendency to logically reasonable processes. Negative - self-denial, the desire to adapt to the team.
  • "r" factor- paranoid tendencies (spiritual factor I). Positive elections testify to the desire for leadership, rivalry, and inflated self-esteem. Negative - about low self-esteem, caution, suspicion, vulnerability.

These two factors create vector "I-urges" - "Sch".

  • "d" factor- depressive-melancholic features.
  • "m" factor- Manic manifestations. Positive choices confirm the presence of desire for pleasure, fun, presence in the group; negative choices indicate a tendency towards loneliness and independence.

These two factors create vector of social involvement "C».

Basic principles of interpretation. fate analysis

According to Szondi's drive theory, drive factors are the leading life radicals. They have the ability to transform into different forms of manifestation, that is, they have several variations that manifest themselves in the "possibility of fate." Thanks to their ability to metamorphosis, a person has the prospect of a multitude of possible destinies, and not a single one, destined in advance. Emphasizing that there are many opportunities for realizing the eight drives in life, Szondi states the following:

  1. Each attraction factor corresponds to a phylogenetic, generic, historical primary form of manifestation, which is rooted in the reactions of representatives of the animal world, especially the primate community. Only the so-called "I"-factors (k and p) do not have a primary form in the animal kingdom, they are peculiar only to man.
  2. Each drive factor has a specific form of manifestation in early childhood, and this form completely coincides with Freud's pregenital partial drives.
  3. The bipolar nature of each attraction factor can manifest as early as the first puberty (3 to 6 years of age). Bipolar factors of drives, such as love for the individual - love for humanity (h), activity - passivity (s), Avelian tendencies - Cain tendencies (e), vanity - modesty (hy), autism - rejection of one's own "I" (k ), inflation - projection (p), search - sticking (d), convulsive clinging - detachment (m), determine those opposites that are found already in early childhood when examined by this test.
  4. Each of the eight drive factors determines a certain set of character traits that make it possible to understand the typological affiliation of the person being examined, which is considered to be the norm.
  5. Each attraction factor determines a certain range of professions, as well as a certain circle of communication and interests.
  6. Each factor of attraction also determines a certain type of spiritual life of a person and his activity in this area. It is here that lies the ability of the methodology to reveal deeply hidden springs in the choice of the direction of a person's socio-cultural life. According to Szondi, it is these factors that initially determine whether the subject will apply his spiritual abilities in the field of culture and humanism (h), technology and civilization (s), religion and ethics (e), theatrical art (hy), philosophy, psychology, mathematics, philology (k), poetry, scientific research(p), national economy, housekeeping, art collecting (d), verbal activities such as singing or speaking (m). At the same time, Szondi emphasizes that he does not mean sublimation as a displacement of threatened sexual desires (in the spirit of Freud's concept), but independently, initially existing a priori spiritual values ​​that are contrasting with base (primary, primitive) tendencies and are inherent in every person ab ovo like possible variant his fate.
  7. The eight drive factors cause precisely those very special painful symptoms that are not derivable from other factors or symptoms and can appear as clinical manifestations in mental disorders and drive disorders.

These data for each of the seven items listed in relation to each of the eight factors are given below in the form of a scheme for the transformation of drive factors.

Scheme of transformation of eight factors of drives

Interpretation of drive factors

Registration form


  1. Sobchik L.N. Modified Szondi technique (test of eight drives). - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002 (Portrait election method - adapted version of Szondi, practical guide)
  2. Shapar V. B., Shapar O. V. Practical psychology. Projective methods. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006.