So that my husband comes home faster. A strong spell to bring your beloved husband (boyfriend) home

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 09 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna
From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the husband leaves his mistress and returns home from

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 07 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If the husband left (to return) Take your wedding ring and put it in holy water, over which read a special spell, and then drink it, taking exactly forty sips. The spell words are as follows: Like you, water, from the wedding ring You entered at the top, you will come out at the bottom, So

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So that your husband returns to you from the homewrecker Take the wedding ring, put it in a glass of holy water, saying it: How the water from the wedding ring went in at the top and came out at the bottom, entered into me and did not come out, so that the servant of God (name) From the servant of God (name) came out, and slaves entered my house

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Spell for a deceived wife (so that the husband returns home) Kneel in the corner, facing the wall, and, bowing, read the following love spell: On the sea-on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, There lies a white-flammable stone, White as the wife’s breast. . The name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr, unknown to anyone. I'll get up

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From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If your husband left (to return) Take your wedding ring, put it in holy water and drink. There should be forty sips. Before this, they recite a conspiracy: As you, water, entered from the wedding ring above, you will come out below, so that my husband (name) from the servant of God (name of rival)

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the husband forgives everything and returns. Wait until the last deceased person of the day is buried in the cemetery and everyone leaves. Plant a bean on the grave, but not red, not white, but black. In this case, you need to say this: How on the Day of Judgment the Lord will judge, forgive and raise all the dead

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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So that your husband forgives everything and returns. Go to the cemetery and wait until the last dead person is buried there and everyone leaves. After this, plant a black bean on the fresh grave (not white, not red, but black - this is very important!). When planting a bean, read this

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About how Rush returned home to clean the stable and found a priest covered with straw under the manger. A little later the priest came to his senses and began to think about how to visit the peasant’s house again. Having learned that the owner and his worker Rush were busy in the field, he hurried to

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About how Rush returned home and, finding the priest in a cheese basket, dragged him through the whole city. Two or three weeks later, the priest thought that he had not been to the peasant’s wife for a long time. He knew that it could cost him his life, but he really wanted to go there. And so

The husband goes on a spree or goes to live with another woman.

There are, of course, many options, but they all usually end in the same way: the ex-wife begins to look for ways to return her husband home.

Here, listen to what one woman writes:

“My husband left me, it’s not clear why. Here’s the situation: we lived together for four years, two of which we were married. We were both passionately in love and did everything together. They said about us: “ Perfect couple" Of course, we also had quarrels and discord, but they quickly ended in reconciliation and hugs. But recently everything changed dramatically. If previously the husband would return from corporate events by 11 p.m., and even then he would have time to buy flowers somewhere, but now the parties could last until one in the morning or even all night. He made new unmarried friends, and the drinking began in an endless series. My husband went to work regularly, but now he might not answer my calls. The last time the husband went to a night kiosk for cigarettes and returned only the next morning. He said that our life together is over, he doesn’t want to carry the burden of responsibility and strives for loneliness. He couldn’t explain anything: what was the reason for the breakup? He reassured me, saying that everything was fine with me and... disappeared. Help me! I can't live without him! What should I do to get my husband back?

We are so sorry you are going through all this! We sincerely wish your husband to return, but in order to analyze the current situation, it is very important for us to get to the reasons for such an act and see what we can do practically.

What is the reason for your husband leaving?? Maybe he's just tired of life together and he’s embarrassed to admit it? Maybe he committed some reprehensible act and now he doesn’t want to upset you with his confession?

Many people do not recognize the right to make mistakes, thereby destroying the lives of not only their own, but also those of everyone around them.

Unreasonable change can be caused by many factors:

  • drugs;
  • homosexuality;
  • adultery;
  • simple irresponsibility.

Without understanding the reason for his departure, it is quite difficult to guess what can be done to save your family.

Wrong, awkward attempts to win back your husband quite often lead to completely the opposite result.

If you are unable to bring your husband home on your own or with the help of a psychologist, try reading folk conspiracies, dry spells and love spells.

A conspiracy to bring your husband home.

Look out into the yard through the open window and quietly call your husband’s name. Then read the plot:

"Wind, you are my wind,
Air, you are my air,
I love you, I live by you, I breathe by you,
So would my husband, servant of God (name),
He loved me, the servant of God (name),
He lived alone with me,
He breathed for me, he suffered for me alone.
Wind, you are the wind, you are my air,
Bring God's servant (name) home.
Let him hurry to me,
It flies as quickly as the wind itself,
Let him not fall asleep anywhere,
Until he comes to my house.
Be strong, my words,
Modeling, not changeable. Amen".

A very strong conspiracy against treason.

Cut off an old clothesline, cast a spell over it and place it on the threshold of the apartment so that your returning husband will step over it. Immediately remove the rope, cut it into pieces and gradually sew them into your husband's trousers or underpants. CONSPIRACY:

"Father and Son and Holy Spirit,
Forgive and help!
How this rope bends, crumples in my hands,
Hangs, not standing upright,
So is the penis of the servant of God (name)
Let it wrinkle like a rag, twist like a rope, bend,
Not worth it to all the women in the world,
Besides me, his wife, God’s servant (name).
All the women in the world have a ring on them,
And on me, my wife, with a hard end. Amen".

Fire smoke spell.

Light a fire and, looking at the smoke rising to the heavens, read the following plot:

“Go for a walk, smoke is free, not in the chimney,
Servant of God (name) along the path.
Smoke up the mountain - God's servant (name) to the threshold,
So that he does not drink, does not eat, does not sleep,
It was impossible without me, God’s servant (name).
For these times and for those times, now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen".

Many girls are faced with the need to return a guy who at one point simply left the relationship and stepped towards new adventures. In most cases, girls notice the deterioration in relationships too late, because they tend to fantasize and mistake their dreams for reality.

In this topic:

And when they realize the weakening of the connection, then fix something simple actions no longer seems possible.

Possible ways to normalize relations

Whatever the actions young man, both partners are to blame for the breakup. Something went wrong, and that's why the relationship broke up. Therefore, if a girl decides to improve the situation and return everything to normal, she will have to analyze her behavior, work on it, reduce her selfishness, or, on the contrary, gain self-confidence. So first you need to outline your field of activity and try to change yourself.

Working on yourself will lead to the formation of new views on life and on departed relationships; you may not want to bring your man back to you. And while you live with your resentment and engage in self-torture, your energy is spent not on creation, but on the destruction of yourself. Hoping that your loved one will return to you in such a situation is quite reckless.

If the gap is only looming

If you manage to notice a cooling of the relationship and there is a suspicion that the young man will leave you, you need to use a conspiracy that will return the guy to you both soul and body.

The ritual uses 2 candles. It takes place before midnight on Friday. First, the bed and the entire space above it is fumigated with smoke from church candles. Next, you need to poke out or scratch out names with a needle: on one candle - yours, on the other - men. Then they are installed close to each other. When the candles burn, the wax flows down and glues them into a single whole. As soon as this happens and two candles turn into one large one, they pronounce the spell:

“Just as these candles will always be together, so you and I will never part. So be it."

This ritual will help restore old relationships and strengthen them.

Ritual for a new thing

After a breakup, it is recommended to take a break from the worries that are tormenting your soul and spend time in the store, choosing a fashionable, beautiful outfit. When things are purchased, they come home with them, rinse the purchases in cold water, flowing from the tap, and pronounce the spell:

“The clear dawn brought happiness to the red maiden! The stars yearn in the night. The girl (name) is jealous of the beauty and charm that is on her face! The sun is in a hurry to make the beauty laugh! The rain washes away, the flower welcomes! To be more beautiful every day. Earth, water, fire! Amen!"

You need to return to these spell words every time you wash these clothes, then they will decorate you for a long time, making her attractive and desirable to many men.

Ritual for blood

If it is very important for you that your husband or boyfriend returns home very quickly, you can perform a blood ritual. In principle, there is nothing particularly painful or scary about it. You just need to pierce your finger with a needle, and specifically your ring finger. The blood should go to the guy’s name, which is written on paper in advance. You should write not just your first name, but also your middle name, last name and date of birth. After which a red candle is lit and a piece of paper folded in half is burned in its flame.

There is no need to throw away the ashes. It is he who is the main subject in this ritual. It is carefully collected, trying not to miss anything, then placed in a red envelope, and it is placed under your pillow. You should sleep on this pillow throughout the night, then when morning comes, a conspiracy will begin to work to help you get your boyfriend back. And perhaps the desired person will soon knock on your door.

Food spell to help get your boyfriend back

If it is possible to feed or give water to a departed man, then you can return him with a spell for drink or food. As soon as you choose what you can feed your loved one, you need to put this food or drink in front of you, bend low over the prepared dish and quietly whisper:

“Three girls, sisters, sitting and chatting. Help me with one urgent matter. They say that somewhere there is a board under which great melancholy is hidden. You, sisters, take that board and put it in the heart of my dear (name). Let him only love me alone, let him only follow me alone. Make sure that he doesn’t steam away that enormous melancholy in the bathhouse, doesn’t eat food, doesn’t drink anything, only follows me alone, and only loves me alone.”

While pronouncing the words, your breath should reach the products. This text is quite strong, so with its help you can return a man quickly enough, you just need to make sure that the man eats at least a little of the enchanted food or takes a sip of the prepared drink. After all, it is full contact with enchanted things and products that brings the greatest results.
