Postpartum abdominal massage. How to remove a sagging belly after childbirth: massage, wraps, exercises, water treatments

Dear friends, hello!

I accidentally overheard a conversation between two friends in the store today. They argued about whether it was possible to give a woman a massage after giving birth. One insisted with all her might that it was possible and necessary, while the other argued that it was impossible, the milk would be lost. Which one of them is right, do you think?

When to massage?

But I decided not to guess and asked my friend about it. Lyuba is an adult woman who has seen a lot of things in her lifetime, and she is also a qualified massage therapist with medical education. I completely trust her competence in this matter.

So, I present to your attention an impromptu interview with massage specialist Lyubov Borisovna Andreeva.

− Lyuba, please tell me, is it possible for a woman who has just given birth to have a massage? Any – preventive, therapeutic, restorative, anti-cellulite... And if so, when can you start?

-Well, what can I say? Massage is not only useful, but a very pleasant procedure. Through it you get a lot of pleasure, a charge of vigor and vitality, a good mood and, most importantly, health! And mothers who have a baby in their arms especially need a massage. After all, this is one of the most effective ways cope with and regain physical fitness.

Regarding the timing, this is a purely individual decision. A woman after a natural birth, which proceeded without any complications, can have a massage after 1.5-2 months, and then only after consulting a gynecologist. If the birth took place through a caesarean section, then permission for massage must be given by a doctor. And so, after caesarean massage done no earlier than six months later.

- Everything is clear about the deadlines. Now one more point needs to be clarified. What's with the milk? Or rather, will a nursing mother lose milk after a massage?

- No, definitely not. Look, a woman’s lactation begins within a month after the baby is born. We don’t do a general massage at this time; we start much later. Therefore, massage does not affect the quality of milk in any way. But its quantity can, but not in the direction of decrease. In my practice, the opposite usually happened - breastfeeding mothers had more milk, which they were incredibly happy about. And pediatricians very often advise women to undergo a massage course to increase milk supply.

The secret is that in the upper back on both sides of the spine there are bioactive points, the mechanical stimulation of which leads to increased production of breast milk. There is no opportunity to contact a professional massage therapist? Just lie on the Kuznetsov applicator for 15 minutes.

Separately, I would also like to say about breast massage. The mammary glands must be massaged daily before each feeding to avoid stagnation of milk (lactostasis). With soft movements You need to stretch your arms and also simultaneously palpate your chest from all sides to detect any lumps. The same effect, namely, increased lactation and prevention of lactostasis, can be obtained with the help of a shower. Direct a tight stream of hot, but not scalding, water onto your chest and massage it for about 7 minutes.

Types of massage

− Lyuba, what type of massage do you most often give to women after childbirth? Which one is the most in demand and popular?

− Very often people are asked to do an anti-cellulite massage. But I think this is a waste of time and money, because while a woman is breastfeeding, her hormonal levels are significantly different from normal.

To improve the condition of the skin on the buttocks and thighs and prevent stretch marks, you can apply to these areas vacuum massage, but not anti-cellulite! A woman can massage problem areas with a plastic jar on her own, at home. The main thing is to follow the rule - massage should only cause pleasure, not pain.

But a abdominal massage performed by a professional is very useful. The technique used here is special, aimed at improving intestinal motility, strengthening the abdominal muscles and restoring the function of the uterus and ovaries. I mainly perform soft stroking movements, well, maybe also light kneading ones. After this, my client rests for some time - lies in a position comfortable for her under a warm blanket.

Reviews about this massage, I must say, are the most positive. Plus, if one of the mothers “got” diastasis of the white line as a result of pregnancy, they notice a noticeable decrease in the volume of the abdomen and strengthening of the abdominal press. By the way, they will teach you how to get rid of diastasis Here.

− Often young mothers have back pain from having to almost constantly carry the child in their arms. Is it possible for them to do therapeutic massage, for example, as with lumbar osteochondrosis?

- Of course, you can, but we start doing back massage in the same way, 2 months after giving birth. If the pain appeared much earlier, then treatment can be started before this time. All movements should be as gentle as possible, just to remove muscle tension and relieve pain. A strengthening massage is performed after permission has been received from the doctor.

− Lyuba, what do you use to improve your gliding? Many mothers worry whether these products will harm them?

− When there are no contraindications, and when the mother is not breastfeeding, I can use almost any massage oils, creams or ointments. However, most often I don’t use anything, it’s safer. My colleagues, as far as I know, use talc, baby powder or massage oil.

- Lyuba, last question. You, as a specialist, please tell me, is it possible for a woman after childbirth to visit a sauna or bathhouse as an additional remedy?

− No doctor will give you a definite answer, since everything depends on the mother’s health. I can only say one thing for sure: you can’t bask in a sauna or steam room for 6-8 weeks after giving birth (at this time, lactation begins and lochia stops). But the negative impact of high temperature on the quality of milk is a misconception. Breast milk doesn't even heat up, that's how it works female body, not that it can turn sour.

The only thing a nursing mother should be wary of is fluid loss, which means a decrease in breast milk production. To avoid this, you just need to drink more water before and after visiting the bathhouse/sauna. And one more thing high temperatures Women suffering from cardiovascular diseases should avoid using the steam room. But this restriction, by the way, applies not only to newly made mothers, but also to everyone else, both women and men.

Well, this turned out to be an interesting and useful conversation. Even though I am a successful mother more than once, I learned a lot of new things for myself. I hope that you, my dear readers, will find this information useful. Whether you liked this article or not, write in the discussions here or in our VK group. I'd love to hear any of your opinions!

Useful video - self-massage after childbirth:

See you again, friends!

P. S. Also about the solarium - I am also often asked about this. So, in order to avoid hyperpigmentation on the skin of the face (especially around the eyes), dermatologists do not recommend visiting a solarium, or sunbathing in direct sunlight, for a year and a half after giving birth. But if you really want to, then you can, albeit with the condition of enhanced skin protection: a Panama hat on your head and sunscreen with a highSPF on the face.

Many women after childbirth wonder how to quickly restore their body and strength after suffering stress. Today, experts say that in order to get your body in order and not encounter numerous postpartum complications, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist, and, oddly enough, a massage therapist. How can a massage help a nursing mother, and when is a visit to a specialist necessary?

What types of kneading do young mothers need?

Of course, a postpartum massage is a little different from a regular visit to a massage therapist. The main objective of this procedure in the postpartum period is to restore organ functions abdominal cavity, increasing skin elasticity, restoring mobility of joints and spine. A young mother especially benefits from massage of the abdomen after childbirth, chest, back and joints.

  • Kneading the abdomen helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, promotes rapid contraction of the uterus and quickly gets rid of sagging skin.
  • Kneading your breasts will ensure proper milk production, eliminate milk stagnation and prepare the breast skin for the inevitable stretching.
  • Kneading the back helps relieve pain and restores the tone of the muscles that support the spine.
  • Kneading the joints allows you to restore mobility to the joints, relieves swelling and pain.

When can you start the procedures?

Postpartum massage can be started 2-3 weeks after the birth of the baby. Despite all the benefits of the procedure, before going to a massage therapist, you should definitely consult with your doctor. The procedure has a number of contraindications.

So, for example, the procedure is prohibited if there is an increase in body temperature, bleeding, inflammatory or chronic diseases, allergies, etc.

Massage after cesarean can be done only on the recommendation of a specialist and when the suture has completely healed, 2-3 months after the operation.

General benefits of the procedure

According to research results, experts have found that women who took regular massage procedures during the postpartum period are much less susceptible to developing severe forms of postpartum depression, psychosis and chronic fatigue. The positive effect of the procedure on the nervous system has been proven in clinical trials.

When a child appears in a family, life changes dramatically. You need to go through a difficult path to restore your body. In order for this process to be as effective as possible, at first it is advisable not to lift anything heavy (for example, a stroller), rest more, and eat right. Such simple tips will help avoid health problems after pregnancy. Massage helps a lot to improve your well-being.

By contacting a professional massage therapist, you take care of your health, get a boost of vigor and good mood, and influence everything physiological systems in the body, enhance metabolic processes. Such a pleasant and useful procedure has a positive effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, muscular system, on the bone and joint-ligamentous apparatus, on the functioning of internal organs. Rejuvenates skin, improves muscle tone, relieves fatigue, returns to its previous shape.

The sooner the better. You can do it two to three weeks after birth. But in the first months, adaptation to the new way of life occurs. All efforts are devoted to caring for the child. Women, as a rule, switch to themselves and their health after 1.5-2 months. This is the perfect time to start the course.

In the case of a cesarean section, it is advisable to start no earlier than six months later, when the scar has completely healed. In any case, each mother makes the decision on when to start visiting the massage parlour independently, depending on how she feels. The main thing is that there are no contraindications.

You can talk about achieving the desired results by completing at least one or two courses (one course is approximately 10-15 sessions).

Quantity and quality of milk

Returning home with your long-awaited miracle, you forget about everything you had to endure. However, many, as a result of stress during pregnancy and childbirth, experience hellish pain throughout the body, especially in the back. In such cases, a back massage after childbirth is simply necessary. There are often doubts about whether massage can be done while breastfeeding.

Worried that this healing method may somehow negatively affect the quantity or quality of milk, mothers prefer not to take risks and refuse such a pleasant procedure. Such dedication and willingness to endure pain in the legs, arms and back, just so that your beloved child is well-fed and happy - this is, of course, commendable, but massaging the body does not in any way affect the quality of the milk. And regarding its quantity, we can say with confidence that due to its effect on certain areas of the body, production can even be increased.

Of course, if there is more than enough milk, the nursing mother is advised to wait until she stops breastfeeding. If there is not enough milk, or there is none at all, there is no need to abandon such a useful procedure.

Slow contraction of the uterus

In some cases, a young mother is prescribed a special massage to contract the uterus after childbirth. It is necessary when uterine contractions are too slow. This problem does not allow the process of isolating postpartum consequences to start. In other words, lochia (remnants of the placenta, blood clots, burst vessels, dead endometrium, waste products of the child) cannot come out and remain in the uterus. If nothing is done, which is called a lochiometer.

In addition to pills and injections, the contraction process is started with the help of special massage movements. The doctor gently applies pressure to the uterus. This procedure can be very painful, but is necessary to reduce the risk possible consequences with slow contraction of the uterus.

War on cellulite

In the name of beauty, I can’t wait to sign up for training as soon as possible and start doing anti-cellulite, vacuum, lpg massage after childbirth. The desire to please yourself and others is understandable. But we warn you,

the fight against such imperfections as cellulite during breastfeeding will not be effective.

The fact is that the hormonal background during this period differs significantly from the normal hormonal background.

You can do anti-cellulite massage after childbirth, but it is advisable to wait until hormonal levels normalize. To see visible results, be patient until your baby starts eating on his own.

In the meantime, you can try vacuum massage after childbirth. It is very popular as it improves nutrition and blood supply to tissues, reduces the severity of stretch marks, and evens out the skin. And most importantly, it helps get rid of orange peel. But there are contraindications. Such vacuum manipulations are not suitable for people with increased permeability of blood vessels.

ATTENTION: there are contraindications. Before coming to the massage room, you should definitely consult with your doctor, since there are a fairly large number of contraindications:

  • High body temperature and acute respiratory infections.
  • Bleeding.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Varicose veins and thrombosis.
  • Skin manifestations of allergies.
  • Digestive system problems.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Mental abnormalities.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Critical days.

Cream, ointment or oil

To improve the glide of hands over the skin, massage therapists use various cosmetics. For pain in muscles and joints - ointment or cream with an anesthetic effect. If a visit to a massage parlor is motivated by a desire to get rid of cellulite as quickly as possible, there is no doubt that anti-cellulite cosmetics will be chosen.

During breastfeeding, you should choose only natural cosmetics. The components that make up artificial cosmetics can penetrate into the blood and breast milk. As a result, the child may experience an allergic reaction. If the children are on artificial feeding, it is permissible to use painkillers or anti-cellulite creams and ointments.

Olive, lavender, orange, almond, peach oil and other options are ideal for a nursing mother. The main condition in choosing is your pleasant sensations. Let this be your favorite scent.

Don't forget to test for allergic reaction. Apply a little oil to your wrist, if within half an hour there is no irritation or redness on the skin, you can conduct a session.

At home

A young mother can give herself a massage for her chest and abdomen every day. It is quite possible to master some techniques on your own. For example, such as vacuum, honey and water.


For the vacuum procedure, you need to buy a special silicone jar at the pharmacy. First, take a warm shower and apply oil to your skin. After which you can begin to secure the can. The suction strength is adjusted by squeezing air out of the can. The jar is secured in the lower abdomen, on the right side. Having secured the jar, start massaging. Movements are carried out clockwise or zigzag for 5 minutes. Then take cover, relax and lie down for about 10 minutes.


No less pleasant and useful is the honey technique. Use only high-quality natural honey during the procedure. If you are not allergic to honey, this technique can be used once a week. After a shower, dry your body thoroughly with a towel. Then apply a mixture of two tablespoons of honey and a few drops of essential oil. Thanks to the honey, your hands stick to your stomach and during the procedure create a vacuum effect, only more gentle than when using a jar. This unclogs the pores. Ten minutes is enough. After the procedure, rinse off the honey with warm water; you can moisturize your body with cream.


Direct a stream of cool water (25–28°C) onto your stomach. Moving in a circle from right to left, make the pressure stronger with each circle. 5-10 minutes of such relaxation in the shower will tone your muscles, invigorate you, and improve digestion. After a shower - under the blanket for 10 minutes. You can do this healing relaxation as much as you like, every time you take a shower.

Make sure there are no bruises. If bruises appear, it means something is going wrong.

Epicurus said: Always work. Always love

Work on yourself. A child is not a reason to let yourself go. Rather, on the contrary, it is a reason to take care of yourself. Love yourself and trust professionals. If you set a goal for yourself and go towards it, you will definitely return to your previous form. You gave your child life so that he grows up cheerful and healthy person, which means become a worthy example for him!

Postpartum recovery period after childbirth, a woman should begin 2-3 weeks later. Abdominal massage will help you recover after childbirth. It will increase muscle performance and speed up recovery after physical activity.

Even a short abdominal massage for 3-5 minutes will restore the function of tired muscles after physical activity. Especially after childbirth, it is necessary to restore the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, relax other muscle groups, and relieve the feeling of fatigue in a young mother.

When performing abdominal massage after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account that the abdominal wall is supplied with blood by the parietal branches of the external and internal iliac arteries. Flows away venous blood along the veins of the same name in the superior and inferior vena cava systems.

Move lymphatic vessels on the upper half of the abdominal wall goes to the axillary lymph nodes, on the lower half - to the inguinal nodes. From the deep layers of the epigastric region, vessels carry lymph to the intercostal space, from the celiac region - to the lumbar region, from the hypogastric region - to the iliac lymphatic angles.

What happens during a belly massage after childbirth?

In the abdominal area, the skin is cleansed of horny scales of the epidermis along with dust and microbes in the pores. Abdominal massage improves the secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, cleanses their outlets of secretions, activates blood flow and lymph circulation of the skin, and eliminates venous stagnation. With increased blood supply, its nutrition and breathing improve and the tone of muscles and skin increases. The skin regains its elasticity, firmness, and velvety. It contracts and gets rid of stretch marks, increasing resistance to temperature and mechanical stress.

The skin of the abdomen is endowed a huge amount nerve endings, therefore, performing a massage after childbirth reduces or increases nervous excitability, which depends on the duration of the massage. Gentle and slow stroking reduces tissue excitability and calms the nervous system. Vigorous and rapid stroking irritates the tissue being massaged and activates the nervous system.

Abdominal massage has a variety of effects on metabolism after childbirth:

  • increases urination;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells;
  • eliminates the increase in lactic acid in the muscles, which, when accumulated during physical exercise, contributes to the appearance of fatigue and fatigue.

Indications and contraindications for massage

Massage after childbirth is necessary to eliminate:

  • pain in the abdomen and back;
  • depression and anxiety;
  • excess weight and stretch marks.

It is contraindicated to perform abdominal massage after childbirth if:

  • acute febrile conditions;
  • uterine bleeding or predisposition to it;
  • blood diseases;
  • purulent processes and diseases of hair, nails and skin;
  • acute inflammation of blood vessels: lymphatic and circulatory, thrombosis, severe varicose veins veins;
  • allergic diseases with skin rashes;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs and bleeding tendency;
  • mental illness and excessive agitation;
  • complex heart diseases and other organs;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • disorders of the intestines (nausea, vomiting, loose stools).

Massage procedure

To glide your hands over the skin, use any baby oil, a mixture of oils taken for the base (almond, avocado, peach or grape seed) - 50 ml, with your favorite essential oils (10 drops). In a course of 10-15 procedures, the first three sessions last 30-45 minutes, the subsequent ones – 45-60 minutes.

The woman is placed on her back, her legs are slightly bent in knee joints and place a cushion, arms along the body. The massage is performed after meals, after 1.5 hours. The woman must first be released bladder and intestines, because when performing abdominal massage after childbirth, they affect the muscles, intestinal tract, bladder and uterus.

Circular movements clockwise along the abdomen are performed precisely along the way intestinal tract, and they improve intestinal motility. Next, perform all the techniques of stroking the oblique abdominal muscles, directing movements from the lower ribs to the pelvic bones, then stroke the rectus abdominis muscle with the palmar surfaces or the back of the hands in both directions, which relieves abdominal tension.

Abdominal massage is divided into massage of the abdominal wall in front, the peritoneal organs and the solar (celiac) plexus.

Abdominal wall.


  • gentle, circular, flat stroking from the navel over the entire surface in a clockwise direction;
  • rubbing: sawing, shading, grinding (crossing);
  • longitudinal, transverse kneading, felting, rolling and vibration - according to indications;

Rectus abdominis muscles.

Massage by stroking, pincer-like, ironing, kneading from top to bottom and vice versa, shaking and ending with stroking.

For better intestinal peristalsis, removal of carcinogens, broken down fat, and other excess ballast, a massage of the stomach, small and large intestines is performed according to indications.


Massage while lying on your back and on your right side. Relax the abdominal muscles and begin to influence the stomach, the bottom of which reaches the fifth rib along the midclavicular line on the left, and the lower border is located in the abdominal wall in the front, 1-2 cm above the navel in women.

A massage is performed with intermittent vibration, the fingers for this technique are placed in a rake-like manner on the left and outside in the epigastric region, and inside - with shaking - using reflex influence techniques.

Small intestine.

Massage with reflexive stroking with fingers, intermittent vibration with the ends of bent fingers and pressing with the pads of the fingers or palm over the entire surface of the abdomen, observing the clockwise direction.


They begin to massage from the right iliac region towards the right hypochondrium, then bypass it and go down to the left iliac region.

The massage is performed by stroking, circular or spiral rubbing with weights, intermittent pressure, shaking, circular stroking, vibration of the abdomen. You can apply the mass using machines, jars, massage rollers (studded) made from natural minerals and Lyapko.

Solar (epigastric) plexus.

Massaging begins on its projection - on the line between the navel and the xiphoid process. Use the fingers of one hand for circular stroking, rubbing, and intermittent vibration.

Abdominal massage with pinches

Thanks to a pinch massage to knead the muscles, the skin is smoothed and tone is increased, the beauty of the skin returns, and stretch marks are reduced.

The skin is grabbed by the fingers and compressed, lightly at first, then more intensely until hyperemia appears. After this, rub with a wet towel. Everything is done clockwise and with butter or cream.

Water treatments for the abdomen

Using a shower with cool water, a water massage is performed to regulate digestion, tone, vitality and energy, and in general - to lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

The shower stream is directed onto the stomach and moved along the clock hand, changing the pressure. Contrast water massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body of women.

Abdominal massage with cupping

Silicone cups remove fat from the abdominal area of ​​women after childbirth and cleanse the skin. The jars should not be suctioned too tightly as blue spots will form. They are secured on the abdomen when the skin inside the jar is raised by 1.5 cm, moved clockwise for 5 minutes and simple movements are used: spiral or zigzag. To make the jars slide, the skin is lubricated with massage oil for weight loss. When finished, you need to lie down under a warm blanket.

Honey belly massage

Perform massage according to flower honey with crystals, it will soften upon contact with the heated skin of the abdomen. Using solid honey, the massage therapist is confident that it contains all the healing and nutritional components, which cannot be said about liquid honey, since it can be fake or sold after heat treatment.

You can add a drop of essential oil to honey if desired. Honey is applied to the palms and skin of the abdomen and pressing and squeezing movements are performed. Some of the honey will be absorbed into the blood through the skin, and some will soon turn into a gray sticky mass of harmful toxins, carcinogens, dead cells and their waste products.

If discomfort and pain occur due to strong sticking of the hands, the massage is completed, the sticky mass is removed with a damp towel and be sure to take a warm shower. A course of 10-15 procedures performed every other day is recommended.

Pregnancy and childbirth require strength and energy from the female body. The body changes during the development of the fetus in the womb, the skin stretches, the muscles weaken. Massage after childbirth helps improve skin quality, improves overall well-being, and accelerates the process of cell regeneration.


Postpartum massage restores muscle tone, relieves fatigue, and helps restore skin elasticity. The procedure has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, calms the nervous system, relieves tension and pain.

What kind of massage can you do after pregnancy and childbirth:

  1. vacuum;
  2. honey;
  3. self-massage;
  4. anti-cellulite;
  5. lymphatic drainage;
  6. with a massager.

Professional. Abdominal rubbing performed by a specialist is quite effective. Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, improves metabolism, and restores the functioning of female organs. For this purpose, both oil and honey are used, which helps increase skin elasticity.

Vacuum massage after childbirth, it improves metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. The process will tone the skin, restore blood circulation, and correct flaws in the female figure.

Lymphatic drainage massage After childbirth, it is not recommended for a nursing mother. The procedure is effective after completion breastfeeding. This is necessary so that the removed harmful substances do not enter the baby’s body through mother’s milk.

Daily use of the massager eliminates sagging belly. Hand massagers are easy to use, but not very effective. Mechanical ones affect not only the skin, but also subcutaneous fat.


Massage in the postpartum period has a beneficial effect on the female body. Regular procedures reduce the likelihood of depression, chronic fatigue, and work disorders nervous system.

Is it possible to have a massage after childbirth? Yes, in the absence of contraindications, the procedure is beneficial for the mother’s body. The manipulation relieves lower back pain, removes a sagging belly, stretch marks, and cellulite.

Useful properties:

  • improves intestinal function;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • reduces excess weight;
  • tightens the skin, making it elastic;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves back pain.

Any type of massage affects nerve endings. Regular procedures will relieve fatigue and relieve pain. Abdominal massage after childbirth will improve the functioning of the intestines, relieve gas formation, constipation, and cramps.

Sessions provide an opportunity to quickly restore abdominal muscles. The procedures will help mothers cope with postpartum depression and regain strength to care for the child. It is believed that a few minutes of kneading the body is comparable to half an hour of rest.

Postpartum massage has a beneficial effect on joints. The process relieves tension and restores the spine, which experienced stress during pregnancy. Each session affects subcutaneous fat and accelerates metabolism.

Harm and contraindications

When can you start doing massage after childbirth? If the birth went well, you can begin the procedure after 3-4 weeks. This time is enough for the body to recover. In case of complications during childbirth, it is recommended to begin procedures after the doctor’s permission. How long after childbirth you can have a massage depends on how the birth process went.

In the postpartum period, massage is not allowed for all nursing mothers, as the procedure can negatively affect the well-being and health of the woman. Like most cosmetic and therapeutic procedures, massage has a number of contraindications. In this case, manipulation is strictly prohibited.


  1. increased body temperature;
  2. skin infections;
  3. varicose veins;
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. uterine bleeding;
  6. diseases of internal organs;
  7. diseases of the nervous system.

After caesarean section There is no need to rush to start the procedures. It is recommended to wait at least 2 months for the stitches to heal and internal organs recovered. If you start massage after 3-4 weeks, there is a chance that the stitches will come apart and intrauterine pressure will increase.

If there were ruptures during childbirth, or an episiotomy was performed, massage is allowed after complete healing. On average, sutures heal from 4 to 8 weeks. It is necessary to focus on internal sensations, well-being, and doctor’s recommendations.

Execution technique

Postpartum massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body is done using oils or rich creams. Cosmetics needed so that the master’s hands glide better over the skin and nourish it useful substances. Baby oils, honey, olive or almond oil are often used.

The course must be at least 10 sessions and lasts about 45 minutes. To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to turn on calm music and dim the lights.

  • the main focus is on the abdomen and abdominal area;
  • You are allowed to have a snack 1.5 hours before the session, drink water 20 minutes;
  • to influence the gastrointestinal tract and uterus, make circular movements across the abdomen;
  • the oblique abdominal muscles are developed with stroking movements from the ribs to the pelvic area;
  • Movements in both directions help relieve tension in the rectus muscles;

After the session, the woman rests for at least 20 minutes under a warm blanket and listens to pleasant music. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, the patient feels unwell and tired. This is due to disruption of the nervous system, itching, and joint pain.
Before anti-cellulite and lpg massage after childbirth, it is recommended to visit a sauna or steam bath to warm up the skin. Steaming helps to increase the effectiveness of the device.


Breast massage affects the mammary glands. The procedure restores blood supply, removes waste and toxins. Lymphatic drainage is prohibited during lactation. For a nursing mother, it is important to conduct regular breast rubbing sessions, both preventive and therapeutic.


  • during pumping;
  • with poor milk production;
  • with lactostasis;
  • to improve the quality and tone of muscle tissue.

A preventative session should provide only pleasant sensations and not cause pain. This type of procedure is effective before feeding a child at home.


  1. be sure to wash your hands and breasts with warm water;
  2. apply oil;
  3. Using stroking movements, move your hands from the base to the nipples.

Therapeutic massages are performed as prescribed by a doctor. The exercises are aimed at facilitating pumping and resolving lactostasis.


  1. start by stroking the chest with your palms;
  2. hands press on chest under the collarbones;
  3. reducing pressure, they move to the nipples;
  4. each nipple is gently massaged;
  5. Make light stroking movements with your palms to relax the chest;
  6. at the end of the session, wash the mammary glands with a shower and pat dry with a towel.

Breast massage is allowed once a day. It is not recommended to use before the procedure detergents. Hands should be clean, dry and warm.

Gynecological manipulations

Preparation begins with a glass of clean water. This will start metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body. Massage of the uterus after childbirth is done while lying on your back. The position should be comfortable, legs bent at the knees.


  1. start with light movements clockwise around the abdomen;
  2. make rotational movements with your fingers from the uterus to the ribs;
  3. from the sides to the navel the movements are light and smooth;
  4. rub the stomach with the ribs of the palms from right to left and vice versa;
  5. lightly pinch the skin with your fingertips;
  6. at the end of the procedure, light stroking is done, relaxing the stomach and muscles.

To make the massage more effective, it is recommended to monitor your diet and drink enough clean water. Gymnastics or yoga improves results. At home, women do self-massage of the abdomen after childbirth. The exercise is performed both with your hands and using silicone cups.

Perineal massage is useful not only before childbirth, as a prevention of ruptures, but also after. It is carried out using special oil. After childbirth, the effect on the perineum helps restore muscles and heal microcracks. The procedure is prohibited if there are sutures or inflammatory processes.


During pregnancy, there was a lot of stress on the spine. In the postpartum period, pain occurs in the back and tailbone. The massage will strengthen the back muscles and relieve tension from them. Weakened muscles often lead to osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

We must not forget that the mother needs to carry the child in her arms, which also affects the functioning of the spine. During the session, attention is paid to the lower back and cervical spine. Regular procedures will give you a feeling of vigor, freedom of movement, and relieve pain.


  1. start with stroking movements from the tailbone to the cervical region;
  2. Perform pressure for 1-2 minutes, changing the intensity of pressure;
  3. rub to create a feeling of warmth;
  4. massage the lower thoracic region;
  5. move to the shoulder blades;
  6. finish massaging the collar area and lower back.

Before the session, oil is applied to the body. The massage therapist works clean, warm hands. During the process, it is necessary to relax the body, enjoying it and calming the nervous system.

Procedures performed by professionals can correct posture, improve your back health, and relieve emotional stress, stress. For the mother, therapeutic sessions will help restore the body after childbirth.

Buttocks and legs

  • classical;
  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic.

Classic anti-cellulite massage buttocks are carried out with your hands. It will not harm a woman’s body. When performing it, it is important to use natural oils to avoid allergic reactions.

Vacuum massage is quite effective, but it should not be abused, since before the procedure you need to visit the sauna. Overheating of the body can negatively affect the lactation process.

Self-massage. At home, mom can do self-massage using silicone jars. The main thing is that the process does not cause pain. The manipulation reduces the volume of the abdomen, eliminates cellulite and stretch marks.

If there are contraindications, massaging the buttocks and legs can worsen the condition of the body and lead to complications. If you have a rash or allergies, using hardware on the skin is strictly prohibited.

Pregnancy and childbirth take a lot of strength from a woman; massage can restore inner harmony to the mother, tighten the stomach, and overcome stretch marks. Therapeutic procedures help normalize digestion, relieve pain in the spine, relieve depression, and increase immunity.
