How to get rid of Demodex eye mite? Alkaline eye drops from demodex Alkaline eye drops name.

Demodex of the eye manifests itself as follows:

  • Folliculitis (inflammation of the follicles of the eyelashes and eyebrows).
  • The appearance of a small red rash around the eyelid.
  • The eyelid itself becomes red and swollen, and a flaky crust forms.
  • Due to inflammation, itching begins, vision may deteriorate, and the eye turns red.
  • There may be purulent discharge from the eye.

You can see an example of what a severe demodex infection looks like in the photo:

Self-medication is prohibited

The diagnosis of demodicosis of the eye should only be made by a doctor. But which doctor should you contact for treatment? The main specialist in Demodex is a dermatologist, since the patient is most often concerned about skin problems. If the patient is concerned about eye symptoms, then you can make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Clinical diagnosis eye demodicosis is quite simple and quick. Often, the study of the material takes place in the presence of the patient in the doctor’s office - the person immediately recognizes the diagnosis. For research, a laboratory specialist takes one or more eyelashes from the patient's eye or scrapes from the skin of the face. Then the doctor places the collected materials on a glass slide and fills it with an alkaline solution, gasoline, kerosene or glycerin.

Treatment for demodicosis of the eyes is quite long. Typically the course takes from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the extent of the lesion. Treatment involves the use of various drugs, but preference is given to local forms - ointments, creams, eye drops.

There is no universal treatment for demodex. This is due to the fact that the symptoms and intensity of Demodex damage can vary significantly from patient to patient. Some complain of redness and hyperemia. Other people do not have these symptoms, but experience increased oiliness of the skin and acne. Others have no symptoms other than intense seborrhea on the skin around the eyes... There are hundreds of options for the development of the disease. That is why the treatment plan must be drawn up by a doctor and adapted to each specific case.

Drugs used

First of all, local acaricidal etiotropic drugs are used for treatment. For example, it could be non-concentrated mercury ointment or zinc thiol ointment. To treat the skin around the eyes or skin on the face, doctors often prescribe creams, ointments, drops containing sulfur, tar, ichthyol, benzyl benzoate, permethrin, amitrazole, lindane, crotamiton.

The main difficulty local treatment is the toxicity of the drugs - they can quickly kill ticks, but there is a high risk of damaging sensitive areas of the eyes. This is why milder anticholinesterase creams and drops (cholinomimetics) can be used in the treatment of demodicosis of the eye:

  • physostigmine,
  • phosphacol,
  • armin,
  • tosmilen.

Treatment of eye demodex using ointments containing metronidazole (Klion, Metrogyl) shows high effectiveness. The use of such preparations, due to their viscosity, prevents the reproduction of mites and gradually removes them (the course of use is at least 10 days).

Since removing mites is a lengthy procedure, the treatment process cannot do without symptomatic medications that relieve inflammation and remove rashes. When eliminating demodex on eyelashes, a person often has to use eye drops - for example, zinc sulfate in boric acid, alkaline drops, desensitizing agents, prenacid, dimexide solutions, tansy and wormwood infusions. If there is dysfunction of the meibomian glands, then the patient will have to massage the eyelids during treatment.

In most cases, the patient has to take antibiotics, since these drugs most quickly help to cope with inflammation (antibiotics themselves, unfortunately, do not kill the ticks, so treatment with these drugs alone will not be effective).

Skin care

Since with demodicosis a person’s skin is severely damaged, special facial care is required until complete recovery. For demodicosis of the face, many doctors recommend cleansing every day with a mild hypoallergenic soap that is not grainy or abrasive. It is best to use specialized anti-demodex care products (for example, Demodex Complex).

During treatment, the patient should spend less time in the sun, not use cosmetics, and not visit baths and saunas. You also need to carefully monitor hygiene, change bed linen regularly, wash clothes more often, and wet clean the house every day.

It is also worth remembering that the risk of re-infection with Demodex is very high. According to statistics, in 43% of cases, recurrent symptoms occur within two years. That is why you need to be extremely attentive to your health and avoid situations that could provoke the development of the disease.

Demodex eye: treatment, symptoms, causes and prevention

Demodicosis of the eyelids and eyes

Despite the fact that these are components of one organ, a distinction is made between demodicosis of the eyelids and demodicosis of the eyes. It depends on the location of the lesion.

This is how the symptoms of demodicosis caused by the activation of demodex appear

As for the organs of vision, diseases such as demodicosis of the eyelids can develop, and if their mucous membrane is affected, then demodicosis of the eyes. The symptoms of the first are similar to those of blepharitis, and the signs of the second are similar to those of blepharoconjunctivitis.

Demodex eye: causes of demodicosis development

Any diseases of the body can weaken the body's defenses, which can cause the development of demodicosis.

Demodex on the eyes: symptoms

Damage to the visual organs during the disease can be caused by several factors:

  • Irritation of the eyelids of a mechanical nature by mites, as well as their metabolic products;
  • Provocation of an allergic reaction;
  • Attachment of infection, aggravating pathological process. It could be a virus, but most often we're talking about about bacterial infection.

Clinically, demodicosis can manifest itself with both pronounced signs and mild manifestations. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment for demodex of the eyelids and eyelashes is selected.

Symptoms of demodicosis

The disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Periodically appearing itching in the eyelid area, which most often makes itself felt in the morning;
  • The appearance of pain, the presence of sticky discharge from the organs of vision;
  • If there are mites on a person's eyelashes, there is an enlargement of the eyelash bulbs, which can only be seen with a slit lamp;
  • Demodectic blepharitis is accompanied by symptoms such as thickening of the edges of the eyelids, peeling, redness of the skin in the affected areas;
  • Due to the constant secretion of mucous discharge, yellowish crusts may form along the edges of the eyelids;
  • If tick-borne blepharoconjunctivitis is complicated by infection (usually streptococcus or staphylococcus), purulent conjunctivitis and ulcerative blepharitis may develop;
  • As a result of demodicosis, the functioning of the meibimian glands is disrupted. Because of this, meibomitis develops in acute or chronic form. The formation of chalazions is possible;
  • Demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis can become the basis for the development of episcleritis, an inflammatory process that occurs in the surface layer of the outer part of the eye membrane. In this case, a compaction resembling a nodule and redness can be found on the white of the eye. Painful sensations the phenomenon is not accompanied;
  • An inflammatory process on the cornea (keratitis) is also a common problem that accompanies demodicosis, and which can be one of its symptoms. The signs of this disease are: decreased vision, lacrimation, photophobia, pain.

Demodex on the eyelids: treatment

Demodex eyelid treatment involves a comprehensive treatment, as well as eye disease. This means that the patient must not only use medications, but also monitor your lifestyle, following a number of medical recommendations that speed up recovery.

Demodex treatment on the eyes, as well as therapy for eyelid disease, may also involve the use of folk remedies. It is advisable to use them in combination with medications, and be sure to combine with preventive measures.

Demodectic mange of the eye in humans: treatment with traditional means

Life cycle Demodex mite life is 1.5 months. This factor must be taken into account during treatment, which should take no less time.

Demodex mite, causing demodicosis

Treatment for demodicosis in the eyes involves the use of the following medications:

  • Eye drops "Carbohol" with a concentration of the main substance of 3%. The product does not need to be dropped into the eyes - it is used twice or thrice a week to lubricate the edges of the eyelids. When drops are applied in this way, the ciliary muscle contracts, causing the contents of the bulbs to come out along with the demodex mite itself;
  • Eye drops "Phosphacol" (0.02%) or "Physostigmine" (0.25%). The medication is used in the same way as Carbohol, and has a similar effect;
  • "Demolan" is a gel with a bactericidal effect. The main component of the drug is metronidazole, and the auxiliary components are mulberry and burdock extracts, sulfur, and silver citrate. Twice a day (morning and evening), the gel must be applied to the eyelids in the area at the base of the eyelashes. Care must be taken to ensure that the medicine does not get into the eye;
  • "Stopdemodex" This is a modern medicine in the form of a gel, which contains metronidazole, hyaluronic acid, and chamomile extract. The medication is used twice a day, applied for half an hour on the eyelids in the area near the eyelashes. After this time, you need to remove the drug with a damp cloth. Before applying the medicine, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​application with an alcohol-based calendula tincture;
  • "Blefarogel 2". The medication contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin, sulfur, and aloe vera extract. Using a cotton swab, the medication is applied to the edges of the eyelid in the area where the eyelashes grow. After applying the medicine, you need to gently massage the area of ​​application with your fingertips. You need to use the medication twice a day - in the morning and evening;
  • Demazol ointment is used in a similar way to Blepharogel 2.

If an infection is diagnosed that provokes the development of an inflammatory process, treatment of demodicosis in humans, along with the listed drugs, may involve the use of antibacterial drops.

Typically this is:

  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • "Dexa-gentamicin";
  • "Levomycetin";
  • "Tobrazon";
  • "Levofloxacin".

Demodicosis of the eyelids: treatment with folk remedies

They can be used as additional means in the fight against the disease.

Such medications are used to treat demodex

The most common ones are folk remedies:

  • Infusion of chamomile, linden, calendula, sage, tansy. You can use one of these herbs, or mix them in equal proportions and prepare them based on them. medicine. Brew 1 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water, let the composition brew until it cools. How to treat eye demodicosis with this remedy? You just need to rinse your vision organs with it twice a day. You can also make compresses from it - moisten a clean cloth or gauze in it, apply it to your eyes for 20-30 minutes;
  • Aloe juice. You can squeeze it out yourself or buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. We combine aloe juice with boiled water in equal quantities, make compresses using the resulting composition daily, applying them for 20 minutes;
  • Wormwood decoction. If you don’t know how to treat demodicosis of the eyelids, you can use this medicine as an adjuvant. Boil a mixture consisting of 2 tbsp. l. wormwood and 1 liter of water for a few minutes. How to treat demodex in the eyes with this medicine? It must be taken orally. On the first day, this should be done in an amount of 50 ml hourly, on the second day - every 2 hours in the same dosage. Over the next 4 days, you need to take the decoction every 3 hours in the same amount. The duration of eye treatment is 6 days, and you need to take the decoction even at night. If wormwood is very bitter, you can add a small amount of honey to the product.

Mites on the eyelids: treatment should be successful!

For it to be so, the following rules must be followed:

  • It is necessary to disinfect personal belongings, clothing, and bed linen throughout the treatment of demodicosis to prevent self-infection;
  • Get rid of cosmetics and facial care products, since ticks are also transmitted through them;
  • To get rid of dry eyes, you should use eye drops of the “artificial tear” category, for example, “Visine” or its analogues;
  • Diet is also important during this period. It is necessary to exclude spicy foods from the diet, it is advisable to do the same with smoked, salty foods, and fill the diet with vegetables and fruits;
  • After treating demodicosis, it is advisable to use burdock oil to restore the skin of the eyelids for 2-3 months. This will also help restore eyelashes that may be damaged by disease and partially fall out;
  • When talking about how to treat demodicosis of the eyelids, you need to take into account that under no circumstances should you use topical medications containing hormones. They help to reduce local immunity, and this is fraught with even greater activity of demodex;
  • If you are sick, it is advisable to wash your face with tar soap. It is an excellent disinfectant;
  • Treatment of demodex must be completed, otherwise a relapse is possible.

Prevention of demodicosis

Tar soap should be used in the treatment of demodicosis due to its disinfectant properties.

As for prevention, it is as follows:

  • Try not to use other people’s cosmetics, underwear, clothing, or hygiene products;
  • Do not swim in ponds with dirty water;
  • Try not to come into contact with animals whose diseases you know nothing about;
  • If you suspect the disease, do not wait for the symptoms of demodicosis to appear - immediately consult a doctor and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Demodicosis of the eyelids (demodectic blepharitis) is caused by a microscopic mite of the acne gland, or demodex. Blepharitis is characterized by itching and redness of the eyelids, and white scales form on the eyelashes. Itching with demodicosis is almost impossible to relieve, and after a while the eyelashes begin to fall out. Demodicosis of the eyelids, if treatment is not started in time, will also harm the eyes. The membranes of the eyes will dry out, they will quickly get tired and will not tolerate the effects of sunlight well. Preparations for the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids are available in the form of drops and ointments.

Why does demodicosis appear?

  1. Infections are viral, bacterial, caused by protozoa.
  2. Diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  4. Hormonal imbalances.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
  6. Long-lasting ultraviolet exposure.
  7. Frequent bath procedures.

Demodicosis mainly affects people with fat type skin. The sebaceous glands work more actively, creating a favorable environment for the mite. The disease is contagious. It is transmitted by contact from a sick person, through poorly treated bedding, cosmetics. Animals are also carriers of Demodex.

Demodectic mite

Manifestations of demodicosis of the eyelids are difficult to confuse with other diseases. In the initial stages, the eyelids become inflamed and severe itching appears. Along the edges of the eyelids along the eyelash line, purulent nodules and white crusts are noticeable. Over time, the eyelids begin to stick together and fall out. Long-term inflammation of the eyelids can lead to conjunctivitis and even visual impairment. The eyes become red, “heavy”, quickly get tired, and photophobia develops.

General principles of treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids

Treatment of demodicosis requires an integrated approach. Eyelid lesions are usually treated with topical medications (drops and ointments). What drugs are used to treat demodicosis of the eyelids:

  1. Acaricidal. Fight against pathogenic ticks.
  2. Antihistamines. Suppress allergic reactions of the body to waste products of mites.
  3. Antibacterial. Demodicosis may be accompanied by additional bacterial infection. It occurs due to constant scratching or improper care.

In order for recovery to occur faster, doctors prescribe a diet for patients, vitamin complexes and special hygiene products.

Antihistamine eye drops

Antihistamine drops for demodicosis help suppress allergic reaction on waste products of demodexes. Active substances drops suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins - mediators of inflammation.


Acular contains the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance ketorolacatromethamine. Eye drops are indicated for dripping into the conjunctival sac, 1 drop 1-4 times a day, depending on the severity of allergy symptoms. You can use the product for no more than four days in a row. Acular is contraindicated in children, women in late pregnancy, and people who wear contact lenses.

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The combined drug Okumetil has anti-inflammatory properties, suppresses allergic reactions, relieves swelling, redness and itching. It has a number of contraindications. Okumetil is not prescribed:

  • children under two years old;
  • patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • sick diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • patients with epilepsy, etc.

Okumetil is instilled one drop 2-3 times a day. The drug can be used for demodicosis only after consultation with a doctor.


Dexamethosone is a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that contains glucocorticoids. Has a strong antihistamine effect. The drug is dripped into the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops up to three times a day. Dexamethosone can be used for no more than three weeks. The product can only be used as prescribed by a doctor; it is not used for viral, fungal and purulent eye infections, as well as for high blood pressure inside the organ of vision.

Antibacterial eye drops

Antibacterial drops are used only if demodicosis is accompanied by a secondary infection.


Levomycytin – antimicrobial agent wide range action, inhibits the synthesis of bacterial proteins. The drug is dripped 3 times a day, one drop. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined and prescribed by the doctor. There are no serious contraindications to the use of Levomycitin. It is not prescribed to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, patients with psoriasis, eczema and fungal skin diseases.


Levofloxacin inhibits the activity of staphylococci and aerobic gram-negative bacteria. The product is dripped 3 times a day, 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. Levofloxacin is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in case of intolerance to the active substance. It is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age.


Ciprofloxacin inhibits DNA synthesis of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. Causes rapid death of bacteria. The drug is instilled into the eyes, one drop every four hours, or two drops every hour (if the infection is severe). Cycloprofloxacin should not be used for viral keratitis and hypersensitivity to quinolones.

Acaricidal eye drops

Drops such as Carbachol, Physostigmine and Phosphacol for demodicosis of the eyelids are not instilled into the eyes. They are applied to the surface of the eyelids with massage movements. They can be dripped to relieve redness and itching.


Carbachol drops are used as an acaricidal agent. There are two hypotheses for the action of carbachol:

Before using the product, wash your face with warm water. Moisten a cotton swab generously with drops and squeeze it out. Apply the product with light massage movements along the edge of the inflamed eyelid, along the eyelash line. The procedure is carried out three times a week. Therapy is continued for one and a half months.

Carbachol, even for external use, is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, coronary disease heart disease, violation of the integrity of the cornea, acute iritis and allergies to the components of the drug.

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The active ingredient of the drug Physostigmine acts similarly to Carbachol. They also treat the inflamed eyelid 3 times a week for one and a half months. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, inflammation in abdominal cavity. It is prescribed with caution during pregnancy.


Phosphacol drops are used similarly to Carbachol and Physostigmine and act in the same way. The drug has no serious contraindications; it cannot be used if you are individually sensitive to the components.

Ointments for demodicosis


Stopdemodex is a whole series of medicinal cosmetics with an acaricidal effect. The line includes a specialized eyelid gel. Active ingredients of the gel:

  1. Metronidazole. Has an acaricidal effect.
  2. Supercritical CO2 chamomile extract. Helps relieve inflammation, soothe the skin, and has anti-allergic properties.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. Has a regenerating effect.
  4. Glycerol. Protects skin from drying out.
  5. Peppermint. Soothes the skin, improves blood circulation, and has a bactericidal effect.
  6. Retinyl palmitate. Reduces skin oiliness and starts skin regeneration processes.

The gel is applied to the eyelids at the base of the eyelashes. You need to be careful not to get the product into your eyes. After half an hour, the remaining gel is removed with a napkin. The course of use of Stopdemodex products is 45 days.


Demolan cosmetic cream for face and eyelids helps get rid of demodex mites and relieve symptoms of inflammation (redness, itching, swelling). The active substances of the drug stimulate tissue metabolism and skin cell regeneration.

Treatment with Demolan cream is carried out for 45 days. Apply a thin layer along the edge of the eyelid in the morning and before bed. After half an hour, the remaining product should be removed with a clean napkin. Before using the cream, wash your face with warm water and soap. If the cream gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of clean water.


Metronidazole ointment has a strong acaricidal and antibacterial effect. The product prevents free radicals from damaging and destroying inflamed tissue. Metronidazole is applied in a thin layer to the eyelids over the entire area of ​​inflammation twice a day - morning and evening. Avoid contact with eyes. Positive changes will be noticeable within three weeks, but treatment cannot be stopped. The course of application of the ointment is from one to four months.


Metrogyl ointment contains metronidazole. The method of administration and duration of treatment is the same as in the case of Metronidazole.

Demodectic mange of the eyelids is very serious illness, dangerous with complications. He will have to be treated long and hard. It is better to start treatment at the first symptoms, because then the disease can become chronic. You cannot use only cosmetic products for demodicosis. Only an integrated approach will help you get rid of the disease forever. Diet and personal hygiene will speed up treatment.

Demodex eye: treatment with folk remedies and drugs:


The tick feeds on skin cells, hormones and fat secreted from the sebaceous glands. It moves easily on the skin, avoids light, and therefore moves mainly at night. Mites lay eggs in the hair follicle. Larvae appear on the 3-4th day. They live for several weeks, then die and decompose in the sebaceous gland. Over the years, the affected area becomes larger.

Symptoms of ocular demodex

Demodex on our body is normal and does not bother us if it does not exceed a certain amount. However, when this indicator begins to exceed the norm several times, this means that the tick is actively reproducing, and that’s when the first symptoms of the disease appear. They are:

The photo above clearly demonstrates demodex eye. What are the reasons for tick reproduction and exacerbation of this disease?

Causes of eye demodex

For demodex eyes to appear, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of this mite. And the first thing that will contribute to this is low immunity. If a disease such as eye demodex appears, the reasons may be the following:

  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Stress, fears and worries.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Oily skin.

It should be noted that an exacerbation of the disease is observed in the autumn-spring period, when a person’s immunity decreases. As well as moisturizing creams, oils, long exposure to the sun and solarium create a favorable environment for the reproduction of demodex.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you experience the symptoms described above, you should consult a doctor. How is the disease diagnosed?

The examination is first performed by an ophthalmologist, then a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. If you suspect that you have demodex, carry out the following studies:

Principles of treating demodex

If tests have confirmed that you have eye demodex, treatment should occur under the supervision of a dermatologist. Self-medication is excluded, although there are many popular methods, which we will talk about later.

Therapy should be comprehensive, including drugs that enhance immunity and ointments for treating the skin. It is necessary first of all to eliminate the cause of tick reproduction, strengthen the immune system, follow a diet, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. If you have eye demodex, treatment should not be delayed. This can lead to serious eye problems, possibly with irreversible consequences.

Several conditions must be observed when treating this disease:

  1. You will have to exclude spicy, fatty and sweet foods from your diet.
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene measures is mandatory.
  3. It is advisable to use disposable towels.
  4. Cosmetics must be individual.
  5. Bed linen should be changed and ironed with a hot iron every day during treatment.
  6. Wash clothes at a temperature not lower than 75 degrees and for at least 20 minutes.

Let's look at the drugs that are used to treat demodex.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment is used with the following drugs:

It is imperative to use topical medications for diseases such as eye demodex. Treatment does not exclude drops, since the mite can spread to the inside of the eyelid. The following drugs are used:

  • "Eubetal."
  • "Prenacid."
  • "Tobrex".
  • "Colbiocin".

Treatment of demodex mites in the eyes cannot be done without the use of ointments. Externally used, for example, "Demalan", "Demazol" or "Prenacid".

Also be sure to use antihistamines, since the mite causes an allergic reaction in the body. Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin and some other medications are very effective.

Demodex eye: treatment with new methods

Currently there are modern methods treatment of eye demodex, but rather auxiliary procedures. These include:

  1. Ozone therapy. It is an addition to the main treatment. Has a bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. It is carried out in combination with medications.
  2. TCA peeling. Deep cleaning allows you to get rid of the damaged layer of skin.
  3. Physiotherapy. Electrophoresis procedures using moisturizers.
  4. Cryotherapy. Gives an analgesic effect, but not for long. It does not destroy ticks, it only delays the reproduction process.
  5. Laser therapy is used to treat the effects of demodex. Helps restore the epidermis.

Pregnancy and demodex

During this difficult period, a disease such as eye demodex can easily develop. Treatment during pregnancy excludes the use hormonal drugs. The disease occurs because a hormonal surge occurs in a woman’s body, which can change not only the emotional background, but also the condition of the skin and hair. It is permissible to use external products that do not contain hormones and hazardous substances which may affect fetal development.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of eye demodex at home should be carried out after consultation with a dermatologist. This is a very long process and requires strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions and hygiene rules.

If you decide to use folk remedies to cure eye demodex, you must be careful when using herbs and tinctures, as they can cause irritation and an allergic reaction, and this will complicate the recovery process.

Very effective remedy- wormwood decoction. You need to prepare an infusion of 2-3 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of water. The decoction should be infused for 2-3 hours. The product is taken 50 ml daily. Dosage regimen: the first day - after an hour, the second - after two, and all subsequent days - after three. The course of treatment is 6 days. Not only is the tick destroyed, but also the intestinal function is regulated (you can add 1 tablespoon of honey to remove the bitterness). This infusion in combination with chamomile, calendula, and celandine is good for washing the eyelids. You can also use an infusion of oak bark.

There is another recipe that can be used to wash the eyelids. This is a decoction of tansy flowers. A tablespoon of flowers is poured into a glass of water, boiled for three minutes and left for 30 minutes. After straining, drip 2-3 drops of the broth onto your eyelids and lie with your eyes closed for half an hour. Treatment lasts 2 weeks.

Treatment with a compress of aloe juice gives very good result, if you apply it every evening to the sore eyelid.

Linden blossom is also an excellent remedy. It is boiled over a fire for 2 minutes, then filtered and cotton pads soaked in the broth are applied to the eyes. This decoction is useful for washing your face in the morning and evening.

It is also recommended to cleanse the body to strengthen the immune system. You can prepare an infusion of birch buds. Take one tablespoon of kidneys, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Eyelid massage will speed up recovery. It is recommended to do it before using tinctures and compresses. The massage should last at least 10 minutes. The movements are directed from the skin to the eyelashes. It gets rid of hair follicle from a tick after the procedures for its destruction.

Almost everyone has an eye mite (Demodex). If you pull out a few cilia and look at them under a microscope, you can see a couple of mites with your own eyes. Their number increases if immunity decreases. As consequences of their vital activity, allergies, redness and thickening of the eyelids appear.

How to treat demodicosis of the eye

To get rid of demodicosis of the eyes, you must, first, wash your face with baby soap once a day, excluding the eye area. Then, with clean hands, begin massaging the upper and lower eyelids towards the eyelashes. Do this for 1.5-2 minutes. Then treat the edges of the eyelids with alcohol and ether, a special ointment and instill alkaline drops.

Many people believe that ticks are incurable. But medical practice shows that all sick people cope with the tick - provided that they massage the eyelids and thereby dislodge the tick. Unfortunately, very often the doctor does not warn about the need for this procedure, and if he prescribes it, the patient himself turns out to be not patient enough and gives up this activity already on the second or third day, limiting himself only to rubbing, ointment and drops.

As for castor oil, it is still prescribed by doctors of the old school (calendula tincture was also popular at one time in this regard). Take a match with cotton wool, dip it in calendula or oil and wipe the eyelid. We always recommend alcohol with ether, because ticks are easily killed by ether - ether vapors penetrate the glands in the eyelids where the tick hides. In any case, you must remember that you will never get rid of the tick if you do not massage your eyelids. Only in this case will all other treatment make sense.

The favorite localization of the mite is the eyelids, facial skin, eyebrow area, forehead, nasolabial folds and chin, external auditory canal. Mite waste products contribute to allergization of the body, the development of Acne rosacea on the face, and seborrhea; cause specific eye damage - demodectic blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis. The disease is chronic with seasonal exacerbations in spring and autumn.

The clinical picture of demodicosis is predominantly recorded in persons with weakened immune system, ametropia and metabolic disorders, often in old age. It occurs in children with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, uncorrected refractive pathology (farsightedness).

Symptoms and manifestations of demodicosis

Symptoms and manifestations (eye fatigue, itching, swelling, hyperemia of the edges of the eyelids, the appearance of scales at the roots of the eyelashes for a long time) and a high degree of invasiveness (infectiousness of others) make it possible to detect demodicosis already at visual inspection. The appearance of the affected eyelid is characteristic: plaque along the edge of the eyelids, the cilia are stuck together, surrounded by crusts in the form of a muff. History: frequent styes, eyelash loss, recurrent acne, psoriasis. Laboratory research extremely simple, does not require special training and is possible in the presence of the patient right in the office. 8 eyelashes are taken from each eye: four from upper eyelid, four from the bottom. They are placed on a glass slide in a drop of an alkaline solution or a mixture of 1 ml of glycerol and 9 ml of saline; covered with a coverslip and examined under a microscope. Such a study makes it possible to quickly diagnose.

Treatment of demodicosis

The treatment is long-term and effective only with strict adherence to personal hygiene measures (the possibility of repeated self-infection).

After preliminary cleansing of the eyelids and eyelashes from crusts with alcohol-containing tinctures of calendula or eucalyptus (twice with an interval of 15 minutes), "demalan" ("demalon") ointment is applied to the edges of the eyelids 2 times a day (or 1 time at night). Carry out a similar treatment for other itchy areas of the facial skin, not forgetting the eyebrows and the external auditory canal. "Demalan" is considered the most effective and well-studied drug for the etiotropic treatment of demodicosis.

The waste products of mites contribute to human allergization. To relieve local toxicoallergic reactions, it is advisable to use “prenacid” ointment (lubricating the edges of the eyelids twice a day for 5-7 days) or instillation of microdoses of corticosteroids (6-8 times a day). In the presence of purulent blepharoconjunctivitis/blepharitis, it is recommended eye ointment and drops of "colbiocin" or "eubetal-antibiotic" (4 times a day - 10 days). In the presence of scaly blepharitis, a preliminary 2-3 day toilet of the eyelid margins is recommended. Efficiency drug treatment increases during physiotherapy: eyelid massage, magnetic therapy, ozone therapy (10 procedures per course daily or every other day).

In complex pathogenetic therapy of allergic conjunctivitis and scaly blepharitis, drops and ointment “prenacid” are used, and for purulent blepharoconjunctivitis, “colbiocin” is used. In the treatment of combined infectious and allergic lesions of the eyelids and conjunctiva (in the absence of ophthalmoherpes!), Eubetal-antibiotic ointment is highly effective. In 10% of cases, relapses occur, most often due to interruption of the course of treatment.

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Etiotropic therapy

Traditional appointments

Ointment "Demalan"- lubricating the edges of the eyelids twice a day for 45 days (if allergic reactions to the ointment components develop, etiotropic treatment should be temporarily discontinued).

Ointment "Demalan"+ ointment “Prenacid”- in a 1:1 ratio – lubricating the edges of the eyelids twice a day for 25 days.

Local and Systemic

Local therapy

Treatment of the edges of the eyelids with alcohol solutions of herbs (tincture of calendula, eucalyptus) or 70% solution of alcohol with ether + treatment of the skin in the area: eyebrows, forehead, nose, chin, external auditory canal - twice with an interval of 15 minutes (before ointments!).

Ointment “Prenacid”– allergic blepharoconjunctivitis, blepharitis;

“Kolbiotsin”, “Eubetal-antibiotic”(eye drops and ointment) – purulent blepharoconjunctivitis, blepharitis.

Local physiotherapy

Eyelid massage, ozone therapy (locally), magnetic therapy (against the background of drug therapy)

Combined treatment of dysbacteriosis (polyvalent strepto/staphylococcal bacteriophage; nystatin, etc.).

Spectacle correction of refractive pathology (especially in children with hypermetropia).

Systemic therapy

Correction of immunological and metabolic disorders.
- Treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis and cholecysto-pancreatitis (anamnestic - in 80% of those examined),
- Treatment chronic diseases lungs;

Prevention of infection (repeated self-infection)

Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids should be carried out simultaneously with the treatment of demodicosis of the face.

To remove waste products from mites, it is recommended to supplement morning and evening face washing procedures with antibacterial soap with self-massage of the eyelids (with wet fingers for 1-2 minutes).

To avoid repeated self-infection during the treatment period, it is recommended:

To toilet your eyelids and wash your face, use disposable wipes,
- iron pillowcases and towels daily;
- carry out regular sanitary treatment of glasses, razors, incl. cases;
- wash or clean other personal items (gloves, scarves, hats, motorcycle helmets) that come into contact with the skin of the face;
- for women, exclude cosmetics, eliminate cosmetics infested with mites;
- children can become infected after contact with infected objects.

Until complete recovery, limit contact (face to face) with loved ones.

Not recommended during treatment: drinking alcohol and spicy food, visiting baths and swimming pools, prolonged exposure to the sun, hypothermia, chronic fatigue, increased visual stress (including computer).

Etiotropic therapy

Alternative destinations

Aerosol “Spregal”- lubricating the edges of the eyelids with a tampon (!) soaked in medicine is permissible only by an ophthalmologist.

Complex pathogenetic therapy

Local and Systemic

Local therapy

For scaly blepharitis, preliminary toileting of the eyelids is advisable antiseptic solutions(furacillin, KMnO4, boric acid) with a Vaseline bandage applied at night binocularly for 2-3 days.

The use of Corvalol or Valocordin for treating the edges of the eyelids is limited (burning); 5% can be used water solution novocaine, 35-30% aqueous solution “dimexide”;

In continuation of the post about test strips for determining Ph levels, I will tell you about antioxidant drops with alkaline minerals to normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

A few words about acid-base balance.

The pH of human blood is approximately 7.35 and remains constant throughout life. The pH level of other liquids (urine and saliva) should tend to the same value. But due to poor nutrition, low physical activity, stress, smoking, etc. for most people this value is 5-5.5

To achieve an acid-base balance, alkaline foods should predominate in the diet, such as vegetables and herbs. It is also important what kind of water you drink. I don’t know who has what kind of tap water, but store bought drinking water in bottles and canisters (except Arkhyz), very acidic, pH level 5-5.5.

The drops in question have the ability to alkalize liquids.

4 drops of Alkazone per glass changes the pH of water from 5.5 to 7. If you drink this water several times a day, then the very next day the Ph of urine will become 6.5. With regular use 7-7.5. Just what you need.

For the experiment, I took filtered water from reverse osmosis, it turned out to be acidic, Ph 5.5. 4 drops of Alkazone changed her Ph to 7.

Drops can also be added to coffee and black tea, which themselves acidify the body, and for this reason some people give up their favorite drinks. Drops do not change the taste! They are transparent and tasteless.

For 200 ml you need to add 4 drops. The bottle is enough for 150 uses.
You should drink alkaline water an hour before meals or two hours after meals, and you should not take pills with it.

What are these drops made of?
For those who don’t like to read the ingredients, I’ll put it under the cut))

potassium lactate /potassium lactate/- potassium salt of lactic acid, used in the food industry as a food additive E326 as an acidity regulator, antioxidant, emulsifier, salt substitute and moisture-retaining agent. Potassium lactate is included in dry biscuits, cheese, confectionery and baby food.

tripotassium phosphate / tripotassium phosphate /- emulsifier, buffer substance, complexing agent, antioxidant, additive that increases the potassium content in food.

potassium hydroxide /potassium hydroxide/- In the food industry it is designated as food additive E525, used as an acidity regulator. In the Russian Federation it is allowed in cocoa and chocolate products

potassium bicarbonate /potassium bicarbonate/- a remedy that replenishes potassium deficiency in the body. Helps maintain the necessary intra- and extracellular potassium levels.

potassium citrate /potassium citrate/- potassium salt and citric acid. A remedy that replenishes potassium deficiency in the body. Helps maintain necessary intra- and extracellular potassium levels

magnesium chloride /magnesium chloride/- a sought-after component of many medicines. This substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, reduces inflammation and peeling, and stops violent allergic reactions. It is added to rinses to combat bleeding gums and bad breath. In food production, magnesium chloride acts as a hardening and thickening agent. This food additive has code E511, it is approved and permitted in all countries of the world.

zinc lactate /zinc lactate/- is a lactic acid form of the metal, is most easily absorbed in digestive tract. This lactate is used in a variety of areas of human activity, including medicine, as a source of zinc, an element important for the development and functioning of the body.

sodium selenite /sodium selenite/- replenishes selenium deficiency. Sodium selenite has anticoagulant and antitoxic properties; as a strong antioxidant, it reduces and inhibits the formation of peroxides and prevents overoxidation fatty acids and the accumulation of toxic peroxides in the body, thereby normalizing metabolism.

calcium chloride /calcium chloride/- calcium salt of hydrochloric acid. Replenish calcium deficiency. Reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases the body's resistance to infections and can significantly enhance phagocytosis

I'm not a chemist, but judging by the description, there is nothing harmful, on the contrary, almost everything is useful.

Post about test strips for determining Ph levels

UPD to the post about test strips.
I remembered that I didn’t write about an important moment. You need to test your urine from the second portion. The first one (immediately after waking up) should be sour. It contains all the acids filtered and stored by the kidneys overnight. This is just an indicator that everything is ok, and acids are removed from the body.

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Eyes are a very important organ for every person. It is through him that we see the world around us and we can enjoy life every day. Therefore, according to the condition of this body It is necessary to monitor very carefully and if any problems arise, try to get rid of them as soon as possible. A fairly common eye disease is demodicosis. In this case, infection occurs from an eye mite, which is also called “demodex”.


On the thicker skin, this pathogen mite is present in almost all people. And this is completely normal. But its presence alone is not enough for the disease to manifest itself and begin to develop.

The disease begins to actively progress not in all people. The reason for this may be a sharp decrease in immunity, for example, as a result of a previous illness or surgical intervention. This may be the impetus for the development of the disease under discussion. And besides, there are other reasons:

  • various diseases of the digestive system;
  • all kinds of hepatitis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • vision problems;
  • frequent stress, anxiety and emotional shocks;
  • a sharp change in climate or simply weather conditions;
  • long-term use of certain hormonal ointments;
  • pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms and signs of the disease under discussion include:

  • redness and peeling of varying degrees of intensity on the eyelids;
  • depletion of eyelashes and excessive loss;
  • and burning in the eyes after a night's sleep;
  • feeling as if sand had been poured into the eyes;
  • copious discharge from the eyes, which has a sticky consistency and looks like mucus;

  • constant desire to rub and scratch the eyes;
  • Small flakes of skin and liquid sticky discharge become clearly visible between the eyelashes;
  • in some cases, barley forms in the eyes;
  • all kinds of rashes and irritations on the skin of the face and neck;
  • severe irritation of the skin and eyes after regular washing with soap or a special tonic.

If you look closely at a person’s eyelashes and eyebrows, you will notice a sticky substance in them that looks like a spider’s web.

How to treat eye mites in humans

First you need to go to the doctor so that he can diagnose your patient accurate diagnosis. To do this, for example, several eyelashes will be taken from each eye, which the doctor will then carefully examine under a microscope. If a tick is nevertheless found, then the doctor will then prescribe the appropriate and most suitable treatment for the patient.

To relieve an allergic reaction and itching, special anti-allergy agents are instilled into the eyes. And the edges of the eyelids, which become very rough during the course of the disease and begin to rub the eyes, are carefully lubricated with calendula tincture so that it does not get into the eye.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to wash your face and eyes with antibacterial soap, which removes mite waste products that have accumulated during the day. While washing, you should intensively massage your eyelids with your fingers so that blood circulation improves and toxins leave the body faster.

If the eye damage is too severe, the doctor may also prescribe magnetotherapy or physical therapy.

To speed up treatment and prevent re-infection in the future, the patient is prescribed vitamins and special supplements that improve immunity.

In general, the course of treatment is quite long - it can take from 20 to 50 days.

To avoid catching such an infection from pets, it is necessary to regularly examine them for the presence of eyelash mites.

If a girl has had demodicosis, then all cosmetics must be thrown away and replaced with new ones, otherwise they will contain live pathogens of the disease.

It is also useful to exclude all salty and spicy foods from your diet during treatment.


Special eye drops for Demodex mites

Of course, hygiene procedures and increased immunity alone will not make it possible to get rid of the tick. Treatment must be comprehensive. It will include special eye drops and ointment. The main thing is to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and complete the course of treatment to the end. On the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find a variety of eye drops that perfectly help cope with this problem.

Tsipromed eye drops

Are effective antibacterial agent, which is used for infectious and inflammatory eye diseases, namely for the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratins, blepharitis, as well as for the prevention inflammatory processes eyes after injuries or operations.

Eye mite ointment

As for the ointment, the patient is most often prescribed Demalan. It is applied to the roots of the eyelashes twice a day - morning and evening. This procedure allows you to block the access of oxygen to the infected skin and thereby kill the mites.

Treatment with folk remedies

Of course, we must not forget that there are various folk remedies that help get rid of ticks.

For example, you can make effective masks from laundry soap. To do this, you need to beat it in your hand until foam appears, apply it to problem areas and leave for an hour. After this time, you need to apply a new layer of soap foam on top. And so 4-5 times. Similar procedures are repeated until recovery.
Special compresses made from black currant are also very effective. To do this, add half a glass of dried berries to two glasses of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for another 15-20 minutes over low heat. Moisten a cotton swab in the prepared decoction and wipe the affected areas of the skin with it.
