Target training list. Targeted reception

Having a higher education in Russia is considered highly recommended, since without a diploma, many employers simply do not allow you to take up decent positions. However, not every school graduate can afford to get a certificate of graduation from a higher educational institution. In this regard, the state, together with the Ministry of Education, has developed certain measures aimed at supporting applicants wishing to enter the university.

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In particular, we're talking about about the targeted training program. With its help, even those students who did not pass the Unified state exam, can count on admission with a high chance. This is especially true for medical universities, since getting there on your own is often quite problematic.

However, such assistance is provided for a reason - after receiving a diploma, certain obligations are assigned to the citizen. To understand whether it is worth applying for participation in a targeted program, what the advantages and disadvantages of this support are, and how to obtain an application from the state, you should study the latest changes in the field of education.

What you need to know

To enter a higher education institution, you must pass the Unified State Exam. It is obvious that the more prestigious the organization, the more points the applicant should have.

However, the law provides for an exception when even persons who do not have particular academic success can count on non-competitive admission. This mechanism is called “targeted recruitment”, the essence of which is to send an applicant to the best universities at public expense with his subsequent return for employment in the organization that provided the referral.

However, such a measure does not quite meet the Government’s expectations. Not only do not very responsible students take the places of excellent students, after graduating from university, most of the target students do not return to the enterprise that sent them to study, as intended by the program.

It turns out that the real state of affairs contradicts the very essence of the definition, leveling the effectiveness of government support measures.

Taking these results into account, in the fall of 2016 measures were developed to help correct the situation. The main change in the program is that the target student is required to work for at least 3 years in the institution that sent him to study.

It is worth clarifying that now the corresponding agreement is concluded between the applicant and the organization. The university undertakes to accept a school graduate, and after completing all courses, issue him a referral for employment at the enterprise with which the contract was drawn up.

The former student must come to the specified institution within a month after acquiring the diploma and sign an employment contract. However, in case of failure to comply with these requirements, no sanctions are provided against him.

As for the changes, with their introduction the agreement acquires a tripartite contract - a university is added. It is drawn up before the start of the reception campaign. In this case, the educational institution is the party that is responsible for reflecting the mutual obligations of other participants in the document. In the absence of this point, the university has every right to refuse to satisfy the target admission quota.

Pros and cons of using

The targeted program for studying at universities has its pros and cons, which should be taken into account by the interested party to determine the further sequence of actions.

Thus, among the key advantages of this initiative the following provisions can be highlighted:

  • admission to the university takes place with a competition of no more than 2 people per place, which gives the applicant a significant advantage over others;
  • the probability of passing is assessed according to the total points obtained on the Unified State Exam and their subsequent comparison with other applicants;
  • additional entrance tests are relevant only in cases where the intended purpose is being implemented with up to 2 applicants per place;
  • training is completely free (along with other students, the target student can count on standard scholarships and a place in a dormitory if he comes from another locality);
  • Upon graduation, there is no need to look for a job, since a vacancy is provided in advance in the organization that sent the applicant to study.

However interested parties you need to pay attention not only to the colorful advantages, but also to the unpleasant disadvantages.

First of all, this is a graduate’s refusal to be employed at a prescribed enterprise, since it often provides only unpresentable positions with low income. As for another significant disadvantage, it consists in sending newly minted specialists to rural areas, where, again, the working conditions are not very adequate.

Who can receive

So, the following persons can obtain the right to participate in the targeted training program:

  • have received a document confirming completion of secondary education;
  • those who want to get their first education at a university;
  • those with the highest number of Unified State Exam scores among citizens applying for targeted training.
  • An explicit refusal will be issued in relation to candidates:
  • not included in the above list;
  • who provided false information when submitting documents to participate in the program;
  • who filled out the documents incorrectly.

This also applies to those applicants who did not meet the deadline for submitting applications.

Who pays for it?

The target direction can be provided either by the state or by enterprises.

However, their implementation mechanism is different. If in the first case the applicant is appointed to a budget-funded place, then in the second his training is paid for by the enterprise.

Upon completion of the competition and subsequent payment, an appropriate agreement is drawn up between the organization (state) and the student (his parents in the case of a minority).

The document specifies the mutual obligations and rights of each party to the transaction. In this case, the contract can be drawn up in such a way that a university graduate will be obliged to work out the opportunity for free training within a specified period.

How to get directions

In order to accurately understand this process, it is necessary to separately analyze how to obtain the target direction in medical university in 2019 (using the example of Moscow).

So, the applicant must:

  1. Independently visit a medical institution in the capital's healthcare system in Moscow to fill out the appropriate application.
  2. Purchase an application containing basic information, namely:
    • last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;
    • passport information reflecting the fact of permanent residence in Moscow;
    • information about the applicant’s participation in activities medical institution and about his professional orientation.
  3. Submit the following documents to the Department of Human Resources Policy and Education of the Department of Health:
    • petition;
    • a copy of the applicant's passport;
    • a copy of the legal representative’s passport – relevant if the applicant is under 18 years of age at the time of submitting documents.

It is important to take into account the submission deadlines: from April 10 to June 8, but these are data for 2019 and only for Moscow. But it should be understood that they may change every year, therefore it is recommended to study problematic issues in advance.

How to write an application

When writing an application, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • indicate the form of training;
  • write down the specialty code;
  • fully disclose information about the parents, namely: their full name, current place of work (full name of the institution and the position they occupy).

Additionally, it is worth noting that the reference from the school is certified by the head of the educational organization.

Some nuances

Before submitting your candidacy for participation in the target program, you need to take into account certain features:

  • targeted enrollment for the most part occurs in universities of industry significance (oil and gas, energy and light industry);
  • the target audience will be the first to know about the results of the competitive selection (this was done so that if the application is not satisfied, they have the opportunity to resubmit documents, but on a general basis);
  • Every year the number of target places for admission to a particular university changes (this is due to the need to replenish personnel in a particular region);
  • educational organizations independently calculate how many places they can allocate for applicants based on their target admission.

To avoid hasty decisions, you need to think about future admission a year before taking the exams, because this determines which subjects you need to prepare for to a greater extent.

Targeted education at Russian universities is not only an opportunity to get into a top university on a budget, without chasing 90-100 points (the average score here is always slightly lower), but also a chance to study for free at the commercial departments of many higher educational institutions in our country. In the second case, your education will be paid for by the state or a commercial enterprise. Now it becomes clear why targeted admission is called a “loophole to a university,” because you get several advantages at once:

1. Admission to the university a week earlier than the main flow of applicants

2. Preferential competition for Unified State Examination points, because the competition lists will be separate for you - only among “target students” like you

3. Opportunity to study for free even at the commercial department

4. Guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma, because according to the contract you are obliged in this case to work at an enterprise or institution for 3 years

Which institutions or enterprises in the Russian Federation can conclude a targeted training agreement with you?

By law, this list includes:

Federal government agencies;

State authorities;

Local government bodies;

State municipal institutions;

State corporations;

Unitary enterprises;

State companies and business entities in whose authorized capital there is a share of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities.

You can get a target direction only to one university and one specialty. Typically, 11th grade students must declare their intention to be admitted to a particular university by mid-April (the timing must be clarified with the university). That is why now we need to decide and act. Be sure to tell your school administration about your desire to attend targeted training; they can help you choose a university and collect all the necessary documents.

What steps does a graduate need to take to enroll in targeted studies at a university?

Step 1. Go to the website of the university you are interested in and read all the information about the target admission.

Step 2. If on the site you do not find information about specific enterprises, government agencies and state-owned companies, do not be discouraged, in this case you need to contact the university admissions office yourself and ask whether they have an agreement with the above institutions.

Step 3. If the university provides a list of specific institutions or enterprises, then you need to contact the personnel department of these institutions with a request to give you information about the possibility of receiving a targeted referral to the university.

Step 4. If the university does not name specific institutions, then you need to independently look for those enterprises and organizations that could give you the target direction. Here a lot depends on your activity and perseverance.

Step 5. If you managed to get the target referral, then you need to bring it to the university admissions office. If you find yourself in the target position of this higher educational institution and everything goes well, all you have to do is conclude a tripartite agreement on targeted training (a sample of this agreement is usually available on the university’s website).

To make your search easier, we have compiled a list of the 20 most popular universities in the country that have officially announced the possibility of targeted training in 2018.

1. Moscow state university them. M. V. Lomonosova

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Physics

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Economics

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

3. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

4. National research university"Higher School of Economics"

5. Moscow State technical university named after N. E. Bauman

6. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

7. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

8. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

9. National Research Tomsk State University

10. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

11. Siberian Federal University

12. Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin

13. ITMO University

14. National Research University "MPEI"

15. Southern Federal University

16. Belgorod National Research University

17. Far Eastern Federal University

18. St. Petersburg Mining University (Mining University)

19. Altai State University

20. Bashkir State University

We wish you good luck in receiving referrals for targeted training at Russian universities. Go for it, and you will succeed!

It may be useful for future applicants preparing to leave school, as well as their parents, to learn about the target direction of study: how to get it and what it gives.

It turns out that the Soviet distribution system, which representatives of the older generation remember with nostalgia, has not completely sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, it turned out to be so mutually beneficial for the state and citizens that it survived the change of system.

What is a target direction to a university?

For an applicant, this is an alternative type of admission to an educational institution, for enterprises it is an opportunity to acquire scarce specialists on more favorable terms, and for a university it is a chance to get a mandatory student and be known as a supplier of valuable personnel.

It is an agreement between three parties: the applicant, the university and the customer. Last to speak:

  • federal structures (ministries);
  • subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • local government departments;
  • enterprises with state participation.

Customers submit applications to the university for the required number of places in the required specialty. The educational institution reviews them and forms a target admission quota based on the results.

The target, getting involved in the reception company and successfully passing through it, acquires a number of advantages for himself:

  • entrance exams for a special competition - low, relative to the general flow: there are more chances to get into a budget place;
  • the opportunity to continue studying in graduate school;
  • full-fledged practice of all types at the selected enterprise;
  • the ability to combine study and work in your specialty on a flexible schedule;
  • payment for studies and housing by the future employer or from the federal budget, payment of an increased scholarship;
  • albeit not 100 percent, but still a guarantee of employment.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the competition for targeted workers sometimes begins already in the search for a referring employer (especially when they try to get a referral from giants like Gazprom or Aeroflot);
  • the conditions specified in the contract will have to be observed (including working for at least 3 years in the organization called by the document, even with a meager salary);
  • you cannot afford to miss lectures and seminars;
  • academic performance must be at its best (the level of which is specified in the contract);
  • violation of duties threatens termination of the contract and reimbursement of training costs;
  • one person takes a single direction, with which he can enter only one selected university.

Please note: For a minor, the contract is concluded by his legal representative.

How to take a targeted direction to a medical school

The procedure for customers to select candidates for positions among their employees is not established in federal legislation.

Each municipality and region selects differently.

In the capital, a special commission of the Moscow Health Department is responsible for processing referrals to a medical university. On the institution's website you can find a sample application for obtaining a document.

Prospective students interested in becoming a doctor can contact their local department or department of health administration. They will provide contact information for an employer interested in training a young specialist.

Or you can talk directly with the head of a medical institution at the district or, better yet, regional level, and agree on the possibilities of internship and residency. The school director can also represent the interests of the future student.

A potential future employer will be interested in the following information about a possible young employee:

  • achievements in the study of subjects important for medicine (biology, chemistry);
  • prizes at the Olympics;
  • participation in volunteer projects;
  • visiting thematic clubs and courses;
  • letter of recommendation from the director of the school or training center.

A statement of desire to study in a targeted area, together with a petition from the educational institution graduating the student, is submitted to the municipality in advance, in winter. The document on the target direction must be in the hands of the applicant before the start of admission.

How to get a targeted referral to a pedagogical university

You should establish contact with the director of the graduating school and contact the local government or department of education.

Schools have the right to send their graduates to study at a pedagogical university.

They will tell you what documents you need to collect.

Targeted direction for training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the period from January to March, anyone can contact the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of permanent registration.

An application is written addressed to the head of the receiving institution and a personal file is drawn up. It is better to clarify the list of documents required for this in advance by phone.

Typically this is:

  • applicant's passport details, permanent residence address and education;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • the name of the institution where the applicant intends to undergo training;
  • desired faculty and specialty;
  • high school diploma or college diploma.

How to find an employer

In every school, someone is responsible for career guidance for graduates - together with the class teacher and director, they can help the graduate find their future colleagues.

Often, a future applicant applies for an application to his parents' employers - employees with a good reputation.

You can contact the customer at the local administration or employment center.

You can contact an educational institution specializing in your chosen profession. For example, future workers for Russian Railways and the Metro are trained at the Moscow University of Transport.

How to apply for targeted training, sample application

At the selected university, for example, Polytechnic University or some other, the applicant, along with personal data and a certificate, provides admissions committee application for targeted training and referral from the organization.

If the number of applicants exceeds the established quota, then competitive admission begins based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Those who fail this test can try to earn a passing grade again - this time under the usual conditions for everyone. But only if such an option was specified in the target agreement.


The algorithm for targeted reception is a complex and not fully developed thing. Before signing the contract, the future student needs to carefully study all its terms. The document does not provide a 100% guarantee of admission and employment. The graduate needs to try to ensure that the Unified State Examination results exceed the passing minimum score.

Page Content

​​ In accordance with Article 56. Federal Law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation», ​ A citizen entering an educational program of secondary vocational or higher education or studying in a corresponding educational program has the right to enter into an agreement on targeted training with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the customer of targeted training).

The essential terms of the targeted training agreement are:

1) obligations of the customer of targeted training:

a) to organize the provision and (or) provision to a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, during the period of training, support measures, including measures of material incentives, payment for additional paid educational services provided outside the framework of the educational program mastered in accordance with the agreement on targeted training, provision of use and (or) payment for residential premises during the period of study, and (or) other measures;

b) for the employment of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, no later than the period established by the agreement on targeted training, indicating the place of work in accordance with the qualifications received;

2) obligations of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training:

a) on mastering the educational program specified in the contract on targeted training (with the possibility of changing the educational program and (or) form of training in agreement with the customer of targeted training);

b) to carry out labor activities for at least three years in accordance with the qualifications obtained, taking into account employment within the period established by such an agreement.

The parties to the contract on targeted training, along with the citizen specified in part 1 of Article 56 of the above law, and the customer of targeted training, may also be the organization carrying out educational activities and (or) the organization in which the citizen will be employed in accordance with the contract on targeted training.

An organization carrying out educational activities in which a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training is studying takes into account the proposals of the customer of targeted training when organizing the said citizen’s internship, and also, at the request of the customer of targeted training, provides him with information about the results of his mastering the educational program.

In the event that the customer of targeted training fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the agreement on targeted training for the employment of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, the customer of targeted training pays him compensation in the amount of three times the average monthly accrued wages in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which he should have been employed in accordance with the agreement on targeted training, on the date of his expulsion from the organization carrying out educational activities in connection with receiving education (completion of training).

If a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the agreement on targeted training to master the educational program and (or) carry out work activities within three years, he is obliged to reimburse the customer of the targeted training for the costs associated with the provision of support measures.

Regulations on targeted training, including the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract on targeted training, conditions for determining and changing the place of employment, the procedure and grounds for releasing the parties from fulfilling obligations under a contract on targeted training, the procedure for paying compensation, the procedure for determining the amount of expenses and their reimbursement, and the standard form of an agreement on targeted training are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The specifics of concluding an agreement on targeted training, the party of which is a federal state body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body and which includes the obligation of the citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training to undergo civil service or municipal service after completion of training, are determined in the manner established by federal laws on types of public service or legislation on municipal service.

Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 No. 337-FZ in Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" was introduced withArticle 71.1. Features of admission to targeted training in educational programs higher education

According to part 1 of article 71.1 p the right to admission to targeted training in educational programs of higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the established quota are citizens who, in accordance with Article 56, have entered into an agreement on targeted training with:

1) federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies;

2) state and municipal institutions, unitary enterprises;

3) state corporations;

4) state companies;

5) organizations included in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex, formed in accordance with Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation”;

6) business companies in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;

7) joint-stock companies whose shares are owned or in trust management of a state corporation;

8) subsidiaries of the organizations specified in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of part 1 of Article 71.1;

9) organizations that were created by state corporations or transferred to state corporations in accordance with the provisions of federal laws on these corporations.

The admission quota for targeted training in specialties and areas of higher education is established taking into account the needs of the economy for qualified personnel and industry characteristics.

The establishment of an admission quota for targeted training, approval of the procedure and timing for its establishment are carried out:

1) by the Government of the Russian Federation - at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget;

2) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies - at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, respectively.

The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish an admission quota for targeted training in specific specialties, areas of higher education, indicating the list of subjects of the Russian Federation in whose territories a citizen can be employed in accordance with the contract on targeted training.

Admission to targeted training in educational programs of higher education within the established quota is carried out through a competition held in accordance with the admission procedure provided for in Part 8 of Article 55 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ" About education in the Russian Federation"​, by specialty, area of ​​training, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.​

In cases where the customer of targeted training fails to fulfill the obligation to employ a citizen accepted for targeted training in accordance with Part 1 of Article 71.1, and the citizen fails to fulfill the obligation to carry out labor activities for three years, along with the liability provided for in Parts 5 and 6 of Article 56 of the above Federal Law, the customer targeted training or a citizen accepted for targeted training in accordance with Part 1 of Article 71.1, pays to the organization carrying out educational activities in which the citizen studied, a fine in the amount of expenses of the federal budget, the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local budget spent on training the citizen who is directed to financial support of educational activities in educational programs of higher education. The procedure for paying the specified fine, the procedure and grounds for exempting the parties to an agreement on targeted training from its payment, the procedure for determining its amount and directing it towards the financial support of educational activities in educational programs of higher education, carried out at the expense of the federal budget, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the regulations on targeted training. training, and at the expense of funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local budgets by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

Explanations on the procedure for admission to targeted training at the Financial University

Regulatory documents

Features of organizing admission to targeted training at the Financial University

​Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
​​ ​ Postgraduate studies

XI. Features of organizing admission to targeted training
X. Features of organizing admission to targeted training

99. The Financial University conducts admissions for targeted training within the target quota in areas of training included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

100. When submitting an application for admission to targeted training, the applicant submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 48 of the Rules, a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with the presentation of its original.

101. The list of applicants for positions within the target quota includes information about the customers of the target training.

102. The list of persons who submitted applications for admission and the list of applicants for places within the target quota do not indicate information related to admission to targeted training in the interests of state security.

103. Enrollment into places within the target quota of persons whose training is carried out in the interests of state security is formalized by a separate order (orders), which is not subject to posting on the official website and on the information stand.

80. The Financial University conducts admissions for targeted training within the target quota in areas of training included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Admission to targeted training is carried out in the presence of an agreement on targeted training concluded between the applicant and the body or organization specified in Part 1 of Article 71.1 of the Federal Law "273-FZ" (hereinafter referred to as the customer of targeted training), in accordance with the regulations on targeted training and the standard form agreements on targeted training established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

81. When submitting an application for admission to targeted training, the applicant submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 34 of the Rules, a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with the presentation of its original.

Admission to targeted training in the interests of state security is carried out if the Financial University has information about the concluded agreement on targeted training received from the relevant federal government body that is the customer of the targeted training, and without submitting a copy of the contract on targeted training to applicants.

82. The list of applicants for positions within the target quota includes information about the customers of the target training.

83. The list of persons who submitted applications for admission and the list of applicants for places within the target quota do not indicate information related to admission to targeted training in the interests of state security.

84. Enrollment within the target quota of persons whose training is carried out in the interests of state security is formalized by a separate order (orders), which is not subject to posting on the official website and on the information stand.

76. The Financial University conducts admissions for targeted training within the target quota in areas of training included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Admission to targeted training is carried out in the presence of an agreement on targeted training concluded between the applicant and the body or organization specified in Part 1 of Article 71.1 of the Federal Law "273-FZ" (hereinafter referred to as the customer of targeted training), in accordance with the regulations on targeted training and the standard form agreements on targeted training established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

77. When submitting an application for admission to targeted training, the applicant submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 34 of the Rules, a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with the presentation of its original.

Admission to targeted training in the interests of state security is carried out if the Financial University has information about the concluded agreement on targeted training received from the relevant federal government body that is the customer of the targeted training, and without submitting a copy of the contract on targeted training to applicants.

78. The list of applicants for positions within the target quota includes information about the customers of the target training.

79. The list of persons who submitted applications for admission and the list of applicants for places within the target quota do not indicate information related to admission to targeted training in the interests of state security.

80. Enrollment within the target quota of persons whose training is carried out in the interests of state security is formalized by a separate order (orders), which is not subject to posting on the official website and on the information stand.

The target direction at the university solves two complex problems at once: the problem of personnel shortage in some government sectors (for example, medicine and agriculture) and certain non-state enterprises, and also provides an opportunity for those who wish to receive higher education free, but with certain obligations. Receiving a targeted direction to a university is a real chance for a student to successfully enroll and obtain a sought-after specialty. In addition, such students do not need to worry about finding a further job.

Types of target direction and its features
Depending on the grounds for receipt, two types of target direction are distinguished:
  1. Direction at the local administration level. She collects all applications and sends them to educational institutions that cooperate with her on this program.
  2. Referral to an enterprise or organization interested in your candidacy. If you don’t know which organization to contact, you can go to the administration, where employers send applications for specialist training.
The applicant comes to the educational institution with Unified State Exam results and direction, which allows him not to participate in the general competition. A special competition is held among target audiences. If the applicant successfully passes the entrance examination, then his further studies are paid for by the selected organization or funds are allocated from the budget. After graduation, the student undertakes to work in the organization for a certain number of years or reimburse the costs of his training.

Typically, an educational institution allocates target places and can reduce them if there are few participants in the target program, but does not have the right to increase places. The passing grade for the target program is lower than for the general competition. And the number of people per place is mainly 1.5-2.

How to get targeted direction
To receive a targeted direction for admission to a university, you must select in advance a company that is ready to provide workplace, and collect the necessary documents:

  • a statement indicating the student’s details, school and class number, desired specialty and university;
  • reference from the school principal;
  • a petition from an organization willing to vouch for you.
These documents should be sent to the local administration and wait for approval of the application. The administration sends all collected applications to the educational institution. In order to have time to receive a targeted referral to a university, you need to start preparing no later than winter.

To enroll in a university under a target program, you must provide a standard package of documents plus a target agreement, which is concluded between the educational institution, the applicant and the employer. If suddenly an applicant does not pass the test, he can try to enter the university again in the general stream. This nuance must be addressed in the application.

Advantages and disadvantages of targeted education
Advantages target set essential:

  • the admission procedure is simplified, that is, the chances of successfully passing the tests are high;
  • The student’s place of work is predetermined.
But from the advantages come also disadvantages. Nobody knows how life will turn out in these five years. Perhaps the student will find a more profitable and suitable place of work. But it won’t be possible to get a job there, since the contract specifies the period that the student must work in the organization that paid for the studies. There is a way out of the situation: reimburse all the organization’s costs along with fines (everything is specified in the contract) or hire an experienced lawyer to solve your problem.