Bank cash center. And cash settlement centers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The status of territorial institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is determined Regulations “On territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia” dated July 29, 1998. No. 46-P.

Territorial institution– a separate division of the Bank of Russia, which carries out part of its functions on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and is part of a single centralized system of the Bank of Russia with a vertical management structure.

Territorial institutions, as a rule, are created on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, territorial institutions may be created in economic regions that unite the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia are its Main Directorates in the territories, regions and autonomous districts of the Russian Federation, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the National Banks of the republics within the Russian Federation.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, created in an economic region that unites the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is the Main Directorate.

As part of territorial institutions, Cash Settlement Centers (hereinafter referred to as RCCs) and other divisions, including those supporting the activities of the territorial institution (canteens, medical and health institutions, educational institutions, etc.) operate as structural units. , the creation and liquidation of which is approved by the Bank of Russia.

Territorial institution

Participates in the implementation of a unified state monetary policy aimed at protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble;

Ensures the development and strengthening of the banking system of the Russian Federation, the efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the settlement system;

Carries out regulation and supervision of the activities of credit institutions, including in the securities market, organization of currency control;

A territorial institution does not have the status of a legal entity and has the powers granted to it by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

A territorial institution does not have the right:

Adopt regulations

Issue guarantees and sureties, bills of exchange and other obligations;

Provide loans to finance deficits of the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds;

Carry out banking operations in foreign currency with legal entities and individuals without the permission of the Bank of Russia.

The Bank of Russia provides a territorial institution with property, the value of which is reflected on the balance sheet of the territorial institution, which is an integral part of the balance sheet of the Bank of Russia.

Powers of the territorial institution in the field of monetary regulation:

1. Concluding loan agreements on behalf of the Bank of Russia and, in the case of assigning loan issuance operations to it, refinancing banks. For these purposes, the territorial institution:

a) considers applications from banks for loans from the Bank of Russia and makes decisions on the possibility of providing loans;

b) issues loans to banks and works to ensure the repayment of Bank of Russia loans and interest on them;

c) studies the effectiveness of applied methods for refinancing banks, submits proposals for their improvement to the Bank of Russia for consideration;

2. Monitoring compliance by credit institutions with mandatory reserve requirements of the Bank of Russia;

3. Exercise of other powers.

Powers of a territorial institution in the field of organizing money circulation and settlements:

2. Forecast, organization and regulation of money circulation in the region within the framework of monetary policy pursued by the Bank of Russia;

3. Organization of interbank settlements;

4. Organizing cash services for credit institutions and monitoring compliance with the established procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions;

5. Exercise of other powers.

The powers of the territorial institution to regulate, supervise and carry out inspections of the activities of credit institutions:

1. Review of documents necessary for registering credit organizations and obtaining a license for them;

2. Carrying out a preliminary review of documents from credit institutions applying to change the amount of authorized capital, to expand the range of transactions performed, preparing an opinion on the possibility of granting the credit institution the appropriate license and submitting it to the Bank of Russia;

3. Coordination of the appointment of heads of executive bodies and chief accountants of credit institutions and their branches, as well as heads of internal control services in credit institutions;

4. Review of audit reports submitted by credit institutions based on the results of their activities for the year;

5. Monitoring compliance by credit institutions with mandatory standards established by the Bank of Russia and other prudential standards of activity;

6. Application, in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank of Russia, of enforcement measures against credit institutions that have committed violations;

7. Exercise of other powers.

Legal status of cash settlement centers Bank of Russia is determined in accordance with the standard regulations approved By Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1996 No. 336.

The head settlement and cash center, the interdistrict settlement and cash center, the district settlement and cash center (hereinafter referred to as the RCC) are a structural division of the Bank of Russia, operating as part of the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia.

The main goal of the RCC as a structural unit of the Bank of Russia, carrying out banking operations with funds in a two-tier banking system, is to ensure the effective, reliable and safe functioning of the payment system of the Russian Federation.

The relationship between the RCC and the credit institutions it serves, representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government, federal treasury bodies, and other clients are built on a contractual basis.

The RCC is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the head of a territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in the manner determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

The head of the RCC manages the activities of the RCC and acts on behalf of the Bank of Russia on the basis of a power of attorney issued by way of delegation by the head of the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia.

The RCC has an identification code, a seal with its name and the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as stamps necessary to perform its functional tasks.

Main functions of the RCC:

1. Carrying out settlements between credit institutions (branches);

2. Providing cash services to credit institutions (branches);

3. Storing cash and other valuables, performing transactions with them and ensuring their safety;

4. Ensuring accounting and control of settlement transactions and reconciliation of mutual settlements through correspondent accounts (sub-accounts) opened for credit institutions (branches);

5. Cash settlement services for representative and executive bodies of state power, local governments, their institutions and organizations, budget accounts of all levels and federal treasury bodies of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds, military units, military personnel, employees of the Bank of Russia, as well as other persons in cases provided for by federal laws;

6. Serving clients who are not credit institutions in regions where there are no credit institutions;

7. Ensuring the protection of valuables, bank documents and banking information from unauthorized access;

8. Establishment of maximum cash balances in the operating cash desks of credit institutions (branches) and other legal entities and implementation of operational control over their compliance in accordance with the current procedure;

9. Other powers.

RCC carries out operations in accordance with the functional tasks assigned to it:

1. Opening, re-registration and closing of correspondent accounts (sub-accounts) for credit institutions (branches) at their location, as well as other accounts for legal entities and individuals;

2. Write-off (credit) of funds from the accounts (accounts) of credit institutions (branches), other legal entities and individuals;

3. Monitoring compliance with the rules and deadlines for settlement transactions by credit institutions, other legal entities and individuals;

4. Acceptance and issuance of cash to credit institutions (branches) and other legal entities and individuals;

5. Cash handling;

Russia is a country with the largest territory in the world, with many settlements, in each of which the Bank of Russia strives to have its own branch. In each region of our country, the Central Bank has its own branch, which is called the Territorial Branch of the Bank of Russia (TU). There are a total of 79 such Territorial Institutions, one in each subject of the Russian Federation. The exceptions are 4 subjects: Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Moscow Region.

If a territorial institution of the Bank of Russia is located on the territory of a republic, then it is called the National Bank of this republic. For example, the National Bank of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. If a territorial institution is located in any other subject of Russia, it is called the Main Directorate of the Central Bank (Bank of Russia).

The structure of National Banks and Main Directorates includes cash settlement centers, one of which is the head center (GRKTs). In total, there are 121 cash settlement centers in our country, of which 79 are head centers.

The capital of our homeland, the city of Moscow, has become an exception in this sense. There are no cash settlement centers in Moscow. Their functions are performed by 4 Branches, OPERU MSTU of the Bank of Russia and OPERU-1 of the Bank of Russia. The abbreviation OPERU stands for “operational management”.

Head cash settlement centers and simple cash settlement centers have their own BIC (bank identification code), consisting of 9 digits and formed in accordance with Regulation No. 225-P of the Bank of Russia:

  • the first 2 digits carry the code of the Russian Federation - 04;
  • the third and fourth digits mean the code of the territory of Russia according to OKATO (all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division) and these numbers for all cash centers coincide within the same Territorial institution;
  • the fifth and sixth digits indicate the conventional number of the unit in the Territorial Branch of the Bank of Russia; these figures are unique for each cash settlement center and cannot be the same within the technical specifications;
  • The seventh, eighth and ninth digits for GRKTs have the value 001.

Thus, recognizing the Head Cash Settlement Center by bank identification code (BIC) is easy and simple. The last digits of the BIC GRKTs are always 001.

Currently, the Bank of Russia is actively introducing electronic payment technologies, credit institutions are being transferred to single correspondent accounts, and many cash settlement centers are no longer needed. Their number is steadily declining. So, in the 90s there were more than 1,300 of them, by 2013 their number had decreased to 485. As of February 22, 2018, there were only 121 of them left.

Since February 2, 2015, the main cash settlement centers have officially changed their name and the abbreviations GRKTs are no longer used. Instead, the same organizations began to be called Main Directorates or branches for a specific subject of the Russian Federation or city.

As part of the main territorial departments there are cash settlement centers, which are structural divisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. According to the current Standard Regulations on the Cash Settlement Center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 1996 No. 336, the creation of RCCs, their reorganization and liquidation are carried out by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Federal Law on the Bank of Russia, the mentioned Model Regulations and others regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The name of the provision suggests its typical nature, i.e. in each specific case, the functions and powers of the RCC can be either supplemented or reduced.

RCCs are structural divisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation that carry out banking operations with funds in the conditions of the two-tier banking system of Russia. The main goal of the RCC is to ensure the efficient, reliable and secure functioning of the payment system of the Russian Federation.

The Bank of Russia has established the following structure of RCCs operating within a territorial institution:

  • - head cash settlement center;
  • - interdistrict cash settlement center;
  • - district cash settlement center.

The main goal of the RCC, which carries out banking operations with funds in a two-tier banking system, is to ensure the efficient, reliable and secure functioning of the payment system of the Russian Federation.

The RCC is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the territorial institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The head of the RCC manages the activities of the RCC and acts on behalf of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the basis of a power of attorney issued by way of delegation by the head of the territorial office of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The head, chief accountant, heads of structural divisions of the RCC and their deputies are responsible in accordance with current legislation for ensuring compliance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition, the heads of the RCC are obliged to ensure the safety of information constituting a state secret, as well as information of limited distribution. All RCC employees are required to keep this secret and comply with the established regime.

RCCs are vested with powers in almost all areas of activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus, as part of the organization of money circulation, they establish maximum cash balances at the cash desks of credit institutions and other legal entities and exercise operational control over their compliance, as well as monitor compliance with cash transactions. In addition, RCCs provide centralized forwarding of postal settlement and monetary documents at the intraregional and interregional levels in cooperation with specialized delivery services.

In the field of banking regulation, RCCs determine the implementation by credit institutions of mandatory reserves of funds, exercise control over the timeliness, completeness of transfers and reliability of settlements. By order of the main territorial administration (national bank), executed by way of delegation, the RCC has the right to participate in the provision of loans to banks from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner. RCCs can also perform other tasks specified in the Standard Regulations.

12. Territorial departments and cash settlement centers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The status of territorial institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is determined by the Regulations “On territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia”.

Territorial institution– a separate division of the Bank of Russia, which carries out part of its functions on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and is part of a single centralized system of the Bank of Russia with a vertical management structure.

Territorial institutions, as a rule, are created on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, territorial institutions can be created in economic regions that unite the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia are its main departments in the territories, regions and autonomous districts of the Russian Federation, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, national banks of the republics within the Russian Federation.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, created in an economic region that unites the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is the Main Directorate.

As part of territorial institutions, Cash Settlement Centers (RCCs) and other divisions operate as structural divisions, including those supporting the activities of the territorial institution, the creation and liquidation of which is approved by the Bank of Russia.

A territorial institution does not have the status of a legal entity and has the powers granted to it by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

The Bank of Russia provides a territorial institution with property, the value of which is reflected on the balance sheet of the territorial institution, which is an integral part of the balance sheet of the Bank of Russia.

The head settlement and cash center, the interdistrict settlement and cash center, and the district settlement and cash center are structural divisions of the Bank of Russia operating as part of the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia.

The main goal of the RCC's activities is as a structural unit of the Bank of Russia, carrying out banking operations with funds in a two-tier banking system, is to ensure the effective, reliable and safe functioning of the payment system of the Russian Federation.

The relationship of the RCC with the credit institutions it serves, representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government, bodies of the Federal Treasury, and other clients are built on a contractual basis.

The RCC is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the head of a territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in the manner determined by the board of directors of the Bank of Russia.

The head of the RCC manages the activities of the RCC and acts on behalf of the Bank of Russia on the basis of a power of attorney issued by way of delegation by the head of the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia.

The RCC has an identification code, a seal with its name and an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as stamps necessary to perform its functional tasks.

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  1. The legal status of cash settlement centers (CSCs) of the Bank of Russia is established by the Standard Regulations on the Cash Settlement Center of the Bank of Russia dated October 7, 1996 No. 336. According to this Model Provision, several general features of the RCC can be identified, namely:
- a cash settlement center is a structural division of the Bank of Russia, operating as part of a territorial institution of the Bank of Russia;
  • by its status it is neither a branch nor a representative office, since the territorial administration itself is recognized as a branch;
  • The RCC acts on behalf of the Bank of Russia, and accordingly, in all disputes arising regarding services at the RCC, the defendant will be the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • the named division is that section of the Bank of Russia that services the settlement activities of banks, carries out cash collection and other operations related to cash flow;
  • in settlement legal relations carried out through it, the RCC, not being an independent subject of law, acquires the status of a quasi-subject, since it receives an independent code and carries out settlements as if on its own behalf;
  • There are several types of cash settlement centers depending on the volume of transactions performed: the head cash settlement center, the interdistrict cash settlement center, the district cash settlement center. Separately, mention should be made of the Second Operations Directorate under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (OPERU-2), created on July 25, 1996 by a decision of the Board of Directors, which simultaneously carries out the functions of supervision of large credit institutions, on whose activities the stability of the banking system and the normal functioning of financial markets depend, and settlement and cash services, since this is where their correspondent accounts are opened and serviced.
  1. According to the provisions of OPERU-2, together with the Department of Prudential Banking Supervision of the Bank of Russia, it is developing mechanisms for daily monitoring of banks’ liquidity, identifying and limiting financial risks. His powers include the application to supervised banks of all enforcement measures provided for by banking legislation, including restricting operations and replacing managers. The department may apply for the appointment of a temporary administration to the bank or the revocation of the license to carry out banking operations.
The list of credit institutions transferring services to the new Department is determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. At the time of the creation of this division of the Bank of Russia, the first five banks were transferred to it for services: Avtobank, Agroprombank, Vneshtorgbank, Menatep and the International Finance Company. A little later under supervision
The second operational management was transferred to Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The issue of transferring other large Russian banks to OPERU-2 is being resolved as the Department is being formed. It is planned to create similar structures for personal supervision of large banks at the regional level in the territorial branches of the Bank of Russia, primarily in the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow.
  1. The main goal of the RCC as a structural unit of the Bank of Russia, carrying out banking operations with funds in a two-tier banking system, is to ensure the effective, reliable and safe functioning of the payment system of the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, the RCC is endowed with the appropriate functions. The main ones are:
  • carrying out settlements between credit institutions (branches);
~ providing cash services to credit institutions (branches);
  • storing cash and other valuables, performing transactions with them and ensuring their safety;
  • ensuring accounting and control of settlement transactions and reconciliation of mutual settlements through correspondent accounts (sub-accounts) opened for credit institutions (branches);
  • ensuring accounting and control of cash transactions through correspondent accounts (sub-accounts) opened for credit institutions (branches);
  • settlement and cash services for representative and executive bodies of state power, local governments, their institutions and organizations, accounts of budgets of all levels and federal treasury bodies of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds, military units, military personnel, employees of the Bank of Russia, as well as other persons in cases provided for by federal laws, as well as servicing clients who are not credit institutions in regions where there are no credit institutions;
  • ensuring the protection of valuables, bank documents and banking information from unauthorized access;
  • development and submission to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia of an emission forecast for the coming quarter as a whole for the serviced territory;
  • establishing a maximum amount of cash balances in the operating cash desks of credit institutions (branches), other legal entities and implementing operational control over compliance with this amount in accordance with the current procedure;
  • exercising control over the reliability of reporting on cash turnover compiled by credit institutions;
  • drawing up a calendar for issuing money for wages based on data from credit institutions and submitting it to the territorial office of the Bank of Russia;
  • checking in credit institutions the work to comply with the procedure for conducting cash transactions for the clientele they serve;
  • regulation of required reserves deposited with the Bank of Russia, monitoring the timeliness and completeness of the transfer of required reserves, checking the reliability of calculations of required reserves;
  • participation in the implementation of the functional tasks of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia: transfer of the right to provide Bank of Russia loans to banks; participation in inspections of credit institutions (branches); application of sanctions to serviced credit institutions in the form of a fine in accordance with Art. 75 ZotsB et al.
In addition, the RCC has the right to carry out transit and control operations on settlements with credit institutions located on the territory of the states that are part of the CIS and the Baltic countries, as well as on interregional and intraregional electronic payments. They are entrusted with ensuring centralized forwarding of postal settlement and monetary documents at the intraregional and interregional levels in interaction with specialized delivery services. They carry out cash settlements based on the results of transactions on the organized securities market and other transactions with securities. In this regard, RCCs provide accounting for operations on the issue and sale of bonds, payment of coupons on bonds of state republican internal loans, as well as other transactions with securities determined by the Bank of Russia.
  1. Like any other banking division, the goals and functions of the RCC are implemented through a set of operations carried out by it. RCC has the right to carry out the following types of operations:
  • opening, re-registration and closing of correspondent accounts (sub-accounts) for credit institutions (branches) at their location, as well as other accounts for legal entities and individuals;
  • debiting (crediting) funds from the accounts (accounts) of credit institutions (branches), other legal entities and individuals;
  • control over compliance with the rules and deadlines for settlement transactions by credit institutions, other legal entities and individuals;
  • control over the implementation of payments within the limits of funds available in the accounts of credit institutions (branches), other legal entities and individuals;
  • accounting for the write-off (credit) of funds by reflecting them on correspondent accounts (sub-accounts), settlement and current accounts, MFO accounts, as well as other accounts opened on the balance sheet of the RCC;
  • reconciliation of the reflection of settlement transactions on correspondent accounts (subaccounts) and other accounts opened on the balance sheet of the RCC and on the balance sheet of credit institutions (branches);
  • protection of settlement documents using special means;
  • acceptance and issuance of valuables from reserve funds;
  • accounting of emission transactions;
  • acceptance and issuance of cash to credit institutions (branches) and other legal entities and individuals;
  • cash processing;
  • opening and closing loan accounts for refinancing banks by the Bank of Russia on the basis of loan agreements concluded by a territorial branch of the Bank of Russia;
  • calculating interest on credit transactions, monitoring their timely and complete transfer.
  1. The relationship between the RCC and the credit institutions it serves, representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government, federal treasury bodies, and other clients are built on a contractual basis.
The creation of other RCCs, their reorganization and liquidation are carried out by decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. The RCC is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the head of a territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in the manner determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. The head of the RCC manages the activities of the RCC and acts on behalf of the Bank of Russia on the basis of a power of attorney issued by way of delegation by the head of the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia. The head, chief accountant, heads of structural divisions of the RCC and their deputies are responsible in accordance with current legislation for ensuring compliance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Bank of Russia. The staffing table of the RCC is approved by the head of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, taking into account the structure and salary schedule recommended by the Bank of Russia. The maintenance of the cash settlement center is carried out within the allocated budgetary allocations.
The heads of the RCC are obliged to ensure the safety of information constituting a state secret, as well as information of limited distribution. All RCC employees admitted to the specified categories of information are required to comply with the established regime for handling them. Information subject to protection is determined by regulations of the Bank of Russia.
The name of the RCC includes the names of the locality in accordance with its territorial location and the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, within which the RCC operates. The cash settlement center has an identification code (number according to the microfinance organization), a seal with its name and an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as stamps necessary to perform its functional tasks.