Anatomical and physiological features of the child's body. I.1 Anatomical and physiological features of the development of children of six to seven years old Psychological and physiological features of children 5-6 years old

The age period from 5 to 7 years is characterized by the physical and mental development of the child. This age is called the period of "first traction", when in one year the child can grow by 7-10 cm.

In a child, by the age of 5-6, the development of the musculoskeletal system (skeleton, articular-ligamentous apparatus, muscles) has not yet been completed. Each of the 206 bones continues to change in size, shape, structure, and different bones have different developmental phases.

The spinal column of a 5-7 year old child is sensitive to deforming influences. Skeletal muscles are characterized by weak development of tendons, fascia, ligaments. The posture of the child is disturbed with excessive body weight, as well as under adverse conditions (for example, with frequent weight lifting). Some joints are also disproportionately formed in preschoolers (Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education classes in kindergarten, a group of kindergarten preparatory to school: Notes of classes. M .: MOZAIKA-SINTEZ, 2011. P. 45-47).

By the age of six, the large muscles of the trunk and limbs are well developed in the child, but the small muscles are still weak, especially of the hands. Therefore, children relatively easily learn tasks in walking, running, jumping, but certain difficulties arise when performing exercises related to the work of small muscles.

The development of stable balance is the basis for the manifestation of motor activity. It depends on the degree of interaction of proprioceptive, vestibular and other reflexes, as well as on body weight and area of ​​support. With age, the indicators of maintaining a stable balance in a child improve. Girls have some advantage over boys when performing balance exercises. The development of the central nervous system is characterized by the accelerated formation of morphophysiological features.

At this age, the main processes are improved: excitation, and especially inhibition. A little easier in this period, all types of conditional inhibition are formed.

By the age of five, the size of the heart in a child (compared to the period of a newborn) increases by 4 times. Cardiac activity is also intensively formed, but this process does not end throughout the entire preschool age (Bezrukikh M.M., V.D. Sonkin, D.A. Farber. Age Physiology. M .: Academy, 2003. P. 136).

In the first years of life, the child's pulse is unstable and not always rhythmic. Its average frequency by six to seven years is 92-95 beats per minute. By the age of 7-8, the development of the nervous apparatus that regulates cardiac activity basically ends, and the work of the heart becomes more rhythmic.

The size and structure of the respiratory tract of a preschooler differ from that of an adult. The vital capacity of the lungs in children aged 5-6 years is on average 1100-1200 cm3, but it also depends on many other factors: body length, type of breathing, etc. The average number of breaths per minute is 25.

The need for motor activity in many children is so great that doctors and physiologists call the period from 5 to 7 years the “age of motor extravagance” (Lyubimova Z.V., Marinova K.V., Nikitina A.A. Age physiology. Part 1. M.: Vlados, 2004. S. 87). The age of five years is the last of the preschool ages, when fundamentally new formations appear in the child's psyche. This is the arbitrariness of mental processes - attention, memory, perception, etc. And the resulting ability to control one's behavior, as well as changes in ideas about oneself and in self-consciousness, and in self-esteem. The appearance of voluntariness is a decisive change in the child's activity: the goal of the latter is not to change the external objects surrounding the child, but to master one's own behavior. The child's idea of ​​himself, his image of I am significantly changing. In addition to the existing qualities, the child begins to have ideas about desirable and undesirable features and characteristics. So, a child of the sixth year of life does not say and does not think that he would like to have certain character traits, as happens with adolescents. A preschooler usually just wants to be like the characters in a fairy tale, movie, story, or someone they know. The child can imagine himself as this character - not play his role, namely, imagine, attributing his qualities to himself (Shapovalenko I.V. Age psychology. M .: Gardariki, 2005. P. 76).

In the development of mental processes, one can single out the fact that a cognitive task at the age of 5-6 years becomes a cognitive task for the child, and not a play one. He has a desire to show his skills, ingenuity. Memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception continue to develop actively.

The perception of color, shape and size, the structure of objects continues to improve. There is a systematization of children's ideas. They distinguish and name not only the primary colors and their shades by lightness, but also intermediate color shades; the shape of rectangles, ovals, triangles. They perceive the size of objects, easily line up - in ascending or descending order - up to ten different objects (Rean A.A. Psychology of a teenager. St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign, 2003. P. 125).

The stability of attention increases, the ability to distribute and switch it develops. There is a transition from involuntary attention to arbitrary. The volume of attention at the beginning of the year is 5-6 objects, by the end of the year - 6-7.

Also, arbitrary memory begins to form at the age of 5-6 years. With the help of figurative-visual memory, the child is able to remember 5-6 objects. The volume of auditory verbal memory is 5-6 words.

Figurative thinking continues to develop in the senior preschool age. Children are able not only to solve the problem visually, but also to transform the object in their mind, etc. The development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized and complex ideas develop, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes). In addition, the ability to generalize is improved, which is the basis of verbal-logical thinking. At preschool age, children still lack ideas about classes of objects. Objects are grouped according to features that can change. However, the operations of logical addition and multiplication of classes are beginning to take shape (Stepanov S.S. Big world of small children. M .: Drofa-Plus, 2006. P. 189).

The age of five is characterized by the flowering of fantasy. The child's imagination is especially vividly manifested in the game, where he acts very enthusiastically. The development of imagination at the senior preschool age makes it possible for children to compose quite original and consistently unfolding stories. The development of the imagination becomes successful as a result of special work to activate it. Otherwise, this process may not result in a high level. Phonemic hearing, intonational expressiveness of speech develop when reading poetry, in a role-playing game, in everyday life. Vocabulary becomes richer: synonyms and antonyms are actively used. Connected speech develops. Preschoolers can retell, tell from the picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

Thus, based on the information studied, it can be concluded that in the senior preschool age, intensive bone growth and the formation of the musculoskeletal apparatus continue. Therefore, it is advisable to select exercises and dose the load, taking into account age-related characteristics. In the mental development of the child, an important new formation appears - the arbitrariness of mental processes, these include memory, imagination, attention, etc. This event is significant for a given age and opens up new opportunities in the physical and intellectual development of the child.

The baby grows and develops every day and it is very important for parents to understand what exactly is happening with his body, as well as to know what development standards exist at a certain age in order to pay attention to emerging problems in time.

Today we want to talk about norms physiological development baby, because if in the first three years of a child the rate of growth and weight gain can be uneven and drastically depend on individual characteristics, then after three years the indicators of growth and weight gain are quite stable and predictable.

Height and weight of the child

Average child height at the age of 3 to 6 years is usually calculated by the formulas:

  • 100 cm - 8 (4 - n) for children under four years of age,
  • 100 cm + 6 (l - 4) for children over four years old.

In this formula, the value n- this is the age of the child, and 100 cm is the approximate height of a four-year-old toddler.

Based on the formula, approximate height a three-year-old child is approximately 92 cm, a five-year-old is 106 cm, and a six-year-old is 112 cm.

The body weight of a child annually increases unevenly: at 3 years old, weight gain is 1.0 - 1.3 kg., And at six to seven years old - 2.2-2.5 kg.

How much body mass your baby meets generally accepted standards can be calculated by the formula: 19 - 2 (5 - n), where n is the child's age.

Based on this formula, at three years old a child should weigh about 15-16 kg, at four - 16-17 kg, at five years old - 17-18 kg. The formula is only valid for children under the age of 5, after five, the child's body weight can be calculated using the formula 19 + 3 (n - 5), where n is the number of years. Based on this formula, at 6 years old, a child should weigh an average of 20-21 kg.

Head circumference, body proportions

One of the important signs of healthy development is the circumference. heads child . After a year, the change in the size of the child's head slows down greatly. In the second year of life, babies, as a rule, add only 1.5-2 cm, in the third year - 1-1.5 cm.

Head circumference can also be calculated using the formula:

  • 50 cm - 1 (n) for a child under 5 years old;
  • 50 cm + 0.6 ( n) for a child over five years of age.

The variable n in this formula is the child's age, and 50 cm is the head circumference of a five-year-old child.

Thus, according to the formula, the approximate head circumference of a baby is on average 47-48 cm, at four - only 48-49 cm, at five - 49-50 cm, and at six years old - already 50.6 cm .

standard circumference of the chest reflects the formula: 63 cm - 1.5 (10 -n), Where n- the age of the child, and 63 cm - the average chest circumference in a child of 10 years. Based on this formula, the chest circumference of a three-year-old child is approximately 52.5 cm, for a four-year-old it is already 54 cm, at five years old it is 55.5 cm, at six years old - 57 cm.

In children from 3 to 6 years old, the arms and legs grow much faster than the torso. By about 6-7 years, the length of the child's body usually increases by about 2 times or a little more, the length of the arms is almost 2.5 times, and the length of the legs is 3 times or more. This leads to a change in body proportions and shifts the center of gravity slightly downward, so that the child can move much more confidently and faster than before.

central nervous system

Brain a child by about five years of age is almost equal in size and mass to the brain of an adult (by 90%). After two years they start strengthen ties between the left hemisphere, which is responsible for speech, and the right, which forms all our visual-spatial and other perceptions.

By the age of 3, the nerve cells are already fully differentiated, and in the course of their development, the necessary individual changes have occurred. Until the age of five, the convolutions and sulci of the brain develop intensively.

Although the brain of a preschooler resembles the brain of an adult, the main nervous processes in the child proceed differently : there is no balance, the process of excitation prevails, and the processes of inhibition, on the contrary, are late in development. This explains the immediacy and sincerity of the child, as well as the restlessness and difficulty with concentration familiar to all parents.

Vision and hearing

After four years maximum visual acuity is achieved , and the child is almost ready for initial reading. At the age of five, he is already able to read large letters, and by the age of six - smaller ones. The kid is trying to draw and write. By the end of the preschool period, joint vision with both eyes is finally formed, and the child spatially perceives objects.

After 3 years, children have developed color vision, and as the child grows older, the perception of not only the primary colors, but also their shades improves. Usually the eyes of preschoolers are very sensitive to adverse environmental factors leading to visual defects, so parents should monitor the amount of time that the child spends at the computer and watching TV.

At the age of 3 to 6 years a child's hearing is no different from an adult's . However, due to the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the ear, a child at this age is predisposed to ear diseases, such as one of the complications of which is hearing loss.

Surgeon-otolaryngologist, ENT doctor of the highest category, consultant of the LIKAR.INFO website, Kot Vyacheslav Fedorovich says:« Acute otitis media is an infectious disease caused by a respiratory infection (viral or bacterial). Also, predisposing factors for the development of otitis media may be excessive size of the adenoid tonsil (hypertrophy) or a chronic inflammatory process (chronic adenoiditis), but it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of cause and predisposing factor. Active treatment of acute otitis media, depending on the severity of the course, the aggressiveness of the infection, the state of general and local immunity, lasts 7-14 days, and the complete restoration of damaged tissues and the function of the auditory analyzer can be delayed up to 3-4 weeks.

Musculoskeletal system

By the age of six or seven in a child start falling out , which contributed to better digestion, as well as the development of the jaws. The first permanent teeth erupt at about six years of age.

In the skeleton of a preschooler predominant cartilage tissue , the bones of the baby are still very malleable and cannot withstand heavy loads, changing under their influence. Is your fidget unable to stand or sit in the same position for a long time without moving? This is wonderful, because a long-term lack of movement in a child aged 3-6 years can lead to various postural disorders, stoop, curvature of the spine, changes in the shape of the legs and arch of the foot. The formation of the skeleton of the hand is almost completed before school, creating an important condition for the successful education of the child.

At the age of 3-6 years, first of all, the shoulders and forearms, and only by the age of six - the muscles of the hands. In this regard, children are not very good at fine work with their fingers, which may cause problems with writing and drawing. Classes at this age should be short enough to avoid fatigue of the still fragile muscles of the hands.

Physical activity

Improving the musculoskeletal system of the child is reflected in his motor activity and its physical qualities. Baby first masters general skills of physical activity - learns to run and jump, throw and climb, a little later, after 4 years, he masters drawing, application and modeling - connects . If at the age of three or four many of the child's movements are sharp and angular, then by the age of six they already become more rhythmic and smooth. Improving dexterity baby, but the endurance of the muscular system is still quite low.

A child at 3 years old is able to jump no more than 0.5 m in length, at six - 1 m and a little further. At three years old, a baby can throw a ball at 1.3-1.5 m, at six - at 2.5-3 m. Up to five years, children can only run short distances (10-30 m), at five six years - it is already possible to master the average (100-120 m.).

Respiratory system

In children aged 3 to 6 years lung capacity continues to increase , the functions of the respiratory organs are improved, the respiratory rate begins to decrease.

The increased depth of breathing leads to the fact that the blood is better saturated with oxygen. There are much fewer prerequisites for respiratory failure at six years of age than there were at three.

From the age of four, the tonsils are already quite well developed in children, and they easily hypertrophy. At this age, sore throats usually become more frequent, and a focus of chronic infection is often formed in the tonsils. Babies suffer, due to the increase in which breathing through the nose is difficult.

The cardiovascular system

Growth and heart muscle development in a child aged 3 to 6 years, it is directly proportional to the change in body length: by the age of three, the mass of the heart triples, and at six years old it increases by 11 times. At this age, the child's pulse decreases: from 105 beats per minute in a child of three years to 100 beats per minute in children of five years of age.

Arterial pressure lower in preschoolers than in older children. This is due to the large width of the vascular bed, the elasticity of the vessels and the rather low pumping capacity of the heart compared to adults.

Digestive organs

In order for digestion to proceed normally, food must be crushed - chewed. For this baby teeth aged 3 to 6 years must be healthy and bite is correct. Also, digestion in the body of a child cannot occur without sufficient secretion of saliva and digestive juices.

However, in children 3-6 years of age enzymatic activity of digestive juices is low and in addition, there is an increased absorption of the intestinal walls against the background of an underdeveloped nervous apparatus, which is one of the causes of various diseases of the child's gastrointestinal tract. The physiological capacity of the stomach in a three-year-old baby is approximately 400-600 mm, in a six-year-old - not much more. The time of renewal of epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa in children is from 12 to 24 hours.

Organs of urination and urination

By the age of five, the structure of the kidney of a child resembles the structure of the kidney of an adult. The mass of the kidney increases 5 times compared to the newborn, the length of the urethra reaches 5-6 cm in boys, and 1-2 cm in girls. The capacity of the bladder at the age of three to six years varies from 150 to 180-200 ml.

blood and immunity

In a child aged 3 to 6 years, the amount of hemoglobin exceeds 120 g / l. In the leukocyte formula, the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes changes annually. At four to five years, the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes is compared and averages 45% each. After five years, there is an increase in the number of neutrophils and a decrease in the number of lymphocytes. The older the child becomes, the lower the number of leukocytes in his peripheral blood becomes.

At the age of 3 to 6 years immune defense organism reaches a certain level of maturity, but children often get sick due to the large number of contacts in kindergarten and school. Also, preschoolers are prone to various allergic reactions.

Under the age features imply the psychological and physiological stages of development of children. Age is determined calendar and biologically (according to the degree of maturity). In order for a child to pass into adulthood as a harmoniously developed personality, it is important to create the right conditions that provide the necessary, but feasible load on the body and the psycho-emotional sphere.

Physical and mental development is directly related to the age of the child.

Visually, this is noticeable by:

  • increase in growth;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • acquiring dexterity in movements, work.

This is felt in the growing ability to memorize and use practical and theoretical knowledge appropriately, to show wisdom and insight. Children rarely fit into the classical developmental scheme, so it is very important to pay attention to each age period.

Experts distinguish several stages:

Stage Age, year
junior school6-11
middle school12-15
senior school16-18

Each subsequent stage of development differs from the previous one in terms of the intensity and qualitative characteristics of changes, and at the junction of some of them one has to cross the so-called "crisis boundaries".

If parents and teachers manage to keep the child from unwanted deviations, enrich mentally, train physically, then the human community will receive a socially adapted personality.

The child will be raised by a person who:

  • values ​​personal freedom and freedom of other people;
  • capable of humane management of his own life and influence on the lives of others;
  • healthy biologically and spiritually.

Age features in children

Already from the infancy, the child shows mental abilities:

  • remembers everyone with whom he directly contacts;
  • knows his toys and understands that he has received new ones;
  • distinguishes the meaning of frequently heard words;
  • takes interest in the world around him.

In the process of life, the child acquires the ability to learn "according to the program", but at first his brain absorbs only what he can understand and what is of interest. Attempts in various ways to give the unintelligent mind at least a rudimentary idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"adult" sciences (physics, chemistry, higher mathematics) failed, perhaps with the exception of especially gifted children.

Most teachers consider such forcing not only unnecessary, but also dangerous for the psyche.

Specialists in child psychology, such as Elkonin, Comenius, Shvantsara, Levitov, created serious works in the field of periodization of development. The main idea is reduced to an axiom: there are stages in the biological maturation of the body, nervous system and psyche. In direct connection with them, forces come for new knowledge, deep understanding.

The child is new to the adult world. He can patiently listen to complex concepts, memorize scientific terms, various information. But there is a reasonable risk that the baby will not only interpret them to the best of his understanding, but will experience anxiety and even fear of the incomprehensible, as was inherent in illiterate human ancestors.

At the same time, such a phenomenon as an unusually easy mastery of computer technology by young children turned out to be possible. Education and entertainment of a digital nature has accelerated and expanded the information loading of the brain.

But the possibilities of a child are not unlimited. If you do not strictly limit the time of communication with the computer, do not filter the information flow, physical and mental health may suffer.


Age characteristics of children are manifested in mental aspects:

  • mental well-being, the degree of internal comfort;
  • mood;
  • the impact of positive factors (encouragement) and disapproving (reproaches, instructions).

In the conditions of everyday life, these aspects affect the development collectively. The task of parents, teachers, and others is not to "go too far" in one direction or the other.

It is important to consider that the child only accumulates life values ​​and ideas.

He experiences not only positive, but also negative, and often frankly aggressive influence. The house, the street, the school give rise to the characteristic and individual features of the age.

The characteristic is expressed in the stay of the psyche in the current situation - here and now. The mind of a child does not see the future, does not rely on the past. The main thing for him is what he currently sees, hears, touches.

The kid is able to bitterly mourn his toy broken by someone, but he himself can throw on the floor, for example, an electronic device, an expensive typewriter, without worrying about their integrity.

The child does not yet know how to think, he lends himself to situational perception, which dictates momentary reactions:

  • joy;
  • chagrin;
  • lively and burning curiosity for objects, things, people, animals, plants;
  • apprehension, fear of an unusual situation;
  • emotional outbursts.

A small child lives more according to the laws of Nature than an adult. Memory fails to retain distinct memories of early childhood, except to the extent that it has had a tremendous effect on the mind.

This factor becomes the reason why an adult Homo sapiens, burdened with knowledge and experience, in most cases does not understand his child, is amazed at his “strange” actions, blames him for something completely natural and disappears by itself as he grows up.

It is not single actions that are subject to adjustment, direction, but repetitive ones that threaten to turn into a stable habit.

Another feature is that babies quickly lose interest in one in favor of the other. Having played with cubes, the designer, they immediately begin to run, jump, and after half an hour they insist on showing attention from their parents. This speaks of flexibility, openness of consciousness to everything that surrounds.

The desire for a frequent change of the object of interest coexists with a craving for constancy in terms of the familiar environment, well-known people, an established menu, wardrobe.

With unexpected changes, this feature becomes the cause of stubbornness, resistance, tears, tantrums.

Adults here need to act gently, with the understanding that the predictability of events is important for the baby. Only in familiar conditions does he feel confident and protected. The child wants more than a dozen times to enjoy the cartoon, the book that adults are tired of grinding their teeth.

The plot itself is not so important for the kid as the fact that he knows the content, recognizes the characters, remembers their lines. This causes him vivid emotions, pride in his competence, spiritual comfort. It is very important for a child to be well-fed, well-groomed, confident in loved ones, satisfied with their activities. Then he is calm, happy, joyfully active.

Physiological development

The age-related characteristics of children from the side of physiology are closely related to mental development, but each one develops at its own pace, so different children have different indicators and the ratio of these values.

Height and weight

To monitor the natural changes of the body, annual measurements of height and body weight are carried out. The table shows the indicators of the first 10 years of life, recognized as the norm.

Age Weight, kg Height, cm
newborn3,3 50
3 months5,3 60
7 months7,2 66
9 months8,8 71
1 year10 75
2 12,8 84
3 15,8 91
4 17 98
5 years18,7 104
6 2,3 109
7 22,1 116
8 24,7 121
9 27,2 126
10 30,2 130

The increase occurs in waves - then growth accelerates, then weight is noticeably added:

  • I body rounding - 1-4 years;
  • I stretching - 5-7 years;
  • II rounding - 8-10 years;
  • II stretching - 11-16 years;
  • III rounding (maturing period) - 16 years and lasts up to 20.


There is a disproportion between different parts of the body:

  • in an infant, the head is 1/4 the size of the entire body;
  • at 2 years - 1/5;
  • at 6 years old - 1/6;
  • at 12 - 1/7;
  • at 15 - 2/15;
  • for comparison, in an adult - 1/8.

Adolescents are distinguished by long limbs, a narrow undeveloped chest.

Bones and muscles

In the first years of life, the musculoskeletal system undergoes significant changes:

  • the outer compact tissue thins out, forming a cortical, dense layer of bones;
  • the volume of spongy substance increases, making the internal bone structure light, plastic.

Although by the age of 7 their ratio is compared, there is still a lot of cartilaginous tissue left in the skeleton, therefore, in general, the bone apparatus is fragile. Muscles grow more in length, especially intensively in adolescents, when the body is quickly stretched.

With the onset of physical activity, the protein composition of the muscles changes, which makes it possible to purposefully, but dosed pumping of all groups. But the child has a quick physical fatigue. The human skeleton is thoroughly strengthened by the age of 24, and the muscles - by about 30.

Preschoolers and schoolchildren should be supervised by adults in terms of:

  • a reasonable weight of a knapsack with books;
  • correct position of the spine;
  • restrictions on prolonged sitting;
  • avoidance of hypodynamia.

Cardiovascular and respiratory systems

In childhood, the need for oxygen is high. With a much smaller amplitude of chest rise than in an adult, the same amount of air is pumped through the lungs. For example, in infants, the respiratory rate is more than 3 times, and the heart rate is 2 times higher than the norm for adults.

The vessels are more dilated and the blood pressure is lower, for example:

  • at 3 years old - 78 units;
  • at 7 years old - 88;
  • at 27 - 114.

The pulse can dramatically change the frequency under the influence of muscular, emotional stress. These features require constant care for the flow of clean air into the room, regular walks, and outdoor games. Otherwise, physical and mental progress slows down.


Eruption and change of teeth is one of the important moments of the cellular construction of the stomach, digestion in general. The first teeth are cut at 6-8 months, all 20 units of the milk row come out at the border of 2 and 3 years.

At the age of 5, a change to permanent teeth begins, and by the age of 15-17, a teenager already has 28 real teeth.


A growing organism in conditions of active mobility and high heat transfer requires an enhanced balanced diet. Although the child eats less, but in terms of kg of weight, the volume of products is greater than that of an adult. The composition of food is also specific.

Most proteins (building material):

  • at 1 year - 4 g / kg of weight (four times more than the adult norm);
  • 2-5 years - 3.5;
  • 12-15 – 2,5;
  • 15-17 – 2.

In addition, fatty, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin components, a sufficient amount of pure water are needed.

Brain and CNS

Weight of the hemispheres by 9 months. doubles, triples by the age of 3, and reaches its full size by 10-12. Further, only the front zone grows. The reactivity of the brain and central nervous system gradually changes.

If the processes of excitation and inhibition in a child are unstable, then at primary school age there is selectivity in their manifestation. This is facilitated by the formation of a restraining, self-limiting ability of the brain, the central nervous system. In older schoolchildren, there is a noticeable analytical and synthetic improvement in nervous activity.

Endocrine glands

The activity of the goiter, thyroid, adrenal, gonads and the pituitary gland of the brain directly affect the formation of individual parts, vital systems of the organism as a whole:

  • for growth;
  • interconnection of all synthesis processes (assimilation);
  • development of organs, brain;
  • teething;
  • metabolic rate;
  • muscle function;
  • work of the nervous network;
  • mental stability;
  • development of sexual characteristics.

If at least one gland is disturbed, a serious imbalance occurs in the body, for example, problems arise with walking, proportions are distorted, metabolism weakens, and the level of intelligence does not increase.

Individual character traits in children

The uniqueness of a person is manifested from an early age, when the child clearly outlines himself as a separate element in the world around him.

This unity:

  • hereditary psychotype (fast, active or calm, non-initiative);
  • natural physical abilities;
  • inclinations, talents.

Recognition, skillful direction of individual characteristics in the right direction helps an extraordinary adult personality to take place, to avoid complexes and self-criticism.

Perception of space by children at different ages

Babies 4-5 weeks old already have the ability to hold their eyes on an object that is 1-1.5 m away. At 2-4 months. they can move their focus following moving objects at a distance of 4-7 m. By 5 months. move from jerky to smooth shifting of the gaze. By 10 months the child learns a more complex mastery of space - the movement of the head, then the body in sync with the eyes.

It was not possible to establish when exactly simple tracking turns into a conscious search for an object, but it has been proven that the movement of an object stimulates the movement of the gaze, its focusing into perspective.

For an older child, the concept of space refers to his own separate room, or at least a corner. Experts came to the conclusion that being alone with oneself helps to “decompose on the shelves” of the information received, impressions. The child feels like a master in his personal territory, this gives him significance in his own eyes, increases self-esteem in the team.

Lack and lack of personal space, or incorrect intrusion are regarded by children as an expression of distrust towards them, painful total control. As a result, there are outbreaks of irritation, aggression, or isolation occurs.

But it happens that a preschooler or schoolchild does not strive to communicate with peers, spends all his free time in solitude. It is necessary to delicately find out the reasons for such behavior, consult a child psychologist.

Description of features in children depending on age

The boundaries of childhood and adolescence vary depending on:

  • countries;
  • culture;
  • social structure.

In Russia, the official children's age begins at birth and lasts up to 15 years, adolescence (puberty) - from 15 to 18 years, that is, until adulthood. Both periods have their own characteristics and needs.

Newborn Crisis

The stage of infancy was marked last of all and it was decided that this would be the first year of life.

The neonatal crisis (chain of change) is as follows:

  • transition from the mother's body to the external environment;
  • restructuring for individual nutrition;
  • the beginning of the development of higher nervous activity (reflexes).

Nature endowed the newly born baby with 3 unconditioned reflexes:

  • sucking;
  • defensive in the form of a cry;
  • orientation - turn to the voice, light source.

Conditioned reflexes appear quite quickly.

If in the first weeks there are disordered, uncoordinated jerks of the limbs, eyes, the movement occurs with the whole body with bent legs, the cry is not accompanied by tears, then from the end of the first month. before the beginning of IV, the eyes already know how to follow, only the head turns to the sound, tears appear, a smile, albeit weak, but attention to the environment.

From 4 months the baby begins to grab, to rise independently to sit down, demonstrates recognition. For 7-8 months. legs can hold the body while standing, and the brain understands, remembers words.

By the end of the year, most babies walk freely, pronounce separate words to the place. Experts are sure that perception during this period is rich, overtaking motor functions, and the most developed sensitivity is skin. It is on a tactile (contact) basis that most reflexes are formed.

Infancy period (from 1 to 3 years)

Year 2 is different:

  • eruption of all milk teeth;
  • increasing the capacity of digestion;
  • intensive growth;
  • active development of organs, motor apparatus.

Rapidly emerging conditioned reflexes are fragile and will continue this way for up to 5 years. The development of receptive (hearing) perception of speech is ahead of conversational capabilities.

By the 3rd year, the vocabulary increases much, the ability to correctly build phrases comes, to put a specific and generalizing meaning into words (a chair in general, a dog in general), to understand the purpose of objects (put on a dress, eat from a plate).

In the 3rd year, the baby learns to build relationships with children and adults. He strives for independence, therefore, he is freed from guardianship by stubbornly insisting on his own. This is a signal to parents that it's time to give a little freedom. Strengthening the muscular, respiratory apparatus increases the need to run and jump a lot.

It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to use up energy, otherwise overexcitation sets in, sleep and appetite worsen, capriciousness increases. At the same time, overwork should not be allowed. A reasonable way out is to periodically arrange a rest with reading, cartoons, drawing, calm puzzles, and a designer.

At the junction of 3 and 4 years, there is a crisis - a transition to a new stage of mental development, which will contribute to good adaptation.

Preparation for school (3 - 5 years)

There are fewer age-related features in the preschool period, but they are deeper. Children of the 3rd year are distinguished by an involuntary type of attention, memory, and thinking. The sphere of knowledge still remains situational, that is, it concerns what gets into the eyes at the current moment.

But at the same time, enriched speech gives a new understanding of the essence of things, makes communication more diverse. Their emotional background is unstable, psychological comfort is required.

Children aged 3-5 attend kindergarten to get in-depth social experience, learn to get along in a close community of their own kind, and gain knowledge in preparation for school.

Work in preschool institutions is built taking into account the growing capabilities of kids:

  • games are moving from just entertaining to educational;
  • simple techniques for developing memory are memorizing letters, numbers, new words in one's own and other languages;
  • drawing, singing, reciting, dancing are introduced into the creative world;
  • fun sports strengthen health, self-esteem.

At this age, parents can help discover a bright natural gift. There are many early development schools, circles, gyms for this.

Preschool age is marked by violent fantasy, closely intertwined with reality. Children sincerely believe in what they themselves invented and present it as valid. Before scolding the baby for “lying”, you need to understand what directed his thoughts to a lie or an undesirable act. Often, over the conflict situation, it remains only to laugh together and peacefully agree on how to behave in the future.

Development of younger students (6 - 11 years old)

In this period, the organs, except for the genitals, are already fully structured and will only grow further, improve the internal relationship. This also applies to the brain. By the age of 8-9, the anatomical formation of the hemispheres ends.

The conductivity of neurosignals improves, spontaneous excitation of nerve centers is mitigated due to increased inhibition. If earlier it was difficult to calm down a child who had played out, now muscles and nerves quickly move from activity to rest.

In order for a child to pass into adulthood as a harmoniously developed personality, it is important to create the right conditions that provide the necessary, but feasible load on the body and the psycho-emotional sphere.

Thanks to the full work of the motor zone of the brain, coordination improves. A 6-7-year-old student is firmly able to run, jump, climb, catch, throw. He easily masters skiing, cross-country, figure, roller skates, bicycle.

At school, the child quickly adapts to the precise work of small muscles - writing, drawing, cutting, gluing, tying knots.

Younger schoolchildren, despite their high physical activity, expend almost half as much energy from their basal metabolism as an adult. At the same time, the blood supply to all tissues is 2 times greater.

At first glance, the child is able to tirelessly run for hours. This is an erroneous impression. In the primary school period, the size of the heart lags behind the size of the vessels. Over time, they will achieve mutual balance, but until the age of 11-12, a strong tension of the heart muscle causes arrhythmias and threatens with exhaustion.

The muscles of the back, skeletal bones still cannot statically hold the spine and other departments in the correct position for a long time. To avoid violations of posture and health, younger students should regularly engage in physical education,

The child is intellectually raised to the next level. The development in the school of perseverance, concentration, the ability to introspect forms a personal point of view, a role in social relations - friendship, competition.

Development of children from 12 to 15 years

In the documents of the UN Population Fund, it is recorded that the age of 10-19 years is considered adolescence: up to 14 years old it is called early, and from 15 - late. This is due to the appearance of the main symptom - puberty. With the onset of hormonal changes, it is more difficult for children to concentrate on their studies, perseverance and patience decrease.

The teenage state of the endocrine sphere causes:

  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue (activity is replaced by a decline in performance);
  • imbalance (a sharp change in mood, behavior).

Middle school age is marked by an increase in intellectual abilities, concretized thinking is transformed into a logical one. Preference for certain sciences, types of activity begins to appear. For many, this will be decisive in choosing a profession.

Gradually weakens the close relationship with the family. Communication with peers comes to the fore. Teenagers experience attraction to the opposite sex, which gradually turns into sexual attraction. Already from this age, doubts about the foundations, rules, public opinion are ripening.

Someone earlier, someone later begins to rebel, fences off from loved ones, fighting for independence. This is just the beginning, parents will need maximum patience until the children are fully grown.

The body of a teenager again becomes disproportionate:

  1. The muscles only have time to stretch behind the actively growing limbs, which makes the movements awkward, there is no place for the hands.
  2. Increasing strength does not coincide with muscle endurance, leading to overstrain with underdosed loads, threatening to distort the skeleton.
  3. The size of the heart overtakes the size of the vessels. As a result, blood pressure rises under stress.

Adolescents of puberty (puberty crisis) are suitable for medium-intensity sports, for example, winter and summer skating, cycling, cross-country skiing.

Formation of the personality of children of senior school age

Age features of children 16-18 years old are characterized by the complete formation of the psyche and physiology. Intellectual abilities continue to improve, which is expressed in philosophizing, the desire to understand oneself, and irreconcilable demands on the environment.

The inability to live at home in a separate room, where adults are ordered to enter, inflicts a painful wound on the pride and independence of older students.

Ends puberty, elongation of the body. Mass gain begins, a big surge of muscle strength, endurance. External and internal proportions become harmonious.

Psychologists consider boys and girls to be well-formed personalities, for the most part capable of self-education.

Development and upbringing of a child by age

On the way from a weak, completely dependent being to a full-fledged member of the community, you need to go through several periods of crisis.

Parents should correctly understand and evaluate the age characteristics of children:

  • bodily development is an unceasing process with individual terms for each phase;
  • the age limits for the improvement of intellect and self-awareness are very wide;
  • at the heart of the formation of the personality are the educational abilities of parents, material, social, educational, environmental and many other factors.

At different age stages, you need to constantly look at the features inherent in a particular child. Knowledge of the general principles of development suggests the true reasons for this or that behavior of the younger generation. Keeping this in mind, it is easier to come to an understanding, to facilitate the adaptation of children in the world of adults.

Video about the age characteristics of children

Preschool child development:

For a certain ontogenesis, specific anatomical and physiological differences are characteristic. Differences between groups are determined not by the quantitative features of the structures, but also by the functional features of individual organs, of the whole organism.

In children, the acceleration of the physical this period is an intensive growth of the bones of the legs, bends are formed, the structure of the cartilage tissue of the bone changes.

Physiologists distinguish that the period from 5 to 7 years is called the "first traction", one year the child grows by 7-10 cm (Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education with children 5-6 years old. P. 4). By the age of 7, the average body of boys is 118-128 cm, girls - the average weight of boys in this ranges from 22.4 to 28 kg, 21.2 to 27.8 kg. acquires more and more adult, as well as spontaneity, mobility, six-year-old children's endurance, improves movements.

The development of the musculoskeletal (skeleton, articular-ligamentous muscles) of the child is not yet this age. bones continue in size, shape, and in different phases of development, the vertebral column is also vulnerable to influences. Since the older one has an insufficiently formed column and weak muscles, therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to landing with a table during various tasks.

The development of the central system is characterized by the formation of a number of features. Thus, the mass of the brain intensively up to the age of 7 is 1250g. Stormy frontal lobes Complicated, becomes intense mental child.

In children of 6-7 years old, the stereotypes that form the basis of skills and are formed enough to restructure them is difficult.

The child has basic nervous excitation, and especially the preschooler is already capable of his muscle. Further complication of motor skills continues. Steps improve, their length increases, the coordination of hand movements and

The authors of the book "From School" G.A. M.P. Deryugin's attention to the fact that children of age do not have enough manual dexterity, which will cause them to master the letter. it is important to systematically speed up and coordinate the brushes not only with school, but to begin the formation of small ones only with the help of gymnastics or modeling, but also with mastering graphic

The size of the heart in comparison with the period increases by 4 times, activity is also intensively formed, but this one ends even in

Paying attention to the fact that during the period the development of the frontal brain takes place, the scientists of this period formed the regulating speech. Up to 6-7 years, the vocal trachea and bronchi are narrow. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is rich in blood. The mass of the lungs, the number of lumen of the bronchioles increase. By 5-7, the formation of the acinus ends. An age-related character of adaptation of respiration to muscle is noted. Respiratory rate decreases with: by the end of the year of life it is 30–35 per minute, and at 4–7 years old, respiration and lung times increase with age, consumption is almost 2 times. These indicate that the possibilities of children fully ensure growth and development.

There is a further immune system, builds up complement. Increases in immunoglobulins: the content of immunoglobulins M reaches an adult to 4-5 immunoglobulins G - in 5-6 years. The level of immunoglobulins in preschoolers.

Significantly increase the mass of eye children 6 years of age, the formation of refraction is still ongoing, to develop deep years, the sharpness reaches 0.86. perception of objects and distinguish colors of schoolchildren Increased sharpness of the ability to differentiate 6-year-old hearing into word tones. The sensitivity to the ability to differentiate them improves.

As the child moves, the mass and contractile muscle tissue. muscle strength during is determined gradually by physical activity during exercise. In the younger preschool muscles, the extensor muscles are not enough and therefore the child takes on the wrong lowered head, shoulders, stooped sunken chest. By 5, the musculature increases significantly, especially the musculature of the lower muscles, and strength also increases. Strength indicators reflect both age development and physical education.

Thus, it is characterized by accelerated development.

During preschool age, the child goes a long way in physical and mental development.

In the sixth year of life, children begin a period of intensive formation of motor skills. There are well-known prerequisites for this: the proportions of the body change noticeably, which creates the stability of the posture, the sense of balance improves, the coordination of movements improves based on the improvement of the functions of the nervous system and the acquired experience; muscle strength increases.

In walking, coordination of movements of the arms and legs, rhythmic separation of the legs from the ground is observed. Jumps are made with greater confidence, ease and softness of the landing. However, due to the still significant mobility of the spine and the possible flattening of the unformed arch of the foot, jumps should be carried out under the strict supervision of the teacher.

In running, climbing and throwing, children achieve noticeable improvement: greater confidence and accuracy of movements, a fairly developed eye, dexterity, focus and coordination of movements.

Under the conditions of upbringing and education, the child develops the simplest forms of learning activity: understanding the learning task, striving for the quality of its implementation, manifestation of curiosity and interest in the result of one's efforts, satisfaction from what has been achieved. In this regard, there is a significant shift in the quality of movements. The child understands, for example, that the strength and range of the throw when throwing depends on the best swing and stability of the body, and easy and fast running depends on the strong, elastic repulsion.

In a seven-year-old child, the ongoing process of ossification makes the spine stronger. The ossification of the small bones of the hand and fingers is close to completion. These changes give the child's body more stability and make it easier for him to perform such movements as torso twists, one-legged stance, and the like.

Significant differences in the motor activity of a 7-year-old child are as follows: at this age, there is a more perfect coordination of movements, their greater savings, and the elimination of unnecessary movements. Thanks to the development of higher nerve centers, the child shows voluntary attention, conscious volitional efforts, and the ability to draw up a preliminary plan of action.

In the movements of a 7-year-old child, meaningfulness, the ability for self-control, a fairly correct assessment of the process and results of movements, both of their own and of their comrades, are visible.

Significant changes in higher nervous activity occur in older preschool age. According to its characteristics, the brain of a six-year-old child is more similar to the brain of an adult.

In older preschool age, physical development in girls proceeds more intensively than in boys. The jump in physical development at the age of six or seven years is due to neuroendocrine changes in the child's body. Doctors consider this period to be critical, they note a decrease in physical and mental endurance and an increase in the risk of the disease.

A distinctive feature of preschool children is the predominance of shallow breathing. The development of the lungs at this age is not yet fully completed: the nasal passages, trachea and bronchi are relatively narrow, which makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs, the child’s chest is raised, as it were, and the ribs cannot fall as low on exhalation as in an adult. Therefore, children are often unable to take deep breaths in and out.

At six or seven years of age, a significant development of the respiratory system is noted: the depth of breathing and pulmonary ventilation increase in the child. This indicates the expansion of motor abilities of children.

The muscular system performs movements, maintaining balance, and also performs a protective function - it protects against shock, damage to the skeletal system and internal organs.

By the age of six, the child's muscle mass (especially of the lower extremities) increases significantly, the strength and performance of the muscles increase.

By the age of seven, the backbone strength increases significantly - the strength of the muscles of the body. In older preschoolers, the large muscles of the trunk and limbs are well developed, providing a variety of complex movements: running, jumping, climbing, and so on.

The skeletal system, ligaments, joints provide both the position of the body and the possibility of moving its parts in different directions, performing, in addition, a protective function.

Excessive physical activity adversely affects the development of the skeleton, delays the growth of bones. Moderate in terms of load and physical exercises available for a given age, on the contrary, stimulate the growth of bones, contribute to their strengthening.

By the age of seven, the development of the musculoskeletal system occurs: the bones of the skeleton slightly change in shape, size and structure, but the process of ossification has not yet been completed, and in some departments it is just beginning.

In older preschool age, the constancy of the cervical and thoracic curvature of the spine is established. At six or seven years of age, intensive growth of the cranial bones is noted.

From the age of seven, the fusion of the pelvic bones begins, so high jumps on a hard surface are dangerous. This can lead to deformation of the pelvic bones.

The formation of posture is significantly influenced by the static-dynamic function of the foot. Even a slight change in its shape can cause a violation of the correct position of the pelvis and spine.

The cardiovascular system begins to function before other systems.

By the age of six, it continues to develop and grows along with an increase in body size. By the age of seven, the heart takes on the shape of an adult. The pulse becomes steady, rhythmic, less frequent.

All processes in the body are directed and controlled by the central nervous system.

The main differentiation of nerve cells is almost complete by the end of preschool age.

At six or seven years of age, greater excitability, reactivity, as well as high plasticity of the nervous system in children contribute to a better, and sometimes faster than in adults, mastering rather complex motor skills - skiing, figure skating, swimming.

At the older preschool age, the maturation of nerve cells and the brain ends, but slight excitability remains. The nervous system stabilizes, behavior becomes more stable. Motor functions are well regulated, including fine motor skills.

The older preschool age plays a special role in the mental development of the child: during this period of life, new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior begin to form.

The most important features of the mental development of older preschool children are the predominance of excitation over inhibition, instability of attention, impulsiveness in behavior, great emotionality, and concreteness of perception and thinking.

At this age, the foundations of the future personality are laid: a stable structure of motives is formed; new social needs arise (the need for respect and recognition of an adult, the desire to perform important for others, “adult” things, to be “adult”; the need for peer recognition: older preschoolers actively show interest in collective forms of activity and at the same time - the desire in the game and other activities to be the first, the best; there is a need to act in accordance with the established rules and ethical standards); a new (mediated) type of motivation arises - the basis of voluntary behavior; the child learns a certain system of social values, moral norms and rules of behavior in society, in some situations he can already restrain his immediate desires and act not as he wants at the moment, but as he “should”.

In the seventh year of life, the child begins to realize his place among other people, he develops an internal social position and the desire to meet his needs of a new social role. The child begins to realize and generalize his experiences, a stable self-esteem and a corresponding attitude to success and failure in activities are formed.

Senior preschool age is a period of active development and formation of cognitive activity. Children prefer intellectual activities over practical ones. Scattered, specific little-conscious impressions about the surrounding reality become more and more clear, clear and generalized, some holistic perception and understanding of reality appears, the beginnings of a worldview appear.

During this period, there are significant changes in the structure and content of children's activities. Starting with imitation of an adult, through the flourishing of a role-playing game, a child comes to mastering more complex activities that require a new, arbitrary level of regulation based on awareness of the goals and objectives of the activity and ways to achieve them, the ability to control their actions and evaluate their results.

Older preschoolers begin to control their behavior, perception, memory, mental activity. This is due to the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes, the purposefulness of actions.

The senior preschool age is the age of the development of the will as a conscious control of one's behavior, one's external and internal actions. Children of six or seven years of age master the ability to control the position of their body based on muscle sensations.

Imitation continues to play a significant role in the performance of volitional actions, but it has a conditioned reflex character, arbitrarily controlled by action.

Of great importance is the verbal instruction that encourages the performance of the assigned action.

The very process of volitional action changes: there is an awareness of the upcoming action.

In older preschoolers, the motives for volitional actions are sharply restructured: the motives of seven-year-old children come out more and more clearly as one of the decisive conditions that ensure stable and long-term volitional tension.

One of the motives that acquire decisive significance for the child by the end of the senior preschool age is the expectation of an assessment of his actions by the educator and peers. Not wanting to be worse, weaker than his comrades, he can show considerable willpower and endurance. Therefore, the teacher has the opportunity to subtly "instrument" his influence on different children, causing the necessary volitional effort on their part.

Thus, the period of senior preschool age is characterized by an increase in body height and proportions, the development and restructuring of all physiological systems of the body.

Physiological changes and changes taking place in the child's consciousness lead to the fact that at the senior preschool age the child becomes ready to accept a new social role for him as a schoolchild, to assimilate new activities and a system of specific and generalized knowledge.
