A conspiracy to please a specific man. Universal conspiracy for sympathy

Rituals and conspiracies for female attractiveness have a very long and colorful history. Thus, at the beginning of the 17th century, the first sentences for mirror image appeared. They were used immediately before release. Later, the fashion for conspiracies to attract male attention came. The strongest was called a conspiracy to please men who read about cosmetics, a personal item from the wardrobe or jewelry.

Over time, other types of rituals and conspiracies appeared, aimed at making men admire a woman and look only at her. Many of the ancient rituals have survived to this day, and are now actively used by women and young girls.

It should be understood that such a conspiracy to please men will not help you meet a boy, or bewitch someone from a distance. It is designed to attract people, especially men, to you without much difficulty.

Features of the plot to attract the attention of men

Although such rituals are effective, they require compliance with certain preparation rules. It is important not to forget about the correct pronunciation of the text; you should not get confused and repeat it.

This ritual will not work if:

  • the woman or girl is not washed and combed;
  • the girl smells bad;
  • the girl uses foul language when communicating with men;
  • treats other girls with disdain;
  • talks about the ritual performed;
  • wants to bewitch a man from a distance.

It is calmness, nobility and self-confidence that maximizes the chances of the conspiracy being highly effective. The magic of making everyone around you like it is designed to charge a woman’s aura with increased sexuality, cementing in the head the idea of ​​one’s irresistibility.

If a girl is untidy, if she is rude in dealing with men, she will a priori not become popular with them, and a love spell that helps to please will not help to achieve favor or attention. A clean and tidy outfit also plays an important role, in which a woman feels confident and calm, and then such a plot to please all men will be effective.

How to carry out a ritual for the attention of a man

As in any ritual, it is important to follow all the steps of the ritual that a woman must read in order to please or attract the attention of people. First of all, this is preparation for the ceremony. The best way To prepare yourself and your consciousness for magical effects in order to please men is a three-day fast, both in food and drinks, and in sexual life.

The following time periods are suitable for such rituals and for rituals that are designed to bewitch:

  • women's days;
  • the day you were born;
  • Easter Eve;
  • Christmas Eve;
  • full moon period.

TO Women's Day Weeks include: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. But it’s better to give preference to your birthday or women’s days on the eve of major Orthodox holidays. It is on these days that the easiest way is to bewitch love, to talk to someone you like, or to evoke passion.

When the day is chosen, you need to take care of preparing magical tools and accessories. The conspiracy itself to please men includes two stages.

Stage one

So for the ritual of attractiveness you will need: five thin candles bought in a church shop, a glass of sacred or melt water, a new lipstick chosen for yourself, face cream, skin care product, shampoo and a new bottle of your favorite perfume.

With the onset of darkness, two to three hours before midnight, you need to take a bath with aromatic oils, relax, enjoying the contemplation of your body, feel your sexuality and your desirability for men. Having finished taking water procedures, do not dry yourself with a towel, let the moisture remain on your body. Go to the room where the ceremony will be held, you don’t need to dress, the plot to attract attention is done in the nude:

  1. Spread a silk tablecloth on the table (the color does not matter, but practice magicians advise giving preference to red, as the color of passion).
  2. Place all the new cosmetics you prepared in advance in the center.
  3. Place candles around your beauty products.
  4. Next, you need to light the candles from left to right, counterclockwise, reading the plot for each of them.

First candle:

“Clean body, bright face, white skin!”

Second candle:

“For thin hands, for tremulous fingers, for strong nails!”

Third candle:

“Scarlet lips, black eyebrows, radiant eyes, wavy curls!”

Fourth candle:

“For a flexible figure, for a high chest, for becoming a king!”

Fifth candle:

“Sweet speeches, hot glances, bodily desires, emotional disturbances!”

Blowing out the match that lit the candles, exhale and say:

“I order you!”

  1. Next, you need to take melted (or holy) water prepared in advance.
  2. Pour it into a flat container (a small tea saucer will do) and say:

“To the creator of the human race, my appeal is directed, my Lord, to the one who gives spiritual grace to us living. The Almighty, who grants eternal salvation to every person. I turn to the Lord God Himself, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in an emotional outburst. Help me with your strength, bless me with your spirit, save my soul and body, Servant of God ( given name). Give me bodily beauty, may your will be done, I ask and pray to you for this. Amen".

  1. Now you need to moisten all the prepared cosmetics with the charmed water, iron them lightly, do not water them, just a drop is enough.
  2. Wet your fingers right hand in the charmed liquid, and touch each item one by one, leaving a wet mark on it.
  3. When touching, say:

“Help me, I will thank you!”

  1. Next, place the saucer with water on the windowsill, let it stand there until all the liquid has evaporated.
  2. The candles need to be extinguished in the reverse order, that is, with the left hand, but from right to left.
  3. After extinguishing the last light, say:

“The circle is closed! Amen!".

Now you can go to bed. This completes the first stage of the ritual.

Leave cosmetics and candles on the table until the morning. Open the windows and let the moonlight fall on these things.

Stage two

When you wake up in the morning, don’t look in the mirror, go straight to the table with the charmed beauty products. Take the charmed shampoo and skin care product and go to the bathroom. Important! Don't look in the mirror, not even briefly!

Take a bath or morning shower using the charmed remedies. While bathing, read the hex:

“Early in the morning, I, the Servant of God (proper name), will wash myself with magic soap and wipe my face with a fresh, enchanted white towel. Now all the people in this world will look at me, because I will be more beautiful than the sun, brighter than the stars, whiter than snow. I will attract everyone to me with the smell of honey. I will blossom under the moonlight, I will grow stronger under the sun’s rays, I will loosen up under the night stars and gird myself at dawn. From this moment and forever. Amen".

Many people believe that such conspiracies are absolutely harmless, forgetting that they are nothing more than love magic. If their use is associated with malicious intent, then avoid negative consequences it won't work.

Sometimes a lady desperately wants the guy she likes to suddenly call him, even if there is no reason for this, and not just single her out from the crowd. What to do in this case? You will have to use a conspiracy to get the guy to call, as a result he will do it many times, and not just once. As a result of the conspiracy, he will have an irresistible desire to constantly hear the voice of the woman who performed this ritual.

If you want ordinary entertainment, or your soul is tormented by a thirst for revenge, then you should not use the conspiracy. Even such a seemingly harmless conspiracy “to make a loved one call” is magical; it carries out outside interference in someone’s destiny, and the consequences of such an invasion for the intruder will not be at all rosy.

A person using a spell must take into account the difference between natural sympathy and sympathy caused artificially, using magic. The one on whom the ritual was performed will consider the sudden attraction to another person to be natural; in his sensations, reality will look quite natural, and love will seem to him to be his own.

How to perform a ritual of great impact

If you have to resort to magic for the first time, it is better to use the following plot, since it does not make a strong correction in life. Since there will be no changes in a person’s fate, it can rightfully be considered a not too dangerous action from the rituals of love magic.

There are situations when a lady wants a call from a specific person, then this plot will do in the best possible way, because it is as safe as possible, but at the same time it is quite strong.

The ritual can be carried out on your own, and you need to start it with visualization, that is, imagine the most vivid image of your loved one, own desire, while fully concentrating. During the action you need to say the following words:

“My beloved (further say his name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a girl, stately and beautiful, good to everyone and for everyone, and I love you. Pick up the phone and quickly dial my number. I will respond, and your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

With the help of thought and visualization, you can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy. For it to work, you must believe in it, clearly imagine the actions of the person you like, that he picks up the phone and calls, that this is his own desire, and literally in a matter of minutes he will do it.

Spell for a call from a sweetheart

To perform this ritual, you need to have a photo young man and a blank piece of paper on which you need to write your phone number. A sheet of paper should be placed on the photograph so that the number is at the level of the man’s head, and the spell should be read three times:

“My beloved falcon, my desired, beautiful!
Remember our meetings, quickly open your heart to me.
Come on, remember my number and invite me on a date!”

The man must spend the night in exactly this form with a piece of paper and a photo, after which in the morning the sheet must be burned, go outside and scatter the ashes. When carrying out the ritual, you need to constantly imagine the image of a man, your own desire, as if he is already calling, and be sure to remember that without this the conspiracy will not work, since visualization here is a very important element.

A conspiracy to make the man you like call

If there is no photograph of a man, just do the following if you really want to hear your favorite voice so that he dials the number. Whether day or night, you need to say the following words:

“A city stands on Russian soil, and a house is built in it. My beloved lives in it, (name the man by name) - that’s what he calls himself.
There he (say the man’s name again) is sad alone, knows neither happiness nor fun.
And so he picks up the phone, remembers my number, and dials. He invites me on a date, and he knows no grief with me.”

Based on this ritual, the “victim” of the love spell will not develop any negative attachment, since the only goal here is the guy should call and offer to meet. There will be no consequences harmful to fate for either him or her, since there is no responsibility in this conspiracy.

To attract a man, you just need to whisper a few phrases as you walk past him. He will immediately pay attention to you - you just need to know at what moment and what words to say. Using this method, you can evoke both sympathy at first sight and lasting love.

Many psychologists, especially male psychologists, claim that to attract men best option- pay attention to yourself as much as possible. But what should those girls who are shy and not used to noisy companies do? And it is not always convenient for a self-confident woman to approach and meet the man she likes.

Since ancient times, the husband has been considered the head of the family, the breadwinner and the protector. And since then it has been accepted that a man gets acquainted first, showing initiative. Now a lot has changed, but sometimes we so want to remain fragile women and at least sometimes give up the right to act to another. It is for such cases that small conspiracies were invented, which are called whispers.

Features of whispers

Whispers to attract love are very effective, but they should be used on first dates or at the first meeting. It is then that they allow you to attract the attention of your future partner, interest him in your personality and encourage him to take the first step.

Whispers are an easy version of a love ritual. With them it is very easy to understand whether you really want a relationship and how suitable you are for each other - if there is insufficient energy supply, your plot simply will not work. Whispers are very easy to use and do not require special preparation. In order for the words to have an effect, it is enough to be in the same room with the man you like.

Whispers for love

There are several ways to use this folk remedy, and they all help rekindle love feelings. The only difference is in the conditions of use: how long have you known each other and how the circumstances initially developed.

First way.

If you see a man for the first time, you liked him, but you don’t know how to get to know him and what to do, the following whisper will help you: “ You are attractive to me. I'm attractive to you. We create love" These words need to be whispered to yourself, moving your lips slightly. While whispering, you need to look at the man you like, otherwise completely different people may come up to meet you.

Second way.

It is suitable for those who are in company long time. For example, you came to a friend’s wedding and you liked one of the groom’s friends. You know that there is still time, so there is no need to rush. You have the opportunity to casually walk past him several times, and if your eyes meet, this is your chance to say the following words to yourself: “ Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love" This is a fairly short phrase, but you need to look the person in the eyes the entire time while you say it.

Third way.

This option is suitable for those who have the opportunity to touch the object of their adoration. The touch should be unobtrusive and natural. If you suddenly pull your hand away, it may seem suspicious. It is enough to ask for water, a salt shaker, a pen, or, when asking a question, simply touch his shoulder with your hand to attract attention. During the touch, you need to say the following to yourself: “ You are mine, I am yours, love me deeply and only me».

By using these easy methods, you can, with the help of an ordinary whisper, find a chance for happiness in mutual feelings. So take advantage traditional methods and enjoy your loving relationship. Enjoy life, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.10.2015 00:50

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Do you want to appear charming to everyone? Do you want to conquer people instantly? Do you always strive to get a good job and no less good pay for it? It turns out that you can achieve heights on the personal, social and work front through one and only means, the name of which is the sympathy conspiracy.

How to become attractive to everyone?

The phenomenon of unreasonable craving, interest and disposition of one person in relation to another is called sympathy in science. The peculiarity of this phenomenon lies in its formation on an intuitive level, that is, on the subconscious of the individual. Most often, people cannot say specifically why some people impress them even before the conversation begins, while others in the same situation seem sharply repulsive.

Probably, our subconscious mind independently analyzes a lot of factors that are inaccessible to consciousness, but represent the image of the person with whom we are in contact, and then immediately produces a summary in the form of a vague, intuitive “like” or “dislike”, which we are guided by when first communicating with someone -or. If the result is positive, then sympathy arises by itself and can eventually turn into something more stable and reliable - respect, friendship, love. If there is no sympathy, then, in fact, there is nothing to talk about.

The process of the emergence of sympathy is characterized by significant selectivity. Our brain rarely greets all passers-by on the street with a bang; it is wary of many types of people and is not in a hurry to sign everyone up as friends. Getting into the caste of “liked at first sight” or “intuitively attractive individuals” is not always easy. And all people have different tastes: someone who seems charming to one may not be liked by another at all.

Psychologists usually respond to this with the phrase that, they say, you won’t be nice to everyone. And people who practice magic confidently add: “But you can try!” Indeed, in magical science there is a means to please everyone, just like in a fairy tale. It is called a ritual to attract interest and sympathy.

Methods of attracting interest to your person

This tool is universal for creating sympathy - a kind of mutual interest between two people. You can use it to win the attention of any person - from the president of the country to your own husband. But it is better that before this there was no special relationship with the agreed upon person and she could not form her opinion on the basis of previous experience, actively hating or, on the contrary, desiring with all her heart the one who performs the ritual. The ritual becomes highly effective only when the spell is cast on a stranger.

There are many situations when this situation occurs: from applying for a job to presenting a defense in court. So, to create a pleasant opinion about yourself even before the act of communication with a person, you need to do the following:

  1. To receive something from someone whose sympathy is required. Instead of a thing, a photograph, a newspaper clipping, a printout of information about a person and any association associated with him can also be suitable.
  2. In the evening, when the sun gives way to the moon, stand in front of the mirror in full height, placing the indicated item in front of you.
  3. Read the following on it: “In the sky, the moon jumps after the sun, chases, wants to see, cries. The sun seems to her like a wondrous alien, a white ball, a miracle and good luck. And for the Sun, that sister is dear to him. There are no quarrels between them in heaven. Let the servant of God (state his name) be necessary, important, and interesting to the servant of God (state the name of the person against whom the conspiracy is being read), like the Sun to that pale moon. Amen!".
  4. After reading, you need to put the enchanted object back to the person (only so that he doesn’t notice!).

In addition to believing in the power of a magical ritual, it is certainly worth taking care of your own presentation - dress nicely, prepare documents or a speech, try to win people over and shine with goodwill.

Career conspiracies

Situations where getting a job, promotion, salary level, quality of working conditions and other working conditions depend on a person you don’t know well are quite common in our country. everyday life. Some solve them by trying to establish friendly relations with the person on whom they depend. Others make do with bribes and flattery. Still others connect their connections. And the smartest ones resort to conspiracies - primitive but reliable methods, whose loyalty to workers in all spheres of work has been proven more than once.

Ritual to attract the attention of a large number of people

This technique will be ideal for the first day of work in a new team. Thanks to her, you can immediately please all your colleagues and your bosses as well. To do this, it is enough in the morning, before the working day, to read in front of the icon, holding your photo in your hands: “The Lord Our Almighty God loves His Most Pure Mother Mary, and the Mother loves and adores Her Son, so let the whole world love me, and never offend me.” and does not oppress, even inadvertently. If it is the will from above. Amen".

Technique for getting your boss's sympathy

Getting your future boss to like you is not always easy, especially if your resume doesn’t have any special data that might impress him. To strengthen your position and gain the trust of your boss, it is advised to read the following text before meeting with him: “Oh, you holy thresholds, come to my defense, to help the servant of God (insert your name). Oh, you holy walls, stand there dumb, don’t talk too much, protect the servant of God (insert your name again). Oh, you, my dashing bosses, do not know evil, accumulate good things, condescend to the servant of God (say your name for the third time) with your mercy. Amen!".

The video explains how to become more attractive to the opposite sex:
