The heel goes inward. Problems with children's feet - hallux valgus

– a defect characterized by a decrease in the height of the arches of the foot and an X-shaped curvature of its axis. With hallux valgus, there is an outward turn of the toes and heels, drooping of the midfoot, clumsiness of gait, increased fatigue and leg pain. Diagnosis of hallux valgus is carried out by a pediatric orthopedist based on an external examination, radiography of the feet in 3 projections, plantography, and podometry. Treatment is carried out with the help of exercise therapy, massage, wearing orthopedic shoes, applying orthopedic splints; if ineffective, surgical intervention is performed.

General information

To exclude pathology of central and peripheral nervous system children should be examined by a pediatric neurologist.


The goal of treating hallux valgus in children is to restore it. normal shape and functions, strengthening the muscular and ligamentous apparatus.

With congenital hallux valgus deformity, it may be necessary to immobilize the limbs using plaster casts. The selection and modeling of the bandage is carried out by a pediatric orthopedist, taking into account the type of deformation and degree of deviation from the norm.

At the next stage (and in the case of acquired hallux valgus - from the very beginning), it is recommended to carry out foot baths, massage courses (lumbosacral region, leg joints, feet), paraffin therapy, ozokerite and mud applications, electrophoresis, diadynamic therapy, magnetic therapy, electrical muscle stimulation shins and feet, IRT. Therapeutic swimming and exercise therapy are useful.

Children with hallux valgus require the selection of individual functional insoles or special orthopedic shoes with rigid lateral fixation of the foot and heel and arch support.

Surgical treatment is used relatively rarely (in approximately 7% of cases). The method of correcting hallux valgus is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics and severity of the pathology. The most widespread methods in pediatric orthopedic traumatology are transplantation of the peroneus longus tendon to the inner edge of the foot with lengthening of the Achilles tendon; arthrodesis of the talonavicular joint, application of an external fixation device, etc.


Hallux valgus in children can reach severe degrees, being not only a pronounced cosmetic defect, but also causing functional disorders of the limb, up to disability at a young working age. In the case of a low degree of deformation and timely treatment, complete restoration of foot function is possible.


To avoid the development of hallux valgus in children, the load on the foot should be avoided. lower limbs child up to 7-8 months. It is necessary to adhere to a rational regimen, including hardening, gymnastics, preventive massage, good nutrition, adequate sleep and walks. Prevention of rickets, intake of vitamin D and microelements are important.

It is mandatory to regularly visit a pediatrician, as well as preventive examinations carried out by specialists in various fields (including a pediatric surgeon and an orthopedist). It is necessary to pay serious attention to the correct selection of shoes for a child: they must be the right size (neither small nor large); made from high-quality natural materials; have a tight arch support, rigid back and sides.

Hallux valgus(flat valgus foot) is . Its main signs are curvature of the axis of the foot and lowering of its arches. In practice, it looks like this: the heels and toes look outward, and the middle section seems to be tucked inward. This deformity can be congenital (diagnosed at birth or at 1 month by a pediatrician or orthopedist during a routine examination) or acquired (more common). The latter appears after the child begins to walk.

information Hallux valgus is quite common and is the most common pathology of foot development. Fortunately, with timely diagnosis and treatment, it can be easily corrected.

Signs of hallux valgus in a child

The first signs of acquired hallux valgus are observed when the baby begins to walk:

  • the child rolls his foot inward;
  • the back or top of the legs look like the letter “X”;
  • Older children may complain of pain in the legs and spine;
  • the child is less active, the ankle joints may swell in the evening, there may be cramps in the lower leg muscles;
  • shoes wear unevenly: more on the inner surface.

If you notice something similar in your child, then you need to consult a specialist - a pediatric orthopedic doctor.

Reasons for development

dangerous The main reason for the development of most orthopedic disorders after a year in a child is weakness of the muscular system. This is also the main reason for the development of hallux valgus.

Of course, a child cannot be born with strong muscles right away. Muscle tissue gradually becomes more powerful, but this requires proper physical activity appropriate to age.

Sometimes parents, forcing physical development child (they put him on his feet ahead of time, use walkers and jumpers, accelerate walking skills, etc.), by choosing low-quality shoes, they themselves contribute to the formation of a valgus position of the foot.

In some cases, neurological problems are also the cause of this deformity. In this case, consultation with a neurologist and joint treatment with him are necessary.


Elements for preventing the development of this type of flatfoot in children are:

  • Avoiding stress on the lower limbs in children under 7-8 months. You should not force your walking skill. The baby's muscles, bones and ligaments must become stronger before taking the first step. By putting your baby on his feet too early, you overload the joints.
  • It is necessary to perform massage and gymnastics daily, swimming gives a good effect.
  • Prevent rickets(500 IU of vitamin D daily, walks in the fresh air, balanced diet).
  • Choosing the right shoes for your child. Main criteria: shoes must be made from natural materials, be suitable in size and fullness, have a high and rigid heel and side part, and have instep support.
  • It is very useful for children to walk on uneven surfaces.(sand, pebbles, grass). This puts a strain on muscle tissue foot and promotes its proper formation.

Treatment of hallux valgus in children

additionally Treatment of hallux valgus in children should be comprehensive. A pediatric orthopedist deals with this problem; if necessary, related specialists are involved (pediatrician, neurologist, doctor physical therapy and others).

Depending on the severity, the doctor prescribes a set of measures. The main directions of treatment are:

  • selection and wearing of therapeutic and preventive shoes, special insoles;
  • carrying out therapeutic massage feet and lower extremities;
  • physical therapy.

In the case of congenital hallux valgus in a child, treatment begins much earlier. Orthopedists prescribe the wearing of special fixing devices (splints, pads). In the most severe cases (no more than 7%) it is required surgical treatment.


Any pathology of foot development at first glance may seem like only a cosmetic defect, but the problem lies much deeper. The foot undergoes a huge load of the entire body due to human upright posture. It should provide comfortable movement throughout life, including running, jumping, carrying weights, and so on.

important The presence of hallux valgus in the future may affect the formation of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The girls found a girl’s post on one of the forums about choosing children’s shoes. But it’s not the post itself that’s interesting, it’s the commentary. prosthetist-orthopedist to him. I know that many of us worry about our children's feet. I highly recommend reading it.

Comment prosthetist-orthopedic surgeon at the end!!!

Orthopedic surgeons and pediatricians recommend that parents of babies starting to walk purchase orthopedic shoes for their “first steps.” Orthopedic children's shoes contribute to the correct formation of the child's foot, correct gait and posture.
Experts explain that Properly selected children's shoes greatly contribute to the prevention of flat feet and prevent other foot diseases.

Flat feet- change in shape feet, characterized by drooping of its longitudinal or transverse arches (these are two forms of flat feet, they can be combined). All children under 2-3 years old have a flat longitudinal arch of the foot and this is absolutely normal, because The baby’s foot is just beginning to form and acquires “normal” shapes and contours by about 3 years. In an adult, the arches of the foot are normally concave and elastic; in a small child, in place of the arch there is a fat pad, giving the outline of a flat foot.

The foot is formed and acquires a classic appearance by the age of 5-6-7-8, sometimes later. Until the age of 5-7, while the child’s foot bones are forming, the diagnosis of “flat feet” is not made.
The baby may be diagnosed with plano-valgus feet (one of the most common diagnoses in children under 5 years of age) and varus feet. We can say that these diagnoses indicate a predisposition to flat feet.
Flat-valgus (x-shaped) foot placement– the heel is deflected outward, the foot is tilted inward. The inner edge of the shoe wears off with such deformation. Varus position of the feet (o-shaped), when the foot, on the contrary, is rolled outward (similar to clubfoot). The outer edge of the shoe wears off with such deformation. Such diseases are more common in physically weakened, often ill children, so first of all, parents should engage in general health promotion and hardening.
If the child is physically active, does not complain of pain in the legs, and the baby’s shoes do not wear out much on the inside or outside, then there is no need to worry excessively and in advance about flat feet. In many other countries, such diagnoses are not considered serious at all.

In addition to special orthopedic (preventive and therapeutic) shoes and insoles, Excellent prevention of flat feet are:
- walking barefoot on a hard-pile carpet, in summer on sand, small pebbles, grass and other uneven and non-smooth surfaces;
- massage paths (mats);
- cycling (if possible barefoot or in socks);
- climbing the Swedish ladder;
- massage and special exercises.

It doesn’t matter what kind of shoes you choose for your child, orthopedic or anatomical, for the proper development of the child’s feet, it is IMPORTANT that the shoes are light enough, comfortable and hold the foot well.

For the health of children's feet, the main thing is to choose the right shoes.
1. New shoes must be 0.5-1 cm longer than the foot(winter including a warm sock).
2. Shoes should fit the foot well, taking into account anatomical features, this allows us to achieve Velcro fasteners and laces. And kids quickly learn to unfasten and later fasten such fasteners on their own. Velcro is much more convenient than classic buckles and zippers for a child.
3. Has a molded hard back, it should be a single piece without seams or folds. For the little ones the backdrop should be high enough– this ensures good fixation of the foot.
If there is such a back and fasteners, the toe (toe) of children's sandals can be open. But it is still advisable to purchase shoes “for the first steps” with a closed toe (round!), because babies often cling, stumble, and bump their feet into objects.
4. Shoes should fit the foot, but not be too tight, this can lead to foot deformation; the toes should move freely.
5.The sole should be non-slip, with a slight heel lift(for children, the heel height is recommended 5-7 mm, for children over two years old 1-1.5 cm), the rise should occupy at least 1/3 along the length of the sole. In such shoes, the baby will not shuffle or fall over; this heel lift helps uniform distribution weight throughout the foot.
6. The sole material should be quite dense, but flexible in those places where the foot bends. That is, the sole should be rigid in the back and flexible in the toe, BUT do not bend in half! There should be no deep reliefs (patterns) on the soles of children's shoes.
7. Genuine Leather– ideal material for children's shoes. As an alternative, shoes with a textile upper and leather inside. Leatherette, rubber - very poor air permeability.
8. Interesting observation - shoes made of red leather and suede, even from well-known manufacturers, often get dirty when wet. Therefore, I don’t recommend bright red shoes for kids who might get caught in their pants. The dye can stain socks, tights and clothes if the baby squats.
If you still choose red boots and shoes, thoroughly rub the skin with a damp cloth (handkerchief); if a mark remains on it, it means that the shoes will get dirty.

Most parents (and I was once one of them) believe that the main thing in orthopedic children's shoes is arch support(sometimes incorrectly called a stinator). First of all, this the mound on the sole (insole) is correctly called the undersole. Secondly, real hard footwear can only be worn in corrective orthopedic shoes (selected as prescribed by an orthopedic doctor). By the way, if there is a hard arch in the shoe and it is not in place (for example, the shoe is too big), this is very bad and can seriously affect the formation of the foot. Thirdly, the arch support (pad-instep support) in conditionally orthopedic shoes is easily pressed and in most cases is not large at all, therefore it has a slight preventive effect.
In addition, there is an opinion that a large arch support (a high and hard arch) can interfere with the normal formation of the foot. In children, instead of an instep support, the function of a shock absorber is performed by a fat pad located at the site of the arch (arch) of the foot. The underliner must be soft and flexible so that it compresses and straightens under the pressure of the leg. The foot must work on its own and it must have an incentive to form correctly.

If you don't take into account the underfoot, most orthopedic shoes can actually be called anatomical. Therefore, when choosing shoes for your child, you need to look at the above points together: the correct bend of the sole, a molded hard heel, good fixation. The insole can be removable, have a multi-layer breathable structure, but in any case it (the inner surface of the shoe) should be practically flat, not counting the underliner; sometimes there is a rise along the outer edging of the insole. The insole may have curves, but should not be very curved.

Seleverstova Elena Aleksandrovna, member of the All-Russian Guild of Prosthetists and Orthopedists (13.12.2010)
Dear Anna! I would like, as a prosthetist-orthopedist, to consistently comment on your materials regarding the correct selection of children's shoes by parents.
1. Surgeons and orthopedists should recommend orthopedic shoes to children only in case of detected orthopedic problems. In other cases, children need regular shoes, but with design elements that protect children's feet from the development of pathologies.
2. Regarding your description of shoes for healthy feet, I basically have no questions. I will touch on 2 points: a) heels are rigid parts inserted between the upper and the lining in the back (heel) part of the shoe. In ordinary children's shoes, the boots can be of any height, but the heels in height should not exceed the height of the heels, even in children's shoes for the smallest children. The heels should provide good coverage of the heels, but should not be high so as not to force the Achilles tendon to work with excess tension when flexing the foot at the ankle joint. High, hard heels are needed exclusively in children's orthopedic shoes if the child has extremely sluggish or increased tone of the muscles and ligaments in the ankle joints; if the child does not walk from heel to toe, but on his toes or from toe to heel, as with cerebral palsy, i.e., if it is necessary to normalize the gait stereotype. But on the inner side surface of the shoe, the heels in regular shoes for children should be extended to the beginning of the 1st toe. In combination with the correct fasteners, shoes with rigid, extended backs will protect children's feet from developing flat feet.
3. The next remark is perhaps the most significant. It refers to arch supports in children's shoes, so beloved by parents and some orthopedists. By the way, in formal terminology there is no concept of “conditionally orthopedic” shoes. Shoes can be either orthopedic or regular, i.e. not orthopedic. Ordinary shoes in their design can be more correct (choose options according to your taste: rational, preventive, anatomical) or less correct, which depends on the level of professionalism and level of conscientiousness of the shoe manufacturer. Orthopedic shoes are divided into low-complex and complex shoes. Before the development of capitalism in Russia, any orthopedic shoes were made according to patient orders. And that was right. Regardless of the severity of orthopedic problems, the manifestations of these problems are diverse and differ for each patient. Just as you cannot treat all diseases with one castor oil, you cannot recommend the same orthopedic shoes to all children. You correctly noted that a healthy child, in principle, does not need arch supports for the internal longitudinal arch in shoes. And if they exist, they should be very low and elastic-soft. Such instep supports will not cause harm, but will also be of particular benefit. But then you are talking about high and rigid instep supports, which are found in most models of mass-produced low-complexity orthopedic shoes. You are concerned that these arch supports are not always in the correct location. I would like to ask you: “What do you mean, in your opinion, “the sniper is in the right place?” I offer you and your parents an answer to this question. You are right, Anna, when you said that the most common orthopedic problem in children is planovalgus feet. You observe that your child’s heels deviate outward and their feet roll inward. I’ll tell you a secret: in a state of support (while standing and walking), the feet roll inward in the area of ​​​​the articulation of the calcaneus, talus and navicular bones, i.e. anatomically - in the back!!! thirds of the feet This means that successful correction of the problem and the rehabilitation effect can only be achieved if you lift and support the foot in its rear third - with a rear arch support!!! department of the foot. And under the internal longitudinal arch, especially closer to the fingers, there should not be a high and rigid support. The human foot by nature has the ability to cope with impact loads due to the presence of a spring function. This spring function must be provided by a system of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, from which a longitudinal-transverse arch is formed, elastically working under the weight of the body. By roughly supporting the internal longitudinal arch, preventing its work, you can successfully achieve the opposite effect - the development of flat feet. By the way, as a rule, doctors do not initially diagnose children, especially toddlers, with “flat feet.” The movable apparatus of a child’s foot rarely shows signs of typical flat feet, when the foot falls from top to bottom under the weight of the body. In the vast majority of cases, children experience more dynamic manifestations when walking pathological conditions stop. Observed: foot rolls inward or outward, abduction and adduction of the anterior sections relative to the posterior ones, raising the edges of the feet, etc. All these signs are observed in children in different variations and quantities. The behavior and positions of the right foot may also differ from the behavior and positions of the left foot. If you have any doubts about the orthopedic well-being of your child, be sure to contact an orthopedist and find a competent specialist. In my experience, the greatest effect can be achieved by using individual orthopedic insoles, made taking into account the specific problems of patients, in any correct shoes (regular or simple orthopedic).
Anna, the shoe brands you named do not cause any complaints, although I repeat: “You should choose not a brand, but a specific shoe model.” By the way, in your photo the child’s feet are wearing sandals that aren’t quite right. It is known that small children walk with a lot of emphasis on the first toe (look at where the insoles in children's shoes are most worn and dirty). The structures of the anterior sections in children are imperfect and work in excessively active motion. It would be much more correct to put on sandals for the baby, in which, in addition to the clasp through ankle joint, there would be a fastener with one, or better yet, two straps along the back of the foot. By fixing the forefoot, you can significantly help the child master the process of walking and contribute to the correct development of the child.
Anna! This concludes the review of your article. I hope that you and your parents will find it not useless. I am ready to answer other questions on the topic.

I recently saw this picture at a local clinic. Children were running along the corridor, waiting in line to get vaccinated. A doctor came out of an office marked “orthopedist.” His gaze settled on a one-and-a-half-year-old boy who, holding his mother’s hand, walked, swaying from side to side and planting his legs in a clubfoot.

“The child needs to be shown to an orthopedist,” the doctor turned to the woman.

“Yes, everything is fine,” my mother brushed off the doctor’s remark. – Our dad used to walk like this when he was a child...

Does correcting a clubfooted gait require the intervention of an orthopedist? Here is the opinion of specialists at the Moscow Children's Orthopedic Hospital No. 19 named after T. S. Zatsepin, Deputy Chief Physician for Outpatient Work Lyudmila Nikolaeva and Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs Yuri Baranovsky.

Young mother's mistake

It turns out that the mother of that baby, believing that the child could “outgrow” his incorrect gait, was both right and wrong at the same time. You are right, because in fact small children, especially if they take their first steps early - at 9-10 months - and are also large, weigh a lot, and turn their feet with their toes turned inward. This makes it easier for them to maintain stability when walking. But by the age of one year they should already have their legs straight. And mom is wrong, because... However, everything is in order.

If you look at the kids walking in the yard, there are a lot of two- and three-year-olds who are clubbing. Why? Because it’s more convenient for them to walk. But this “more convenient” may hide various development problems.

For example, the child does not have any foot defects. He puts them on the floor when he sits, correctly, and only turns them out when he walks. Doctors call this internal or varus placement. It happens:

  • For mild dysplasia hip joint, which was not detected in the child in infancy. Now walking with your toes turned inward makes the joint easier to move. With such a pathology, a child also sways when walking, like a sailor who has come ashore after many months of sailing.
  • When the tone of some muscles prevails over the tone of others. And if a child has hypertonicity on only one side, he puts only one leg in a clubfoot, he kind of rakes it, and puts one shoulder and one side forward.
  • With a mild form of rickets. Such children have a slight curvature of the lower leg, so they simply cannot place their feet straight when walking.
  • With hereditary internal alignment of the feet. This happens when the child does not have any pathologies, and yet he is early age He walks with a clubfoot, just as his parents once walked. And then he grows up and realizes that his gait causes ridicule, is ugly, and begins to put his feet straight.

But among the children with this easily removable defect there may also be those who have incorrect foot position - only the first manifestation of a serious illness. They really need the help of a doctor and qualified treatment. And as soon as possible: up to three years everything can be easily corrected. Therefore, the mother of a club-footed baby was wrong when she brushed aside the doctor’s advice to take the child to an orthopedist. If after a year your baby still places his legs unevenly, he should definitely consult a specialist.

Gymnastics, massage, shoes...

The internal alignment of the feet when walking is an easily solvable problem; it does not require special treatment, but in order for the child to place his feet correctly, he will have to work on it.

If a clubbed gait is caused by increased muscle tone, you need to do special gymnastics. The orthopedist will tell you which one.

Take a massage course to relieve increased tone. A neurologist will prescribe a massage.

Every other day, bathe the baby in pine salt baths. They have a strengthening effect on the entire body and relieve hypertension. 3-4 tablespoons of liquid pine extract and a glass sea ​​salt(not flavored, bought only at the pharmacy) dilute in a bucket of water. If the child is not yet a year old, take half a glass of salt. The water is brought to the temperature at which the child is accustomed to bathing. After the salt-pine bath, the baby should be washed with fresh water.

Required conditions:

  • The water in the bath should not reach the heart.
  • You need to take a bath before 18-19 hours, otherwise it will be difficult for your baby to fall asleep in the evening.
  • During walks, do not tire your child by walking. He must move, but not get tired. When tired, children begin to turn their feet even more. It is better to walk several times a day for an hour or carry the baby in a stroller for part of the walk.
  • For fat children taking their first steps, it is useful to ride around the house on bicycles, pedal cars, horses... On the one hand, the child moves, on the other, the load on the bones and joints is less than when he walks.
  • If possible, take your child to the pool.
  • Review the menu: does the baby get enough milk, cottage cheese, fish?
  • Choose the right shoes. Children who are just starting to walk should not wear soft or small shoes. So no booties, slippers, sandals... Even at home, the baby should wear boots with a high hard back and closed toes. Shoes should firmly support the ankle joint. You cannot run around barefoot or in socks at home. But in the summer, walking barefoot on sand or small pebbles is very useful.

By the way

Orthopedists are against it! Parents rejoice when a baby tries to walk at 9-10 months. Here, they say, what a nimble fellow we have growing up! Some even encourage children to walk early: they lead them by the hands, buy them walkers... Orthopedists are categorically against it. Both the child’s muscles and bones must be ready to walk. All children from big cities are now experiencing light form rickets. If a city child starts walking early, his legs will definitely become crooked and his feet will be placed incorrectly—the bones won’t hold up. Therefore, there is no need to rush things. And little ones, who are eager to walk at 10 months, should definitely take additional massage courses to strengthen their muscles.


Bad advice. The advice that mothers give each other is to swap the shoes of clubfooted babies: put the right one on the left foot, and the left one on the right - harmful. This will not only prevent your child’s feet from being level, but will also bend his legs at the knee and hip joints.

How to overcome clubfoot

The problem of clubfoot in childrenI've been interested for a long time.About its relevancesays the factthat almost everyone hasthird childor incorrect posture,or abnormal gait.Although with a clubfoota newborn can copesimpler, however, even at the age of 7–15 you can achieve good resultsresults. But this is serious work, and first of allfor parents. You have to create a miracle, only yourssincere desire and perseverancecan help your child. Get ready forwhat to do with your childMore than one month is ahead.The age I am writing about(from 7 to 15 years) has a rangebenefits. At this time, children are already conscious individuals,capable of thinking and reasoning, understanding what to cope withwith clubfoot, they need to deal with themselves first of all.The main difficulty is alreadythe established habit of placing your feet incorrectly.With this habitwe will fight

How to see the problem?
The easiest way is to look at the tracks your child leaves in shallow snow. In a child who does not suffer from clubfoot, the tracks will be parallel to each other, with the toes only slightly spread apart.
Notice how your half-asleep child “plops” into the bathroom in the morning, and how he stands while brushing his teeth. At this time, he is completely relaxed and does not take care of himself.
Watch him closely in play when he is enthusiastic and natural. For example, during the game he was running and then suddenly stopped. How are his legs?

What do you need to know?
1. If a child “rakes” his foot when walking (one of the feet is turned towards the other foot) or stands like a clumsy bear, this is not only an ankle problem. The problem may be cervical spine spine (scoliosis) and even blurred vision.
2. The spine and joints are joints driven by muscles. As a rule, in the presence of clubfoot, the muscles develop incorrectly, asymmetrically, and unevenly. Some muscles are overstrained and tight, they need to be relaxed (by the way, a lot of problems can go away as a result: headaches, bad dream etc.), and poorly developed muscles need to be pumped up, trained, and made to work correctly. At 7–15 years of age, the body still continues to grow, the bones and joints are formed, and deformations and curvatures occur where there is no muscle resistance or they contract unevenly.
3. When walking, clubfooted children often not only place their feet incorrectly, but also make an incorrect movement of the leg from the hip. As a result, the knee “looks” at inner side, and it seems that when walking, your legs “stick”.
Remember that clubfoot, flat feet, scoliosis are all links in one chain.

What to do?
You saw a problem and realized that it needed to be solved.

1. Discuss the problem with your family. Try to come up with a game that will help your child pay attention to the placement of his feet.

2. Talk to the child, explain and show his mistakes. It is advisable that this be done by a person whom the child respects and whose opinion he listens to.
3. Now try to feel the problem. Try to walk the way your child walks, feel the sensation that he experiences when walking.
4. Identify the muscles that cause your child to clubfoot. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach so that your legs extend beyond the bed to the middle of your shins. Make movements with the toe of your foot from the correct position of the foot to the incorrect one. In a lying position, your whole body is relaxed; by changing the position of your foot, you will feel which muscles work especially hard. You should find these muscles in your child and begin to relax them. From my practice I can say that most often these are the back muscles in lumbar region. In untrained children, the problem muscles are especially tense, and you can easily feel them.
5. And most importantly, consult an orthopedic doctor. Clubfoot can be congenital or acquired. WITH congenital clubfoot A massage therapist can handle it, but acquired clubfoot needs to be dealt with comprehensively, using the work of a massage therapist, trainer, and psychologist. But you, parents, will remain the main ones in this fight.

Examples for understanding
Let's say a child has myopia, because of this he develops a whole series of unconscious habits. Looking closely, the child stretches his neck forward. Now try to stand up straight, straighten your back and repeat the actions of a myopic person, namely: stretch your neck a little forward. With a normal stance, you will begin to lose your balance and fall. And in order not to lose your balance, you will be forced to change the position of your legs - turn the toe of your foot inward. This is the classic stance of a clubfooted person.
The same applies to scoliosis and other curvatures. It's not that the child doesn't want to place his foot correctly and keep his back straight - he just can't do it. Indeed, due to a number of reasons, his muscles are already developed in such a way that they do not give him the opportunity to sit, stand and walk differently.
Even if the child, with your help or independently, monitors his legs and corrects their position, this is not enough. As soon as he gets distracted and thinks, his muscle memory will immediately destroy all your efforts. But this does not mean that you have lost, not at all. You need a very strong motive, incentive. Cure a clubfooted child - how to win a battle with an unequal opponent and win beautifully, cunningly. Let's start getting crafty! Let's break habits and together develop new ones, and develop and train muscles.

Game of attention
The child must be involved in the process of hobby. He must understand that first of all he needs to be healthy and beautiful, and for this he must watch his gait himself. I offer the child an attentive game, for example, as soon as he sees a red car, he immediately looks at his feet. If at this moment he is walking or standing incorrectly, the position of his legs must be changed to the correct one. And you join this game. The child will know that you also watch the cars, and therefore his legs, this will discipline him.

If you make a mistake, please do some push-ups!
You explain to your child that you will help him ensure that the exercises are performed correctly. As soon as the child makes a mistake, you clap your hands and he must, for example, do five push-ups. But, if he himself noticed the mistake and slammed, the push-ups are cancelled. In this simple way you can wean your child from slurping, squelching, saying the word “damn”...
The technique is very effective, just don’t give up. An agreement is worth more than money. Explain to your child that push-ups are not a punishment, but additional exercises that will help him become stronger, but the child does them only for inattention.

Dream is a serious motive
As a child, I also had a clubfoot and I remember how my parents took care of me. Like many boys, I wanted to serve in the army. I had a helmet with a star and a machine gun from a domestic toy factory. I was proud of all this and amused the adults by marching around the room with a clubfoot. I completely ignored my parents’ comments and stubbornly put my feet where I wanted. And then my father seriously stated that I could hand over my machine gun, because they don’t take club-footed people into the army. I became seriously motivated to improve my gait, and within a few months I was walking correctly. I wanted to be a soldier, and some clubfoot couldn't stand in my way.

It is advisable to relax the problem muscles that you have already learned to find before starting home exercises or training in the gym.
By purchasing literature on massage, you will become familiar with the techniques and the correctness of their implementation. 15 years ago I was taught according to V.I. Vasichkin. I massage children's backs and legs, focusing on relaxing problem muscles. Irina Krasikova’s books “Children’s massage” and “Flat feet” will also help you, where you will find not only massage techniques, but also a number of exercises.

It's good if you have the opportunity to work out at the gym, but this is not a requirement. You can practice on the street, in the forest, in the country and, of course, at home. You must develop exercises, systematize them and gradually increase the load. You can talk to the physical education teacher at school and he will suggest some exercises for your child.
When you understand what needs to be done and explained it to your child, start doing the exercises with him. For the second lesson, take a video camera and film your child’s awkward movements.
After 5-7 lessons you will get the first results. Show your child a video of the activity. Children usually like their successes, they are proud of themselves and strive forward with great zeal. But make no mistake, you are just at the beginning of the journey. Don't forget to praise and stimulate your child.
So, you started studying. It is advisable for the child to be as focused as possible on what he is doing. First, let's run a few laps, this will warm up the muscles, and most importantly, it will help you see the problem again, especially on turns. From this day on, your child will no longer run as he pleases. Now he will learn to run and walk in a new way.
When running, you don't need speed, the main thing is to place your feet correctly. In the next lesson, you introduce a system of “additional exercises” for inattention and incorrect leg positioning (remember those same claps and push-ups). For the first few weeks, you will have to carefully observe what the child is doing, rubbing his palms together in anticipation of clapping them.
When you notice that there are fewer mistakes, offer your child the following exercise: raise your arms to your chest, clench your fists and twirl your fists in front of you while running. To begin with, you can twist your fists only in one direction, for example, towards yourself, and after several lessons the exercises become more complicated and alternate - 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other. At the same time, you will see that all previous successes achieved in the fight against clubfoot have sunk into oblivion. It doesn’t matter, a few lessons - and your child will cope with the task assigned to him - he is reluctant to do push-ups.
You dilute running and walking around the hall with jumping on your toes. The positioning of the legs should be in the style of Chaplin. In this position, the legs should come off the floor and land in the same position. It’s good to climb stairs with this gait, preferably higher and regularly. Add to the exercises goose-stepping, jumping from a squatting position, and the like. Or ask your child to imagine that he is carrying a large, heavy watermelon. The watermelon is so heavy and big that the child is forced to walk, as they say, “half-bent”, and he needs to carry the watermelon to the end of the hall as quickly as possible, but not run.
Include exercises to externally rotate the foot in any variation. An excellent corrective pose is “sitting between the heels.” The child is on his knees, feet spread apart with toes apart. You need to slowly lower yourself and sit between your heels.
It is necessary to include stretching exercises, as well as static exercises, for example, such as the “rider's stance”: the legs are placed slightly more than shoulder width apart, and with a flat, straight back, the child lowers himself into a semi-sitting position, the arms can be extended forward, and the feet should be parallel to each other. Duration of the exercise: 15 seconds – freeze in the rider’s position, 5 seconds – rest. We repeat five times. Anyone you know who has done karate or other martial arts will show you this exercise and stretching exercises.
It wouldn’t hurt to include exercises to stretch the spine, thereby relieving the back. Stand with your heels together, toes apart, back straight. Place your hands down, cross your fingers and turn your hands over so that your palms are facing down. Without unclenching your fingers, raise your arms up. Now imagine that you are a plant that strives for the sun, and, swaying slightly, without lifting your heels, begin to reach up. Stretch as far as possible. Then slowly begin to lift your heels off the floor and stretch further. Having reached the limit, lower your heels one by one, while your arms continue to reach up. We do all this leisurely, slowly. Try it yourself and include this exercise in your activities with your child.
I'll tell you my proprietary secret. Tie the child to the bicycle frame plastic bottle so that it is at knee level. Then, when pedaling, the bottle will prevent him from bringing his legs together. Simple and effective.
Pay attention to the shoes the child wears; often these are the ones that cause them to place their feet incorrectly.
If you have the opportunity, get your child interested in skateboarding or snowboarding. These sports will not give you a chance of clubfoot.
So you've made progress. Now take your child to a sports section or dance club. Any result needs to be consolidated.

Appeal to parents
My formula for the solution is this: you noticed a problem, consulted with a doctor, trainer, massage therapist, began to develop new habits, relaxed tense muscles and loaded antagonistic muscles, made the child believe that he is doing great. Now you have opened the way for your child to get into sports and healthy life.
May your children always be healthy, beautiful, strong!
