Principles of making banana roll - a selection of step-by-step recipes. Condensed milk roll with banana Puff roll with bananas

For the dough you will need a dry, clean and deep bowl. The ideal container for this type of dough is glass, as it allows you to clearly see the consistency of the dough from all sides. Beat the eggs into a bowl and add sugar.

The quality and airiness of the sponge cake directly depends on the cleanliness of the dishes in which the ingredients are whipped. The bowl must be absolutely dry, clean, without a drop of water or fat.

Beat everything together until the dough becomes very airy, like foam. You need to spend about 15 minutes whipping. Then add sifted wheat flour to the resulting egg-sugar foam.

Add flour gradually, in small portions.

Baking powder or soda is completely unnecessary if the eggs and sugar are well beaten. Turn the oven to 180 degrees to preheat it. Do not exceed the specified temperature.

Start mixing flour with air mass. You don't need to stir for long, about 30 seconds. The main thing is that there are no lumps of flour left, which can then spoil the taste of the finished baked goods. The baking tray on which you will bake the dough should be large so that the dough lies in a thin layer (about 7 mm). Be sure to place parchment paper on the baking sheet so that there are no problems with how to remove the finished cake from it. Next, pour the dough onto the paper and distribute it evenly. Now feel free to put it in the oven, which has already warmed up well. Baking will take you no more than 20 minutes.

The finished sponge cake will turn out to be a beautiful golden color, dry and airy inside. You can easily check the readiness of the dough by pressing with your finger. There should be no indentations left on the finished product after pressing.

We take the cake hot from the baking sheet, transfer it to a cutting board and immediately roll it into a roll. This is necessary so that the cake cools in this position and does not tear when we roll it with the banana. But be careful, since it is also very easy to tear the delicate cake when folding, do not do it too tightly.

Now it's time to make the cream and prepare the banana. Simply peel the banana and cut it into wide circles, because it has the shape of an arc and it will not be possible to place it whole into the roll. Separately mix sour cream and sugar for cream. The higher the fat content of sour cream, the thicker the cream will be. For flavoring, add vanilla and fruit essence to the cream.

It will turn out no less tasty if you soak the sponge cake or. This impregnation is perfect for chocolate-banana roll. The inside of the roll can also be coated with thick fruit jam.

Remove the parchment. Spread the cooled sponge cake generously with cream on the inside and place banana slices in a row on one edge.

And carefully wrap the roll so that the cream does not leak out and the sponge cake itself does not crack.

Now it’s the turn of the chocolate, which needs to be melted in a water bath with butter added. Pour this liquid chocolate nicely over the finished roll.

The most delicious dessert is ready! Everything turns out easy and simple, and most importantly - incredibly tasty.
Invite a group of dear friends for tea and intimate conversations.

In honor of the holiday, which has already passed, I decided to do something nice for the family and, at my mother’s request, made a sponge roll with banana and condensed milk. The request was exactly that, so I got creative on this topic.

What was needed was a non-dry sponge cake with a hint of honey, bananas and cream consisting of condensed milk and butter. A calorie bomb, but, as they say, you can’t do it for your own.

Below is the recipe that I came up with, but you can simplify it and use only what you have on hand. The basic ingredients for it will definitely be found (well, maybe except for the dumplings).

So, let's prepare the most delicate biscuit roll with whole banana and delicate cream from condensed milk.

Ingredients (biscuit):

— 4-5 eggs (I have 5 small C2),
- ¾ glass of sugar,
- 1 glass of flour,
- 2 tbsp. honey (you can remove it from the composition, but then use a full glass of sugar),
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil(can be removed from the composition).


- 1 can of boiled condensed milk,
- ½ stick of butter (room temperature),
- a few spoons of sour cream (the thickening was too thick, and to dilute the sweetness),
- 2 bananas,
walnuts or hazelnuts to taste (I used 30 g).


- boiled coffee without sugar, mixed with cream.


The eggs were small and therefore I had to take 5 pieces, if you have them of the first or highest grade, then 4 pieces will be enough. Break them into a bowl, add sugar and beat for about 10-12 minutes. Don't be lazy if you're doing it for the first time. This is an important part and under-beaten eggs will give you a fallen biscuit, and over-beaten eggs will give you a sloppy top and the possibility that during baking the cake itself will swell in places.

Add honey and butter to the beaten eggs and beat again for a few seconds. Now add the flour in several additions (usually I do it in 2-3), each time gently folding the flour into the egg mixture using a rolling motion.

Now we cover the baking sheet with paper (silicone mats now save me), level the dough and send it to bake in a preheated oven for 12-17 minutes(temperature 180 degrees). We check the readiness with a toothpick, and it will look a little rosy.

We immediately separate the roll from the paper while it is hot! You can get burned here, but what can you do, you have to go hard, cover yourself with a towel and start rolling up. If you let it cool, it will break when twisted.

By the way, here I was stupid and rolled it up together with the silicone mat, because I didn’t think that the cake could stick to it and get damp. I then scraped it off with a knife and swore.

So, carefully separate everything from the paper and immediately roll it up together with the towel. Let it cool, while we ourselves do the cream and cook the impregnation.


Mix the dumplings with soft butter, or just warm them up a little and beat with a mixer. I also made liquid caramel from sugar, honey and cream and added a spoonful of it to the cream and then soaked some of it into the cake. Plus I added sour cream here to make a very thick cream that is convenient to spread on the roll, but not like butter.


I brewed regular unsweetened coffee and mixed it with plain low-fat cream. I then soaked the top with this all so that it wouldn’t get all wet. Mine was already too tender.

Preparing this roll is simple, just bake a sponge cake, coat it with cream, place the banana halves and wrap it. The dessert turns out not only tasty, but also festive. After you wrap the roll, you need a little time to saturate the roll with cream, 2 hours is enough for this. If you don’t have cocoa, you can replace the amount with wheat flour, in which case you will get a regular white sponge cake.



  • Dough:
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar – 3/4 cup;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tbsp;
  • Flour – 3/4 cup;
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Cream:
  • Boiled condensed milk - 3/4 cans;
  • Sour cream – 0.5 cups;
  • Bananas – 1.5 pieces.


Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Pour the whites into a dry and clean mixer bowl.

Add a pinch of salt to the egg white and beat, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer until a strong foam is obtained. Then add sugar little by little and continue beating. You will get a lush, airy white cream with completely dissolved sugar. This will take about 8-10 minutes.

Mix the flour separately with baking powder and add to the dough. And mix everything carefully enough. You can beat with a mixer for just a few seconds at minimum speed until the dough and flour are completely mixed.

At the end, add cocoa powder and lightly mix everything again until smooth.

Line a wide baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the fluffy biscuit dough. Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the biscuit in the oven, otherwise it will become dry and break when folded.

For the cream, you need to take high-quality boiled condensed milk, or cook raw condensed milk yourself. Mix it with sour cream.

And mix well. The result is a very tasty and simple cream.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and immediately wrap it tightly in a roll while still hot. There is no need to remove the parchment; wrap directly with it. To avoid burning your hands, since the cake is hot, use a towel or kitchen mitt. After the roll has cooled completely, unroll it and generously grease it with cream.

Cut the bananas into several pieces and place along one side.

Remove the parchment and tightly roll the biscuit into a roll. Grease the top with the remaining cream on all sides and sprinkle with flour crumbs. You can make it from regular cookies by grinding them in a blender.

Thanks to the abundance of cream, the biscuit will be soaked in just a couple of hours and will become soft and delicate in taste. A banana will perfectly complement cream with sour cream and condensed milk. Store the finished chocolate roll with banana in the refrigerator. I hope you liked my chocolate roll recipe and you can easily repeat it and enjoy this amazing taste. Bon appetit!

Sponge roll with banana is very easy to prepare. You can experiment with cream. In my opinion, condensed milk cream with butter goes perfectly with the taste of banana and biscuit. When baking a biscuit, you need to remember just a few rules and then you will definitely get a cake or roll. It is advisable not to open the oven door during baking, otherwise the biscuit may fall off. Before working with the sponge cake and soaking it, you need to soak the sponge cake for at least 8 hours. If you soak the sponge cake too early, it may become soggy.

Prepare the necessary products.

Beat the eggs until fluffy. Add sugar in a thin stream and continue whisking. The mass should become dense and turn white. Next, add flour. Add in small portions and mix well with a spoon from bottom to top.

Place the biscuit dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. My baking sheet size is 35x20. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Roll the hot cake into a roll, carefully separating it from the parchment. Leave the cake for 8 hours.

Prepare the cream. To do this, mix condensed milk with butter and beat lightly.

Try to cut the bananas so that you can lay them out in an even line.

Unroll the sponge cake. Soak it with sugar syrup or any other impregnation. Grease with cream and place bananas.

Roll up the roll and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Decorate the finished roll to your liking. I just sprinkled it with powdered sugar.

Cut the roll into pieces and serve.

Enjoy your tea!

The banana roll recipe is very simple, even the most inexperienced cook can bake it. It takes literally 15 minutes to prepare, so it’s perfect for a quick dessert. The recipe uses simple ingredients that are always available at home. Despite such a simple composition, the taste of the roll will pleasantly surprise any guest.
For the test you will need:

    1 teaspoon baking powder or slaked soda

For the cream you will need:
- 150-200 g condensed milk
- 80-100 g butter
For the filling you will need one big banana.
Decorate the roll You can use grated chocolate, powdered sugar or nuts of your choice.
Cooking time: 15 minutes (can be left to soak)
Complexity: Just

Short version of preparation:

    Mix egg, flour, condensed milk, vanilla, baking powder.

    Line the pan with baking paper, grease it with butter, pour in the dough and smooth it out. The consistency should be like pancakes.

    Bake in a preheated oven for 7-9 minutes.

    Mix condensed milk with butter.

    Wet a towel, place the finished cake on it, and carefully remove the paper.

    Spread the cream on the cake, and place a banana on the very edge along the entire width.

    Roll up the roll and cut it into rings.

1. Turn on the oven to heat at 180 degrees. It will heat up just right by the time the dough is ready.
2. Mix egg, condensed milk and flour in a bowl. Add vanillin and baking powder. Mix the dough well, it should not be thick.

3. It is advisable to take a baking sheet in the form of a rectangle so that the thickness is approximately the same everywhere. Lay out baking paper and grease it with a little oil. Due to this, the dough will not stick and the paper can be easily removed without damaging the cake.
4. Pour the prepared dough onto the prepared baking sheet. It will have the same consistency as pancakes. Carefully level the mass with a spatula so that the thickness of the cake is approximately the same everywhere. This will add aesthetics to the cut dessert.

5. Bake for approximately 7-9 minutes at the indicated temperature until the characteristic color appears.
While the base for the roll is baking, you need to make a simple delicious cream. To do this, mix condensed milk with butter in a separate bowl.

The butter should be soft, so it is advisable to remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Beat well with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Meanwhile, you need to wet a kitchen towel and wring it out well. Next, everything needs to be done quickly and carefully so that the cake does not break and you get a beautiful roll.
6. Place the finished cake on a previously prepared damp towel. Then carefully remove the paper.

7. Generously coat the cake with cream. It will be well absorbed.

After this, place a banana across the entire width of the cake, on the very edge.

Holding and pressing the banana tightly, roll it up and place it on a plate.

The top of the roll can be greased with the remaining cream (usually there is a lot of cream) and sprinkled with your favorite nuts or grated chocolate. Exotic lovers can add pieces of fruit and berries.

8. It is advisable to put the finished roll in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is soaked in cream. But, if time is pressing, you can serve it right away.

This simple recipe for a quick and tasty dessert should be on the minds of every housewife. If guests are almost on the doorstep, then a banana roll will be a wonderful treat for tea.

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