Asparkam or panangin which is better reviews price. Panangin and Asparkam: what is the difference and which is better for the heart? Panangin or asparkam

Angina attacks, the appearance of heart pain, and arrhythmias can eventually lead to myocardial infarction. In order to avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to think about possible preventive measures that can, if not cure, but stop such a scenario.

The main cause of heart attacks is insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium caused by spasm of tissues and blood vessels. This leads to necrosis of the heart muscle. But when proper treatment there is a possibility of stopping tissue necrosis.

As a rule, complex therapy for cardiovascular diseases includes nitrates (to relieve attacks of ischemia), vasodilators, vitamin preparations. Not the last place in this list is occupied by preparations of potassium and magnesium salts, “Asparkam” or “Panangin”. Which is better? And what's the difference?

Just what the doctor ordered

If you feel unwell or have discomfort in the chest area, you should consult a doctor. These may not always be symptoms more serious illnesses, but it’s worth making sure. Having done a cardiogram and not seeing any abnormalities, except perhaps arrhythmia, the doctor can prescribe valerian in tablets, as well as Panangin or Asparkam.

Cardiovascular drugs with more serious active ingredients are not always appropriate for such indications. And the patient’s natural question: “Why do I need this?” can throw the doctor into a stupor. After all, it is not customary to deny the need for prescribed therapy.

Please note: for the accuracy of treatment, it is necessary to donate blood for a detailed analysis. This is necessary to exclude a history of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. If there is an excess of potassium and magnesium, treatment with salt preparations is not necessary.

The main indications for treatment with Asparkam and Panangin are the same, since both drugs contain 175 mg of potassium and magnesium aspartate. The exception is the manufacturing companies: Panangin - Gedeon Richter (Hungary), and Asparkam is produced in many pharmaceutical factories of the former USSR.


Due to their composition, both drugs are the most popular in the pharmaceutical market. The main difference between Panangin and Asparkam is reviews and prices.

Medicines are prescribed:

  • With a deficiency of potassium and magnesium salts.
  • Atrial fibrillation of the heart.
  • A multi-purpose treatment method for people who have survived a heart attack.
  • As an additional source of salts when taken
  • A source of essential microelements in case of poor or dietary nutrition.
  • Source of potassium when taking diuretics.


If you are not satisfied with your consultation with your doctor, complete instructions“Asparkam” and “Panangin” will help you understand when and who needs or is prohibited from taking these drugs. If you carefully study the annotation, there are still differences in contraindications. Their number is significantly greater in the domestic drug than in its foreign counterpart.

Only five points are similar:

  1. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  2. Blood pressure below 90.
  3. Insufficient nerve conduction in the heart muscles.
  4. Addison's disease.
  5. Kidney diseases associated with a malfunction of their function.

Although there are subparagraphs that are not in the instructions for the imported drug. Asparkam is contraindicated for:

  • Insufficient urination.
  • Complete absence of urination.

We drink, but be careful

The question of whether potassium and magnesium supplements can be used in patients with ulcers has been repeatedly discussed gastrointestinal tract. There is no definite answer, since Panangin is produced in a film shell, which gives it a significant advantage over other drugs. Although its instructions clearly indicate such points as careful use in patients with peptic ulcers and intestinal obstruction.

In addition, caution is also necessary when used in patients with acute dehydration due to vomiting or intestinal upset, burns of most of the body.

It can also be used with caution in people suffering from various autoimmune diseases associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the facial muscles (myasthenia gravis).

What to drink with?

Do not forget that even taking vitamins can affect the pharmacological properties of medications. Therefore, you should be careful about what you take and with what.

Research has been conducted and experts have voiced reviews about “Pananigin” or “Asparkam” - which is better not to take with them. Those at risk for possible future hyperkalemia are people taking drugs to treat hypertension with potassium retention effects.

New generation diuretics also tend to retain potassium in tissues. If they are consumed together with potassium, an increase in the content of this element in the blood is inevitable. The exception is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, antibiotics (Polimexin, Neomycin).

In addition, there is a possibility of poor absorption of potassium and magnesium salts in the stomach while taking tetracycline, iron supplements and sodium fluoride. Their use is possible only if one of dosage forms will be received no earlier than three hours later.

The difference in the warnings for Asparkam and Panangin is the incompatibility with drugs for anesthesia (the nervous system is depressed) and muscle relaxants (muscle blockade increases). Such a warning exists only for Asparkam.


How scary the word “overdose” sounds! Involuntarily, terrible pictures come to mind about those who did not calculate the dose of a narcotic drug. But not everything is so sad. There should be no lethal outcomes with timely intervention.

  1. The first and most common symptom: loss of sensitivity in the nerve endings of the arms and legs, slight tingling, “goosebumps” under the skin. They appear if the limb has been squeezed or clamped for a short time.
  2. Second symptom: muscle weakness, slow heartbeat. Both symptoms are characteristic of an excess of potassium in the body, and if first aid is not provided in time, the patient may die from cardiac arrest.
  3. Third symptom: drowsiness associated with decreased blood pressure.
  4. The fourth symptom: vomiting, upset stomach and intestines associated with an excess of magnesium in the body. In addition, you may experience a metallic taste in the mouth and thirst.
  5. And the simplest, but no less important symptom is skin rashes, with redness of the skin and increased itching.

How many tablets, who should take them and when?

The standard dosage is to take one tablet three times a day, fifteen minutes after meals. The number of tablets per day can be increased to nine if such treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The duration of therapy also depends on the doctor.

Pregnant, nursing mothers, drivers and children

Special medical research There have been no studies on the use of mineral salt preparations in pregnant and lactating women. But there are known cases of pregnant women using Asparkam or Panangin. There have been no reviews of whether it is better or worse tolerated. Main point that no harm was observed from taking it in nursing women and expectant mothers.

But we must remember that Asparkam is intended to be taken only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. But “Panangin” is not prohibited from being used by this category of consumers.

Since medications do not affect nervous system, general well-being and reaction speed, drivers are allowed to use them.

Due to the lack of clinical studies on the effect of potassium and magnesium aspartate on the body of children, the use of tablets in pediatric practice is strictly prohibited.

Word of mouth

For many consumers, price and reviews play an important role in choosing a drug. They decide which is better, “Asparkam” or “Panangin” after a heart-to-heart talk with a neighbor or after reading reviews.

Comparing their well-being while taking both drugs, patients noted one big disadvantage of Asparkam: after taking the pill, the patient begins to feel sleepy. Although, perhaps this is one of the individual characteristics of this particular medicine.

In general, both drugs are well tolerated, and the results are visible already at the end of the first week of use. The main difference between these drugs is price. “Asparkam” costs from thirty to seventy rubles, and “Panangin” - from one hundred twenty to one hundred seventy rubles.

What are the doctors talking about?

It is worth noting that experienced cardiologists insist on the correct prescription and use of drugs containing potassium and magnesium aspartate. After all, excessive exercise can lead to an excess of potassium in the body, and along with it, unpleasant side effects.

When asked which is better, “Asparkam” or “Panangin”, doctors’ reviews are mixed. The first piece of advice they give to their patients is to have their blood tested and only then, if it shows a lack of potassium and magnesium salts, to take action.

Second tip: choose the right dosage. Some online resources indicate that one tablet of Panangin or Asparkam is a sufficient dosage for the prevention of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. But if you count, then the same “Panangin” contains no more than 25 mg of pure potassium in one tablet, with a daily dosage of two grams.

When reading reviews about whether Asparkam or Panangin is better, pay attention to the quantities of both drugs taken. Taking one tablet per day is akin to harmless ascorbic acid with sugar, unless, of course, you have diabetes.

Third tip: compatibility with other drugs prescribed for treatment arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, etc. ACE inhibitors, sartans, aldosterone antagonists contribute to potassium retention in the body. Together with long-term use of Asparkam and Panangin, they can lead to its excess in the body.

If you still haven’t decided what to use for treatment - Pananigin or Asparkam, instructions, reviews, prices and analogues salt preparations always at your service. Having carefully studied all the nuances, as well as the opinion of doctors, you can easily understand which of these drugs is more suitable.

If there is an insufficient amount of magnesium and potassium ions in the body, there is a high risk of developing ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and myocardial metabolic disorders.

The medicine and structural analogue of Asparkam is used for diseases:

  1. IHD, including angina pectoris, myocardial infarction;
  2. chronic heart failure;
  3. arrhythmia, other disorders heart rate.

Another indication is a warning adverse reactions when taking cardiac glycosides.

Panangin is a medicine containing vitamins to maintain the heart muscle, regulate its contractility, and prevent arrhythmia. Available in prescription IV ampoules and tablets.

Panangin and Asparkam contain potassium and magnesium salts, which are destroyed by gastric juice. To preserve the substances and the resulting effect, medications must be taken after meals.

Panangin and its analog Asparkam need to take 1-2 tablets three times a day, preferably in the morning, afternoon and evening. Do not dissolve or chew, or take with alcohol, since alcohol-containing liquids lead to dehydration, removal of fluid from the body and a decrease in blood pressure, which is a contraindication to the prescription of vitamins. In addition, drinking alcohol is prohibited in case of diseases for which medicine is used (arrhythmia, ischemic disease hearts).

If the dosage is exceeded, the original remedy Panangin and Asparkam reduce blood pressure, pulse, and lead to bradycardia. Does not apply to diuretics. Often prescribed to reduce the negative effects of loop diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix).

The human heart makes more than one hundred thousand contractions every day, pumping several thousand liters. The health of this organ is directly related to the endurance of the entire body, as well as its performance.

With a persistent lack of potassium and magnesium, the functioning of many important systems is disrupted:

  • the metabolic rate in the myocardium decreases, and the condition of the arteries depends on this;
  • the rhythm of heart contractions is lost;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • Cholesterol is deposited in the vessels involved in supplying blood to the heart.

In addition to the heart itself, these substances, magnesium and potassium, are responsible for the work and functioning of other muscles. A lack of these substances can lead to cramps - painful involuntary contractions of muscle tissue.

Potassium ions are one of the important components for the conduction system of the heart and the myocardium itself. Potassium is responsible for the conduction of impulses and the normal functioning of cell membranes. It promotes the delivery of nutrients to the myocardium.

Taking magnesium significantly reduces the prerequisites for the development of stroke. Ions of this microelement are included in several hundred cell enzyme systems. These enzyme systems are involved in the production organic compounds.

The optimal combination of magnesium and potassium ions acts complementarily. Together they normalize heart rate and blood pressure. Absorption of substances from Panangin and Asparkam when taken orally occurs quite quickly from the intestinal lumen.

For your information! It is recommended to prescribe Asparkam and Panangin together with medications containing vitamin B6.

Before choosing one of the drugs containing the necessary microelements, it is necessary to analyze the composition, contraindications and other features of use. There is a widespread belief that Panangin is more effective, but we will consider in detail how true this is.

Asparkam and Panangin in the form of solutions are prescribed only for diseases, and never for prevention. If, for example, athletes need to increase the endurance of the heart muscle, they are prescribed drugs in the form of tablets. It is generally accepted that Panangin is more effective, but Asparkam solution is also used quite often.

The solution can be administered intravenously in two ways:

  • using a dropper - drip;
  • from a syringe - jet.

If there is no solution for droppers, an injection solution diluted in the required proportion can be used. The intravenous solution is administered during hospital treatment in the form of a dropper or as injections. Proportion of the drug for administration: five percent glucose solution (50 or 100 ml) and 10 ml of Panangin.

After a few hours (4-6), you can re-insert the IV, if necessary. Typically, the injection method of administering the drug is part of a set of measures for treating the patient.

For treatment, a dosage of 20 ml can be prescribed with Asparkam solution, administered no more than 2 times a day. Most often, such therapy is prescribed for 5 days.

Ampoules must be unsealed immediately before use. Asparkam solution mixed with saline or 5% dextrose solution should be administered from a syringe carefully and slowly.

For your information! If the solution intended for administration looks heterogeneous or cloudy, it should not be administered.

Since Asparkam differs slightly from Panangin, the features of treatment with these drugs are the same:

  • medications do not affect the ability to drive a car or reaction speed;
  • active substances may affect the effects of other medications taken medical supplies, therefore, such a moment must be taken into account when assigning;
  • intravenous administration may be accompanied by redness of the skin;
  • if there is a risk of increasing potassium levels in the blood, the medication should be prescribed with caution and under the supervision of tests.

No special studies have been conducted on the effects of Asparkam on the body of a pregnant woman. If therapy is necessary during this period, both the benefits to the mother and the risks to the fetus must be taken into account. Unlike Asparkam, Panangin is approved for use during pregnancy.

For your information! Neither Panangin nor Asparkam is prescribed to pregnant women prophylactically, as it gives a high concentration of ions.

Clinical studies Panangina was not carried out in this direction. Therefore, it is not prescribed for the treatment of children. Asparkam for children is indicated only for potassium deficiency, which is confirmed by laboratory data. Such a condition, which makes it necessary to take Asparkam, may be associated with frequent vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, serious pathologies of the kidneys and liver, etc.

During sports training and physical activity Asparkam (Panangin's choice is similar) allows the heart to contract less. The heart rate remains within acceptable limits, even under significant loads. In addition, taking potassium and magnesium supplements compensates for the loss of these elements during training.

When following most diets, there is always some limitation in the choice of food and menu design. The difference between Asparkam and its analogue Panangin in this matter is not significant. They both are often used to achieve better results in the fight against excess pounds.

The microelements included in the preparations partially compensate for dietary limitations and accelerate metabolic processes. At the same time, the breakdown of fat cells occurs more efficiently and toxins are eliminated more energetically, especially when combined with exercise.

Taking any of the medications under consideration can cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and cause disruptions in the functioning of other systems.

For your information! When manifested adverse reactions patients are prescribed symptomatic therapy.

Taking it by injection can give the following manifestations in large dosages:

  • disruption of normal breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • itching, etc.

The combined use of potassium-containing drugs (Asparkam and similar drugs) with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can affect the heart rhythm.

If potassium supplements are taken simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids, then the electrolyte balance is normalized, which is reduced by taking hormonal drugs. Can also be compensated negative consequences from taking cardiac glycosides.

An overdose of Asparkam and Panangin is possible with injections.

The patient may have the following symptoms:

  • heart rate slowdown;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea, etc.

To normalize the patient’s condition in the hospital:

  • calcium chloride is administered intravenously;
  • hemodialysis is prescribed.

In order to compensate for the lack of K and Mg in the body, today doctors often prescribe Asparkam or Panangin. The drugs are identical in composition, but there are differences between them.

Characteristics of Asparkam

Asparkam tablets have their own characteristics:

  1. They are not covered with a protective coating, due to which the active substances are exposed to hydrochloric acid, which reduces the effectiveness of the medication.
  2. One tablet contains 175 mg of K and Mg (microelements are presented in the form of aspartate).
  3. There are no additional substances in the composition, which reduces the likelihood of manifestations allergic reaction. The exception is Asparkam avexima, the composition of which is slightly reminiscent of the original drug.

Contraindications include impaired renal function in the acute and chronic phases, and excess K in the body. Undesirable consequences include gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, burning in the upper abdomen. Cautious use during pregnancy and lactation is recommended.

Action of Panangin

Panangin is considered more effective than its analogue, because it has undergone numerous clinical studies.

Panangin tablets have the following features:

  1. Covered with a protective film that reduces the negative impact of gastric juice on the drug.
  2. The content of Mg aspartate is 140 mg, K aspartate – 158 mg.
  3. There are additional components.

The annotation describes in detail the undesirable consequences. There may be disturbances in the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles, and the occurrence of premature heart contractions. Digestive system may react with internal discomfort, vomiting, and stomach upset.

Digestive upset may indicate an overdose of K, which is also characterized by sensory disturbances. Excess Mg is manifested by redness of the skin of the face, decreased blood pressure, thirst, depression of breathing and reflexes, and convulsions.

What are the differences and similarities between Asparkam and Panangin?

The drugs are analogues of each other and have the following similarities:

  1. By chemical composition: there are 2 main active ingredients: K and Mg. Thanks to this, the drugs replenish the deficiency of microelements.
  2. Indications for use: coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and other cardiovascular diseases, insufficient intake of K and Mg into the body, intake or overdose of cardiac glycosides. Both drugs can be used to treat seizures.
  3. Release form: tablets, but there are also solutions for intravenous administration.
  4. Dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.

Both medications are over-the-counter.

Medicines have the following contraindications:

  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • insufficient urine formation;
  • hyperkalemia or hypermagnesemia;
  • 2-3 degree atrioventricular block with normokalemia;
  • hemolysis;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • state of shock;
  • acute blood acidosis;
  • dehydration;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • therapy, which is accompanied by a delay in the excretion of K from the body.

In addition, severe side effects are possible when taking these medications.

The main differences between these 2 products are the manufacturers and the price.

Panangin is produced only by Hungarian pharmaceutical company"Gedeon Richter". Asparkam is produced by many Russian and foreign companies, such as Biosintez OJSC (RF), Zdorovye (Ukraine), etc.

What is better to take - Asparkam or Panangin?

From the point of view of the effectiveness of the solvent action on kidney stones There is no difference between medications. The choice of remedy depends more on the method of administration. If the patient is going to crush the tablets before use and take them with food, it is more convenient to use Asparkam; for swallowing the tablets whole, it is better to choose Panangin.

In addition, Panangin is safer when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, entrocolitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. However, after the protective shell is dissolved, the medication will still come into contact with the intestinal and gastric walls, so if you have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, you should be careful when taking these drugs during or after meals.

Which is cheaper?

On average, Asparkam tablets or ampoules are 2-3 times cheaper than similar Panangin preparations.

Is it possible to replace Asparkam with Panangin?

Medicines are interchangeable. However, it is better to make a replacement after consulting a doctor.

Doctors' opinion

Elena, 55 years old, endocrinologist, St. Petersburg

When taking diuretics, many patients lose a significant amount of potassium and magnesium from the body, so in this case, the prescription of Asparkam is significant for them. The drug replenishes the deficiency of potassium and magnesium, prevents the development of tachycardia attacks and is well tolerated by patients. The tablets are inexpensive and available at any pharmacy.

Vyacheslav, 49 years old, psychotherapist, Vladivostok

Asparkam is a drug that has proven itself positively for for many years its application. Contains potassium and magnesium. Effectively replenishes their deficiency. Used for cardiac pathology. I prescribe to patients undergoing my course therapeutic fasting: In such conditions, muscle cramps are common due to a deficiency of potassium in the blood. Taking 1 tablet per day relieves these manifestations. Prescribe strictly under medical supervision.

Victor, 33 years old, chiropractor, Moscow

Panangin gives a good effect, especially in women after 55 years of age in the complex therapy of muscular-tonic syndrome, partly due to the insufficiency of those components that are present in the drug. The medication can be prescribed prophylactically to people with various cardiovascular pathologies.

Patient reviews

Emilia, 36 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

The doctor prescribed Asparkam due to complaints of a slight arrhythmia during magnetic storms, as well as night cramps in the leg muscles. I took the drug as prescribed for six months in a course of 10 days in each month. I felt an improvement in my condition. In addition to the therapeutic effect, I liked the affordable price of the medicine. The doctor also noted that it is necessary to take Asparkam in the autumn-winter period, when the amount of vitamins and minerals in food is reduced. If there is a decrease in blood pressure, then you just need to reduce the dosage.

Ruslan, 33 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Working out in the gym, I was very physically tired, but Asparkam helped solve this problem, and it’s also cheap. The drug must be taken if you exercise with iron. There is a more expensive drug - Panangin, but I didn’t notice the difference: both work perfectly. Endurance increases significantly when riding a bicycle: when you have ridden quite a lot, there is no shortness of breath.

Tatyana, 35 years old, Ekaterinburg

I took Panangin as prescribed by the doctor. A few months ago I encountered arrhythmia. During the examination, the cardiologist recorded slight deviations from the rhythm, so Panangin was prescribed along with Mildronate. The first drug intensively nourishes the heart muscle. The discomfort in my heart began to decrease. After the course of treatment, my health improved and I gained more strength.

Many heart patients wonder what is better, Asparkam or Panangin? Patients with cardiovascular diseases taking latest generation, doctors prescribe medications that help maintain the electrolyte balance of the human body. To such medicines include Panangin and Asparkam.

Composition of medicines

In order to understand how the drugs work, you need to read the instructions for use. In terms of composition, asparkam and panangin are practically no different from each other.

These medications are similar drugs, because they belong to the same class.

The following table shows the quantitative components of these drugs:

The difference in composition is due to the content of additional substances contained in the shell of each panangin tablet. This increases the likelihood of individual intolerance to the drug.

Based on the data in the table, the substances contained in the tablets of the drugs in question have the same effect on the body. Big difference when recommending medicines doctors do not observe. Cardiologists' prescriptions for both panangin and asparkam correspond to taking 1-2 tablets three times a day after or during meals, because the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract reduces the effectiveness of the drug. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Indications for use and contraindications

When choosing a drug, you should also study its indications for use. Although both drugs are prescribed for almost the same diseases, the indications for the use of panangin are somewhat different from the use of asparkam.

For panangin, the instructions include the following indications:

  • heart rhythm disturbances caused by potassium deficiency;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the myocardium due to toxic poisoning, including medicinal ones;
  • ventricular extrasystole;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • insufficiency of coronary vessels;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to body tissues due to cardiac dysfunction;
  • lack of potassium after taking diuretics.
  • at reduced level magnesium and potassium;
  • in the treatment of arrhythmia;
  • in case of disruption of the heart muscle.

From the given data it follows that cheap analogue Panangina has a smaller spectrum of action.

  • increased levels of potassium or magnesium in the body;
  • urinary retention;
  • increased level of acidity in the blood;
  • kidney pathology;
  • muscular myasthenia.

Moreover, the contraindications listed in the instructions for Panangin are described in much more detail, as well as side effects. This indicates that the drug has passed clinical trials and is more researched than its generic counterpart.

The drugs are available in pharmacies without a prescription, but despite this you should take them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Only a specialist will be able to select the correct medications, taking into account possible side effects, the patient’s existing diseases and their interactions with other prescribed drugs. So, if a patient suffers from any gastrointestinal diseases, then Panangin, which is produced in the form of dragees and covered with a special coating, is considered a more suitable drug for him.


When taken, there is less effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. This is why panangin cannot always be replaced. Asparkam is convenient for those people who find it difficult to swallow whole tablets. For such patients, it is more convenient to grind the Russian substitute.

The drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood and excreted through the kidneys.

In this case, an overdose of a drug for heart function manifests itself in the form of:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • facial redness;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing.

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor medical sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease development.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

Drug differences

In order to understand and determine for yourself which drug is more effective, you should consider the differences between them. The main difference is the country of origin. Panangin is an imported medicine and is produced by a Hungarian company. Asparkam is manufactured in Russia. That is why the latter remedy is cheaper than its imported counterpart.

For some patients, a European manufacturer is considered a guarantee of high quality, and they are ready to purchase it at a higher price. high price. The cost of asparkam is several times lower than its analogue. This drug Available to patients with any budget: its price for a package of 50 tablets is from 30 rubles. Prices for similar packaging of panangin start from 150 rubles.

Panangin can be prescribed for the treatment of young patients. Cardiologists actively use it in pediatrics.

A comparison of panangin and asparkam can be presented in tabular form:

Key indicators
ManufacturerHungary (Gedeon Richter)Russia
Price (similar packages – 50 tablets)from 150 rub.from 30 rub.
CompoundThere are auxiliary substances contained in the dragee shell, which allows you to soften the effect on the gastrointestinal tract and not spoil tooth enamelHigh concentration of components
Indications for useLarger range of appointments. Possibility of use in pediatrics.Fewer indications for use.
PackageA polypropylene bottle, convenient to carry with you, as can be seen in the photo.In the form of blisters of 10 or 50 pcs.
Important! An agronomist from Barnaul with 8 years of experience in hypertension found old recipe, set up production and released a product that will once and for all relieve you of blood pressure problems...

Analogues of panagin and asparkam



Panangin and asparkam are not the only medications used by patients with a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Cheap generics are presented in sufficient quantities by our pharmacists.

The following similar drugs are available:

  • Potassium-magnesium aspartate.

These medications can be used as substitutes for panangin. They should be compared according to their indications and side effects and choose the most appropriate one for a particular patient.

Another drug for the treatment of heart disease is. It contains magnesium, just like panagin. But the second component in cardiomagnyl is aspirin, which helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. That is why these drugs cannot be used as a replacement for each other. They are an addition to the treatment prescribed by cardiologists.


Scientific research There has been no analysis of which drug is considered more effective: Panangin or its analogues. According to their own pharmacological properties they are identical. Some doctors prefer a foreign drug, believing that European manufacturers are characterized by a more conscientious attitude to the production of medicines than Russian companies that produce a cheap analogue of Panangin. But it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: what helps better?

Dear and respected friends and guests of the blog! I welcome you, and I am glad that you turned to me for information “Panangin or asparkam: which is better for the heart.” I will not disappoint you: from the article you will learn the main differences, advantages and disadvantages of both drugs, and, of course, the main question will be answered - which is better. The article provides objective information, but I also reserve the right to express my subjective opinion at the end of the article. Let's get started.

Various heart diseases (coronary disease, for example, heart failure) or problems with the “main muscle of the body” (arrhythmias, lack of microelements) are caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body, which help the heart tissue contract. No, not like that. The lack of these minerals is only one of the reasons for the development of heart disease, but it is far from ordinary: it occurs all the time.

So, asparkam and panangin, due to their composition, replenish the missing amount of magnesium and potassium so that the heart works better. But you and I still have to identify the leader.

What's in common?

Both of these drugs, so to speak, are built on potassium and magnesium - this is the basis of heart medications. Both of these drugs can be administered to the body orally (tablet form, which we wash down with water) and through injections (injections).

Asparkam, based on reviews on the Internet and reviews of my fellow athletes, is quite a good way to heal your heart or support it, to help with work during heavy physical activity. As for Panangin, there is no less on the Internet positive feedback than asparkam, but in the community of athletes this drug is used much less frequently. Significantly.

Athletes are guided by the following principle: why pay “three dears” if a simple remedy is enough. Not every athlete has heart disease that needs to be treated (which Panangin can handle better), but everyone wants to help their heart (which, in principle, Asparkum can handle quite well). You see, I am already hinting at some differences in the ethics of medicines.

How are they different?

Well, first of all, the country of origin. Asparkam is produced by the countries of the former Union (Ukraine, Russia) - it is like ours, a domestic drug. Panangin is a foreign, bourgeois drug (Hungary), which in some aspects is better than its “brother”.

Foreign friends have always focused on quality (and this is manifested in almost everything, not only in pharmacy), while our compatriots have focused on accessibility for everyone, cheapness, and more or less acceptable quality, which, in general, is what happens.

Simply put, panangin is of better quality and more effective, asparkam is cheaper, but not too inferior in its effect on the heart.

Tell me more? Our drug is not covered with any protective coating: gastric juice dissolves the active substances, and only the remnants reach the heart, which, by and large, are enough. Plus, due to its low cost, the domestic product can be taken more often. Hungarian panangin is coated: the active ingredients are almost completely delivered by the blood to the heart, where they begin their work. This product needs to be used less often.

Another difference that I talk about throughout this article is the price. The foreign analogue costs several times more than ours. Not two, not three, but more. Moreover, the injections themselves more expensive than tablets. And if for asparkam the difference is 2-3 times, then for panangin it is 3-4 times the total amount. In short, you'll have to spend money.

The volume of the main active ingredients (potassium and magnesium) in the foreign medicine is almost twice as much as in ours: 300 mg versus 175, respectively. In addition, our pharmacological product is pure potassium and magnesium, while the European one also contains many excipients such as silicon dioxide, povidone, talc and magnesium stearate.

Based on all this, Panangin has an impressive list of contraindications and side effects, while asparkam has nothing at all. Here's your foreign analogue.

In short, at first glance, foreign medicine for the heart is better, but this is only at first glance: it is more effective, but it is more expensive, it has more contraindications. In addition, the use of asparkam by athletes on an ongoing basis helps maintain the heart, while regular use of panangin can cause an overdose of essential microelements or have unforeseen side effects.

So which is better for the heart?

If we're talking about about treatment, then panangin is certainly a leader, although asparkam is not far behind: it can also be successfully treated. When it comes to use in sports, then asparkam comes out ahead. In addition, money decides a lot: someone simply cannot afford to buy expensive medicines, but the domestic pharmacy allows this.
