Pregnancy symptoms at an early stage. early signs of pregnancy

Behind last years the urgency of the problem of infertility has grown. Thousands of couples are trying to conceive a child, but their attempts are unsuccessful. This is being fought in various directions. Thanks to modern advances in medicine, the effect of infertility treatment in the clinic is the most significant. The desired baby will most likely appear in your house. Some women, after the alleged conception, are aware of the pregnancy, while others do not feel anything and find out about it after a few months. That is why it is important to know the first signs of pregnancy, which will notify you of such a long-awaited and pleasant event.

Symptoms of a false pregnancy

It is difficult to establish pregnancy in the early stages. Most women are so immersed in her expectation that all possible signs of an interesting situation appear - the symptoms of a false pregnancy. But in fact it is self-hypnosis. Upon learning that conception never occurred, failed mothers despair and many begin. It has been proven that when a woman does not think about a possible pregnancy, the chance of conceiving a baby doubles.

Two or three weeks after the intended conception, women begin to feel signs of pregnancy on initial stage. These include emotional change, weakness, migraine, fatigue, nausea, lower back pain. But these are all rather dubious symptoms. There are other signs of pregnancy at the initial stage, by which it is more likely to make sure that you are in an interesting position:

Increased basal body temperature;
delayed menstruation;
copious discharge from the vagina;
breast tenderness;
increased appetite or lack of it;
positive test.

However, this may also be gynecological disease, failure in menstruation or other reasons, such as psychological or physical nature.

There are times when a woman is unaware of her new condition. There are no signs of pregnancy at the initial stage. And even such a symptom as the absence of menstruation, mommy can take as a hormonal failure or overwork. As a rule, such women learn about pregnancy after the appearance of the abdomen or closer to the second trimester.

Determining pregnancy with a test

Nowadays, it is possible with a high probability to determine pregnancy using a test. There are various tools on the market that allow you to identify successful conception at home. Tests come from the first day of the delay and with different sensitivities. It is recommended to do them in the morning.

If you saw the long-awaited two strips on the test, you should contact your gynecologist to determine the exact gestational age. A gynecologist or ultrasound can confirm pregnancy. If your condition is confirmed, and the doctor has set the expected date, you should take various tests, go through doctors, read the literature on the development of pregnancy. And most importantly, enjoy such a pleasant and unforgettable moment as waiting

How to know if pregnancy has come? Many women are tormented by this question; a lot of things in their life can depend on what “position” they are in. The primary signs of pregnancy in the early stages are manifested in female body fairly quickly, a fairly large number of changes begin to occur. Some of them are almost immediately noticeable even to others, not to mention the future mother herself, certain signs are quite simply detected on their own with the help of simple tests and a set of knowledge, and a number of manifestations of pregnancy can only be determined by medical methods.

Delayed period as the first sign of pregnancy

Delay menstrual cycle, is the most important manifestation that you are pregnant. The period of pregnancy in a woman, if there are no deviations, lasts nine months, and throughout this period, menstruation is absent. There may be reasons for delaying menstruation other than pregnancy, these are various difficulties associated with hormonal changes, a past illness, psychological fears in the absence of a desire to have a child, depression, body fatigue, stressful situations, a change in climate zone at the time of travel, breastfeeding a child and much more .

Menstruation after pregnancy

There are periods during pregnancy and they go exactly at the same periods as before conception - up to four months this process can continue. Quite noticeable changes can occur in the menstrual flow itself, their volume can vary greatly both up and down, this is especially evident at the initial stage of pregnancy. If you notice serious changes in the menstrual cycle, their nature and volume, then this is serious reason to check for pregnancy.

Nausea is a sign of pregnancy

Also, one of the first manifestations of pregnancy is a feeling of nausea, which often ends in vomiting. Many people call this syndrome pregnancy nausea, the attacks of which, as a rule, are quite strong in the morning and afternoon hours, at a time when a person’s physical activity is of a greater degree. initial sign Pregnancy is certainly nausea, which begins to make itself felt approximately in the period from 2 to 8 weeks from the moment of conception and continues throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, which lasts 13 weeks.

In some girls, the first symptoms of nausea begin to appear simultaneously with a delay in the menstrual cycle, in others, there can be quite a long period of time between these two events. Since ancient times, a folk sign says that "a month has passed - it starts to feel sick." Few women avoid the symptoms of nausea during pregnancy, but vomiting is rarely the reason for medical attention. Only in rare cases, when, due to constant vomiting, the body of a pregnant woman begins to feel a lack of nutrients and vitamins, is there cause for concern.

Do not try to find a remedy for nausea that, during the period of bearing a child, will be able to completely get rid of it, there is simply no such thing, but there are a number of remedies that can alleviate these symptoms a little. First of all, change your approach to eating, eat in small portions, but more often than before, exclude foods with pronounced odors from the diet, especially those that are unpleasant to you. But in addition to pregnancy, a feeling of nausea can be triggered by a number of other reasons - these are infections, food poisoning and a number of other reasons. But only the feeling of nausea of ​​a pregnant woman cannot be confused with any other, if you have experienced it at least once in your life, then you know what it is and you can easily see the differences between pregnant nausea and ordinary nausea.

Frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy

The initial signs of pregnancy can also be expressed in the form of frequent urge to urinate, which occurs around 6-8 weeks, which is accompanied by very frequent desires to go to the toilet. This phenomenon lasts for the duration of the entire pregnancy, is a rather strong irritating factor. Urination before childbirth becomes even more frequent, as the size of the uterus becomes even larger, which causes a lot of pressure on it. bladder. In addition to pregnancy, similar symptoms can be caused by problems with the urinary system, cystitis, diabetes. If you are sure that you are not currently pregnant, and frequent urination is observed, consult a doctor immediately.

Breast changes as a result of pregnancy

Breast changes during pregnancy begin to appear almost immediately. As a rule, this is expressed by pain in the chest, irritation of the nipples, an increase in size and swelling, and a slight tingling. The mammary glands begin to swell and increase in size, the circles around the nipples darken a little.

Change in appetite is a sign of pregnancy

Another primary sign of pregnancy in the early stages can be a change in appetite, which, absolutely without any obvious reasons, can fluctuate up or down. The latter, of course, is less likely and can only be the cause of the body's reaction to the feeling of nausea that accompanies pregnancy almost from the very beginning. Only by one change in appetite it is impossible to judge whether a girl is pregnant or not, but if some of the symptoms described above are also observed, then it can already be judged that pregnancy is taking place.

Malaise during pregnancy

Malaise during pregnancy, this is one of its symptoms, there is rapid fatigue, constant desire sleep, do not want to do anything. Such symptoms are not tied to any particular trimester, they can periodically make themselves felt throughout pregnancy. To avoid such phenomena, strictly follow the recommendations made by your doctor, rest more often, eat right, be in the fresh air more often and do not burden yourself with unnecessary work.

Start of pregnancy

What is not allowed

It is strictly forbidden to smoke and take alcohol - immediately give up these bad habits to allow the fetus to develop and grow normally. Knowing what symptoms during the initial pregnancy are present in the majority, it is possible to observe this prohibition in the early stages.

Many women are concerned about taking antibiotics during the period of bearing a child - experts say that this is extremely harmful and can negatively affect the mental / physical development of the baby.

In fact, modern antibiotics are allowed during this “interesting” period, for example, tsifron at the beginning of pregnancy will have the desired therapeutic effect and be safe for the fetus.

The process of starting a pregnancy can proceed in different ways, but the woman’s body will definitely give a “sign” of changes: diarrhea or dizziness, nausea or drowsiness will begin. A woman can only obey the doctor in everything and wait for the birth of a child.

A normal pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks from the end of the last normal menstrual cycle. For ease of understanding, the entire period of pregnancy is divided into 3 stages, which are called pregnancy trimesters. At each stage, changes in the woman's body and the formation of the fetus occur, which are characteristic only of this stage of pregnancy.

Fig.1 Stages of pregnancy

How is the first trimester of pregnancy?

(1 week - 12 weeks)

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes. First of all, the body of a pregnant woman undergoes hormonal changes that involve changes in almost every organ of the body. As a result, a change in the hormonal background of the body is manifested by a number of symptoms characteristic of the beginning of pregnancy, some of which appear already in. Delay of menstruation- this is one of the most common and first signs of pregnancy, which most often a woman first of all pays attention to. Among other changes and symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester, there are:

  • Sensitization and breast augmentation.
  • Severe tiredness and fatigue.
  • indigestion with dyspepsia or without (morning sickness)
  • Change in taste or aversion to certain foods
  • mood swings
  • constipation
  • Increased urge to urinate or frequent urination
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • or vice versa weight loss (which is less common)

The appearance of such symptoms in the first trimester of pregnancy will require a woman to need to change her daily routine, for example, try to go to bed earlier or change her diet (eat more often and in small portions). In most cases, the described symptoms disappear as the duration of pregnancy increases, and some women do not experience any discomfort at all in the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, the combination of these symptoms can change with repeated pregnancies, and with each next pregnancy, this combination may differ significantly from the previous one.

How is the second trimester of pregnancy?

(13 weeks - 28 weeks)

In the second trimester, a woman usually has external signs of pregnancy and is clearly visible, so it is easier for a woman to recognize. By the second trimester, symptoms such as nausea And fatigue. However, new structural changes are constantly taking place in the body, the fetus of the child increases in size, and by the end of the second trimester, the child begins to move in the womb. The constant growth of the baby and the enlargement of the uterus leads to the formation of a number of symptoms associated with the ongoing pregnancy. Among them, the most typical are:

  • Pain in the body, such as pain in the lower back, abdomen, groin, or thighs
  • Stretch marks(stretch marks) on the abdomen, breasts, thighs, or buttocks
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples
  • The appearance of a dark line on the skin between the navel and the pubic hairy area, the so-called black line
  • Areas of darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the skin on the cheeks, forehead, nose, or upper lip. Such changes usually form on both sides and are often referred to by dermatologists as the mask of pregnancy.
  • Numbness, stiffness, or tingling of the hands, also called carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Feeling itchy skin on the abdomen, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. (When the nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice or fatigue, combined with a feeling of itching of the skin, may be one of the signs of liver pathology during pregnancy, therefore, if such complaints appear in a pregnant woman, you should immediately consult a doctor)
  • Swelling of the ankles, fingers and face. (When such swelling progresses rapidly, accompanied by severe weight gain, it may be a sign of a condition called preeclampsia in pregnancy and requires immediate medical attention)

How is the third trimester of pregnancy?

(29 weeks - 40 weeks)

During this period, most women retain the signs characteristic of the second trimester of pregnancy, however, due to the continued growth of the child in the womb and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which reduces the depth of inspiration, the pregnant woman may experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Additionally, due to the constant pressure of the fetus on the organs abdominal cavity and the need for constant hygiene, a woman begins to take a bath more often. These phenomena of discomfort do not affect the development of the child in any way and immediately after his birth completely disappear.

New signs of the second trimester of pregnancy are added to the pre-existing signs of the second trimester of pregnancy, and the following are the most common of them:

  • Dyspnea
  • Heartburn
  • Swelling of the ankles, fingers and face. (If edema progresses quickly, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, as their appearance may be due to a condition called preeclampsia)
  • Haemorrhoids
  • The increase in the sensitivity of the breasts and the release of a secret by them, which is called colostrum
  • Expansion of the umbilical ring and protruding navel
  • Violation of sleep and wakefulness
  • The child in the abdomen becomes more active, the mother can feel these movements and the uterus with the fetus descends.
  • There are contractions or muscle contractions of the uterus, which may be a real or false sign of incipient labor

As soon as the pregnant woman approaches the childbearing period (usually 38-40 weeks of pregnancy), the woman's cervix becomes thinner and softer. This is the usual process of preparing the birth canal for labor activity, that is, to childbirth. To assess a woman's readiness for the birth of a child, an obstetrician-gynecologist usually examines the vagina and decides how to continue to manage the pregnancy (whether to hospitalize the pregnant woman in the maternity hospital or monitor the course of her pregnancy on an outpatient basis).

How does a baby develop in the womb week by week?

First trimester of pregnancy
(1 week - 12 weeks)

4 weeks pregnant (1 month):

  • During this period, the formation of the head and spinal cord child.
  • The heart is also formed.
  • The arms and legs of the fetus appear.
  • The baby is an embryo 0.5 mm long.

8 weeks pregnant (2 months):

  • The formation of the main organs and torso of the child begins.
  • The child's heart begins to beat with a certain frequency, full-fledged rhythmic contractions of the myocardium appear.
  • The arms and legs become longer, and fingers and toes are formed.
  • The reproductive organs are laid and formed.
  • On the face are outlined and become more visible eyes eyelids are formed.
  • The umbilical cord becomes clearly visible.
  • By the end of the 8th week, the fetus of the child becomes more human-like, the length of the child during this period is almost 2.5 centimeters and it weighs at least 3.5-4 grams.

Fig. 2 This is what a baby looks like at 8-9 weeks of gestation

12 weeks pregnant (3 months):

  • During this period, the activity of the nervous and muscle tissue. The child can bring his fingers into a fist.
  • By the external genitalia, you can determine who the child is, a boy or a girl. An ultrasound examination, which is usually performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, can provide significant assistance in determining the sex of the unborn child.
  • The eyelids completely protect the eyes and do not open until the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • The main growth of the child slows down, but the length of the child increases to 7.5-8 cm and the fetus weighs almost 30 grams.

Fig. 3 Three-dimensional picture of the fetus of a child at 12 weeks of gestation (3D ultrasound)

Second trimester of pregnancy
(13 weeks - 28 weeks)

16 weeks pregnant (4 months):

  • Muscular and bone continue to form, resulting in a more powerful skeleton and muscular frame of the body.
  • From week 16, skin formation begins.
  • Meconium is formed in the gastrointestinal tract. During this period, the first bowel movement into the amniotic fluid occurs.
  • For the first time, the child begins to make indefinite movements with his mouth.
  • The child reaches a length of approximately 12.5 - 13 centimeters and weighs almost 80-90 grams.

20 weeks pregnant (5 months):

  • The child becomes even more active, for the first time you can feel small movements in the abdomen.
  • During this period of pregnancy, the baby's body is covered with fluffy hair, which is called lanugo or fluff, and covered with wax, which is called vernix or cheese grease. They protect the developing skin.
  • There is a further formation of eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails and toenails, with which he is able to scratch himself and the wall of the uterus through the amniotic sac.
  • It is at the 20th week of pregnancy that the baby begins to hear and swallow.
  • By this period, which is half of pregnancy, the child becomes about 15 centimeters long and weighs approximately 250-300 grams.

24 weeks pregnant (6 months):

  • The bone marrow begins to produce blood cells.
  • Taste buds are formed on the tongue.
  • There is also the formation of a trace and fingerprints.
  • Fluffy hair is replaced by real hair.
  • There is a final formation and further development of the lungs, but so far they do not work.
  • Primary reflexes and hand reflexes develop.
  • The child is set to sleep and wakefulness, that is, the child in the womb falls asleep and wakes up depending on the time of day.
  • During this period, if the child is a boy, the testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. If the child is a girl, her uterus and ovaries remain in the same place.
  • At the 24th week of pregnancy, the child slightly gains weight and height, and now his height is approximately 30 centimeters and he weighs about 650-700 grams.

Fig. 4 Baby at 24 weeks of gestation

Third trimester of pregnancy
(29 weeks - 40 weeks)

32 weeks pregnant (8 months):

  • The bones harden, but they are still soft.
  • Movements and blows of the child in the stomach become more and more noticeable.
  • The eyes are able to open and close, and these movements are now associated with the time of day, the child can respond to light.
  • The lungs are still not fully formed, but as practice shows, by the 32nd week of pregnancy, the first movements resembling a breath appear.
  • The body begins to accumulate such vital trace elements as iron and calcium.
  • The amount of vellus hair is reduced.
  • In the third trimester, the child is especially actively gaining weight, approximately 600-700 grams per week. By week 32, the baby grows to 37.5 - 42.5 centimeters and weighs approximately 2-2.5 kilograms.

36 week (9 month):

  • Protective cheese grease becomes thicker.
  • The volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue increases. The baby becomes larger and there is less and less space in the amniotic space. The activity of movements becomes slightly less, but the sensations of the movement of the fetus in the abdomen still remain.
  • The growth of the child by 36 weeks is approximately 40 - 48 centimeters and it weighs approximately 3 - 3.5 kilograms.

Fig. 5 36-37 weeks of pregnancy (the child is head presentation)

37 - 40 weeks:

  • By the end of 37 weeks, the baby is fully formed and the organs are able to function independently.
  • As soon as the prenatal period begins, the position of the child in the womb changes. The position of the child before childbirth is called presentation and depending on the presentation of one or another part of the child, the tactics of obstetric care can change, and the presentation itself can be head, pelvic, foot, and so on. Head presentation of the fetus is considered normal.
  • At birth, a normal baby usually weighs 3 to 4 kilograms and can be 47.5 to 53 centimeters tall. In most cases, newborns correspond to these sizes, but the birth of a more or less large child cannot be considered signs of prematurity or postmaturity, since these indicators are purely individual, it is more important to assess the overall health of the child.

What changes occur in a woman's body during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

One of the expected manifestations of pregnancy is an increase in waist size. But, as mentioned earlier, during pregnancy, other changes in the body may occur, relating to almost any organ and tissue. The main group of such changes is listed below and recommendations are given for what needs to be done to reduce the severity of these manifestations and discomfort during pregnancy, as well as to maintain a normal pregnancy.

Pain and aches in the body

Since the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, it is not uncommon for women to experience pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower back, abdomen, groin, or thighs. Most women experience pain in the lumbar and pelvic region, which is associated with an increase in pressure on the baby's head before childbirth, an increase in the total weight of the pregnant woman and stress on the lower back and hip joints. Some pregnant women complain of lower back pain radiating to the legs or the back of the legs (thighs), which is associated with the formation sciatica. It is believed that the development of these pains is associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the sciatic nerve.

  • It is necessary to lie down or take a semi-horizontal position.
  • Rest.
  • Apply heat.
  • The pain doesn't go away.

Breast changes

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
During pregnancy, a woman experiences an increase and swelling of the mammary glands. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy and the onset of the prenatal period, hormonal changes occur in the woman's body and the preparation of the mammary glands for breastfeeding . Sometimes pregnant women may experience feelings of fullness and heaviness in the breasts.
By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, some women develop colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk produced mammary glands for feeding a child. In addition to proteins and nutrients, breast milk contains antibodies that, when fed, protect the body of newborns from infection and build immunity.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Use a special bra or bra for pregnant and nursing mothers with good support.
  • Use of special pads or pads to absorb colostrum.


During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Many women during pregnancy complain of a tendency to constipation. Usually signs of constipation are the presence of difficulty in emptying and dense stools, the intensity of which can decrease up to 3 times a week, while the act of defecation is often accompanied by the appearance of pain or painful sensations.
In addition to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the sigmoid and rectum, which is the main cause of constipation in pregnant women, an increase in the level of hormones in the blood slows down the process of digestion and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the colon, and, accordingly, the speed of movement stool along the intestines.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is generally recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks containing caffeine.
  • Shown to be eaten foods rich in fiber such as dried fruits, vegetables, and foods containing cereals.
  • To activate peristaltic processes to the intestines, use moderate physical activity or exercise


During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Many women during pregnancy complain about dizziness and lightheadedness, continuing the entire period of pregnancy. Fainting state during pregnancy, it develops relatively rarely, but can occur in absolutely healthy women. The development of this condition is preceded by several reasons, the main of which are the growth of a large number of blood vessels during pregnancy, the pressure of the enlarging uterus on large blood vessels(aorta and inferior vena cava), an increase in the volume of circulating blood (hypervolemia) and swelling of tissues (including the brain), an increase in the need for food intake.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is recommended to get out of bed slowly in the morning.
  • Avoid standing for a long time.
  • Eat regularly.
  • It is preferable to lie and sleep on the left side.
  • Wear loose clothing.

call a doctor or ambulance If:

  • You feel severe weakness and you have symptoms vaginal bleeding or preserved.

Fatigue, sleep disturbance

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
During pregnancy, a woman may experience fatigue and tiredness despite seemingly prolonged sleep. Usually such sensations occur in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. But there is no reason to worry, this is a common situation! Usually, fatigue is a signal from the body itself to increase the time needed for rest. In the second trimester of pregnancy, fatigue is usually replaced by a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of energy. However, in the third trimester, due to an increase in the size of the uterus and fetus, the appearance of shortness of breath, signs of fatigue appear again. In parallel, there is a change in the mode of sleep and wakefulness. In addition, the active movements of the child, frequent urination and an increase in the rate of metabolic processes in the body may be accompanied by interruptions and sleep disturbances. Often waking up at night is caused by cramps that occur in the legs.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is recommended to lie down on your left side during sleep.
  • Use special orthopedic pillows for pregnant women, which are placed under the lower back, under the knees, etc.
  • It is recommended to develop a good sleep-wake routine, such as getting up and going to bed at fixed times each day and using the bed only for sleeping or sex.
  • It is better to go to bed a little earlier than usual.
  • You can take a few naps during the day if you feel sleep deprivation at night.
  • Shift fluid intake to an earlier period of time and take less water just before bed.

Heartburn and indigestion

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Hormonal changes and increasing uterine pressure can cause stomach upset And heartburn. Usually, the hormones produced in the body of a pregnant woman slow down the muscle activity of the digestive tract, as a result of which the food moves more time through gastrointestinal tract and poorly digested. This creates a feeling of bloating and discomfort in the abdomen.
Additionally, hormones help relax the lower esophageal sphincter, which separates the contents of the stomach from the esophagus. High blood pressure in the abdominal cavity can cause gastric contents to reflux into the esophagus () and lead to the development of heartburn, and sometimes reflux esophagitis. The appearance of heartburn is more typical for the later stages of pregnancy.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is recommended to use fractional meals, that is, eat 6-8 times a day in small portions instead of 3 times in the form of regular portions, and eat slowly.
  • Take water and drinks between meals, not with meals.
  • Avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Avoid eating citrus fruits or acidic juices or spicy foods.
  • Do not eat or drink for a few hours before bed.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after eating.

Call a doctor or an ambulance if:

  • Symptoms of heartburn do not disappear after the proposed recommendations. Be sure to consult your doctor about the need to take drugs that neutralize acid and gastric juice.


During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Haemorrhoids- this is the expansion and bulging of the veins of the rectum. They can cause itching, pain and. Approximately 50 percent of pregnant women develop hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids. The main causes and predisposing factors for the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, an increase in the uterus and compression of its large veins, as well as a tendency to constipation. All these factors lead to a violation of the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and rectum, and trigger mechanisms that stimulate the formation of hemorrhoids.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is advisable to take more water and drinks per day.
  • It is recommended to switch to a meal rich in fiber, such as bran, cereals, lettuce, vegetables and fruits.
  • It is also recommended to use various laxatives and avoid straining during the act of defecation.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking drugs (gels, ointments, etc.) based on witch hazel, which help reduce pain and irritation of the mucous membrane.


During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Approximately 20 percent of pregnant women experience itching during pregnancy. The most typical localization of itching is the abdomen. Sometimes it is possible to develop redness and itching in the area of ​​​​the palms and soles of the feet. The main causes of these manifestations are the hormonal background that forms during pregnancy and changes (dryness) of the skin. Itching usually disappears after the baby is born.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Gentle soaps and moisturizers are recommended.
  • Avoid hot showers and baths.
  • Avoid wearing clothes and fabrics that cause itching.

Call a doctor or an ambulance if:

  • Signs of itching do not improve within a week of starting skin care.

Leg cramps

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
At various stages of pregnancy, women may experience sudden onset muscle cramps in the area of ​​the thighs and legs. They usually develop in the evening and at night. Muscle spasms occur due to a violation of calcium metabolism and insufficient calcium in the blood.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Massage of the muscles of the legs and feet.
  • Do light exercise.
  • To prevent sudden cramps, it is necessary to perform exercises to stretch the ankle and calf muscles.
  • Eating foods rich in calcium.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements.

morning sickness

In the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to the development of nausea And vomiting. Typically, these symptoms occur in the morning and are therefore referred to as "morning sickness," although nausea and vomiting may occur at any time of the day. Usually morning sickness disappears by the second trimester.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • To get rid of morning sickness, 6-8 small meals will help instead of the traditional three meals a day, as a result of which the stomach will be constantly filled with food, and at the same time it will not overflow.
  • Don't go to bed after eating.
  • It is recommended to have breakfast with toast or crackers with tea
  • Eating light, low-fat or high-fiber foods such as cereals, rice, and bananas is recommended.
  • It is recommended to avoid odors that can cause anti-peristaltic activity and vomiting.

Call a doctor or an ambulance if:

  • You have signs of a more serious ailment and the ineffectiveness of the proposed recommendations.
  • You continue to have symptoms of nausea and the urge to vomit or vomit every day.

Nosebleeds and nasal congestion

Nosebleeds and nasal congestion is not uncommon during pregnancy. Usually they are associated with an increase in the volume of circulating blood (hypervolemia) and the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, causing certain changes in the nasal mucosa.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Take good care of your nose and use soft handkerchiefs or cotton.
  • In case of bleeding, apply cold (a cool bottle of water) or table ice to the nose.
  • Also, to stop nosebleeds, you can tightly pinch your nose between your thumb and forefinger for several minutes.

Call a doctor or an ambulance if:

  • Bleeding from the nose occurs quite often and does not stop within a few minutes.

Numbness or tingling in the hands

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
A feeling of swelling, swelling, tingling and sensory disturbance in the fingers and hands, which is referred to by the collective name carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy. This syndrome is due to swelling of the tissues in the carpal tunnel, through which the flexor muscles of the fingers and forearm pass, and it usually disappears after pregnancy and childbirth.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Rest more often.
  • Consult with your doctor about the possibility of using special splints that fix the wrist area.

Stretch marks and other skin changes

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Stretch marks- red, pink or brown stripes on the skin of a pregnant woman. Most often they appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and breasts. They usually look like scars and are associated with a strong overstretching of the skin in the second half of pregnancy.
In addition to stretch marks, other skin changes may occur, among which the most common are discoloration (darkening) of the nipples, a dark line between the navel and the pubic area (called a black line), areas of hyperpigmentation of the skin on the forehead, nose, upper lip and cheeks (located on both sides and called "pregnancy mask" or melasma, especially in dark-skinned women.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Unfortunately, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation are phenomena associated with hormonal changes and disappear only after pregnancy and the birth of a child.


During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
Most women experience puffiness or swelling of the face, hands, or ankle area during pregnancy, which can appear at any stage of pregnancy, but is most common in the third trimester of pregnancy or just before delivery.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of liquid daily.
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks or eat salty foods.
  • It is recommended to rest more and take an elevated position with the legs.
  • Ask your doctor about the possibility of wearing elastic compression stockings.

Call a doctor or an ambulance if:
In the case of progressive swelling of the face, arms or legs and a significant weight gain, one can think of a condition that is called preeclampsia requiring emergency medical attention.

Frequent urination and urinary incontinence

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
During pregnancy, temporary bladder dysfunction is possible, which is usually associated with pressure from the enlarged uterus on the bladder, urethra, and other pelvic organs. In addition, increased urination is possible due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and edematous syndrome, as well as weakness of the pelvic floor that develops as a result of pregnancy, leading to urinary incontinence during sneezing, coughing or laughing.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Increase the frequency of bathing and hygiene measures.
  • Drinking moderate amounts of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Fulfill exercises with skittles and an inflatable ball for pregnant women to improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

Varicose veins

During pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms:
During pregnancy, the total volume of blood in the body increases. Together with the pressure created by the enlarged uterus on the large veins of the pelvis and lower extremities(tributaries of the inferior vena cava), increased blood volume can lead to slower outflow venous blood from the legs (lower limbs), and the formation on the legs and varicose veins of the rectum ( haemorrhoids).
Varicose veins are swollen and raised above the surface of the skin knots of purple or bluish color. Their typical localization of varicose veins is the back and inner surfaces of the thighs and legs.
What actions can help with these symptoms:

  • Avoid prolonged bending of the knee joints.
  • Keep your legs elevated more often.