Famous people born on February 23rd. Listen to the opinions of strangers

There are accidents in life. Sometimes pleasant, and sometimes simply amazing! And it is they who attract attention, demanding a double dose of surprise and admiration. For example, if the birthday of your loved one, dad, brother or just a friend falls on February 23, he, the birthday boy, gets everything double!

But here’s what’s no less interesting: what kind of character are they, men born on February 23? Let's try to figure it out!

There's no arguing about signs

So, if your man was born on February 23, his zodiac sign is Pisces! This means that he is endowed not only with the emotionality and sensitivity characteristic of the sign, but also with the rationality of the number 23.

Those born on February 23 are active and sociable, easily find a common language and at the same time are excellent storytellers and curious listeners. Being true Pisces, such men are creative people: they are fond of reading, have acting abilities, and often have a predisposition to music, dancing and painting. If desired, they become famous actors, directors, dancers and artists.

Interesting fact: Surprisingly, those born on the 23rd of the month are subordinate to the number 5, which is formed by adding two digits of the main number - 2+3. Being under the protection of the mysterious five, Pisces men always confidently repel the blows of fate and easily recover from them in critical situations. The number 23 is determined by the desire to act, which implies that people born at this time are at the center of events.

"Characteristic" features


A lot can be said about the character of those who were born on the holiday of February 23. Firstly, birthday men are under the supervision of the powerful planet Saturn, which means they are strong, ambitious and self-confident. Secondly, they are fearless and courageous - they never give up in a difficult situation, preferring to solve the assigned tasks with ease.

Pisces men born on February 23 are simply not concerned about material wealth for one simple reason: they always earn as much as they want. Preferring stability, they confidently stay at the level they choose and never fall below. They often own their own successful businesses or occupy leading positions in large companies. When planning changes in life or work, they always have in reserve not only plan B, but also plan C. However, plan A is so impeccable that its failure is simply impossible.

Being realists, such men always look at the situation clearly and do not indulge themselves with unrealistic hopes if there are no objective reasons for this. In any case, they treat the work responsibly and, if they take on something, they do it efficiently and with pleasure. Treat colleagues with respect, displaying civility and curiosity.


However, sometimes a feeling of excessive demands on others leads to misunderstandings with loved ones, colleagues and employees. The belief that no one can do better often progresses to depression and loneliness. To avoid such undesirable consequences, you should praise Pisces men more and remind them more often that everything is fine with them.

Family matters

If your man celebrates his birthday on February 23rd, rest assured that when it comes to love, he listens to his heart rather than his head. Which allows him to demonstrate care sincerely and openly. And if you become the chosen one of a Pisces man, a world full of romance and adventure will open up to you! The main thing is to appreciate the impulse and be sure to tell your loved one about it.

The holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” is associated with masculinity, courage, and dedication. Of course, it is curious whether the characteristics of the eastern horoscope coincide in this regard? In this article we will figure out which zodiac sign was born on February 23, and why it is special.

Zodiac sign for February 23rd for a man

So, it is Pisces that falls on this day. This sign is generally characterized by calmness, the ability to adapt to difficult life circumstances, and build friendly relationships with different people. Of course, each person has his own unique character, and not only the zodiac sign, but also the day and number on which the person was born has a huge impact on him. What characteristics do Pisces born on February 23 have?


Men born on February 23 believe it or not, but Pisces men who saw the world on February 23 stand out characteristic features among other representatives of this sign. How does this manifest itself? First of all, this is confidence, turning into an extreme degree, hyperconfidence. Thus, Pisces born on this day consider themselves the most suitable candidates for any role, whether it is a work vacancy or the role of the husband of the girl they like. What is this connected with? Pisces born on this day can easily solve issues that seem overwhelming to others. Once you deal with several problems, men of this sign begin to consider themselves at least aces. Pisces born on this day behave quite politely with competitors. Thus, they will try to avoid demonstrating their own superiority, even if this fact is obvious. And we’re not just talking about rivals, Pisces in general are very delicate, they know how to choose the right “key” for any situation. Besides this, men who were born on a men's holiday are realists. Sometimes they make pessimistic forecasts, which surprises others, but this is more likely to follow the principle of “prepare for the worst while expecting the best” than a firm position in life. But what is not typical of these people is senseless, unfounded optimism.


Pisces' attitude towards money this day is very calm. They don’t have their head in the clouds, dreaming of a villa-yacht, and they don’t crawl on the ground, trying to make a fortune. They clearly know how much they need “to be happy,” and they strive for this amount, without thinking about more. Living in luxury for men born on February 23 is not acceptable - unless it coincides with their concept of what exactly “this much is needed for happiness.” Pisces are not greedy, but one cannot say about them that they are very generous. The chosen ones of those born on this day know that they do not give expensive gifts often. You will receive signs of attention in the form of flowers and sweets (but within reasonable limits), but do not expect jewelry and cars, even if Pisces has the opportunity for this.


What are Pisces men like in love? They prefer to trust the voice of their heart, and often make mistakes. They can choose a person by trusting their intuition, however, you must admit that intuition can be easily confused with the voice of reason. I would like to advise those born on this day to be more attentive and trust all senses, and not just the heart muscle.

Zodiac sign for February 23rd for a woman


Paradoxical as it may seem, Pisces ladies born on February 23 represent the image of the woman that every man secretly dreams of! Why is she so remarkable?
Firstly, the woman who was lucky enough to be born on this day is a strong person. This does not mean that she behaves “like a man”, by no means! Such a lady is firm in her views and principles, and does not rely on anyone but herself. She is alien to using other people for her own interests, and therefore it is a pleasure to be friends with her. Women who came into the world on February 23 don't lie. They are truthful and tell the truth, even if it interferes with their own interests. So, they sometimes suffer from this, but their conscience is clear. Perhaps this is precisely the reason that this zodiac sign has few friends, but they are true comrades, and not casual friends.


In love, Pisces women are too reasonable. This can interfere with building good, romantic relationships. So, sometimes ladies born on February 23 lack passion and emotionality. On the other hand, such girls will never succumb to the tricks of the male part of the world. They will weigh everything before answering “yes” or “no”, and this will not be a random whim, but a firm decision.


Now you know what people born on this day are like, what zodiac sign corresponds to them and how they are characterized. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with this information if you are going to build a relationship with Pisces. Share links and leave your comments.

Day of a Viable Person.

February 23rd celebrity birthday- actor Oleg Yankovsky, actress Emily Blunt, skier Kristina Shmigun-Vähi, actress Dakota Fanning

Personality of Pisces born on February 23- Those born on February 23 usually offer others not only their ideas, but also themselves as an alternative to other applicants, considering their candidacy the most suitable option. They often solve problems related to moving things in the right direction. Deeply convinced that they are fully capable of coping with a particular job, no matter how difficult it may be, people whose birthday is February 23 will be among the first to take an interest in the vacancy that opens and will do everything to fill the vacant position. However, they are quite correct in relation to competitors. Those born on February 23 usually manage to delicately expand the scope of their activities. These people use every opportunity to gain the approval of others. Their arguments are always very convincing and sometimes sound like advice; It is rare that they will try to prove that they are right if they themselves are not completely sure of it. Those born on February 23 are realists, capable of examining the current situation down to the smallest detail. However, it often happens that their realism may actually turn out to be pessimism - given this, it is important for older people to beware of pickiness and bitterness. The unpleasant aspects of the character of those born on this day repel those around them, so they are advised to carefully distribute their strength in order to avoid loneliness and depression. In addition, people whose birthday is February 23 should especially beware of the tendency to self-deprecation.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is February 23? They stand firmly on their feet and will never indulge in the crazy pleasures of a luxurious life. Because they are practical and often face difficulties, many of them prefer to use the experiences of the past to properly prepare for possible difficulties in the future. Thus, those born on February 23 “love engines that, once started, never stop.”

One of the reasons for the success of those born on February 23 is, in addition to pragmatism, unmistakable intuition, that is, determining the most convenient time for action and the ability to stop in time. Those born on this day usually resolve the existing dilemma quite correctly, thereby directing their lives in the right direction and accepting the laws of inevitability. When they stray from the once planned path, they rarely return to it and simply choose another. Before they begin Plan A, they will carefully consider the benefits of Plan B and put it aside.

In their personal life, they should listen only to their hearts and not become irresponsible. They need to take into account the wishes of others and try to be open. By recognizing the true value of other people's opinions and calmly listening to their plans for action, those born on this day will make friends and receive support for their own projects.

Advice for Pisces born on February 23- Never reject a helping hand. You can't be the best at everything. Learn to give way to others when necessary. Be more attentive in your personal life. Remember to relax and have fun.

Born on February 23rd - Pisces zodiac. They are touchy, resourceful, emotional and treat people kindly. They are interested in mysticism and the occult. Meaningfulness allows them to maintain a balance between their fascination with the secret world and common sense.

They have talents in acting and writing, which will allow them to become artists, dancers, musicians and maybe actors.

General characteristics of the sign

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is the last 12th sign of the zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. People of this sign are strongly influenced by the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Under the influence of these planets, sensitive, compassionate natures are formed, who are ready to help others at any moment. The element of the sign is water, which is as fickle as people born under the sign of Pisces. They are unsure of themselves, so they easily follow the lead of others. Such a person does not strive to become rich, he can easily part with money, and just as easily get it.


  • Giftedness.
  • Sanity.
  • Practicality.


  • Doom.
  • Demandingness.
  • The discussion itself.

Characteristics of men

Pisces men love to dream; women, sensual and creative people, build their ideal in their heads. It is very easy to find a common language in communication. They fall in love easily, but find it difficult to build lasting relationships.

Friendship and work

Representatives of this constellation are ready to help others, many seek consolation and support in them, trust them with their deepest secrets, and share problems. In communication with friends warm, trusting relationships, spiritual intimacy. Still, friends often take advantage of the sincerity and politeness of men of this sign, placing their difficulties on their far from courageous shoulders.

They are always ready to listen and help if possible, but over time they themselves will need help, mental support, because they have a subtle mental organization. A man needs at least one understanding friend who is ready to help at any moment. They try to hide their weaknesses, since it is not typical for a man to do this.

It is very difficult for this sign to find a job and achieve good luck, although their resources fully allow this. They live in anticipation of a miracle, as if it will fall from heaven, they dream of material security and authority. Pisces always look for easy ways to achieve goals; hard work is not interesting to them.

Love relationships and marriage

Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men comes first, as does self-realization. He can be a womanizer, often having many affairs and hiding them. Equally sensitive women become fans of Pisces men. Men of this sign try to keep everything secret and not tell friends about their relationships, although they have something to brag about, since they personal life eventful. If Pisces men are in love, they do not notice her shortcomings and forgive all mistakes. In a relationship with a woman, in his opinion, there should be a feeling of security and satisfaction.

Representatives of this sign do not strive to get married, they are not ready to take responsibility for their spouse and future children and rarely initiate marriage; most often their chosen ones push them to take this serious step. If a man decides to take this step, be prepared for his demands regarding discipline and order. Having entered into marriage, a man will treat his family well, shower them with warmth and affection, but in return he will want constant confirmation of his love for himself.

Characteristics of Pisces women

Women born under the sign of Pisces are very charming, hypersensitive, defenseless creatures. Their main trump card is femininity and weakness, creating mystery in them, and this attracts men. It’s not easy to win a lady’s favor; she follows her reasoning, not her desires.

Character and career

Those born under the zodiac constellation Pisces - woman with a contradictory character, then she shines in the spotlight, then she wants to be left alone. Such a lady can be described in a few words: sensitivity, sociability, creative nature. Self-confident, does not hesitate to ask for help from others, and always strives to achieve success. She is able to instill confidence in a man; not everyone can do this.

Fish will work at full strength if this work brings her pleasure. She will be efficient, attentive and collected in the workplace if she likes it. She knows how to perform important and difficult tasks, and if Rybka is not interested, then she will give the impression of a lazy, boring, unreasonable performer. Will excel in the following areas: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, sports and beauty.

Behavior in love and family

A woman of this sign, a romantic and dreamy nature, always expects understanding and support from men. Can't imagine life without a soulmate. He often experiences disappointment in his partner, but if he meets true love, he values ​​this relationship and will do everything not to lose it. Always understanding, she will forgive her partner’s mistakes, but at the same time she can have an affair on the side.

According to the Pisces horoscope, a woman in marriage always trusts her husband, consults with him on every occasion, and makes the man feel like he is in charge. She is always ready to help her husband and support him. If the family has money problems, she is ready to give up her own expenses. The only thing she demands from her husband is that he remember all the memorable days living together. If he forgets about the anniversary, she may be offended for a long time.

These individuals are quite restless and very mysterious, and getting close to them is not an easy task, because they tend to trust strangers, especially if they did not like them at first sight.

They want and strive to get into an environment that would raise their status and show them respect, while they are against anyone interfering in their affairs or personal life.

Men and women of the Zodiac sign on February 23 nevertheless know how to establish close and trusting relationships with people around them, and if they wish, they can do it easily.

If you can reach the heart of this person, you will certainly acquire a reliable and true friend on for many years, ready to sacrifice himself for you, to come to your aid at any moment, he will be able to support and console.

Pisces representatives work and study with great eagerness and a desire to grow, especially when they have found their true calling that meets their needs and dreams.

The February 23 zodiac sign needs a marriage partner who is strong and decisive, who knows how to lead, and both Pisces men and women need him.

Next to such a person you will be able to feel confident and completely safe, which will give you the opportunity to truly feel protected and enjoy life.

But you shouldn’t relax too much, you need to learn to act independently, be more active, and take the initiative into your own hands more often. Look for balance among your desires and capabilities and you will live a full life.

To a greater extent this female sign, and men born Pisces are usually drawn to authoritarian and strong-willed women, although despite this, they still sometimes want to prove themselves as a leader, to prove their worth, but this does not last long.

Representatives of the fairer sex have a much easier life than men; they are faithful and reliable spouses, good housewives and mothers, they are gentle, graceful and very feminine, ready to follow their lover to the ends of the earth.

The most difficult years for representatives of this sign are 15, 26, 41 and 59 years.

It is during these time periods that these people experience a change in life values, a revision of the previous system of values ​​and priorities that they had previously been guided by and adhered to. website

During these years, you will take stock and make plans, think about the last years you have lived, the meaning of your life, and try to find your new place in this world.

These are great visionaries and visionaries. They constantly run away from the gray routine into the bright world of their dreams. Because of this, they are rightly considered to be poorly adapted to life, although sometimes they still manage to prove their practicality and demonstrate strength of character.

This is a hypersensitive zodiac sign on February 23, Pisces men and women are very sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of the people around them, and empathy, self-denial and versatility are the main qualities of these extraordinary individuals.

They tend to absorb other people's ideas and initiatives on an unconscious level. The majority of this person has a weak will; most often their well-being depends on circumstances, and not on their merits. It is important for them to learn to act independently, make decisions and defend their interests.

A sign of duality and impermanence. It is difficult for these people to make unambiguous decisions, they get tired quickly, which prevents them from playing sports, leading active image life, do hard work.

It is hardly possible to call men and women of the Pisces zodiac sign, born on February 23, brave fighters defending their independence and principles, or brave fighters for justice; this is not for them.

An aversion to arguing and defending their position makes them timid and indecisive. They are often ready to endure injustice towards themselves rather than get involved in a forced struggle for their legal rights.

On the other hand, their patience is not endless and sometimes bursts, in which case they can become angry to such a level that it will not be possible to calm them down for a long time.

Outwardly, representatives of the Pisces sign are very charming, and women are gentle; their graceful charm and subtle humor easily open the doors of many life offices for them.

This person’s mood can fluctuate and change dramatically even within one day, from extreme optimism and self-confidence to deep passivity and melancholy.

Professionally, these individuals can be diligent, responsible and precise in doing their work, and just the opposite, irresponsible, lazy and disorganized.

Pisces of the zodiac sign on February 23 almost do not strive for exorbitant material wealth, because at the level of their instinct they understand that this requires a lot of hard work, making maximum physical and psychological efforts, which they are definitely not ready for.

These people love to spend money, often they are forced to live in debt because their demands exceed their capabilities. You should learn to handle your finances, spend them more carefully, and try to have an emergency reserve just in case.

Pisces perfectly sense the subtle currents in relationships between people and tend to stay away from them if they pose a threat.

They always listen to their inner voice and protect their individuality.

They love to live by dreams, fantasize and daydream. If these inclinations are developed in the right direction and learned to be controlled, then this extraordinary personality can develop excellent acting abilities.

Many of those women and men of the Pisces zodiac sign who were born on February 23 - almost all are ready to alleviate the difficult fate of those around them, the suffering of poor or disadvantaged people.

They will devote their time without hesitation free time volunteering and helping the sick and desperate, without demanding anything in return, no reward or gratitude.

If this person has found himself in life, he is kind, selfless, selfless and devoted to his partner.

The feelings of Pisces representatives are sincere, sincere and tender; basically they do not pay attention to the shortcomings of a loved one and are loyal to him.

The disadvantage of this person is his fatalism, categoricalness and weak character.

You must learn to be more flexible and understand that you are not so powerless in this life, you can build your own destiny.

Look at yourself more realistically, try to use the opportunities and chances that fate provides you, or those that are already at your disposal. Awareness of your capabilities will give you confidence in your strength and provide the opportunity for development and action.

Zodiac sign February 23 - compatibility

Under the sign of the Zodiac on February 23, men and women are born with an emphasis on creative and individual professions - poets, actors, sculptors, architects, doctors, musicians, composers, writers and others...

They are reliable in marriage, faithful and stable, subject to trust and full mutual understanding with a partner.

Harmonious relationships with good prospects for this extraordinary personality can develop with: Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Taurus and Aquarius.

Average level 50/50, restless to a certain extent, but with the possibility of building relationships in Pisces: with representatives of Leo and Libra.

Complex and unwanted, obviously conflictual relationships between Pisces and the zodiac representatives: Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo.

Parents February 23rd - Pisces mom and dad

Parents of this birthday are very responsible in the matter of raising their baby, in as a last resort they use harsh expressions in their speech.

They raise their child too loyally, are reluctant to teach their child order and discipline, but they gladly fulfill all his whims, which can have a negative impact in the future.

You should be more firm in your upbringing and not let your child dominate and manipulate you, otherwise over time he may cross all boundaries and become uncontrollable.

Child February 23rd - children born by Pisces

At a small and even young age, they are distinguished by activity and perseverance, in rare cases they lose self-control, rarely cry or complain, they try to achieve their own goals, and strive to gain the upper hand in everything.

They love to learn, are interested in everything, especially they love to listen to adults and communicate with them.

They are diversified and ready to learn, which, by the way, they do well, in kindergarten and at school they are usually among the most active, curious and successful children.

What do the zodiac signs born on February 23 like and dislike?

They like...

They love to daydream, fantasize and plan, draw up horoscopes, tell fortunes, read astrology and romantic novels, take care of their home, put it in order, and also fill it with expensive things, preferably luxury items.

They sometimes like to be alone, alone with their thoughts, dreaming about the future and summing up the last period of their life.

They prefer to relax on good resort, attract the attention of the opposite sex, love to please and flirt, but without continuation if they are married.

They don't like...

These people do not like to be in places where it is too noisy, there are a lot of people and the atmosphere is conducive to close communication. When they are taught about life, criticized, their mistakes or shortcomings are pointed out, they have to do what they don’t like.

Representatives of this birthday are to some extent gourmets, so they do not like too simple food, as well as primitive, not modern clothing.

They also do not like to do repetitive and monotonous work. To sort things out with someone, prove your worth, take initiative and take on extra responsibility.
