Does a salt cave help? Salt room: indications and contraindications for children

Visit our salt caves in St. Petersburg at the addresses indicated on the “Salt Cave” service page.

The healing microclimate of the salt cave has predetermined humidity, temperature, pressure, ionic composition of the air (characteristically high content negatively charged particles), complete absence allergens and bacterial flora.

The main component of the halochamber, which has a unique therapeutic effect, is a salt aerosol - microscopic salt particles sprayed into the air. The composition of the aerosol depends on what rocks were used to build the salt cave (potassium chloride, sodium salts, etc. can be used).

Aerosol particles penetrate the respiratory tract due to their small size (from 1 to 5 microns), reducing the activity of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. In this case, active stimulation of general and local immunity occurs. It is thanks to these properties of the haloaerosol that it became possible to create an almost sterile atmosphere in the halochamber.

During treatment, the patient’s body adapts to the characteristics of the healing microclimate, all systems and organs rearrange their activities. According to some reports, one halotherapy session is equivalent to four days at sea.

The speleo chamber has gained recognition among doctors and patients as a very effective non-drug treatment method as part of complex therapy various diseases immune, cardiovascular, respiratory system. However, the widespread use of speleotherapy is hampered by the presence of strict contraindications to it.

Salt cave: contraindications

Contraindications to visiting the salt room are acute diseases and chronic processes in the acute stage, infections (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.), severe stages and forms of diseases (for example, the last stage of heart failure), intolerance to haloaerosols. This list also includes:

  • mental illness;
  • oncopathology (especially malignant);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases circulatory system;
  • malnutrition, anorexia, cachexia;
  • the presence of ulcers (phlegmons, abscesses), bleeding ulcers or wounds;
  • any forms of severe addiction (drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

With extreme caution - pregnancy and lactation. In this situation, consultation with the attending physician is required to determine the presence of indications and contraindications.

Salt cave indications

The possibility of using different doses of haloearol and the controllability of the microclimate made it possible to use the technique in the treatment of almost all types of bronchial and pulmonary pathologies, as well as allergic and skin diseases.

Speleotherapy is also indicated for patients with diseases of the ENT organs, cardiovascular system, endocrine pathology, and patients of different age categories (children, elderly people). In addition, being in a speleological chamber has a positive effect on the vegetative department nervous system, helps to stabilize physiological processes, has a good effect on the psychological state.

Halotherapy is effective during the rehabilitation period for patients who have suffered acute, severe diseases of the respiratory tract.

The benefit of the procedure is obvious for patients with sluggish processes prone to chronicity, with bronchiectasis, after surgery, with recurrent bronchitis.

Staying in a salt room has a healing cosmetic effect on the skin, especially if it is prone to inflammation.

Salt cave for children: indications

Regarding pediatric practice: this procedure is most often used as part of complex therapy for children with bronchial asthma, other obstructions, and frequent bronchitis (especially with a protracted form of the disease). Exposure to a salt room can reduce the frequency of antibiotic use in a frequently ill child and thereby prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and allergies.

The immunomodulatory, decongestant and bacteriostatic effect of salt aerosol is especially useful for adenoids, rhinosinusopathy, frequent sinusitis and sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis and other ENT diseases. In more than 90% of children suffering from frequent sinusitis, almost complete sanitization of the paranasal sinuses is achieved.

Neurocirculatory or vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most common diagnoses that doctors give to a child in adolescence. Imbalances in the nervous system can also be treated in a salt cave. The unique relaxing effect reduces the external manifestations of the disease and will help reduce the frequency of exacerbations (attacks).

Speleotherapy is recommended for the rehabilitation of small patients with skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, some forms of ichthyosis, eczema. Pediatricians note excellent tolerability of the method, a rarity side effects, wide range use, as well as the pleasure that children receive from speleotherapy.

Salt cave: benefits and harm

The benefits of halotherapy are unconditional. The aerosol not only stimulates local immunity of the respiratory tract, but also has anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, and drainage effects. Its effects have been proven, such as a bacteriostatic effect, improvement of the local flora of the mucous membranes and increasing its resistance to external pathogenic influences.

In addition, when staying in a salt cave, contact with many allergens and toxic substances in the city air is interrupted. This helps to accelerate the restoration of the immunobiological qualities of the respiratory system. Negative ions in the air of the room not only activate metabolic processes in tissues, but also have an adaptogenic effect on stress-limiting systems.

Can a salt cave harm a patient in any way?

Cough after salt cave

There is such a thing as “halo-exacerbation,” which implies an exacerbation of symptoms or the appearance of such after two or three speleotherapy sessions. Thus, an increase in cough is often noted - this is a completely normal phenomenon, since the salt aerosol has a mucolytic, thinning effect on mucus stagnant in the respiratory tract, promoting its outflow.

Usually, coughing worsens after a salt cave during the second or third session, but there are also cases when an exacerbation begins after the first visit. Children are more often susceptible to this phenomenon due to the structural features of the respiratory tract and high susceptibility to changes in climate.

The same applies to children suffering from frequent bronchitis or bronchial asthma - exacerbation can be very severe, the number of attacks becomes more frequent, and wheezing in the lungs intensifies. By the middle of treatment, the intensity of symptoms decreases, then there is a sharp relief general condition and improvement in relation to the underlying disease.

If the symptoms do not go away but increase, you should consult your doctor. Do not forget that there is an individual intolerance to the components of the air in salt caves. Remember also that treatment should not be started in the acute phase, especially infectious disease(including ARVI).

Snot after the salt cave

All of the above also applies to a runny nose, which appears after visiting the caving chamber even more often than a cough. Haloaerosol effectively dilutes and removes mucus (phlegm) accumulated in the paranasal sinuses. The symptoms of rhinitis sometimes begin right during the first procedure. For this reason, staff advise taking handkerchiefs into the haloroom. You should clean your nose after leaving the caving chamber. In children, rhinitis is especially severe due to the narrowness of the nasal passages.

Temperature after salt cave

The rise in temperature after visiting the halochamber is also due to the effect of the healing microclimate. The immunomodulatory and immunostimulating properties of salt aerosol help combat hidden infection, chronic, old foci of infection, the presence of which is not always known to the patient himself. Typically, deviations from the norm are small - up to 37.5 degrees.

Try to monitor your well-being and regularly measure your temperature after the procedure. Any changes should be reported to the doctor who is observing you.


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Sodium and chlorine ions combine into a molecule to form a substance known as salt. It is believed that its excess consumption is harmful. However, in small quantities this product exhibits many positive effects, which are used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases and increase the body's defenses.

What is a salt room

The salt room is a specially equipped room for halotherapy. Today it is offered by health centers or recreation complexes. The idea of ​​​​creating such a product is based on the methods of treatment of ancient ancestors. The advantage of a room for salt therapy is a unique microclimate that provides useful substances into the body through the respiratory route.

Here the artificially created environment is not inferior to the natural conditions of a real salt cave. Special halogenerators are installed inside, which spray NaCl in the form of a fine aerosol.

The microclimate of synthetic origin has fewer contraindications and restrictions. Salt rooms Children, the elderly, and also during pregnancy are allowed to visit in the absence of serious systemic diseases. The premises are equipped for patients to relax - there are soft sofas, a TV, magazines, and games for children. Coming there, a person becomes healthier in body and soul.

Benefits of halotherapy, indications for use

Treatment is based on beneficial properties tiny particles of salt penetrating into the body. Due to the small diameter of the aerosol, they reach remote areas of the respiratory tract. After one session, a person receives about a tenth of the daily requirement of NaCl, which does not lead to an excess of this substance in the body. Using a salt room, the following positive effects can be achieved:

  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Bronchodrainage.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Detoxification.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Sedative, antidepressant.
  • Cosmetological (rejuvenation, cellulite prevention, weight loss).

Inhaling air saturated with salt is a method of physiotherapy. Women have noticed that salt caves promote weight loss, so they are happy to improve their health using this particular technique. According to their reviews, this approach is highly effective. It is also used to treat the following conditions:

  • Chronic or acute inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Respiratory diseases accompanied by broncho-obstructive syndrome.
  • Allergy.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Asthmatic status.
  • Boils, eczema.

Halotherapy is used as a method of treatment, as well as disease prevention. It is prescribed as an independent direction or as part of a comprehensive scheme. Salt rooms are useful for people of any age, except in cases of contraindications. Doctors often recommend visiting such premises for pregnant women to improve the health and stabilize the woman’s emotional background. After the session, there is a decrease in toxicosis.

Positive influence on the skin is explained by the ability to activate blood circulation, enhance oxygen exchange and launch regeneration processes. Regular visits to the salt room can reduce the dosage medicines and speed up recovery.

The standard course is 10–20 procedures, which are recommended every other day. Repeated treatment can be done after a few months.

The benefits of a salt room for a child who often suffers from bronchitis are invaluable. Aerosol particles restore local protective properties, eliminate swelling, increase the respiratory lumen and reduce inflammation. At chronic disorders Such inhalations affect the disease from different sides, killing the infection and inhibiting the stages of its development.


In some cases, inhaling salt vapors can be harmful to the body. As a rule, these are situations when the exacerbation of the underlying disease is severe. Halotherapy is prohibited to use in the presence of the following pathologies:

Benefits for children

Salt rooms have a positive effect on the child’s overall immunity and also restore the health of the respiratory system. This treatment is especially useful for those who get sick often or are prone to problems in the field of pulmonology or dermatology.

Salt caves are absolutely safe. Treatment occurs passively, while the child can play a board game or watch a cartoon. After the procedure, microcirculation improves and the body is cleansed of harmful substances that come out with exhaled air. Benefits have also been noted for children suffering from atopic dermatitis, where issues of skin and immune response to an irritant are connected.

Regarding asthmatics, doctors' reviews are divided. Now halotherapy is used in such patients only at the stage of remission. Fun and effective treatment children, problem-free for parents - the advantage of salt rooms. It is recommended to visit them more often for preventive purposes in order to maintain health for a long time.

How does the session work?

  • Children under 7 years old must stay in the salt cave with their parents.
  • A quiet pastime is recommended; it is better not to run around the room.
  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands, as small particles of salt can cause burns.
  • You need to eat an hour before the procedure and 30 minutes after it.

The therapy occurs in the spirit of rest and relaxation. The room is beautifully appointed - the walls and floor are covered with artificial salt, and built-in lamps of different colors contribute to relaxation and visual aesthetics. The main role is played by a halogenerator, which injects fine particles into the air. They are the ones that are healing, and the white walls serve more of a decorative function.

The atmosphere of the room restores physical and psycho-emotional health. A separate corner is allocated for a children's play area. The duration of the session is 30–60 minutes.

The correct microclimate in salt treatment caves is considered to be low humidity (40%) and average air temperature (22 degrees). The NaCl aerosol, which is sprayed throughout the room, must be dry and provide a certain concentration active substance. In establishments where these options are not supported, it is possible microbial contamination due to the lack of disinfection effect.

After the first treatment sessions, exacerbation of cough and runny nose is allowed. This sign indicates the release of accumulated sputum and pathogenic microbes from the body, as well as the cleansing of the mucous membrane. After a few days the patient's condition improves.

Reviews after visiting

“The child is constantly sick. It always starts suddenly and lasts at least a week. Because of sick leave, my work schedule is disrupted and other plans are often shifted. I would like there to be fewer diseases, so I was looking for techniques that can be used as a preventative measure. The salt room was very beautiful. My daughter thought that she had found herself in a fairy tale and happily completed the required 10 visits. For the next 3 months we were not sick at all. I think that the sessions were useful, but they are definitely worth repeating to consolidate the results.”


“I have been smoking for many years, so the health of the bronchi and lungs leaves much to be desired. Halotherapy was recommended in the hospital during the treatment of another inflammation of the respiratory tract. I am a supporter of methods with a high safety profile that will not harm your health further, so I signed up for sessions in the salt room. I can say that I noticed the therapeutic effect on myself - within a week the cough intensified, and the phlegm began to come out easier and more productively. The pulmonologist recommended carrying out such procedures twice a year, I think you shouldn’t refuse such a simple treatment.”

“It’s a difficult period in my life right now. Stress and anxiety affected the condition of the skin, eczema appeared. The doctor said that psycho-emotional disorders are a direct indication for relaxation and halotherapy. I decided to take care of my health and undergo a full course of treatment. The main thing in the treatment of any disease is faith in success and relaxation. The procedures helped me - the problems were resolved over time, and the skin rashes disappeared. I will periodically go to salt caves to maintain the body’s resistance to negative emotions at a high level.”

The healing properties of salt caves have been known to mankind for more than 2000 years. People have learned to artificially create a healing microclimate that reigns in real underground caves. This method of treatment in official medicine is called “speleotherapy”. Its effectiveness is recognized all over the world. This is a non-drug aerotherapeutic treatment in special comfortable halochambers.

Artificial salt caves receive positive reviews. Many note an improvement in their general condition. In just a few sessions, allergies disappear and the immune system is strengthened. However, this method also has opponents who deny the positive effects and consider speleotherapy a meaningless procedure. Many practicing doctors can argue with this opinion. Let us describe all the advantages of the halo chamber.

A little history

The healing power of salt crystals has been noticed for a long time. Modern history became interested in the benefits of air in underground caves in the last century. The first researchers were German scientists who began to actively build speleological clinics.

The method instantly received appreciation from satisfied patients. On the territory of Russia, a similar one filled with salt aerosol was founded in 1977 in the Perm region. Soon people with chronic diseases and pathologies of the respiratory system flocked here.

Today, experts consider speleotherapy to be a more effective procedure compared to cavitotherapy (inhalation of sea air). They also work outside the Russian Federation. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses have specialized rooms that recreate the healing atmosphere of the dungeons.

Healing properties

A huge advantage of speleotherapy is the variability of the procedure. Based on individual characteristics, the course and severity of the disease, a combination of climatic factors and salt concentration is selected. When entering an unusual zone, a person experiences a surge of strength, his defense systems are activated and his psycho-emotional state is stabilized.

Benefits for children

There is a salt cave in the Salmed center (Yaroslavl). The administration invites young children from two years of age for treatment. In special halochambers, children will be able to restore strength, recharge their batteries, and get rid of allergies and constant runny nose. The main indications are:

Chronic bronchitis;

Asthma (in remission);

Allergic rhinitis and dermatitis;

Hay fever;


The session lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. The average number of procedures is 10-15. Children under five years of age are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.

Salt caves: contraindications to visiting the halo chamber

Despite the apparent harmlessness and safety of the method, it still has minor limitations. Persons with acute pathologies, tuberculosis, general exhaustion, mental and nervous disorders. People with cancer should not visit salt caves. The contraindications do not end there. Restrictions include pregnancy at any stage and pathological processes of the respiratory system.

Operating principle

The therapeutic effect is easily explained by science. Salt mines, mines and karst caves have a unique microclimate, with a comfortable temperature, low humidity, a certain pressure, and a high content of microparticles of salt and carbon dioxide. And most importantly, there is no harmful dust and allergens in the atmosphere.

All of the listed characteristics and factors have a beneficial effect on the health of a person who lives in a polluted metropolis. A stable air environment is constantly maintained by an ultrasonic nebulizer. Fine aerosol creates a number of health-improving factors. This is why salt caves are so popular. Reviews ordinary people clearly confirm this.

Visiting rules

Many medical centers specialize in speleotherapy. Several halochambers (salt cave) have been opened in St. Petersburg. You can get treatment by appointment and after consulting a doctor. You will receive a disposable robe and shoe covers from the administrator. You are not allowed to bring any items with you.

Before the procedure, you should not overuse perfume. You should stop smoking approximately 30-40 minutes before the session. Persons under the influence of alcohol are not allowed into the premises. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you will need to undergo at least 10 procedures of 40 minutes each.


Salt caves regularly receive rave reviews. According to patients, after several sessions, performance increased, depression and drowsiness disappeared. And after 5-7 procedures they disappeared characteristic symptoms at bronchial asthma and cough.

Parents who took their children to speleotherapy were satisfied with the result: they managed to get rid of seasonal allergies, chronic runny nose and strengthen the immune system. After completing the full course, frequent problems stopped bothering me. colds. The pricing policy is acceptable for different segments of the population.

A salt cave is also called a halochamber, a salt room. There are certain indications and contraindications that need to be taken into account before conducting sessions. Salt caves are of particular value for children. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and reveal all our cards, let’s study the benefits and harms in order. Let's begin!

Salt cave - indications

The salt cave can cure many serious pathological phenomena. To ensure that the benefits and harms do not change places, study the indications for the procedure:

  • Sleep problems, stress, chronic fatigue, moral and physical exhaustion, neurosis, depressive disorders and other problems associated with the psycho-emotional environment.
  • Runny nose, persistent cough, accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, low immune system.
  • An allergic reaction of unknown origin, as well as diseases that develop against this background.
  • Intoxication, contamination of the body, accumulation of excess fluid in tissues, slagging.
  • Diseases associated with respiratory tract and lungs.
  • ENT diseases, which include sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids, etc.
  • Headaches, prolonged migraines, horse racing blood pressure. Weak and brittle blood vessels.
  • Problems of a dermatological (skin) nature, be it eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, seborrhea, etc.
  • Asthma is bronchial, but therapy is carried out exclusively during remission, when the spasms go away.
  • Bronchitis is chronic, often susceptible to viral attacks during a flu season or epidemic.
  • Iron deficiency anemia in all categories of people, regardless of gender and age category.


The salt cave, the indications and contraindications of which we are studying today, can be used to eliminate other diseases. Therefore, it is better to get tested first and study doctors’ reviews regarding the appropriateness of therapy specifically in your case.

Salt cave - contraindications

Obvious prohibitions include chronic diseases in the acute stage. Also, you should not visit the halochamber when acute diseases, infections (tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.), the last stages of serious diseases (for example, acute heart failure).

This also includes:

  • cachexia, anorexia, malnutrition;
  • malignant oncology;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • individual intolerance to haloaerosol (it is sprayed in a cave);
  • metabolic disorders and all diseases associated with it;
  • diseases that can be sexually transmitted;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictions;
  • the presence of purulent formations, abrasions or ulcers that bleed;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.


With caution and only after the approval of a doctor, the salt cave is visited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is extremely important for expectant and new mothers to take into account all indications and contraindications.

Benefits of a salt cave

A session in a salt room is called halotherapy. Experts assure that after the first procedure a person feels much better. One session is equivalent to 5 days of stay on the sea coast with the cleanest air. So what is so amazing that a halochamber does to the body?

No. 1. For the nervous system

While in the salt room, the patient inhales salt vapors, which can stabilize even the most shaken nervous system. Halotherapy has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background, relaxes, eliminates insomnia, suppresses fatigue and chronic fatigue. Literally after 3 sessions a person feels a surge of vigor. This property is fundamental for adults who are mentally and physically exhausted due to the modern rhythm of life.

No. 2. To treat skin problems

The salt cave has an antibacterial environment, which actually determines the indications and contraindications. Halotherapy is the basis of programs for the treatment of dermatological problems. Due to the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, blood microcirculation improves, cells are enriched with oxygen. Salt vapors kill pathogenic microflora and promote rapid tissue healing. At the same time, the halochamber rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, relieves itching.

No. 3. For immunity

Categories of people, adults and children, who have a naturally low immune system, are advised to undergo a course of halotherapy twice a year (8-10 sessions). As a result, it will be possible to increase protective functions, eliminate internal inflammation and cure some long-term illnesses. And most importantly, the salt room increases the body’s resistance to viruses during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI.

No. 4. For the respiratory system

The main indications for visiting a salt cave include diseases associated with the respiratory system (including chronic bronchitis). By drawing in salt vapors, breathing improves. Due to the antibacterial environment in the halochamber, allergy sufferers are less sensitive to allergens. In general, halotherapy is aimed at comprehensive cleansing of the respiratory system and increasing its protective functions.

No. 5. To increase hemoglobin

The salt cave is a real find for people with poor blood circulation and reduced level hemoglobin. If we take into account all the indications and contraindications, 1 course can rid a person of anemia once and for all. This becomes possible by increasing blood circulation, improving its quality, and increasing the absorption of iron, which comes from outside.

No. 6. For comprehensive detoxification

Thanks to the ability of the salt room to cleanse systems and organs of toxins, metal salts, radionuclides, the body begins to work harmoniously. Absolutely all the most important metabolic processes increase, the likelihood of catching a virus or becoming a victim of allergies is reduced. Also, inhaling vapors removes excess fluid and relieves severe swelling.

No. 7. For ENT organs

Patients who suffer from adenoids, sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other pathologies of the ENT organs (including chronic ones) will benefit from a visit to the salt cave. Salt vapor relieves swelling, so there is no need to use drops. Halotherapy also removes mucus, facilitates breathing and restores mucous membranes.

Benefits of a salt cave for children

The salt cave has its own indications and contraindications, which are still being studied. It is known that regular procedures have a greater positive effect on children's body than for an adult.

1. Halotherapy has a positive effect on the baby’s central nervous system. If he is very excited or hyperactive, the room will help him relax and calm down.

2. The salt room will be of particular benefit to children who are undergoing rehabilitation after skin diseases. Halotherapy is indicated for dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and ichthyosis.

3. Although the salt cave has certain indications and contraindications, it is useful not only for children, but also for adolescents. At this age, the growing body can get rid of obsessive thoughts and psychological stress.

4. Halotherapy will be especially useful during the period when the child suffers from colds and viral diseases. Systematic visits to the chamber will reduce the frequency of antibiotic consumption. The baby will recover faster.

5. Salt aerosol has effective decongestant, immunomodulatory and bacteriostatic effects. The composition is especially useful for frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids and other similar ailments.

6. The imbalance of the nervous system can be cured in the salt room. Thanks to the relaxing effect, the main signs of pathology disappear. As a result, the frequency of possible attacks is reduced.

How often to visit a salt cave – doctors’ opinion

It was previously described what indications and contraindications the salt cave has. Now check out some guidelines.

1. Experts advise visiting the salt room 1-2 times a year as a preventive measure if there are no contraindications. Often, a health-prophylactic course lasts 10 sessions.

2. It is advisable to carry out the procedures 3 times a week. For adults, 1 hour of halotherapy is enough. Children under 12 years of age are allowed to stay in the salt room for no more than half an hour.

3. Salt caves are equipped with playgrounds. To ensure that the benefits and harms of halotherapy do not change places, remember the contraindications. Reviews from doctors confirm that with regular visits to such rooms, the child will have good health.

Harm from a salt cave

It is noteworthy that halotherapy practically does not harm human health. An exception can only be if you ignore contraindications. Therefore, if you have any ailments, visit a doctor before visiting the salt room.

Possible complications after visiting a salt cave

Earlier we learned that the salt cave has certain indications and contraindications. After halotherapy, some people experience complications.

No. 1. Runny nose

Due to salt fumes, mucus thins and accumulates in the paranasal sinuses. As a result, you may experience nasal congestion and mucus discharge. When visiting the salt room, take a handkerchief with you.

No. 2. Cough

Do not worry ahead of time; coughing after the procedure is considered quite normal. The aerosol dilutes and removes mucus that has accumulated in the respiratory system. The cough disappears after 3 visits to the salt room.

No. 3. Increased body temperature

If the temperature rises after halotherapy, this indicates that the salt aerosol helps strengthen immune system. As a result, the body begins to fight a hidden infection or chronic illness. If the temperature rises above 37.6 degrees, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The salt cave has many useful qualities. Carefully read the indications and contraindications for halotherapy. If you do not have significant deviations, make it a habit to regularly visit the salt room for general wellness.

People began to guess about the benefits of salt for the human body a very long time ago. In ancient times, when strange caves were discovered, the walls of which were covered with a thick layer of white plaque, consisting of salt and some impurities (sylvinite, to be precise). The air in such caves was unlike the air in any other places, as if thicker and richer, it helped improve overall well-being after the first visit. Such salt caves have been found all over the world, they were widespread in Ancient Greece, in India, among the inhabitants of Sicily. Salt caves, and sometimes even salt mines, exist to this day, they can be found throughout Europe, and we also have them in Ukraine. However, in order to experience medicinal properties salt, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere special.

Halotherapy is a unique process of using a special microclimate, as close as possible to the microclimate of natural salt caves, aimed at the prevention and treatment of a large number of diseases. And here we return to the question that it is not at all necessary to go to another city or another country in order to take a course of healing the body with salt. Salt rooms are rooms in which the unique microclimate of a salt cave, so valued by people who care about their health, is artificially recreated. The convenience of salt rooms is that the room can be created in an ordinary building, in any part of the city.

What do the doctors say?

Of course, there are as many opinions as there are doctors, but experts cannot refute the obvious: there are benefits, and it doesn’t matter how well the salt room is done, the most important thing is the presence of salt ions in the air. However, like any therapy, halotherapy has contraindications; before visiting the salt room, you need to consult with a specialist to find out whether this particular type of prevention and treatment is right for you.

What is the principle of the influence of a salt room on the body? The explanation should begin with the fact that this is a room in which the walls, floor, and ceiling are sylvinite slabs, a sedimentary rock that makes up the walls of a natural salt cave. You can make such a room in two different ways:

  1. The room is furnished with sylvinite blocks cut from the walls of real caves.
  2. Salt sylvinite mass is sprayed onto the walls of the room.

The air in such a room is literally filled with microparticles of salt, a person inhales it, and the salt begins to useful work. In addition, sylvinite contains some other useful elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body: bromine, selenium, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

If all a person’s illnesses are caused by nerves, then the salt room solves this problem:

  • salt, thanks to its unique properties, normalizes metabolism;
  • stabilizes digestive processes;
  • helps cope with disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • copes with insomnia, manifestations of phobias, depression,
  • Helps get rid of skin diseases such as psoriasis, lichen and eczema.

It should be understood that halotherapy will not replace medicines and hospitals, but will significantly enhance the effect. No harm was found from visiting salt rooms; of course, there are a number of contraindications for which you cannot resort to halotherapy, but a preliminary visit to the doctor will help put everything in its place and understand your specific case.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors may prescribe halotherapy for you if you:

  • Chronic bronchitis. Please note that the disease must be in the weakening stage, and respiratory failure should not exceed the second degree.
  • Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, enlarged tonsils.
  • Mild and severe forms of asthma, as well as the appearance pathological processes, especially the initial stages.
  • Complex forms of allergies.
  • Heart disease, problems with the general blood circulation of the body.
  • Overweight. Digestion processes improve, metabolism accelerates, which means fat in the body begins to be burned faster.

You should not seek treatment in salt rooms in the following cases:

  • Diseases such as bronchitis in an acute form;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Aggravated forms of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Too high or low temperature bodies;
  • Any stage of tuberculosis;
  • Alcohol or drug addiction;
  • Coronary insufficiency.

Please note that people prone to claustrophobia will find it extremely uncomfortable to undergo such a course of treatment.

Halotherapy and children

The benefits of salt apply to all people, regardless of their age. It is perhaps more difficult to be in the room with children, since for them the salt air is like recharge; from visiting the salt rooms they become more active and cheerful.

Among other things, halotherapy will be useful for the child to strengthen skeletal system, will help cope with excessive aggression, emotional excitability, and mood swings. Improves the situation with seasonal diseases, as it is a powerful prevention of ARVI.

When building salt rooms, you can use various types of layers. It is believed that the most beneficial type of salt for humans is pink Himalayan salt. Its benefits are enormous, because it contains from 82 to 92 different microelements, while in ordinary salt, for example, there are only 2.

Pink Himalayan salt cleanses the body of waste and toxins, helps with muscle and joint pain, restores water-salt balance and fights dehydration.
