Why are platelets in the blood elevated, what does this mean? Causes of increased platelets in the blood. What could this mean? Traditional recipes for thrombocytosis

Platelets are the formed elements of blood responsible for its clotting. They are produced by the bone marrow. An increase in the concentration of cells above the norm is called thrombocytosis. It is provoked by pathologies of the hematopoietic system, cancer, nutrient deficiency, as well as acute conditions (burns, shock, bleeding).

External signs of thrombocytosis are circulatory disorders and a tendency to the appearance of hematomas. Treatment depends on the nature of the provoking disease.

Functions and properties of bodies

These blood elements are small in size (2‒3 microns). Outwardly, they resemble colorless round plates with a smooth surface. These are inactive platelets that circulate in a healthy body. The properties of the bodies are as follows:

  • when tissues are damaged, they become activated and turn into stellate cells with long processes;
  • due to the ability of adhesion, they attach to the walls of injured vessels;
  • aggregation ability ensures the “sticking” of particles together, they form a platelet plug;
  • other blood cells attach to platelet aggregates, forming a dense clot (necessary to cover the damaged area of ​​the vessel);
  • secrete growth factors - substances that stimulate cell division and regeneration processes;
  • provide nutrition to the endothelium (internal vascular cells);
  • capable of capturing and transporting foreign proteins for “acquaintance” with immune cells;
  • act as a basis for the formation of new vessels;
  • release spasm mediators, reducing the intensity of bleeding.

The main task of platelets is to react with lightning speed to traumatic effects and prevent blood loss. This is the essence of primary hemostasis.

Platelets are formed from megakaryocytes under the influence of the liver hormone thrombopoietin. The substance stimulates the maturation of red cells bone marrow, after which they can be divided into many fragments (up to 8000 plates are formed from each giant structure). When a large amount of them accumulates in the blood, the release of thrombopoietin stops. In this way, the balance of blood cells is maintained.

Platelets circulate in the body from 2 to 8 days, performing their functions. Then their structure changes, they are recognized by special cells of the liver and spleen, where they are utilized. The latter organ can deposit bodies (about 30% of the total mass), and then release them in case of urgent need.

Normal and thrombocytosis

The physiological parameters of colorless blood platelets change throughout life, which is associated with the gradual development of the synthesizing function of the bone marrow and fluctuations in hormonal levels. Platelet levels also change in some conditions (read all about platelet levels). For example, when adrenaline is released into the blood, after physical exertion, during pregnancy.

Table - Reference indicators

When the level of platelets in the blood increases above 420*10⁹/l, they speak of thrombocytosis. This is a laboratory term that reflects an increase in the concentration of platelets per unit volume of biomaterial. The mechanism of development of the condition is important. A failure may occur at the stage of formation of formed elements (in the bone marrow), their distribution in the blood, or during disposal. To eliminate a problem, you must first find its cause.

Varieties of the condition

Thrombocytosis can be relative or absolute. The first accompanies dehydration of the body, when the volume of fluid in the bloodstream decreases, but the number of formed elements remains the same. The deviation occurs due to blood thickening. This happens when:

  • violation of drinking regime;
  • exposure to hot/dry conditions;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders accompanied by loss of water ( diabetes mellitus);
  • in the background intestinal infections(with excessive vomiting and diarrhea).

Absolute thrombocytosis is said to occur if the concentration of cells changes due to an increase in their number without changes in blood volume, which happens in many pathological conditions. This condition can also be called “thick blood”.

An increase in the level of thrombus-forming bodies may be primary. This means a change in platelet production in the bone marrow. One of its forms is idiopathic; there are many causes of the condition, but it is not possible to determine which one triggered the development of the pathology. Another name is clonal thrombocytosis, which is characterized by a rapid significant increase in the concentration of cells in the blood with a change in their morphology, functions, and the formation of giant structures.

Primary thrombocytosis can also be essential. It is characterized by changes in the number and shape of megakaryocytes and tends to be chronic with a gradual increase in the number of platelets (often up to 3000). Their functions and morphological properties are subject to metamorphosis. The pathology is more often discovered accidentally in older people and is rarely accompanied by specific symptoms. It is characterized by a paradoxical combination of a tendency to thrombosis and at the same time to bleeding. With essential thrombocytosis, spontaneous and repeated hemorrhages from the gastrointestinal tract are recorded.

Secondary thrombocytosis develops against the background of the underlying disease and is not associated with impaired hematopoietic function or changes in the structure of the bone marrow. It is also called symptomatic or reactive. The main prerequisites for development are considered to be activation of thrombopoietin, redistribution of platelets, and massive release of cells from the depot. Features reactive form:

  • accompanied by a moderate or slight increase in cell levels (up to 800);
  • their morphological properties and functional activity are preserved;
  • reduced risk of bleeding and vascular thromboembolism.

Symptomatic thrombocytosis can develop against the background of acute conditions (bleeding, surgery, infection) or chronic changes in the body (anemia, cancer, inflammatory, autoimmune processes).

Thrombocytosis is detected in a general blood test (see options for changes in other indicators in the article). If there are significant variations in platelets, it is recommended to take the test again (to eliminate errors).

Reasons for deviations

An increase in platelet concentration in the blood is most often explained by hematological diseases. These include pathologies of the blood and hematopoietic organs (the main one being red bone marrow). If its functioning is disrupted, the synthesis of blood cells changes. Degeneration of stem cells and myeloproliferative processes lead to such disorders.


Thrombocytosis is a complication of polycythemia vera and leukemia. Bone marrow function may be impaired due to growth malignant tumors when metastases appear in the bones (basophils and platelets often increase). The synthesis of blood cells changes with a lack of vitamins and minerals. Iron deficiency and aplastic forms of anemia can provoke thrombocytosis.

If platelet concentrations go beyond normal limits, they can cause acute and chronic disorders in the functioning of the body. The first include:

  • injuries (necrosis, burns, cuts, fractures);
  • poisoning ( chemicals with massive damage to blood vessels by toxins);
  • bleeding;
  • surgical operations (persistent disorders accompany splenectomy - removal of the spleen).

Certain medications can also cause deviations. Medicines that increase platelet levels include chemotherapy, corticosteroids (a shift in indicators is noted after Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), and oral contraceptives. Sometimes deviations in clinical analysis bleeding occur after long-term treatment with antibiotics.


Thrombocytosis in children can be provoked by: serious illnesses(such as blood cancer), as well as any past infections. It is important to ensure that the level of corpuscles returns to normal within 2 weeks after recovery. Children in the first year of life have higher platelet counts than adolescents and adults. This is explained by the body’s increased need for corpuscles during its active growth.

Pregnant women

Mild thrombocytosis during pregnancy is considered normal. It is associated with a slowdown in metabolism and increased stress on the body, and a deficiency of certain substances. However, expectant mothers should regularly undergo blood tests in order to notice significant abnormalities in time.

Thrombocytosis in the third trimester is considered physiological. This is due to the fact that the body “stores” formed blood elements, including platelets, thus preparing for the upcoming birth and blood loss (the minimum for a natural birth of a child is about 300 ml, during caesarean section- at least 500 ml).

Severe thrombocytosis and increased blood viscosity can adversely affect fetal development. Violation of the permeability of the placental barrier leads to hypoxia; in addition, under conditions of increased stress, the brain and kidneys of the expectant mother are at risk of ischemic processes.

The reasons for an increase in platelets in a child’s blood are numerous and varied:

  • For congenital and acquired pathologies of the circulatory system ( autoimmune diseases, oncological processes etc.) experts note the development of primary thrombocytosis.
  • If the child’s platelet concentration increases due to ongoing infectious processes in various organs and systems, we're talking about about secondary thrombocytosis. He is seen as additional factor in the body’s defense mechanisms, aimed at quickly eliminating the infectious focus. Secondary thrombocytosis is also characterized by simultaneous increase in leukocytes.

There are a variety of reasons why platelet values ​​may increase. Of course, first of all, this indicates that the patient has health problems, so you should also carry out additional research to determine the exact cause of the elevated platelet levels.

The reasons for increased platelet levels are as follows:

A condition in which the number of platelets exceeds the norm is called thrombocytosis, and can be caused by the following processes:

  • the life cycle of platelets has been exceeded;
  • they are produced in excess by the bone marrow;
  • there is acute or chronic bleeding;
  • The circulating volume of plasma decreases, but the volume of platelets and other cells does not change.

An increase in platelets may be due to the presence of ulcerative colitis

The growth of blood platelets is influenced by the following factors:

  • presence of erythremia;
  • inhibition of the process of platelet destruction;
  • unequal distribution of blood platelets - typical in the presence of overvoltage.

Thrombocytosis can occur in children of any age. We can talk about such a diagnosis when there is a significant increase in platelets. Much more common is a slight excess of the upper limits of the norm.

Secondary thrombocytosis develops against the background of such pathologies:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism (active form);
  • osteomyelitis;
  • infections, acute and chronic;
  • anemia;
  • result of spleen removal;
  • fractures of bones, in particular tubular bones;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe blood loss;
  • multiple surgical interventions;
  • oncology;
  • amyloidosis.

In addition to diseases, the use of certain medications, namely the side effects of these drugs, for example, epinephrine, adrenaline, and corticosteroids, can affect the growth of this indicator.

What are platelets and what are they for?

Platelets are the nuclear-free plates that the megakaryocyte separates from itself. From one such megakaryocyte, about 5-10 thousand platelets enter the blood. Their lifespan ranges from 5 to 9 months.

After one period ends, cell renewal begins. When the balance between the production of new and the death of old plates is disturbed, the development of pathology begins. When too many platelets are produced, the risk of blood clots increases.

The most important role of platelets is their participation in the blood clotting process. In case of damage to the walls of blood vessels, platelets release clotting factor, as a result of which the damaged vessel becomes clogged with a thrombus. As a result, bleeding stops and the body is protected from blood loss.

In addition to the function of thrombus formation, these plates perform a number of other functions in the human body:

  • during bleeding, platelets release vasoconstrictor substances into the blood, the most famous of which are adrenaline, serotonin, norepinephrine;
  • platelets also control the integrity of the walls of blood vessels - they have a beneficial effect on the inner lining of the walls of blood vessels - the endothelium - they nourish it and improve its metabolism;
  • accelerate tissue healing;
  • engage in phagocytosis and carry antibodies.

Platelets are not exactly cells, but postcellular structures that circulate in the blood and live from two to ten days, after which they are utilized by special cells of the spleen and liver. Platelets are formed from megakaryocytes (giant bone marrow cells). They lack a core and have a flat shape; they live only 7–10 days, constantly renewing themselves. Therefore, constant processes in the body healthy person is the process of recycling old platelets and producing new ones.

Their main task is to form a blood clot to stop bleeding and stimulate regeneration (healing) of damaged tissue. Let's find out what it means if elevated platelets in the blood of an adult are diagnosed, and what to do in such a situation.

Platelets are small, spherical, red plates of blood that do not have a nucleus. Their size is 2-4 microns.

Along with leukocytes and erythrocytes, platelets belong to the cellular elements of blood. The study of cells is included in the general blood test and shows an assessment of its coagulability, which affects the body’s ability to stop bleeding and save lives in case of extensive blood loss.

Platelets do not contain a nucleus, but they consist of a large number of granules (up to two hundred pieces). In the normal state, cells are round or oval in shape, and their size directly depends on age. The cells live from 7 to 12 days, and then they are destroyed in the liver, lungs or spleen.

Platelet granules contain platelet factors: adenosine diphosphate, thrombin, thromboxane and others. They participate in the formation of special compounds - lysocine and B-lysine, which destroy the membranes of a number of bacteria, protecting the body from penetration into it pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

The existing pseudopods help blood cells move along the bloodstream. They are able to adhere to the surface of foreign bodies, capture and digest them. The cells stick together and form a blood clot, which protects against bleeding.

Also, they are actively involved in hemostasis (blood clotting) and deliver nutrients to the endothelium.

Platelets are called “blood plates” because they can change their shape from round to stellate. If there is damage inside the vessels, they take on the appearance of a spider web, while covering all damaged areas. This stimulates the process of blood clotting and the formation of a clot, stopping blood loss.

For reference. Platelets are instrumental in creating a “plug” that prevents blood loss from the cardiovascular system.

Possible complications

An increased platelet count is a dangerous condition for human health and can cause the following complications:

  • blood clot formation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • swelling;
  • blockage of arteries and blood vessels;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.

Thrombocytosis is an invisible threat to human health. It can be either a primary phenomenon or a consequence of a disease. To be warned and begin treatment in a timely manner, you should regularly undergo the necessary tests and keep your health under control.


Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of thrombocytosis. All substances that enter the body with food affect the composition of the blood.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration is one of the reasons for the increase in viscosity. The ideal drink is pure water.

The diet of a woman prone to developing thrombocytosis must include:

  • vegetable oils;
  • fish oil;
  • fresh fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • berries.

Food should be rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. The arteries are gradually cleared of clots.

Fruits and berries replenish the supply of antioxidants - substances that prevent the release of free radicals.

The platelet count will be kept normal by consuming green vegetables or ginger.

When platelet levels exceed normal levels, a condition called thrombocytosis occurs. It can be caused by processes occurring in the body:

  • bone marrow produces platelets in greater quantities;
  • blood platelets are not destroyed on time, their life cycle is exceeded;
  • vessels are affected by the atherosclerotic process;
  • acute or chronic bleeding is present;
  • the volume of circulating plasma decreases, while maintaining a stable volume of platelets and other blood cells.

Thrombocytosis occurs:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Relative.

Primary thrombocytosis is a hematological disorder caused by malfunction of the bone marrow.

This type of thrombocytosis is a manifestation of myeloproliferative syndrome. It is characterized by dysfunction of the bone marrow and increased hematopoiesis of all cells or one type of cell. Platelets are produced uncontrollably, resulting in an increase in their concentration.

Most often, such pathologies are characteristic of people over sixty years of age. They are uncommon at younger ages and in children.

Primary thrombocytosis is diagnosed accidentally in most cases.

Secondary thrombocytosis - an increase in the number of blood platelets occurs due to the presence of pathologies in the body.

Relative thrombocytosis manifests itself through an increase in platelets in the blood against the background of a decrease in plasma volume. In fact, the number of blood platelets is within the established norm.

Mechanism and types of increase in platelets

The phenomenon of increased PLT cells compared to the norm, which is 200 - 400 * 109 / l in adults, is called thrombocytosis. When platelets are elevated to 700 - 900 * 109/l, this means that thrombocytosis in the blood is moderate, and if the PLT level is much higher than normal and more than 900 * 109/l, then this indicates a high level of thrombocytosis.

An increase in the PLT of a population can be:

  • absolute – an increase in the number of blood platelets;
  • relative - a decrease in plasma volume caused by dehydration of the body.

Loss of fluid from blood plasma during relative thrombocytosis may occur due to:

  • prolonged vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • common burns;
  • reducing the daily volume of fluid consumed.

Dehydration is dangerous due to the risk of blood thickening and blood clots. Absolute thrombocytosis poses no less danger to human health.

With absolute thrombocytosis, the reasons for the increase in blood platelets can be:

  • primary - arise as a result of the active production of megakaryocytes, which are the source of young platelets;
  • secondary - develop as a concomitant phenomenon with various diseases.

The increase may be physiological in nature and does not pose a danger to the body. These temporary increases in PLT cell performance, sometimes quite significant, include an increase in test results after physical activity, emotional overstrain in response to the release of adrenaline.

There are several types of thrombocytosis.

The condition of the plates is assessed not only by their number, but also by the speed of blood clotting. The unit of measurement is thousand per microliter (thousand/µL).

In women normal level The following indicators are considered platelets:

  • from the moment of birth and during the first 10 days of life – 99-421 thousand/µl;
  • from 10 days to a month – 150-400;
  • from a month to six months – 180-400;
  • from six months to a year – 160-390;
  • from one year to 5 years – 150-400;
  • from 5 to 10 years – 180-450;
  • from 10 to 15 years – 150-450;
  • from 15 years onwards – 180-320.

The number and norm of platelets is an unstable value, therefore, in order to understand what value is normal for a woman, a number of factors should be taken into account, for example, such as:

  • physiological characteristics of the body;
  • age.

Every woman who has reached menopause needs to take a blood test for platelet content in order to be able to prevent the occurrence of potentially dangerous diseases in time.

It should be taken into account that the value of platelets may decrease during critical days. This is due to the fact that in this way the body tries to protect itself from possible bleeding. It is not worth carrying out a blood test at this time, as this will be an additional burden on the nervous and circulatory system.

For a man, the normal level is from 180 to 400 thousand/µl. But these values ​​can also change depending on age:

  • up to 16 years – 160-390 thousand/µl;
  • 16-25 years old – 180-380;
  • 26-35 years old – 180-400;
  • 36-60 years old – 180-340;
  • from 60 and older – 180-320.

Norm of platelets in men and women by age

The reasons that cause an increase in platelet values ​​in the blood during gestation do not differ from the general ones.

But there are some additional reasons:

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome leads to thrombosis. In the last trimester, there is a high risk of thrombotic exacerbations.
  • Impaired water balance due to toxicosis, vomiting and diarrhea. Edema forces a pregnant woman to limit her fluid intake, which causes the situation to worsen.

A large number of platelets during pregnancy is not a pathology if the values ​​do not go too far beyond the normal range.

A significant increase in platelet counts causes increased blood clotting and can cause miscarriage at any stage.

At this crucial moment, women usually closely monitor any changes in the functioning of the body. Also, constant monitoring is carried out by doctors, prescribing endless tests throughout the entire period. Compliance with all the requirements of the attending physician and careful attitude towards yourself will help to avoid complications.

Quantitative and qualitative blood content can show the state of the body, revealing various abnormalities that do not appear externally.

The presence of platelets in the blood determines its viscosity, which determines the regenerative function of the hematopoietic system. In the male body, the platelet level is much higher than in women.

However, even in female body platelets may be elevated. Why this happens, how it manifests itself and what measures to take, we will analyze further.

Elevated platelets in adults: treatment

  1. Therapy is determined taking into account the disease, which entailed changes in the quantitative composition of platelets. Then the basis of treatment will be aimed specifically at getting rid of a specific disease.
  2. If changes in the bone marrow are to blame, medications are prescribed that inhibit the production of new platelets.
  3. Along with this, blood thinning medications are also prescribed.

All methods of therapy must be agreed with a doctor. Women are prescribed blood thinners.

The easiest option is Aspirin. The acetylsalicylic acid contained in its composition can reduce viscosity due to the destruction of the platelets themselves.

Anticoagulants are used in treatment - agents that prevent clotting.

These medications prevent the formation of blood clots:

  • Livarudin;
  • Heparin;
  • Argotoban;
  • Bivalirudin.

The exact dosage is determined by the doctor. He will decide how long the course of treatment will last.

In severe cases drug therapy may be ineffective.

A thrombocytopheresis procedure is performed. In this case, part of the platelets is separated from the blood plasma.

Platelet values ​​can be brought into order with the help of drug therapy and a therapeutic diet. This is all prescribed by the attending physician.

To eliminate primary thrombocytosis with pathological proliferation of bone marrow cells, as well as to normalize blood clotting, the following therapy methods are used:

  • normalization of blood clotting through the use of antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamole, triflusal, clopidogrel) and anticoagulants (hirudin, warfarin, phenylin, etc.);
  • relieving inflammation by taking interferons;
  • decreased activity of megakaryocyte maturation (anagrelide);
  • purification of plasma from high platelet content using blood separation (thrombocytopheresis).

An important condition for reducing platelets in secondary thrombocytosis is the treatment of an underlying chronic, inflammatory or hematological disease in combination with symptomatic treatment high blood clotting with such drugs:

  • Aspirin;
  • Heparin;
  • Xarelto;
  • Cardiomagnyl, etc.

If there is no doubt that platelets are excessively elevated and all the research results and the doctor’s conclusion confirm the diagnosis, treatment is aimed at eliminating the root cause, accordingly, the approach to the problem is individual.

▪ Coated aspirin.

▪ Dipyridamole, nicotine xanthinol.

▪ Clopidogrel, ticagrelor.

▪ Interferon.

▪ Hydroxyurea.

▪ Anticoagulants

▪ Antiplatelet agents.

▪ Thrombocytopheresis.

Critical changes in analysis values ​​are regulated by adjusting the diet. Food can only be healthy and rich in nutrients. The same rule is recommended for drug therapy.

▪ By making it a rule to drink at least 2 liters of unflavored water (without gases).

▪ Refusing fried, fatty, bitter, and alcohol-containing drinks.

▪ By reducing the amount of protein foods of animal origin, with the exception of milk.

▪ By giving preference to a significant amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Diversify dishes by adding celery and ginger. Excluding: pomegranate, mango, banana, walnut.

▪ By adding berries (currants, raspberries), sea buckthorn, rose hips, cherries to your diet.

With increased indicators, it is worth including in your usual diet products that have a positive effect on eliminating blood thickness: tomato and lemon juice; onions and garlic; fatty fish; linseed and olive oil.

Food should be rich in magnesium-rich ingredients.

Non-traditional healing methods are popular and quite in demand. This is due to a skeptical attitude towards pharmaceutical products, their quality, effectiveness and unreasonably inflated prices.

Folk recipes have been tested for centuries, and their results are appreciated by traditional medicine.

▪ Cocoa. Cocoa powder from natural cocoa beans is boiled in water without adding sugar. Should be consumed after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ginger tea. Ginger root is crushed using any available means (1 tbsp), combined with boiled water (200 ml). Simmer over moderate heat (5 minutes). Consume throughout the day with the addition of honey.

▪ Garlic tincture. Garlic (2 medium heads), peeled, finely chopped, combined with vodka (200 ml). Infuse for a month in a place without access to light. Use for medicinal purposes twice a day (0.5 tsp).

▪ Brew Ginkgo Biloba leaves according to the recommendations on the package, leave for 20 minutes. Drink twice a day (100 ml)

It is important to understand that folk recipes have a good effect as a means of prevention, but by including them in a comprehensive drug treatment, the outcome of therapy can be significantly improved. Also, do not forget that by abandoning traditional medications, you can significantly worsen the situation. Any independent treatment prescriptions are not allowed, since thrombocytosis is often the cause sudden death. It is recommended to coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

The treatment regimen for elevated platelets in adults depends on a number of factors, primarily on the reason that provoked the increase in their number. If platelets
increased as a result of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed at eliminating it.

If no underlying disease has been identified in an adult, the doctor prescribes aspirin containing ( acetylsalicylic acid) drugs. They thin the blood and
lower the level of blood platelets.

Anticoagulants are prescribed for the same purpose. Medicines that can lower platelet levels in the blood should only be taken under medical supervision
– their uncontrolled use can cause bleeding.

The selection of the exact treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account
examination results and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. At
When reactive thrombosis is identified, efforts are directed towards treating the underlying cause
diseases or conditions. It is strongly recommended to refrain from
self-medication, which may not have the desired result, which will provoke
development of complications. The treatment regimen for each patient is individual.

Thrombocytosis development process

▪ The brain produces excessive platelets.

Life cycle platelets increase, they are not destroyed in a timely manner.

▪ Atherosclerotic processes occur.

▪ The condition is accompanied by bleeding (acute and chronic).

▪ Blood plasma retains its volume, but circulation is disrupted, since not all the fluid is involved in the process.

If you find that platelets are elevated during a blood test, what does this mean need to be studied individually: each individual case requires a special approach, including a comprehensive clinical examination from specialized specialists, with all necessary additional tests performed.

If a blood test shows that platelets are elevated, does this always mean that the person is sick?

Even the ancients highly valued the status of blood, declaring that “the soul of the flesh is in the blood.” Human life depends on the condition and composition liquid tissue, which performs the most important life support functions:

  • saturating the body with oxygen;
  • nutrition of all organs and tissues;
  • removal of metabolic products from the body;
  • regulation of body temperature;
  • protecting the body from foreign biological invasions.

Platelets occupy a worthy place among the defenders of the “citadel” human body. They are the first to appear on the affected areas of the vessels and form the primary plug.

Platelets promote rapid plasma coagulation by secreting enzymes that convert soluble blood plasma protein into insoluble one.

Scientists have concluded that platelets secrete “growth factors” that promote restoration processes in damaged tissues.

But what happens when there are too many platelets in women, men, children, in other words? What is the quantitative criterion for these blood cells?

Increased level of platelets in the blood

We’ll talk about the normal platelet count in the blood of a healthy person below. Now let's try to figure out what happens when there are too many of them.

The main function of these anucleate cells is to protect the body from blood loss in cases of superficial injuries or internal bleeding. Receiving a signal from the affected vessels, platelets are instantly activated and sent to the “distressed” area.

Having reached the front line, they are firmly attached to the walls of damaged vessels. The platelets following in the “rearguard” cling to the first wave, and so on, until a reliable clot is formed.

However, such a positive quality of blood platelets can create serious problems, if their number is too large.

The fact is that the process of platelet activation is virtually irreversible. And the activation factor may be reasons unrelated to the case described, for example:

  • hysterical state;
  • physical activity associated with muscle tension;
  • artificial stimulation of the body with drugs of plant and synthetic origin.

Activated platelets do not find somewhere to go, but their desire for aggregation remains. High density provokes them to action. Blood cells stick to each other, creating clots that get into the ducts of blood vessels, blocking them, forming a blood clot.

A critically high number of platelets in the blood plasma is called thrombocytosis.

Thrombocytosis. Causes and identification

Thrombocytosis is not an “independent” disease. The increase in platelets in the blood is cause-and-effect. Stable high rate, may have two main reasons.

Primary pathology associated with dysfunction of megakaryocytes, large cells of the red bone marrow.

Changes in blood composition due to previous or ongoing diseases; injuries; postoperative condition.

However, it should be remembered that the spread of the normal quantitative ratio of platelets per microliter of blood (1 mm cubic) is quite large and depends on many psychological and physiological factors:

  • for men this figure is 180 – 400 thousand units;
  • for women it is slightly lower, 150 – 380 thousand units;
  • even lower than 100-350 thousand units, in women, within 9-10 days after the end of the menstrual cycle;
  • in pregnant women, this indicator is as unstable as mood, fluctuating around 100 – 420 thousand units;
  • for newborn children, 170 -480 thousand units;
  • in an infant, 180 - 400 thousand units.
  • in children from one year to twelve years of age, the difference from the norm for adults is insignificant.

The platelet level is determined by general analysis blood.

Can a single analysis be considered sufficient to make a diagnosis?

A general blood test showed that platelets were elevated; does this mean the development of thrombocytosis? Only a specialist can answer this question. If a disease is suspected, he will refer the patient for additional examination and complex analyzes blood:

  • repeated general clinical;
  • biochemical;
  • serological;
  • analysis for tumor markers.

A comprehensive study of blood composition is extremely important for drawing up an overall picture and accurate diagnosis.

A repeat analysis will confirm (or not confirm) the constant quantitative composition of the blood.

Biochemical analysis helps to identify sluggish inflammatory processes, without external manifestations. Determines the level of iron in the body. Not fully scientifically substantiated, but through long-term laboratory research It has been proven that the iron content in the blood is directly related to the level of platelets.

Serological analysis is carried out in order to identify diseases of a viral and infectious nature that have a suppressive effect on immune system person.

Testing for tumor markers reveals the presence in the blood cancer cells. Malignant and benign tumors may cause elevated platelet levels.

A temporary increase in blood platelet levels is often a consequence of physical and emotional stress, poor diet, and alcohol and tobacco abuse.

In women who are struggling with swelling of the face and legs with the help of diuretics, reducing fluid intake to a minimum, blood thickening is the result of thoughtless methods.

Symptoms accompanying thrombocytosis, such as general weakness, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, accompany many other diseases.

Until the reasons are fully clarified, you should abandon any attempts at self-medication using traditional and unconventional methods. Otherwise, you may not only experience aggravation of the situation, but also get unwanted side effects.

Increased platelets in a child - possible causes and what to do?

For women-mothers, any deviations from the norm of the child’s condition, determined by them, often cause panic fears and a urge to feverish actions. But, first of all, you need to understand the reasons for the occurrence and degree of danger of the changes occurring in the child’s body.

In the process of growth, children are characterized by reorganizational changes in the body that affect the functioning of the endocrine and hematopoietic systems. This means that a blood test that shows that the child has elevated platelets must be rechecked and confirmed.

Deviations from the norm, within 100 thousand units per microliter, are quite acceptable. They can be caused by:

  • psychological stress;
  • changing your diet;
  • passion for sports activities related to physical activity.

Severe diseases, such as erythremia and thrombocythemia, are characterized by a very large number of platelets per cubic millimeter of blood - from 600 thousand to 1000x1000 units, respectively.

The pediatrician, if necessary, will refer the child to specialized specialists, focusing the examination on possible reasons Oh.

What parents should pay attention to if thrombocytosis is suspected:

  1. The child became lethargic and inactive.
  2. Complains of headaches.
  3. Constantly freezing. At the same time, increased sweating is observed.
  4. Scratches and rubs extremities (hands, ankles), complains of itching. Sign of numbness.

If most of the listed signs are present, you should immediately show the child to a doctor, explaining the reasons in detail. If the culprit turns out to be a seasonal lack of vitamins, breathe freely and be glad that everything is relatively fine with your child. Diseases are better prevented. Or nip it in the bud.

Why is thrombocytosis dangerous? Methods to combat the disease

In the case where the examination does not find an explanation for the increased content of platelets in the blood, one should prepare for a long, systematic containment of the development of thrombocytosis. This is necessary in order to avoid the fatal outcome of a blood clot (thrombus) entering the coronary artery.

Increased blood viscosity and blockages of peripheral vessels provoke:

  • degenerative changes in bone and soft tissues of the extremities;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • weakened vision;
  • difficulty in cardiac activity;
  • strokes and heart attacks.

And this is not the entire list. possible complications and diseases associated with thrombocytosis. But you shouldn’t fall into despair, much less give up.

Blood test - platelets are elevated, what does this mean?

This means you need to get rid of everyone bad habits. Remember that " healthy image life” is not just a tired slogan, but the only way out in the current situation.

  1. Eliminate cigarettes and alcohol from your life.
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks, as well as tea and coffee.
  3. Increase the consumption of juices rich in ascorbic acid (apple, lemon).
  4. Remove smoked foods and carbohydrate-rich foods from the menu.
  5. Include seafood, garlic, ginger in the menu.

If the course of the disease does not require emergency measures, limit medication use to a small dose of aspirin to thin the blood.

Platelets are inhabitants of the Universe, which is called the human body. Without seeing us, they transmit to us signals indicating disturbances in the life support system. We need to learn to understand them and not rush into a reckless fight when they are elevated.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 7.9k.

You can find out why platelets are elevated in an adult and what this means after conducting a series of laboratory tests and consulting a doctor. Information about the functions of cells, the causes and consequences of pathological changes will help to understand what platelets are in a blood test.

What symptoms indicate a high level

The increased content of blood platelets is determined by 2 main causative factors. The essential form is caused by a violation of the production and utilization of cellular elements due to existing stem cell abnormalities. Symptoms that indicate a high platelet count are:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • visual disturbances;
  • bleeding;
  • paresthesia;
  • ischemia of the distal limbs;
  • splenomegaly.

Primary thrombocytosis means the presence of abnormal hematopoiesis, the result of which is an increase in the number of platelets, a violation of their production, utilization, and morphological properties. Individuals suffering from the essential form of thrombocytosis have a high risk of developing thrombosis and bleeding.

Signs of thrombosis depending on the affected area are as follows:

  • swelling and pain in the lower extremities;
  • shortness of breath, chest pain;
  • neurological deficit.

There is a tendency to bruise quickly. Bleeding from any localization is insignificant. For primary thrombocytosis, the appearance of erythromelalgia is typical, accompanied by burning pain in the distal extremities, erythema, and hot flashes.

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 30%, 1190 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 17%, 677 votes

    At least twice a year 15%, 588 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 429 votes

    I take care of my health and rent once a month 6%, 249 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 167 votes


Pathology, in which there is an increase in formed elements, masks the clinical manifestations of thrombocytopathy. The reason for applying for medical care The following symptoms should serve:

  • various bleedings;
  • skin cyanosis;
  • visual impairment;
  • the appearance of hemorrhages;
  • pain and paresthesia in the fingertips.

The occurrence of reactive thrombocytosis does not impair the function of blood platelets. In the absence of severe arterial pathology, the risk of developing thrombosis and bleeding in the reactive form of thrombocytopathy is insignificant.
The level of platelet cells normalizes after the elimination of the causative factor.

Carrying out analysis

Platelets are presented in the bloodstream as small, colorless, flat-shaped cells that do not contain a nucleus. They are formed from megakaryocytes in the red bone marrow.

Blood plates are designed to ensure normal blood clotting. Platelets have phagocytic activity. The lifespan of mature forms is 7 days. Inactivation of formed elements occurs in the spleen, partially in the liver.

The number of platelet cells is determined within the framework clinical trial taken biomaterial.

Only after a blood test for platelets can it be explained what this means and why the indicators do not correspond to the reference values.

There are basic and additional methods for assessing platelet hemostasis, depending on the symptoms of the disease.

It should be remembered that the content of platelet cells increases with smoking, drinking alcohol, eating disorders, and physical activity.

To perform all the functions of the human body, it is important that the circulatory system is in optimal condition. Any deviations from the norm are cause for concern and may be a sign of obvious negative changes in health. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend periodically taking blood tests and checking for elevated platelets. If , this potentially indicates several possible reasons for the change. The reasons can be quite safe and harmless, but in some situations they indicate a serious pathology.

An increase in the number of platelets in the blood is life-threatening.

Important Features

Of great concern to doctors is the state of increased levels of platelets in the blood, which means the presence of negative changes in the functioning of the entire circulatory system. Blood is the fundamental fluid in the human body, which includes:

  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • platelets (TC).

The latter are also commonly called Bizzocero plaques. But more often a more familiar concept is used - platelets. These are small blood cells that do not have a nucleus inside them. They circulate in the serum and are key components in the preservation of vascular walls. If a person has elevated platelets, this does not mean that his circulatory system is now even better protected. Yes, their task is to stop bleeding in damaged areas. They begin to stick together, forming clots and forming a microscopic thrombus. That is, TCs are responsible for coagulation.

Imagine for a moment if a person lacked these blood cells. Only the slightest bleeding would lead to inevitable death due to blood loss. TCs act as the only components in our body that can stop bleeding. This applies to internal and external damage. The bone marrow acts as a site for the formation of TCs. Gradually spreading throughout circulatory system, platelets in the blood live for a week. After this, they die and are processed in the liver or spleen. New platelets appear in their place.

Disruptions may occur in the process of producing blood cells. For the proper functioning of the body, it is important that the TC level is always normal. If the quantitative indicators are higher than the established norm, the person is diagnosed with thrombocytosis. Depending on the gender and age of the patient, there are different standards for platelet levels. Therefore, you should build on individual indicators. The generally accepted threshold for thrombocytosis is 400 thousand units/μl.

Types of shopping centers and standards

The average quantitative norm of platelet content in the blood ranges from 180 to 320 thousand units/μl. If, during the examination and testing of samples, their excess was revealed, then a disease such as thrombocytosis is diagnosed. There is a special classification of types of blood plaques or platelets. There are several types of blood cells depending on their age.

  1. Degenerative. Their share accounts for no more than 5% of the total.
  2. Old ones. On average, they occupy about 5% of the total number of platelets.
  3. Young. The smallest amount is accounted for by this age-related type of blood cells (up to 1%).
  4. Mature. They form the basis of platelets in the circulatory system. In a normal state and in the absence of pathologies in the human body, there should be at least 85% of mature platelets.

If we start from the quantitative ratio, then the norm is determined based on the age and gender of the person. Quantitatively they fit into the following framework:

  1. For newborns, the quantitative norm is considered to be a level from 100 to 420 thousand units/μl. If elevated platelets are detected in an infant, the causes should be immediately identified and treatment prescribed.
  2. For children normal indicator will be from 180 to 320 thousand units/μl;
  3. In women, the normal level is considered to be from 150 to 380 thousand units/μl;
  4. In men, it is considered normal to have a reading of 180 to 320 thousand units/mcL.

Periodic checks of blood composition allow you to monitor general condition health, timely response to pathological processes. So don’t be lazy to find out your platelet distribution index and other quantitative and qualitative indicators of blood cells. It is not for nothing that a blood test is considered the main one in identifying almost all types of diseases. Every person should know why the average platelet count is elevated and what this means about their health. The reasons are different, so they should be determined individually. An increase in TC in different situations is associated with completely different factors.


The primary task for the attending physician is to determine the cause of the increased platelet content in the blood. Treatment tactics are based on provoking factors. It is necessary to eliminate the root cause that caused the situation when too many blood cells formed in the blood. Having dealt with it, it will be possible to normalize the performance of the entire circulatory system. Elevated platelet levels in the blood are usually diagnosed when:

  • recently transferred surgical operations, which were accompanied by heavy blood loss;
  • severe bleeding caused by various injuries and factors;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • dysfunctions of the blood creation system;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious lesions;
  • viral infections and diseases;
  • overdose or improper use of certain medications.

We cannot exclude situations where laboratory technicians simply incorrectly collect samples for blood testing. In order to exclude medical errors during the examination, it is recommended to contact trusted medical institutions and take repeated tests some time after receiving the results.

Diagnostic methods

If platelets are elevated, patients are referred for a comprehensive examination. With its help, it is possible to determine what provoked such changes in the circulatory system and what measures should be taken to eliminate the disorder. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will decide what to do and what treatment tactics to resort to. If the child is not in danger, then therapy is limited proper nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. If platelets are elevated in an adult and are accompanied by dangerous pathologies, more serious treatment methods may be used.

It should be understood that for thrombocytosis, therapy differs significantly from the tactics used for thrombocytopenia, that is, a low platelet count in the patient’s blood. Comprehensive diagnostics consists of:

  • mandatory external examination of patients;
  • submitting samples for platelet testing;
  • aspiration biopsy of bone marrow samples;
  • trepanobiopsy of bone marrow;
  • oncological examination in order to identify or refute the presence of malignant tumors.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine what type of thrombocytosis your particular case belongs to. It is divided into two types:

  1. Primary. In this case, high platelet counts are caused by dysfunction of human bone marrow cells. There are practically no characteristic symptoms for this disorder. In rare cases, headaches and deterioration in general health are possible.
  2. Secondary. In this case, thrombocytosis occurs as a symptom of an ongoing disease, is a consequence of surgery, or side effect from improper use of medication.

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


If it has been revealed that the patient’s blood has increased quantitative and qualitative indicators of platelets, it is necessary to formulate an individual therapeutic tactic. drug therapy may be used. It consists of:

  1. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. This medicines, the function of which is to reduce blood clotting.
  2. Thrombocytopheresis. This is a special medical procedure in which excess blood plaque is removed from the patient using a medical device. Blood cell separators are used quite often if the disorder is associated with a primary form of thrombocytosis.
  3. Taking interferons. They are prescribed to patients in a course, the duration and features of which are determined individually.
  4. Applications special drug type "Anagrelide", which acts directly on megakaryocytes and reduces the concentration of blood cells.
  5. Hydroxyurea. Special group medicines, which are prescribed in combination with other drugs.

If this is a secondary type of thrombocytosis, then the patient should be accurately diagnosed, identify the underlying disease and formulate effective and adequate treatment for it. By eliminating the root cause of the elevated platelet level, you will be able to cope.

It is not often that thrombocytosis has to be treated in a hospital setting. The patient receives prescriptions, recommendations and advice from the attending physician, and the treatment process itself takes place at home. When treating at home, it is important to follow several rules and tips aimed at reducing platelet concentrations. This is only possible in situations where the patient is not in a critical situation, there are no dangerous pathologies, and no indications for hospitalization were identified.

Basis home treatment diet is in favor. Under no circumstances should a person go hungry. The diet provides normalization of a healthy diet, exception harmful products and including foods that are not harmful and can help restore the circulatory system.

If the doctor has authorized treatment at home, several basic rules must be followed:

    1. Try not to eat a lot of fatty meat. Use dietary varieties. It is better to minimize the amount of fish, poultry and meat consumed by replacing them with legumes and dairy products. Fractional and separate meals bring more benefits.
    2. Do not eat anything that should be cooked by frying. Frying and even frying in a small amount of oil will harm your health.

It is absolutely impossible to ignore the fact of an increase in platelets. The most serious consequence is considered to be the formation in veins, vessels, etc. Sometimes they break off and close the lumen, causing local inflammation, swelling and blocking the blood flow. Against the background of thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboembolism occur. The result of such complications is the death of a person. It is not so often possible to save a life, since only surgical intervention can cope with a blood clot.

So if the next preventive examination showed increased level blood cells, this indicates serious disorders and potentially dangerous disease. It is necessary to undergo mandatory comprehensive diagnostics for precise definition causes of thrombocytosis and prescription of adequate treatment.

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