Electronic library "scientific heritage of Russia". Nikolay Evgenievich Vvedensky Not Vvedensky's contribution to physiology

Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky

Vvedensky Nikolai Evgenievich (1852-1922) - professor of physiology at St. Petersburg University. He completed a course at the same university, in the natural category of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; I studied physiology specifically in the laboratory of prof. Sechenov and in German laboratories (Heidenhain, Dubois Raymond, Kronecker, Hoppe-Seyler and Bauman). In 1884 he began lecturing as a private lecturer at St. Petersburg University; in 1883 - 1888 he lectured at higher women's courses; since 1889, extraordinary professor at St. Petersburg University. - Vvedensky’s first work “On the influence of light on skin sensitivity” (“Bull. de l” Acad. de St.-Petersb.”, 1879) was made by him when he was a student and was awarded a prize in memory of the first congress of naturalists. Then Vvedensky studied the innervation of breathing (Pfluger's Archiv, 1881 and 1882). His two dissertations (“Telephonic research on electrical phenomena in the muscular and nervous apparatus” (St. Petersburg, 1884) and “On the relationship between irritation and excitation in tetanus” (St. Petersburg, 1886; the latter work was awarded a large gold medal from Academy of Sciences) and a number of articles published mainly in the "Notes of Academic Sciences" by him and people who worked under his leadership, are devoted mainly to the use of the telephone in the study of animal electricity, the establishment of a new view on the rhythmic nature of volitional contraction, and the proof of the indefatigability of the nerve ( a fact initially met with disbelief, but then confirmed by foreign physiologists), the study of the transition from excitation to inhibition under the action of stimuli.

F. Brockhaus, I.A. Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Vvedensky Nikolai Evgenievich (1852-1922) - Russian physiologist. Biography. After graduating from the Vologda Theological Seminary in 1872, he entered St. Petersburg University. In 1874, he was arrested for participating in student revolutionary circles and going to the people, and was imprisoned, where he spent more than 3 years. In 1879 he graduated from the university. In 1881-1882, 1884 and 1887 he worked in physiological laboratories in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since 1884 - private associate professor, since 1889 extraordinary, and since 1895 - ordinary professor at St. Petersburg University. Student I. M. Sechenova. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909). Research. The main topic of research was the patterns of response of living tissues to various irritations. Using the “telephony” method (listening to the excited nerve), he showed that living system changes not only under the influence of stimuli, but also in the process of functioning. Thus, in his master’s thesis “Telephonic research on electrical phenomena in muscle and nervous apparatus” (1884), an analysis of the periodicity of muscle contraction and nerve fatigue was given; in his doctoral dissertation “On the relationship between irritation and excitation in tetanus” (1886), the foundations of the doctrine of the optimum and pessimum of irritation were formulated and the law of relative functional mobility (lability) of tissues was derived. In this case, the neuromuscular apparatus was considered as a formation consisting of nerve fiber, nerve endings and muscle, parts of which have varying lability. In the doctrine of parabiosis, which was presented in the monograph “Excitation, Inhibition and Anesthesia” (1901), the unity of the processes of excitation and inhibition was shown.

Kondakov I.M. Psychology. Illustrated Dictionary. // I.M. Kondakov. – 2nd ed. add. And reworked. – St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 90.


Complete set of works. L., 1951 - 1963. T. 1-7.


Arshavsky I. A. N. E. Vvedensky. M., 1950;

Uflyand Yu. M. The main stages of development of the teachings of N. E. Vvedensky. M., 1952;

Zhukov E. K. Evolutionary method in the school of Vvedensky-Ukhtomsky // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University. Biological Sciences Series. 1944. No. 77. Issue. 12.

Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky was born on April 16, 1852 in the village of Kochkovo, Vologda province. His father, a village priest, taught him to read and write and gave him basic information on general education. In 1862, Nikolai Vvedensky entered the Vologda Theological School, where he studied for 6 years.

In 1868, he entered the Vologda Theological Seminary, where, along with religious disciplines, he also studied philosophy, psychology and logic.

In 1872, N.E. Vvedensky entered the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University, but already in October of the same year he transferred to the natural sciences department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In addition to studying, N.E. Vvedensky actively participated in the socio-political life of the country, was a participant in the populist movement. In 1874, he was arrested on charges of revolutionary propaganda among peasants and spent the next three years, while the investigation was underway, in solitary confinement. During the trial N.E. Vvedensky was acquitted and reinstated at the university in 1878.

Shortly before this, the Department of Physiology at St. Petersburg University was headed by I.M. Sechenov. NOT. Vvedensky became interested in his lectures and began working in a physiological laboratory. He began studying the internal essence of inhibition and its relationship with excitation. He began to develop a theory of the response of various excitable formations to the action of environmental stimuli.

In 1979 N.E. Vvedensky graduated from St. Petersburg University and for 2 years worked as a laboratory assistant in the zootomy office of the university, while at the same time continuing research in Sechenov’s laboratory. At this time, he traveled abroad several times, where he studied the peculiarities of the work of physiological laboratories.

In 1881, he received a position in the laboratory, where he began researching rhythmic vibrations in nervous system. Immediately N.E. Vvedensky encountered problems exact method, applicable to developments. After searching, he chose the telephone as a device that could capture very rapid fluctuations in the nervous process. Despite the fact that similar attempts by other researchers had previously failed, N.E. Vvedensky managed to improve this technique and achieve significant results. These experiments became the prototype for the use of modern electrical devices in physiology, which make it possible to detect minimal fluctuations in the body’s biocurrents.

The scientist taught at the university, taught various courses, and since 1883 he headed the department of physiology at the higher courses for women.

In 1884 N.E. Vvedensky defended his master's thesis on the topic “Telephonic research in the muscular and nervous apparatus.” In this work he provided the first experimental evidence of rhythmic processes obtained using the telephone. He determined that the nerve, muscle and nerve center each have their own rhythm, different from the others. In addition, he established that, unlike other parts of a living organism, the nerve is practically tireless; it can perform its functions for several hours in a row - become irritated and conduct excitation to the organ.

In 1887 N.E. Vvedensky defended his dissertation for the degree of doctor of zoology, comparative anatomy and physiology. This dissertation was devoted to the development of such a phenomenon as inhibition and the associated tetanus.

If a nerve transmits a stream of frequently successive excitations to a muscle, it responds with a continuous, prolonged contraction called tetanus. As long as excitation is transmitted along the nerve or until the muscle gets tired, this state continues. N E Vvedensky showed that with sufficiently strong and frequent rhythmic stimulation of the nerve, the muscle first responds with the usual tetanic contraction, which is soon replaced by relaxation. The reason for this is inhibition that occurs in the nerve endings from too strong excitations. With a decrease in the strength and frequency of irritation, the previous pattern is instantly restored, which indicates the absence of fatigue.

In addition, N.E. Vvedensky showed that long-term contraction does not occur due to the fact that excitation impulses are mechanically superimposed on each other, but follows from their interaction and mutual influence. By this, he refuted the Helmholtz theory accepted at that time.

In 1888, Sechenov moved to Moscow and recommended N.E. Vvedensky to his place A year later, N.E. Vvedensky was elected extraordinary professor and head of the physiological laboratory.

When studying the patterns of rhythmic activity of various excitable formations (nerves, muscles, nerve centers), N.E. Vvedensky found that they reproduce the rhythms of stimulation in different ways. As a result, he formulated the concept of functional mobility as the most important property of excitable formations. According to N.E. Vvedensky, this property determines the ability of a given excitable formation, within certain limits, to react flexibly to changes in the frequency of stimulation. It follows that each excitable formation is characterized by a maximum rhythm of excitation and a maximum duration of excitation waves.

N E Vvedensky established that this property changes under the influence of various external and internal factors. Based on this, he derived the law of relative functional mobility. The meaning of this law is that the value of functional mobility can only be relative, expressing the state of the excitable formation at the moment.

A huge amount of experimental material obtained in the laboratory allowed N.E. Vvedensky to establish that the action of various physical and chemical stimuli always ends in a kind of inhibitory state. In this case, the excited tissue seems to stop responding to the action of the stimulus. He called this state of inhibition parabiosis.

Having examined this condition in detail, N.E. Vvedensky defined the essence of parabiosis. In his opinion, if the stimulus acts for a long time and constantly increases the rhythm, then a state of excitation will arise in the nervous tissue, which will be long-lasting and increasing. In its development, this state goes through three stages: equalizing, paradoxical and inhibitory, the dimensions of which depend on the nature of the stimulus. Thus, according to Vvedensky, parabiotic inhibition is an excitation that is distinguished by persistence and instability. As an example of parabiotic type inhibition, the scientist cited anesthesia - a state of complete insensitivity that occurs in an area of ​​living tissue or in the entire organism under the influence of narcotic substances.

Before Vvedensky published his theories, it was believed that excitation, inhibition and anesthesia were completely different, unrelated processes. He was the first to create a unified theory of the nervous process - the theory of parabiosis. All subsequent activities of the scientist were devoted to a more detailed development of this issue.

In 1908 V.M. Bekhterev founded the Psychoneurological Institute, and N.E. Vvedensky became one of his first professors. Since 1908, he was a corresponding member of the RAS. At this time, his work, as well as the work of the entire laboratory, was devoted to the study of the central nervous system.

In April 1917, the first congress of Russian physiologists was convened in Petrograd, the initiator and organizer of which was N.E. Vvedensky. After 1920, he again returned to studying the nerve, but died in 1922.

Research by N.E. Vvedensky had a huge influence on psychologists and physiologists both in Russia and abroad. He consistently destroyed established ideas about the structure and functioning of the nervous system, offering his own version, supported by a huge amount experiments. Many repeated his experiments, obtaining similar results and further developed some of his theories N.E. Vvedensky made a significant contribution to the research of a new method of psychophysiology.

The theory of parabiosis has found application in pharmacology, medical practice (anesthesia and analgesia), neuropathology and psychiatry.

In his youth he was interested in revolutionary ideas, but then chose scientific activity.

« Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky I worked all my life, worked hard and systematically. He said that, in essence, his entire life was spent in the company of the neuromuscular apparatus of the frog. The scientist felt the need to conduct scientific work almost every day, and always in the laboratory. In the evenings at home he continued the same work that he did in the laboratory during the day. It was necessary to draw up experimental protocols, review and think about the data obtained, plan experiments for the next day, read current specialized literature, select and study literature on the issue under study, and finally, prepare the work for publication. In addition, it was necessary to prepare for lectures and reports, select topics for my students, read and correct their manuscripts.

At his lectures, he even specifically focused on the theory of productivity of mental work, which he developed himself. “Only from the first impression it may seem as if this or that solution to a problem comes suddenly, as if by chance, on a whim, regardless of the efforts of a thinking person; actually even that the solution to a problem that arises “by inspiration” is the result, perhaps hidden in the past, but still persistent and systematic work; and to geniuses an idea never comes without preliminary preparation, for “out of nothing nothing comes” . This explains the definition given by Newton, when asked what, in his opinion, genius is: “Genius is work.” N. E. Vvedensky added: “A genius is, first of all, a brilliant worker!”

The scientist identified a number of conditions that ensured the normal productivity of mental labor: the importance of the systematicity of the labor process, the alternation of work and rest, the importance of society’s attitude towards the work of the individual. For its time, this was undoubtedly a progressive theory. NOT. Vvedensky in his lectures he cited as an example the creative work of Russian literary classics ( Pushkin, Turgenev, L. Tolstoy) and famous scientists ( Sechenov, Mendeleev), focusing not only on their talent, but also on their hard work. Evaluating activities M.V. Lomonosov, he explained his relatively little fame in the history of human knowledge by the attitude of the social environment, the lack of understanding by his contemporaries of the entire genius of Lomonosov’s scientific thought.”

Gruzdeva E.N., N.N. Vvedensky: “First of all, a brilliant worker,” in Sat.: Famous University Students: Essays on the Students of St. Petersburg University, Volume 3, St. Petersburg, “Famous University Students,” 2005, p. 57.

Teacher and opponent: THEM. Sechenov(from him he took over the chair of physiology at St. Petersburg University).

Student: A.A. Ukhtomsky(he handed over this chair to him).

Vvedensky, Nikolai Evgenievich

Rus. physiologist, founder of the doctrine of the general patterns of response of excitable systems of the body, one of the largest representatives of materialistic science. directions in natural science. Born in the village. Kochkovo, Totemsky district, Vologda. gub., in the family of a rural priest. Upon graduation from Vologda. Theological seminary entered the physics and mathematics. Faculty of Petersburg. University (1872). Here he became acquainted with the advanced ideas of revolutionary democrats and took an active part in the activities of populist circles. In the summer of 1874, V. was arrested for promoting revolutionary ideas among peasants. Together with A.I. Zhelyabov and S.L. Perovskaya, he was convicted on political charges. "Process 193" and imprisoned, where he stayed for more than 3 years. In 1878 he returned to St. Petersburg. University, upon graduation he worked in physiology. laboratory of I.M. Sechenov. In 1884 he defended his master's thesis. "Telephone research on electrical phenomena in muscle and nervous apparatus" and received the title of Privat-Associate Professor of Physiology. In 1889, prof. was elected. Petersburg. Institute; at the same time he taught a course in physiology at the Higher Women's Courses (since 1883) and at Psycho-neurological. institute (since 1907).

V. was the first Russian. a physiologist who became a member of the permanent international committee for convening physiological congresses. After V.'s death, I. P. Pavlov was elected to this post.

The two main lines of research outlined by Sechenov are the assessment of the significance of inhibition in processes occurring throughout the nervous system, including cerebral hemispheres brain, and the revelation of the intimate nature of the process of inhibition - were brilliantly developed by our domestic physiology: the first line of research is by I. P. Pavlov, the second - by H. E. Vvedensky.

In 1883-84, using the telephone method. listening to the excited nerve, V. was the first to show that nervous excitation is rhythmic. process and that the nerve trunk is capable of reproducing rhythmic rhythm for many hours. impulses, without showing, unlike other excitable tissues, signs of fatigue. V. summarized subsequent studies of the processes of irritation and excitation of the nerve in his doctoral dissertation. “On the relationship between irritation and excitation in tetanus” (1886). In this work, he showed that when the motor nerve is irritated by inductive currents of a known frequency, a further increase in the strength of irritation at the same frequency (up to a certain limit) leads to an increase in tetanic. muscle contractions. If you increase the irritation of the nerve even more, without changing the frequency, the muscle begins to respond with increasingly decreasing contractions. At the same time, with the same strength of stimulation, an increase in its frequency, after a certain limit, leads to a sharp drop in the height of muscle contractions. The assumption that the decrease in muscle contractions could be the result of fatigue of the drug due to irritation of great strength and frequency, disappears, since muscle contractions are again increased as soon as the nerve is irritated by currents of moderate strength and frequency. V. argued that for everyone of this state excitable tissue there is an optimum strength and optimum frequency of stimulation to obtain the maximum effect, in this case tetanic. muscle contractions. When the strength and frequency of irritation increase compared to the optimum, then the tissue's response to irritation is inhibited. This was called the “pessimum” reaction by V. At a time when the muscle responds with an increasingly pessimistic reaction to the frequent rhythm of irritation of the nerve (for example, 200 irritating stimuli in 1 second), the latter is in a rhythmic state. excitement and fully reproduces this rhythm of irritation. Consequently, an excited nerve, reproducing a frequent rhythm of stimulation, actively inhibits the previously excited muscle. The phenomenon of oppression or inhibition appears as a result of the process of excitation itself. V. pointed out that after each wave of excitation, which tissue reproduces during irritation, the latter sequentially experiences two phases: the “phase of inexcitability,” which he later called “refractory,” and the “phase of increased excitability,” which he later called “ exaltation." V. expressed the idea that after each wave of excitation a trace remains in a given tissue and the tissue is not capable of a new reaction. Therefore, the second wave, if it comes soon enough and falls within the inexcitability phase, will remain unanswered. On the contrary, if the second wave comes a longer time after the first and falls into the phase of increased excitability that arose after the first wave, then it causes more strong effect than usual. Subsequently, V. considered his interpretation of the intimate nature of the “phase of inexcitability” to be insufficiently comprehensive and looked for new ways to solve the question of where and how successive waves of excitation interact, causing the occurrence of inhibition. In 1892 he established that different excitable tissues are characterized by different “functional mobility”, or “lability”, i.e. “the greatest number of electrical oscillations that a given physiological apparatus can reproduce in one second, remaining in exact accordance with the rhythm of maximum stimulation "(Vvedensky H. E., in the French journal "Archive of Normal Physiology and Pathology", 1892, series 5, vol. 4, p. 50). The basis for this was experiments with the diversion of action currents from various parts of the neuromuscular preparation to the telephone. It turned out that a curarized muscle, when directly stimulated, is capable of reproducing up to 200-250 vibrations per 1 second, and the motor nerve - up to 500 per 1 second. With indirect stimulation of the muscle, when excitations are transmitted from nerve to muscle through nerve endings, it reproduces only approx. 120 vibrations per 1 sec. and then in the first minutes of irritation. The last number is a measure of the functional mobility, or lability, of the motor nerve endings. V. concluded that the less functionally mobile an excitable substrate is, the longer the passage of a single wave of excitation in it is delayed and the fewer completed waves of excitation it can reproduce per unit time. In a neuromuscular preparation, the nerve endings have the least lability, which means that each wave of excitation lasts longer here than in a nerve or muscle. Therefore, the subsequent wave of excitation comes from the nerve fiber to the nerve ending at a time when the previous wave of excitation is still being experienced here. As a result, a “conflict” between subsequent waves and previous ones becomes inevitable. From this, V. concluded that the pessimal reaction, as a special case of inhibition, develops precisely in the nerve endings.

The lability of excitable formations, according to V., is a variable value, depending on the conditions of their existence and functioning. Therefore, through local chemical action. or physical agent can cause a change in the lability of this part of the nerve. This allows you to smooth out the difference in the lability of the nerve and nerve endings. Depending on the nature and duration of action of the agent, the degree of change in the lability of a given part of the nerve is also different. Accordingly, the conduction of excitation waves will slow down. V.'s experiments showed that waves of excitation coming from the normal area of ​​the irritated nerve conductor to the area with altered lability increasingly reduce the latter. As a result, they themselves slow down in their development and implementation. In cases of a sharp decrease in the lability of an area, the incoming waves here take on a persistent, non-oscillating, stationary character. At this time, the altered section of the nerve “is characterized in appearance by a loss of irritability and conductivity... Its own functional mobility is then reduced to zero” [Vvedensky H. E., Excitation, inhibition and anesthesia, 1901, the same, Collected. soch., vol. 4 (first half volume), 1935, p. 119].

V. called the state of stationary excitation “parabiosis” (from the Greek παρά - near, at and βίоς - life), wishing to note that this excitement, taken to the extreme, is the threshold of the dying of the tissue. The process of development of parabiosis is characterized by a number of stages. In the first stage, called preliminary or provisional, both weak and strong excitations coming from normal parts of the nerve to the changed area cause approximately the same muscle contractions. But these excitations themselves reduce the lability of the altered area and thereby prepare for the onset of the second stage of parabiosis, called paradoxical. At this stage, weak excitations emanating from normal parts of the nerve cause quite significant muscle contractions; Meanwhile, strong excitations themselves block their path, are not carried through the changed area and therefore do not cause muscle contraction. In the third stage, called refractory or inhibitory, persistent excitation of the changed area reaches its limit. This occurs due to the reinforcing action of excitation waves coming from normal parts of the nerve or the ongoing action of the corresponding applied agent. At this time, the changed section of the nerve loses its conductivity, and inhibition occurs.

However, parabiotic. the condition is reversible: removal of the irritating agent leads to the restoration of lability through the same stages, but in the opposite direction.

V.'s main conclusion was that inhibition, like anesthesia, in its occurrence is associated with excitation, is a special form of excitation, characterized by a stationary, non-fluctuating character. This means. that excitation and inhibition in their origin and essence are closely related to each other and are opposites only in external expression. Inhibition acts as a special form of excitation itself. Nowhere and never is excitation deprived of the opportunity to act as inhibition; everything depends on the current functional state of the excitable tissue and on the strength and frequency of the stimuli acting at the moment.

V. contrasted his doctrine of excitation and inhibition with the widespread nutritional theory of excitation and inhibition put forward by M. Verworn. The latter, based on the views of E. Hering and R. Avenarius, argued that excitation and inhibition are completely independent and independent processes that have opposite substantial origins: excitation is the result of dissimilation, expenditure of potential, and inhibition is the result of assimilation, accumulation potentials. V.'s decisive struggle with Fervorn and his many followers ended in the complete victory of V. V.'s works on parabiosis are summarized in his work “Excitation, Inhibition and Anesthesia” (1901).

By creating an artificial model of heterogeneous excitation conduction systems using a neuromuscular specimen, V. studied complex phenomena in a relatively simplified setting. This allowed him to further study the patterns of excitation processes in natural heterogeneous systems, such as the central nervous system, where different neurons are interconnected synaptically. communication

V.'s studies, set out in the work “Excitation and inhibition in the reflex apparatus during strychnine poisoning” (1906), showed that the patterns of response of the neuromuscular system he established also take place in the reflex activity of the spinal cord.

Among V.'s studies on the activity of the central nervous system, the work “On the mutual relations between psychomotor centers” (1896) was of great importance. In this work, the principle of reciprocal relationships between antagonistic centers upon stimulation of the cortex was first established.

IN recent years V.’s life, studying in detail the effect of direct electric current on the nerves, he discovered the phenomenon of the so-called. perielectroton. These phenomena consist in the fact that persistent, unwavering excitation that has arisen in a given area of ​​the nerve changes the excitability of the entire nerve trunk, creating foci of either decreased or increased excitability along its length. Perielectroton is a new, previously unknown form of transmission of nerve signaling, different from the well-known so-called. impulse conduction of excitation. The phenomena of perielectroton are becoming important in the study and interpretation of a number of physiological factors. and pathological processes.

V. was a consistent materialist and developed in his works advanced evolutionary views on physiology. and biological processes; defended and developed Sechenov’s teaching about the organism as a relative whole in its unity with environment. He argued that reactions are determined not only by the current state of the body, but also by the nature of environmental stimuli, which form its functions and leave a trace aftereffect in it. In turn, the current functional state or mobility of the reacting substrate at any given moment is determined by the previous functional state of the substrate and the environmental stimuli acting on it. Thus, the principle of the inextricable unity of the living substrate with the surrounding conditions of its existence was clearly expressed in V.’s teaching on functional mobility. An important section of modern physiology - the doctrine of chronaxy French. physiologist L. Lapik (1901), in fact, was presented much earlier in V.’s teaching on lability (1892), which Lapik himself recognized in a report at the 15th International Congress of Physiologists (1935). V.'s teaching, enriched by A. A. Ukhtomsky, has great general biological value. significance and opens up broad prospects for the development of physiology and medicine. V. created a large school of physiologists.

His teaching, based on materialism. principles, served as a solid basis for the development of physiology and pathology of the entire organism, which were fundamentally substantiated in the works of I. P. Pavlov.

Works: Complete works, vol. 1-4, 6, L., 1951-53, 56; Collected Works, ed. acad. A. A. Ukhtomsky, vol. 4 (1-2 half volumes), 1935-38; Selected works, parts 1-2, M., 1950-51; Selected works, M., 1952.

Lit.: Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky, in the book: People of Russian Science, with a preface. and entry article by academician S. I. Vavilova, vol. 2, M.-L., 1948 (pp. 756-62); Koshtoyants Kh. S., Essays on the history of physiology in Russia, M.-L., 1946; Ukhtomsky A. A., Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky and his scientific work, "Russian Physiological Journal named after I.M. Sechenov", 1923, v. 6, no. 1-3 (there is a bibliography of V.’s works); his, The Doctrine of Parabiosis, M., 1927 (together with L. Vasiliev and M. Vinogradov); his, From the history of the doctrine of nervous inhibition, "Nature", 1937, No. 10; his, Second Pavlovsk Lecture March 5, 1838. "Testament" by N. E. Vvedensky. Theses, M., 1938, the same, Collection. soch., vol. 2, 2nd ed., M.-L., 1951 (pp. 148-151); Arshavsky I. A., H. E. Vvedensky. 1852-1922. M., 1950 (there is a bibliography of V.’s works); Orbeli L. A., The teachings of H. E. Vvedensky and its significance for the physiology of higher nervous activity, in the book: Orbeli L. A., Questions of higher nervous activity. Lectures and reports. 1922-49, M.-L., 1949 (pp. 535-48); Reports at the conference dedicated to the memory of H. E. Vvedensky (December 26-28, 1947), M.-L., 1949; Gladky A., In memory of H. E. Vvedensky, "Russian Physiological Journal named after I. M. Sechenov", 1923, v. 6, no. 1-3; Perna N.N., In memory of Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky, ibid.; Vorontsov D.S., Outstanding Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky, Kyiv. 1953; Chukichev I.P., 6 unity of theoretical positions of I.P. Pavlov, H.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky, M., 1956.

Enter e nsky, Nikolai Evgenievich

Genus. 1852, d. 1922. Physiologist, studied the patterns of tissue response to various stimuli. For the first time he deduced the law of relative functional lability of tissues, developed the doctrine of the optimum and pessimum of the stimulus, the unity of the nature of excitation and inhibition. Founder of a scientific school. Since 1908, corresponding member. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

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    Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky Date of birth ... Wikipedia

    - (18521922), physiologist, founder of a scientific school, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1908). Student of I.M. Sechenov. In 1872 he entered St. Petersburg University, which he graduated only in 1879, as he was arrested for participating in the populist movement... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Russian physiologist. Student of I.M. Sechenov. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909). After graduating from the Vologda Theological Seminary, he entered St. Petersburg University (1872). IN … Great Soviet Encyclopedia- (1852 1922), physiologist, founder of a scientific school, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1908). Student of I.M. Sechenov. In 1872 he entered St. Petersburg University, which he graduated only in 1879, as he was arrested for participating in the populist movement... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Vvedensky, Nikolai Evgenievich- VVEDENSKY Nikolai Evgenievich (1852 1922), Russian physiologist, founder of a scientific school. He studied the patterns of tissue response to various stimuli and developed the idea of ​​the unity of the nature of excitation and inhibition. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1852 1922), physiologist, founder of a scientific school, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1908). The study of the patterns of tissue response to various stimuli, developed the doctrine of the optimum and pessimum of the stimulus, discovered the law of relative... Encyclopedic Dictionary, Nikolai Evgenievich Vvedensky. This publication presents the works of the famous representative of Russian physiological science N. E.…

Vvedensky was born on April 16, 1852 in the village of Kochkovo, Vologda province, into the family of a rural priest. In 1872, after graduating from the Vologda Theological Seminary, he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University.

At the university, Vvedensky became close friends with representatives of populist circles and took an active part in their work. In the summer of 1874, he was arrested for promoting revolutionary ideas among peasants, that is, for “going to the people,” as they said then. Together with A.I. Zhelyabov and S.L. Perovskaya, he went through the well-known political “trial of 193” and was imprisoned, where he spent more than three years. Only in 1878 Vvedensky returned to the university.

After graduating from the university, Vvedensky was left at the laboratory of the famous physiologist I.M. Sechenov. First scientific work Vvedensky was devoted to the influence of daytime scattered light on the skin sensitivity of the frog.

In 1883, Vvedensky was admitted to give lectures on animal and human physiology at the Higher Women's Courses, and the following year he defended his master's thesis on the topic “Telephonic research on electrical phenomena in the muscular and nervous apparatus.”

Two important lines outlined by Sechenov - assessing the significance of inhibition in processes occurring throughout the nervous system, and revealing the internal nature of the process of inhibition - were developed by his students Pavlov and Vvedensky. Vvedensky managed to remove the rhythm of individual excitations directly from the nerve. Using a telephone, listening to impulses transmitted along the nerve during its operation, the scientist came to the conclusion that the nerve trunk is practically tireless - for many hours it is capable of reproducing rhythmic impulses, without showing, unlike other excitable tissues, any signs fatigue.

Continuing his research, Vvedensky discovered that the nerve, muscle and nerve endings (all three main elements of the neuromuscular system) have different functional mobility - lability, as Vvedensky called this value.

In 1886, Vvedensky summarized his research in his doctoral dissertation “On the relationship between irritation and excitation in tetanus.”

The fact that the nerve does not fatigue, which he established, contradicted the chemical explanation of the excitation process put forward by Sechenov at one time. It was the question of inhibitory centers that became a stumbling block between teacher and student. However, when Sechenov left, he left the department to Vvedensky.

Best of the day

"Based on many years work with the neuromuscular apparatus, N. E. Vvedensky, wrote Professor V. S. Rusinov, gave his theory of nervous inhibition, widely known in the world physiological literature as “Vvedensky inhibition.” In one case, the nerve approaching the muscle excites it, in another case the same nerve inhibits it, actively calms it, because at this very time it itself is excited by strong and frequent irritations that fall on it.

If nerve endings differ from the nerve itself in the degree of their lability, N. E. Vvedensky decided, then, therefore, it is possible experimentally, through local action with any chemical or physical agent, to change the degree of lability in a certain area of ​​the nerve and thereby bring it closer to the properties of nerve endings.

What happens in such a changed part of the nerve?

Becoming less and less labile, this area conducts less and less frequent waves of excitation. With the same quantitative characteristics of the current waves of excitation, the very course of the reaction changes enormously. Excitation waves arriving at the site with reduced functional mobility slow down more and more in their development and conduction, and finally, with a sharp decrease in lability, they take on a stationary character.

N. E. Vvedensky called such a state of stationary excitation “parabiosis,” as if the threshold to dying. Parabiosis is a reversible condition. When restoring lability in the focus of stationary excitation nerve tissue regains the ability to conduct excitations.

The discovery of stationary excitation is one of the main scientific contributions of N. E. Vvedensky to general physiology. His book “Excitation, inhibition and anesthesia,” in which he outlined in detail his doctrine of parabiosis as stationary excitation, is widely known both here and abroad. By N. E. Vvedensky’s own admission, it was “his main work and justification for his whole life.”

In 1909, on the proposal of Academician I. Pavlov, he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In the last years of his life, Vvedensky studied the effect of electric current on nerves, which led him to the discovery of the perielectron phenomenon.

The essence of the phenomenon he discovered was that persistent, non-fluctuating excitation that occurs in a separate section of the nerve changes the excitability of the entire nerve trunk, creating numerous foci of either decreased or increased excitability along its length.

All free time Vvedensky devoted himself to work in the Society for the Protection of Public Health, the Society of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists, and the Society of Physiologists. He was a member of the Leningrad Society of Natural Scientists and for many years edited its “Proceedings”, and at the same time the “Proceedings of the Physiological Laboratory” of St. Petersburg University.

“Modest, sometimes somewhat dry and withdrawn personal life“,” Academician Ukhtomsky wrote about Vvedensky, “Nikolai Evgenievich retained great warmth and responsiveness. Everyone who came into closer contact with him knew about this. Nikolai Evgenievich did not have his own family, he lived alone, but touchingly loved the families of his father, brother and sister. Nikolai Evgenievich died on September 16, 1922 in the old parental home, where he went to take care of his lonely paralytic brother, being himself weak and sick.”
