Lower jaw hurts: injury, infection or joint problems? Sore throat radiating to the jaw: causes and treatment

Pain feeling schedule under the jaw and below

Asks: novel, Stavropol Territory

Gender: Male

Age: 29

chronic diseases: Tonsillitis, pharyngitis

Hello, I'm in trouble. For a month and a half now I have had problems with my throat, more precisely with my left tonsil. It all started with a banal tonsillitis, but only on one side, on the left tonsil. Painful when swallowing. I felt an enlarged lymph node on the right. During this time, the pain went away and then returned. Was at 6 ENT doctors. I did blood tests twice and they were normal. Treated and rinsed with antibiotics - for the duration of treatment, it is better then it comes back again. Rented crops found nothing. I tested positive for Epstein Barr. The infectious disease specialist began to treat me. But the pain in the tonsil on the left side never goes away, especially when swallowing. Now to this was added more pain from the outside of the neck. Under the jaw, when pressed on the left, painful sensations and below to the thyroid gland. The last ENT said that he did not see any pathology in the ENT organs and sent him to a neurologist. They seem to be diagnosed with infectious neuropathy. But to be honest, the neurologist very much doubts that this is her part. He did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, gave it to hormones - the norm. Gastroscopy 4 months ago there were problems treated now does not bother. To be honest, hands down, I don’t know what to do, help if you can

11 responses

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Hello! Have you sanitized your tonsils? Have you done physical therapy?

Novel 2016-01-28 19:32

Thanks for the quick response. I don’t know what it means to sanitize, but I smeared it with lugol and iodinol. I did not do physiotherapy because the ENT did not see any indications for them. Now the ENT does not even see indications for washing the lacunae and says everything is normal. Objectively, according to my own feelings, the left problematic tonsil is slightly larger in size and slightly open or something. Lor says that this is the norm and that it's like a person's ears are different. The last time at the reception, he very carefully looked at the pressure, picked something up, looked at the larynx, I inhaled, said "about" then "and" and he looked at the mirror. Before that, another ENT looked at endoscopy, in fact, did everything the same as this Lore did, only instead of an endoscopy mirror. I still have mucus flowing from my nose into my throat, for this, in fact, they did the sowing, but according to the results, it was normal, and therefore everything was attributed to vasomotor rhinitis. Whether prompt can be it really a neurology? The main complaints are pain in the left tonsil when swallowing and pain outside under the jaw, probably opposite this tonsil, as well as down the throat and up under the ear. The pain is light aching, I practically don’t feel it at rest, but for example, it’s worth yawning and then swallowing and the pain immediately radiates to the tonsil, like with a sore throat. And outside, it used to hurt if you press on it, but now it’s a slight pain that constantly and slightly radiates to the ear. I wanted to do a CT scan myself, I even signed up, but the ENT dissuaded me. He says you have no indications and suspicions of oncology. 10 doctors have already felt my neck. I will add a city we have a small provincial.

I also forgot to add, when pressing from the outside under the jaw, the pain radiates a little into the tongue, the ENT looked at the tongue, also found nothing.

Thanks a lot. The last question, I still want to undergo a CT scan, they ask me for recommendations from a doctor for choosing a program, tell me what to tell them in my case?

I don't see the need for a CT.

Did a CT anyway. I'd rather not do it. The doctor made a mistake in the description and I had a formation at the angle of the lower jaw 4 by 5 cm. I ran to Laura in shock, and he just burst out laughing and showed me 5 cm on the ruler. He says how it was exactly noticeable. I ran to the ultrasound, they spun me for half an hour, the poor woman says I don’t see education. In general, it turned out that the doctor described the salivary gland in which the lymph node was enlarged. They also found a cyst in the nose and moderate lymphadenopathy on the left. Sent for a dental consultation. They also searched for a tumor for a long time, as a result, they sent me for a CT scan of the jaws, it turned out that my wisdom tooth was climbing on the left and rested on the next tooth. They say this can also cause soreness in the salivary gland and problems with the tonsils. On Monday, I signed up for washing the tonsils with tonsilor on your advice, our ENT also thinks so, he saw plugs in the tonsils. At the expense of physiotherapy, I think to replace electrophoresis phonophoresis, I just have my own at home. Thank you very much! I tried to thank via phone via SMS, it didn’t work, it didn’t accept my number for some reason, tomorrow I’ll try from the card. By the way, at the expense of the cyst in the sinus, they said from the tooth. I write everything in such detail in case it is useful to someone. Today was the worst day in my life, even my cheek began to go numb from experiences, this has never happened in my life. Thanks again!

All the best!

Sore throat extending to the jaw, ear, and lateral wall of the pharynx may be a symptom of inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, difficulty in the eruption of a wisdom tooth, or irritation of the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the mucous membrane in this area. By the nature of the pain and its accompanying additional symptoms, you can determine its cause and choose the right method of treatment.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve and styloid process syndrome

Paroxysmal unilateral sore throat radiating to the ear and lower jaw is a typical symptom of the idiopathic or its secondary form - Eagle's syndrome (styloid process). The pain occurs suddenly, can be provoked by the intake of hard or bitter food, disappears spontaneously after a few minutes after the onset. During an attack, patients suffer from dry throat and cough, after which saliva is released in excess.

Styloid process

The causes of idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia are unknown, Eagle's syndrome is the result of irritation of the hypoglossal nerve by an elongated styloid process temporal bone. Treatment in the first case is selected individually, antiepileptic drugs are used, the nerve is passed, if there is no effect, they switch to surgical treatment. For Eagle's syndrome conservative therapy is ineffective, it is possible to save the patient from pain by excision of the elongated styloid process.

Difficulty eruption and inflammation of the wisdom teeth

Difficult eruption of the mandibular third molar can also cause a sore throat that radiates to the jaw. The rudiment of this tooth is located in close proximity to the medial pterygomaxillary muscle, which borders on the peripharyngeal space, is involved in swallowing, opening and closing the mouth - this explains the localization of pain during inflammation of the follicle of the eighth tooth of the lower jaw.

Inflammation of the wisdom teeth

To choose the right method of treatment, the doctor performs an x-ray of the lower jaw and determines whether there are conditions for teething in the correct position. If there is enough space in the jaw for this, it is recommended conservative treatment: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, if necessary, parts of the mucous membrane are removed to facilitate tooth eruption. If the position of the germ is incorrect and there is not enough space to place the figure eight in the dental arch, it is removed.

Peritonsillitis and peripharyngeal abscess

Sore throat when swallowing is a typical symptom of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis), with an uncomplicated course of the disease, it does not spread beyond the pharynx and tonsils. Irradiation of pain in the lower jaw and submandibular region indicates the development of complications - paratonsillar or peripharyngeal abscess. In this case, the inflammation spreads beyond the tonsil to the palatopharyngeal and palatoglossal arch or to the peripharyngeal region. In both cases, the body temperature rises, chills occur, headache and general weakness.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital, it includes opening the abscess inside or extraorally and drug therapy. Self-medication with paratonsillitis or peripharyngeal abscess is very dangerous. If the abscess is not opened in time, purulent inflammation can spread to the deep layers of the neck and even to the mediastinum, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you need to contact an ENT doctor.

Post date: 26.10.2012 13:25


good afternoon! I had a toothache for three years ago and because of this, the submandibular lymph node became inflamed, it did not decrease, but it did not bother me. for about half a year, yet another one just below the jaw has become inflamed. now my throat hurts at one point between these lymph nodes and the jaw node itself. and in the throat itself there is a slight redness, and in the channels where the tonsils are squeezed out yellowish accumulations of cottage cheese are similar, it does not hurt to swallow, but the throat hurts sometimes. what could it be?

Post date: 28.10.2012 12:14


good afternoon! it hurts under the jaw node on the right, what to do?

Post date: 27.11.2012 11:31


Hello. 2 days ago, the gum on the right side ached (there was aching, slight pain). Today I woke up with pain in the gums, with a swollen lymph node and a sore throat, and all on the right side. Where is the replenishment, the gum is red-blue. It hurts to swallow and open your mouth. What could it be? How to treat?

Post date: 28.11.2012 10:07


Good afternoon, tell me please. My bottom hurts for the third day left side jaw (I don’t know how to put it correctly) The aching pain increases. There is no pain when moving. It doesn't hurt on palpation either. But it hurts when the jaw is closed, although the teeth and gums do not hurt. What could be the reason and what to do about it?

Post date: 29.11.2012 23:26


Hello. 2 days ago, a lymph node fell ill under my jaw on the right. a little swollen and sore. This had never happened before and I decided to go to a therapist. after examining me, she concluded that it was because of the tooth (I really have a bad tooth on the lower jaw, if it can of course be called a tooth, there are only roots from it). On the same day I went to the dentist. after examining my tooth, he jumped that it was definitely not from him. but deleted it anyway. In the evening it seemed to me that the swelling under the jaw increased slightly. I have this question. if the knot is inflamed from the tooth, then how long after the removal should the swelling and pain go away? there may be inflammation of the node from the tooth located on upper jaw Or is it only if the bad tooth is at the bottom? I am now 34 weeks pregnant and very worried. answer me please. Thanks

Post date: 01.12.2012 07:49

You should contact your maxillofacial surgeon as soon as possible! Now it doesn’t matter what caused this lymph node to become inflamed, the main thing is that the inflammation from serous does not turn into purulent!

Post date: 20.12.2012 17:32


hello. A part of the gum was removed from the wisdom tooth, as there was a cat feeder formed there. gums were inflamed. After the "operation", the lymph nodes immediately became inflamed on the side where the intervention was and gives it to the ear. It hurts to open the mouth and painful lymph nodes. Tell me, is this a normal reaction of the body to such things or is it a complication? Thank you.

Post date: 20.12.2012 21:13

These symptoms immediately after the operation can be regarded as post-traumatic, but a doctor's supervision is necessary, because. the likelihood of infection is quite high. In a bad scenario, if antibiotics are not prescribed on time, everything can be very serious.

Post date: 15.01.2013 09:27


Two teeth ached on the lower jaw on the left, yesterday the lymph nodes on the right side under the jaw suddenly increased in size. Went to see the dentist. He removed one tooth and cleaned the canal in another .. He says that this is possible - the tooth is on the left, and the lymph node is on the right. Is it so? Sincerely.

Post date: 18.01.2013 11:22


Good afternoon, I have been worried for almost a week and there is swelling in the neck on the left side, in the lower corner of the jaw. Accompanied by sore throat when swallowing. Difficulties also arise when opening the jaw. When I open it, I feel pain in the left corner of the jaw, and in the same place, the gums are inflamed and painful. It hurts when I touch the inflamed area.
Unfortunately, there is no time to visit doctors. Can this be done at home? Will it develop into serious consequences? Worried that every day is getting worse, in the evening the symptoms intensify ..
Thank you very much in advance

If you are in pain lower jaw, then you should contact a dentist, surgeon or neurologist. The fact is that pain in the lower jaw can cause a huge range of reasons, ranging from dental to neurological. If you feel that you have pain in the muscles of the jaw right under your jaw, if you are, this is a sufficient reason to contact a specialist, because such pain cannot be tolerated. Self-medication is not an option, but you should be aware of what exactly this or that symptom means.


There are a number of signs by which you can determine why exactly you have a sore throat under the lower jaw or the jaw itself. This will help you choose the right doctor to contact.


To detect a lower jaw injury, check for bruising and swelling. Also, with an injury, you will feel pain (severe or not so much, depending on the type of injury) when pressed.

The lower jaw is not so simple.

The pain may be on the right or left, depending on the injury itself. Immediately after an injury, saliva may have an admixture of blood.


Pain in the lower jaw can cause a dental abscess or, simply put, a tooth abscess, that is, an accumulation of pus in the gums. Such an abscess is characterized by the presence of a dense swelling on the mucous membrane oral cavity. When you press the swelling area, a strong sharp pain.

Often there is another sign - inflammation of the lymph nodes. Hence the soreness under the jaw. A dental abscess can be caused, for example, by advanced caries.

The infection can also cause acute osteomyelitis. In this case, it is painful for the patient to open his mouth and swallow (since the muscle usually swells significantly). Pain when swallowing can be focused on the right or left.

Actinomycosis (also infection) affects the right or left corner of the lower jaw. The angle of the jaw is covered with multiple passages with a characteristic greenish-yellow liquid.

Problems with the temporomandibular joint

There are four such problems:

  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (the chewing muscle is reduced by spasm, the jaws are tightly closed);
  • rheumatoid arthritis (swelling and pain when pressed in the joint area);
  • osteoarthritis (severe swelling, it hurts the patient to open his mouth and chew);
  • dislocation of the mandibular joint ( main feature- inability to close the mouth).

Cyst of the lower jaw

Basically, a jaw cyst is a cavity in the bone filled with fluid. the main problem such a cyst is that it can for a long time be completely asymptomatic. During inflammation of the cyst, there is severe pain when chewing, swelling and redness.


If the swelling in the jaw area remains painless for a long time, this may indicate that it was caused by a giant cell granuloma, osteogenic sarcoma, or Barkitt's lymphoma.

Each of these neoplasms has its own nuances, for example, with granuloma, the color of the swelling will be purple with a bluish tinge, with sarcoma, the teeth will begin to loosen over time, and lymphoma will develop very rapidly.

Aching pain in the jaw

Aching pain is a special kind of pain that, it would seem, does not torment like sharp and sharp pain, but at the same time, it does not let you forget about yourself, especially at night. Why does the right or left side of the lower jaw ache?

The trigeminal nerve is three "processes" that supply our entire face with nerve endings, thereby connecting it with the central nervous system. Inflammation of the mandibular branch of this nerve causes pain in the mandible, lip, lower teeth, and sometimes in the neck.

Stricken with neuritis trigeminal nerve.

Pain attacks during inflammation of the trigeminal nerve really exhaust patients, because they appear very often and intensify with any movement. Why does this neuritis occur? The reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  • fracture of the lower jaw or base of the skull;
  • error in prosthetics or anesthesia;
  • infection;
  • intoxication;
  • nerve injury by a foreign body.

Except aching pain, trigeminal neuritis has a few more symptoms. Firstly, the mobility and sensitivity of the jaw is disturbed (it is difficult to open the mouth, chew, swallow, it creates a feeling that the muscle is numb, an unpleasant feeling of numbness in the neck). Secondly, during the examination, a slight swelling of the affected area is detected. Thirdly, the skin acquires a cyanotic or marbled color.

temporomandibular joint syndrome

Why is the temporomandibular joint so important to us? The fact is that it performs many functions, for example, thanks to it we can open our mouth and chew. Due to the heavy load on this joint, one of the following syndromes may occur:

  • aching pain on the left or right in the area of ​​the jaw and ear;
  • tension in the lower jaw, a feeling that the muscle is "reduced";
  • difficulty (difficulty) during chewing;
  • aching pain in the entire facial area;
  • various extraneous sounds during jaw movement (grinding, clicks, etc.);
  • malocclusion;
  • headache.

Soreness under the jaw

Why it hurts under the jaw is a question to which there is no definite answer. Located under the jaw great amount various anatomical formations, the diseases of which can give painful echoes to the right or left corner of the lower jaw, throat, neck.

Gum disease can cause jaw pain.

And, nevertheless, returning to the question of why there is soreness under the jaw, a number of main reasons can be listed:

  • diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • damage to the facial artery (characterized by burning pain in the lower jaw, descending down to the neck);
  • with a fracture of the jaw, pain can also be given under the jaw;
  • neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (a specific disease that starts from the root of the tongue, passes into the ear, and then under the jaw to the neck);
  • swelling of the larynx (begins with a feeling of a coma in the throat);
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • sialolith - the disease is characterized by the fact that the lower jaw swells only on the right or only on the left, the temperature rises and pus is released in the oral cavity;
  • sialadenitis - inflammation of the salivary glands, also accompanied by fever, lethargy and soreness in the neck, under the lower jaw;
  • glossitis or inflammation of the tongue: the tongue becomes bright red, the throat and neck are very sore;
  • glossalgia - increased sensitivity of the tongue, pain can also be given under the jaw. glossalgia is usually provoked by spicy, sour or hot food, a long conversation;
  • submandibular tumor lymph nodes: chronic pain, fever, weakness and weight loss;
  • other pathologies of the lymph nodes, in which patients have a sore throat, soreness in the neck and general malaise may occur.
