Boric acid or boric alcohol in the ear: properties and method of use. Boric alcohol or boric acid - which is better for otitis media? Treatment of otitis media with boric alcohol

First, let's figure out what it is - boric acid and the alcohol of the same name. Boric acid H3BO3 is produced in the form of a fine-crystalline, colorless powder. Sold in pharmacies as powder (10g and 25g), aqueous or alcoholic solution (3% and 5%).

Boric acid:

  1. has an antimicrobial effect;
  2. has a disinfecting effect;
  3. fights viruses and fungi.

This drug is used as a disinfectant in medicine and cosmetology.. As an external remedy it is used to treat fungal diseases on the skin, pediculosis, acne (acme), and ear diseases.

Reference! In terms of the degree of impact on pathogenic microorganisms, the aqueous solution and the alcohol solution are identical. For a mild course of the disease, a 3% solution is used, for a complex course of the disease, a 5% solution is used.

In their effect on the body, an aqueous solution and an alcohol solution differ significantly. Alcohol has a strong analgesic effect.

The high degree of penetration and proximity of the ear to the brain can cause:

  • short-term dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • mild degree of intoxication.

Types of ear diseases

The second name of boric acid - selective - arose due to the fact that selective acid is actively and successfully used to treat ear diseases.


The most common ear disease is otitis media.. It could be:

  1. external (present inflammatory process in the outer ear);
  2. middle (the surface of the middle ear is affected);
  3. internal (deep penetration of infection, usually as a consequence of advanced otitis media).

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear. Otitis may occur as a consequence colds, as well as as a result of infection with water or as a result of a scratch received from a nail or a cotton swab.

The presence of infection in the ear canal causes a disease called otitis externa. Treatment of external otitis is similar to the treatment of any other area of ​​​​the skin - the surface is open, inflammation in the form of a pimple is accessible.

Otitis media is much more complicated simply because the structure of the middle ear is quite complex. The causes of otitis media can be: blockage eustachian tube sulfur or liquid, frequent sore throats, chronic runny nose. Signs that should force the patient to begin treatment are:

  • Noise in the ears/tinnitus.
  • Sharp pain in the ear.
  • Stuffiness that temporarily goes away after yawning.

Access to the middle area is limited, and therefore the most the easy way getting to the source of inflammation involves instillation. It is important that the disease is not advanced and has an initial, uncomplicated stage of development.

Otolaryngologists prescribe boric acid solution for acute and even chronic external and otitis media. An important condition for the use of boric acid in the treatment is the integrity of the eardrum.

Instructions on how to treat with a 3 percent solution

Before using the drug, you must:

  1. Treat the inner surface of the sore ear with hydrogen peroxide by dropping 3-4 drops and gently wiping with a cotton swab.
  2. The next step in the treatment of otitis media is the instillation of boric acid.
  3. It is recommended to preheat the bottle of solution by holding it in your palms for a while.
  4. Instillation is done with a pipette into sore ear 3-4 drops of solution (water or alcohol).
  5. The exposure time is usually 8-10 minutes, it is advisable to agree with your doctor.
  6. Then the ear is freed from the solution and closed with a cotton swab.

This procedure must be repeated 3 times a day for no more than a week.. At the same time, the disease that caused otitis media should be treated:

  1. strengthen immunity;
  2. treat colds and runny nose.

Sulfur plug

No less painful for a person is the presence of wax plug in the ear.. Sulfur, located in the ear canal, is designed to protect the eardrum from particles that can damage it. The amount of earwax varies from person to person and the presence of excess is not felt by everyone.

For various reasons, excess sulfur can form plugs that block the ear canal and cause pain:

  • short-term hearing loss;
  • throbbing sharp pain.

Ear wax can cause many serious complications. both in the functioning of the hearing organ and the whole organism.

These complications can be of two types:

  1. mechanical;
  2. inflammatory.

Mechanical, as expected, are of the nature of pressure. The plug puts pressure on the eardrum, causing ear pain, pain away from the ear, increased heart rate, upset stomach followed by constipation.

Inflammatory complications occur over a long period of time and have several stages. The first of them is the formation of a closed space between the plug and the membrane, where microbes begin to multiply uncontrollably in the resulting liquid. The conditions for this are ideal - warm, humid, enough nutrients.

With a significant increase in the number of microbes, the body’s defense reaction is triggered. As a result of the attack of leukocytes, microbes die and this accumulation of dead organisms is purulent. The deeper the plug is in the ear canal, the more dangerous the growth of microbes.

Penetration of pus into the area inner ear can lead to hearing loss, and further penetration into the brain can lead to meningitis.

In most cases, there are no serious consequences from the accumulation of earwax: acute pain already in the early stages of the disease forces the patient to begin treatment and prevent the development of pathology.

Attention! Using headphones contributes to the formation of sulfur masses.

Removal ear plug should be entrusted to specialists, damage to the eardrum can lead to hearing loss. In a hospital setting, plugs are removed by rinsing the ear canal. When the mechanical method does not give results immediately, doctors use a heated solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to soften and separate the sulfur formation. After 2 hours of “soaking”, it becomes easier to remove the plug by washing.

On average, from 10 to 20 grams of sulfur mass is formed in the human ear per month.

Preventing traffic jams can be done independently. How to use it to soften the formed plug?

Doctors recommend using 3 percent boric acid at home because the first thing it does is soften and swell the sulfur formation. As a result, the shape of the plug changes, which facilitates its independent full or partial release.

Is it possible to warm the ear or not? If the plug does not come out on its own, you should lie down with the affected ear on a warm heating pad or a bottle of warm water. The sulfur soaked in the healing solution will flow out of the ear canal under the influence of heat..

High cholesterol levels contribute to the compaction of sulfur mass.

When boric acid solution is instilled into the ear, a slight warming effect occurs(there should be no burning sensation!). When in contact with the walls of the ear canal, boric acid has an antimicrobial and local antiseptic effect.

Cotton swabs, turundas or drops are usually used to introduce a medicinal drug into the ear canal in the treatment of ear diseases.

  • Cotton swab- a piece of gauze or cotton wool placed into a wound or cavity for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The size of the tampon is selected according to the size of the wound or cavity.
  • Turunda– a flagellum made of cotton wool or gauze (material capable of absorbing). How to put it in a sore ear? With an average diameter of the auditory opening of -5 mm, a turunda should be made by bending a cotton flagellum 2 mm thick in half. In this case foreign body won't cause painful sensations. Turunda is used to cover the ear after administering drops or to soak the turunda itself. medicine and inserted into the outer part of the ear.

Methods of using an alcohol solution for treatment

  1. If ear pain occurs, you can use turundas soaked in a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Turundas should be inserted into the ear without pressure, using a screwing motion. 10 minutes of such exposure is enough to reduce or relieve pain.
  2. On early stage inflammation of the middle ear effective means anti-microbial agents are 5% carbolic glycerin drops. The drops increase the elasticity of the eardrum and reduce the pressure of the plug. You should drip 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day. Water getting into the ear can cause a burn.
  3. A warm compress on the ear has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an analgesic effect and helps soften wax. How to warm it up: the gauze should be folded into 4 layers (the size of the gauze napkin is 15*15 cm). Make an incision in the middle to place on the ear. Apply gauze soaked in alcohol to the ear, cover it with oilcloth, and then cover it with a layer of cotton wool to preserve heat. Leave on ear for 6 hours.
  4. Moisten a cotton swab with boric alcohol and place it in the ear, as close to the eardrum as possible. Without removing the tampon from the ear, you can drip 10 drops of boric alcohol onto the tampon 4 times a day without the participation of a doctor. The tampon must be changed once a day.

When is the drug contraindicated?

The ability of boric acid to be easily absorbed by tissues and accumulate in the body creates conditions for intoxication of the body.

It was found that through the skin and mucous membranes of children early age boric acid penetrates the body especially quickly. This means that the use of drugs containing boric acid is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

Lactation, pregnancy, newborn age, renal failure- a reason to refuse to use boric acid preparations.

Comparison with glycerin

An alternative to boric acid in the treatment of sulfur plugs is a soda-glycerin mixture. It, like boric acid, is sold in pharmacies. Glycerin has no contraindications and has a moisturizing effect. At the same time, unlike boric acid, it does not carry a medicinal load. It will not relieve inflammation and will not destroy germs.

Where to buy and in what dosage?

Reference! You can purchase boric acid preparations in the form of powder, aqueous and alcohol solutions at any pharmacy without a prescription.

In online pharmacies, the price of boric acid powder 10g is from 23 to 50 rubles, 3% solution 25ml is from 6 to 60 rubles.


Besides, Boric acid is widely used in combination preparations:

  1. Ear drops OTOLORIN.
  2. Ear drops OTINDOL.
  3. OLAZOL, aerosol.


The use of 3% boric acid 2 times a day, 2-3 drops for 5-7 days is optimal and sufficient. Overdose symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • involuntary contraction of muscle tissue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid heartbeat.

Important! In case of an overdose, the body must be cleansed of toxins. Removal of the drug from the body is achieved by gastric lavage or taking sorbating drugs.


The use of boric acid in the treatment of ear diseases in adults has been tested for years and is recommended by doctors; you just need to follow the instructions for use. The use of boric acid and preparations containing boric acid requires compliance with the dosage and is not recommended for children and pregnant/lactating women.

When treating ear pain, it is especially important to remember that disease prevention and ear hygiene will help you avoid complications and never know what ear pain is.

For a better understanding of the qualities this drug, you need to consider this drug in detail and analyze what it is.

Just a note. In fact, boric alcohol is a white powder, which is a weak, odorless acid.

  1. It is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic substance neutral for body tissues.
  2. It can be used as a powder for various skin diseases.
  3. Externally as alcohol and aqueous solutions and ointments.

Indications for use

Boric acid is used in every possible way:

  • as a disinfectant in adults;
  • for eye diseases to cure conjunctivitis;
  • various skin diseases (dermatitis);
  • inflammatory processes in ().
  • patients with negative changes in renal function;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with individual intolerance.

There is no need to apply the drug to large areas of the skin.

Type and dosage for sale

Boric acid is sold as:

  1. Three percent alcohol solution(in 40 ml vials and 10 ml, 15 ml and 25 ml dispenser bottles).
  2. Powder for external use (in jars of 25 grams).

To prepare the solution, take 3 grams of powder and dissolve them in 4-6 tablespoons of boiling water. Active substance These preparations contain boric acid. The solution in the form of an additional component has 70% alcohol (details on how boric alcohol differs from boric and salicylic acid, we told in).

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Duration of treatment

Boric acid preparations are used two to three times a day. As a rule, treatment takes place within 4-7 days.

Effect on the human body

Once inside, the medicine is easily absorbed from the intestines into the blood. And also a repeated effect is obtained from the skin and mucous membranes. In the blood vessels, the acid is not neutralized, but moves unchanged, mainly excreted by the kidneys (about 90%), and the rest is rejected by the liver with bile (10%).

This substance is excreted slowly, approximately half is released after 30-35 hours, and the other part can remain in the body for up to 5 days.

The substance irritates the mucous membranes, destroys the kidneys and negatively affects the nerve cells of the brain.

Important! In children, due to an unformed body and weak immune system, can cause poisoning and lead to intoxication.

What is it used for?

Drops in the ears

The drug with boric acid is approved for use in the treatment of inflammatory processes in maxillary sinus, eczematous changes in the ears and the outer surface of the hearing organ. For inflammation in the ear, you can use a three percent alcohol solution of boric acid.

The principle of action of the drug is to change the structure of proteins at the cellular level and the permeability of their membranes, as a result of which they die.

It is permissible to use products for inflammation of the ear canal only if the eardrum is not injured.

What does it treat eyes for?

Boric acid is often used in medicine in the treatment of various pathologies of the organs of vision. Most often this the solution is used for conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Despite concerns, this drug is allowed to be used as an eye wash. They treat the eyelid cavity and eyeball in inflammatory processes.

How should it be used as an antiseptic?

Boric acid is a universal disinfectant that is used not only for sanitation, but also for cleaning purulent wounds and rinsing the genitals. A two or three percent solution of this drug should be used as an antiseptic.

Pest Control

Boric acid is used to control insects by contact. Powder - as an intestinal poison, is used in practice, mainly to combat cockroaches and ants.

It is laid out in places where insects accumulate as bait, both dry and wet. The manifestation of the effect occurs gradually, as the powder accumulates in the insect’s body for about 7-11 days.

Features of use by adults and children

The most common indication for adults and children is skin disinfection.

Pay attention! Due to many side effects, partial restrictions have been introduced on the use of this drug in children under 18 years of age.

You can find out whether boric acid can be used to treat children’s ears.

In adults, this remedy is currently used to treat skin inflammation, otitis media and conjunctivitis. In the treatment of ear diseases, they are used (cotton swabs that are inserted into the ear canal). A 10% solution with glycerin is used to lubricate diaper rash, and ointment is used to treat head lice.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor and it is better not to self-medicate due to the toxicity of the drug.

Instructions for preparing a 3 percent mixture with alcohol

Preparing the solution yourself:

  1. To obtain a three percent acid solution, you first need to prepare a vial, preferably with weighted strokes applied. First, wash and rinse it. Place 3.4 grams of boric acid in a measuring bottle and pour 120 ml of boiling water into it. Mix this mixture thoroughly.
  2. Then you should strain the solution through cotton wool or a multi-layer gauze bandage.
  3. Pour into another prepared (sterile) vial and cap tightly. Store on the top shelf in the refrigerator.

In what cases does it help most successfully?

In this regard, we propose to consider several categories of people for whom the use of boric acid helps most successfully.

Methods of use and application:

  1. For severe ear pain. Placing cotton swabs into the ear canal.
  2. For conjunctivitis. Instillation on the lower eyelid.
  3. From odor and sweating of feet. You should pour the powder into your shoes at night. And in the morning pour out the contents.
  4. For nail fungus on the toes. Use water baths with a weak solution of boric acid.
  5. Women in cosmetology. The drug is used to cleanse the face, correct wrinkles, and treat skin rashes.
  6. In adolescence from acne. Use a cotton swab dipped in boric acid to wipe problem areas.
  7. Young women for depilation. Daily use of the drug topically for two weeks.

Side effects

It is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • elevated temperature;
  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • pain inside;
  • rash;
  • convulsions.

Replacement with medications

  • For ear diseases, antibacterial: “Tsipromed”, “Otofa”, “Fugentin”.
  • Anti-inflammatory- “Otipax”, “Otinum”.
  • At eye diseases : chloramphenicol, dexamethasone. For retinal dystrophy: emoxipin, taufon, actipol.
  • For dermatitis: “Eplan”, “Skin-cap”, “Zinocap”.

Boric acid is an effective remedy for ear diseases. On our website you will find information on how to treat ears with and with this remedy, and also find out whether this medicine can be dripped into the ears.

Careful use of boric acid helps improve health, and also helps solve problems in some everyday issues, while the drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. By following safety precautions and only as prescribed by a doctor, this medicine will bring the desired effect.

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For the uninitiated, orthoboric acid and boric alcohol are the same thing. In fact, acid is a colorless crystalline substance in the form of odorless flakes, and alcohol is a liquid solution of acid in ethyl alcohol.

On sale, the drug is presented precisely in the form of an alcohol solution for topical use and it is called boric acid - it is dripped into the ear for inflammation.

In the article we will examine whether the solution can be used for otitis media and congestion, when, how much and how to apply it into the ear canal, and whether there are contraindications.

Another name for BC is Lewis acid. For the first time, the method of treating inflammatory processes of CD was used at the beginning of the 19th century. This drug has antiseptic and disinfectant properties and practically does not irritate the epithelium.

Important! BC should not be used internally for any disease. Only externally!

The alcohol solution will be even more dangerous when trying to cure labyrinthitis and/or inflammation of the Eustachian tube. Contacting the lining epithelium, the acid quickly penetrates into the blood. On the one hand, this is fraught with poisoning of the body, since the substance is toxic, on the other hand, the painful symptoms intensify.

For the same reason, the drug is never prescribed to pregnant women in any trimester. It freely penetrates the blood and placenta and causes serious harm to the fetus. Otitis media in pregnant women is treated with gentle ear drops with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Lewis Acid Instructions for Use

There are 2 main methods of use for adults for otitis media and congestion:

  1. Turunda with boric alcohol.

First, prepare cotton wool pads - roll the cotton wool with your fingers into a thick tube with a diameter suitable for the passage, moisten it with a few drops of BC and place it in the ear, trying to compact it.

It is clear that the question immediately arises of how many drops are needed for adults and children:

  • child under 15 years old – 3-4 drops;
  • dosage for adults – 5-6 drops.

This is a classic method of treating otitis externa, which reduces direct contact between the epithelium and the tincture.

  1. Instill BS directly into the ear.

For this, a ready-made drug is used in a 3 percent concentration, which is preheated in the hand. After instillation, the ear is closed with dry cotton wool. Not all doctors approve of this method, since acid is a toxic and rather aggressive drug.

Important! Boric alcohol should not be used inside the ear if the eardrum is perforated or if kidney function is impaired.

Also note that even if one ear hurts, turundas are instilled or placed in both.

How many times a day is allowed and what is the duration of treatment

When using cotton turundas soaked in a medication solution, the maximum course of treatment for an adult lasts 5 days based on placing turundas in the ear at least 3 times a day. For children, this course does not exceed 3 days, and turundas are placed 2 times a day; after this, it is advisable not to go outside and not expose the ear to cold or wind.

For direct instillation - 2 times a day and no longer than 3 days. The patient's condition is carefully monitored - if the patient complains of an increase in painful symptoms, the appearance of noise, shooting pain, treatment is stopped immediately.

Important! Children under 15 years of age are prohibited from putting boric alcohol in their ears. Taking into account medical experience, a specialist can prescribe BS as an additional treatment, but this measure is extreme and very unpopular among modern pediatricians.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly instill

The process seems simple enough, but it is important to do everything in the correct sequence and know how to care for the treated ear.

  1. Before starting the procedure, the ear canal is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide to remove wax and speed up the effects of the drug. To do this, place 2-3 drops in the ear of a child or 5-6 drops of an adult and tilt the head in the other direction so that it gets inside.
  2. After treatment, the ear is gently wiped dry. There should be no direct contact between hydrogen peroxide and BC.
  3. Next, they instill the drug into one ear, remain motionless for 10 minutes, after which they sharply tilt it in the opposite direction, as if they want to throw out the liquid. The same is repeated with the second ear.
  4. After the procedure is completed, the ears are thoroughly wiped with cotton wool or disks so that they remain completely dry and the passage is closed with dry cotton wool.

Important! It is unacceptable to leave the BS solution in the ear. The maximum exposure is 10 minutes, after which the passage is carefully dried.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make cotton pads:

The material for manufacturing is selected depending on the purpose of use. Cotton wool, as a denser material, is convenient to clean the cavity, and gauze blanks have better absorbent properties. It is recommended to use gauze turundas at night, and cotton pads during the day.

We make a turunda from cotton wool: take a piece of sterile cotton wool, fluff it up and carefully begin to roll the roller from the center. The length of the tourniquet is 1 cm, diameter 1-2 mm. Then we fold it in half and soak it in the medicine - the tampon is ready. At the same time, it is soft and does not injure the ear, but is dense and will not allow the alcohol to evaporate immediately.

We make a turunda out of gauze: cut a 2x2 cm square, stretch it by opposite edges and twist it into a rope, fold it in half, and then twist it again. In terms of softness, it is not inferior to cotton wool, but it absorbs medicine more and releases it faster.

Helpful Tips:

  • insert the earpiece into the ear and clean the shell from the center to the edge;
  • the flagellum is not inserted deep into the ear and is not compacted with foreign objects;
  • the tip of the turunda is always left outside so that it can be easily removed;
  • Do not soak turunda abundantly - maximum 6 drops. For an adult and 2 for a child.

After the course of treatment has been completed, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist for an endoscopic examination to determine the effectiveness of treatment and possible tissue damage.

How to use 3 percent boric acid for children

In children under one year of age, kidney function is still imperfect, so they are strictly forbidden to drip the drug into their ears. When treating otitis with 3 percent boric acid, it simply will not be removed from the body and will begin to poison it.

Even under the age of 15, children and adolescents are prescribed this treatment very carefully and only under the supervision of a specialist. If the doctor understands that the effect of treatment is noticeably greater than the potential danger, they may prescribe turundas in the ear, soaked in 3 drops of 3% BC.

Important! It is forbidden to use boric acid for ear pain in childhood on the advice of relatives or friends. This is especially true for children from one to 5 years old. Only the doctor prescribes the drug and monitors the condition of the little patient.

Are pregnant women allowed?

Pregnancy is one of the few contraindications for external use of an alcohol solution. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative, since even a solution of orthoboric acid penetrates the placenta and goes directly to the fetus. The risk is really high.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor your condition - at the slightest pain in the ears and behind the ears, contact an ENT specialist immediately. The patient’s task is to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Side effects of boric alcohol with a concentration of 3 percent

Despite the undoubted benefits of the drug, it can cause serious harm to the patient’s health, especially if the ear is treated incorrectly with BC solution. Long-term use (more than 3 days) may have the following consequences:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • pulsating headache;
  • scaly peeling (flaking) of the skin in the ears;
  • rashes on the face and neck;
  • disorders of the kidneys, pancreas and liver;
  • fever;
  • convulsions.

Treatment of the ears is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age, pregnant women, during lactation, people with damaged eardrums, excessive hair growth in the ear canal, and patients with kidney problems.

Important! It should be remembered that in case of sick kidneys, BC should not be given to either children or adults.

When using methods for treating ear pain with boric acid in too much quantity or in situations where a child accidentally drinks the medicine, severe poisoning of the body occurs. For children lethal dose– 5 gr. acids.

Long-term - more than 5 days - exceeding the dosage is fraught with chronic intoxication, since the drug is absorbed by the body immediately and is excreted only after 7 days. Signs of overdose are exhaustion, apathy, hair loss, a significant decrease in white blood cells, eczema.

Special measures

  1. Otitis CD should not be treated for more than 7 days. If the specified period is exceeded, the patient experiences liver and kidney dysfunction, convulsions, and shock.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, during lactation and patients with kidney problems.
  3. Children's otitis is treated with BS only as prescribed by an otolaryngologist and under his constant supervision.
  4. If even one side effect is detected, treatment is stopped immediately. The doctor will choose a different regimen based on ear drops, antibiotics and antiseptics.

Orthoboric acid analogs used according to treatment protocols are an alternative for pregnant women and children

Unfortunately, otitis media occurs both in very young children and in pregnant women. What should they do and how to treat otitis media if CD is strictly prohibited? Use analogues, especially since the assortment in pharmacies is simply huge.

Among the most effective drugs it is worth highlighting:

  • Otipax is a combination drug that has anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic and analgesic effects; approved for use from birth;
  • Sofradex is a drug for local use in ENT practice, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect; prescribed from 1 month;
  • Otinum is a derivative of salicylic acid, when instilled into the ear it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, it can be used from 1 year;
  • Polydex with phenylephrine - with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects for topical use; approved for use from birth;
  • Anauran is a combined product based on neomycin, polymyxin and B+lidocaine, which has an antimicrobial and anesthetic effect; age – over a year.

These drugs also have contraindications and side effects, but for the treatment of otitis in pregnant women and children under 15 years of age, they are much more preferable than Lewis acid.

Boric alcohol or acid for sulfur plugs

Previously, we already figured out what the solution helps with, but it can also be used to remove wax plugs. Let us remind you that sulfur plug- This is an accumulation of earwax of dense consistency, gradually blocking the ear canal. If obvious symptoms appear - noise in the ear and congestion, decreased hearing, autophony - you can use a 3% solution of BC for 3-4 days to treat the ears.

It is important to understand that the drug does not remove the plug, but helps to soften it and helps liquefy it, due to which after some time it will come out on its own. This usually happens during chewing, when the lump is literally pushed out due to the movement of the jaw.

If the cork's consistency was not initially dense, it will become liquid when exposed to boric acid.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place 2-3 drops of orthoboric acid into the ear and remove it with cotton wool after 10 minutes.
  2. 2 days after treatment, take a cosmetic stick, wrap cotton wool around it, soak it in the solution and gently, without pushing it deep into the ear, rotate it, as if winding a cork.
  3. Change chopsticks when they get dirty. Until it becomes completely clean.
  4. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to treat the ear canal with camphor ointment.

In ENT practice, the plug is removed using a solution of furatsilin or chlorophyllipt, which is fed into the ear under pressure using a syringe. This is how the cork is knocked out. This method is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. It is strictly forbidden to take risks yourself, otherwise you may get compression damage to the eardrum.

A few words in conclusion

Traditional medicine has many recipes for all occasions. Objectively, treatment of ears with Lewis acid at severe pain in the ear - this is also a greeting from the past, when there were no other alternatives. Today, doctors prescribe more gentle, but no less effective drugs that have fewer side effects and are not as toxic.

Of course, if you are over 20 years old, there is no eardrum injury, no purulent processes in the middle ear and diagnosed with otitis externa, an alcohol solution of BC may help. But in any case, treatment is always carried out only with the approval and under the strict guidance of a doctor.

Every family first aid kit contains an antiseptic. It can be hydrogen peroxide or boric acid, the latter medical drug more in demand, used in many medical fields. When treating, it is important to understand the difference between boric alcohol and boric acid, so as not to harm your health.

What is boric acid

Boric acid - application

This antiseptic drug has several forms of release, including powder, medicinal solution, ointment. If the powder form is indicated to be prepared immediately before use, then medicinal ointment bactericidal action is best stored in the refrigerator, according to the expiration date. The use of boric acid is appropriate for the following clinical pictures:

  • extensive skin lesions of an infectious nature;
  • in complex treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • intensive care pediculosis;
  • inflammatory processes ENT practices;
  • infectious lesions of the mucous membranes.

In the ear

If the ear canal begins to hurt, you should not endure such lumbago, it’s time to put this time-tested antiseptic into practice. Boric acid is instilled into the ears only on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist, otherwise such a procedure can harm health and cause complications. If medical contraindications are absent, the doctor gives valuable recommendations. Treatment of the ear with boric acid involves two directions for using an alcohol solution:

  1. Use as drops, performing 2 emissions from a pipette into each ear canal. Perform this home procedure up to 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of pain completely disappear.
  2. Pre-moisten a cotton swab and then temporarily place it in the ear canal where it hurts. The composition will begin to act immediately, and the unpleasant sensations will subside within half an hour. For both cases, it is important to discuss the question of whether boric acid can be dripped into the ear individually with an otolaryngologist.

For acne

For severe acne, this remedy, proven by generations, is also indicated, which costs a penny in the pharmacy. Boric acid for acne on the face is a publicly available method, but it is first important to make sure that the body is not hypersensitive to the active substances. Dermatologists advise using an alcohol tincture, which can effectively treat visible foci of pathology. It will be possible to completely get rid of acne in the shortest possible time, since the medicinal composition has a drying, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect.

For the eyes

Since the mucous membranes are different hypersensitivity, doctors advise using only an aqueous solution, which is also effective against increased activity of pathogenic flora. Boric acid in the eyes is appropriate for conjunctivitis; it can be used at home only after an individual consultation with an ophthalmologist. If you drop 2 drops on each eye, the inflammatory process weakens within 2-3 days. Use the medicine until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

The real help of this medication is appropriate against the background of local use of antibiotics. This auxiliary agent accelerates the therapeutic effect and ensures rapid recovery for an adult patient or child. The instructions indicate contraindications and side effects, which you should read carefully before starting the course. This is especially true for interested patients during pregnancy.

From cockroaches

If there are harmful insects at home, you should not spend money on expensive products. In practice, a proven folk recipe for preparing poison really helps. Boric acid is especially effective against cockroaches; the main thing is not to violate the proportions or change the ingredients. Folk recipe creating a bait to destroy such annoying pests is as follows:

  1. Break the egg, remove only the raw yolk, which causes increased appetite from pests. To kill cockroaches, grind it in a bowl and add 50 grams of powder. Bring the mixture to the consistency of dough, then prepare portioned balls from it, which are then placed in the corners of the apartment. The poison acts instantly.
  2. To remove pests, you can boil an egg, one raw potato, add boron hydroxide, thereby preparing a poisonous puree to remove household pests. Form balls from the composition, which are used in home environment, effectively poison cockroaches.

From ants

From carbon deposits

Cleaning the outer walls of frying pans and pots gives the housewife a lot of trouble, since carbon deposits are very difficult to remove, especially if it gets under the handles. To avoid wasting money on expensive household chemicals, powder or alcohol tincture can be used to wash such kitchen utensils. You don’t have to dilute the percentage composition, but it’s better to use rubber seals for washing dishes.

The boric acid solution acts instantly, so there is no need for additional salt or alkali. If necessary, the three components can be combined in one cleaning composition, mixed thoroughly, and used to clean different surfaces. Boric acid for removing carbon deposits is an affordable and high-quality dishwashing product.

Boric acid for plants

People who garden are well aware of how to dilute boric acid into powder, as it is an effective liquid fertilizer. For example, if you spray tomatoes according to the instructions, the harvest will pleasantly please you with juicy and rich fruits. Boric acid for plants is considered a reliable protector against all pests that strive to destroy the root system.

Boric acid price

Boric powder is sold in pharmacies, like other forms of this medicine. Adults and children can take it, but only according to the instructions and recommendation of the attending physician. Prices are minimal, no prescription required. Therefore, this medicine replenishes almost every family medicine cabinet. The prices for this medical drug are as follows and depend on the form of release of pharmacological products.

Boric acid is also known as orthoboric acid, with the chemical formula H3BO3. It became widely used in medicine towards the end of the nineteenth century, during the heyday of the popularity of antiseptics, and all thanks to the French scientist Jean Baptiste Dumas. It was he who discovered the amazing antiseptic properties of boron. In terms of its acidic action, boric acid is weak, so it does not irritate wounds, does not damage clothing, and most importantly, it is odorless and tasteless.

In appearance, this is a finely crystalline substance without color, reminiscent of scales. The market offers several release options and each is intended for the treatment of specific diseases: powder, alcohol and aqueous solutions, ointment.

Pharmacological properties of boric acid, precautions

Based on the results of research, toxicology scientists have proven that the well-known boric acid is a strong, aggressive poison that can destroy human liver cells, negatively affects the kidneys, and easily penetrates the body through the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is especially dangerous for immature child's body, is excreted for a very long time and is prone to accumulation in soft tissues human body.

To avoid negative consequences the drug is used in treatment very carefully and not for long. In case of serious human poisoning, the substance affects the brain, mucous membrane and skin, and in chronic cases - hematopoietic and germ cells.

The drug poses a particular threat to health expectant mother and the fetus, even a minimal amount of a single non-toxic dose into the mother’s body causes a pathological change in the development of the child. The consequences of an overdose are characterized by nausea, severe peeling of the skin, headaches, confusion, convulsions, a possible decrease in the urge to go to the toilet, and rarely shock.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medicinal properties of the drug and indications for use

Boric acid is one of the few antiseptics that has an anti-pediculosis effect. Many diseases are treated with the use of this substance; previously, its solution was prescribed as a rub for infants with prickly heat.

Boric alcohol is the first drug in the medicine cabinet. It will cope well with inflammation of the middle ear. It is instilled into the ears, or a more effective option is to place a swab soaked in alcohol in the ear for about 30 minutes and cover it with cotton wool.

More recently, the drug has been widely used for disinfection purposes and used in therapy for both adults and children. But the conclusion made by toxicologists limited its use.

Currently, the drug is used to treat inflammation of the outer membrane of the eyes, skin, and ear cavity. It all depends on the form of release of the drug:

1. 2% aqueous solution - for washing with eye diseases;

2. 3% - suitable for lotions for skin problems;

3. alcohol solution from 0.5% to 3% solves problems with various types of ear inflammation;

4. in the postoperative period, powder insufflation is used;

5. a 10% solution in glycerin perfectly treats diaper rash, and also helps in solving delicate women’s problems - inflammation of the vagina;

6. 5% boric ointment - effectively copes with head lice.


Like everyone else medicines, the drug has its contraindications.

Its overdose and long-term use threatens acute toxic reaction, symptoms of which may include: nausea, skin rashes, headache, oliguria (reduced volume of urine excreted), and in some cases shock.

The substance quickly penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood and slowly leaves the body, settling in organs and tissues and destroying them.

Boric acid for eye diseases

The product mentioned is present in most well-known pharmaceutical eye drops; of course, no one puts the drug in its pure form into the eyes. To avoid any possible side effects Before using the drug, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. Self-preparation and use of eye medications is not recommended.

Recipes for treating fungus and skin problems

Boric acid effectively helps combat nail fungus - you can use pharmaceutical boric ointment, solution or powder.

1. Solutions for medicinal baths are made from the powder (0.5 teaspoon per liter of hot water), used for steaming affected parts.

2. If the nail plate is affected, it is first steamed, trimmed as much as possible, filed down, then treated with dry powder, rubbed in with boric ointment or simply sprinkled with powder.

3. For a quick effect, the steamed nail plate is usually treated twice a day.

Boric acid in cosmetology

The product is used for cosmetic purposes - it dries and disinfects, reducing the oiliness of the facial skin, helps in the treatment of acne and pimples, and is included in all kinds of medicinal mash.

1. Wipe oily areas of the skin with a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid.

2. Use a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution to burn the pimples.

3. Regularly wipe your face with a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid in combination with colorless henna to whiten skin and freckles.

You should carefully consider medicinal products containing boric acid if you experience negative reactions from the body, consult a doctor immediately and stop using the medicine.

Application on the farm

Incredibly, boric acid helps in the fight against garden pests- ants. The only thing that needs to be observed is safety; you shouldn’t start working without special clothing and gloves. It needs to be sprinkled on the habitats of these insects.

To fight cockroaches, mix 1 packet of boric acid with 1 boiled yolk and place the bait out of the reach of animals and children. In a week there will be no cockroaches.

Boron is used not only for baiting ants; it will help more than one housewife in her garden beds. Aqueous solution The substance is used as a stimulant in seed germination, it is an excellent mineral fertilizer, guarantees a high yield, and also has an effect in protecting garden crops from diseases.

How to increase yield using this substance?

It is necessary to spray the leaves of plants diluted in hot water, powdered product (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). So inexpensive, but effective drug were involved not only in medicine, but also in gardening.

Careful use of boric acid will help improve human health, as well as in solving some everyday issues, while the product is available to everyone. If you follow safety precautions and only on the recommendation of your doctor, the drug will bring the expected benefits.
