Events archive. All-Russian Olympiad for students Olympiad history of Russian entrepreneurship assignments

On April 16, the State Duma hosted a solemn ceremony to award the winners of the V All-Russian Olympiad in the History of Entrepreneurship.

The winners of the Olympiad were 1st year student of Kursk State University Elizaveta Silakova (1st place), 1st year student of the National research university Higher School of Economics Sofia Zodbaeva (2nd place) and 1st year student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Sergei Sedov (3rd place). All participants of the Olympiad received diplomas as laureates of the All-Russian Olympiad in Entrepreneurship.

“For the fifth time, the best experts in the history of domestic entrepreneurship are gathering within the walls of the State Duma. You successfully won the intense competition in the qualifying rounds and not only showed the best results in the intellectual competition, but proved that you truly know and love history and our homeland,” said the moderator of the ceremony, State Duma deputy Viktor Karamyshev, in his opening speech. He also noted that over 5 years the Olympiad has covered more than 13 thousand students across the country. This year, more than 3 thousand young people from almost 50 regions of our country took part in it.

Chairman of the competition commission, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Borodkin read out Sergei Naryshkin’s congratulations, where he noted that at all times the creative power of entrepreneurship has often been at the forefront of the development of the country’s economy. He was supported by State Duma deputy Sergei Veremeenko, who emphasized that “every era tries to erase history for the sake of political interests. But in each of them there is an important role of entrepreneurship. Without knowledge of history, the development of something new is impossible.”

According to State Duma deputy, chairman of the Dagestan regional branch of Business Russia Zaur Askenderov, the Olympiad allows us to preserve the historical memory of Russian entrepreneurs who took part in the formation of regions and territories. “Nowadays, the image of a Russian entrepreneur is very important, it is a special spirit, and it is important that the growing youth have this spirit for the benefit of the country’s economy,” Deloross emphasized.

State Duma deputy, chairman of the Arkhangelsk regional branch of “Business Russia” Dmitry Yurkov, in his welcoming speech, addressed the participants of the Olympiad with the words of the Russian philosopher and literary critic Nikolai Chernyshevsky: “you may not know many sciences, but without knowledge of history it is impossible to go your way.” According to him, it is the knowledge of young people that will be able to further develop the country’s economy.

“Young people with sparkling eyes, students and graduate students, our pride and hope, are passionate about the topic of Russian entrepreneurship. Without this business layer of society, the successful development of the state is impossible. We all remember and love famous Russian entrepreneurs: Tretyakov, Mamontov, Morozov, who played a huge role in the development of Russian culture. And as a patriot of my country, I am deeply impressed main goal this project is to preserve the history of the contribution of Russian entrepreneurs to the development of the country by attracting the attention of young people,” emphasized Ekaterina Dibrova, member of the general council of Business Russia, general director of the Rana medical corporation. She also noted that only young people with their sincerity and energy can help create a positive image of an entrepreneur and increase the prestige of this profession in society.

The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Olympiad was also attended by the chairman of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia Sergei Demin and his co-chairs Alexander Tolstykh and Roman Kharlanov, the chairman of the Kaluga regional branch Denis Shaulin and the co-chairman of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of Business Russia Olga Trofimova.

At the end of the event, Robert Shagenov, a member of the General Council of Business Russia, noted that the history of Russian entrepreneurship goes back centuries; many entrepreneurs have moved our economy forward. “Your path will be difficult and long, but dare!” - the Deloross wished.

On April 21, the State Duma hosted a solemn award ceremony for the winners of the III All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship for undergraduate and graduate students. Before the award ceremony, all participants were given an introductory tour of the State Duma building. In particular, they were shown the branches of political factions in the Duma.

The welcoming part of the award ceremony was traditionally opened by the chairman of the competition committee, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Leonid Borodkin. He noted the great importance of the “History of Russian Entrepreneurship” project for the development and formation of society and the country. The host of the award ceremony was State Duma deputy, chairman of the Kursk branch of Business Russia Viktor Karamyshev.

1st place (60.5 points) was taken by Dmitry Pavlovich Starovoytov, a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Law of Tyumen State University. In second place (58.6 points) is Abdullaev Yasyn Sahib ogly, a 2nd year student at the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University. 3rd place (57 points) - Daria Aleksandrovna Simanova, 2nd year master's student at the Institute of Economics, Kostroma State University. N.A. Nekrasova.

4th place was shared by Dodarbekova Daria Zakirzhonovna, 3rd year student of the Faculty of History of the South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk region); Kapustin Nikita Sergeevich, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; Magomedov Abdusalam Ibedullahovich, 1st year student at the Faculty of Law of the Dagestan State University.

Vice-President of Business Russia, Head of the Directorate of the History of Russian Entrepreneurship project Irina Zakharova pleased the participants of the Olympiad with the fact that Business Russia will additionally award incentive prizes to three students who received the same number of points - 50.5, and shared 4th place "

The regional stage has come to an end; 51 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in it. March 28, 2016 The winners of the first round will take part in the federal stage of the Second All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship, which will be held on the basis of the History Department of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Preliminary results of the regional stages of the Olympiad

At the moment, the first stage of the Second All-Russian Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship has already been held in 42 regions; by the end of March, the regional stage will be held by 3 more regions.

The winners of the regional rounds will come to Moscow to participate in the federal stage, which will take place on March 28, 2016 at the site of the co-organizer of the Olympiad in Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of History. The awarding of the winners will take place on March 29 in a solemn ceremony.

According to the assessments of the competition commissions of the regions where the Olympiad has already been held, this year the participants show a higher level of knowledge (compared to the results of the 2015 Olympiad), the number of those wishing to pass has increased test trials, which indicates a growing interest in the history of Russian entrepreneurship.

In the current economic conditions, when the topic of import substitution comes to the fore, the prestige of entrepreneurial activity can give a new impetus to the development of the Russian economy. “The History of Russian Entrepreneurship” is a large-scale project with all-Russian coverage; about 50 regional branches of “Business Russia” take part in it, and their number increases every year.

The second Olympics starts

In February 2016, the regional stage of the second All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship among undergraduate and graduate students will start. The event was organized as part of the joint project “Business Russia” and the Russian Historical Society (RIS) “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”.

The federal stage of the Olympiad will be held from March 21 to 28, 2016 at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who is also a co-organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad.

The first All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship took place in 2015. Its regional stage took place in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and was organized by local branches of Business Russia together with local universities and regional authorities. More than 2 thousand undergraduate and graduate students from 50 Russian universities took part in the regional stage.

The final of the All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship among undergraduate and graduate students was held at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The event was held within the framework of the joint project “Business Russia” and the Russian Historical Society “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”. On Monday, the names of the winners were announced in the State Duma.

The regional stage of the Olympiad was held in February-March in almost half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and more than 1 thousand undergraduate and graduate students took part in it. 38 winners of regional stages from all over the country came to Moscow for the federal stage - from Kaliningrad to Magadan and from Arkhangelsk to Krasnodar.

Before the test

Most of the participants arrived at the Olympics the day before, on Saturday, April 4. They were accommodated in the legendary Universitetskaya Hotel on Michurinsky Prospekt. The Olympiad itself started the next day in the Shuvalov building (also the new first building of the humanities faculties) of Moscow University.

“I’m worried,” admitted one of the Olympiad participants before the grand opening, Elena Vaulina from Orenburg. “Everyone arrived well prepared and determined to win,” she shared her observations. “Healthy competition is always good.”

“This Olympics is a large-scale event in my life, so the preparation took for a long time, - reported Ilya Zubov from Tver. - I studied literature, which I was not even interested in before, I read a book of 1200 pages - this is an indicator for myself. While reading, I took a significant step towards entrepreneurship.”

Preparation for the test was extremely educational and for Vladislava Shadrintseva from Moscow State University. “When preparing for the Olympics, I learned a lot of new things, previously unknown names,” he said.

Victoria Efimenko from Crimea, I had never specifically studied the history of Russia before. “The preparation gave me a huge flow of information. I thought about many historical events, I wanted to know even more, which is what I will do in the future,” she plans.

And according to Igor Borovoy from Astrakhan, preparing for the Olympics, he even purchased practical experience. “By studying history, we try on the events of the past for ourselves,” he explained. - In the future in work or in own business we can take some ideas from history and bring them to our time.”

But Pavel Alikin from Perm, on the contrary, did not specifically prepare for the Olympics: “I came with what I had in my head.”

Grand opening

Before the children began to complete the competition tasks, the grand opening of the Olympiad took place.

“Never before, either in Soviet or post-Soviet history, has an All-Russian Olympiad on the history of entrepreneurship been held in our country,” the head of the regional development department of Business Russia greeted the audience. Irina Zakharova(Executive Director of the project “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”). “In this sense, you set the social mainstream, you, as it is fashionable to say now, change the trend and turn society towards entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurs turn towards you.”

The competition commission, which evaluated the participants’ works, included eminent scientists from Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Institute Russian history RAS. “Business Russia” was represented in the competition committee by the co-chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the organization Alexander Delis. The commission was headed by a professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University Leonid Borodkin.

Alexander Delis reminded students about the role of entrepreneurs in the history of the country: “If we look into the past, we will see that the history of Russia, its geography, the movement to the East, the formation of entire branches of industry and the economy were driven by entrepreneurial initiative. Russian entrepreneurship has very strong roots and is famous for its surnames - Dezhnevs, Khabarovs, Morozovs, Stroganovs. Over the past 70 years, we have somewhat forgotten that there is a huge galaxy of worthy names in the entrepreneurial environment. I think that the winners of the regional tours already know more of these names than I do, and I’m very happy about that.”

“From the point of view of the Austrian economic school, you are already entrepreneurs - like enterprising people who took a step by changing themselves and participating in the Olympiad,” a member of the competition committee, a professor at RANEPA, the author of one of the first textbooks on the history of domestic entrepreneurship, admonished the students. Alexander Bessolitsyn.


The test lasted three hours. The tasks consisted of five blocks: a test of 30 multiple-choice questions; five questions requiring detailed answers; ten terms (such as zhennik, ofenya, tarhan letters etc.), to which participants had to give the most accurate and complete definitions; essays on one of the five proposed topics and portraits, in which the Olympiad participants had to identify specific entrepreneurs of the past.

Many participants later admitted that the block with portraits was the most difficult. “I’ve participated in so many Olympics, I’ve never seen anything like this,” I was surprised Ekaterina Patrusheva from Tver. “Nevertheless, I liked it.” “I saw all the portraits, they seemed familiar, but I couldn’t guess who it was,” recalls Yulia Hanafieva from Chelyabinsk. “I’ll come home and first of all I’ll study the portraits of all the patrons.”

According to Vasily Borisov from Kemerovo, “the tasks made you think, and not just reproduce information from one narrow area from memory.” However, if in the tests you could simply guess the answer, then you won’t fool anyone with detailed answers, she noted Valeria Svistunova from Moscow: “We had to show the depth of our knowledge, all the material that we had studied before.”

Cultural program

After the Olympiad, its participants had lunch at the Uley cafe on the territory of Moscow State University, and then a sightseeing tour by bus around Moscow.

In the evening, the Olympic finalists dined with entrepreneurs at the Korston Hotel. Member of the Presidium of the General Council of Business Russia, Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev and head of the Lipetsk branch of the organization Maxim Zagorulko They talked about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur, what boring tasks they have to solve, and encouraged the guys to also take risks and start their own business.


On Monday, the State Duma hosted a ceremonial award ceremony for the Olympiad participants with certificates and the winners with diplomas.

The ceremony was attended by the co-chairman of Business Russia Nikolay Levitsky(chairman of the project “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”), vice-president of the organization Ilya Semin, head of the Moscow regional branch Alexander Delis and the Bashkortostan Rafael Mardanshin, head of the regional development department of Business Russia Irina Zakharova, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Historical Society.

Awarding the winners, Leonid Borodkin said that the determination of the winners was as objective as possible and did not cause controversy among the commission members.

"A similar event in modern history This is the first time in Russia,” stated Ilya Semin. - This is an important stage of the long-term project “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”, which is aimed not only at creating a positive image of business, but also at developing the profession of “entrepreneur”. We are glad that we saw a great response in the regions. It was not for nothing that the awarding of the winners took place on the eve of the State Council dedicated to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Currently, there is a search for new forms of positioning state policy on the development of SMEs. Studying the history, traditions and achievements of great Russian merchants, industrialists and philanthropists should become an important factor in promoting entrepreneurial activity and supporting youth entrepreneurship.”

Until the last moment, the names of the winners were kept secret; they were announced only at the very end of the ceremony. First place in the Olympiad was taken by a fourth-year student of Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov Tatiana Kononova, second place - first-year student of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Yulia Yaroshenko, third - first-year student at Kuban State University Anastasia Boyko. All winners, in addition to diplomas, will also receive cash bonuses - 60 thousand, 40 thousand and 30 thousand rubles. for first, second and third places respectively.

“I am overwhelmed with emotions,” Olympiad winner Tatyana Kononova shared her impressions immediately after the award ceremony. “I tried to be among the top three winners, but I doubted that I would succeed.” Her bachelor's program at the university ends this year. “If I continue my master’s studies, I will be happy to take part in the Olympiad next year,” she said.

Yulia Yaroshenko, who represented the Leningrad region and took second place, called on all participants to believe in themselves and in their own strengths. “An entrepreneur is not only material wealth, but also huge opportunities - to participate in the development of the country, in charity,” she said, speaking in response at the ceremony.

Anastasia Boyko from Krasnodar, who took third place, thanked the organizers for the warm welcome: “Hotel accommodation, excursions around Moscow, dinner with entrepreneurs - everything went perfectly.”

At the end of the official ceremony, participants were given a tour of the building of the Lower House of Parliament. Then they had lunch in the State Duma canteen, and then a tour of Moscow with a visit to the Kremlin, Red Square and the State Historical Museum.

III All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship

Information letter

III All-Russian Olympiad

on the history of Russian entrepreneurship

(Primorsky regional stage)

Vladivostok, o. Russian, Ajax village, 10, FEFU campus,

building B, conference hall "Morskoy"

On March 02-03, 2017, the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), on the basis of the School of Economics and Management (SEM), is holding an Olympiad for undergraduate and graduate students of educational institutions in the history of Russian entrepreneurship.

The Olympiad is the Primorsky regional stage of the III All-Russian Student Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship, which is organized by the All-Russian public organization“Business Russia” and is held jointly with the Russian Historical Society (

With this letter we invite students and graduate students of educational institutions of the Primorsky Territory to take part in the Olympiad.

The form of participation in the Olympiad is full-time, the winners are identified in the individual competition. Full rules can be found on the official website of the Olympiad

Persons who take 1-3 places will be awarded cash prizes. The winner of the regional stage, who took 1st place, will be sent to Moscow at the expense of the organizers (approximate date: late March-early April 2017) to represent Primorsky Krai at the federal stage of the III All-Russian Student Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship, which will be held at Moscow State University. . M. V. Lomonosov.

All participants in the regional stage of the student Olympiad will receive participant certificates to supplement their own portfolio.

To prepare for the Olympiad, assignments for the regional stages of 2015-2016. will be posted in the public domain on the page of the FEFU School of Economics and Management in the “News” section and on the website of the Primorsky regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Business Russia” http://primdelros. ru/ in the section “Our Projects” - “History of Russian Entrepreneurship” and no later than February 24, 2017, answers to assignments will be posted there.

Place and time of the regional stage of the Olympiad: Vladivostok, o. Russky, Ajax village, 10, FEFU campus, building B, Morskoy conference hall.

March 02, 2017 from 09:30 – grand opening of the Olympics, execution individual tasks(time to complete tasks - at least 4 hours), work of the jury (competition commission).

March 03, 2017 from 10 00 – announcement of results, awarding of winners, presentation of the gift edition of the Business Russia project of Amir Khisamutdinov’s book “Owning the East: Entrepreneurs” Far East– educators and philanthropists (how it all began).” – Vladivostok: Rubezh, 2016. – 464 p.: ill., ceremonial presentation of copies of the book to representatives of secondary schools and universities in the Primorsky Territory to replenish the library funds of educational institutions and presentation of books to particularly distinguished students when completing competitive tasks, in the opinion of an authoritative jury. Autograph session by A. Khisamutdinov.

Participation in the Olympiad is free, there is no registration fee. Travel and accommodation are at the expense of the participants. For non-resident participants, paid accommodation in hotel rooms on the FEFU campus is possible.

To participate in the Olympiad, you must fill out and send to the organizers the Participant Registration Form by email no later than February 28, 2017 [email protected] or register online:

The timing of the Olympiad events may be adjusted; follow possible changes on the website in the “Our Projects” - “History of Russian Entrepreneurship” section.

For all questions regarding registration and participation in the Olympiad, please contact the organizing committee ( [email protected]), contact person – senior lecturer of the Department of Management, School of Economics and Management of the Far Eastern Federal University Alexey Vladimirovich Vasilkovsky (phone/ WhatsApp +79084431403).

On March 10, the grand opening of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship took place at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, organized by the Russian Historical Society, which is the main partner of this project, and the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia”.

More than a hundred students from leading universities and colleges in the city and region took part in the Olympics.

Vice-Rector for scientific work SPbSUE Elena Gorbashko warmly welcomed the participants and, addressing the children as future entrepreneurs, noted that it is important to learn to rely on past experience, which was also once innovative.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance Veronika Shubaeva noted that it is thanks to the creative energy of entrepreneurs, their active life position, willingness to constantly learn, seek and implement new things, that Russia has become one of the leading world powers.

“To create the image of an entrepreneur-philanthropist, a philanthropist, a person who is ready to invest in the development of his city - this is the task of the Olympics. In a few years, it will be today's students who will determine the economic policy of our country. It is important that they develop the right values,” emphasized Maxim Winter, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of Business Russia, in his opening speech.

“For the third year, the Olympiad is being held with the active support of the Department of Business Economics of St. Petersburg State Economic University. It is a great honor for the university to become a venue that hosts the Olympiad. We hope that this status will be assigned to us, and the Olympiad will be held on our site every year,” emphasized Elena Yaluner, head of the department. The Olympiad helps students study history not through wars and revolutions, but through examples of entrepreneurs and philanthropists.

The Olympiad was supported by both researchers and teachers, as well as active businessmen. “We were pleased to respond to the offer to help in holding the Olympics,” emphasized Gennady Vetrov, member of the Council of St. Petersburg Business Russia, Chairman of the Board of PJSC Energomashbank. - I remember how one-sidedly the history of Russian entrepreneurship was taught before. It’s good that now the situation has changed dramatically and children can learn from worthy examples.”

Also, the participants in the scientific competition were greeted by Elena Gruznova, executive secretary of the branch of the Russian Historical Society in St. Petersburg, and Pavel Fedorov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, chief researcher of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin. They prepared special interesting gifts for the ten best participants.

The finalists of the Olympics will be awarded valuable prizes. The first place winner will take part in the final stage, which will take place at the end of March and will be held in Moscow at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

March 28 at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov passed the federal stage of the second All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship for undergraduate and graduate students. The Olympiad was held within the framework of the joint project “Business Russia” and the Russian Historical Society (RIS) “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”. More than 50 winners of regional stages took part in it.

The best of the best gathered at MSU - more than 2 thousand students from 60 Russian universities from 53 Russian regions participated in the Olympiad in the regions, said Irina Zakharova, vice-president of Business Russia, head of the project directorate.

“I am very glad that you are taking part in this Olympics. The questions will be very interesting. I am sure that your level of knowledge will allow you to answer them very well,” Nikolai Levitsky, co-chairman of Business Russia, welcomed the audience.

“In 1917, a tragedy occurred - for example, here at Moscow State University, scoundrels knocked down marble plaques with crowbars with the names of benefactors and donors, those people who spent their personal money on the construction of Moscow State University. The revolutionaries erased all memory of patrons and benefactors. Therefore, our project is not just a tribute to curiosity or love of history. It is perhaps our civic duty to remember these wonderful people who acted to make our country a better place. And, of course, our task is to remember those traditions that existed, to feel the connection between those and current entrepreneurs,” emphasized Nikolai Levitsky.

The project “History of Russian Entrepreneurship” is designed to update in the public consciousness issues related to the creative mission and the role of Russian entrepreneurship in the development of Russia, and is designed for the broad involvement of the public, especially young people. The project was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The corresponding instructions from the head of state were given to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov, as well as the plenipotentiary representatives of the president in the federal districts.

The first All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship took place in 2015. Its regional stage took place in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and was organized by local branches of Business Russia together with local universities and regional authorities. In 2016, both the geography and the number of participants in the Olympiad expanded.

“When I was still preparing for the regional stage of the Olympiad, I was looking for last year’s assignments. What I found was quite complex. This year, the tasks have become more “Olympiad” in format. And it was easier for me, since I often participate in such competitions. It was not easy for me in the visual part, but I compensated for this with tasks from other blocks, winning the regional stage,” shared graduate student of Penza State University Vladislav Ponomarev.

Among the participants in the final stage of the Olympiad this year were not only undergraduate and graduate students, but also military personnel. In particular, junior sergeant Rasim Garunov, a cadet of the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy from the Leningrad region. “I was honored to perform at the Olympics in the Leningrad region, I was able to show there best result and got here. I’m very happy to represent my academy at such a high level,” he said, joking that he would be more confident in his victory at the Olympics in shooting or wrestling.

“We at the university consider it very important that Business Russia did a lot of preparatory work and acted as a sponsor of this wonderful event, bringing you all together. We believe that this Olympiad is designed to increase attention to the role that small and medium-sized businesses play in Russia,” said Leonid Borodkin, deputy dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. The Olympics will contribute - through the media, universities and regional branches of Business Russia - to an understanding of the role that small and medium business plays in the development of the country, he added.

The head of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia, Alexander Delis, noted that one of the goals of the Olympiad is to interest the younger generation in entrepreneurship. “The mission that Business Russia and the Russian Historical Society have undertaken is to return to the roots and popularize the history of Russian entrepreneurship,” he said. He also reminded students and graduate students of one of the basic principles of Russian entrepreneurs in the pre-revolutionary period: “Profit is above all, but only honor is above profit.”

The Olympiad questions cover the history and role of Russian entrepreneurship from the period of Ancient Rus' to the beginning of the 20th century. The work of undergraduate and graduate students is assessed by a commission consisting of seven professors and associate professors from leading Russian universities where they teach the history of Russian entrepreneurship, including Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics. The winners of the Olympiad will be named and awarded on March 29 at a ceremony in the State Duma, which will be attended by all participants in its federal stage.

On February 25, 2016, the regional stage of the II All-Russian Olympiad among students and graduate students “History of Russian Entrepreneurship,” organized by the All-Russian public organization “Business Russia” and the Russian Historical Society, took place in Nalchik. 245 students from the republic’s universities took part in the Olympiad.

Since the beginning of February, the Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of Business Russia has organized a collection of applications from Olympiad participants in the largest universities of the republic - Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University, Kabardino-Balkarian Business University, Nalchik Institute of Cooperation.

The objectives of the Olympiad are to preserve the historical memory of Russian entrepreneurs who have made a great personal contribution to the development of the Russian state, individual regions and localities; facilitating the process of objective reflection of the role of entrepreneurship in the history of the state; developing students' interest in the history of entrepreneurship; promoting the formation of a positive and holistic image of an entrepreneur in society and popularizing the entrepreneurial profession, as well as involving young people in compiling a “new chronicle” of Russian entrepreneurship.

The regional stage test took place at the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University. Before the start of the Olympiad, the Vice-Rector for Research, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University Anzor Ezaov and the Director of the Institute of Economics of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University, Candidate of Economic Sciences Safarbi Pshikhachev addressed with parting words and wishes to successfully complete the tasks.

The test lasted three hours. The tasks consisted of five blocks: a test of 30 multiple-choice questions; five questions requiring detailed answers; ten terms (such as zhannik, ofenya, tarhan letters, etc.), to which participants had to give the most accurate and complete definitions; essays on one of the five proposed topics and portraits, in which the Olympiad participants had to identify specific entrepreneurs of the past.

IN composition of the competition commission By definition, the winners of the regional stage included Delorossians Lyudmila Bezema - general manager LLC "YUSORI", Inna Besova - General Director of LLC "Rekonstroy", Ilyas Shavaev - Director of the state unitary experimental agricultural enterprise KBR "Ornamental Crops", as well as Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Organization Management" KBGAU Zara Kunasheva; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management at the Kabardino-Balkarian Institute of Business Khalimat Zhantudueva; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Management of the Nalchik Institute of Cooperation Lyudmila Shakova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance at the Institute of Law, Economics and Finance of KBSU Rita Kushbokova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance at the Institute of Law, Economics and Finance of KBSU Larisa Chechenova; senior lecturer of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law of the Institute of Economics of KBGAU Ankhor Loov and Doctor of Economics, head of the Department of Economics of the Institute of Economics of KBGAU Tahir Toguzaev. The commission was headed by the co-chairman of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of Business Russia, Evgenia Vasilchenko.

Winners of the regional stage of the II All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship (2016)

1-2 course

Winner - Kantsalieva Lana Anatolyevna (KBGAU)

1st place - Belimgotov Alan Ruslanovich (KBGAU)

2nd place - Mikhail Borisovich Alkhasov (KBGAU)

3rd place - Tina Andarbievna Tanasheva (KBGAU)

3-4 course

Winner - Diana Khazhismelovna Khurzokova (KBGAU)

1st place - Diana Zaurovna Bogotova (KBGAU)

2nd place - Gubashieva Ayat Mukharbievna (KBGAU)

3rd place - Masaeva Zhanna Arsenovna (KBGAU)

Master's degree

Winner - Kokova KhadizhatKhamidbievna (KBGAU)

1st place - Amina Akhiedovna Sherkhova (KBGAU)

2nd place - Amina Danilovna Kibisheva (KBGAU)

Postgraduate studies

Winner - Eldar Zaurovich Shontukov (KBGAU)

Winner - Khakyashev Alim Aslanovich (KBIB)

1st place - Maryana Ruslanovna Kishtikova (KBIB)

2nd place - Kokova Iren Ruslanovna (KBIB)

3rd place - Bella Aslanovna Lukozheva (KBIB)

Federal stage

March 28 at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov passed the federal stage of the second All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship for undergraduate and graduate students. The Olympiad was held within the framework of the joint project “Business Russia” and the Russian Historical Society (RIS) “History of Russian Entrepreneurship”. More than 50 winners of regional stages took part in it.

The best of the best gathered at MSU - more than 2 thousand students from 60 Russian universities from 53 Russian regions took part in the Olympiad in the regions. The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic at the federal stage of the Olympiad was represented by the winners of the regional stage Lana Kantsalieva (2nd year student at KBGAU), Diana Khurzokova (3rd year student at KBGAU) and Khadizhat Kokova (master’s student at the Institute of Economics at KBGAU). All girls successfully passed the regional stage, showing good results and scoring 109-113 points out of 115 possible. All expenses for organizing students’ participation in the federal stage were covered by the university they represent. Accompanying our fellow countrymen on the trip is their teacher Fatimat Zumakulova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit at the Institute of Economics of KBGAU.

The participants were greeted by the co-chairman of Business Russia Nikolai Levitsky, the vice-president of Business Russia, the head of the directorate of the History of Russian Entrepreneurship project Irina Zakharova, the deputy dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University Leonid Borodkin and the head of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia Alexander Delis.

The project “History of Russian Entrepreneurship” is designed to update in the public consciousness issues related to the creative mission and the role of Russian entrepreneurship in the development of Russia, and is designed for the broad involvement of the public, especially young people. The project was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Olympiad questions cover the history and role of Russian entrepreneurship from the period of Ancient Rus' to the beginning of the 20th century. The work of undergraduate and graduate students is assessed by a commission consisting of seven professors and associate professors from leading Russian universities where they teach the history of Russian entrepreneurship, including Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics.
