15 lasso tarot meaning and interpretation. The magic of numbers

September 10, 2015

Tarot Meaning - Devil

Tarot Card - Devil
Value in upright position

Arcana Devil, deck
Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Excessive materialism, dangerous proposition, addiction. You may find yourself in a difficult and even dangerous situation. You will probably receive a tempting offer that will be difficult to refuse. You can’t think only financially; not everything can be bought. You are faced with a difficult choice, and if you deviate from the right path, you will fall into a long and painful addiction. Arcanum Devil warns against committing rash acts, dangerous situations as a result of one’s own rashness or the desire to get something without making an effort. "Free cheese in a mousetrap."

Arcanum Tarot Devil, appearing in a love reading means that your relationship is an illusion. You know the person you want to connect your destiny with very poorly. Everything suits you; your loved one is smart, handsome, passionate and you undoubtedly believe his exquisite promises. Stop looking at such “love” through rose-colored glasses - it will be very painful for you to find out the whole truth when the person you love appears before you in his true form. Forget about your independence in a relationship with this person - when the time comes, you will realize that you are no longer in control of your destiny. It all depends on your perception of the world and love relationships; if it is enough for you to limit yourself to only physical intimacy, without thinking about a future together, you can take risks. If you are single, in the near future you will meet a person who will make a strong impression on you, you will constantly think about him. However, be careful and prudent, because you don’t want to be alone again? Wait a little longer, and Heaven will send you true and bright Love.

The Arcana Tarot Devil personifies a powerful, calculating person prone to cruelty and perversion.

Excessive materialism, unjustified risks, poor choices.

In matters of work, business, and career, the Arcanum of the Devil means that you have to make an important choice. Perhaps you will be offered promising cooperation, interesting work, or a high position. But no matter how profitable and interesting this offer may be, you need to act prudently, since the appearance of the Arcanum Devil in fortune telling speaks of a test of your values, temptation. If you refuse a tempting offer, you may even suffer significant losses, lose your job or position, but in the end, these events will force you to take the right path. It all depends on your worldview, therefore, if you are interested in quick money, an easy, well-paid job, a high position that allows you to manipulate subordinates - this Arcanum will be favorable for you in all respects. If you live for today and do not pay attention to your soul, you can be sure that for some time you will live in abundance, even luxury. However, this pleasure will have to be paid at the cost of health, and maybe even life.

You may find yourself in a dependent position on an influential person. Nothing depends on your will.

Advice: material values ​​are nothing compared to real freedom. Be careful when making an important decision. Don't use your position to manipulate other people. Not everything can be bought with money.

Tarot Card - Devil
Reversed meaning

Arcana Devil, deck
Durer Tarot, Tarot of the Dwarves, Tarot of 78 Doors

General description of the lasso:
Overcoming difficulties, liberation from constraining circumstances and connections. You have found a way out of a difficult situation. Through the power of positive thinking, overcoming fears and temptations, you are freed from the shackles that previously bound you. You have learned to perceive the world not only materially, and you understand that you can achieve a good result, a stable position only through your own efforts. You made the right choice, even if it cost you a lot, you should not regret it. You have not lost anything, but only gained wisdom and learned an important life lesson, thanks to which you have the opportunity to build your Destiny according to your own scenario (not without the help of the Light Forces, of course).

Meaning in love readings:
The Devil Arcana reversed means that you are freeing yourself from the shackles that have closely bound you to another person for a long time. You no longer depend on the will of the one who made you lose faith in yourself and faith in pure, sincere love, without humiliation and suffering. However, you still need time to be able to awaken real feelings within yourself. In order for a difficult situation to no longer arise in your personal life, you need to learn to judge people not only by external signs and beautiful words, but also by their actions, even insignificant ones, which form the overall impression of a person. This Arcanum also means getting rid of the burden of loneliness and sadness, a new life.

Value in work schedules:
Overcoming difficulties, making the right choice, positive thinking. In matters of work, business, and career, the Arcanum of the Devil in an inverted position means that you were able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to the rejection of the circumstances that constrain you. You were able to overcome your fear of losing your job, position, or losing promising business opportunities. Perhaps the result of your right choice was financial difficulties, loss of a job or position, but you are ready to move on, towards well-being and success. Don’t expect what you want to come true very soon; you need to think carefully about your further actions and decide on your goal. Slow but steady progress towards your goal is much better than quick results.

Advice - it's time to free yourself from the circumstances that constrain you. There is no need to take risks - the time favorable for you has not yet come.

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Tarot cards represent magic and power. They become the best assistants in understanding the future, for solving problems, for finding a way out of dead-end situations, and provide an opportunity to understand the attitude of another person. A large selection of Tarot cards makes it possible to choose your own deck, which can serve for a long time. Amrahs can be of different sizes, have different images and colors, but regardless of the direction and name, almost every deck contains 78 cards, of which 22 are major Arcana and 56 minor.

Tarot cards represent magic and power

Major Arcana in readings

The Major Arcana begin from scratch, this is the Jester or Fool card and then from serial number 1 to 21. In the Tarot deck, they are the main ones, revealing the significant and bright sides of a person and the events that surround him. The layouts show the path of a person when he reaches spiritual heights. There are a number of problems along this path that need to be overcome. If the Devil Tarot card appears, it means that a person, while achieving what he wants, is devoid of spirituality. Arcanum number 15 speaks of temptation, voluptuousness and monetary gain.

Number 15 in numerology

Number 15 is a controversial number in numerology. It means that a harmonious life is manifested in the ability to connect the material and spiritual, which they began to look for in the 14th Tarot cards - this is confidence. The number 15 has the meaning of creativity multiplied by three times, where 5 means creativity, and multiplying it by three gives 15. This is the number of the Devil.

It consists of the number 1, which means one’s own ego and the number 5. In numerology it is associated with change, risk, the desire to own, possess, subjugate. The number carries the following information: I want change. The key information of this is that 1 plus 5 is 6− family, love, physical pleasure. It turns out: I want change at the expense of my family.

For people with the number 15, family is very important, but they like to be free.

Devil Card in Tarot

Major Arcana number 15.


  • planet - Saturn;
  • zodiac sign – Capricorn;
  • color – black.

If in the World map the planet Saturn is a card of wisdom, then here it has a completely different meaning.

Saturn is the planet of great misfortune. The story says that it was inhabited by the masters of karma. Spirits who watched over people living on Earth. If someone refused to atone for their own sins, they were sent to the planet Saturn for punishment. After which the person was given a chance to fulfill his karmic debt on Earth again.

The devil is trying to push a person into sin or tempt a person, to slow down the redemption of debt, so that he would suffer and stay longer on Saturn.

The major arcan, the Devil, is the personification of the dark side of the force and the enemy of light.

The manifestation of the negative side of Saturn and Capricorn means deceit, cowardice, dependence on the mood, and the use of people.

In the Devil in Tarot readings

Depending on the question asked, on the position, the overall picture, the meaning of the Devil Tarot depends. In layouts, it characterizes a person who is energetically strong, intelligent, with great willpower, who can subjugate people and force them to serve their goals. Man is strongly attached to the material world, cruel and merciless. The 15th lasso points to politicians, major financiers, people whose activities are related to art. The money card speaks of a person who knows how to make and manage money, in various ways, through deception and lawlessness.

In layouts for a specific situation, it indicates a lack of freedom, negative attachment and temptation. Displays human vices: drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual perversions. The devil says that any temptation will be achieved, but you will have to pay for it and it will leave a mark on your life.

To specifically understand the meaning of the card, you need to look at additional amrahs:

  • if there is a temptation by love, then it will turn into collapse and dependence;
  • obtaining profit and wealth will certainly be a shady path;
  • the new position will sweep you away from the path.

From a psychological point of view, it shows all the qualities that a person is trying to hide: greed, greed, arrogance, love of fame.

The devil says that any temptation will be achieved

Tarot card combination

In layouts, the Devil in combination with other Tarot cards has different meanings:

Devil + Jester (XV + 0)

This combination of Tarot cards indicates:

  • a personality deficiency that makes her inadequate;
  • drunkenness;
  • drug addiction.

Devil + Magician (XV + I)


  • characterizes a person who has black power and can control others;
  • indicates the presence of obstacles in achieving what you want;
  • alcohol or drug addiction.

Devil + High Priestess (XV + II)


  • great sexual temptation;
  • advises to beware of the woman;
  • indicates black magic.

Devil + Empress (XV + III)

Characterizes people who acquire income dishonestly and conduct business dishonestly.

Devil + Emperor (XV + IV)


  • authority, criminal structure;
  • overwhelming situation;
  • profit through shady means.

Devil + Hierophant (XV + V)

Characterizes delusion in a person who gives false knowledge and advice.

Devil + Lovers (XV + VI)

It means that the connection between two is based on physical pleasure or benefit of one of the parties.

Devil + Chariot (XV + VII)

Talks about the impossibility of getting what you want due to a lack of willpower.

Devil + Strength (XV + VIII)

Indicates a struggle with addiction and indicates an increase in temptation.

Devil + Hermit (XV + IX)

Characterizes a lonely person with a vice.

Devil + Wheel of Fortune (XV + X)

Talks about a tendency to gambling.

Devil + Justice (XV + XI)


  • problems with law and order;
  • the solution to the problem is carried out illegally.

Devil + Hanged Man (XV + XII)

Shows on:

  • the presence of false feelings that there is a need to sacrifice someone or something;
  • inability to change the situation.

In layouts, the Devil in combination with other Tarot cards has different meanings

Devil + Death (XV + XIII)


  • changes that will lead to failure;
  • unfavorable result.

Devil + Temperance (XV + XIV)

Talks about the end of abstinence, which will lead to retribution.

Devil + Tower (XV + XVI)

Shows on:

  • loss of a friend or connection with someone;
  • the presence of a deadlock situation that was created independently;
  • self-destruction.

Devil + Star (XV + XVII)

Devil and Star means:

  • desire to change the situation, get rid of addiction;
  • recovery and hope.

Devil + Moon (XV + XVIII)

Antipode to the combination Devil and Sun:

  • shows that the world is perceived by a sick imagination, a perverted consciousness;
  • black magic;
  • addiction to alcohol or female temptation.

Devil + Sun (XV + XIX)

The Devil and the Sun: speaks of the need:

  • reveal the secret;
  • about the presence of male energy and dependence;
  • about the presence of a dark force that can be destroyed.

At the same time, the Sun and the Devil in other scenarios show only positive things. This is how the Sun illuminates the path of a fortuneteller.

Devil + Judgment (XV + XX)


  • a hopeless situation;
  • retribution for what was done in the past;
  • period of defeat and failure.

Devil + World (XV + XXI)

Talks about the opportunity to start a new life, quit addiction, bad habits, free yourself.

The fifteenth lasso, regardless of the card being combined, does not have a positive meaning.

The Hierophant and the Devil

The major arcana, with its image on the card, makes it possible to find out the interpretation. A pentagram turned down indicates the importance of what a person stands on with his feet. Two fingers pointing down on the Devil's hand indicate physical pleasure. The devil is not placed in a quadrangle, this means that material wealth comes first, since the number 4 is a material number. The devil tempts and blesses people to achieve profit and work the easy way, completely omitting the spiritual sphere.

At that time, the Hierophant means that while achieving material wealth, one must maintain spirituality. He is completely contrary to the Devil. He talks about love, sympathy, trust, good and true advice.

If in a relationship between two people, the Devil shows only benefit and pleasure, the dependence of one of the partners, then the Hierophant calls for marriage, the conclusion of alliances built on love and spirituality. The best combination is the Devil and the Sun.

The devil has no positive meaning

Love and relationships

Relationships between two people always raise many questions. Most layouts using Tarot cards are made specifically to understand the relationship of another person, to clarify the situation and make an important decision in life. What does the presence of the Devil mean?

Straight position

For the personal sphere, the Devil points to vicious relationships, a union based on sexual attraction, admiration for a person who does not deserve it. This can be a marriage based on benefits, when behind love and the promise of fidelity there is a hidden desire for material benefits. In the layouts, this is indicated by the combination of the Devil and Lovers cards.

Inverted position

The inverted Devil for such layouts speaks of a relationship where one of the partners controls his power and subjugates the other. Manifestation of tyranny and tyranny, sophisticated bullying, blackmail. One of the partners is a victim who, either by choice or by force, puts up with the situation. It is the inverted Devil that best describes the situation in which a person was achieved with the help of a love plot.

Tarot cards can give advice and reveal truth. The layouts are not always pleasing; sometimes they frighten and force you to make decisions that will change your life. If the Devil card appears, you should not be afraid, but think about your own life and your own actions. If the plan is for relationships, then why continue them, in cases where they are not based on love, but only on profit. When the situation is in favor of a person, and it turns out that he is prone to vices or has negative qualities, then you can protect yourself from communication with him and common affairs. We must remember that life does not depend on what cards fall out during fortune telling, but on one’s own thoughts and one’s own actions. Someone deliberately becomes bad, but rich, someone is in a relationship, but suffers and feels unhappy. Everyone decides for themselves, but there is always the opportunity to change.

Each Tarot lasso carries a specific meaning. Depending on the issue and the position of the card, it can be positive or negative. The devil is not the best lasso. He embodies various temptations and human vices. This is a symbol of the animal part of human essence and its shadow side. But don’t be upset, any card is just from one state to another.

General plot

In traditional decks based on the Rider-Waite drawings, the card depicts the Lord of Hell himself - the Devil. He looks like a red horned monster. A pentagram is drawn between its horns. One of his hands holds a torch, the other is raised. In front of him are two nude figures - a male and a female. Some tarot readers believe that these are Adam and Eve. Their faces do not express any negative emotions. On the contrary, they are happy with their lot.

The central figure of the arcana is the supreme demon. It looks like a goat that stands on its hind legs. Satan sits on a black stone cube. His wings are similar to the wings of bats. A mixture of several animals means a violation of the natural order, turning everything upside down. It's like a violent symbiosis. From the point of view of interpretation, these are manifestations of violation of any laws and we are not talking about legal ones. All over the world there are laws of balance, divine, etc.

Satan's face is distorted into a grimace. This is the embodiment of the desire to destroy everything, the thirst for suffering and torment. Wings are a threatening element.

Man and woman become victims of their own vices. They are chained to the cube and this symbolizes their weakness in the face of passions. They cannot escape the negative sides of their personalities, vices, and weaknesses. The lovers look at each other with delight, and meanwhile the demon brings a lit torch to their backs. They risk burning out in lust and vice.

The pentagram is the Star of David. It consists of two triangles and has different meanings. This is a reflection of heaven and earth, the four elements, masculine and feminine, etc.

The devil covers the star with his back, thereby depriving people of the opportunity to pay attention to the laws of the universe.

In the Egyptian Tarot, Typhon is depicted instead of Satan. He is the incarnation of Set, the god of evil. But he is still wise and helped Ra in battle. The Dragon deck uses the serpent Apok. He was the personification of chaos and darkness and it was he who was defeated by Ra.

Basic meaning

Key words:

  • Materialism.
  • Refusal.
  • Temptation.
  • Fear.
  • Hate.
  • Devil.
  • Satan.
  • Violence.
  • Bandage.
  • Sexual aggression.
  • Worldly desire.
  • Ignorance.
  • Blindness.
  • Deception.
  • Impotence.
  • Unusual sexual interests.

Classic interpretation of the arcana Devil - the querent does not have the situation under control and this threatens him with a number of troubles. He is either already on the path of degradation and destruction of himself, or will do so in the near future. A person too often follows his weaknesses and indulges his whims. Sometimes this is a sign that the questioner is abusing power.

It's worth knowing:

In some cases, the card indicates the presence of dependence on someone.

The card forces a person to behave atypically, causing harm to himself, but at the same time the person himself is sure that he is acting for his own good. The interpretation of this lasso is not the easiest thing, since all tarot readers attribute different meanings to it:

  • fear;
  • instincts;
  • dark past.

All this can be combined under one thesis: the querent is in a situation of dependence on someone or something. Often it is an obsession that drives you crazy and deprives you of your sanity. The devil gives direct advice: come to your senses, get back on the right path.

Personal level

The questioner is obsessed, but the scale of this may vary. In any case, he is overcome by strong feelings or obsession. All this has a destructive effect on the individual. If we consider the appearance of the lasso on a spiritual level, then a person will have to face the shadow part of his personality. This is a difficult test, since not everyone can accept their involutionary side.

Features of manifestation:

  • evil intentions;
  • prospects are not considered;
  • actions at random.

A person makes every effort to realize his desire. It seems to him that everything is about to change. All he has to do is take possession of a person and everything will work out. This is the main trap of the Devil. This card is always accompanied by self-digging and weak will.


In a bad scenario, the lasso indicates that the querent will become a slave to his base habits. For example, he becomes addicted to comfort and endlessly buys luxury things.

Some tarot readers do not agree with the negative interpretations of the lasso. They believe that it just means some kind of test or exam. If you go through it consciously, then life will change for the better, changes will take place at the personal level. Plus a person learns to fight temptations.

Work issues

In professional matters, the card has two different meanings. Rarely does it indicate the need to pass some test for career growth. Much more often it becomes the embodiment of the fact that a person fell into slavery to someone. He is either under a lot of pressure, or he is dependent. The situation often forces him to act atypically.

There is a high probability of becoming a victim of compromising evidence or clever manipulation.

The lasso rarely becomes an indicator of open bullying; most often it does not manifest itself at all. The team can be nice and welcoming. The querent will be involved in dubious matters, shady deals. Sometimes getting easy money. A person becomes obsessed with them and tries to repeat it.

Arkan sometimes points to a real workologist.

The very concept of dishonest deeds is interpreted very broadly. Advertising, to some extent, is also the embodiment of deception. The lasso involves fraud, false courses, etc. Sometimes the card portends failure in business.

If we consider the Devil in a more spiritual sense, then during the test of strength all of a person's moral beliefs will be tested. He will be tempted by money, power or career advancement. The peculiarity of this card is that all dark deeds are carefully veiled.

For those looking for a job, the lasso also does not bode well. A person risks becoming a victim of deception or manipulation. Shell companies, shady deals, etc.

In terms of finances, the lasso is quite positive, the answer is clear: there will be money. But how they will be obtained is another question. This card serves as an indicator of corruption, the ability to make money and cunning manipulation. But she warns about the likelihood of degradation.

Meaning in love and relationships

Relationships go according to the Devil and what other ones! True, they are often not a joy. The card usually becomes an indicator of betrayal, when a person is tempted by an unfree partner and he completely loses his head in an effort to take possession of the desired object.

At this time, the querent cannot adequately assess the partner, his essence. The map runs through obsession with sex, finances and other forms of addiction. In such a connection, a person betrays his principles and does not remember them. To some extent, various sexual anomalies may appear.

After the questioner achieves what he wants, even if it is only sex, he will begin to be tormented by the feeling “it would be better if this did not happen.” To some extent, this is also an experience, but over time the querent will begin to be visited by thoughts of “it could have been done without this.”

The devil attracts with flirting, games, promises. For an established union, he presents trials in the form of lust, despotism and other events. In some cases, the lasso becomes a divorce. During its course, all the unpleasant sides of the union will be exposed, all the dirty laundry will be aired.

Reversed position

In the reverse position, the Devil loses its negative meaning. A person seems to understand all aspects of his life. He is ready to change for the better, to get rid of illusions and doubts. The depravity of the existing connection appears before him in all its glory and the querent can break it.

This is not a full-fledged victory yet, just the beginning of the journey. But the questioner is ready to fight his weaknesses, his shadow personality and consciously suppress it. On the spiritual plane, the insight descended on him that any material thing is beneficial compared to the immaterial sphere. There is no longer a desire to earn money, gain power or a partner at any cost.

However, the card also has a negative meaning in the reverse position. First of all, she points out that a large number of the questioner’s actions are made for selfish reasons. The influence of greed is also possible. You have to make a choice between finances and personal happiness.


Perhaps the querent is under someone's influence.

In order to get rid of depression, you will need to make every effort to get rid of the “chains”. The card warns that the votary risks becoming a victim of strange sexual relationships.

If a person behaves in the spirit of the arcana (an experienced seducer, a fraudster, etc.), then he will be exposed and accountable for his actions.

Health issues

Not the most favorable card for issues of well-being. In some cases, it appears after exposure to black magic and the lasso may indicate damage or other curses.

The traditional interpretation of the Devil is health problems that are caused by bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, drugs - all this negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Binge eaters also run the risk of obesity and related problems such as diabetes. Lovers of sexual relations are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

The card’s direct advice is to stop indulging your whims and resisting them. Life is hard to change, but it's worth it. Setting a goal and achieving it will help with this.

Sometimes the lasso suggests stopping and reflecting on what a person has turned his life into. Is this how it should be? It's time to start changing something.

At the level of consciousness, the querent finally understands his unsightly side and acknowledges it. To some extent, this is an introduction to the feeling of shame. It is not necessarily something that people condemn, but rather something that confuses a person. In any case, this becomes the basis for discussion. Such reflections become a reason for spiritual growth and healing of spiritual wounds.

Card combinations

The Devil himself is not an easy card. It confronts a person with many things. Also, proximity to certain cards can change the meaning of the layout. So, when the Jester appears, the querent risks acquiring a vice that will lead him to mental problems. This often means drugs or alcohol. Something will disturb a person near the Magician. This is not only various kinds of addictions, but also some kind of sensuality towards another person. Sometimes under this combination they see a dark magician who manipulates the questioner.

Major Arcana

The Popess (in some decks the High Priestess) warns not only of the dangers of black magic, but also of strong sexual temptation. Moreover, the threat will come from a woman. The Empress is an indicator of shadow income. Often she becomes the significator of a lady who conducts her affairs in a dishonest manner. The Emperor has a similar meaning, only the female figure is replaced by a male one. Often this is an indication of a criminal leader.

The Hierophant, together with the Devil, appears in situations where the querent is taught the wrong thing. This is a card of false prophets and teachers. The combination with Lovers gives a hellish mixture - there will be a relationship, but their basis is hatred of each other or sex. The prospect of such a union is obvious.

The Lord of Hell removes all the positive power of the Chariot - therefore, no matter how much the querent strives, his goal remains unattainable. With the advent of the Force, the fight against temptation and other vices becomes more difficult. A person is struggling with addiction, and time will tell whether he will emerge victorious from the battle. The hermit warns that if the querent continues to indulge in vices, he will find himself alone.

The Wheel of Fortune often appears in readings and, when adjacent to the Devil, indicates the presence of a gambling addiction. It takes on serious forms and can threaten his life and cause serious material losses.

The Tower testifies to a completely fatal state of affairs. The cause of its destruction will be vice. The man himself created the situation and now watches how everything collapses. Often this combination indicates a financial pyramid.

Minor Arcana

With different suits the lasso manifests itself differently. Next to the Ace of Wands, its sexual manifestation intensifies. The questioner will be under the influence of a sensualist and provocateur. To some extent, he can be described as a person who is very eager for sex. Neighborhood with a deuce increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of intrigue and intrigue. Three brings even more problems. The position of a slave is indicated by seven.

The situation is no better with the suit of cups. Ace indicates some unhealthy relationship that does not bring anything good. A deuce indicates vicious relationships and false promises. Three becomes an indicator that a person spends too much time in idleness. The 6 of Cups indicates a person who has had addiction problems in the past. But the 7 of Cups already indicates the risk of becoming an alcoholic or drug addict.

The suit of swords by and large denotes different bad people. A murderer passes through the ten, but the page is envious. The Queen of Swords becomes an indicator of hypocrites. The king, on the other hand, indicates a person who is obsessed with the thirst for power and is not embarrassed by any moral principles.

Prediction for the Order of the Golden Dawn

  • materiality;
  • temptation;
  • obsession;
  • deception;
  • mistrust;
  • sexuality;
  • strength;
  • cunning;
  • devilry.

Associated symbols are sovereignty and material beauty (and therefore false radiance). Salt acting through Capricorn on the Lord of the Gates of Matter, Child of the forces of Time.

Although this card represents the productive energy of life, it is also the limitations within which manifested life must work. Consequently, the meanings of obligations, responsibilities and limitations apply.

In matters of employment, hard work where a person must remain in the profession with little hope of leaving it for a while.

In business, the economy and success are within current conditions, but strength and growth are depicted. In relationships there is sexual attraction, sexual activity, karmic connections, sexual harassment.

Often the questioner will be dealing with greed in others, or in himself, and only with concern for himself. Here it is necessary to warn that you need to take care of yourself. The Devil card also suggests that a person must learn to master his own power and master himself and his environment.

Affirmation card: I am my own master, I am the master of my life.

Description of the Tarot card "DEVIL"

In most Major Arcana Tarot decks, the Devil is depicted in front of two small figures of a man and a woman. His mood is transmitted to people who are completely dependent on Satan. If he smiles, people smile, if he gets angry, his slaves tremble with fear. The devil is the opposite of good, his goal is to destroy order and bring chaos into this world. The allegory here is the mind, cold-blooded and cruel, striving to upset the Universal Balance.

General meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

Of all the Tarot Arcana, the Devil is the most difficult to understand because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure of good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The card speaks of material dependence, intrigue and temptation, excesses. The illusion of being forced to act contrary or opposite to desires. The card indicates that at the moment the main thing in life is not spiritual goals. The values ​​you crave are exclusively material. The card claims that the goals you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, before you are pulled into this quagmire. However, you should not perceive this as a threat: this is just a warning from Fate. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that the question concerns, first of all, the shadow sides of the personality.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil card speaks of abuse of power, of concentrating efforts exclusively on achieving material wealth. If in fortune telling the card falls among the positive ones, you can assume a successful love affair or a situation in which you will be able to safely escape retribution.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Devil shows that moral strength, convictions and good intentions are subject to serious testing and temptation. In this case, we can even talk about profitable business, but only due to the inexperience or gullibility of the business partner. In some cases, Arcan indicates that a person is involved in dubious transactions.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card most often indicates a loss of profit, money, or income. A deal or project that had high hopes will not bring the expected profit.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in health layouts

Direct card position

Bad habits and addictions can negatively affect your health.

Reversed card position

Serious illnesses. In some cases, it indicates negative magical effects: damage, love spell, evil eye.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Devil represents important issues that can cause difficulties in a relationship if you are not careful and honest. The card often denotes the dependence of one partner on the other in a domestic, financial or psychological sense, which is why the emotional and spiritual side of the union suffers. Difficulties in relationships can be associated with excessive immersion in material issues and the pursuit of dubious pleasures. This lasso often means temptation, indulgence of desires and the pursuit of them at any cost. The devil is also often associated with the sphere of intimate relationships and can sometimes mean infidelity, betrayal, love affairs without commitment.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil says that the relationship has reached a dead end, the partners are tired of each other. Sometimes it indicates that the couple is incompatible either spiritually or physically.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

The fifteenth Arcanum in this case describes a person who is only interested in the material side. The fortuneteller will have to communicate with him and solve some practical and, possibly, uninteresting issues.

Reversed card position

The devil in an inverted position speaks of a person who poses a certain danger to the fortuneteller, since he is able to “ground” his soul with his views.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card as a card of the year

The Devil card says that this year you will have to look deep into yourself, and at the same time something may come to light that you never expected, or suddenly what you thought was one thing will turn out to be completely different. In this case, it is the dark, shadow side of the personality, which forces you to commit actions that you later bitterly regret. All that is required of you is to stop looking for those to blame and, when you find yourself in another unpleasant situation, simply ask yourself how this could happen. Try to determine the true scale of your intemperance, analyze the darkest sides of your soul, which are constantly trying to find weakness in you. Give them an appropriate place and determine for yourself exactly how to respond to them so that it does not go beyond acceptable limits.

Work and finances. In this area, the Devil card predicts that your moral principles, your beliefs and good intentions will be seriously tested, even, one might say, tempted. You will have the opportunity to achieve material well-being, but not in the most pure and honest ways.

Personal relationships. In this area, the card foretells you teasing flirtation, meaningful promises, and sensual passion. However, here too it is, first of all, a warning: you have to play with fire and it will be extremely difficult not to get burned.

State of health. Here the condition may worsen due to addictions, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and self-indulgence.

Top card tip. Free yourself from addictions, stop being subject to circumstances and freely follow the path to which the voice of your heart leads.

Meaning and interpretation of the DEVIL card as a card of the day

Today you will apparently have to face the shadow side of your character. Perhaps you will be persuaded to do some unseemly act or to betray your principles. This could be some sudden inner impulse that you did not suspect was behind you or thought that you had overcome it long ago. You should neither be angry with yourself for this, nor blame others, nor should you suppress this urge in yourself. Use the situation to bring a ray of light into the dark part of your soul - become aware of this urge and find out its reasons.

Advice from the DEVIL card in fortune telling

You will need to go through certain life trials, or rather, temptations, when too easy victory and power will be concentrated in your hands, which under other circumstances would have to be earned and deserved. Try not to rise above others.

Basic values

  • Positive: Passion.
  • Negative: Satiety.
  • Key words: instinct, sexual attraction, impulse, uncontrollable emotions, charm, charm, selfishness.
  • Number: the number “15” is the result of multiplying 5 by 3; can also mean the 5 senses, which are reflected in the three worlds: physical, intellectual and spiritual. According to Saint Paul in his letter to the Galatians, 15 is also the number of the fruits of sin.
  • Description of the lasso: a monster with goat horns and bat wings sat on a pedestal. In one hand it holds a torch. On his head is an inverted five-pointed star. In front of him are a naked man and woman chained in chains.


  • Horns: Represent the connection between the divine and the earthly worlds, but in this case they indicate how ideas are transformed into animal force.
  • Five-pointed star: The inverted pentacle symbolizes energies used for material purposes.
  • Bat wings: indicate a cunning nature.
  • Torch: symbolizes physical vitality and the flame of passions.
  • Man and woman: symbolize Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, as well as the danger of following temptation.
  • Tail: A bunch of grapes and a torch are symbols of the creative energy inherent in the baser forces and instincts.

General meaning of the Arcana Devil

The devil has a divine nature, but excessive pride and thirst for power have corrupted him. He personifies human vices: anger, laziness, voluptuousness, greed, gluttony, envy and pride. At the same time, the Devil shows that the dark side lurks in each of us and even in the deities. The Devil's energy is so strong that it can become destructive and enslave the one who touches it. This energy is dangerous, but when used consciously and purified by spiritual sources, it can be transformed into an inexhaustible resource for creativity. The essence of the Arcana is that you need to accept your instincts and deeply explore your darkest and most animal side. It is not necessary to suppress passions: the most healthy way to free yourself from them is to channel them into creative activity that elevates the spirit and expands the boundaries of consciousness. Silent submission to one's own desires and pleasures can lead to both destruction and enlightenment. In modern interpretation, the Arcanum "Devil" is mainly considered a positive card. The instincts it expresses, or rather the hidden feelings which we are accustomed to designate by the term “subconscious,” are no longer regarded as a hostile force from which we must protect ourselves. They are rather associated with the “dark side” or “shadow”, which, however, are natural components of the human psyche.

Iconography of Arcana Tarot 15 - Devil

Extended values

Personal life

  • Love. Sexual attraction is the path that leads to love, but for frivolous people this path is dangerous.
  • Job. It is necessary to remove unsuitable workers and give responsibility to capable people.
  • Money. Direct your energy in one single direction, and you will receive tangible profits.


  • Result. Instincts, desires and passions move the world, but they should not take over it.
  • Recommendation. You don't need to look at what others do to justify your own course of action.
  • Implementation time. It will take one year for the cycle to end and the next one to begin.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. Restraining your instincts is like holding on to an animal for too long. It is necessary to give outlet to your own energies.
  • Meditation. Where does the bad end and the good begin? This is a teacher who has too many restrictions.
  • Spirituality. Evil must not be crushed, it must be overcome. Without the dark side we cannot be complete.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter “samekh” is reminiscent of the Ouroboros snake, which is always eating its own tail.
  • Alchemy. It represents the “great astral agent”, thanks to which the adept revives the spark hidden within himself.
  • Astrology. Capricorn. the winter solstice expresses the vital force of nature that cannot be suppressed.