Iron preparations that are prescribed orally. Iron supplements for anemia, for pregnant women, children, women, men

Currently, more than half of the people on our planet suffer to one degree or another from IDA (reduction of hemoglobin due to lack of iron in the body), the treatment of which requires the use of specialized medications. These drugs include drugs containing a special metal – iron.


There are several classifications of iron preparations.

They can be classified depending on the method of administration:

  • orally, i.e. taking the medicine orally, through the mouth (may contain divalent or trivalent iron);
  • parenterally, i.e. in the form of intramuscular injections (ferric iron in combination with sucrose, dextran or sodium gluconate).
According to the suction mechanism All iron preparations are divided into salt and non-salt. Trivalent iron preparations can only be non-salt. TO salt preparations The following salts include: iron sulfate, chloride, gluconate and fumarate. Accordingly, the trade names are: ferroplex, hemopher, totema and ferromate. Non-salt trivalent iron preparations include complex compounds: polymaltose hydroxide complex (maltofer, ferrumlek) and sucrose hydroxide complex (velofer).

It is best absorbed, most completely absorbed and causes the least amount of adverse reactions iron from compounds with sulfate. The worst is the absorption of ferrous iron from compounds with chloride.

Bivalent iron, having entered the body, is absorbed into small intestine and binds to a special iron carrier - apoferretin, forming a complex that can pass the intestinal barrier. In cells gastrointestinal tract Bivalent iron is oxidized to trivalent. After this, the iron binds to the transporter, which delivers it to the tissue. This metal is released in the tissues of the body, which then goes to the bone marrow to build the hemoglobin molecule.

Principles of prescribing iron supplements

In what form and to whom are iron supplements prescribed?

The most commonly prescribed drugs are for oral administration, as they have a number of advantages:

  • Better absorption of iron penetrating through the intestinal wall.
  • When injecting iron, abscesses and infiltrates often form.
  • Intramuscular injections cause a greater number of complications, the most common allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.
  • With parenteral administration, there is a high probability of iron deposition in internal organs.
The first and most important rule is the correctly selected dose of the drug so that there is no allergic complications and a therapeutic effect was achieved.

The second rule is tablets for iron deficiency anemia In no case should they be chewed or crushed; they should be drunk whole with a small amount of water. Under no circumstances should you take the tablets with dairy products.

The third rule is that divalent iron preparations should be taken together with vitamin C, and trivalent iron preparations with special amino acids to achieve the most complete therapeutic effect.

Choice of drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Iron is best absorbed in capsules, since the latter protects the metal from the damaging effects of gastric juice and allows it to act at the point of application. Therefore, these drugs come first. Next are the tablets and solutions.

The most effective are the following drugs:


Foreign-made capsules containing two iron ions (ferrous), cyanocobalamin, folic acid and pyridoxine. It is a combination drug for the treatment of both iron and folate deficiency anemia.

The vitamins and folic acid it contains reduce the manifestation of neurological disorders, and divalent iron quickly saturates hemoglobin.

Allowed for use by pregnant women (reduces the development of perinatal neurological disorders) and children over 3 years of age.

The average cost of capsules is around 400 rubles.


Contains 355 mg of ferrous fumarate, which stimulates the creation of new red blood cells in the bone marrow and the saturation of hemoglobin with iron. The capsule protects teeth from the damaging effects of iron and the active substance from the destructive effects of saliva and gastric juice.

The drug is recommended for use during pregnancy to prevent the development and treatment of IDA in the mother. Capsules are also indicated for the treatment of anemia in women during lactation, since it has been proven that iron is not secreted into milk and does not affect the child.

The average cost of the drug is about 150 rubles.

Ferro foil

A multivitamin complex that contains divalent iron, vitamins (B12 and C), as well as microelements. Available in capsule form. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) promotes better absorption of iron from the intestines, cyanocobalamin and folic acid help accelerate the maturation of young red blood cells.

The average cost of capsules is 600 rubles.


Tablets containing divalent iron (its salt is fumarate) and ascorbic acid for better absorption of the metal in the intestines. Applies as in medicinal purposes for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, and for preventive purposes - in pregnant women and blood donors.

The average price ranges from 400-500 rubles.

Ferrum Lek

Available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, chewable tablets, and syrup. Unlike the above drugs, it contains ferric iron. The difference lies in the slower penetration through the intestinal wall and, therefore, the effect also develops more slowly.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. Side effects when taking it are minimal.

The average price is 150-200 rubles for syrup and 300-500 rubles for chewable tablets.


Also contains three iron ions in the form of an iron-hydroxide polymaltose complex. Indications for use in this case are hidden iron deficiency (so-called preanemia, when clinical symptoms not yet, but blood iron is low) and prevention of anemic conditions in people at risk. Available in the form of chewable tablets, drops and syrup.

The average price is within 300 rubles.


The composition includes powdered hemoglobin, ascorbic acid and dietary fiber. The drug is indicated for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia of varying severity, with frequent colds, at chronic fatigue and at various surgical interventions. Available in the form of capsules and in the form of a chocolate bar, which is perfect even for the youngest children.

The average price of such a drug is 700 rubles.


The drug is in the form of a solution for oral use. Ferric iron is surrounded by a special carrier protein, which helps protect the gastric mucosa from the irritating effects of the drug. Iron is absorbed into the blood through active transport, which eliminates the possibility of drug overdose.

The price ranges from 700 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of ampoules.


A preparation containing ferric iron, copper and manganese. The latter, when entering the body, help stimulate the work of cellular enzymes. Available in the form of solutions for internal use.

Indicated for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia from 3 months of age, approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

The average cost is within 500 rubles.


A multivitamin preparation that, in addition to ferrous iron, contains a whole complex of B vitamins and vitamin C. The drug is available in capsules, which ensures the gradual release of their granules as the effect of the previous ones ceases.

The remedy is indicated for chronic diseases, accompanied by blood loss and is aimed at long-term use.

The price of such a complex ranges from 150-250 rubles.

Iron preparations for intramuscular administration

Iron for intramuscular administration is used for intolerance to oral medications and for severe iron deficiency that requires immediate replenishment. Other indications include: operations on the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis and intestinal inflammation (enteritis and ulcerative colitis).

Before complete administration of the drug, it is necessary to conduct tolerability testing. To do this, half or one third (for children) of the dose is administered intramuscularly, the patient is under supervision, and in the absence of side effects, the entire remaining volume is administered within 15 minutes.

The most popular and effective drugs for intramuscular injections are the following drugs.

Ferrum Lek

The drug containing ferric iron is available in the form of ampoules of 2 ml. After injection, up to 50% of the drug appears in the systemic circulation within 30 minutes. The dose of the drug is calculated using a special formula, depending on the severity of anemia.

The average cost is about 1000 rubles for 5 ampoules.


An injection preparation containing ferrous iron (sulfate) and serine (an amino acid that promotes faster entry of iron into the systemic circulation).

The price is about 500 rubles per package.


The solution for injection contains ferric iron in the form of an iron-hydroxide polymaltose complex. The maximum concentration of iron is determined in the blood after 24 hours. This drug is prescribed to those patients who cannot tolerate oral medications (by mouth) for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The average cost of the drug is about 900 rubles.


A preparation for intramuscular injection containing a complex compound of ferric iron. The metal is located in the core of the complex and is protected by sucrose from premature release. Contraindication is children's age.

The price of the product is about 2000 rubles.


As an active substance it contains an iron-sucrose complex, which includes ferric iron.

The average price of the drug is 2000 rubles.

Rules for taking medications for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia

To maximize the effect of treatment, you must adhere to the following rules for taking medications:
  • tablets and capsules cannot be chewed, they must be swallowed whole with plenty of water;
  • Medicines should not be taken with juice, tea or dairy products;
  • During the course of treatment, it is recommended to exclude or not consume dairy products two hours before and two hours after;
  • long-term treatment, at least 3 months. After 3 months, a blood test is performed and if the dynamics are positive, treatment should be continued at a maintenance dose of the drug for another 3 months. The total course of treatment is about six months;
  • Iron preparations are not compatible with antibiotics (tetracyclines and lincosamides), as well as with antacids, since they do not allow iron to be absorbed into the systemic circulation;
  • it is necessary to monitor the tolerability of the drug, and if this remedy causes side effects, it should be replaced by another;
  • to accelerate the absorption of the drug, it is recommended to take it together with succinic or ascorbic acids;
  • it is possible to enhance the systemic effects of iron supplements when used simultaneously with ACE inhibitors(captopril - used to lower blood pressure).

Side effects of medications

If used incorrectly, not following the recommended dosage or individual intolerance to the drug, a number of side effects may occur, such as irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. This manifests itself in the form of pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, belching or heartburn, and perversion of appetite.

Allergic reactions may occur in the form of itching, urticaria, and polymorphic rash.

At long-term use Iron supplements can stain tooth enamel black and stain stool.

When administered intramuscularly, joint pain and decreased blood pressure. If the injection technique is not followed, abscesses and infiltrates form.

Thus, in order to cure iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to choose the right drug that would be suitable in this case. If you follow the correct technique for using iron supplements, then within a few months your health will improve, the symptoms of anemia will decrease or disappear, and there will be no unpleasant symptoms. side symptoms will not arise.

Anemia is a disease characterized by a lack of iron and hemoglobin in the blood. To compensate for the negative consequences of the syndrome, vitamins are prescribed for anemia.
The most important microelements for the disease are folic acid, ascorbic acid and iron itself, which can enter the body along with foods. The integrated use of these measures allows you to increase the amount of hemoglobin. Iron-containing vitamins also help with anemia. Depending on the stage of the syndrome, either preventive dietary supplements or full-fledged medications are prescribed.

Vitamin supplements and medications with iron are prescribed for people who have impaired absorption and absorption of iron. Indications for therapy are the following causes of anemia in adults:

  • excessive blood loss as a result of injury or systemic disease;
  • flaw necessary components as a result of poor nutrition;
  • oxygen starvation brain with low hemoglobin in adults;
  • the appearance of weakness, dizziness, development of atrophic changes.

Before starting professional therapy, the patient must undergo clinical analysis blood test for hemoglobin levels to confirm your diagnosis. Hemoglobin in men should be contained in an amount of at least 117 g per liter of blood in adolescence. If a man is between 19 and 45 years old, then the minimum level is already 132 g per liter. For women, the lowest acceptable level is also 117 g. The indication for prescribing professional therapy is its reduction below the minimum acceptable level.

Iron supplements for anemia

For iron deficiency anemia, vitamins and minerals are prescribed that contain iron or stimulate its release and absorption. Among the commonly used drugs are the following names:

  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • "Maltofer";
  • "Actiferrin";
  • "Fenuls";
  • "Ferlatum";
  • and others.

Professional preparations should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. With uncontrolled use, there is a high risk of overdose, improper treatment and worsening of the symptoms of the syndrome. Before purchasing medication, it is recommended to contact a government physician or a representative of a paid medical clinic.

The drugs have several actions (depending on the composition):

  • saturate the blood with iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin;
  • stimulate the production of hemoglobin;
  • restore the body’s ability to absorb and absorb iron (in case of gastrointestinal disorders, enzyme production);
  • quickly replenish the lack of blood cells.

In a critical situation, a blood transfusion is necessary to maintain a person’s life. However, below we will only talk about medications that are intended for home therapy of initial and middle stage anemia.

Ferric hydroxide

For anemia, treatment should be as light as possible, without overloading the body. Preparations based on ferric hydroxide have a minimum of contraindications. The composition is close to natural iron produced by the body.

This substance does not react with other medications and food components, therefore it is recommended for people with digestive problems and a large number of prescribed medications.

Iron protein succinylate

This substance is a hematopoiesis stimulator. Prescribed mainly during pregnancy for the treatment and prevention of anemia. For example, during lactation. Prohibited for liver and kidney damage, and other types of anemia. Prescribed only after consultation with a specialist.

Ferrous salts and ascorbic acid

Complex preparations based on ascorbic acid and iron salts accelerate the synthesis of red blood cells. Acid is used as excipient, which converts vitamin B6 to the state necessary for synthesis. Iron salts provide the body with ferrum. This type of drug has a minimum number of contraindications, since it has a natural composition.

Ferrous salts

These substances are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the transport of iron to the bone marrow. Prescribed separately from other stimulants of blood cell synthesis, they are insufficiently effective. Salt intake should be combined either with rich in vitamin With diet, or using ascorbic acid.


If in children and women hemoglobin is reduced, a mild remedy is prescribed - “Maltofer”. It is recommended by gynecologists for use during pregnancy planning, pregnancy and lactation. Maltofer is mainly used as a preventive complex.

The drug has different shapes release - tablets, syrup, solution for internal use, drops.


To take the drug, you can buy drops or capsules. The medication contains ferrous sulfate and serine. Due to the high concentration of ferrum, the drug is contraindicated when consuming glandular dietary products(buckwheat, beef, eggs). During pregnancy, it is acceptable to take it, but it is better to opt for another medicine. The main purpose is the treatment of anemia in adults and school-age children.


Medicinal product in the middle price category. It must be consumed in the form of heme iron capsules (one package contains 60 pieces). Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to the components (allergy), people with liver and kidney disorders can take the medication after consultation with a doctor. “Hemohelper” also acts as a prophylactic for acute respiratory viral infections and a tendency to cancer.


It is relatively expensive and cannot be called a budget option. It is optimal to use for the prevention rather than the treatment of anemia.


This drug is considered the best for the development of iron deficiency in children. It is optimal to start the course at the age of 12 years, when the child experiences a sharp growth spurt. The drug can be used after severe respiratory diseases, because it restores the body and strengthens the immune system.


Hematogen is sold in any pharmacy as a prophylactic agent to maintain iron levels in the blood. Due to its release form (sweet bar), it is bought mainly by children, although it can also be consumed by adults. There are bars with different concentrations of iron.

Variations with high concentrations are contraindicated in pregnant women and people with impaired liver and kidney function. But the bars are safe for children.

Vitamins with iron

Medicines and vitamins for anemia can be interchangeable. If the patient suffers from mild or moderate anemia, heavy medications can be abandoned in favor of vitamin complexes, designed for people with low hemoglobin.

How to take which vitamins for different degrees of anemia? The patient's choice is presented.

  1. Folic acid is a vitamin designated as B9. These acids in the body improve activity bone marrow and stimulate the production of red blood cells.
  2. Cyanocobalamin. Prevents problems with iron absorption. Used in the division and formation of new red blood cells.
  3. Pyridoxine. Important element to organize the transport of iron to the bone marrow. Participates in the process of hematopoiesis. Ensures the formation of hemoglobin from some proteins entering the body.

Folic acid and other vitamins (riboflavin, ascorbic acid can be used) should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. If the dosage is calculated incorrectly, the patient will either not get rid of the problem or will suffer from an overdose. When purchasing tablets, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications. They are indicated in the instructions for each drug, and general prohibitions are described in the section below.

Prevention of anemia

It is necessary to add more foods rich in iron and protein to your diet. You can include in your food:

  • buckwheat;
  • quail and chicken eggs and dishes made from them;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • vitamin complexes with medium iron content.

Ascorbic acid is considered a preventative agent (that is, a dietary supplement). It can be purchased without a prescription. Ascorbic acid is taken 1-2 tablets per day or several balls (depending on the form of release). The substance must be taken in winter, when it is practically not supplied with food.

The vitamin has a positive effect on the structure of red blood cells, allowing them to better transport iron. However, even with regular intake of vitamins, 100% protection against anemia is not guaranteed, because the syndrome can be triggered by bleeding or a systemic disease.

These measures will not help compensate for a severe imbalance of microelements. This is only prevention, which can be chosen independently at the first symptoms of anemia (seizures, pale skin, fatigue).

Iron supplements during pregnancy

If anemia is detected in women during pregnancy, vitamins against anemia are not contraindicated, but rather recommended. During pregnancy, the body is characterized by an increased need for hemoglobin. It is recommended to replenish the loss of this substance associated with internal bleeding and other manifestations of pregnancy with the help of divalent heme iron.

When taking pills, chewable lozenges When using injections, the following symptoms are likely:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness.

These are not signs of improper use. Minor and non-systematic manifestation of these deviations is acceptable during the formation of the embryo.

The best option for pregnant women is special medications designed for expectant mothers. You can also use standard universal preparations - “Totema”, “Ferretab-comb”, “Sorbifer”, “Maltofer”.

Before starting a course of medications, you should consult with a gynecologist or a separate specialist who monitors the progress of pregnancy.

Who are contraindicated for iron supplements?

Iron supplements are not recommended for people with sensitive digestion. Vitamins and minerals change the structure of absorption of microelements, so weakness, constipation or diarrhea are likely in the first days of taking the drug. If negative symptoms occur, laxatives or antidiarrheals, a special vegetable or fruit diet are prescribed.

Other contraindications:

  • chronic hypervitaminosis;
  • pregnancy anomalies;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • plastic anemia;
  • lack of vitamin B12.

What happens during an overdose

High concentrations of folic acid or other iron-containing medications lead to the destruction of vitamin B12. Secondary anemia develops, the patient suffers from insufficient nutrition of internal organs.

If you are allergic to the components of the drug, a large dose can lead to swelling of the larynx or breathing problems. These conditions can be fatal.

In case of a one-time overdose healthy person will suffer only from gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, stool and digestion disorders. To get rid of symptoms, it is recommended to perform a gastric lavage procedure. In case of chronic overdose, symptoms similar to those of anemia may develop: weakness, dizziness, and in critical condition, fainting.

If anemia is detected, you should not hesitate and refuse to purchase restorative drugs. Vitamin and drug complexes will help restore hemoglobin levels much faster than proper nutrition with a high concentration of iron.


For iron deficiency anemia, for successful treatment it is necessary to take iron supplements, use time-tested folk remedies. Otherwise, the patient complains of general weakness, and an unpleasant surprise for him is increased frequency of fainting. Action is required immediately, especially since iron in tablets and ampoules is sold freely and in most cases is affordable for the patient and is available without a prescription.

What are iron supplements

These are medications of various release forms, the active component of which is iron, which is necessary to restore hematopoiesis. Iron deficiency can be determined by a blood test, and the patient himself feels internal weakness and other signs of anemia. This is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise the consequences and complications extend to everyone. internal organs, systems. As an effective prevention, you can use vitamins with iron for women and men, systematically or seasonally increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Classification of iron preparations

If a patient is diagnosed with anemia, doctors prescribe medicines with a full course of iron, which can be equated in their principle of action to multivitamin complexes. Depending on the method of administering the daily dose, there is a conditional classification of characteristic medications, which additionally differs in the speed of onset of the therapeutic effect and recovery. For example, oral tablets act slowly, while the effects of injectable drugs are more rapid and productive. A more detailed classification is presented below.

For oral administration

If anemia occurs, medications containing iron are prescribed in the form of capsules, tablets or dragees. It is recommended to take such medications orally, do not chew them, drink plenty of water and do not violate the prescribed daily dosage. Active substances upon penetration, they reach the stomach, from where they are absorbed and distributed through the systemic bloodstream. This does not happen quickly, and the expected therapeutic effect is sometimes very disappointing in its mediocrity.

The optimal dose of iron entering the patient's body should be 2 mg per 1 kg of weight. It is not recommended to overestimate it, since there are side effects, medical contraindications. Below are the best of the best medications available in tablet form:

  • Ferroplex;
  • Maltofer;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Feozol;
  • Tardiferon.

Parenteral therapy

With extensive intestinal pathologies, the process of iron absorption with its further distribution through the blood is disrupted. In such cases, the patient is prescribed parenteral therapy using drugs containing iron. It is appropriate to perform similar injections for stomach ulcers and iron intolerance, as a valuable component of the immune system. The maximum permissible dose in such a clinical picture is 100 mg, there are contraindications. Below are the most effective liquid preparations with iron for injections:

  • Venofer;
  • Zhektofer;
  • Ferbitol;
  • Ferrlecite;
  • Ferrum Lek.

For intravenous administration

This is a better prescription for progressive anemia, since iron reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 30-40 minutes after the injection. By compressing the stomach, the valuable components of the medicine immediately begin to restore the disturbed circulatory system and slightly change the composition of the blood. Such drugs are available in the form of injections, and are used more often as emergency care for a patient with pathologically low hemoglobin. The following medications have proven themselves to be better:

  • CosmoFer;
  • Infed;
  • Ectofer;
  • Ferinject.

Vitamins containing iron

For prevention purposes, the doctor prescribes modern multivitamin complexes that naturally contain iron. Such drugs can rarely cause side effects, but it is also important to follow the recommended daily doses. Among the advantages of such a prescription, it is necessary to emphasize that taking typical medications exceeds the absorption of dietary iron by 20 times. However, the result of treatment and prevention depends not only on the dosage, but also on the right choice multivitamin complex.

For women

When choosing reliable vitamins, it is important to make sure once again that the prevailing concentration of iron in the composition is capable of replenishing the body’s daily need for such a microelement. Only in this case the treatment will be as effective as possible and will not harm your overall health. Effective multivitamin complexes include the following pharmacological products, which can be freely purchased at any pharmacy:

  • Complivit Iron;
  • Elevit Pronatal (allowed during pregnancy);
  • AlfaVit Classic;
  • Vitacap (allowed for pregnant women);
  • Teravit.

For men

Iron deficiency anemia can progress in the male body. Treatment must be timely, otherwise, among the signs of a characteristic illness, doctors focus on pain in the joints, sleep and appetite disturbances, fatigue and increased sleepiness. Proper nutrition is not always able to restore the hemoglobin level in the blood, so the basis effective treatment medications for anemia are available on the recommendation of the attending physician. Here are effective medications in a given direction:

  • Wellman;
  • Complivit,
  • Vitrum.

The use of so-called “stimulants” to raise hemoglobin levels is necessary at any age, otherwise disorders in the body due to iron deficiency anemia become chronic. The development of the disease at first is expressed by general weakness, but then more serious consequences occur for the immune system and the entire organic resource. Sitting on a therapeutic diet and eating foods made from iron products, the desired result cannot be fully achieved. Additionally, it is recommended to use the following medications in a specific clinical picture:

  • Totema;
  • Tardiferon;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Hemopher.

For children

It is recommended to take such medications in childhood with great caution, since violation of the daily dose can lead to the development of dangerous diseases in the child. children's body. Therefore, such a prescription must be previously agreed with the attending physician, and the doses are determined according to the age category of the clinical patient. It is appropriate for a child to use the following: medical supplies:

  • Aktiferrin (capsules from 7 years);
  • Heferol (from 12 years old);
  • Ferroplex (allowed from 3 years);
  • Tardiferon (tablets from 6 years);
  • Hemofer prolongatum (according to the weight category of the young patient).

Ferrous iron preparations

The active component of such medications is ferric sulfate or chloride, which is quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation, long time maintains increased concentration in the blood. For children, ferric iron is recommended, which is safer for health. Medicines based on iron salts should be taken in a daily dose of 200 mg. Below are reliable options for what a cure for anemia may be with the participation of ferrous iron:

  • Sorbifer;
  • Hemofer;
  • Maltofer;
  • Gyno - Tardiferon;
  • Aktiferrin;
  • Ferrum Lek.

Pregnancy and iron supplements

If in an “interesting situation” a woman is diagnosed with B12-deficiency anemia, the doctor prescribes medications with the presence of iron and additional folic acid. Take such medications strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, through ignorance or negligence, you can harm the intrauterine development of the embryo. The main goal is to increase hemoglobin, prevent oxygen starvation and fetal hypoxia. More often, the doctor recommends the drugs Elevit Pronatal and Vitacap, available in tablet form. Below are valuable recommendations for pregnant patients:

  1. As a preventive measure, the dose of the medication chosen with your doctor should not exceed 30–40 mg of iron per day.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia that progresses during pregnancy is treated with 100–200 mg of iron per day.
  3. If the disease formed before pregnancy and has become chronic, you should drink 200 mg of glands during 9 months of gestation.

Which iron supplements are better?

When purchasing any treatment, the patient expects positive dynamics of aspen disease, and drugs for the treatment of anemia are no exception. Some patients are confident that the panacea is an intravenous solution (iron in ampoules), others choose a more gentle method of using the medicine - syrup or tablets. In any case, the specific medication and its daily doses should be prescribed by the attending physician. Below are the favorites of such new generation pharmacological products:

  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • Totema;
  • Heferol;
  • Hemopher Prolangatum;
  • Tardiferron.

Admission rules

Before choosing from a catalog, ordering and purchasing a medicine in an online store, you need to decide on the form of release of the medicine, the relevance of such a purchase and the permissible daily doses. This is necessary to reduce the risk of side effects, accelerate the positive dynamics of the underlying disease, and quickly and completely recover. Here are valuable recommendations for patients who will take medications containing glands in the chemical composition:

  1. If these are tablets, do not chew a single dose, but swallow it whole, and drink plenty of water. Drops for oral administration can be pre-dissolved in water and then drunk.
  2. Best Method introduction of iron into the body - intramuscularly or intravenously (using a dropper), since in this way the process of absorption of active components is accelerated, and there is no irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Before purchasing medicine in tablets or vials, you need to determine the valence of iron. For example, for better absorption of divalent iron, vitamin C is needed, and trivalent iron requires special amino acids (serine).

Side effects

During treatment general condition the patient's condition may suddenly deteriorate. This is due to a systematic violation of daily dosages, or the body does not tolerate such active components of the prescribed medication. Side effects are temporary and require immediate adjustment of daily dosages. If you ignore such valuable recommendations, the clinical picture only worsens, and the symptoms of the pathology become more pronounced:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, represented by indigestion, bloating, chronic constipation;
  • pathology of tooth enamel, which becomes faded and brittle, and teeth may even begin to decay;
  • On the part of the skin, doctors do not rule out allergic reactions in the form of rash, urticaria, and itching.

How to choose

It is important to start your choice not with the price of the medicine, but with the concentration of iron, which predominates in each tablet. It is very important not to harm your health; moreover, excess of a characteristic microelement is still not absorbed by the body. Therefore, the name of the medication should be additionally agreed with the doctor, and an overdose of iron should be avoided. Other equally relevant selection criteria are detailed below:

  1. Compound. For treatment, it is advisable to focus on the concentration of iron in the drug; for prevention, you can give preference to multivitamin complexes for the general strengthening of the whole body.
  2. Release form. It is easier to take preparations containing iron in tablet form. However, if quick action is necessary, it is better to choose injectable drugs with rapid entry into the systemic circulation.
  3. Manufacturer and cost. Such nuances conservative treatment, prevention needs to be discussed individually. However, it is worth noting that domestic products of medical drugs are no worse than imported ones.


The cost of drugs with a natural concentration of iron varies, but doctors strongly recommend not saving on such an important purchase, your own health. This is explained by the need for rapid positive dynamics, which will help avoid serious complications of iron deficiency anemia. Below are the prices of both cheap medications and expensive ones that meet all the stated requirements of the clinical patient and the attending physician. So:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Iron supplements: list of the best

Iron is one of the most important trace elements in the human body. It is part of cells and also participates in hematopoiesis. Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen to tissues. With its deficiency, a person develops anemia. Moreover, it is the iron deficiency form of this disease that occurs most often. If a person develops such a condition, then the usual route of entry of this microelement into the body - from food - turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, for anemia, iron supplements are prescribed to compensate for its deficiency.

Indications for use

Iron usually enters the human body through food. There are many products containing this trace element. It is released from them in the intestines, and the excess goes to the depot, from where it is used as needed. But in some cases, the iron content in the blood decreases, and iron deficiency anemia develops. It occurs most often in women, especially during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Children and adolescents, people exposed to increased mental and physical activity. It also occurs in chronic diseases, for example, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis or cancerous tumors, as well as in case of disruption of the digestive organs, due to which the absorption of many microelements deteriorates.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when there is frequent bleeding, for example, with a bleeding stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids, or heavy menstruation. Iron deficiency can occur in people who eat poorly, follow diets, and in children artificial feeding. This microelement is poorly absorbed in diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially if the patient takes a lot of antacid medications.

Only a doctor can prescribe iron supplements for iron deficiency anemia after examination and confirmation of the diagnosis. But this condition can be suspected by some symptoms:

Features of iron preparations

The main treatment for iron deficiency anemia is taking iron supplements. After all, changing your diet will not help in this case. Therefore, the cause of the development of this pathology is eliminated and iron supplements are prescribed for anemia in tablets, capsules, syrup or injections. The most effective and appropriate is the use of medications in tablet form containing divalent iron. They have fewer contraindications, are better absorbed and are cheaper. But the choice of treatment method should be determined by the doctor.

Even the best iron supplements for anemia can cause poisoning and other side effects. Therefore, the dosage and duration of treatment is chosen by the doctor individually. Often start with a small dose and gradually increase it. Typically, the course of treatment is 2-6 months, with therapeutic doses prescribed for the first 4-6 weeks, and then prophylactic doses. Most often, the therapeutic dose is 180-200 mg of iron per day.

Classification of drugs

There are many similar products, they all contain different amounts of active substance, in various forms. Most often used in them. It is absorbed into digestive tract, this requires the presence of a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, such drugs are poorly absorbed when the acidity of gastric juice is low. Iron is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin C, lactic acid, and animal products. And some antibiotics, calcium and drugs from the antacid group interfere with its absorption.

Typically, all iron supplements for anemia are divided into two groups. The most commonly used are those containing its divalent form. They are available in the form of tablets or capsules and are quickly absorbed. Ferrous iron has high bioavailability and is completely absorbed. In difficult cases, medications containing ferric iron are used. They are available in the form of an injection solution. Such drugs are usually more expensive, but are less absorbed. After all, in order for this form of iron to be used by the body, it must be broken down. This requires the presence of ascorbic acid.

Ferrous iron for anemia

You can find out the names of the drugs that are taken most often from your doctor. But they are prescribed only according to strict indications, depending on the severity of anemia and the individual condition of the patient. The specialist will advise which iron supplements are better absorbed for anemia, in what dosage and how to take them. There are several medications that are used most often:

Preparations based on ferric iron

Recently, medications containing ferrous iron have begun to be replaced by new ones. They contain this trace element in trivalent form. It is believed to be more effective. Although such drugs exist mainly in injectable form, in addition, they are more likely to cause side effects. There are several of the most effective drugs iron for anemia with a similar composition:

  • "Maltofer" is used in patients with ferrous iron intolerance. Indicated during pregnancy and puberty. It is well absorbed and has almost no side effects.
  • Ferrum Lek is well tolerated and is therefore often prescribed during pregnancy. Available in syrup, chewable tablets and solution for injection.
  • "Ferlatum" not only compensates for iron deficiency, but also stimulates hemoglobin synthesis. Used at any age, indicated during pregnancy.
  • "Argeferr" is used only in the form of injections. Indicated if the patient cannot take pills for some reason.

Preparations for injection

When treating anemia, injections are not always used. They have many contraindications, so they are prescribed in some cases:

  • after operations on the stomach or intestines;
  • with exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • in the most severe cases of anemia;
  • if you urgently need to saturate the body with iron, for example, before surgery;
  • if you are intolerant to these drugs in tablets.

Such medications act faster and can increase hemoglobin in a few hours. The following drugs are prescribed:

Medicines for children

If iron deficiency anemia is detected in a child, it is imperative to give him the medications prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, special forms of them are now being produced, created for children. These are syrups or drops that are convenient to take, they do not irritate the mucous membranes and are well absorbed. In addition, chewable tablets are available in different flavors, or you can crush a regular tablet and add it to your baby food. But only those medications prescribed by the doctor can be used for treatment. A specialist can determine which better drugs Give your child iron for anemia:

Treatment of anemia in pregnant women

Women during pregnancy need to take iron supplements, even if there is no decrease in hemoglobin. But the dosage and duration of such treatment should be determined by a doctor. In the absence of anemia, a preventive dose of 30-40 mg of iron is recommended in the third trimester. The same dosage is indicated if a woman is predisposed to anemia. In this case, medications are prescribed periodically: at 12-15 weeks, then at 21-25 several times a week.

If a decrease in hemoglobin is detected during pregnancy, immediately prescribe therapeutic dose drugs - 100-200 mg. If anemia was present before conception, then an increased dose of 200 mg is taken throughout the entire period, and treatment is not stopped after childbirth. The doctor will tell you which iron supplements are best for a pregnant woman to take for anemia. The most commonly prescribed medications are in tablet form: “Sorbifer Durules”, “Totema”, “Ferrum Lek”, “Maltofer”. It is advisable to additionally take folic acid, which improves iron absorption. There are complex drugs, for example, "Gyno-Tardiferon" or "Fenuls".

Contraindications and side effects

You can take iron supplements only if you have iron deficiency anemia. They are contraindicated in the case of hemolytic or aplastic forms of pathology. Such drugs are also not prescribed for blood cancer, liver or kidney diseases, or when treated with calcium preparations, Levomecithin, Tetracycline or antacids.

Sometimes iron intolerance occurs. Moreover, replacing one medicine with another will not correct the situation, since iron itself has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in this case, you can switch to injection medications or reduce the dosage by half.

When taken orally, even the best iron supplements for anemia can cause the development negative reactions. The most common side effects are:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • decreased appetite, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • allergic skin reactions.

When drugs are injected, these reactions occur more frequently. In addition to them, weakness, dizziness, pain in the joints and head, tachycardia, and fever may occur. With this use of drugs, it is also possible, which results in severe poisoning. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the treatment, rinse the stomach and allow the patient to drink milk.

Rules for taking these medications

Only a specialist can determine which iron supplements are best to take for anemia. After all, not only the lack of this microelement is dangerous, but also its overdose, since the body cannot remove excess iron, accumulating it. This can lead to severe poisoning. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to the chosen dosage. Usually, the first improvement in the patient’s condition is observed after 2-3 days of taking iron supplements for anemia, but the course of treatment must be completed to the end - it is usually recommended to take them for at least 2 months. Since only during this time can the hemoglobin level normalize, but you still need to create a depot - a reserve of iron for an emergency. Therefore, blood tests are done regularly during treatment.

The peculiarity of taking iron supplements for anemia is that they color the stool. It becomes dark, almost black, and if you need to take tests for occult blood, the result may be positive, so you need to warn your doctor about taking these medications. For better absorption of iron supplements in case of anemia, it is recommended to drink them on an empty stomach. It is not advisable to take the tablets with tea or milk, as these drinks impair the absorption of this microelement. It is recommended to take ascorbic, citric or succinic acid, and sorbitol together with medications. And the basic rule of treatment is to drink only those medications prescribed by your doctor. After all, even the best iron supplements for anemia can have side effects.

Performance deterioration immune system, oxygen deficiency, decreased hemoglobin levels and anemia - indicate a lack of iron in the body. The risk group includes children, the elderly, and women during childbearing and breastfeeding. Iron tablets, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, will help normalize the condition.

You can normalize the level of iron in the body with the help of tablets

Features of the use of iron tablets

The action of iron-containing drugs is aimed at eliminating anemia. The effectiveness of modern medicines depends on the speed of metabolic processes, the composition of the chosen drug and the method of using the drug.

Divalent iron is absorbed faster, which is available in capsules, regular and chewable tablets. These drugs are recommended to be taken in combination with fructose, ascorbic or succinic acid. Ferric iron is administered by injection.

To stabilize the condition, a daily intake of iron into the human body is necessary, at the rate of 2 mg per 1 kg of weight. For better absorption, it is recommended to take it several hours before eating.

Iron supplements are taken in long courses, lasting from a month to six months. For preventive purposes, to increase iron levels, a dose of 15-30 mg per day is prescribed.

What should you not take iron tablets with?

List of medications with which iron supplements should not be taken:

  • antacids – Almagel, Phosphalugel;
  • tetracyclines;
  • Levomycetin agent;
  • calcium preparations.

Children and adults can take Hemohelper

The best dietary supplements include Iron Chelate - it stabilizes the level of the element in the blood without causing irritation to the gastric mucosa and normalizes the functioning of nervous system. Take 1 tablet once daily with food. The average price for a package of 180 pieces is 1230 rubles. In the absence of an overdose, it does not cause side effects.

All tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of liquid - chewing leads to darkening of tooth enamel. The use of medications should be carried out with a break of at least 6 hours. If an allergy to the iron supplements you are taking is detected, you should stop treatment and consult a qualified specialist.

Vitamins with iron

The most effective multivitamin complexes used for iron deficiency:

  1. Duovit. Take 1 tablet with meals for a month. Vitamins are produced separately for men and women. Contraindications – children under 10 years of age. The average price of a package is 450 rubles.
  2. Complivit - iron. The nutritional supplement contains a vitamin and mineral complex, as well as a daily dose of iron. Take 1 tablet daily with food for a month. Relatively cheap pills– 200 rubles per package.
  3. AlfaVit Classic. Contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Take 1 tablet of each type daily for a month. The average cost for 120 tablets is 280 rubles.

AlfaVit Classic contains many vitamins and elements

  • Ferroglobin B12 complex – consists of iron and vitamin B;
  • Ferry-Fol, Biofer, Essential Iron - products with iron and folic acid;
  • a new generation drug for pregnant women - Gestalis. In addition to iron, it includes minerals and everything necessary for the body expectant mother vitamins.

The above fortified products are taken 1 capsule daily during meals.
