What is the baby's temperature after vaccination? Temperature after DPT vaccination: how many days does it last, what to do? Does the reaction depend on the vaccine manufacturer?

Routine immunization of newborns is the basis of children's health. However, after vaccination with DTP and polio, the baby may have a fever, and this greatly worries young mothers. Let's consider the question: why does a child have a fever after DPT vaccination? Is this dangerous for health? We will also find out how many days the temperature can last, and what to do with the child in this case.

Scheduled vaccinations

Many parents are afraid of vaccination because the child develops a high fever after the DTP vaccination. Fever is dangerous due to the appearance of convulsions and other complications, however, this only occurs in extreme cases. If a child is healthy, he can withstand a temperature of 38 degrees without problems: many children even play with toys in this state.

It’s another matter if the baby has a congenital pathology or a severely weakened immune system: in this case, vaccination may be delayed, and this issue is decided by the pediatrician. It is normal for a child to have a fever after vaccination. This indicates activation of the immune system and the production of antibodies to the virus in the infant: there is no need to bring down the temperature to 38 after DPT.

The first DTP vaccine is given to infants at 3 months of age specifically to strengthen the immune system to common childhood diseases. If the temperature is infant reached the level of 38, which means that the body has begun work on activating the defense process against the introduced agents. Reducing the temperature means disrupting the process of strengthening immune bodies. It is worse if the body does not react to the vaccine in any way: you must immediately inform your pediatrician about this.

Important! The absence of a fever during vaccination may indicate a poor immunization result: either the injection was given with an expired vaccine, or the procedure was carried out in violation of the technology.

Although, in some cases, the lack of reaction to a vaccine may indicate the individual characteristics of the baby’s body. Be guided by the child’s well-being: if he looks tired or lethargic, it means the vaccination was successful. If a child does not respond to vaccination, this may indicate a failed procedure.

If the reaction to the DTP vaccine is negative - the fever rises to a high level and lasts for several days - the next time the child is vaccinated with a lightweight formulation without the pertussis component.

How to bring down a child's fever

Let's consider the question: what temperature should a child be brought down after vaccination? In most cases, the reaction to vaccination goes away the next day: the fever subsides on its own, the baby feels well. But there are other cases:

  • the injection site becomes inflamed to the point of an abscess;
  • the fever does not subside for several days in a row;
  • the child feels very bad, he cries a lot;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea began.

How many days does the fever last after vaccination? In the case of DTP, the fever sometimes does not subside for up to five days. After polio vaccination, the fever can last for up to three days; in rare cases, the fever persists for up to two weeks. The polio vaccine is usually well tolerated by children, and fever is rare.

Pay attention! If a child develops snot against the background of a fever, it means he has a cold. These symptoms do not apply to the vaccine.

If the reaction to the vaccine causes the baby to cry excessively, have a fever of 39 degrees, or swelling at the injection site, provide first aid.

The assistance measures are as follows:

  • give an antipyretic;
  • humidify the room;
  • remove the diaper and warm clothes;
  • give more fluids;
  • Do not feed if you have no appetite.

How to bring down the temperature so that it does not last for several days? For children aged three months to four years, it is better to give antipyretic in the form of syrups - ibuprofen or paracetamol. If babies under one year of age are vomiting, use antipyretic suppositories. An increase in temperature can also be eliminated by wiping with water.

Sometimes babies have an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine; no one is immune from this. Therefore, after the injection, you do not need to immediately leave the vaccination room - stay in the clinic for half an hour. If the baby feels well, you can go home. Allergic reactions can have varying degrees of intensity, up to shock or severe swelling. At the clinic, the baby will immediately receive the necessary assistance.

The fever after the vaccine may also rise if the injection site becomes suppurated. In this case, the inflammation should be cured, and the temperature will subside on its own. A sign of inflammation is not only redness of the injection site, but also lameness of the child - it hurts for the baby to step on his leg. To eliminate inflammation, apply lotions with novocaine and apply Troxevasin ointment 2 times a day.

To prevent the formation of a lump after an injection, you can immediately apply an iodine mesh to the area of ​​redness. Aloe juice dissolves cones well - you need to chop the leaf and apply a gauze compress to the stem. If the lump turns into an abscess, it cannot be treated with home remedies - contact your pediatrician immediately.

Bottom line

If the baby has a fever after the vaccine, this is considered a normal reaction of the body. However, a fever after a vaccine should not be confused with a fever due to an infection. When you have a cold, your body destroys dangerous bacteria, so 38.5-39 degrees is considered acceptable. After vaccination, the body develops immunity to new look germs, so too high a temperature is unacceptable.

Some pediatricians advise reducing even a slight fever - from 37.3, putting candles or giving syrup. Focus on how your baby is feeling. If he tolerates vaccination easily, there is no need to give antipyretics. If the child behaves inappropriately and cries a lot, give ibuprofen and call a doctor at home. Sometimes a fever can be caused by a developing abscess at the injection site - examine the baby’s leg and take action.

Over the years, debates about the necessity and benefits/harms of vaccinations have not subsided, but for most people there is no doubt about the advisability of vaccination. Many mothers don’t even think about whether to sign a waiver; on the appointed day and time, they come to the clinic and protect their baby from dangerous diseases.

If parents do not need to have a complete understanding of the vaccination procedure itself, like, say, a doctor, then they should find out in sufficient detail about the possible side effects of administering the vaccine. Sometimes they can appear late at night, causing great concern for parents, a day, two, or even a week later. In order not to panic (and thereby not worry the child), you need to know what kind of reaction may occur to a particular vaccine.

The most common unpleasant consequence of vaccination in a child is fever. In this case, the temperature can jump both within the next 20 minutes and much later. In this regard, mothers and their babies are advised not to leave the clinic immediately after the vaccine is administered and to remain under the supervision of a doctor or other health worker for at least half an hour. It is recommended to have them in your first aid kit at home, but you should only take them if after vaccination the temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Why is this happening? Vaccination is the introduction into the body of weakened or killed microbes that are the causative agent of a specific disease. The body begins to fight the uninvited guest and thus develops immunity to the disease against which the vaccination process was carried out. In other words, if a child’s pain “creeps” up, this means that the body is fighting and developing an immune defense. However, the absence of elevated temperature after vaccination does not at all indicate the ineffectiveness of the procedure. All this depends on the individual child and the characteristics of his body.

As a rule, older children tolerate the introduction of vaccines into their bodies quite calmly. It is more difficult for children to cope with vaccinations, since vaccination is a serious stress for a fragile body, so parents should closely monitor the baby and inform the doctor about any reactions that occur.

After vaccination, it may remain within the normal range (that is, the child goes through the adaptation process normally), but it may also increase. Therefore, it is important for the mother not to change her own diet during this period, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction (this is important for those who are breastfeeding a toddler). If a child’s temperature quickly exceeds 38 degrees after vaccination, you should inform the doctor about this, he will recommend an antipyretic drug (prescribing them to a child on your own is an unforgivable mistake!), which will lower the body temperature and alleviate the condition of the little one.

In addition to an increase in body temperature, a weakened body reacts to the vaccine with a lump at the injection site, which can also become inflamed and fester. Therefore, it is worth holding off for a few days. water treatments and ensure that the child does not scratch the injection site. As the temperature rises, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea sometimes occur. You also need to notify your doctor about this.

As a rule, if a child has a fever after vaccination, then the same reaction can be expected with subsequent vaccinations. But sometimes an increase in body temperature may have nothing to do with vaccination procedures (for example, during teething)

In most cases, various reactions to the introduction of a vaccine into a child’s body appear within 24 hours, but this also depends on the type of vaccination. Thus, when live mumps or rubella are administered, a reaction occurs 5-12 days after the injection. Immune protection is developed within two months, so it is important to avoid hypothermia during this period and saturate the body with vitamins.

To summarize what has been said, it is worth noting that if the temperature rises after vaccination, then there is no reason to panic. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, you should not take any medications and harass yourself and your baby. Just give your child more attention and care. If the temperature exceeds the threshold value (38 degrees), then, after consulting with a doctor (this can be done even before vaccination), it is worth giving the baby an antipyretic.

Vaccination is the most reliable way to prevent severe and dangerous infectious diseases. It seems that its necessity is obvious. But a large amount of negative information very frightens parents and forces them to make a choice in favor of refusing preventive vaccinations.

The most terrible and dangerous, from the point of view of parents and opponents of vaccination, is DPT. She earned herself a bad reputation because after this vaccination the temperature often rises, thereby causing concern to the baby and his family. Temperature after DTP is an adequate reaction of the baby’s body to an injected foreign component or a serious complication, and is there any point in exposing your beloved child to torture?


In the vaccination calendar, DTP vaccination is given one of the leading places. What serious infections will it help to avoid? Four capital letters stand for: A - adsorbed, K - whooping cough, D - diphtheria, C - tetanus.

The pertussis component is represented by particles of killed whooping cough pathogens, and the diphtheria and tetanus components are represented by toxoids, i.e. neutralized toxins released by these pathogens. All components are fixed to a special substance – aluminum hydroxide. From the name it is clear that the vaccine was created to protect against infections dangerous to children.

According to statistics, a hyperthermic reaction (temperature more than 38 degrees) is observed in almost half of children after the administration of this vaccine. Slightly more than 5% of babies react to the vaccine with a temperature of more than 39 degrees. That is, in more than half of the cases a temperature reaction is possible.

And if you add to this a slight deterioration general condition and local reactions in the form of swelling, redness, pain at the injection site, it turns out that almost every baby can have a reaction to the vaccine. This is where all the myths and fears regarding DTP and, as a result, other vaccinations come from.

Which component of the vaccine causes fever?

As mentioned above, the DTP Vaccine contains fragments of the pertussis microbe and a substance based on diphtheria and tetanus toxins, the so-called toxoid.

Toxoids consist of protein components that are rendered harmless by exposure to formalin and high temperature. Thanks to this treatment, they lose their ability to cause disease. But they still have the ability to force the body to develop protection against real toxins of diphtheria and tetanus microbes.

With the pertussis component of the vaccine, the situation is more complicated. It contains fragments of the microbial cell wall - lipopolysaccharides. These are molecules made up of carbohydrates and fats. These include pertactin. The whooping cough microbe needs it to attach to epithelial cells respiratory tract: nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. It is with the presence of pertactin in the DPT vaccine that a reaction in the form of an increase in temperature is associated.

The DPT vaccine also includes pertussis toxoid, as well as the so-called filamentized hemagglutinin. It prevents the pertussis bacterium from attaching to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, that is, it provides local immunity.

Features of the reactivity of the child's body

The formation of the baby’s immune system begins in the prenatal period. After birth, it will be partially protected by antibodies passed on by the mother. Despite this, the child is in a state of temporary immunodeficiency. By 3–6 months of life, the mother’s antibodies begin to break down, and their protection immune system I have not yet learned how to produce a baby. This is exactly what happens with antibodies to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. That is why the first DTP vaccination is given at the age of 3 months.

In response to the introduction of the vaccine, the child’s body begins to actively produce antibodies. If after vaccination the baby encounters a dangerous infection: diphtheria, whooping cough or tetanus, they will protect against the development of the disease, or the disease will be mild.

At the age of 3 months, the baby's immune system reacts to infections differently than in older children. Therefore, the symptoms of diseases will be mild: lethargy, malaise, refusal to eat. The temperature does not always rise. Therefore, even after the first DTP vaccination, the temperature does not always occur.

But over time, the level of protective antibodies in the baby’s blood will decrease. They become unusable and are recycled. The child again finds himself defenseless against dangerous infections. Therefore, after a certain time, repeat doses of the DTP vaccine are administered. They provide a stronger immune response.

A temperature reaction is more often observed after repeated DPT vaccinations, which is associated with a certain maturation of the child’s immune system. An increase in temperature indicates that it has responded to the injection and the production of protective antibodies has begun.

For reliable protection, it is necessary to administer the DTP vaccine 3 times in the first year of life with an interval of 1.5 months: at 3 months, and then at 4.5 and 6 months. With each injection, more and more antibodies are produced. After the last administration, they persist until the age of one and a half years. At this time, the first revaccination is carried out.

Does the temperature increase in adults during DTP?

The second revaccination is given to children at the age of 6 years. But the ADS-M vaccine is already used for it. It contains only diphtheria and tetanus toxoids in smaller quantities than in the DTP vaccine and does not contain the pertussis component. Then subsequent revaccinations for adolescents and adults are given every 10 years, also with the ADS-M vaccine.

The DTP vaccine is not used in children over 4 years of age and adults, as the frequency is high side effects and strong reactions to its administration, and whooping cough is no longer so dangerous for them. After administration of ADS-M, pain in the upper limb and its swelling. Very rarely there may be malaise and fever.

Abroad, it is customary to vaccinate adults against whooping cough, but a vaccine is used that does not contain fragments of the cell wall of the microbe. It is easily tolerated, temperature reactions are very rare. It is believed that this tactic helps protect newborn children from the environment. In Russia, the practice of vaccinating adults against whooping cough, unfortunately, is not used.

Is it possible to avoid rising temperatures?

Caring parents ask this question before each vaccination. Is it necessary to avoid it altogether, if it is believed that it is precisely with an increase in temperature that antibodies to dangerous infections will be produced more intensively and of better quality. A temperature reaction can occur after receiving any vaccination. It cannot be predicted. If we are talking about DPT, then the likelihood of its occurrence is higher if the baby goes for the second and subsequent vaccinations.

No special events are required to prepare for it, like any other. In order to reduce the risk adverse reactions and complications by the time the vaccine is administered, the baby must be completely healthy. All chronic diseases must be in remission, that is, without exacerbation. Immediately before vaccination, the child must be examined by a doctor and his body temperature must be measured.

A few days before vaccination, all new and unfamiliar foods are excluded from the baby’s menu. You don’t need to stick to a strict diet, but you shouldn’t include exotic or allergy-prone foods in it either.

About a week before vaccination, it is worth protecting the child from unnecessary contacts, especially during the period of rising incidence of acute respiratory viral infections. It is possible that the first manifestation of the disease will coincide with the day of vaccination. Then it will be difficult to understand what caused the rise in temperature, and the vaccination can be unfairly blamed for the baby’s illness.

Giving medicines healthy child should not be done before vaccination. Currently, there are no drugs that can alleviate the condition after vaccination. If the baby suffers from any chronic disease It is possible that the attending physician will prescribe a course of medications to make the post-vaccination period as easy as possible and not cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Parents' actions after vaccination

During the first 30 minutes after the vaccination, the child should be under medical supervision, because during this period severe allergic reactions to the drug and its components develop. This dangerous situation can occur even if the baby is vaccinated again. Therefore, you do not need to immediately go home; you should stay near the vaccination office, but at the same time, avoid contact with sick children in the clinic.

You need to watch the baby at home. There is no need to measure your temperature every hour. You can do this before bed, or if the child’s health worsens.

You should not immediately after vaccination and in the next 2-3 days take your child to visit, children's groups and places where there is a risk of contracting a respiratory infection. viral infection. The child’s immune system is doing an important job: developing protection after vaccination and there is no need to overload it.

Contrary to popular belief, after vaccination you can go for a walk and swim, of course, if the child’s well-being allows it.

What medications can be used to reduce fever? Dosages

If, after vaccination, the baby’s temperature rises, you need to focus more on his well-being rather than on the numbers on the thermometer. Temperatures above 38.5 degrees are subject to reduction. If at 38 degrees the child behaves as usual, you need to monitor him and do not rush to give medicine. If the thermometer shows 37.1, but there is lethargy, moodiness, and other health problems, you may need an antipyretic drug.

In children of any age, if the temperature rises, only 2 medications can be taken: ibuprofen. There are several forms of their release: suspensions, suppositories or tablets.

Paracetamol, also known as Panadol, Calpol, Cefekon, when the temperature rises, is taken in a single dose of 10 mg/kg. Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen) – at a dose of 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of paracetamol should not exceed more than 60 mg/kg, and ibuprofen - more than 20 mg/kg. Both drugs can be used for pain relief, that is, in cases where the baby’s temperature remains within normal limits, but there are signs of pain. In such cases, the child will be excessively capricious, whiny, and movement of the affected limb will be limited.

Is it normal to have a fever during DPT vaccination?

Reaction child's body to the administration of DTP in the form of an increase in temperature is not considered a side effect. This is rather a typical response of systems to interaction with foreign components. An increase in temperature to the DPT vaccine is considered not a complication or even a side effect, but a typical general reaction of the body to its administration. This is stated in the instructions for the drug.

This reaction is due to the fact that the immune system begins to work actively, producing protective antibodies. As is known, their formation is more intense at temperatures above 37 degrees. Therefore, an increase in temperature in response to the introduction of a vaccine, fluctuating between 38-39 degrees, should not be considered a crime.

You should know that a reaction is considered hyperergic when the temperature rises above 40 degrees. Subsequent vaccination with the same vaccine will be contraindicated.

How long can the temperature last after DTP?

Most often, a rise in temperature upon administration of DTP occurs at the end of the first day and lasts 1–2 days. Sometimes it appears on the second day and also lasts for 48 hours.

If the temperature after DPT vaccination increases on the 3rd and subsequent days, then it is no longer associated with it. It is more likely that the baby is sick. The infection occurred before the vaccination or on the day of its administration. In this case, the doctor simply could not see the symptoms of the disease during the examination, since they did not have time to develop.

Other possible reactions (complications) to vaccination

Most often, any change in the baby’s condition after vaccination is considered by parents as a serious health problem. But it is necessary to distinguish between reactions typical of the vaccine and true complications that lead to permanent impairment of the child’s health.

Frequent reactions

In addition to common reactions that develop after the administration of DPT, the following can be attributed:

  1. Swelling, the appearance of a compaction, a reddened area at the injection site up to 8 mm in diameter. Such reactions are observed in 50% of children vaccinated with DTP.
  2. Malaise, irritation, weakness, and loss of appetite can be observed in 60% of vaccinated people.

Rare reactions

  1. A shrill cry. This is a constant, continuous squealing, screaming for 3 or more hours. This differs from ordinary crying. Currently, the connection between screaming and promotion has not been proven. It most likely occurs due to nerve injury or pain at the injection site.
  2. Sudden muscle weakness - hypotension,then severe pallor and lack of response to all external stimuli. This is the so-called collaptoid or hypotensive-hyporesponsive reaction. It lasts from a few minutes to 48 hours and passes without consequences for the baby
  3. after vaccination. Most often they are associated with an increase in temperature. If convulsive attacks occur against a background of normal temperature, then they are a debut that is not related to vaccination.
  4. Encephalitic reactions include convulsions, disturbances of consciousness and behavior that last more than 6 hours. They pass without a trace and leave no consequences for the baby’s health.
  5. Anaphylactic shock. This is an acute allergic reaction that occurs within the first 30 minutes after the vaccine is administered. It is manifested by severe pallor, disturbances of consciousness and breathing, and a sharp decrease in .
  6. Abscesses and suppuration at the injection site. Associated with incorrect vaccine administration technique.

Contraindications for vaccination

If a baby is seen by a neurologist with a disease that is progressing and is not in remission, or has had seizures in the past without fever, then this is a contraindication to DTP vaccination. The vaccine should not be administered to children who responded to a previous vaccination with a temperature rise of 40 degrees or higher, or who had a lump at the injection site that was more than 8 mm in diameter.

You cannot vaccinate a child with DTP even if he developed anaphylactic shock after the previous dose.

If a child is sick during the period of scheduled vaccination, then this relative contraindication and you can vaccinate it after recovery.

Does the reaction depend on the vaccine manufacturer?

It is believed that imported vaccines are easier for children to tolerate than domestic ones. The thing is that all DTP vaccines are divided into two- and three-component ones. The former contains only pertussis toxoid and filamentized hemagglutinin. The Pentaxim vaccine is being supplied to Russia from France. It has the composition described above.

In addition to diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, Pentaxim will protect against polio and hemophilus influenzae infection. Temperature reactions during its administration are minimized, since the vaccine is purified from proteins of the cell membrane of the pertussis bacterium, which lead to an increase in temperature.

In addition to toxoid and hemagglutinin, three-component vaccines also contain pertactin, a membrane protein of the pertussis bacterium. These include whole-cell vaccines DTP and Bubo-Kok (also containing a vaccine against hepatitis B) produced in Russia, as well as the Belgian “Infanrix” and “Infanrix Hexa” (will protect the baby from diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae and hepatitis B ). The latter contain less pertactin. They are cleared of other fragments of the microbial cell, therefore, like Pentaxim, they are tolerated with a minimum of side effects and reactions.

The most important thing before vaccination is the peace of mind of parents. There is no need to panic, because the purpose of vaccination is to protect the baby from dangerous infections.

It is important to inform the doctor before the examination about any abnormalities in the child’s health. After all, mom and dad watch their baby every day and can notice important little things that cannot be seen during a single examination. There is no need to subject a healthy baby to various tests and examinations before vaccination. To protect your child from unnecessary injections and minimize the risk of unpleasant reactions, you can, after consulting with your doctor, purchase an imported vaccine. Thus, in one injection, the baby will receive protection from several infections at once.

After vaccination, observation is very important in order to give an antipyretic drug in time and prevent the development.

Already throughout many years The topic of childhood vaccinations is actively discussed. However, the medical community has not yet reached a consensus on whether it is necessary to do small child vaccination. Those who oppose vaccinations cite side effects and possible complications. But not every reaction of the body is a complication. For example, an increase in temperature with almost any vaccination is normal indicator. So that parents do not panic once again, they should consider the question of when and what vaccinations can cause a fever in a child. Is there a way to prepare for vaccination? How to identify signs of complications after vaccination? This will be discussed in this review.

Temperature after vaccination - is this normal?

The main goal Vaccinations are the formation of immunity to pathogens of various diseases. After vaccination, the child seems to become ill in mild form. At this time, the baby’s immune system is activated and begins to fight the pathogen.

Therefore, the temperature after vaccination is quite normal for the following reasons:

  • An increase in fever indicates that the body is fighting the injected antigen. In this case, special substances appear in the blood that are involved in the formation of immunity. It is under the influence of these substances that an increase in temperature is observed. However, the body's reaction in this regard is individual. Not everyone feels unwell after vaccination.
  • A child’s temperature after vaccination may be related to the characteristics of the vaccine itself. It depends on the quality of antigens used in it.

How to properly prepare the body for vaccination?

All young mothers probably know about the existence of a special vaccination calendar. Sometimes they change it, but at the same time they remain in it mandatory vaccines: from diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis, tuberculosis, rubella, mumps, polio. Some of the vaccinations are given once, others are carried out in several stages.

If parents decide not to vaccinate their child against a disease, they have the right to sign a waiver. However, it is better to carefully consider such a decision, weighing the pros and cons. If a number of important vaccinations are missing, a child may not be accepted into kindergarten or school, or may not be allowed to attend a children’s camp.

You can prepare for any vaccine. This will help smooth out the body’s possible reaction to the vaccine.

  1. A couple of weeks before vaccination, the child should not suffer any diseases. In addition, it is important that he is absolutely healthy on the day of vaccination. There can be no assumptions here: a hoarse voice or a runny nose is already a reason to postpone vaccination until better times.
  2. A week before vaccination, you should not conduct any food experiments. You should stick to your usual diet for seven days.
  3. If the baby has any chronic diseases, then before vaccination it is necessary to check the condition of the body. To do this, it is advisable to undergo basic tests.
  4. If a child suffers from allergic reactions, then a few days before vaccination you can start taking antihistamines. You can also continue to drink them for several days after vaccination.
  5. The vaccine is given only if the child has been examined by a pediatrician. The doctor must make sure that the baby does not have any signs of illness. You can also ask parents about the child's recent health. Unfortunately, such inspections are often a mere formality. The parents, not the doctor, should monitor the child’s health. If you are not satisfied with a mediocre examination, ask the doctor to listen to your child properly and take his temperature. Parents are often worried when they discover a liquidus of 37 degrees or higher in an infant. This temperature may be perceived as a sign of illness.

Vaccinations: contraindications

There are a number of factors under which vaccination is absolutely prohibited:

  • the child’s weight is less than 2 kg (refers to BCG);
  • the previous vaccine resulted in complications;
  • the child suffers from malignant oncological diseases;
  • the baby suffers from acquired or congenital immunodeficiency;
  • the child is allergic to chicken protein, yeast or aminoglycosides.
  • Contraindications to DTP vaccination are diseases nervous system and a tendency to seizures;
  • the child suffers an infection in the acute phase or an exacerbation chronic illness;
  • the baby has recently traveled and has not yet had time to adapt to home conditions;
  • the child suffers from epilepsy and has recently suffered a seizure - in this case, vaccination is delayed by approximately 30 days.

Should I worry about fever after vaccination?

It is impossible to predict in advance what reaction a child will have to a vaccine. To a large extent it depends on the condition of the body and the type of vaccine. How long does the temperature last after vaccination in the normal course of events? When is it time to start sounding the alarm?

For each vaccine, you can paint your own picture of complications and normal reactions:

Observations after vaccination

After vaccination, the child’s condition must be monitored. Only in this case will you be able to notice the complications that have arisen and take the necessary measures:

  1. 30 minutes. The most acute period is the first half hour. It is at this moment that the child may experience anaphylactic shock. There's no need to rush home. It is better to be close to the vaccination office and watch the baby. Red or pale skin, sweating, and shortness of breath can be telltale signs of an allergic reaction.
  2. First 24 hours. At this time, the temperature may rise after vaccination. What to do in this case? You don’t have to wait until the child’s temperature rises, but immediately give him an antipyretic. If you can’t knock it down yourself, you need to call ambulance. Even if we're talking about About a simple vaccination that does not cause an allergic reaction, doctors still do not recommend walking and swimming for the first day.
  3. On the second day. Non-live, or inactivated, vaccines may result in allergic reactions. For prevention, the child should be given antihistamines. Such vaccines include vaccination against whooping cough, hemophilia, tetanus, hepatitis and diphtheria. As for the rise in temperature, in this case the same algorithm is used: if it stays above 38.5 degrees, you need to take an antipyretic and call a doctor.
  4. The first two weeks. Observations after vaccination must be carried out at this time. This is when a fever may appear after vaccination against rubella, measles and polio. It is usually small and does not cause much concern to the child. If, two weeks after a vaccination from the above list, a child develops a fever, then most likely there is no need to associate it with the vaccine. This may be an incipient disease, or teeth are cutting.

What can I do to relieve symptoms?

Children rarely tolerate symptoms such as fever, headache and itching at the injection site. There are some ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations. During illness, doctors do not recommend lowering the temperature below 38 degrees. But vaccination is a completely different case. If your child does not tolerate heat well, then you can knock him down. Antipyretic suppositories with ibuprofen and paracetamol are best suited for this purpose. They can be combined with syrups. The main thing is that these medicines contain different active substances. If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, then it’s time to call an ambulance. When using strong antipyretics, be sure to read the instructions for use and under no circumstances give your child more than the norm.

Physical methods

In addition to taking special medications that relieve fever, you can try using physical methods. A child’s temperature after DTP vaccination can be reduced by wiping with wet wipes. Make sure he wears a minimum of clothing. Also, to alleviate the baby’s condition, you can try to maintain an optimal indoor microclimate. Make sure that the room is regularly ventilated. The air may also need additional humidification.

If the child does not want to eat, do not insist. But on the contrary, you need to drink as much as possible. This will help prevent possible fluid loss. If the baby is bothered by the injection site, it is necessary to apply a compress with novocaine to it. You can also soothe the damaged area of ​​skin with Troxevasin ointment.

What can't you do?

Many parents choose completely wrong tactics when their child has a fever after vaccination. There are a number of measures that doctors strictly do not recommend using.

Here are just a few of them:

  1. The child should not be given Aspirin. This drug has many side effects and can cause serious complications in the baby.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, the baby’s body cannot be wiped with vodka or alcohol. Alcohol can be absorbed into the body through the skin, and it is simply incompatible with many antipyretic medications.
  3. After vaccination, you should not bathe your child in warm water. This can only increase the temperature. Doctors also recommend refraining from walking in the fresh air. They can put extra stress on a weakened body.
  4. You cannot force a child to eat. The body has put all its efforts into restoring its normal state, and digesting food during this period can distract it from this important task.

Questions for specialists

In any case, monitor the baby's condition. Feel free to ask the doctors any questions you have. If you are interested in how long the temperature lasts after DPT vaccination, ask your doctor. Do not forget: if you take all necessary measures in advance before vaccination, serious complications will be avoided, and your baby will tolerate the vaccine well.


Today, almost all parents are interested in the issue of vaccination. Some people decide to do it, while others are categorically against it. Whether to vaccinate your child or not is a purely individual opinion. The most important thing is to weigh the pros and cons, and also familiarize yourself with possible consequences. Many parents quite often panic when their child’s temperature rises sharply after vaccination. However, in fact, it turns out that this situation is quite typical and should not be serious reason for concern. The main thing is to carefully monitor the child’s condition and not be afraid to consult a doctor in case of a sharp deterioration in health. You can also easily avoid the serious consequences of vaccination by taking care of it in advance. preventive measures. Before some vaccinations it is recommended to take antihistamine. Pay special attention to the child's condition before vaccination. If you have the slightest suspicion of feeling unwell, it would be better to postpone this event until you have fully recovered.

The population has been vaccinated for several centuries. It is carried out with the aim of increasing the ability of the immune system to fight viruses and infections to which every person is exposed throughout his life.

The healthcare system has identified a number of vaccinations that any person should receive. Ignoring routine vaccination makes the body weaker and unable to withstand many serious illnesses. This can even lead to death on your own health. The vaccination process is especially important for young children, since their body is not yet strong and fully formed. It is for this reason that children often develop a fever after vaccination.

In fact, the vaccine does not pose any danger to humans; it only forces the immune defense to activate and begin to produce antibodies, that is, to fight the disease. is considered a normal reaction of the body, which indicates that the process of producing antibodies has started. In an adult, such a reaction is rarely observed. This is due to the fact that his body is stronger and resistant to many diseases.

Because immune defense Since the child is at the formative stage, a slightly elevated temperature is almost always observed after vaccination. A qualified pediatrician always monitors this process, and he is also obliged to warn parents about the consequences. This condition may last for several days. However, this makes it very stupid. After all, each vaccination includes only that amount of infected cells that the immune system can defeat. It is better, for example, to survive the fact that the temperature has risen after than a possible infection in the future (which may be accompanied not only by temperature, but also by various complications).

After vaccination, the immune system begins to produce antibodies to get rid of the pathogen and prevent it from developing. Thus, the body’s ability to protect itself from viruses and infections is strengthened, or, as is commonly said in medical practice, stable immunity is developed. That is, even with contact with an infected person, the possibility of catching the disease exists, but it is minimal (we are, of course, talking about those ailments against which vaccination was carried out). And if a vaccinated person gets sick, the disease will pass in a much milder form.

In addition to what appears after vaccination, a person may experience general weakness, lethargy, and feel drowsy. In some cases, a strong fever occurs, then you should help the body and drink any medicine, (optimally based on paracetamol or ibuprofen).

Caring parents should prepare their child before vaccination, that is, check if he is allergic to the components of the administered drug or chronic infection. If the baby has only recently been ill (even colds), then vaccination should be postponed to a later date. The state of the cardiovascular system may be the determining factor due to which it will be simply dangerous to get vaccinated, so a thorough examination should be carried out on time.

Thus, if the temperature rises after vaccination, it means that the process of producing antibodies has begun in the body. But you shouldn't expect an immediate effect. Lasting immunity cannot appear in just a few days. The normal recovery process after vaccination takes several months. During this time, the child should be protected from hypothermia, from contact with sick people, and from any sources of infection. In order to help him return to normal as quickly as possible, you can choose a complex of vitamins, and you also need to feed your baby only natural products that contain useful substances in large quantities.
