How to teach a dog to pretend to be dead. Play dead

The best dog stimulus is food. Take regular dry food (and in no case what you eat yourself). The dog will be wildly happy with a special treat (there is also such a category of pet products, if you didn’t know), but these things are usually very high in calories, and should be less than 10% of them in the dog’s diet.

2. Rehearsal

Tell the dog to lie down and not move. Slowly place your hand with the food behind the animal's head - to get it, the dog will need to fall on its side. Reward the actor with a piece. Move your hand further and further, and when the dog falls apart on its side, quickly return your hand to yourself. If (after withdrawing the hand) the dog changes position or stands up, it receives nothing. Her job is to stay on her side.

3. Dramatic pause

Does the dog willingly lie down? Feed her only when her head is also lying motionless on the floor. After this, you need to ensure that there is a pause between falling on your side and the resulting tasty treat. Little by little, increase the time between completing the task and feeding. Practice until the interval reaches a solid 10 seconds.

4. Shot

So, after a certain number of lessons, a smart dog will begin to fall down as if knocked down when a tasty morsel looms on the horizon (that is, in your hand). And just a moment before she starts to fall over, point your outstretched finger-gun at her and say: “Dysch!” Repeat. A little more patience and training - and this new command and the associated action will be forever imprinted in the dog’s brain.

Expert: Sophia Yin, veterinarian and animal behaviorist, author of Perfect Puppy In 7 Days

In Madrid, a lone dog has started trolling tourists - he falls in front of strangers dead when they meet him on the road. The dog pretends to be very reliable and does not leave the role of a dead man until the last moment. Worried tourists call rescuers, trying to help the animal, and only from them do they learn that this dog is so cleverly luring people out of treats. Which, of course, he deserves after such tricks.

Madrid resident Manuel Delgado shared a story on Twitter about a local mastiff who wanders without owners along country roads and plays pranks on tourists. Manuel went on another bike ride around the neighborhood and during it he came across a couple of tourists excitedly looking at something lying on the side of the road. When Delgado drove closer, he saw a mastiff lying with his eyes closed and showing no signs of life.

Manuel Delgado

I was driving along the road when I saw a couple stopped on the side of the road and a dog lying motionless next to them. Having approached them, I asked if everything was okay with them, and they told me that the dog was walking towards them and suddenly fell.

Neither the couple nor the cyclist knew how to react to what had happened. The dog looked well-groomed and healthy (if you don’t pay attention to the fact that it looked dead), and the mastiff was wearing a decent collar with the owner’s number. The call did not make the situation better - the answering machine was on on the other end, and the man left a voice message for the dog’s owners.

Delgado and the couple decided that the dead 60-pound dog shouldn't be left on the road, and tried to find another way to help him. One logical option is to hand him over to rescuers.

Manuel Delgado

I thought I should call someone, so we dialed 112 to alert them that there was a dying dog lying on the side of the road. They asked me to wait on the line. During all this, the dog did not react to what was happening and continued to lie, and sometimes whined quietly.

As a result, rescuers connected Manuel with local police. And when he told them about the mastiff, the story took on unexpected colors.

Manuel Delgado

The 112 call center focused on pinpointing our location. They then transferred me to the local Navacerrada police. After a few seconds of waiting, a police officer answers. The first thing people ask me is: “Is this a black mastiff?”

Manuel Delgado

Hearing this question made me think that someone had already called them about this before or something like that. I replied that it was him.

“Oh, nothing, nothing is happening to this dog.”

My brain exploded. Have the police learned omniscience? Well, not exactly... but almost.

The police told Manuel about the “dying” dog in front of him: the dog’s name is Tizon, and he is herding sheep not far from the place where the cyclist found him. Tizon has all the necessary documents so as not to worry about rabies and a muzzle, and his herd is somewhere nearby, so the police asked Delgado not to worry and just leave the dog alone. But even after this story, the man did not understand why the police were not paying attention to the fact that the dog was dying, and asked them directly what was happening.

It turned out that the police are well aware of Tizon's history, but not because they are compiling dossiers on all local dogs. According to them, tourists call the station almost every day, telling them exactly the same stories about a dying dog, as Manuel did. Left alone in the field for the whole day, the dog simply attracts the attention of rare pedestrians and begs them for food. And even his owner knows about this.

A terrible tragedy happened in the Moscow region last weekend. On March 10, 19-year-old Oleg Sh. was returning home. Nothing foreshadowed trouble until several stray dogs appeared on the young man’s path. It is not known whether they were hungry or sick, but they were so aggressive that they killed young man to death. Then they also attacked a girl who was walking nearby; fortunately, passers-by managed to fight her off.

Later, details became known that made this terrible story even more tragic. Literally a month later, Oleg was supposed to become a father - his girlfriend turned out to be the niece of the popular musician Yuri Loza.

Local residents knew about stray and very aggressive dogs in the Istra district and repeatedly contacted the police - there was no response. There are dozens of similar stories across the country, professional dog handlers say.

Dogs by nature are not prone to conflict, but there are several situations in which they become aggressive: when someone enters their territory, when their food is taken away, when they feel a threat to their offspring (for example, they try to take away puppies from a bitch) ) and during so-called weddings - when dogs begin mating games, - said the head public organization“Cynology XXI century” Konstantin Karapetyants.

According to dog handler Evgeny Sigelnitsky, dogs on the street are absolutely unpredictable animals. And if no one keeps an eye on them and catches the most aggressive ones, then such murders will happen every day.

Several years ago I witnessed scary story- On Sakhalin, dogs killed a small child. Later it turned out that earlier in the same yard the same dogs had bitten 5 more people - and the police did not react at all! - said the expert. - If you know that somewhere there is a pack of aggressive dogs that have already eaten the entire area, contact all authorities!!! Aggressive animals must be removed from the street by any means, otherwise everything can turn into tragedies like this.

Of course, it is very difficult to completely insure yourself against attacks by stray dogs, but there are several ways to avoid the worst consequences. Professional dog handlers told how to behave with stray dogs in order to stay alive.

Avoid places where dogs gather

Most often, animals gather in places where there are few people and a lot of food waste: large garbage dumps, vacant lots, abandoned construction sites and buildings.

Don't walk alone

Dogs almost never attack more than one person. Try to take friends with you if there are animals on the way

If you know you'll need to walk past dogs, bring food with you.

One of the main reasons why dogs may approach you is because they want to check if you have food. If you are returning from the store, it would be wise to distract the animals' attention, for example, with a sausage. Throw her away from you so that you have time to calmly leave while the dogs are busy eating. If you have to walk through vacant lots with dogs every day, then it’s better to always have some kind of steering wheel in your pocket,” said Konstantin Karapetyants.

Do not react to barking dogs - it does not always mean aggression

If you walk past dogs and they start barking (even if everything is loud), this does not always mean that you are in danger. In the eyes of dogs, you are a stranger who has entered their territory. In any case, they will express their dissatisfaction with you. Take a look at the flock - if the dogs are simply barking, without intending to approach you, then it is better to calmly move on, not paying attention to them.

If dogs surround you, try to surprise them

Open your umbrella sharply and jump. An unexpected action may startle the dogs, giving you time to escape.

Swing an imaginary object at dogs

If the sudden movement option fails, there is one more trick. Wave your hand as if you have a stone or stick in it and you are going to throw this object at the dogs. Most likely, such a maneuver will frighten them. But don't overdo it - dogs are very smart animals. If you pretend that you have a stick in your hands 10 times in a row, they will understand that this is a deception. And this can only make them angry.

Don't run away!

If you start running away in panic, the dogs will definitely attack you, even if they had no intention of doing so before. Running in the eyes of the hunter (and dogs are hunters) will turn you into a very tempting prey. Most likely, you can't run faster than dogs, so it's best not to take risks.

Don't provoke dogs - don't hit them or yell at them

Under no circumstances try to attack the dogs first - this will definitely not be successful. Your aggression will only make animals angry

Try to get into cover

While the dogs are deciding what to do with you, look around. Try to find at least some kind of shelter nearby - an open entrance, a store, a basement. If you meet dogs in the forest, then remember your childhood - try to climb a tree, preferably higher. In the shelter you can wait for the dogs to run away, or call for help.

Don't flirt with puppies in pack territory

Protection of offspring is one of the main instincts of animals. Dogs can simply tear you apart for a puppy

Stay away from dog food. Dogs may think you are trying to take their food and will defend themselves.

If you are walking your dog, put him on a short leash.

It is better to pick up a small dog. Large breeds just keep it close to you - most likely, stray dogs will simply bark at you

If the dogs have already attacked you, play dead

Simply put, try not to move or react in any way to their attacks. So, you will no longer be an interesting prey for them.

If the dog is alone, then fight off with all available objects

If you are attacked by one dog, then try to fight off using everything: a bag or other items you have with you

Don't be afraid!

You need to understand that dogs very subtly sense that they are afraid. By gait, by the way they move, even by smell, they are able to understand that a person is very tense. This turns dogs on, it evokes in them that very instinct of a hunter - for them at this moment you turn into a tempting victim. Of course, it is very difficult to remain calm when dozens of hungry animals are growling at you. But if you learn not to be afraid of dogs, the chances that they will pass by you will become much greater.

The “die” command is not included in the list of standard training programs. But how interesting it is to watch animals that, with just one click from the owner, fall and lie motionless. Learn how to teach your dog the “die” command and where this skill can come in handy.

When the word “die” is said, the dog must lie on its side (or roll over on its back) and remain motionless until the owner’s next instructions. In fact, the command is similar to the order “lie down”, but when performed by some animals it looks very funny. You can use “die” not only for shooting funny videos, but also in everyday life.

Firstly, the owner gains greater control over the behavior of his pet. Secondly, you can take your dog with you literally everywhere. Indeed, in any situation, the owner will be sure that the animal will quickly calm down and will not require increased attention. This skill will also come in handy when visiting the veterinarian or groomer. The dog will quickly understand that it needs to not only lie down, but also turn on its side and freeze. This behavior will greatly facilitate the work of the service personnel.

What you need to know before starting training

Before you start working with your pet, you need to carefully prepare. If you plan to carry out training on the street, then it is better to choose a secluded clearing in advance, where the animal will not be distracted by extraneous noises.

You also need to stock up on treats and your pet’s favorite toys. Pieces of regular everyday food may not interest the animal. It is better to take pieces of cheese, special flavored vitamins from the pet store, and crackers. But you should refuse refined sugar, salted crackers and smoked meats. Dogs will be happy with such treats, but subsequently they will have to spend money on treating the animal’s teeth and stomach.

Advice! Training is best done during the day, or before evening feeding. A well-fed animal is more difficult to motivate.

It is necessary to develop a signal system in advance. The dog will quickly understand what is wanted from it if it sees any unique gesture. For example, the command to “lie down” is usually accompanied by a sharp movement of the hand (swing with the palm turned down). If the “die” command is accompanied by a similar gesture, the dog will eventually become confused. Some trainers advise first giving the animal the signal to lie down, and then to roll over onto its side or back. But it’s much funnier and more fun when the animal suddenly falls on its side. To achieve this result, you need to develop a separate gesture: for example, clench your hand into a fist and sharply straighten all your fingers. It is very important that one unique gesture is associated with only one action. Otherwise, you should not be surprised that in response to the command “lie down”, the animal will begin to roll on the floor.

Teaching a dog any tricks through punishment is prohibited. Animals understand only the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (for a certain action you can receive either a reward or punishment). If in response to the command “die” the dog turned away and the owner began to swear, then after a while given word and the gesture the animal will associate with negative consequences. As a result, instead of taking the desired position, the pet will prefer to hide.

Development of a reflex

There are several methods for teaching a dog the “die” command. It is easiest to train an animal that already knows how to perform the “down” command. You just need to add another conditional signal. After the dog lies down, carefully turn it onto its side, remembering to say the key phrase. You can turn your pet on its back, and to strengthen the reflex, instead of giving out treats, scratch its tummy.

Also, before turning your pet over, you can snap your fingers loudly. The dog will associate the click with performing a rollover. And performing the coup, in turn, will lead to the desired reward.

If the dog does not know the “down” command, and the owner’s plans only include learning the “die” command, then the training process can be slightly simplified.

  1. Order the animal to sit.
  2. Hold the treat in your hand and smoothly move it from your pet’s nose to the floor. The animal will not lie down right away, but will definitely bend over for a treat. If you place a treat 10-15 centimeters from your pet, you can expect the animal to take a reclining position.
  3. At the moment when the pet almost reaches the treasured treat, you need to loudly say “die” and turn the animal on its back.

It is best to carry out training according to this scheme on a soft surface, so as not to accidentally throw the dog onto a hard floor. If the animal understands that this is a game, it will not be afraid of sudden movements of the owner. Therefore, it is important to use only positive intonations, stroke your pet often, and show your satisfaction with what is happening in every possible way.

Consolidation of a skill

As soon as after the command “die” the dog begins to immediately take the desired position, it is necessary to devote time to consolidating the skill. First, you need to explain to the animal that after taking the desired position it is necessary not to move for some time. To do this, you can try stroking your pet's tummy or side for a while. Soon the dog will remember that it needs to lie still and wait for reward. In order for the pet to stand up, the owner must pat himself on the knees and loudly say “come to me.”

You need to gradually replace edible treats with verbal rewards, and very soon the pet will be falling funny just to please the owner.

Since the “die” command is not included in standard training programs, you will have to teach your dog a funny trick yourself. With the right approach, the process will only bring pleasure.
