Why does my chest hurt? Common causes and symptoms. Why do breasts hurt: spring problems Monthly fluctuations in different phases of the menstrual cycle

...At the same time, you feel as if they were swollen. Then everything falls into place.

Typically, breast swelling occurs just before the start of menstruation. This does not happen to all women, but to many, and is one of the PMS symptoms. Once menstruation passes, the symptom will disappear.

Doctors say that this is due to natural changes in hormonal levels. different stages cycle. In the second half, progesterone levels soar, which can cause painful swelling. Some women suffer more from this phenomenon, others are lucky enough not to know what it is at all.

2. Chest pain almost constantly

Swelling and increased sensitivity of the breasts in rhythm with the cycle is a normal phenomenon, and there is no need to worry about it (of course, unless it is so unbearable that it interferes with your life. Then, of course, go to the doctor).


But if this happens all month, look for another reason.

For example, she may find herself pregnancy. Or, conversely, a new method of contraception: if you drink for the first month or two hormonal birth control pills , the body may react in a similar way.

3. Pain is felt only on one side

An important point: only one breast hurts or both. If both, it is more likely that the reason is changes in hormonal levels. If there is only one, this may be due to the presence of certain infections (even not in nursing women) or cysts. Cyst feels like a small bubble and should disappear with the arrival of a new cycle. If not, consult a doctor.

Infection can cause not only pain, but also discharge from the nipple. It can even appear due to such an ordinary procedure as plucking the hairs growing around the areola. The doctor will select antibiotics.

4. Multiple lumps are felt in the chest

If, in addition to chest pain, you feel many irregularities in your chest, this may be a sign mastopathy(fibrocystic disease). If you have this disease, you also need to consult a specialist and undergo regular examinations.

How to reduce pain

If you're experiencing discomfort in your chest, doctors recommend stopping your love of coffee and wearing carefully sized, well-supported underwear. And if your breasts swell from time to time, you should drink more water and eat less salt, which interferes with the outflow of fluid from the body.

According to world statistics, pain in the mammary glands bothers 40 to 75% of women, mainly aged 40-59 years. Why does my chest hurt and what could be the reason for this? Let's figure it out.

A significant proportion of cases of requests for medical care on this occasion falls on women in the menopausal period. The nature of the unpleasant sensations in the chest is hidden in the mysterious word “involution,” which denotes the fading of the function of the mammary glands, the gradual transition of glandular tissue into an “inactive” state.

Women with a preserved menstrual cycle, and therefore potentially ready for conception, childbirth and lactation, as well as pregnant women, also often experience pain in the mammary glands.

In this article we will look at three painful conditions of the mammary glands: mastalgia, mastopathy of women of reproductive age and, separately, mastopathy of pregnant women.

Most women are familiar with the feeling of heaviness and tingling in the mammary glands, which is usually a harbinger of the imminent onset of menstruation. It is known that near the end menstrual cycle A woman’s weight increases slightly due to fluid accumulation. Water is distributed in adipose tissue (which, by the way, the mammary gland is rich in!), muscles and other tissues. Many people notice that before their period it is difficult to fasten their usual shoes due to swelling of the ankles.

Swelling of the mammary glands also occurs, sometimes even causing an increase in clothing size.

These phenomena can range from mild discomfort to severe pain requiring the use of painkillers.

In the latter case, it is customary to talk about premenstrual syndrome, which may include mood swings, pain in the lower back, and minor joint pain.

The reason for this accumulation of fluid is a change in the water-salt balance under the influence of increased levels of estrogen and antidiuretic hormone.

Why might your breasts hurt after your period?

It is important to understand that the described processes occurring in the mammary gland (pain, engorgement, with the exception of the detection of foci, nodes, “nodules”) cyclically, regularly in the last days of the menstrual cycle, and subsiding until normalization immediately after the end of menstruation, most often represent a variant of the norm that does not require special correction or additional examination. It is more correct to call this condition mastalgia or mastodynia, in order to distinguish it from mastopathy, which requires more careful attention.

There is a whole list of conditions with which mastopathy is most often combined. These conditions are believed to be based on hormonal imbalance:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids.

It is customary to distinguish between diffuse and nodular forms of mastopathy.

Diffuse form

With this form of mastopathy, it is not possible to detect any specific focus of compaction. The entire gland usually feels woody to the touch. Instrumental examination methods, such as X-ray mammography or ultrasound, will not reveal anything other than a general “blurred” image.

Nodal form

Detection of a dense lesion in the mammary gland requires additional research methods, primarily a puncture biopsy using a special needle. This is especially true in the postmenopausal period, when the risk of cancer increases sharply.

Both forms of mastopathy are quite easy to diagnose independently: there are self-examination techniques, the main purpose of which is careful step-by-step palpation of the mammary glands in a standing and lying position.

Thus, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations and the determination of hardening of the entire breast or part of it are sufficient grounds for an urgent visit to a mammologist.

Main causes of mastopathy

  • Ovarian dysfunction

Increased levels of the main female sex hormones, estrogens, have several adverse consequences. Firstly, the so-called ovulatory cycle is disrupted, that is, with a preserved menstrual cycle, the reproductive cell does not reach the required maturity, and ovulation does not occur.

In this condition, the structure of the mammary gland also suffers: the internal lining of the milk ducts becomes loose, the number of cells in it increases (this is called epithelial proliferation), and a feeling of engorgement and distension occurs.

Fluid stagnation and swelling of the gland tissue increases. This is especially clearly felt in premenstrual period when the amount of estrogen in the blood gradually increases. That is why the administration of progesterone-containing external agents (for example, progestogel gel) and combined oral contraceptives usually reduces the symptoms of mastopathy.

  • Liver pathology

It has been shown that 65% of women with liver damage have one or another type of mastopathy. Moreover, the more serious the disorder of the inactivating function of the liver (that is, the worse the liver neutralizes toxins), the more pronounced the mastopathy is.

  • Dysfunction thyroid gland, like any hormonal imbalance, can lead to the development of mastopathy.
  • Obesity.
  • Previous injuries and diseases of the mammary glands, for example, mastitis.
  • Herpetic infection. Painful sensations in this case will most likely have a mechanism of paresthesia, that is, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the chest, distorted and sometimes unbearably strong, but without any apparent cause.

Why is epithelial proliferation dangerous?

Strictly speaking, proliferation is the accelerated growth and increase in size of any cells in the body. This phenomenon can occur in any organ and tissue, not only in the mammary gland. These cells can simply increase, they can surround themselves with fibrous (dense) fibers, they can form cavities, which are subsequently filled with colorless liquid... In a word, breast cells in mastopathy, although they “go astray from the general course,” still live according to certain rules, predetermined nature.

It is much worse if they begin to live without rules, multiply very quickly, chaotically, disrupting the vital activity of the entire gland, and indeed the entire organism. This is how a tumor arises, benign (that is, for the time being it does not poison the rest of the body) or malignant.

The line between mastopathy turning into a tumor is so thin that only an oncologist can promptly diagnose the deterioration of the situation and make a decision on the necessary treatment.

Why do breasts hurt during pregnancy?

Cause painful sensations in the mammary glands during pregnancy - an increase in the number and volume of glandular cells, which in the future will perform the function of lactation (milk secretion). In addition, the ducts that excrete milk expand, their network becomes more branched.

To carry out all these changes, an active blood supply is required. The blood supply to the mammary glands increases, and if you take into account the fact that during pregnancy, in principle, there is a tendency to accumulate fluid in the body, it becomes clear that swelling and tenderness of the breasts are not so uncommon for a woman in an “interesting” position.

Local lumps are also found in pregnant women - most often as a result of wearing uncomfortable underwear. In this case, one small area of ​​the gland is “tightened” (most often the internal sector), pain, redness, and increased body temperature may develop. When examined, the discharge from the nipple reveals so-called “colostrum” cells, signaling the preparation of the gland for lactation.

Therapeutic and preventive actions for pain in the chest

It is clear that the mammary gland is a delicate organ that requires attention and care. That is why, despite the abundance of folk remedies for relieving painful tension in the chest, as well as a huge selection of various vitamins in pharmacies, it is still not worth self-medicating. Well-proven remedies are applying a cabbage leaf to the painful areas and applying absorbable gel or traumeel ointment.

You should probably limit yourself to this set, and if home remedies do not help within 3-4 days, you should immediately contact a mammologist. During pregnancy, you should not take a hot shower or bath, as this can cause additional blood flow to the mammary glands and even more swelling.

Absolutely every woman at least once in her life has felt pain in the mammary glands and noticed their enlargement. And every woman has repeatedly wondered why her mammary glands become engorged and sore. Such changes should alert you and make you take a closer look at your health, because the cause of discomfort can be not only natural factors, but also pathological diseases.

If your breasts have enlarged, the reasons may be the following:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • physical activity;
  • weight gain;
  • incorrectly selected underwear;
  • side effect from medications.

Menstrual cycle

The condition of the mammary glands is closely dependent on the menstrual cycle. Around the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs and the body produces the hormone estrogen. The mammary canals enlarge and, as a result, the entire mammary gland enlarges.

Just before menstruation, the body produces the hormone progesterone, which causes the breasts to fill with cellular fluid. Most often, breast swelling during this period is accompanied by increased sensitivity. At this time, some women notice that their mammary glands are very swollen and hurt. Such hormonal changes occur due to the body’s preparation for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the hormonal balance is restored, and painful sensations disappear.

If they hurt mammary glands after 45 years, this may indicate menopause. During this period female body subject to hormonal changes that cause discomfort in the mammary glands.

Physical activity

When pectoral muscles are exposed to stress, the shape and density of the breast may change, it becomes more elastic. Many women try to achieve an increase in bust volume thanks to physical exercise, but not everyone knows that it is impossible to pump up the mammary gland itself.

Through exercise you can only increase muscle mass, tone your breasts. But if the load is excessive, the muscles can become stretched or injured, which will lead to pain.

Weight gain

If a woman notices that her breasts have increased in parallel with a general weight gain, this is not a cause for concern (of course, if this is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, pain, and if both breasts have increased equally). There is adipose tissue in the mammary gland; according to statistics, when you gain weight by 7-10 kg, your breasts increase by 1 size.

Incorrectly selected underwear

A tight bra impairs the drainage of lymph in the chest area. The mammary glands swell, the woman feels discomfort. Not only tight underwear can cause breasts to become enlarged and painful. A bra that is the wrong shape, the wrong size, or has hard underwire can interfere with blood circulation. If you take a more responsible approach to choosing underwear, the condition of the mammary glands will return to normal.

Side effect from medications

Some medications can cause fluid retention in the body. As a result, the breasts become enlarged. To normalize the amount of fluid, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe analogues of such drugs.

Also hormonal contraceptives women change their hormonal levels, and against this background discomfort and changes in the mammary glands may appear.


The female breast is a very vulnerable place for tumors of various natures. If you discover that the mammary gland is enlarged and hurts for no apparent reason, you should immediately seek advice from a mammologist. The most common diseases female breast are mastopathy and oncology.


Mastopathy refers to benign formations. This is the growth of breast tissue against the background of hormonal imbalance. Breast pain occurs regardless of the day of the cycle and is accompanied by small lumps in the upper part of the mammary glands. All this happens against the background of general weakness of the body.

Very often, women do not pay attention to such symptoms, thereby allowing the disease to progress. Mastopathy in its advanced form leads to breast cancer.

Mastopathy on early stage called diffuse, identifying it at this stage is easily treatable.

In a more complex stage, mastopathy becomes a nodular form. During this period, enlargement of the mammary gland in women occurs due to the appearance of many lobular and granular nodules in it. The pain becomes more intense and affects not only the chest, but also the armpit and scapula area. Such symptoms require immediate treatment.


The most dangerous diagnosis that brings fear to women of any age is breast cancer. Previously, it was believed that the danger lies exclusively in women aged about 50 years, but, unfortunately, modern statistics are not encouraging. Now no one is safe from this terrible disease. Women of childbearing age are required to undergo a medical examination twice a year in order to avoid the disease. But older women need to be doubly attentive to their bodies.

An excellent prevention of breast diseases is self-palpation. This is palpation of the mammary glands in a lying position. It is advisable for a woman to perform this procedure regularly, on the same day of the month. Any swelling, hardening, discoloration, or discharge from the nipples should alert you and become an urgent reason to visit a doctor.

But don’t be alarmed; quite often, breast tumors turn out to be benign and can be treated.

Diagnosis and treatment

Whatever the cause, breast enlargement and pain should not be ignored. In the doctor’s office, the breasts are examined and palpated; to complete the picture, the specialist interviews women about general condition health, history women's diseases, childbirth, abortion, etc. An integral part of a full breast examination is ultrasound.

If there is a suspicion of pathologies in the breast, the patient is prescribed a mammogram. This study allows you to see the condition of the mammary glands from the inside and make a diagnosis with an accuracy of 98%.

When the reasons why the breasts are enlarged and painful are determined, the specialist determines the course of treatment.

  1. In the case of premenstrual syndrome, diuretics are prescribed to help remove excess fluid from the body.
  2. For intense chest pain, an ointment containing progesterone is sometimes prescribed for rubbing. Such drugs are safe and have almost no side effects.
  3. For treatment initial form mastopathy are prescribed hormonal drugs.
  4. And removal of tumors, cysts and nodules may require the help of a surgeon.


From this video you will learn what can cause breast pain and enlargement.

Due to constant fluctuations in hormonal levels, pain can be divided into:

  • cyclical, in which there is a constant unpleasant sensation in the chest and nipples;
  • sharp;
  • pressing;
  • acute, in which there are sharp tingling and stitching sensations in the nipples.

During such painful attacks, a woman may lose sexual desire and feel a loss of strength. As an option, libido appears, libido decreases, problems with the genitourinary system may arise, frequent itching and burning of the genitals are diagnosed due to thrush, etc.

Why do my breasts and nipples hurt? This is a very frequently asked question. And all because the mammary gland is greatly affected by changes in hormonal levels. A low concentration of estrogen is manifested by painful sensations in the chest.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods also help relieve pain during menopause.

Here are some useful recipes:

  • the main means is cabbage leaf compress. It's very easy to use. You just need to grease the leaf with honey or butter and apply it to your chest. You can do such manipulations at night, and in the morning just wipe your chest with a clean napkin. The result comes after 2-3 applications.
  • if the first option does not suit you, you can grind the leaf into pulp and make a compress, which is applied to the chest for 2 hours, wrapped with a bandage.
  • recommended to do various tinctures and decoctions, which can be made from pumpkin or beets.
  • if compresses are not suitable, you can make a homemade ointment from ground flax seeds and butter.
  • you can also wipe your breasts calendula oil which soothes and relieves inflammatory process. The oil should be applied to the nipple halos in a small amount and left for several hours.

All folk remedies have their own positive effect, but they require regular use over several months. Neither of these will eliminate symptoms with just a few uses.

It is worth consulting a doctor before use, because traditional methods Treatments may cause complications in some cases.

Pain relievers

Medicines, various biological supplements and painkillers should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own.

To eliminate pain in the mammary gland during menopause You can use different painkillers.

It could be:

  • Paracetam;
  • Ibuprofen.

Main, inform your doctor about taking such drugs.

Experts do not recommend using medications containing antibiotics for a long time, as they can worsen the situation.

Food supplements include:

  • fatty acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • linoleic acid;
  • vitamin B6.

They will help relieve the inflammatory process, and thereby reduce pain. Such additives can be used if you don't see hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients.

In addition, you can take medicinal fees based on herbs, for example:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • celandine;
  • plantain.


The main thing is to follow the dosage and carefully monitor your well-being while taking herbal preparations.

Depending on the condition and level of menopause, the doctor himself may prescribe medicines, antibiotics and may even recommend hospital treatment.


Menopause is a very serious stage in the life of every woman.

Using various medications You can avoid painful sensations in the chest. But it is worth remembering that need to visit a doctor regularly
