Where should children go when entering a university to apply for benefits for large families and what documents will be needed. Are there any benefits for large families when entering a university? Where to go to file a complaint in case of a refusal?

Legislation to support large families is currently limited by presidential decree as amended in 2003. It does not contain provisions for benefits for children from large families entering universities.

Benefits for applicants to universities

Applicants to universities may be provided with the following types of benefits:

  • enrollment without competition (winners subject olympiads All-Russian or international level);
  • preferential right to enrollment (several categories of beneficiaries: participants in military operations, Chernobyl victims, etc.);
  • enrollment according to quota (disabled people, orphans).

Applicants from members of large families are not eligible for any of these benefits. They can take advantage of benefits if they are disabled, orphans, winners of Olympiads, etc. The very fact of coming from a large family does not give preferences when enrolling in a university.

In most universities, where it is possible to transfer students to a budget-funded form of education from a paid form of education based on the results of their studies, priority in such a transfer may be given to children from large families. This unique benefit is not enshrined in legislation, but can be spelled out in documents regulating the activities of the educational institution.

Quotas for families with many children in universities

The draft law on social support for families with many children was not signed by the President in 1999, and therefore did not enter into legal force. This law contained a large number of benefits for families with three or more children. Among others, two benefits related to studying in higher educational institutions were noted:

  • a quota of 20 percent of the number of budget places for children from families recognized as large;
  • compensation of half the cost of education (for paid education) in universities for children from large families.

These benefits would be an excellent support for children from large families who decide to enroll in universities. However, the law was not adopted. Today, there are no legally established advantages for children from such families when enrolling in universities.

Regional benefits

In the absence of benefits for families with many children, enshrined in legislation at the federal level, a solution may be regional benefits. Some areas set quota for large families entering universities. In addition, there are a number of benefits for students in educational institutions, for example, compensation for part of the costs of food, travel and clothing. These payments do not cover the costs, of course, but can be a good addition to the scholarship or family budget.

Large families are families with three or more children. Often they need. This is due to the constant cost of basic needs.

IN recent years such families have become less socially protected, since the state does not pay due attention to them. The only legislative act that is currently aimed at supporting them is the Presidential Decree of 2003. However, even in it there are no clear instructions on whether benefits are given to large families when entering educational institutions.

Are large families entitled to benefits when enrolling in a university, college or technical school?

Every person has the right to receive an education. Unfortunately, some families, for objective reasons, cannot afford to pay for their offspring’s studies in higher educational institutions.

In situations where parents do not have enough money not only to maintain, but also to raise their own children, they rely on government support and financial assistance.

In this case we're talking about about children's education. This is very important, since studying at an institute, university, college, college is the guarantee that a child will be able to find a good job in the future and provide for himself financially.

Are there benefits for large families when enrolling their children in higher education institutions? Once children reach the age of eighteen, the status of a large family is automatically removed. It is for this reason that all benefits disappear.

For example, if a child is studying at a higher educational institution, then the current status will not be removed. It lasts until he reaches twenty-three years of age.

Some benefits for families relate to children's education. For example, father and mother receive a certain amount annually cash for the purchase of school uniforms or various supplies (stationery).

Of course, this is not enough. Children need to not only be fed, clothed, and provided with all the necessary things, but also given an education. Without it, they will not be able to find their place in society.

To become an independent, self-sufficient member of society, you need to get an education. Unfortunately, families with many children cannot afford this. In many universities, tuition is paid.

You can enroll in free education only if you have certain benefits, since there is always a lot of competition. That is why children from the families in question must have state support.

Such citizens receive significantly less assistance from local authorities. Often all this is limited to the possibility of organizing vacations for minor children or. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen often. This is rather an exception.

Families do not need to wait on a waiting list to enroll in preschool. Children from such families are accepted into any educational institutions at their place of residence. They do not need to register in a queue for kindergarten.

However, when entering a university or academy, there is absolutely no guidance in the current legislation. Here it is customary to use exclusively general legislative norms that relate to different preferential categories.

If a child decides to go to university, he may qualify for the following benefits:

  1. children who took part in Olympiads and also won them can be enrolled in universities outside the main qualifying competition;
  2. Children of Chernobyl survivors enjoy special advantage;
  3. There is a quota for orphans.

Children from large families do not fall into any of these categories. There are no specific benefits for them.

This norm is not specified in any legislative act. However, many higher education institutions include it in their documentation.

What benefits can children from large families count on when entering an educational institution?

In different regions of our country, the concept of a large family may differ slightly. Today, the main document regulating the issue of assigning the status of a large family is the Presidential Decree Russian Federation“On measures of social support for large families.”

The financing procedure is developed by the Ministry of Finance. This is done because in different regions of our state, families with different numbers of children can be considered large.

For example, in some regions three or more children are very rare, while in others it is the norm. It is for this reason that in different parts of our country the criteria for “large families” can be completely opposite.

About ten years ago, in the Moscow region, only those families in which youngest child not yet sixteen years old. If the offspring is studying at a university or college, then this limit increases to the age of eighteen.

Before applying for benefits to the relevant authorities, you should first find out about the legislative acts in force there.

Things are completely different in the Republic of Udmurtia. In it, only those families where there are three or more children under eighteen years of age are considered to have large families. If they study at academies, universities and institutes, then this period increases to twenty-three years.

As for the types of benefits for large families at universities, upon admission, each educational institution sets its own quotas.

The educational legislation of the Russian Federation obliges each university, institute and academy to provide certain benefits for admission.

  1. minors who are raised in large families;
  2. who are raising three or more children.

All these citizens have certain advantages over other applicants. Their number is determined solely by the internal documentation of the academy, university and institute. It should be noted that benefits for admission to higher education and other quotas are regulated only at the regional level.

If no guidance can be found in the legislation regarding the provision of benefits, then this can be compensated by regional legislation in force.

It is usually adopted at the local level. In some areas of our state, a quota for admission to an institute or academy may be established.

There are other types of benefits, for example, funds are allocated that can cover part of the costs of food, clothing and office supplies. At first glance, it seems that such amounts are very small. But if you look at it from the other side, then such financial assistance is a significant increase in the scholarship awarded.

Students who are raised in large families have legal right to receive the following benefits:

  1. for transport tax;
  2. such children can receive land, which they have the right to use completely free of charge;
  3. parents can apply for payments for their third and other children under three years of age. The amount of such financial assistance is determined based on the subsistence level in a given region;
  4. a mother of many children has the right to receive a pension from the age of fifty;
  5. flexible work schedule;
  6. Parents of large children can count on free education in areas that are currently in demand in the labor market in a particular region.

How can an applicant take advantage of his advantage?

There are no specific criteria for classifying a family as having many children. As a rule, each region sets its own criteria.

Currently there is only one legal act, which gives an advantage to large families for admission to university. The legal act was issued by the President in 2003, the effect of which is current. In 1999, a bill was developed that was adapted for large families, but unfortunately was not signed; a small part of the project, which was present in the bill, came into implementation.

Families that have more than 3 children are considered to have many children. To receive benefits, children do not have to be their own; the state also supports children who have been adopted.

Until what period of time does the state provide support?

Currently, there is legislation in force from 2003, which states that assistance in the mental development of children is carried out until they reach 23 years of age. After one of the children reaches a certain age, the student ceases to receive support from the state in terms of material costs; the legislation does not apply to other children.

What benefits does it support children when entering a university?

The state took care of children who are not alone in the family, and provided benefits for easy entry into a higher educational institution; the list of such state norms includes:

  • low score for admission;
  • entrance exams have been simplified;
  • instant budgetary basis, without consideration of a high school diploma or college diploma.

Special payments

The heads of the country are constantly developing projects to improve families; based on assistance from the state, material payments are made, such as:

  • receiving financial assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles annually by September 1, provided that parents are raising ten or more children;
  • receiving 10 thousand rubles for International Family Day, under the obligation that there are ten or more children in the family.

Regional benefits

Due to the fact that the federal level no benefits have been developed for large families when entering universities, benefits are accepted at the subjective level of the Russian Federation, which will not in any way affect the continuation of studies and support from the state.

What benefits are available to support

The government has taken everything into account possible problems for the period of study, such problems include travel to the place of study, food, purchase of things necessary for life. Not the entire financial amount is covered, but part of the costs will be covered; such amounts from the state can replenish the student’s wallet, or the family’s budget.

How to use benefits for admission

When submitting documentation to the desired university, along with all documents you should attach an official certificate stating that you are allowed to use this privilege upon admission. This certificate is reviewed by the legal department of the location of the desired institution, and then a decision is provided, positive or negative.

Where to go to file a complaint in case of refusal

Universities do not always make positive decisions in favor of the applicant, what to do if there is a refusal to enroll. The list of documents for admission must not be a fake, but the official documentation of a person; if, with full compliance with the rules, a negative answer is received, then a complaint should be filed with the following government authorities:

  • Department of Education;
  • Ministry of Education and Science;

Benefits for entering a university for large families in Russia

A diploma of higher education is a guarantee of obtaining a profitable job and career fulfillment. Unfortunately, there is great competition for many professions. Legal preferences help some categories of citizens become students.

Let's look at what admission benefits the legislator has allocated for large families. Is there a concept of large families at the federal level? How to take advantage of admission privileges.

How does university admission work?

Admissions committees work strictly within the framework of the internal documents of the educational institution. These are published on the basis of federal and regional laws. General rules are:


  • admission without entrance examinations (out of competition);
  • enrollment within the preferential quota subject to successful completion of entrance examinations;
  • preferential right of enrollment subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other equal conditions;
  • enrollment as students of the preparatory department on a budgetary basis in federal state educational organizations of higher education;
  • other special rights determined by federal, regional legislation or local regulations.

Outside the competition, young people who have proven themselves in school can become students. This preference is granted:

  • winners final stage All-Russian Olympiads schoolchildren (if the application is submitted for a specialized specialty);
  • members of Russian national teams participating in international Olympiads;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic Games, World champions, European champions who won the European Championship (only in a specialty related to sports).

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Who is allocated quotas?

The categories of applicants for whom budget places are allocated are listed in subparagraph 7 of Article 71. They are as follows:

Official definition of a large family

However, the legislative status is approved only in regional laws. Indeed, most regions recognize a large family in which three or more natural or adopted minor children are raised.

However, the rules are not the same everywhere. For example, in the Moscow region, status is granted to parents raising three children under 16 years of age. If children undergo training, then boys and girls up to adulthood are taken into account. And in Udmurtia the age criteria are higher. To obtain the status of having many children, it is necessary to raise three or more children until adulthood. If a boy or girl studies full-time, the threshold shifts to 23 years.

Important: certain preferences for people from large families, including for admission to universities, are provided for within the framework of regional laws. These apply only to permanent residents of a particular subject of the federation.

Is it possible for people with many children to enroll under a quota?

Federal legislation does not provide benefits for children raised by parents with many children. However, the article lists other categories. To guarantee admission to a university, you need to do the following:

  • organize a child’s activity so that his talents are revealed at an early age;
  • do not interfere with the child’s participation in competitions and olympiads;
  • Constantly encourage your son or daughter to achieve high results.
  • will serve in the army for military service or under a contract (at least three years);
  • has the status of a Chernobyl survivor (equal);
  • in other situations listed in the law.

Regional preferences

  • financing meals in schools and mid-level professional institutions;
  • free provision of textbooks;
  • benefit for the use of transport routes (depending on the region):
    • citywide;
    • suburban;
  • reimbursement of travel costs to the place of study and back (once a year);
  • organization of recreational activities in the summer without charging a fee (only for schoolchildren);
  • providing discounts on the purchase of tickets to cultural institutions.

For information: mothers who have raised more than three children under eight years of age receive the right to early retirement.


Russian legislation lists the categories of applicants who are entitled to preferences for admission:

  • non-competitive enrollment in the course;
  • extraordinary inclusion in the list of first-year students, subject to successful completion of test tasks.

The list does not include a category related to the status of having many children. This has not been disclosed at all at the moment in the Russian legal field. Benefits for parents raising three or more sons and daughters are included in regional regulations. A few subjects of the federation have planned quotas for places for children from such families. However The benefit can only be used at regional universities. Federal quotas do not apply.

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Benefits for Admission to University for Children from Large Families

Where should children apply when entering a university to apply for benefits for large families and what documents will be needed?

In Russia, at the Federal level, the state provides comprehensive support to citizens with many children. When studying at universities, state-funded applicants are provided with:

To enter a university, an applicant must first pass the Unified State Exam in several disciplines that are mandatory in the chosen field of study.

Benefits for large families when their children enter a university

Families with three or more children are considered large families. They are often considered to be in need of government assistance because they are constantly short of funds. But lately the state has been paying less and less attention to them. The only legislative act that today is aimed at supporting large families is the Presidential Decree of 2003, but it does not contain clear instructions regarding the provision of benefits for the admission of children from large families to universities.

In some regions, a quota may be established for the admission of such applicants to a university, or other quotas may be set that cover part of the costs of food, clothing, etc., and although this is not very much money, it is still a significant addition to the scholarship.

What benefits are available to children from large families when entering a university in 2020?

The number of preferential places at the university is limited. The educational institution enrolls applicants who enjoy preferences on the budget. The rest of the students will have to pay for their education. This means that providing more free places is not possible for financial reasons. If upon admission there are many beneficiaries, only some of them will be enrolled in the university. The rest will have to enroll on a general basis, or choose another educational institution.

Giving a family the status of a large family occurs on an application basis. After its confirmation, parents have the right to take advantage of a number of preferences. Among them you can find priority enrollment in kindergartens and schools. However, nothing is said about entering universities on a non-competitive basis. Laws adopted at the regional level can clarify this issue.

Benefits for children from large families upon admission to a higher education institution

In some universities, the documentation regulating their activities stipulates the right to transfer children from large families from a paid form of education to a budget-funded one, subject to good academic performance. When a budget space becomes available, this category of students will have an advantage.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

Do children from large families entering university need government assistance?

In this regard, a large family has a great advantage over other families; they do not wait until their turn comes. There are no problems when entering school either., the child is taken to his place of residence, without any kind of trouble.

But it contained provisions that could provide all large families with very good benefits. For example, there contained benefits directly related to education and admission to university:

What benefits are there for children from large families upon admission?

Large families in the Russian Federation are considered to be families in which there are three or more minor children. That is, when a child reaches the age of eighteen (if he is the eldest in a three-child family or just the third from the end of a large family), the special status of a large family is removed and the benefits also end.

Benefits for children from large families are provided mainly at the local level. At the Federal level, a very limited number of such benefits are declared. These are, first of all, annual payments for the purchase of school uniforms, free provision of land plots for country houses or individual, independent housing construction. Children from large families can travel free on public transport and trains. Such families have benefits for housing and communal services.

Benefits for entering a university for children from large families

It all depends on the severity of the issue. If you cannot solve it through the social service, then to protect your rights you should go to court or the prosecutor's office. These bodies (especially the court) have a lot of leverage over the relevant authorities, which helps them resolve almost any issue.

There are no clear criteria for classifying a family as a large family at the federal level. The Family Code and laws on measures to help families with children are silent about the concept of a large union. The only federal act that gives a clue to the question is the 431st presidential decree of 1992, which mandates the constituent entities of Russia to autonomously select parameters for recognizing a large family by regional legislation.

Benefits for families with many children entering university

In most universities, where it is possible to transfer students to a budget-funded form of education from a paid form of education based on the results of their studies, priority in such a transfer may be given to children from large families. This unique benefit is not enshrined in legislation, but can be spelled out in documents regulating the activities of the educational institution.

Lucky or ordinary applicant: are there any benefits for children from large families when entering a university and other educational institutions?

All these citizens have certain advantages over other applicants. Their number is determined solely by the internal documentation of the academy, university and institute. It should be noted that benefits for admission to higher education and other quotas are regulated only at the regional level.

Are there benefits for large families when enrolling their children in higher education institutions? Once children reach the age of eighteen, the status of a large family is automatically removed. It is for this reason that all benefits disappear.

Are there any benefits for children from large families when entering a university?

If we talk about children who have reached school age, they have the right to receive two constant meals a day in educational institutions (actually, schools) that implement general education programs. Naturally, such food should be free for children from large families.

In 1999, a draft law on social support for large families was drawn up, which was never signed by the President of the Russian Federation, so it has no legal force. This regulatory legal act provided for many benefits for families raising three or more children. These included two benefits regarding studying at universities:

Does a child from a large family have benefits when entering a university?

  1. enrollment according to quota (disabled people, orphans).
  2. enrollment without competition (winners of subject Olympiads at the All-Russian or international level);
  3. preferential right to enrollment (several categories of beneficiaries: participants in military operations, Chernobyl victims, etc.);
  1. a quota of 20 percent of the number of budget places for children from families recognized as large;
  2. compensation of half the cost of education (for paid education) in universities for children from large families.

    For example, a child younger age from such a family should be admitted out of turn to one of the preschool institutions. There are also the following payments received by large families approximately once a year:

    What benefits are entitled to a child from a large family when entering a university in 2018?

    Some applicants can count on preferential admission to budget places at the higher education institution of their choice. The categories of beneficiaries are listed in Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. When a child from a large family is assigned to one of the groups, he receives the right to priority access to free higher education

    1. orphan child;
    2. a child left without parental care;
    3. a disabled child, as well as a disabled person of group 1 or 2;
    4. a child under twenty years of age, raised by one parent with a Group 1 disability, if the family is recognized as low-income;
    5. child of a deceased Hero of the Russian Federation, USSR, full holder of the Order of Glory;
    6. a child of a person who died as a result of an injury or illness received in the service of an employee of the prosecutor's office, internal affairs department, National Guard, Federal Penitentiary Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Investigative Committee, customs;
    7. combat participants and veterans;
    8. persons who took part in nuclear weapons tests, as well as those who prevented the consequences of nuclear accidents;
    9. contract servicemen with more than three years of experience and conscripts who have recommendations from their commanders to enter a university;
    10. persons who, as part of their duty, performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic (officers of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, military personnel).

    Benefits that are provided to families with many children when entering a university

    Benefits for children from large families upon admission are not provided, as described above. It is worth noting that back in 1999 there was a proposal to significantly simplify life for large families if teenagers decided to receive higher education. However, these proposals never came into force, as they were not signed by the presidents. If everything had gone differently, then such children could count on:

    Parents with a large number of children are interested in the question of whether there are benefits for those with many children when entering a state university in 2020. This question arises especially acutely in large cities, where it is quite difficult to enter a higher educational institution, and education is incredibly expensive. Of course, I would like the state to help children from large families get settled in life, but recently, privileges for such families have been occupying less and less space in Russian legislation. The reasons for this are unknown; it is possible that the birth rate has increased in the country, and large families have ceased to be a rarity. However, this does not negate the fact that such families still have some benefits, but not in the case of children enrolling in higher educational institutions.

    Benefits for children from large families upon admission

    • If a family has ten or more children, then by the first of September she receives ten thousand rubles.
    • Again, if a family has ten or more children, then for International Family Day she receives ten thousand rubles.

    Today, in our country, according to the law, a large family is a family where three or more children can be raised (and not only relatives, but also those who have been adopted). When a child in one of the large families reaches adulthood (that is, he turns exactly eighteen years old) and he is a full-time student at a university, the family continues to be considered a large family - until the child turns twenty-three years old.

    Are there any benefits for entering a university for children from large families?

    military personnel performing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers). continuous duration military service under the contract of which is at least three years, upon admission for development educational programs By by correspondence training

    On January 1, 2010, the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Social Protection of Large Families” came into force. According to it, the state must provide children from large families with preferential conditions for admission to state and municipal vocational and technical institutions and higher educational institutions. Thus, children from families with five or more children, as well as persons aged 18 to 23 years from such families, are exempt from tuition fees at state and municipal universities of all levels of accreditation.

    Benefits for large families when entering a university

    There are no clear criteria for classifying a family as a large family at the federal level. The Family Code and laws on measures to help families with children are silent about the concept of a large union. The only federal act that gives a clue to the question is Presidential Decree 431 of 1992, which mandates that the constituent entities of Russia autonomously choose the parameters for recognizing a large family by regional legislation.

    Now there are more and more such families, but assistance for them is being reduced. But even existing government support measures remain unknown to many citizens. Large families need all forms and types of assistance and the study of legal options.

Families with three or more children are considered large families. They are often considered to be in need of government assistance because they are constantly short of funds. But lately the state has been paying less and less attention to them. The only legislative act that today is aimed at supporting large families is the Presidential Decree of 2003, but it does not contain clear instructions regarding the provision of benefits for the admission of children from large families to universities.

Are there any benefits for large families when entering a university?

The law establishes that after children reach adulthood, the status of a large family is removed, therefore all benefits disappear.

But if the child is studying at a university, then the status will not be removed until he turns 23 years old.

Some federal benefits for large families also apply to the education of their children. For example, parents receive a certain amount of money every year to buy school uniforms or school supplies (notebooks, albums, etc.).

In addition, children from such families have the right to free meals in schools or kindergartens and can use public transport free of charge.

Such families receive much less help from local authorities. Often everything is limited to the possibility of organizing leave for children or providing housing, but this happens extremely rarely and only in exceptional cases.

Large families do not need to stand in line to enroll in kindergarten

Children from large families are accepted into schools at their place of residence without any problems; they are not required to enroll in a queue for kindergarten, but there is no legislation regarding admission to a university special instructions. Here you can only use general legislative norms that relate to different preferential categories.

When entering a university, children can receive the following benefits:

  1. winners of Olympiads at various levels can be enrolled in a higher education institution without competition;
  2. children of Chernobyl survivors or combatants receive priority;
  3. there is a quota for disabled children or orphans.

Children from large families do not fall into any of these categories. The legislation does not provide for any specific benefits for them.

This norm is not stated in any legislative act, but many universities include it in their documentation.

Who can apply?

The concept of a large family may differ slightly in different regions

Today, the main document that regulates the issue of assigning the status of a large family is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures of social support for large families.”

It states that each region must independently determine the criteria for assigning this status and the number of benefits assigned to such families.

The procedure for financing regional programs is developed by the Ministry of Finance. This happens because in different regions families with different numbers of children can be considered large.

For example, in some regions three or more children are very rare, while in others it is the norm. Therefore, in different parts of the country, the criteria for “large families” can be completely different.

Since 2009, in Moscow and the Moscow region, only those families in which the youngest child is under 16 years of age are considered to have large families. If he studies at an educational institution, then this limit increases to 18 years.

Things are completely different in the Republic of Udmurtia. There, only those families with 3 or more children under 18 are considered large. If they study at a university, this period increases to 23 years.

As you can see, certain regions of the Russian Federation have their own criteria for assigning the status of a large family.

Therefore, before applying for benefits to certain authorities, you should prematurely find out about the criteria in force there.

Quotas for families with many children in universities

Benefits for entering a university are regulated in each educational institution independently

The educational legislation of the Russian Federation obliges each university to allocate admission quotas for certain categories of citizens. This norm should be regulated by internal regulatory documents higher education institution.

  • children from large families;
  • single mothers who have three or more children.

They receive some advantages over other applicants. Their number and significance are determined by the internal documentation of the university and cannot be established at the federal level.

Regional benefits

Benefits for entering a university and other benefits are regulated at the regional level

If it is impossible to find clear instructions in Federal legislation regarding the provision of benefits when children from large families are admitted to a university, then this may well be compensated by regional legislation that is adopted at the local level.

In some regions, a quota may be established for the admission of such applicants to a university, or other quotas may be set that cover part of the costs of food, clothing, etc., and although this is not very much money, it is still a significant addition to the scholarship.

Students from large families have the right to receive the following benefits:

  1. for transport tax;
  2. to receive land for use free of charge;
  3. receiving payments for the third and other children under 3 years of age (at the level of the regional subsistence level);
  4. receiving a pension for a mother of many children from the age of 50;
  5. flexible work schedule;
  6. free education for parents in areas that are in demand in a particular region.

Where to contact?

To prepare documents, you must contact the local authorized body

The process of receiving benefits for large families is regulated by law. To obtain them you can contact:

  • to the authorized body under the local administration;
  • to a multifunctional center, if there is one within the city or district.

But before applying, you should find out about the list of required documents. To obtain them you will need to visit the following institutions:

  1. an organization that deals with civil registration;
  2. Center for Social Protection of Citizens;
  3. parents' place of work;
  4. to the labor exchange, if there is no official place of work;
  5. to the BTI to obtain a document on the joint residence of children and parents.

There is no specific procedure for applying for benefits that is suitable for each region of the country, since they are determined at the local level and can be different everywhere.

If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Social Protection.

If any difficulties arise during the process, you should definitely seek help from the social protection authorities. Here citizens can receive all the necessary consultations and advice. Also, employees of this body are obliged to provide legal assistance to vulnerable segments of the population.

Special attention can be paid to benefits for studying at a university for single mothers with many children. They earn a lot more because of their single mother status.

If the rights of a single mother with many children are violated, she can contact one of the following bodies:

  • to the department of social protection of the population at the local administration;
  • to your local courthouse;
  • to the prosecutor's office.

It all depends on the severity of the issue. If you cannot solve it through the social service, then to protect your rights you should go to court or the prosecutor's office. These bodies (especially the court) have a lot of leverage over the relevant authorities, which helps them resolve almost any issue.

Benefits for mothers of many children

What are the criteria for determining a mother of many children?

There may be a lot of nuances associated with assigning such a category. To obtain this status, the following criteria must be met:

  1. After the birth of the child, the woman received the status of mother, but the paternity of the other parent was not determined, and the woman was not married before the birth.
  2. The child was born after 300 days from the date of divorce, and ex-husband proved that he is not the father of the child.
  3. An unmarried woman adopted a child.

But there are some circumstances under which a mother raising a child on her own cannot be considered a single mother:

  1. If the family is incomplete, but the paternity of the other parent has been established.
  2. If a child was born within 300 days after the divorce or death of the father, then the ex-husband is automatically recognized as his legal father.
  3. If the child was born by an unmarried woman, but paternity has been established.

As in the case of children from large families, a single mother with many children cannot count on special benefits when entering a university, but she is provided with a certain number of social benefits during her studies.

In the following video you will learn about benefits for large families:

Jun 24, 2017 Content Manager

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Admission to a university opens up wide opportunities for a former applicant in the future. After graduating from the educational institution, he will receive a diploma and will be able to try to find a job in a well-paid position. Good prospects contribute to the growth of those willing to sit at a student desk. However, there are not enough places for everyone. Only the best will be able to enter. Not only knowledge, but also the availability of preferences will help facilitate enrollment. From this article, the reader will learn whether there are benefits for large families when entering a university, how to take advantage of them, and what laws govern them.

Which categories of citizens are classified as having many children?

Speaking about the benefits for entering a university provided to children from large families, it is impossible not to mention the moment of registration of this status. There is no definition of this concept in current laws. It can only be found in the National Standards. After reading them, we can conclude that a family raising three or more children is considered large.

A large family can raise:

  • Biological (natural) children.
  • Children taken into care.
  • Adopted children.

It is important that children are fully dependent on their parents. If they are raised in an orphanage, the family cannot be recognized as having many children.

A family is considered to have many children until the eldest child reaches 18 years of age. In case of admission to a university as a full-time student, the period is extended to 23 years.

Giving a family the status of a large family occurs on an application basis. After its confirmation, parents have the right to take advantage of a number of preferences. Among them you can find priority enrollment in kindergartens and schools. However, nothing is said about entering universities on a non-competitive basis. Laws adopted at the regional level can clarify this issue.

Standard conditions for admission to a university

Enrollment in a university occurs on the basis of internal regulations. It specifies the requirements for applicants and the conditions for accepting their documents. The internal rules of the educational institution are developed on the basis of federal and regional laws. This means that each region has its own regulations, on the basis of which it is possible to provide benefits for admission to children from large families.

Typically, admission to a university occurs in the following order:

  1. The deadline for recruiting applicants is established.
  2. Applicants' documents and applications are accepted.
  3. Selection is carried out according to Unified State Exam results and internal exams.
  4. Students are enrolled in the first year.

Applicants who show the best results are admitted to the university; the rest will have to look for a place in other educational institutions. As a rule, the organization must allocate some places for preferential categories of citizens. They are accepted on a non-competitive basis.

If a beneficiary does not have enough space at a university, the administration of the institution has the right to refuse admission to applicants applying on a general basis.

Beneficiaries are not exempt from taking the Unified State Exam; despite this, they do not need to take part in the competition among applicants. They are enrolled in available places without additional examinations, unless this contradicts the internal rules of the educational institution.

The number of preferential places at the university is limited. The educational institution enrolls applicants who enjoy preferences on the budget. The rest of the students will have to pay for their education. This means that providing more free places is not possible for financial reasons. If upon admission there are many beneficiaries, only some of them will be enrolled in the university. The rest will have to enroll on a general basis, or choose another educational institution.

It has already been said above that the list of preferential categories of citizens who can count on non-competitive admission to a university is determined on the basis of federal and regional laws. Unfortunately, most of them do not give children from large families special preferences for entering a university.

On a non-competitive basis, the following are enrolled in universities:

  • Orphans.
  • Disabled children.
  • Children raised by a single disabled parent.
  • Chernobyl victims.
  • Children of military personnel.
  • Demobilized conscripts.
  • Participants in combat operations.

However, this does not mean that children from large families cannot enroll on a preferential basis. The university administration has the right to admit applicants on a non-competitive basis if this is permitted by the regional government. Therefore, you should contact the management of the educational institution in advance and clarify the availability of benefits.

If there is no benefit, a child from a large family will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. If a minor belongs to one of the preferential categories (for example, has the first or second disability group), he will be enrolled in the educational institution on a non-competitive basis.

How can a child from a large family enter a university on a non-competitive basis?

Parents with many children should take care of their children’s education in advance, long before entering university. This will allow you not to be afraid that the child will not be able to enroll without benefits. It should be remembered that with good academic performance and participation in competitions, enrollment will be carried out without selection. The following will be able to take advantage of these preferences:

  1. Winners and prize-winners of the last stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren.
  2. Prize-winners and winners of the Olympic Games.
  3. Medalists of the European and World Championships.

Parents should support their child’s participation in all kinds of competitions and Olympiads. Showing good results, he will not go unnoticed and will be able to enter any university in the country without competition. This may require attending paid courses and tutors. However, such investments will pay off after graduation.

If your child does not belong to the categories that are enrolled in a university on a preferential basis, do not worry. He will be able to act on his own. This will require good knowledge and preparation. If you are unsure of the success of independent admission, you should give preference to less popular universities with a small number of people willing to enroll in one place.

Most universities in the country do not provide benefits for children from large families upon admission. Therefore, when submitting an application to an educational institution, you must bring with you a standard list of documents:

  • School certificate.
  • Passport.
  • 4 photographs, size 3x4.
  • Medical certificate 086-U.
  • Certificate of external independent assessment.

The applicant must provide both originals and copies of documents. If there are awards received for participation in olympiads or competitions, they can also be provided. Here we are not talking about victories in intra-school or city competitions. For admission, only all-Russian competitions and olympiads are important.
