How to use camphor oil correctly. Properties and use of camphor oil in medicine and cosmetology

At home, camphor oil is used to treat diseases of the ears (otitis media), upper respiratory tract(), joints (arthritis), to relieve pain in, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Useful and healing properties

Previously, ladies kept a bottle of camphor with them. Used when fainting - inhaled, rubbed on temples - the aroma eliminates an attack of weakness.

Camphor oil is used externally for soft tissue bruises, muscle pain, inflammatory muscle lesions, and for the prevention of bedsores.

This useful product tones and increases the contractility of the heart muscle. It is used to provide a bactericidal effect in cases of damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and to improve expectoration.

As prescribed by a doctor, camphor oil is used subcutaneously at a dose of 2-4 ml three to four times a day.

Using camphor oil for ears

Otitis. In acute otitis media, the inflammatory process involves the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity, mastoid process, and auditory tube.

More often the infection enters through auditory tube, from the nasal cavity with rhinitis, ARVI, influenza. Inflammation thickens the mucous membrane, sometimes completely filling the tympanic cavity. The doctor prescribes antibiotics.

To reduce moderate pain and in the absence of suppuration, camphor oil is used:

  • Drop a 20% solution into the ear.

Removing pus:

  1. Finely rub laundry soap.
  2. Make a candle, wrap it in a bandage, and insert it into the ear canal.
  3. Apply a compress with camphor oil on a cotton cloth outside (you should feel warm).

Apply the compress overnight. In two days the pus will come out.

Elimination of inflammation in the ear:

  1. Roll a cotton ball.
  2. Soak in camphor oil.
  3. Place in the ear canal.
  4. Place a woolen cloth on the outside.
  5. Leave overnight.

The pain subsides after an hour or two, and a feeling of warmth appears.

Hearing improvement:

  1. Prepare a paste of one clove.
  2. Add 1-2 drops of camphor oil.
  3. Place the pulp in several layers of gauze.
  4. Insert into the ear canal for 15 minutes before going to bed; if there is a burning sensation, remove it earlier.

Every day eat a quarter of fresh with peel.

Using camphor oil for face and hair

Camphor oil treats acne, wrinkles, scars. It is used to care for hair and eyelashes.

Acne, inflammation:

  • Mix cumin (1 tsp) and camphor oils (1-2 drops).

Use to eliminate cosmetic defects in the morning and evening, rinse with warm water.


  • Oil the gauze.
  • Attach to the scar.
  • Cover with film for 1-2 hours.

Apply to scars - apply compresses for a month.

Eczema. Prepare the medicinal composition:

  1. In a dark glass bowl, thoroughly grind 3 raw egg yolks.
  2. Add 75ml camphor oil.
  3. Add 150g of birch tar.
  4. Add 150ml medical alcohol (70%).
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.

Application of the camphor oil composition: apply and do not wash off for three days. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Rejuvenating cream. Mix:

  1. Camphor alcohol – 30ml.
  2. – 75ml.
  3. Rose water – 12ml.
  4. Distilled water – 60ml.
  5. Shake before use.

Use in case of aging skin without pronounced blood vessels no more than twice a week.

Eyelashes, eyebrows. Recipe for restoring thickness, shine and silkiness:

  • Mix castor (1 tbsp) and camphor (2-3 drops) oils.

Directions for use: apply in the evening 1-2 hours before bedtime for a month.

Dandruff. Use camphor oil:

  1. Rub into scalp.
  2. After an hour, rinse your hair.

The course of treatment is a month.

Mask for oily hair :

  • Mix egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. camphor oil, 2 tbsp. water.

Directions for use: apply to damp hair, massage well. Rinse with warm water to prevent the yolk from curdling.

Camphor oil for joint pain

Camphor oil has long been used as a warming agent.


  • Mix mustard oil with 2-3 parts of camphor.

Rub with massaging movements into the sore joint to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and restore mobility.

Recipe 2. Elimination of pain due to arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia:

  • Stir 1 tsp. honey and 3 tbsp. camphor oil.

Directions for use: place on a sore spot, cover with a cabbage leaf and a warm cloth. Remove after four hours.


  • Mix 50 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of camphor oil.

Use 1 tsp. until completely rubbed in (dry) 2-6 times a day.

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis:

  • Mix 2 parts garlic juice and 2 parts camphor oil.

Directions for use: rub into affected areas along the spine.

Osteoarthritis. In the dark glass jar mix:

  1. Medical (100g) and ammonia (1 tsp) alcohol.
  2. Turpentine (1 tsp).
  3. Vinegar 70% (1 tbsp).
  4. Bodyagu (10g).
  5. Vegetable (1 tbsp) and camphor (1 tbsp) oils.

Place the mixture in a cool, dark place for two days, shaking twice a day.

Method of using the camphor oil composition:

  1. Rub into feet overnight.
  2. Wrap in an old sheet to avoid staining the bed.

Treat yourself until folk remedy won't end.

What else is camphor oil used for?

Runny nose:

  • Mix vegetable and camphor oils in equal parts.

Apply 2-3 drops into each nostril.


  • Mix flour, honey, camphor oil.

Apply the cakes to maxillary sinuses.


  • Dissolve 2g of camphor in 10ml of alcohol, add a glass of vinegar.

Usage: Rub the mixture on your back and chest before going to bed.

Cough, bronchitis.

  • Soak wool fabric in vinegar and camphor oil.

Directions for use: apply to your breasts at night.

Inhalations. Methods of using camphor oil:

  • Use for inhalation - inhale steam.
  • Inhale the aroma from the bottle alternately through each nostril for 1-3 minutes.

Toothache. Recipe for using camphor oil:

  • Add 5 ml to a glass of water.

Hold the mixture in your mouth for 1-3 minutes and spit it out. Repeat several times a day.

Harm and contraindications

The use of camphor oil sometimes causes. Before use, apply a little on the elbow.

An overdose causes excessive agitation, convulsions, headaches, and dizziness.

The useful product is contraindicated in cases of tendency to convulsions, epilepsy, insufficient milk secretion, acute inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocardium), and dilation of large vessels and weakening of their walls (aneurysm).

Modified: 06/27/2019

Camphor oil is known to many as an effective medical and cosmetic product. But few people know about all its possibilities, beneficial and harmful properties. This valuable substance is extracted from wood; the raw material is the camphor tree, also known as camphor laurel or camphor cinnamon. The tree grows throughout East Asia, South Africa, southern Europe, North America, and is found in the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast. The wood of the camphor tree is of little use for construction; it is mainly used for making crafts, souvenirs, and cute little things; they exude a pleasant light aroma for a long time. In ancient China, the tree was considered sacred and cutting it down was punishable by death. Today, the production of camphor oil from wood continues, but synthetic camphor is present in large quantities on sale; natural oil is not so easy to find. There is no particular difference between them, the main action remains unchanged, but in natural chemical composition richer, has many active nutrients.

Benefits of camphor oil

Camphor oil has many beneficial properties, but let's start with the most important thing. As you know, camphor tree oil has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system; when it is suppressed, camphor activates nervous processes, supports the functioning of the body, and awakens it. In a similar way, the oil affects the functioning of the heart muscle, respiratory organs, and brain; it improves blood circulation and restores ventilation of the lungs if it has been impaired. Camphor began to be used for these purposes a very long time ago, but to this day this drug is used by emergency doctors; it is administered as an injection if a patient is admitted with depressed cardiac or respiratory activity. But for internal use it is recommended to use only natural camphor oil; a synthetic analogue has side effects and is more suitable for compresses, rubbing, lotions.

Due to its ability to restore respiratory function, camphor oil is used for pneumonia, pneumonia and other diseases of the lower respiratory tract, which can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of this organ. In case of severe poisoning, camphor is also given so that the patient can breathe on his own, this is very important.

Application of camphor oil

Camphor oil, including synthetic and semi-synthetic, has such properties:

- antimicrobial;
- antiseptic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- analgesic;
- exciting;
- annoying;
- relieving itching.

All this allows use it in the form of compresses to treat pain of various types, for example, for radiculitis, arthritis, neuralgia, myalgia and other similar diseases. Camphor eases joint and muscle pain, relieves spasms, eliminates inflammation. You can also use camphor to combat bedsores and other serious skin injuries, it will promote their healing.

Camphor oil is good for ear pain, otitis of various types. If you drop camphor at the first unpleasant sensation in the ear, you will be able to prevent the development of the disease. The oil also effectively relieves ear pain when the ear is already seriously aching. To enhance the effect, you can not only drip the oil into the ear canal, but also apply a compress with camphor behind the ear.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Camphor tree oil used for inflammation of the lymph nodes, compresses help relieve swelling, eliminate inflammation, and increase lymph flow. The procedures are carried out over three to seven days. To get rid of a cough, you can try treatment with a known the folk way: Add 3 drops of camphor oil and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm milk and drink this medicinal drink twice a day for 3-5 days.

Camphor tree oil will also help those who have recently had a tooth removed, but the swelling does not go away, it hurts, and interferes with eating, sleeping, and talking. You need to rub a large area with camphor oil, soon the inflammation will go away and the tissue will begin to heal.

Camphor oil should be tried by all those who suffer from excessively oily skin. It remarkably helps to normalize sebum production, cleanse pores, narrow them, and heal existing inflammations. Camphor will also help with acne; pimples will gradually begin to heal, become less obvious, and new inflammations will stop appearing. Camphor oil also works well in the fight against age spots. It is enough to start wiping your face with camphor oil to soon get rid of them and make your face “porcelain”. By analogy with castor oil, camphor oil is also used to care for eyelashes; it stimulates their growth, making them stronger and more elastic. Camphor oil can be added to any existing cosmetic product - tonic, face cream, shampoo or hair balm. Caring for your hair with camphor oil will help get rid of brittleness, split ends, and also restore its shine.

Camphor oil has found wide use in aromatherapy; its smell is strong, recognizable, and healing. To relax, you need to drop just a little camphor oil onto the aroma lamp; its vapors will calm you down, relieve stress and irritation. This can also help with headaches (you can also massage your temples with your fingers soaked in camphor oil). In the warm season, camphor can be used to protect against insects; they cannot stand its smell and will fly around you or your house, which smells of camphor oil. To repel insects, just drop a little oil on paper or a piece of cotton wool.

Harm of camphor oil

Camphor oil is contraindicated for epilepsy and other diseases nervous system, accompanied by her excessive excitement. An allergy or individual intolerance may develop to camphor; headache, nausea. An overdose of camphor oil causes convulsions, dizziness, hyperemia, hypertension, delirium, vomiting, and migraine.

Hello, dear blog readers. Several decades ago, camphor oil was in the medicine cabinet of every Soviet family. Now this useful remedy undeservedly forgotten. Meanwhile, it has an extensive list of medicinal and cosmetic properties. I suggest you leave the modern ones for now medicines and carefully study the use of camphor oil.

General information

Colorless crystals and natural essential oil are obtained from the wood and roots of the camphor tree through steam distillation. To prepare a pharmaceutical solution, the crystals are mixed with sunflower oil.

Natural camphor ester is highly toxic, so it is used in very small doses.

It includes:

  • terpene ketone (camphor) is able to stop the inflammatory process and is characterized by a calming effect;
  • cineole has an antiseptic and expectorant effect;
  • safrole regulates metabolic processes, eliminates acne from the skin, normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions;
  • pinene eliminates painful spasms, makes the skin soft and velvety;
  • camphene has a bactericidal and antiviral effect, reduces hyperemia of the respiratory tract;
  • bisabolol accelerates healing, relieves irritation and redness, restores normal moisture balance, restores firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • Limonene fights fungal and bacterial microorganisms, evens out skin tone.

Treatment with camphor oil

Camphor oil has many beneficial properties, which are valued by official and alternative medicine. It can relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and increase blood flow in tissues.

The oil is also characterized by antiseptic, bactericidal and irritating effects.

Most often it is used to treat:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, colds with severe cough;
  • hemorrhoids. It can remove swelling and stop the inflammatory process in the anus, reduce the size of cones, destroy pathogens and speed up the healing process of small ulcers;
  • runny nose;
  • ear pain;
  • pain relief from neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, sciatica, arthralgia, myalgia;
    eliminating puffiness and swelling;
  • reducing itching.

In medical practice, it is possible to inject camphor oil. It is used for collapse, poisoning by sleeping pills, and heart failure. It stimulates the vasomotor center, constricts blood vessels and tones respiratory system.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that broadcast or oil solution can only be used externally.

Do not harm your health by using dubious recipes that involve oral use of the product. Remember that oil is toxic.


Despite the benefits of camphor oil, we must not forget about its dangers and contraindications. First of all, refrain from using the drug if the integrity of the skin in the treatment area is damaged.

Don't forget about individual intolerances. Be sure to conduct a sensitivity test before using the oil fully. Camphor can be used only in the absence of allergies and irritation.

Contraindications also include bronchial asthma, liver and cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases.

How to use camphor oil

I offer you simple and effective ways uses of camphor oil:

  • to get rid of a runny nose, mix an equal amount of camphor and sunflower oil, as well as propolis tinctures. Place the resulting product in 3 drops into each nasal passage. Before manipulation, it is advisable to rinse your nose with a weak saline solution. The frequency of the procedure for children over 2 years old should not exceed 3 times a day;
  • Flatbreads made from flour, honey and camphor oil are good for sinusitis. They must be applied to the maxillary sinuses;
  • Rubbing is intended to relieve a strong cough. You need to heat a little of the drug in a water bath, grind thoroughly chest and back, and then wrap the sick person well. The procedure is best done at night. Before manipulation, be sure to make sure there is no temperature;
  • Lotions help with otitis media. You need to soak a gauze pad in warm oil and place it around the sore ear. It is advisable to cover the top with cling film and wrap it with a scarf. Do not instill the product into the ear canal under any circumstances. This action is fraught with burns, hearing impairment and the development of aseptic inflammatory process;
  • When treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system and relieving pain, it is recommended to apply compresses to the affected areas. The bandage should remain on the body for about a day. Then it needs to be changed;
  • to speed up healing purulent wounds and to relieve pain after injuries, you need to do lotions;
  • for the treatment of hemorrhoids, mix 4 parts camphor oil, 3 parts ether tea tree and 2 parts flaxseed oil. The resulting composition must be soaked in a cotton swab and injected into anus for 2 hours. Course duration is 10 days;
  • for mastitis, you need to take two parts of baby cream and one part of camphor oil. Coat a cabbage leaf or clean cloth with the mixture, place on the affected chest, secure with cling film and wrap with a warm scarf. Leave overnight;
  • A mixture of alcohol and camphor oil, taken in equal proportions, will help get rid of mastopathy. A piece of gauze should be thoroughly soaked in the solution, applied to the chest, and secured with polyethylene and a warm cloth. Leave it overnight.

Before using any recipe, do not forget to consult a specialist. Use camphor especially carefully in treating children. Be sure to get your pediatrician's approval.

Using camphor oil for the face

If you care about the health of your facial skin, be sure to use simple recipes with camphor ether. It can narrow enlarged pores and cleanse them of impurities, get rid of blackheads and pimples, and normalize the skin tone. In addition, the product will eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots, restore firmness and elasticity, regulate the separation of sebaceous secretions.

Remember that camphor can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to do a sensitivity test before using the recipes below:

  • to get rid of acne, you need to mix 15 milliliters of apricot ether, 5 milliliters of black cumin seed oil and 3 drops of camphor ether. Use the resulting solution to wipe your face in the morning and before bed. Do not rinse off;
  • A mixture of 15 milliliters of grape seed oil and milk thistle with the addition of 5 drops of camphor will help get rid of wrinkles and tighten sagging skin. The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin, covered with a cotton cloth, left for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water;
  • You can eliminate scars and age spots using a lotion of 15 milliliters of sea buckthorn oil and 3 drops of camphor. You need to wipe your skin in the evening. The composition is not washed off;
  • A mixture of 2 tablespoons of blue or green cosmetic clay, 6 drops of camphor ether and 30 milliliters of purified water will help clear the skin of acne. The mask is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Remove with water and then treat the skin with milk.

Do not exceed the indicated dosage of camphor ether. If you don't really like homemade recipes, just add a few drops of oil to the face cream, take it on your finger.

Camphor oil for hair and eyelashes

Camphor can warm the skin and increase blood circulation. Thanks to this, hair follicles receive more oxygen and nutrients, which contributes to their active growth.

Oil-based products moisturize and nourish each hair, eliminate increased fragility, and restore elasticity.

The active components dry and disinfect oily skin and normalize the secretion of sebaceous secretions.

I offer you several simple recipes that will make your curls strong and healthy:

  • mix egg yolk, 30 milliliters of water and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply the nourishing cocktail to the strands, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse. An express mask will get rid of excess oiliness and restore natural radiance to your curls;
  • Combine the egg yolk with 15 milliliters of almond oil, 5 drops of camphor ether and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to damp strands, leave for 5 minutes, rinse. The product will relieve hair from dryness and restore normal level moisture and enrich with nutrients;
  • A cocktail of 1 yolk, 15 milliliters of sesame oil, 5 milliliters of hot pepper tincture and 2.5 milliliters of camphor oil will help activate hair growth. The composition must be rubbed into the root area, wrap the head in cling film and leave for half an hour.

And a mask of camphor and castor oil, taken in equal quantities, will help strengthen their roots. Before use, the mixture should be slightly warmed, treated with a clean applicator from an old mascara and left overnight.

You can add extra volume to your eyelashes using a cocktail of 5 milliliters of camphor and burdock oil with the addition of 1 ampoule of pharmaceutical vitamin E.


I have collected for you several reviews on the use of camphor:

Anastasia, 26 years old:

“A mask made from the juice of 1 lemon and a teaspoon of camphor oil helps me against hair loss. The resulting solution should be rubbed into the roots, covered with plastic wrap and left for half an hour. I carry out the procedure every 3 days. On average, 10-12 sessions are enough for the curls to become stronger, hair loss to stop, and a beautiful shine to return.”

Olga, 48 years old:

“I have my own recipe that helps you look 100%. I mix 15 grams of white cosmetic clay, 15 milliliters of homemade yogurt and 5 drops of camphor ether. I apply the mask to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. After 10 procedures, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, the oval of the face is tightened, and a uniform and beautiful skin tone returns. I definitely use this recipe before important events and never get tired of hearing compliments addressed to me.”

Oksana, 32 years old:

"I have chronic bronchitis. During an exacerbation, during the cold season, compresses with camphor oil save me. The main thing is to rub your chest and back, and then wrap yourself up well and spend the whole night in a warm cocoon. The sputum begins to clear much more easily, the number of coughing attacks decreases, and recovery occurs much faster.”

I want to tell you another secret of camphor oil. If you drop a small amount into an aroma lamp, the ether will relieve headaches, restore the functioning of the nervous system, and relieve emotional and physical fatigue. The oil helps cope with depression and strengthens the barrier mechanisms of the immune system.

I hope you found it for yourself useful information. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and recommend this article to your friends. social networks.

The medicinal properties of camphor have been used since Roman times. It is obtained from Japanese laurel wood by steam treatment. This can only be done from wood over 40 years old.

As a result of this processing, several types of oils are obtained simultaneously. Each of them is used for specific purposes. Medical oil is obtained from highly volatile crystals with a special odor. Therefore, the product must be used with caution. Dark oil is used in industry, and white oil is used in perfumery and cosmetology.

What is camphor oil used for?

In Soviet times, subcutaneous administration of camphor solution was common. This method was used to treat pneumonia, breathing problems, and heart failure. It was used for collapse and restoration of the body after poisoning with narcotic or sleeping pills. However, today the product is used strictly only externally.

Camphor oil has the following properties:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • antipruritic;
  • annoying;
  • cleansing.

IN modern medicine it is used to treat rheumatoid complications, arthritis of various etiologies, muscle inflammation, neuroses, and asthma. At respiratory diseases, colds and severe cough therapy is carried out by rubbing the chest or using compresses. Problems of the musculoskeletal system are treated in the same way. It is possible to use the drug for the treatment of otitis media in children.

Camphor is often used to care for weak, brittle hair or skin. It perfectly disinfects, cleanses the skin, helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and helps fight deep wrinkles. The product is used to treat acne, eliminate pigmentation spots, scars, scars.

Camphor preparations can be used to restore brittle hair, as well as reduce its oiliness. They are quite effective as masks or additives to shampoos.

Side effects, contraindications

Use camphor oil with great caution during pregnancy. Any procedures can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor.

It is prohibited to use for treatment this remedy with individual intolerance, tendency to seizures, as well as epilepsy. During lactation, the use of the product is also prohibited. Camphor should not be used to treat children under two years of age. It is forbidden to use the product on abrasions, wounds, and dermatitis. Ingestion is not allowed.

Side effects when used externally can be expressed in the form of local allergic reactions: rash, redness, irritation. When camphor-based drugs are administered subcutaneously, tachycardia, convulsions, and migraine pain may develop.

Camphor oil in cosmetology

Due to the rich composition of camphor oil, it can be used in cosmetology practice. It perfectly disinfects the skin, cleanses it of excess fat, increasing its elasticity. The product is no less effective in treating hair from brittleness.

For eyelashes - restoration, improvement of growth

Thick and lush eyelashes are the dream of all women. To restore them and improve growth, you can use the following recipe. Add 3 drops of camphor to a tablespoon of castor oil and mix well. The finished product can be placed in a clean, dry mascara jar. It is applied to upper eyelashes for the night. The course of treatment is a month.

During this time, the thickness of the eyelashes will increase significantly, they will look much more impressive. To prevent further loss, this remedy is used once a week.

Anti-wrinkle – restoration and strengthening of the skin

Camphor can be used to restore mature, aging skin from wrinkles. It has a strengthening effect and increases skin tone. To do this you need to prepare the following remedy. In a separate container, mix grape seed and milk thistle oils (a tablespoon each) and add 5 drops of camphor.

The resulting composition is applied to the face, and a cotton napkin is placed on top. After twenty minutes, the mask is removed, and its remnants are thoroughly washed off with warm water. After this procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream must be applied to the skin.

For acne - cleansing masks and lotions

For acne, camphor is no less effective. You can use it to make a healing mask or cleansing lotion. To do this, add 3 drops of camphor to a teaspoon of cumin oil. Apply the resulting product to the affected areas in the morning and evening.

Regular implementation of this procedure helps improve the condition of the skin, noticeably narrows pores, and reduces inflammation.

So that the mixture can be used as a mask, cosmetic clay is added to it. All components are mixed well to obtain a creamy substance. The finished product is applied to the face in a thin layer and left for 15-20 minutes. Next, rinse everything thoroughly with warm water, after which a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

Camphor oil is also used on the face to reduce oily skin. To do this, mix two teaspoons in one container:

  • cosmetic white clay;
  • kefir;
  • oatmeal.

Add 2 drops of camphor oil to the resulting mixture, mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask to the face in the morning and evening every day.

For hair - against brittleness, thinning, oiliness

Masks are a real salvation for those with problematic hair. Fragility, thinning, oily camphor oil solution will help in all cases. Below are a few simple recipes that will help your hair look significantly better.

Anti-oily mask

I pour 1.5 tablespoons of camphor oil into a small jar and place it in a container with hot water for warming up. Next, add one chicken egg and 20 grams of lemon pulp to the oil. The mask is applied to dirty hair for half an hour and wrapped in a towel. Wash off the product with warm water. Fulfill similar procedure maybe 2-3 times a week.

Hair growth mask

To make hair grow faster, prepare this composition. Beat the egg white with a tablespoon of sesame oil until smooth. Next, pour 20 grams of camphor oil into the container and add a teaspoon of ground hot pepper. Chili peppers work best. Keep the mask on your hair for 20 minutes. If a strong burning sensation occurs, it must be immediately removed from the head. Wash off this composition with shampoo.

Hair loss mask

Treatments for alopecia are usually taken before bedtime. The mixture must remain on the roots for at least 6 hours. During this time, the main ingredient manages to penetrate inside the follicles and revitalize them. Over time, new hairs appear.

To stimulate dormant follicles, you can use a mixture of oils. 20 grams of camphor, olive and burdock are poured into the prepared bowl, and three capsules of vitamin E are also added. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in cellophane, topped with a towel, and left to act overnight. In the morning, thoroughly wash off the product with regular shampoo.

Camphor oil in the treatment of diseases

In addition to its widespread use in cosmetology, camphor oil is used in medicine. It is used to treat many diseases, especially colds. It shoots well painful sensations, and also has a warming effect.

For otitis media - pain relief

Ear inflammation, or in other words, otitis media, is one of the most common diseases in the cool season. It is characterized by severe shooting pains and brings a lot of trouble to the patient. Can camphor oil be used for ear pain?

Most common cause otitis media are bacterial or viral infections that have entered the human body. Therefore, treatment with folk remedies alone may not bring adequate success. In such situations, an integrated approach is required. For otitis media, antibiotic therapy is prescribed first, and only then additional methods are used.

Camphor oil in the ear is a good distraction and helps reduce the severity of pain. To alleviate the patient's condition, this remedy is dripped onto cotton swabs and then inserted into the ears. It is recommended to keep them there for several hours, while applying a warming bandage to the ear.

Patients often ask the question, is it possible to drip camphor oil into the ear? This should not be done to prevent complications of the disease.

For lactostasis - relief of pain and blockage of ducts

Lactostasis is the stagnation of breast milk in the female mammary gland accompanied by swelling, inflammation and severe pain. In the treatment of this condition, traditional medicine methods are widely used. They help relieve pain and eliminate blockage of ducts. Camphor helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms, providing positive influence on the inflamed mammary gland. When treated with oil, swelling decreases and painful lumps in the breast soften.

Treatment should be carried out immediately before feeding. To do this, a piece of gauze is moistened with camphor and applied to the place where stagnation has formed. The top of the fabric is covered with cellophane film and left for several hours. Since the product has a strong irritant effect, before use it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

After a specified period of time, the compress is removed, and the chest is washed with warm water and baby soap. After this, you can start feeding. Just a few of these procedures will alleviate the condition of a young mother.

For coughs - inhalations, compresses, rubbing

An oil solution of camphor, as already mentioned, is very widely used in folk medicine to alleviate the condition of many diseases, including colds. There are many recipes that quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms.

For coughs, inhalations with camphor are quite effective. To do this, boil a couple of potatoes in their jackets in a small saucepan. As soon as the water boils, add 20 drops of oil to it. Next, after the potatoes are ready, pour the broth into a convenient cup and breathe over it, wrapped in a towel. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes.

The following recipe is also suitable for inhalation. Add a full spoon of honey, a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil, and 10 drops of camphor to warm water (about 39 degrees). You can add 3 drops essential oils tea tree and lavender. The procedure time is 7-10 minutes.

Compresses with camphor oil are no less effective for coughs. Thanks to its local, warming, irritating effect, this product helps liquefy and remove mucus. For such a compress, the camphor oil solution is diluted with water in half, heated, and a piece of gauze or a piece of cloth is soaked in it. Gauze is placed on the chest, covered with film and wrapped in a down or woolen scarf. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day before bedtime, without removing the compress for 2 hours.

Rubbing helps a lot. To do this, 4 tablespoons of camphor are heated in a water bath to 30-32 degrees and intensively rubbed on the chest, back and feet. Next, you need to put on a cotton T-shirt, wool socks, and cover yourself with a blanket or blanket. This procedure is also carried out shortly before bedtime.

After treatment with camphor, cold symptoms go away literally on the second day. It becomes easier for the sick person to breathe, the cough becomes moist, and it is easier for the body to evacuate mucus from the bronchi.

However, the use of camphor oil for colds also has its limitations. Treatment procedures are not performed on children under two years of age. It is also not recommended to use compresses or rubbing when high temperature or allergies to camphor.

For sinusitis - nasal drops and compresses

Due to its positive qualities, the folk remedy is also used in the treatment of rhinitis or its complication – sinusitis. To do this, an oil solution of camphor is mixed with ordinary vegetable oil (olive oil is more effective) in a 1:1 ratio. Use this product in the nose in the morning and in the evening, 2 drops in each nasal passage.

Camphor compress is applied externally. To do this, mix honey, camphor solution, flour to obtain a thick dough and form a small cake from it. Place it on the sinus area once a day before bed. The minimum procedure time is 1 hour, but you can leave this compress overnight.

Camphor oil is widely popular in the field of medicine and cosmetology. Of the two types of this herbal product, the so-called white camphor oil is used in treatment and care.

The healing properties of camphor oil.
Camphor oil is isolated from Japanese laurel wood through steam distillation. This tree grows in China, Taiwan and Japan. This herbal product especially valued in medicine, it is used in the treatment of asthma, epilepsy, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, muscle inflammation, colds and cough (stimulates the discharge and removal of sputum), arrhythmia and neuroses, as well as to prevent the occurrence of bedsores in patients who are forced to stay in bed all the time. In general, this remedy has been used for quite a long time. In pharmacy chains, camphor oil can be bought in the form of an ointment, oil and alcohol solution.

Since camphor oil has a whole bunch of side effects, it is used exclusively externally.

In the cosmetic industry, camphor oil is effectively used in the treatment of acne, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating scars, and is also included in the base of creams and various cosmetic preparations for fatty type facial skin. This product also gives excellent results in caring for hair and eyelashes, has a stimulating effect on their growth and helps strengthen them.

Thanks to its rich composition, camphor oil exhibits analgesic, nourishing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, irritant, wound-healing, antiseptic and rejuvenating effects, is able to regulate sebum secretion, and has a lightening effect on pigmented areas.

Camphor oil use in cosmetology, recipes.

The rich composition of camphor oil provides it with certain properties, thanks to which its popularity in skin care is growing every day. Camphor oil is an excellent means of cleansing and disinfecting the skin, reduces its oiliness by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly increases its elasticity, making it younger.

Camphor oil for eyelashes.
To restore the original density of eyebrows and eyelashes, improve their growth and nutrition, effectively use the following mixture: enrich a tablespoon of castor oil with three drops of camphor oil. Mix the composition and place in a clean and dry old mascara jar. Apply the composition to eyelashes and eyebrows (if necessary), as if combing them, at night for a month. To prevent hair loss, use once a week.

Camphor oil for acne.
A combination of camphor oil (three drops) with cumin oil (a teaspoon) will help treat acne. The resulting product can be used as a mask with therapeutic purpose or an effective cleansing lotion that should be used twice a day. It is necessary to wash off the mask or lotion with warm water. The procedure significantly improves the external condition of problem skin, apparently narrows pores, and relieves inflammation.

To use a mixture of oils as a mask, it is necessary to add cosmetic clay to this composition in an amount sufficient to obtain a sour cream-like consistency. It is recommended to leave the mask on the face for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Camphor oil for wrinkles (for mature and aging skin).
Camphor oil has an excellent strengthening effect on aging skin: combine a tablespoon of grape seed and milk thistle oils, and then flavor this mixture with camphor oil (five drops). Apply the composition to the face, placing a cotton napkin on top. Then, after twenty minutes, remove the fabric, rinse off the remaining mask with water and apply a moisturizing cream.

This herbal remedy is effective when applied to the skin around the eyes. It is good to combine peach, grape, castor and camphor oils in a teaspoon. Apply the composition daily to the eyelid area as a mask, or use as a makeup remover.

Whitening mask.
Combine a tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil with three drops of camphor. To achieve an overall brightening effect, apply the mixture to the skin as a night cream. If you need to eliminate small pigmented areas or lighten freckles, then the composition is applied pointwise directly to problem areas two to three times a day.

The use of camphor oil in treatment, recipes.
To resolve or smooth keloid scars, camphor oil is recommended in the form of compresses. Soak a sterile dressing in this oil, apply it to the affected area, wrap it with polyethylene on top and secure it. The procedure must be done every day for a month. For the first time, it is recommended to leave the compress for no more than an hour; if the procedure does not cause discomfort or other uncomfortable sensations, you can apply the compress at night for the next procedure.

Also compresses with this medicinal oil good in treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The compress is made in the same way as in the first case, only leave it for a day, then change it.

To relieve pain, accelerate the healing process of purulent wounds, injuries and other injuries, it is good to make lotions with camphor oil. Do the procedure daily, change every twenty minutes (four times a day). After three days of using camphor oil, visible improvement is observed.

To prevent the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients, camphor oil is applied to the patient’s skin after hygiene procedures.

For ear pain, this remedy is used in the form of lotions applied to the area around the sore ear. Do not put oil in your ear!

Taking the oil (four drops) twice a day, either with milk or added to milk and then taken, will help get rid of a cough. Rubbing with heated oil also helps. It is advisable to carry out such manipulations at night, cover yourself with a warm blanket.

This recipe based on this miraculous medicine will help you get rid of a runny nose effectively and in the shortest possible time. herbal preparation: combine by teaspoon vegetable oil(any), propolis tincture and camphor oil. Place three drops of the product into each nasal passage.

Using camphor oil for hair.
In the care of oily and brittle hair, as well as for the treatment of hair loss, it is recommended to add camphor oil to masks and ready-made shampoos.

Here effective recipe for oily hair: beat the egg yolk with two tablespoons of water, add half a teaspoon of camphor oil to the mixture. Apply the composition to your hair, leave for no more than three minutes and rinse with plain water.

For dry hair, it is advisable to add a tablespoon of almond oil, five drops of camphor oil and three drops of tea tree oil to the egg yolk. Apply the mixture to pre-moistened hair, leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To treat hair loss, a mask is recommended: combine a teaspoon of camphor oil with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Rub the composition into the scalp for twenty minutes, then wrap your head with plastic wrap and leave for half an hour. For maximum results, carry out the procedure every day for fourteen days.

To speed up hair growth, a mask based on this wonderful herbal preparation is suitable: grind an egg yolk with a tablespoon of sesame oil, add half a teaspoon of camphor oil and a teaspoon of hot pepper tincture. Mix everything thoroughly and rub into the hair roots, wrap the top with cling film and leave for half an hour. Wash off the mask using shampoo. It is recommended to make a mask three times a week. The course of treatment includes twelve masks.

Camphor oil is approved for use by children, but not younger than two years of age. Mainly shown in the form of rubbing and compresses.

Contraindications to the use of camphor oil:

  • presence of hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • epilepsy.
Side effects.
If you are hypersensitive to the drug after external use of camphor oil, you may experience allergic reactions, irritation.