The relevance of the Olympiad movement in the Russian language. The effectiveness of the Olympiad movement as a determining component of the development of students’ talent in subject areas

The problem of early identification of gifted children is one of the most important in the field of education. The intellectual and economic potential of our future largely depends on its solution. Therefore, the problem of creating systematic and high-quality work with motivated and capable students at school is a priority.

The Olympic movement is one of the areas for identifying gifted children. The goals of the Olympiads are to identify gifted children in a certain field of knowledge, develop their cognitive interests, needs and cognitive activity, test knowledge and skills, and gain experience in creative activities.

When preparing students to participate in the Olympiad, a stable positive motivation for educational activities is formed, the student feels like a subject of the educational and cognitive process, understanding that this process is organized for him, that the goals and objectives of this process are his personal goals, that he is the one playing not subordinate, but a leading role.

The participation of students in Olympiads and their victories are today considered one of the criteria for assessing the activities of educational institutions and the activities of teachers during certification. But we should not forget that the main participants in the Olympiad movement are still children and that preparing for participation in Olympiads is a significant additional educational load for them. At the same time, participation in the Olympiad movement allows children to increase their level of self-esteem; contributes to the expansion and deepening of knowledge in academic subjects, helps to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Based on the above, the question arises of how to attract and prepare children for successful performance at subject Olympiads. When analyzing literary sources, I came to conclusions about the need to adhere to the following principles.

1. Unobtrusiveness and voluntariness. The personality of the teacher, his desire and ability to interest is the impetus for starting classes. Involving, if possible, for the initial conversation those who, using personal example, will share their feelings about participating in the Olympic movement.

2. High motivation for learning. Using the example of senior comrades, successful performance at olympiads, conferences, competitions and, finally, admission to a prestigious educational institution is sufficient motivation for study. Feedback from the student’s parents plays an important role. Student – ​​teacher – parent are parts of one team.

3. Thoughtful and systematic training

In conclusion, I would like to draw some conclusions about ways to improve the effectiveness of work with gifted children in the field of the Olympiad movement in order to increase the rating of the gymnasium, in terms of students’ performance in subject Olympiads:

ü Organize preparation for educational Olympiads throughout the academic year.

ü Compile a data bank of gifted and motivated children in academic subjects.

ü Introduce a class tour of the Olympiads to attract the maximum number of high school students.

ü Provide methodological support to teachers preparing for Olympiads.

ü Stimulate the work of teachers in preparation for subject Olympiads.

Using various forms in working with students, involving them in the Olympiad movement, instilling and nurturing certain qualities, we are doing one common thing, raising a patriot, citizen, personality.

I would like to finish my report with the words of the famous Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev - “There are no talents or geniuses without clearly intensified hard work.” .

My work today is dictated by the realities of the time when we became involved in the implementation of the Gifted Children project.

In April 2017, I was lucky enough to take part in the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language, which was held in the city of Smolensk, with my 11th grade student.

In my teaching career, this was the first experience of participating in an Olympiad of this level. In the course of communicating with heads of delegations, lectures and round tables, and analyzing Olympiad assignments, I gained some experience working with gifted children in preparation for the Olympiad.

And now, when the municipal stage of subject Olympiads is taking place, I would like to talk once again about the development of the Olympiad movement as part of the implementation of the “Gifted Children” project.

Real pedagogical practice identifies three types of giftedness that are directly related to secondary schools. Academic giftedness is a pronounced ability to learn. Intellectual talent is the ability to perform complex intellectual work, that is, to be able to think, analyze, and compare facts. Creative talent manifests itself in a non-standard vision of the world, in unconventional thinking.

Taking into account that not every gifted student manages to achieve success in subject Olympiads, obviously, there are features that distinguish an “Olympiad” student from students with creative talent.

When the school stage of the subject Olympiads began in September, many teachers complained that it was very early after the summer holidays, not taking into account the fact that preparing for the Olympiad is not a repetition of the school material studied, but painstaking work every day, starting from primary school, on expanding knowledge in the field of the subject beyond the school curriculum.

The Olympics are a serious time for both students and teachers. The success of a performance depends on many factors: the student’s intellectual, physical and psychological preparation.

Participation in the Olympiad movement allows children to increase their level of self-esteem; contributes to the expansion and deepening of knowledge in academic subjects, helps to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Olympiads not only provide valuable materials for judging the degree of preparedness of students for Olympiads, but also identify the most gifted and prepared young people in a particular subject area and stimulate in-depth study of the subject. In subject Olympiads, the basis for success is not the sum of a student’s specific knowledge, but his ability to think logically, the ability to create in a short period of time a fairly complex and, most importantly, a new logical structure for him. Solving the problem of identifying a student’s creative abilities, i.e., the ability to “think outside the box,” Olympiad tasks have largely departed from standard (“school”) tasks.

How to achieve successful participation of a schoolchild in the Olympiad?

To succeed, you need to solve non-standard problems. Success is associated not only with abilities, but also with knowledge of classic Olympiad tasks. Therefore, we need to seriously prepare for the Olympics.

The Olympics is an extracurricular form of education. In order to prepare students for participation in Olympiads and conduct Olympiads, the teacher needs to conduct clubs, electives, carry out a lot of preparatory work, select and carry out various Olympiad-type tasks and assignments, and become thoroughly familiar with various issues and new literature. To prepare schoolchildren for Olympiads, it is necessary to have an individual approach to each student and place the main emphasis on the student’s independent work.

Preparation of students for Russian language Olympiads (at any level) should begin in the classroom, as well as in classes that in the curriculum of an educational organization belong to the part formed by participants in the educational process, as part of an elective course and, of course, as part of a specialized elective course.

Preparation for the Olympics should be based on the principle of consistency and continuity: preparation for the Olympics should be a continuous process, starting in elementary school.

To successfully perform in Olympiads, schoolchildren require special preparation separate from class activities. Special preparation for the Olympiad is required for students, first of all, because when organizing and conducting them, preference is given to original ideas, solutions to certain problems with clear justification, selection of the optimal method for completing a task, reasoned conclusions, etc. In addition Olympiad participants are often offered tasks not only using program concepts and laws, but also tasks that go beyond the scope of the curriculum, even for in-depth study of the subject.

For effective preparation for the Olympiad, it is important that elective courses should be used not to discuss theoretical issues, but to develop children’s creative abilities;

Pay attention to the improvement and development of children’s experimental skills, the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation, and independently model their search activities when solving experimental problems;

It is necessary to identify the most gifted and interested schoolchildren and their parents through:

Observations during lessons;

Organization of research, club work and other extracurricular activities in subjects;

Assessment of schoolchildren’s abilities and analysis of their performance in related disciplines.

A very important point in preparation is the creation of a creative group, a team of schoolchildren preparing for Olympiads, which allows:

Implement mutual assistance, transfer of experience of participation in Olympiads, psychological preparation of new participants;

Reduce the teacher’s workload, since part of the work of preparing younger ones can be taken on by older ones (by teaching others, they will improve their knowledge).

How to plan your work?

When planning work with a group of schoolchildren, avoid formalism and excessive organization;

Optimally build individual educational trajectories for each participant (free choice of the type of tasks, sections of the subject to study, aids used);

Provide opportunities for rest and relaxation;

Apply various forms of individual and pair work.

Work on the Internet

Communicate remotely

Participate in intensive schools, etc.

    take into account the peculiarities of work in some sections of the Russian language.

The Olympiad for schoolchildren is designed to test knowledge of the entire language system, so the tasks also include testing the actual knowledge of word formation, morphology, syntax and, of course, vocabulary. On the one hand, schoolchildren need to demonstrate knowledge, for example, in the field of word formation; on the other hand, it is important to demonstrate the ability to see typical forms and historical changes.

Nature of tasks.

1. Knowledge of modern and historical morphemic division of words. Participants must demonstrate skills in synchronic and diachronic morphemic and derivational analysis.

2. Particularly interesting, but also difficult are tasks of a “problematic” nature: for example, tasks to test knowledge in the field of historical orthoepy of the language. Students must compare linguistic facts (fragments of poems) in order to identify territorial features of pronunciation (for example, St. Petersburg and Moscow); Based on the author’s affiliation with a particular territory, students must draw a conclusion about the difference. Tasks of this type test the ability to compare and analyze linguistic facts.

3. Tasks to identify historical alternations are mandatory in any round of the Olympiad, as they are aimed at testing the student’s spelling vigilance. Here, in my opinion, the “Catch a mistake” technique is very productive in preparation.

4. Semantics tests outdated words test the student’s intuition in the field of Russian literature. First of all, tasks of this type are based on texts of fiction from different eras and students must show knowledge not only in the field of language, but also literature. At the same time, participants must demonstrate knowledge of the semantic system of the modern Russian literary language.

Participants must demonstrate awareness of the historical development of the word's lexical meaning. As examples, fragments of Old Russian or Church Slavonic texts containing words with outdated meanings are selected.

5. Phraseology assignments. They occupy a special place in the Olympiad and are dedicated to testing the general erudition of schoolchildren. Participants must demonstrate knowledge of Russian phraseology and the ability to analyze the functioning of phraseological units in a literary text.

6. Task on knowledge of historical spelling of words are among the most relevant because they indicate, in addition to linguistic reasons themselves, non-linguistic factors in changing graphics: these are processes occurring in society and influencing the change of the alphabet, in particular, the participation of authorities in the formation of Russian graphics and spelling.

7. Participants in the Olympiad must demonstrate knowledge of modern spelling norms and be able to justify it from a historical point of view, while they must note that some letters included in the alphabet in a certain historical period become a reflection of the influence of the culture and language of another country.

8. Tasks related to comparison of linguistic facts in a diachronic aspect, are also aimed at knowledge of intercultural communication.

I would like to show you some tasks of the final stage of the Olympiad for 9th grade students. The photo was taken from the screen while analyzing the completion of tasks in competitive rounds

Famous linguist V.V. Vinogradov said: “Words, ideas and things should be studied as analogous and interacting series of phenomena.”

When analyzing various sources on the development of the Olympiad movement, I came to conclusions about the need to adhere to the following principles.

    Unobtrusiveness and voluntariness. The personality of the teacher, his desire and ability to interest is the impetus for starting classes.

2. High motivation for learning.

Clause 12 of the Federal Law “On Education” states: “Winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads held in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education are granted the following special rights upon admission to educational organizations of higher education for training in undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad

1) admission without entrance tests to study in undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and areas of training corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad.

2) be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the unified state exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad.

Admission to a prestigious educational institution, following the example of senior comrades, successful performance at olympiads, conferences, and competitions is sufficient motivation for studies.

Feedback from the student’s parents plays an important role. Student – ​​teacher – parent are parts of one team.

3. Thoughtful and systematic training

In conclusion, I would like to draw some conclusions about ways to improve the effectiveness of work with gifted children in the field of the Olympiad movement in order to increase the rating of the educational institution, in terms of students’ performance in subject Olympiads:

Organize preparation for educational Olympiads throughout the academic year.

Compile a data bank of gifted and motivated children in academic subjects.

Provide methodological support to teachers preparing for Olympiads.

Involve higher education teachers in preparing for the Olympiads.

It is important to understand that a teacher who prepares students for Olympiads actually takes the pedagogical position of a tutor, an accompaniment: he builds an individual route for the child and accompanies him along this path.

I would like to finish with the words of the famous Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev: “There are no talents or geniuses without clearly intensified hard work.”

Creative success to all, the birth of new talents and geniuses and high results!

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1 p/p APPROVED by order of the Committee of General and Vocational Education dated August 11, 2015, 2010 (Appendix) ACTION PLAN for the development of the Olympiad movement in the territory for a year Name of the event Brief content of the event Implementation deadlines Responsible executor 1. Improving the regulatory framework development of the Olympiad movement in 1 Preparation of a draft order “On approval of the Procedure in September 1 in accordance with the order of the regional stage of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 18, 1252” 2 Preparation of a draft order “On approval of the Procedure for holding regional Olympiads” 3 Introduction of changes to the normative legal documents regulating the conduct of the school and municipal stages 1 Organization and conduct of training camps for the preparation of participants in the final stage Preparation of a draft order in order to improve the procedure for holding regional Olympiads Bringing municipal regulatory legal acts into compliance with the Olympiad movement September until September 1 3 4 Expected result from the implementation of the event Creation of a legal document regulating the holding of the regional stage in the territory Creation of a legal document regulating the holding of regional Olympiads Creation of a legal document regulating the holding of school and municipal stages in the territory 2. Organizational and methodological support for the development of the Olympiad movement in Additional in-depth annually in preparation for participation in the Olympiad. Involvement of teacher-mentors who have a national team in the work of training Increasing the effectiveness of students’ participation in the final stage

2 2 Organization and conduct of work to prepare students for Olympiads through distance learning 3 Organization of participation of gifted students of Leningradskaya in all-Russian summer schools, camps, training camps 4 Organization and conduct of seminars with heads of local government bodies that manage education 5 Organization and conduct meetings with specialists from local governments involved in management in the field of education, employees of regional methodological services 6 Conducting meetings with the chairmen of subject methodological commissions and jury members on the organization and conduct of regional Olympiads, experience in preparing for Olympiads, teachers of educational organizations of higher education. Organization and conduct of video conferences, remote Olympiads, remote consultations Organization of sending to these events Conducting seminars on the organization and conduct of the All-Russian Olympiad and regional Olympiads, exchange of experience Information, analysis, summing up the work done, discussion of issues related to the search for effective mechanisms for interaction of all participants of the Olympiad movement Information, discussion of issues aimed at improving the quality of methodological support for the Olympiad movement of the Leningrad Region team annually October December March October, May October June 5 Additional form of searching for the gifted, increasing coverage of additional education; increasing the effectiveness of participation in olympiads Increasing the effectiveness of students' participation in olympiads of various levels; participation of students in municipal olympiads of the olympiad movement at the level of municipal districts (urban district) Improving the quality of compiling olympiad tasks

3 7 Organizing and conducting consultations for members of the jury and organizing committees of the relevant stages of the Olympiad 1 Providing psychological and pedagogical training for students participating in the final stage 2 Organizing and conducting webinars 1 Organizing selective review of Olympiad assignments at the school, municipal and regional stages 2 Organizing a random check of the works of the All-Russian Olympiad 3 Monitoring the fulfillment of requirements for the conduct of school, municipal and Conducting consultations on the implementation of the requirements for holding a specific stage of the Olympiad September-May 3. Organization of psychological and pedagogical development of the Olympiad movement in Conducting psychological February - trainings with participants in April subject Olympiads Conducting webinars for managers and teaching staff of educational organizations on topic: “Organization of psychological and pedagogical Olympiad teams” February 4. Information and analytical support for the development of the Olympiad movement in Organization of verification and control of the quality of Olympiad tasks October Organization of verification and control of the evaluation of Olympiad works of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad Creation of a regional expert group December annually Compliance with requirements for conducting All-Russian Olympiad on the territory of the Leningrad Region Increasing the psychological readiness of students to participate in Olympiads Increasing the professional competence of specialists in organizing psychological and pedagogical Olympiad teams Increasing the quality of writing tasks, their compliance with the requirements of national subject-methodological commissions Increasing the objectivity and quality of assessing Olympiad tasks and conducting the All-Russian Olympiad at

4 regional stages 4 Organization of visits of members of the organizing committee of the Olympiad and subject-methodological commissions to Olympiads in municipalities (school and municipal stages) 5 Expansion of information and analytical development of the Olympiad movement in Leningradskaya 6 Creation of an annual information and analytical collection based on the results of the participation of Leningradskaya students in the All-Russian Olympiad and regional Olympiads Visits to municipalities to check the quality of organization and conduct of subject Olympiads Modernization of the gifted database, improvement of information support for Olympiad participants (website content, wider use of the capabilities of the electronic registration system for Olympiad participants); creation of information stands for Olympiad participants, stands for the achievements of winners and prize-winners; preparation of an electronic database of Olympiad tasks; creation of a feedback line on participation in the Olympiad Collection of information on participation in the All-Russian Olympiad in general education subjects and regional Olympiads September December until January 1 July-August of the Leningrad region and the conduct of the school and municipal stage Use of information, including databases, to identify and support the most gifted, productive participants in the Olympiads. Fully informing the participants of the Olympiads, improving the quality of organization of the Olympiad movement; increasing the prestige of participation in the Olympiad movement Free and quick access to analytical information

5 7 Publishing an approximate package of materials for Olympiad assignments at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels (based on materials from previous years) and posting them on a distance learning server 8 Preparation and publication of booklets “Strategies and support for participants in the Olympiad movement” 1 Creation of internship sites 2 Organization and conduct of problem-based seminars for subject teachers on solving problems at the Olympiad level Collection and preparation of a package of materials for Olympiad tasks at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels Submission of recommendations to teachers before January 1 January 5. Advanced training for Olympiad organizers, heads of educational organizations, teaching staff Creation of at least 3 before January 1 internship sites for training members of the regional expert group on internal monitoring of the quality of implementation. Joint work with children and teachers at subject sessions, introduction of the module “Gifted Child in the Educational System” (2-6 hours) into the programs of advanced training courses for school teachers. Organization of master classes for subject teachers, ensuring high achievements of students at the All-Russian level within the framework of training camps in e Improving the quality of participation of students in Olympiads of various levels Increasing the professional competence of specialists in organizing psychological and pedagogical Olympiad teams Internal monitoring of the quality of the All-Russian Olympiad Increasing the level of training of teachers working with the gifted children

6 3 Organizing and holding round tables with the participation of jury chairmen, teacher-mentors, accompanying Olympiad participants and members of the organizing committee at each subject Olympiad at the regional stage 4 Organizing and holding meetings with parents as part of the system of working with gifted schoolchildren and talented children Information, discussion of issues of methodological support and organizing Olympiads Conversations with parents of the gifted, participation in seminars and conferences January-February, methodological support and effectiveness of the Olympiad movement in Leningradskaya Increasing the effectiveness of participation in Olympiads, supporting the gifted 5 Organization of advanced training for teachers on preparing students for effective participation in subject Olympiads 6 Advanced training heads of general education organizations, subject teachers on the issues of identifying and supporting gifted children 8 Formation of a team of regional tutors All activities in this section are aimed at preparing teachers and administrators to work with gifted children who are capable of achieving high achievements at different levels of advanced training courses on the topic “Gifted Child” in the educational system: process management" (72 hours, with remote support) Involvement of teacher-tutors with effective experience in preparing students for the regional, final and international stages of the year of the year to work with gifted children at the regional level Improving the professional competencies of subject teachers and school leaders in issues of ensuring effective participation of students at all levels of the All-Russian Olympiad. Improving the professional competencies of heads of general education organizations Increasing the level of training of students participating in olympiads at the regional, All-Russian and International levels.

7 1 Expanding cooperation with municipal centers for working with gifted children on the development of the Olympiad movement at the municipal level 2 Development of cooperation with universities and other educational organizations in Leningrad and St. Petersburg in terms of preparing and holding Olympiad competitions. Using the capabilities of teacher-tutors to develop tasks at the municipal level. 5. Organization of cooperation Coordination and information and methodological activities to build a system of work with gifted children, exchange of experience, holding relevant seminars Involving teachers with experience in preparing children for Olympiads to work at educational and training camps, conducting classes at university sites Identification gifted, increasing the efficiency of work with gifted students, preparing for olympiads Improving the quality of education and preparation for olympiads, vocational guidance for students 1 committee of general and vocational education. 2 - state budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Leningrad Regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Gifted Children and Youth. 3 - local government bodies exercising management in the field of education. 4 municipal centers for working with gifted children. 5 - state autonomous educational institution of additional professional education “Leningrad Regional Institute for Educational Development”.

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Relevance Decree of the President of Russia 204 Formation of an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing abilities and talents in children and youth National project "Education" Creation of regional

Regulations on the conduct of school, district and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow I. General provisions 1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF TULA ORDER dated January 13, 2017 12-a On holding the school stage of the municipal Olympiad for junior schoolchildren in general education subjects in 2016-2017


1.1 The Olympic movement as an innovative form of educational organization

The Olympic movement (as a form of educational organization) is an active creative creative activity of all participants in the educational process (teachers and students) based on the integration of collective and competitive activities, aimed at achieving learning goals (the main educational goal is to prepare a competitive specialist with a high level of readiness for creativity ).

The Olympic movement at a university can be considered as an integral part of elite education, which for gifted children Shpareva G.T. defined as “the most technologically advanced and mobile part of culture, activating the process of nurturing a multidisciplinary elite and acting as a system for the selection, training and development of gifted children. It ensures the formation of an innovative human culture as a strategic resource of the new century and optimizes the balance of tradition and renewal in any type of activity.” At the same time, elitism is understood not as restrictions on participation in the Olympiad movement, but as providing each student with the opportunity to express themselves in creativity and become a member of the country’s intellectual elite, which determines its innovative development.

In the process of designing the Olympiad movement, the goal is to prepare, first of all, a competitive individual in the system of higher professional education.

In the system of training a future specialist, the Olympiad movement as a form of educational organization performs several functions that clearly contribute to the formation of academic activity and creative professional competencies:

1. The adaptive function is manifested in the fact that the student, as a participant, is included in the creative collective process to solve a production problem situation, and can evaluate and realistically imagine the positive and negative aspects of professional activity.

2. The target function determines the specifics of behavior and professional activity, sets the vector of creative self-development of the future engineer.

3. The educational function consists of supplementing and enriching basic theoretical training during participation in Olympiads, creating conditions for a qualitatively new application of existing knowledge and skills.

4. The educational function is manifested in the fact that the educational impact of the university is supplemented by the influence of the Olympiad team of other educational institutions, professional communities, and the external environment through the solution of regional problems, and above all through self-research and self-education.

5. The reflexive function involves the analysis of one’s own theoretical training, the ability to check and adjust in conditions close to real production activities, under conditions of uncertainty and severe time pressure.

The Olympic movement is a specific reality, considered as a special sphere of social activity in which participants (both students and teachers) jointly increase the level of their creative abilities. Students who “produce” their own thoughts in the context of the Olympiad movement, putting them into words through cooperation and competition, experience the state of a creator - the creator of something new, a state of discovery, insight.

In the educational process, the Olympiad movement, based on the self-development of the student, is an innovative form of organizing training - a form of organizing independent work for students who successfully cope with the discipline program in a shorter time (a type of accelerated learning) than provided for by the working curriculum. This ensures the formation of an individual educational trajectory for each student, the development of his readiness for independent activity, manifested in productive entry (quick and without psychological deformation) into the professional environment, effective solution of creative professional problems, and creative self-development of the student in the conditions of the Olympiad environment.

Education is mediated by human needs, which are purposefully satisfied in the educational process. The Olympiad movement integrates the cognitive and social needs of a person with the goal of developing professional competencies. The specificity of the Olympiad movement is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of students in the educational process.

The Olympic movement in higher education acts as one of the specially controlled and organized processes of introducing students to interpersonal interaction on the basis of creative, professionally oriented activities and the education of moral qualities.

Considering the Olympiad movement as an elite education, one cannot but agree with the thesis that it consists not only in the special functioning of “individual modules (scientific-methodological, practical-pedagogical, acmeological, financial-economic, material-technical, information-publishing, administrative ), but also in their optimal combination, ensuring the harmonization of the cognitive and personal paradigms of education while maintaining the organizational, content, and technological continuity of the pedagogical process at all its stages.”

The Olympiad movement implements processes that can be used as the basis for organizing an innovative educational process:

1. An understanding of the personal value of other people and the possibility of taking into account their worldview when jointly solving professional creative problems develops;

2. Cognitive abilities are developed with access to heuristic and creative levels of intellectual activity and a focus on continuous education is created;

3. Creativity develops through the implementation of real projects;

4. Students get the opportunity to develop and defend their own judgments on the problems being solved.

In our opinion, the Olympiad movement as a form of educational organization is, first of all, aimed at preparing a creatively self-developing individual. We agree with V.I. Andreev that a creatively self-developing personality is “a personality focused on creativity in one or more types of activity based on the self-actualization of increasingly complex creative tasks and problems, in the process of solving which self-creation occurs, i.e. creative positive change in the “self”, among which the system-forming ones are self-knowledge, self-determination, self-government, self-improvement and creative realization.”

We consider the Olympiad movement as an element of conscious management of academic activity and creative activity. In doing so, we rely on the thought of Ya.A. Ponomarev that “until recently, the task of teaching creative thinking remained essentially nothing more than a good wish and was realized to a very limited extent, mainly due to individual purely empirical findings. But these findings, as a rule, did not lend themselves to proper generalization and systematization, and therefore were not introduced into teaching. Now the picture is starting to change.

In our opinion, specially organized cognitive activity in the form of participation in the Olympiad movement has natural and multifaceted connections with the daily production activities of a specialist and, integrating into the lives of students, develops voluntary and concentrated attention, associative thinking, communication skills, external and internal composure, helps to overcome psychological barriers when joining a new team, increase the level of management skills, i.e. provides the opportunity to choose professional activities at the level of satisfying self-actualization motivation. Consequently, the involvement of students in the Olympiad movement has a powerful impact on the formation and development of the individual in accordance with the provisions of the third generation federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard).

In the Olympiad movement, the contradiction between the organization of a social institution and the permanent disorganization of the creative process is resolved. “The kingdom of freedom begins in reality only where work dictated by need and external expediency ceases” (K. Marx). Truly creative, free activity is an activity that is internally necessary for a person, expressing his internal aspirations for creativity in the professional field, and proceeding in line with specially organized conditions in an educational institution. The value of participating in the Olympiad movement lies in the fact that the joint search for creative solutions acts as a means of self-expression; expressions of emotions and feelings; development of spiritual culture and intelligence; realization of creativity; multifunctional; mutual understanding between people, which is what we call academic activity. It is assumed that the student will sequentially move from the stage of subject Olympiads - to competitions in the specialty, then to scientific work (which can be reflected by participation in the competition of final qualifying works).

The Olympic movement as an element of a multidisciplinary, multi-stage education system, which has the ability to combine administrative and initiative methods of transmitting positive experience, is capable of neutralizing negative experience that affects the socialization of youth.

The Olympic movement ensures the socialization of the individual in order to ensure his functioning in society and innovative processes in production as a full member through the definition of not only a system of professional knowledge, but also knowledge, norms, and values ​​that make up the culture of modern society. The effectiveness of the socialization process from the standpoint of creative activity is ensured, on the one hand, by social guidelines for recognizing the innovative nature of production development, and on the other hand, by the personal motivations of the student. The experience of active learning through participation in the Olympiad movement confirms that with the help of its forms, methods and means it is possible to quite effectively solve a number of tasks that are difficult to achieve in traditional learning conditions:

1. Formation of professionally oriented motivation for educational activities;

2. Development of systematic thinking of a specialist, implying a holistic understanding of not only nature and society, but also oneself, one’s place in the world;

3. Acquiring the skill of collective mental and practical work, developing skills of social interaction and communication, individual and joint decision-making, cultivating a responsible attitude to business;

4. Development of the creative potential of the individual.

Thus, an analysis of the effectiveness of the Olympiad movement confirms the thesis that the inclusion of the Olympiad movement in the system of higher professional education, as a form of educational organization, contributes to the development of students’ creativity and the formation of creative professional competencies of a specialist ready for effective work in the conditions of the formation of an innovative economy in Russia. Achieving such results is possible subject to deep methodological study of the processes of development of creativity and the formation of creative professional competencies in the conditions of the Olympiad movement.

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MBOU "Bolsheignatovskaya Secondary School"

Report on the topic:

Prepared and read:

primary school teacher

Arinina E.I.

August 2017

Topic of the report: Development of the competitive and olympiad movement for schoolchildren as a mechanism for improving the quality of education.

The quality of education is not only the quality of the final results,

but also all processes that influence the final result.


The quality of education is the degree to which the expectations of various participants in the educational process are met: students and their families, school administration, other members of the teaching staff, external organizations with which the educational institution cooperates to achieve results.

The quality of education is the demand for acquired knowledge in specific conditions and places of its application to achieve a specific goal and improve the quality of life of a graduate.

Everyone has their own path to scientific, research and creative activity. Sometimes a person is driven by curiosity, interest, the discovery of new opportunities, and sometimes it is a path through failure, a feeling of helplessness and dissatisfaction. The concept of “success” is not known to those who have not experienced defeat, and the state of emotional comfort will be appreciated by those who have experienced emotional discomfort at least once. And the formula for success is defining a goal + focusing efforts + perseverance + self-confidence. We take into account the axiom that M.E. Litvak put forward: “each of us is born a king. The best faith you can have is faith in success, in your high destiny. And you will act in such a way that you will achieve this. It’s worse to believe in something you can’t achieve.” Competition increases individual readiness for success. Competitiveness is also useful for developing success as a personal characteristic, and understanding that mistakes and defeats should be treated not as a disaster, but as an experience that opens up the possibility of a new search. Therefore, the position of the teaching staff is to cultivate success in children by introducing them into a competitive environment, in which they form their own idea of ​​their capabilities, and their abilities and talents are revealed and developed. The organization of the Olympiad and competitive movement is considered as an impulse for self-development, scientific and creative search.

A competitive environment makes you think and develops mental activity. It is known that educational activities are something common to all children, and thinking is a manifestation of a person’s individual attitude to knowledge. Thinking acts, in a way, as a tool for individualizing knowledge. Active educational and cognitive activity allows one to develop thinking through participation in olympiads and competitions, since the most important value of the educational process is mental individuality.

In recent years, there has been a boom in unique Olympiads and competitions. They have different statuses: official, organized by administrative educational structures of the federal, regional, municipal levels; informal (commercial), conducted by institutions and organizations from local to international. We try to use different types of competitions (having studied the organizers, their experience and documents), with the aim of testing strength, developing abilities and gaining experience, as well as creating space for the development of success. Therefore, we chose the path of entering the competitive movement (education through participation in olympiads, competitions and other competitions). Is it advisable to have mass participation in scientific and creative competitions or is this targeted work with the brightest children? What is better and for whom is it better to have two winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or 50-100 prize-winners and winners of various All-Russian and international competitions? If a child has problems with his studies, should (can) he participate in Olympiads? And why is it that at middle school age about 20% of children show their “eccentricity”, and by the time they graduate, only 2-5% remain? All these “whys” were the subject of discussion among teachers. Our principled position can be expressed in the words of Socrates: “In every person there is the sun, just let it shine.” Each student is talented in their own way! The task of the teaching staff is to find where his talent lies, sometimes even ignoring his student successes (we are moving away from the position that only excellent students are talented).

The report of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the national educational initiative “Our New School” in 2010 states: “It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. It is necessary to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren...” Many schools are guided by this model of education, when the focus is on implementing the curriculum or introducing new methods and technologies. But in such a situation, the student is only an object of the learning process and, after graduating from school, in real life he is ready to play only the role of a performer.

However, modern society requires a person to be not just a performer, but a person capable of independently educating himself throughout his life, ready to make decisions, capable of “functioning normally in a complex and demanding society.” The higher the level of education, the higher professional and social mobility.

Identification, support, development and socialization of gifted children are becoming one of the priorities of modern education.

The concepts of “children's giftedness” and “gifted children” define ambiguous approaches to the organization of teaching activities. On the one hand, every child is “gifted,” and the task of teachers is to reveal the intellectual and creative potential of each child. On the other hand, there is a category of children with higher creative and intellectual potential who require special organization of training, development and upbringing. These children, as a rule, do not need to be forced to study; they look for work themselves, often complex and creative ones.

One of the main tasks of the teacher is to organize educational activities in such a way that students develop the need to realize the creative potential of educational material in order to master new knowledge. The main task of the teacher is to increase the share of internal motivation for learning. The formation of cognitive activity is possible provided that the activity in which the student is engaged is interesting to him.

It is important to begin working with gifted children in elementary school. All young children are endowed with certain inclinations and abilities from birth. However, not all of them develop. Undiscovered opportunities gradually fade away due to lack of demand. The percentage of gifted children (from the point of view of psychologists) decreases sharply over the years: if at the age of nine there are approximately 60-70% of them, then by the age of 14 it is 30-40%, and by the age of 17 it is 15-20%.

Therefore, primary school teachers must create a developing, creative educational environment that promotes the discovery of the natural capabilities of each child, and middle and senior teachers must continue the work they have begun to preserve and develop the creative potential of students.

One of the directions for creating optimal conditions for the development of gifted children is the participation of children in various kinds of distance competitions, olympiads and quizzes.

The Olympiad is one of the generally recognized forms of working with gifted children. Participation in the Olympiad movement plays a big role in shaping the child’s personality, instilling responsibility for the work started, determination, and hard work. Subject Olympiads not only support and develop interest in the subject, but also stimulate activity and independence of students in preparing questions on topics and in working with additional literature; they help schoolchildren shape their creative world. With the help of the Olympiad, students can test their knowledge, abilities, skills in a subject not only in themselves, but also compare their level with others. The level of tasks offered at the Olympiads is noticeably higher than what students of public schools study in class. Children need to be prepared for the Olympiad: to correctly perceive tasks of a non-standard nature of increased difficulty and to overcome the psychological stress of working in an unfamiliar environment. And the sooner you start this work, the more effective it will be.

The modern educational space of the Internet provides an opportunity to organize work to develop the creative and intellectual abilities of children through participation in distance competitions, competitions and quizzes in various subjects. Distance Olympiad is an effective way to identify and develop the potential of gifted children. This type of activity helps children who are shy, timid, unsure of themselves, slow, uncollected, and who find it difficult to force themselves to sit in class, to express themselves. The advantages of remote forms are: the possibility of participation regardless of place of residence, holding at a time convenient for the child, the ability to combine it with the educational process, and no restrictions on the number of participants.

The Olympiad allows its participants to significantly expand their horizons, apply their own knowledge, erudition and logical thinking in a non-standard situation.

Among distance Olympiads and competitions, we can highlight those in which longer time is allocated for completing tasks (2-3 days). This type of work stimulates the joint activities of parents and students, thereby promoting the formation of a positive attitude towards the educational process.

The Internet space presents materials from distance competitions, olympiads and quizzes in various subject areas (mathematics, linguistics, literature, the environment), as well as interdisciplinary competitions. This allows students and the teacher to choose the most interesting subject area for themselves, and also gives the child the opportunity to try himself in other areas of knowledge.

Various types of extracurricular activities, including distance competitions and olympiads, represent a single, complex and interconnected set of activities of teachers, students and their parents, aimed at nurturing an intellectually developed and spiritually rich personality of the child.

From grades 1 to 11, students of our school participate in various distance competitions and olympiads on an all-Russian, regional and municipal scale. More than 100 schoolchildren are winners, prize-winners, participants in competitions and were awarded certificates, diplomas, and diplomas.

This work will continue this academic year. It promotes the involvement of students in active creative and cognitive activities, self-realization of primary school students and increasing their self-esteem.
