University of Physics and Technology. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MPTI): reviews, address, faculties, admission

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( state university)

Moscow, education and science, technology, physics.

  1. MIPT

Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. - 527 p.

. Academician 2015.

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« Phystech system»

MIPT is distinguished by its original system of training students, which Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, one of the founders of the Physics and Technology Institute, formulated as follows:

  1. training of students in the specialty is carried out directly by researchers from basic institutes using the new technical equipment of these institutions;
  2. training at basic institutes involves individual work with each student;
  3. every student must participate in scientific work, starting from the second or third year;
  4. Upon graduation, the student must be proficient modern methods theoretical and experimental research, have sufficient engineering knowledge to solve modern technical problems.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (national research university) trains specialists in technical areas.

Duration of training:

  • 4 years (first stage) in preparing bachelors;
  • 2 years (second stage) in preparing masters;
  • and in case of successful defense of a master's degree: 3 years - postgraduate study.

There is a doctoral program for candidates of science.

The institute provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education.

All students studying at MIPT are granted a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The institute has a military department.

Leading academic, research and industry research institutes, large joint-stock companies (base organizations or “bases” of MIPT) take part in the training of specialists. MIPT teachers are prominent scientists, among whom there are about 100 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The form of education is full-time only.

Education of students within the framework of the approved admission plan is free.

The hostel is provided to all students of the institute. Payment is about 25% of the scholarship.

Students who achieve “good” and “excellent” grades receive a scholarship. Additional scholarships are also paid from basic institutes, foundations, firms headed by MIPT graduates, foreign companies and other organizations interested in our graduates.

Admission of applicants

Acceptance of documents at MIPT is carried out in accordance with the admission rules.

One of the features of admission to Phystech is an interview in commissions formed by faculties from leading scientists - heads of basic (graduating) departments, aimed largely at getting to know the new generation of future first-year students and identifying the most gifted of them.

For all questions related to admission, please contact: 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Institutskiy per., 9, MIPT, Admissions Committee(Classroom building).

Phone: (495)408‒48‒00

A few words about the history of the institute.

« A country's culture is determined by how much it knows its history.Yu."P.L.Kapitsa

In December 1938, a group of famous Soviet scientists, which included: S.L. Sobolev, M.A. Lavrentyev, S.A. Khristianovich and others, published a letter in the Pravda newspaper justifying the need to create a new type of educational institution. However, the implementation of these plans was prevented by the war.

Immediately after the end of the war, P.L. Kapitsa again addressed the country’s leadership with a letter about the creation of a higher physics and technology school. This time the scientists' proposal was heard and supported.

The date of birth of Physics and Technology is considered to be November 25, 1946, when the USSR Council of Ministers issued a decree on the creation of the Faculty of Physics and Technology (FTF) of Moscow State University. The new faculty was given two buildings in the village of Dolgoprudny near Moscow. Five years later, in 1951, the Physico-Technical Faculty of Moscow State University... closed. In the official biographies of many scientists - the first graduates of Phystech - it is written: “graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University.”

But the system laid down in the foundation of the faculty - the “Phystech system” - was defended. In the same year, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology was organized on the basis of the PTF. In 1967, Phystech was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1995 it received the status of a state university and became known as the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university).

In order to preserve and further development system for training highly qualified scientific and engineering personnel at MIPT and taking into account that over 50 years of activity a unique scientific and educational complex has been created based on the integration of science and education, on November 10, 1996, the Decree of the Russian Government “On the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university) was adopted )", in which the main task of the institute is defined as "training masters and candidates of science in modern areas of science and technology." In accordance with this Resolution, starting from 1998, Physics and Technology begins training and graduating bachelors and masters.

A university that is constantly at the top of domestic and foreign rankings, MIPT receives very high reviews from students, graduate students and employers. It trains highly qualified specialists in various fields of modern science.


The federal state educational institution VPO "Moscow" has something to be proud of. It was created in November 1946, on the basis of which it was formed as MIPT in 1951. In 2009, the university began to correspond to the category of national research university. In 2011, MIPT, reviews of which among higher education vocational education sounded just as loud, changed the name again.

Now undergraduate and graduate students are proud to study at the federal state budgetary educational institution VPO "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology" (state university). In November 2011, the type of the existing Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education was changed and an autonomous educational institution was created, which remained the federal and state Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university).


MIPT collects reviews that are not false, since the history of this wonderful educational institution is truly enviable. It was founded and taught here by such stellar physicists as Nobel Prize laureates L. D. Landau and N. N. Semenov. The first rector was I.F. Petrov. And among the graduates of MIPT (SU), there are also quite a few Nobel laureates. Its professorship consists of leading Russian scientists, more than eighty RAS academicians and corresponding members.

Under such conditions, can MIPT receive negative reviews? With its original system for training highly qualified specialists, which has been used since the founding of the university - the Phystech system - engineering disciplines and classical fundamental education, plus student research work are perfectly combined and perfectly complemented by each other. The history of the university, filled with significant events, has given stability to long-standing traditions, due to which today there is practically no equal education in this field anywhere in the country. Even the emblem of MIPT (SU) symbolizes true dedication to science.

For applicants

Budget places, as in all state universities now, are limited in number, but there are still quite a lot of them. Applied mathematics and physics are given 740 places, and in the competitive group "Mathematics and Chemistry" - another 30. Applied computer science and mathematics invites 120 applicants, plus computer security - 10 and system analysis in two groups - 10 more. Main places in MIPT (budget ) more than with a negotiated fee, which in itself speaks of the quality and stable position of this university. Either scientists or talented practitioners graduate from here, but more often than not, both together.

A specialist who presents a MIPT diploma is worth his weight in gold, which, of course, all employers know. That is why many of them participate in target set. These are such serious companies as FMBA RF, Concern "Sozvezdie", FSUE TsNIIMash, JSC "Russian Space Systems", NPO "Almaz", NPP "Thorium", CIAM named after P.I. Baranov, RSC "Energia", Corporation "Kometa" ", State Research Center "Keldysh Center", NPO "Orion", All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, Roszdravnadzor, Flight Research Institute named after M. M. Gromov, JSC NIIAO, Scientific Research Center of Electronic Computer Engineering, Research Institute of Aviation Equipment, JSC "Proektmashpribor", JSC Information Satellite Systems, MBK "Compass" and some others. But in any case, passing the exams at MIPT is very, very difficult, even if the applicant is taught by one of these corporations.


Documents are accepted from the twentieth of June to the twenty-sixth of July inclusive for places paid for by the budget. For paid education, the applicant must hurry to complete the exam before the sixth of July. Anyone who is going to take the entrance examination must submit documents before the eleventh of July. Enrollment takes place on the twenty-eighth of July, the first and sixth of August - in three stages. Priority subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science, astronomy, chemistry, Russian language. All areas of training conducted by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) require a certain number of points in each subject.

So, in the Russian language - 50 points, in computer science, chemistry, physics and mathematics - at least 65, only in this case the entrance tests will be passed successfully. At MIPT, the passing score cannot change during the course of admission and does not differ by different bases training. That is, neither persons with special rights, nor those passing through a quota, nor those entering the budget, nor those who are prepared to pay for education - no one will enter this university without gaining the required number of points. And at MIPT the passing grade is very high. Even if an applicant has numerous victories at Olympiads in his senior year, it is still Unified State Exam results must have at least seventy-five points in each relevant subject.

Special rights

There are categories of applicants who are accepted without entrance examinations, since their value as future students is already highly assessed. These are the prize-winners and winners of the final round All-Russian Olympiad, in which schoolchildren participated in physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science. In addition, these are prize-winners and winners of the fourth stage in the same disciplines of all-Ukrainian Olympiads for schoolchildren, but if these people are citizens of Russia, for example, residents of Crimea, permanently residing there, or residents of Sevastopol, who studied accordingly curriculum and the state standard of general secondary education. Participants of international Olympiads in astronomy, physics, mathematics, computer science and chemistry, members of Russian teams, as well as members of Ukrainian national teams who lived in Crimea and participated in international Olympiads are admitted to MIPT without entrance examinations.

Special quotas

The procedure for admission to MIPT provides for the right to study within the framework of a special quota of disabled children, as well as disabled children, disabled people of the first and second groups, disabled people due to illness or military injury received during service in Russian Army, if a medical and social examination finds no contraindications to studying at MIPT. Also, orphans and children who are left without parental care enjoy a special quota. Combat veterans can also use a special quota when entering the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university).

MIPT conducts entrance tests for these categories of people independently, in written form and for each subject separately - all within the framework of the curriculum high school. At MIPT, exams are taken only in Russian. They take place in the main building of the institute. When entrance examinations are conducted for applicants with disabilities or disabilities, all requirements for the conduct of entrance examinations are always met, taking into account special provisions.

Regulations for passing entrance tests

1. A separate audience must be prepared for entrance examinations, in which the number of examinees should not exceed twelve people. A larger number of applicants with disabilities may be allowed to take the entrance exam. It is allowed to conduct entrance exams for people with disabilities together with applicants who do not have health restrictions, unless, of course, this does not create additional difficulties for applicants during the entrance exams.

2. If applicants do not meet the time planned for the entrance test, then at their request it can be increased, but not more than by one and a half

3. During the entrance exam, the presence of an outside person is allowed - an MIPT employee or an external employee who will provide applicants with disabilities with purely technical assistance, taking into account individual needs: moving around, taking a seat, reading the task and filling it out, as well as when communicating with teachers who conduct the entrance test.

4. All applicants receive instructions in printed form, which outlines the procedure for conducting entrance tests.

5. Applicants can use the technical means necessary for them in the process of passing entrance exams, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Applicants provide information about the above data in a separate application when submitting documents to MIPT; the admissions committee will further take into account the need to create special conditions, corresponding to the health status of the applicant. Also, when submitting documents, you must provide a document that confirms your limited health capabilities. The original of this document and the medical report on the absence of contraindications for studying at the university will remain at MIPT. The admissions committee does not accept documents by email or in your personal account on the website. However, after submission, the applicant can make some changes within the established time frame by sending a scanned application to the admissions committee’s email address.


After passing the entrance exam and the announcement of the results, the applicant himself or his authorized representative can familiarize himself with the work and, if such a need arises, file an appeal with a special appeal commission. After a detailed consideration, the commission makes a definite decision: to change the assessment or not. The decision is documented in a protocol and brought to the attention of the applicant or his authorized representative against signature.

Acceptance of documents

Applicants must fill out the information on the MIPT admissions committee website, where the application is drawn up and filled out correctly. The remaining documents are accepted according to the commission’s work schedule; for this you need to come to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Address: Dolgoprudny city, Moscow region, Institutsky lane, 9.

Where and how do students live?

All the main buildings and dormitories of MIPT are located in this city, although it is very close from Moscow - it takes no more than half an hour to get to the Timiryazevskaya metro station; many students studying in the center of the capital take much longer to get there. Although, the comparison is not so necessary: ​​why should a MIPT student visit Moscow often? The hostel is nearby, all the necessary infrastructure is quite well developed. Across the road are all the educational buildings, next to it is a clinic, a stadium and a swimming pool.

Classes start at nine in the morning and there are many of them - four or five every day, that is, studies always end only in the evening. It’s even difficult to find time to rest. The lunch break is usually not stable - there is a “window” of one couple. Students have lunch in canteens, of which there are many at MIPT. The hostel is preferred by those who love home cooking - they also have time to return to the next couple. And Muscovites from time to time settle in hostels, and nonresidents all live there.


Since this university has many buildings for students to live in, there is enough space for everyone. The buildings are different, and so are the living conditions in them. Several block houses, corridor type, where freshmen live in a room for four. In “Edinichka” (dormitory No. 1) there are thirty-five rooms on each floor, two toilets and two washrooms with a clothes dryer - a set in each wing. Two kitchens per floor with a table, sink and two stoves with ovens. There are also two showers - male and female. There is a laundry room with five washing machines, a reading room as a study area - with table lamps, bookcases and a whiteboard.

There is also a club where all kinds of events are held - discos, birthdays, as well as student meetings. serious reasons. You can keep fit in the “rocking chair” - there are a variety of exercise machines and table tennis. Musicians can play the piano on the first floor, and on the second floor there is a printer where each student can print out the documents or information he needs. All dorm rooms have internet access via cable and Wi-Fi.

Second and last

The Faculty of Innovation mainly accommodates its students in dormitory No. 2. From here to the New MIPT building is less than a hundred meters - convenient. Nearby is a stadium, several canteens, a clinic, and a swimming pool. in "Dvoechka" after overhaul In 2012, high-quality plumbing, energy supply systems and fire safety, modern double-glazed windows. Just like in the first dormitory, here on each floor there are two kitchens with powerful electric stoves. There is a reading room, a fairly spacious clubhouse and a small meeting room, gym, Internet and so on on the list. Students feel quite comfortable here.

There is no need to write about all the hostels, since the range of amenities is approximately equal. What differs from them is the seventeen-story building with four entrances - No. 10. Young employees of MIPT live here. Two hundred and fifty-six apartments, forty square meters one-room and fifty-five square meters two-room. This building appeared at MIPT in 2014. The fifteen-story hostel No. 11 is also an apartment type - with three entrances. Students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics and the Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems live here. There are 168 apartments in total.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the leader of the country's technical education, which is included in the most prestigious rankings of the best universities in the world. The university provides education in the fields of fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology and others.

Day open doors at MIPT online:

MIPT is the only one Russian university, which is among the 100 best universities in the world in the field of physics according to international rankings. The university is also one of the 100 most prestigious universities in the world.

The university is enrolling students for more than 1,700 budget and about 500 paid places in 17 areas of bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees.

The largest number of students study in major areas:

  • Physics and astronomy 82.26%
  • Mathematics and mechanics 11.83%
  • Management in technical systems 3.94%.

Less than 1% of students study in the following areas: “Information Security”, “Informatics and Computer Science”, “Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology”, “Aviation and Rocket and Space Technology”.

The university has a Military Training Center. MIPT has an excellent material and technical base: 78% of students are provided with dormitories, 6,146 sq.m. sports facilities, 92,328 sq.m. educational and laboratory buildings.

MIPT uses its own training system, known as the Physics and Technology System. This system combines fundamental education, student participation in scientific developments and work at partner enterprises during their studies.

The total number of teachers is more than 1,900 people, of which 75% have academic degrees.

The average salary of young specialists who studied at MIPT is.
