Which Riga balsam is better? Beneficial properties of Riga balsam for humans

The title of “Riga gold” is equally shared between amber and sprats. But Riga’s “black gold” is, of course, purely a balm! The drink has an ancient and very interesting history, many medicinal properties, and most importantly, a multifaceted taste with a huge number of shades - you can’t taste everything at once! By the way, despite the complex recipe, Riga black balsam can be prepared at home. In general, first things first.

A viscous, impenetrable black liquid fills a tiny liqueur glass. Either it’s an alcoholic drink, or a witch’s potion, a mysterious decoction. Before drinking the Riga balsam, you bring it to your nose - and you immediately find yourself in the world of medieval pharmacists, herbalists and alchemists - it smells of enchantment, magic, something frightening, but also alluring at the same time. You take a tiny sip - the elixir burns your tongue, and an unbearable, wormwood bitterness covers your throat. Poison, poison? But no - within a moment an incredible bouquet of aftertastes and aromas, overtones and overtones of this classical symphony blooms in your mouth. Another second - and the second wave of burning spreads throughout the body. But you already understand that nothing terrible will happen, and without fear you surrender to the magical goodness spreading through your veins...

“Rizhsky” is without a doubt one of the most characteristic and prominent representatives of the “balsamic” family. Of course, not everyone likes to drink Riga black balsam in its pure form - it is too shockingly rich, herbal-bitter, viscous and dense. But add a couple of ingredients to it or pour it into coffee - and the taste softens, and the aroma acquires an even wider palette! Like all balms, “Rizhsky” has a lot of biologically active properties. And like most good alcohol, it has an ancient, eventful history, during which the drink was repeatedly modified until it acquired the features familiar to us.

The history of Riga balsam or “maybe a crow?”

To be honest, little is clear about the history of the “Riga black”. It seems that there are dates, and names, and even a couple of more or less reliable recipes have been preserved - read it on Wikipedia - but it is unlikely that all these facts relate to the drink that we know and love - most likely in the XVII-XVIII , and even in the 19th century it was a completely different balm.

And those facts that exist are more reminiscent of a story from a cartoon about a plasticine crow. It seems that Catherine the Second was somehow traveling through Riga. Or maybe not the Second. And suddenly she was seized with either a cold, or a migraine, or glanders renal colic. And Abraham Kuntze, a Riga pharmacist, gave her a healing potion. Or maybe it was not a pharmacist, but a blacksmith. Or maybe not Kunze at all, but his wife, Eva Sophia Emane, or the shoemaker, Andreas Björkgreen, or the carpenter, Martin Roslau. No matter what the empress suffered from, the drug helped. The royal carriage with flashing lights set off on its further journey, and the Riga Apothecary Guild received a patent for the production of Kuntze Balsam. True, it was not black, but yellow, as it was painted over with saffron - like pilaf. And the strength was only 18°. In short, not that coat.

Distinctive feature“Rizhsky” is an unusual ceramic container that has existed since the time of Kuntze. Then clay bottles were used for reasons of economy - they were cheaper than glass ones. In subsequent years, such containers became a matter of prestige - indeed, they look nice, they are even collected! What about bottles? People even collect lead seals that protected the balm from counterfeiting. Fillings from the 19th and even 18th centuries can be found among famous sphagists! A whole science...

After this, complete chaos began. In 1770, a ban was imposed on the production of Balsam, the reasons for which are shrouded in secrecy. But in Russia even in those days no bans were final. When Kuntze went bankrupt, the original Latvian Semyon Lelyukhin received a patent for the production of Riga Black Balsam. Almost immediately after Lelyukhin's death, in 1796, the Senate again banned the balm. And between the 30s and 40s of the 19th century, he allowed it, now to the French merchant Dufault, whom a little later he banned again with the same ease. And in 1845 Albert Wolschmidt received a patent. And in 1863 - Johann Heinrich Jon. And in 1914 Nicholas II banned it. And in 1918, the government of the newly formed Latvian People's Republic allowed everything back.

By the way, by the end of the 19th century, “Black Riga” was produced by more than 30 enterprises! Moreover, only a small part of them were located in Riga - the factories of Schwabe, Wolfschmidt, Blossfeld, Hubner, Bertel, Otto Schwarz. There were also factories in Stukmani, Ventspils, Liepaja, even in Estonia and St. Petersburg. Why, the famous Smirnov (who has two “fs”) – he even released his own version! So, there was a balm. But it’s not quite Riga and not quite black.

The Wolschmidt factory continued producing balsam right up to World War II; master blenders from the Schrader dynasty were involved in improving the drink. The strength increased to 45°, the color finally “darkened” and in general the balm acquired more or less modern features. However, after the occupation of Latvia, the Schraders left the country and took the cherished recipe for “Riga Black” with them. And only in 1954, a technologist at the Riga distillery (now the Latvijas Balzams plant), young Maya Podračniece, restored the recipe, using some scraps of notes, memories of masters and miraculously preserved samples of Balsam. Whether it was restored correctly or incorrectly, no one will know. But since that time, it is this drink - and only this one - that can be called the real “Black Riga Balsam”.

The recipe for making Riga balsam is not easy, but possible

Now Rigas Melnais Balzams are made only in Riga, the recipe has remained more or less the same as 70 years ago. True, the manufacturer, keeping up with the times, is carrying out quite active diversification - in addition to the classic version, they also produce a forty-proof version of “Element” with rum. There are versions of Riga balsam on sale with currants and cherries - both at 30°C, just like liqueurs. Moreover, following the example of Vana Tallin from neighboring Estonia, Latvijas Balzams released a very “sweet” creamy version of the drink, with cream and all sorts of things.

We are only interested in the first, authentic version. Moreover, her recipe is well known - after all, it was presented in Soviet recipe reference books. There are plenty of reference books on the Internet, so the words that “the real recipe for Riga balsam is kept in the strictest confidence” can only bring a smile. To whom it is a secret, it is a secret.

There are many ingredients, not all of them are simple and accessible. Preparation is also not very easy; you will need apothecary scales, good raw materials, and patience. The drink is made in two stages: first, a herbal infusion-concentrate is prepared, which is then diluted with cognac, vodka, caramel, syrup and alcoholized berry fruit drinks. In the same way or the same Vana Tallinn. But where did ours go? But you don’t need to distill anything – just maceration, just hardcore! The proportions are calculated for 10 liters of finished balm.

Yeah, it’s a pretty big list. But if some ingredient is missing, we can make do, we’re still experimenting. We pour all our “breast collection” into a jar, fill it with alcohol and send it to a dark place to infuse for about a month, shaking the container periodically. Next, we drain, filter and move on to the next stage.

It is clear that some positions are difficult to obtain. For example, Peruvian balsam oil is sold only in Latvian pharmacies, is expensive, and, they say, exporting it from Latvia is prohibited. If you get it, it will be better. If you don’t get it, and the dog with it, will it be noticeable per 10 liters of drink? And in general, the recipe is quite variable.

Proportions are possible – and even necessary! – customize “for yourself”. To do this, I recommend experimenting first with a small amount - say, a liter or 0.5 liter. Mix everything, shake well, let sit and try. Not enough herbs? Need more infusion. Less sweetness, more syrup. There’s not enough color - make more caramel, the product is free! And once the proportions have been arranged, we write them down and recalculate them for the rest of the volume of the drink.

After mixing, the balm needs to sit properly - in a dark, cool place. At this time, sediment may form in the drink - then it will need to be decanted and filtered. The aging period depends on your own aging. Before drinking Riga balsam self-made, give him a rest for at least three months. Better is more. But, if it’s completely unbearable, you can try a little earlier, who’s going to stop you!

How to drink Riga balsam? Benefits and harms, aesthetics, cocktails

Initially, “Riga Black” was advertised no matter how many beneficial properties were attributed to it! And the same colic, and migraines, and colds, and all sorts of stomach ailments. At the end of the 19th century, the balm from the Wolschmidt factory was recommended to be drunk even from... melancholy! On the brochure attached to the bottle it was written “ for melancholy, take as much as you can, and from the outside place under the chest, namely under the stomach, a flannel flap soaked in balm" Yes, to the best of my ability...

One way or another, the drink can hardly be called medicine, but it undoubtedly has certain biologically active properties - after all, such a “broom” medicinal herbs included! It has been personally verified that it perfectly helps with hangovers, relieves fatigue and headache, promotes digestion as a digestif. However, all this applies to a maximum of one glass of balm at a time. It is not recommended to drink a lot of it - it will be bad, this was also verified by your humble servant. And for people with obvious hypertension, heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is generally better to refrain from taking it.

As for the ways to drink Riga Balsam, there are many of them. In Riga there is even a whole balsam bar “Black Magic”, and in Latvia the annual bartender competition Riga Black Balsam Global Cocktail Challenge is held, where mixologists from all over the world compete in the art of composing and preparing various cocktails based on this unique drink. In cocktails, it is used both as a bitter, to set off other drinks and give them a characteristic bitterness, and as a main ingredient.

Cocktail “Black Latvian”

The ingredients of this drink have long been known, but the exact recipe has been kept secret since 1752. They say that only three people know all the secrets: the master of the liquor workshop and his two assistants. The balm is prepared using specially prepared water, high-quality alcohol, cognac and Peruvian balsam oil.

Abraham Kunze, who invented the Riga Balsam, was a pharmacist. The people of Riga liked the remedy for all diseases. Even today, Latvian doctors recommend the balm as a remedy. Useful properties due to the composition: a dozen organic acids, tannins, alkaloids, glucosides, proteins, fats, as well as: Co, Cu, Ca, Na, Mn, K, Fe, Zn, Mg, Cr.

Taste, aroma and medicinal properties arise from honey, birch buds and extracts of ginger, raspberries, St. John's wort, linden flowers, lingonberries, etc. - only 24 ingredients.

The exact recipe is kept secret, which only adds to the popularity of the balm from Riga

Types of Riga balsam

Currently, Latvijas Balzams produces four types of Rīga balzams:

  1. Black. Prepared according to classic recipe, which has not changed since 1752. The basic version of the strong drink (45% vol.) is recognized throughout the world.
  2. Element. A modernized version of a three-hundred-year-old recipe. All the main ingredients are preserved, the bouquet is complemented by rum and several other components. The strength of “Element” is 40% vol.
  3. Currant. Relatively new look with the addition of blackcurrant juice and ginger. The drink contains only 30% vol.
  4. Riga Black Balsam Cream. Soft balm with caramel-vanilla aroma, strength only 17%.

The photo shows all types of balm on the table of the company store. Riga

How to use Riga balsam and how it is useful

So rich content useful substances justifies the use of Riga balsam for the following ailments:

  • In case of loss of strength, physical and mental fatigue, it is recommended to take 30 ml of the drink after meals.
  • To prevent a cold and get rid of symptoms that have already appeared, it is useful to add a couple of spoons of balm to tea.
  • Peppermint, lemon balm and valerian will restore stomach function and smooth out the symptoms of gallstone disease.
  • Gargling with balm dissolved in warm water helps with sore throat.

A glass of Riga is an ideal replacement for traditional medicines

What do Latvians drink Riga Balsam with?

The best way to understand how to drink Riga balsam correctly is to ask a resident of Latvia:

  • Latvians serve the balm in liqueur glasses with coffee or tea. You can pour Rīga balzams into a cup or drink a few drops at a time, although some people like to drink a portion in one gulp to feel the warming effect and richness of taste.
  • Good balm for alcoholic cocktails. Black balsam goes well with dry white wines, vodka, cognac, and in Latvia it is even added to beer and sweet fortified wines.
  • The aroma and taste are interesting when combined with milk, ice cream and desserts. Try pouring a little balm into Coca-Cola or champagne - you will be surprised at the new taste of your usual drinks.

For whom is Riga balm contraindicated?

  1. Riga balsam is a multi-component drink, so before drinking, study the composition so as not to provoke an allergy.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the balm.
  3. Kidney and liver diseases exclude the use of balm.
  4. The weekly dose of this alcoholic drink should not exceed 150 mg.

Any balsam is an alcoholic drink with a characteristic brown color and herbal odor, with a bitter taste caused by plant bitterness and essential oils, with a strength of 40-45%. The recipe for each drink is specific, containing unique herbs or combinations and proportions of herbs and other ingredients (roots, stems, leaves, essential oils, sugar, fructose, honey, some berries).

How do you drink Riga balsam?

Like medicine

Usually, in case of illness, a balm is selected according to the composition of herbs that are optimal for treatment, and taking into account that some herbs cannot be used for all diseases. Riga balsam was originally created as an immunostimulant and to control intestinal activity. Therefore, they drink it to treat colds, diseases of the stomach and intestines, and increase overall tone. For chronically ill people, it is better to consult a doctor - “too much” Riga balsam is harmful to the heart.

Balsam as a medicine is usually drunk in its pure form. The usual single dosage is from 2-3 drops to 30 ml, no more than 150 ml per day.

As an aperitif or digestif

Drink before or after a meal for better results. Serve them and drink them in small sips. The usual serving size is 2-3 sips. An appetizer is not served, since the main thing in the balm is the aftertaste. Tobacco also spoils the bouquet; if anything is combined with balm, it is only expensive cigars.

With tea or coffee

For 200 ml of drink (regular mug) add 1-2 tablespoons of Riga balsam. The taste of coffee becomes much softer. The drink lifts your tone, improves your mood, and warms you up.

As an ingredient in cocktails

Riga balsam is added to alcoholic beverages in the same way as to tea or coffee, from 2-3 drops to 1 teaspoon per serving.

It is often mixed with martinis and used in milkshakes. The alcohol component will be completely invisible, the herbal aroma adds sophistication to the drinks.

As a flavoring addition to desserts and baked goods.

Balsam can be added to the dough before baking, but more often it is added to syrup for strengthening biscuits, syrups for ice cream, etc.

In ancient times, many diseases were treated with balms. The alcoholic drink is infused with a large number of herbs. In the modern world, bartenders have adopted balm as an addition to most cocktails. There are also those experts who prefer to use balms in their pure form.

Basic rules for using balms

In its purest form

  1. Balms are often drunk in small quantities before and after meals. In the alcoholic world, the drink is consumed from liqueur glasses. It is customary to savor the balm in small sips.
  2. Many lovers prefer to combine high-quality balm with expensive tobacco (cigars). Experts say that the drink should not be eaten as a snack, otherwise you will not be able to taste all the notes.

Balm with coffee, tea

  1. Some people prefer to brighten up hot drinks with a small amount of balm. To tone the body and lift your spirits, just pour in 15 ml. alcohol in tea or coffee.
  2. After using this drug you will not feel intoxicated. The effect will definitely please you; this product is much more pleasant than classic coffee and cognac.

In cocktails

  1. In the bar world, there are a lot of cocktails with the addition of balms. A fairly simple and popular recipe translated from English is called “Night Black Dancer”.
  2. To make a cocktail, you will need to add 30 ml to the shaker. Riga black balsam, 7 ml. fresh lemon juice, 60 ml. Cola and 15 ml. dark currant syrup.
  3. Shake the shaker and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Serve the cocktail in a martini glass with a wedge of lime or cherry.

With alcoholic drinks

  1. Such use of balms is not very developed in Russia. Fashion migrated to us from the West. If you don't like pure vodka, brighten it up with a few drops of balm.
  2. Original combinations can be obtained with almost any alcohol. Try adding a small amount of balm to popular drinks in our homeland. You definitely won’t remain indifferent, believe me.

As a medicine

  1. Balms are also common as a product to treat the disorder digestive system. The drink copes well with colds and nasal congestion.
  2. The alcoholic drug increases the tone of the body as a whole and strengthens immune system. If you have chronic illnesses, consult a specialist before using the balm.

How to drink Riga balsam correctly

  1. Riga balsam is considered one of the strongest drinks among its brothers. The composition has 45 revolutions. The drink migrated to us straight from Latvia.
  2. The ceramic container helps to preserve the beneficial and taste qualities as much as possible from the influence of external factors.
  3. There are no special ways to use the balm; just cool the drink, pour it into a glass and savor it. The composition can also be mixed into hot drinks or ice cream.

Classic way

  1. Jägermeister is often consumed by true connoisseurs in its pure form. Place the container with the balm in the freezer a few hours before serving. Do the same with shots.
  2. Pour the liqueur into a chilled glass and sip the drink in one sip. After the freezer, Jägermeister acquires a pleasant stickiness and sweetness.
  3. Also, the presence of alcohol is not felt in the chilled drink. After using the balm, a pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth herbal collection. Jägermeister is often used as an aperitif.

Warm way

  1. Few people use the balm in its pure form. The Jägermeister must reach room temperature, after which it is served in shots. The drink tastes bitter, but the aroma of herbs is felt better than when chilled.
  2. Sip a shot of the balm, and in just a few minutes you will feel an increase in appetite and mood. More often, the drink is consumed as a preventive measure against colds. By healing properties Jägermeister is similar to Riga balsam.

The basis of cocktails

  1. Many lovers of alcoholic beverages prefer to dilute a strong balm. Popular variations of cocktails are simple; just combine Jägermeister with citrus juice, Sprite or mineral water (1:1 proportions).
  2. The cocktail “is also especially popular.” Black blood" To prepare it, just add 50 ml to the shaker. Blue Curacao liqueur, 20 ml. Jägermeister and 25 ml. Sprite. Shake the ingredients and pour into a martini glass with ice.
  3. The Cucumber cocktail is no less popular. So, 130 gr. Chop fresh cucumber into thin strips and place in a shallow glass with pieces of ice. Add 50 ml to the shaker. balm and 145 ml. Sprite. Mix the ingredients and pour into a glass.
  4. Also, don’t ignore the Jägermonster drink. It is enough to pour 30 ml into a whiskey glass. balm, 140 ml. orange juice and 35 ml. pomegranate syrup. Stir the ingredients and enjoy.

How to drink Karelian balsam correctly

  1. The drink is not very strong if you compare the balm with similar ones. The strength is about 40 degrees. The drink migrated to us from Karelia. The balm is produced in glass containers. The price of the drink is average, the taste will not leave anyone indifferent.
  2. There are no special rules for use. Add balm to tea, coffee or Cola. The drink goes well with natural cherry juice.
  3. The balm contains active ingredients, which in large quantities can be very harmful to health. You should not abuse the drink.

Check out general rules use of balm. Recommendations have been developed for all alcoholic drinks of this kind. Enjoy the rich aftertaste by drinking a glass of pure potion. Prepare a cocktail based on Jägermeister, Riga or Karelian balsam.

Video: how to drink Jägermeister in its pure form and make cocktails with it

Riga Black Balsam is one of the main Latvian attractions.

For several centuries, the strong drink was made only on the basis of natural extracts of berries, leaves and herbs, which have a beneficial effect on the functions of the human body.

The pleasant, rich, bitter-sweet taste is reminiscent of a medicinal potion.

The alcoholic drink with an original taste has received worldwide recognition and various international prizes.

An effective remedy belongs to the list of official Latvian medicines.

It is produced in a special ceramic or clay container, protecting the healing elixir from light rays and temperature changes.

History of appearance

After the Second World War, the recipe for the healing drink disappeared; to recreate the formula, experts conducted many tests and tests. Today, the traditional recipe for this remedy has been supplemented with fresh ingredients.

The leading manufacturer “Latvijas balzams” produces four varieties of bitter:

Cost and where to buy

There are 44 branded stores selling Riga Black Balsam in Latvia. It is sold in specialized stores “Latvijas balzams”, as well as in large supermarkets in the alcoholic beverages department.

The cost of a bottle of drink depends on the volume and packaging, ranging from 2-100 €. If the purchase amount is more than 100 €, then the stores provide a 10% discount.

If you have never tried the drink, you can purchase a 0.2 liter container that costs 450-550 rubles.

Balm connoisseurs prefer to immediately buy a 0.7 liter bottle at a price of 1200-1300 rubles.

How to avoid falling for a fake

Riga Black Balsam is easily recognizable by its yellow background, on which the company name is placed in brown.

It is produced in a characteristic ceramic container, where the cork should only be made of oak.

The color of the original bitter is brown, thanks to a combination of healthy herbs, fruits and roots.

Due to aging in barrels, the taste of the drink is bittersweet.

Chemical composition

The famous product contains 24 high-quality ingredients, including:

  • specially prepared water,
  • sugar,
  • natural honey flavor.
  • linden blossom;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • nutmeg;
  • ginger;
  • raspberry;
  • St. John's wort;
  • cowberry;
  • blueberry;
  • berry fruit drinks.

On the page: it says how to make a face mask from cucumber.

The balm also contains wormwood (about magical properties read), St. John's wort, yarrow (), bird cherry fruits (), anise and dill seeds and many others useful herbs. Numerous components do not interrupt the aroma, but only accentuate each other.

The drink contains a number of minerals:

  • calcium,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • organic acids,
  • tannins,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • fats.

Although the components of the national drink are known, the preparation recipe is still kept strictly secret and is known only to the master and his two assistants.

Strict adherence to the recipe and the use of high-quality ingredients maintains the taste of Riga Black Balsam at a decent level.

Medicinal properties and benefits

The medicinal elixir of the pharmacist Abraham Kunze was offered as a miracle cure for many diseases.

The healing properties of the drink have been confirmed many times over several centuries.

Judging by positive feedback, he really helped a huge number people who noted pronounced healing properties for various diseases:

  • helps with colds, depression and loss of strength;
  • used for rheumatism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • herbs in the balm treat gastrointestinal diseases and dissolve gallstones;
  • treats wounds and burns;
  • strengthens the immune system (read how to take echinacea tincture), fights colds;
  • relieves headaches and migraines.

For prevention, bitter is used for gastritis and peptic ulcer. Thanks to its astringent and antiseptic substances, gastrointestinal diseases and stomach disorders are treated.

For warning colds It is recommended to add 1-2 tsp. in tea with lemon or coffee (the benefits and harms for the heart are written on the page), which will increase expectoration of mucus and increase sweating.

By dissolving the balm in warm water, you can gargle with a sore throat.

During physical and mental stress, the drink is used as a tonic and immunomodulatory medicine, taking 30 g after meals.

Compresses and rubbing help relieve pain and tension in joints and muscles.

Contraindications for use

In addition to its beneficial properties, it also has contraindications. Because of high content alcohol, The drink should not be consumed by pregnant women and children.

Regular use of Riga Black Balsam can lead to alcoholism. The famous balm is consumed for medicinal and preventive purposes, 30 ml per day.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and renal failure It is better to consult your doctor.

How to do it yourself

The initial stage of preparing the balsam is to infuse it in special oak barrels for a month.

The result is a bitter essence that is mixed with alcohol, brandy and juices. Honey and burnt sugar give the drink its characteristic flavor.

The finished liquid is poured into clay bottles and aged for another 6 months. Such containers protect the balm from sunlight and temperature changes.

Complex production technology consists of several lengthy stages:

Balm bar Riga Black Magic

Not far from the Town Hall building there is a bar “Riga Black Magic”. Previously, there was a pharmacy here for Abraham Kunze, the author of Riga Bitter, which is why the drink is also called Kuntze Balsam.

Initially, the famous drink was used as a healing agent, and now its tonic properties are valued all over the world.

The bar is a landmark of Riga and is popular among visitors, but the cost of a drink there is slightly higher than in other places.

In a stylish establishment that imitates an 18th-century pharmacy, guests are served by waiters in costumes of that century.

The staff will tell you interesting story bitter appears and offers to try various types this health elixir, which is added to smoothies, coffee or baked goods, desserts and ice cream.

How to take

The famous bitter goes well with others alcoholic drinks, it is added to:

  • coca cola,
  • beer,
  • champagne,
  • brandy,
  • cognac,
  • fortified sweet wines.

Usually, it is served in small liqueur glasses along with hot green tea or coffee.

Delicious cocktails are made based on the balm, for example:

  • Signature cocktail.
    60 ml Balsam mixed with 30 ml juice black currant and is drunk warm.
  • Sugar Black.
    Add 60 ml of cream and 30 ml of coffee liqueur to 60 ml of bitter.
  • Black Honey Money.
    Add 4 tbsp to 30 ml balsam. l. apple juice, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  • Black Hot Mint.
    Mix 30 ml of Riga product with 4 tbsp. l. mango juice, 4 tbsp. l. apple juice and add 3 g mint leaves.
  • Black Mojito.
    Mix 30 ml of Riga Balsam with half a lime, add fruit syrup, half a glass of Sprite and ice.

Thanks to the extraordinary taste and beneficial qualities of the “elixir of youth”, the Latvian balm will continue to for a long time be popular among residents of the Baltic states and tourists from different countries.

Watch a good video review on the history of the appearance and healing properties of Riga balsam.
