DPT vaccination is an alternative. DPT vaccination for children: how to prepare for it and avoid complications? Features of the Pentaxim vaccine

Vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus is mandatory and very important for every child. However, faced with a violent reaction of the baby’s body to the first vaccination, with fever and severe pain, parents are wondering: are there other vaccines that are easily tolerated by the child’s body?

There are foreign DPT vaccinations - these are Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa and Pentaxim. What is their difference? Is it possible to give them to a child instead of those that are done routinely in the clinic? Is it worth purchasing an expensive foreign vaccine or just enduring the next vaccination?

General information about vaccines, their composition and action

Since 1940, Russia has carried out universal immunization of the population. There is an approved National Vaccination Calendar, which all medical institutions adhere to. When a child is just born, he is given the first vaccinations against hepatitis B and tuberculosis.

Doctors consider the main thing for the formation children's immunity a vaccine against three very dangerous, even fatal, diseases:

  • diphtheria - an acute infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract;
  • whooping cough, leading to pneumonia, convulsions and respiratory arrest;
  • tetanus - a soil infection accompanied by seizures and problems with the nervous system.

Statistics show the seriousness of these diseases. Thus, before universal vaccination, the mortality rate from tetanus was 90%, and from diphtheria - 25%.

DTP is the name of the vaccine drug produced in Russia, but for convenience, this is what all vaccines against these diseases are called. Foreign vaccines differ from Russian ones in many characteristics.

The imported ones do not contain formalin and merthiolate, since these substances are prohibited in the USA and the European Union. They also lack the acellular anti-pertussis component, which is why they are better tolerated by children of any age.

Many foreign vaccines are produced in combination against polio, hepatitis B and other diseases. However, they are not included in the child’s health insurance, and such vaccinations will have to be paid for.

Domestic vaccine DPT

At the clinic, by default, the baby will be given the Russian vaccine for free. It is inexpensive, compared to Pentaxim and Infanrix, and not very modern. It contains dead pertussis germs, diphtheria and tetanus toxoid.

Toxoids are widely used in the production of vaccines. They are produced by pathogens, but after heat treatment they become harmless. At the same time, toxoids retain antigenic activity, that is, they form immunity in the child.

Merthiolate (thiomersal), an organometallic compound of mercury, is used as a preservative, antiseptic, and also to protect against fungus. This dangerous substance, very toxic, carcinogenic, allergy-causing, is a mutagen.

The dose of merthiolate contained in the domestic vaccine is not dangerous for a small child. However, in the body of a newborn, the level of mercury compounds after immunization decreases only after a month. It is this compound that often causes parents to refuse vaccination with Russian drugs.

DPT is used only up to the age of 4 years. When choosing which vaccine to vaccinate your baby with, you should remember that the domestic vaccine has been approved by WHO.

French vaccine Pentaxim

There is a French vaccine similar to DPT. Unlike the domestic one, it also protects the baby from polio and hemophilus influenzae infection. Pentaxim additionally contains inactivated polio virus, and the whooping cough virus in its composition is split and its shell is removed.

In addition, unlike DPT and the polio vaccine, Pentaxim is better tolerated. It reduces the risk of developing vaccine-associated polio, that is, caused specifically by vaccination. This is also evidenced by multiple reviews of parents about the vaccine on the Internet.

Belgian vaccines Infanrix and Infanrix Hexa

In addition to the French vaccine Pentaxim, there is another drug on the Russian pharmacy market - the Belgian analogue of Infanrix. It is intended for vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Includes components similar to the French vaccine.

The drug Infanrix Hexa additionally contains a vaccine against hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae and polio. It additionally contains neomycin and polymyxin. The vaccine is contraindicated if you are sensitive to antibiotics. Parents' subjective assessment of this drug is also very high.

Which drug to choose: imported or domestic?

What are the significant differences between domestic and imported vaccines? When choosing, you should be guided by important parameters: vaccination schedule, composition of the drug, possible complications and post-vaccination reactions:

  • Pentaxim and Infanrix are acellular, acellular vaccines, which is why they are better tolerated by children. They are much less likely to give post-vaccination reactions in the form of hyperthermia, swelling and redness at the site where the injection was given. The Russian drug is a whole-cell vaccine and contains whooping cough cells. Post-vaccination complications often occur after it.

  • Foreign vaccines, unlike the Russian one, do not contain a harmful and very allergenic component - merthiolate. He is the reason for some negative reactions. There is no formalin in them either.
  • Pentaxim additionally protects against polio and hemophilus influenzae, which means that the child will need to be vaccinated less often and have fewer injections. This is undoubtedly better, because for the baby every procedure is very stressful.
  • Foreign vaccinations have a 2-3% lower immune response. However, given revaccination, this difference becomes invisible.
  • DTP is given free of charge at the clinic. A package of Pentaxim and Infanrix will cost an average of 1,500 rubles. You can purchase them at a pharmacy or get the vaccine in a private clinic. For comparison, the price for a package of a Russian drug in a pharmacy is about 200 rubles.
  • Foreign vaccines are already packaged in disposable syringes, through which vaccination is carried out, which means that there is no risk of infection through an unsterile syringe. As a rule, when getting vaccinated with a domestic drug in a clinic, you cannot know for sure that everything was done correctly.

Although parents of children with allergies may want to immediately opt for Infanrix or Pentaxim, since the risk of an allergy to the domestic drug is very high.

Is there a difference in the vaccination schedule?

There are no differences in the vaccination schedule for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus between foreign and domestic vaccines. The vaccination is done according to the scheme according to the National Vaccination Calendar:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4-5 months (exactly 30-45 days after the first vaccination) (more details in the article:);
  • at 6 months;
  • at 18 months;
  • at 6-7 years old;
  • at 14 years old.

Are there any differences in adverse reactions?

You should prepare for vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus, regardless of the drug - be it DPT, Infanrix or Pentaxim:

  • Give the baby an antihistamine 3 days before;
  • make sure the child is healthy, measure body temperature.

Only absolutely healthy children are allowed to be vaccinated!

This will prevent development adverse reactions. For all vaccines they are approximately the same:

  • allergic reaction, rash, urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock;
  • infectious toxic shock;
  • convulsions;
  • redness and thickening at the injection site;
  • increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C;
  • hypotension.

Such reactions occur much less frequently with imported, cell-free vaccines. For the safety of the baby, you should stay in the clinic for 30 minutes after vaccination, so that in case of a severe post-vaccination reaction, he will receive urgent treatment. medical care. Mostly, serious reactions occur immediately after the vaccine is administered or if the vaccine is given when there are absolute contraindications.

Adverse reactions disappear after 3-5 days. For fever, it is recommended to give an antipyretic and continue taking antihistamines for a couple of days.

Your doctor will tell you how to behave if this or that reaction occurs before vaccination. He can also reschedule or cancel the vaccination if there are contraindications.

Are there any contraindications?

There is also no significant difference in contraindications. There are absolute contraindications for all vaccines:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • encephalopathy;
  • some diseases of the nervous system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • HIV infection;
  • a very severe reaction to a previous vaccination.

And relative ones:

  • acute disease of infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting, nausea, malaise, loose stools.

Are vaccines interchangeable?

Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that the baby should be revaccinated with the same drug. Others say that there is no point in replacing the domestic vaccine with Pentaxim or Infanrix. There are no confirmed contraindications to replacement.

It should be borne in mind that Pentaxim and Infanrix Hexa additionally protect against other diseases and will make changes to the entire vaccination schedule. If there is a severe reaction to DTP, it makes sense to continue vaccinating with imported vaccines.

When a mother takes her baby for vaccination, strictly following the Russian vaccination calendar, this is, of course, commendable. But thoughtlessly signing consent for every vaccination is, at a minimum, irresponsible. I once conducted an amateur survey of mothers in line for DTP. It turned out that 2/3 of women don’t even know what this mysterious abbreviation stands for. Meanwhile, although necessary, the DPT vaccination is quite difficult for children to tolerate and has a list of contraindications.

DTP vaccination: why is it needed and how to prepare for it

DTP (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus) is a complex vaccine designed to develop immunity in the baby against serious illnesses. exhausts the baby with cough for a long time. It is also dangerous due to complications: pneumonia and brain damage. Diphtheria affects the upper respiratory tract, making breathing difficult and causing severe intoxication. When a child has tetanus, muscle cramps occur, including in the respiratory muscles, and this is life-threatening.

In the Russian calendar of preventive vaccinations, the DTP vaccine is administered in 4 doses: the first time every 3 months, the second and third - with an interval of one and a half months. The result is confirmed a year after the first vaccination.

The DTP vaccine is quite difficult for children to tolerate. In the first three days after vaccination, swelling and pain may occur at the injection site. Often in children it rises – even up to 40°C. In rare cases, diarrhea and vomiting are observed. To make the reaction to the DTP vaccine less painful, the child needs to be prepared for it. Monitor your baby's condition carefully: even with a mild runny nose, you should not get vaccinated! Start giving your baby 2-3 days before antihistamine- for example, fenistil.

Contraindications and complications

Before vaccinating your baby with DTP, you need to thoroughly study the entire list of contraindications. You can, of course, rely on the doctor. But who knows the characteristics of the body better than mother?

DPT vaccination is temporarily or absolutely contraindicated for children with pathologies of the nervous system. If the child was ill shortly before the vaccination day colds, notify your pediatrician and take a 3-week exemption from vaccinations. Naturally, you cannot administer the DTP vaccine when elevated temperature, exacerbation chronic disease. The vaccine is contraindicated for children with an allergy to any component of the vaccine.

If the mother does not take these simple rules into account, the baby will have complications after DTP. Among them are severe ones: urticaria and Quincke's edema. They can cause respiratory arrest. Anaphylactic shock is the most serious complication after DTP vaccination. It develops very quickly and can cause death within minutes of the vaccine being administered.


A week before and a week after vaccination, you cannot give your child new foods or change formulas, because Then you won’t know what you’re allergic to. 3 days before, on the day of vaccination and three days after vaccination, the child should be given suprastin (or another antihistamine - consult the doctor who is observing the child) and ascorbic acid, then the reactions to the vaccination are less pronounced or there are none at all.

Alternatives to DTP vaccine

It is unlikely that every mother is firmly convinced that her child is not allergic to any of the components of DTP. Therefore, it is best to first consult with a specialist - an immunologist. Sometimes it is necessary to do a blood test to check your immune status.

There are alternatives to the DTP vaccine. For example, weakened children are vaccinated with ADS-M, a vaccine without the pertussis component and with a reduced content of diphtheria. For allergy sufferers, instead of DTP, foreign drugs registered in Russia are recommended: TETRACOK or INFANRIX. An experienced doctor will help you choose the vaccine that is best for your child after conducting the necessary tests.

To create immunity against these dangerous infections a combination drug is used - adsorbed pertussis - diphtheria - tetanus vaccine - DTP. Diphtheria and tetanus are protected by neutralized toxins (which, however, retain the ability to “trigger” the body’s immune reactions) - they are called toxoids. Fragments of the cell wall of the bacterium that causes whooping cough are “told” to the child’s immune system about the causative agent of whooping cough. DPT is mandatory vaccination and is included in the All-Russian vaccination calendar.

Vaccination scheme

Primary vaccination complex . As already mentioned, in our country the first DPT vaccination begins at the age of three months. The choice of this particular age is related to the developmental characteristics of the child - since at this time his immune system is already ready to respond to the vaccine. The baby is waiting for an injection in the buttocks - the DTP drug is injected intramuscularly into the buttock.

The primary vaccination complex consists of three vaccinations given at intervals of 1.5 months (three-time immunization contributes to the formation of stable immunity). There is a standard set of recommendations, following which allows you to minimize the likelihood of possible complications from vaccinations. These recommendations also apply to DTP vaccination. Let us briefly remind our readers.

  • Before vaccination, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician and children's specialists, primarily a neurologist (although complications after vaccination are rare, their likelihood is especially high in children with disorders of the nervous system). Immediately before vaccination, the baby must be examined by a pediatrician!
  • Get your child's blood and urine tested. The test results should leave no doubt that vaccination can be done. The less time passes between receiving test results and vaccination, the better.
  • Consult with your pediatrician about the advisability of prescribing a drug as a preventive measure that reduces the likelihood of developing allergic reaction for vaccination (so-called desensitizing agents).
  • If the baby has suffered from an acute respiratory viral infection, then by the time the vaccination is administered, at least 2 weeks must have passed from the day of recovery (in the case of a mild acute respiratory viral infection - low temperature, rapid recovery - it is enough if one week passes before the vaccination). In case of existing chronic disease internal organs vaccination is carried out against the background of stable (at least 4 weeks) remission, that is, the absence of symptoms of the disease. If the child suffers from allergic reactions (skin manifestations, bronchial asthma), then three days before the vaccination he is prescribed desensitizing drugs, which should be taken for a week.

Over time, the number of antibodies decreases, so at the age of 18 months it is carried out revaccination (one time). Taking into account all the above periods, it becomes clear that at least 12 months pass between the last of the three vaccinations of the primary vaccination complex and revaccination. This must be taken into account if for some reason the timing of the first vaccination is shifted: in any case, the specified interval must be observed between the last vaccination of the primary vaccination complex and revaccination. In the future, several revaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus are provided (for example, at 6-7 years). The pertussis component is excluded at this age, since it is the most reactogenic, that is, capable of causing allergic reactions. The child’s mature immune system reacts “overly actively” to the introduction of microbial cells, even killed ones. Therefore, children over 3 years of age or younger, but who have had allergic reactions to the pertussis component, are injected with ADS-M (lightweight) toxoid - without the pertussis vaccine.

If during the vaccination period a child has had whooping cough, then in the future he also receives ADS or ADS-M vaccinations, since persistent immunity remains after the illness.

Adverse reactions

It is useful to know that in the first two days after DPT vaccination, some adverse reactions may occur, namely:

  • increased body temperature; in case of appropriate predisposition, a sharp increase in temperature can provoke so-called febrile convulsions (usually such convulsions pass quickly and do not pose any particular danger to the child; to prevent high fever, it makes sense to give the child paracetamol 2-3 hours after vaccination);
  • general malaise; soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site.

    In addition, the following are extremely rarely reported as adverse reactions:

  • episodes of high-pitched screaming (squealing) within 1-3 hours after vaccination, such screaming is associated with a painful reaction to the injection;
  • allergic reactions (a wide variety), mainly caused by the pertussis component of the vaccine;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Any adverse reactions must be reported to your doctor. It should also be borne in mind that the reaction to repeated injections of the vaccine (second, third vaccination of the primary vaccination complex and revaccination) may be more violent than to the first vaccination of the first vaccination.

Possible complications

It is useful for parents to know about the possible complications of DPT. Only a doctor can handle them, but it is the parents who should pay attention to the child’s unusual condition. Anaphylactic shock- extremely rare and most dangerous complication. This condition develops a few minutes (sometimes several hours) after vaccination - which is why it is recommended to spend some time in the clinic after vaccination. If you notice that the child has suddenly turned pale (sometimes there may even be a bluish color of the skin), has become lethargic, is covered in a cold sweat, or has lost consciousness - call a doctor immediately! Afebrile(that is, without increasing the temperature) convulsions– the child loses consciousness, sometimes nods, “nods off”, and has a “stuck gaze.”

Encephalopathy and encephalitis– are much less common than afebrile seizures. In addition to seizures, they are manifested by impaired consciousness, fever, vomiting (encephalitis), etc. However, no matter how scary the list looks possible complications DTP, I would like to note that complications after vaccination are much less common than complications of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

When should DTP vaccination not be given?

There are situations when DPT vaccinations are contraindicated. The decision to waive vaccinations is made by the pediatrician based on examination and results. clinical tests, opinions of medical specialists.

The following conditions are contraindications:

  • progressive diseases of the nervous system;
  • afebrile (not related to high temperature) convulsions that have occurred in the past or febrile (that is, on the contrary, provoked by high temperature) - as a result of the previous administration of the vaccine;
  • a strong general reaction to the previous vaccination - an increase in temperature in the first two days to 40 ° C and above;
  • strong local reaction to a previous vaccination - swelling of soft tissues with a diameter of more than 5 cm or infiltration (deep compaction) with a diameter of more than 2 cm;

Before vaccinating your child, make sure there are no contraindications. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor a question if you have any unclear points or doubts. If necessary, vaccination can be done in a hospital setting or in a specialized immunization center.

Is there an alternative to the DTP vaccine?

The DTP vaccine is provided to all Russian citizens free of charge. However, those who wish can purchase imported vaccines, for example, Tetracok produced by Aventis Pasteur, France. Your baby can be vaccinated with the Tetracok vaccine at a specialized vaccination center. This vaccine is convenient to use, as it is contained in a syringe enclosed in a vacuum package and, in addition to diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis components, contains inactivated polio vaccine. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the anterolateral thigh. Currently, new vaccines against the infections under discussion are being registered in Russia, which do not contain some particularly allergenic components of the cells of the whooping cough pathogen. The use of these vaccines will significantly reduce the number of allergic reactions.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough affects all over the world, mostly children early age(under two years old). It is for children of this age that the disease poses the greatest danger due to the fact that after several coughing attacks typical of whooping cough, they may stop breathing (the toxins released by the bacterium that causes whooping cough affect the respiratory center). In addition, infants often develop pneumonia, other lung lesions, hemorrhages in the brain, eyes, skin and mucous membranes against the background of whooping cough; in some cases, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system are observed (in particular, convulsions, which can even lead to death or permanent brain damage – deafness, epileptic seizures, etc.). Meanwhile, upon contact with a sick person, the probability of infection is very high - 90%, while babies have no innate immunity. The bacterium that causes whooping cough affects the respiratory tract, and the route of transmission is airborne droplets. A child can encounter a pathogen almost anywhere - in a clinic, at home, at a party...

An infant with a severe form of whooping cough will face mandatory hospitalization - after all, he will need special care and constant medical monitoring of his condition - whooping cough, as mentioned above, is fraught with the development of serious complications. The effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine and the duration of its action are described in detail in this article; we only note that the vaccine is especially successful in protecting against severe forms of the disease.


The insidious bacillus, the causative agent of tetanus, lies in wait for us in street dust, soil, human and animal feces, etc. (the pathogen may for many years maintain viability, “hiding” in the form of spores). Enough the smallest scratch on the skin or mucous membrane to provide tetanus bacilli with access to the blood. As they multiply, they secrete a toxin that penetrates into the central nervous system. As a result of the action of the toxin, the sick person develops constant muscle spasm, interspersed with severe cramps. Spasms of the respiratory muscles are especially dangerous - they are the ones that most often lead to death (unfortunately, even in our time, the mortality rate from tetanus reaches 50%, and it is highest in the early and early old age). Spasm of the facial muscles prevents mouth opening, spasm of the sphincters prevents urination and defecation. Complications of tetanus include bone fractures (as a result of seizures and spasms), pneumonia (developing due to disruption of normal breathing movements and congestion in the lungs), increased blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction; Coma may develop.

It’s impossible to even “try on” all these horrors for kids who love to tinker with pebbles on the playground, earth and sand in the country. A child's life is unimaginable without constant scratches and abrasions. And which parent will take upon himself the courage to guarantee that he will protect his child from more serious injuries? Meanwhile, tetanus toxoid administered during preventive vaccination, guarantees 100% protection against slob.


Diphtheria is very serious infectious disease, the main manifestations of which are caused by the action of diphtheria toxin produced by the causative agent of the disease - diphtheria bacillus. Like whooping cough, diphtheria is transmitted from a sick person (or from a carrier of the toxigenic diphtheria bacillus) to a healthy person through airborne droplets. Unvaccinated people get seriously ill, with severe intoxication of the body, severe inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract. In infants, the nasal cavity is more often affected. This disease has one more extremely unpleasant feature: it manifests itself immediately, “without warning” and in full force. Complications of diphtheria are very dangerous, the likelihood of which is high if a drug that neutralizes the effect of diphtheria toxin is not administered in time - antitoxic serum or specific antitoxic antidiphtheria human immunoglobulin. These complications include: damage to the heart muscle (toxic myocarditis), heart failure (up to sudden death), toxic kidney damage, toxic shock, pneumonia, etc. To finally convince you of the need to protect your baby from diphtheria, here are sad statistics: the probability of death from complications of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age is 20%.

Many parents try to avoid adverse reactions to vaccination by purchasing imported DTP vaccine. Having heard about frequent manifestations of adverse reactions, modern parents, both in our country and in other CIS countries, are increasingly showing distrust of domestic manufacturers. But is it really imported analogues better, more efficient and of higher quality?

Doctors strongly recommend that parents vaccinate their children. But how to avoid allergies and pain? It's always a risk. There is no way to know for sure that the drug will work. If the first injection went without complications, you should continue to buy drugs from this company. Thus, the risk of allergies will be sharply reduced.

DTP vaccines

The vaccine preparation, containing pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus components, has the combined name DTP vaccine, while imported analogues may have a different name and also contain additional components. The clinic usually offers DTP vaccinations domestic manufacturer NPO Microgen. It is a suspension for intramuscular injection, based on aluminum hydroxide. Contains killed pertussis virus cells plus diphtheria-tetanus toxoid.

The imported vaccine contains a purified pertussis component (anatoxin), which ensures its “gentle” effect on the body. A significant drawback of the domestic DTP drug is the content (0.01%) of merthiolate, a harmful preservative.

Large pharmacies offer Russian, Belgian and French analogues in stock, sometimes on order. These are Pentaxim, Tetrakok, Tritanrix NV, Infanrix, Bubo-Kok.

Description of analogues:

  • Tritanrix NV is a DPT vaccine produced in Belgium. Its pharmacological effect on the human body is the formation of an immune response against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis B. For some regions where the prevalence of hepatitis B reaches epidemic proportions, this drug has its advantage, because it replaces 2 injections.
  • "Pentaxim" is an analogue of DPT, the country of origin is France. As an advantage, it contains components that form immunity against polio and Haemophilus influenzae.
  • "Tetrakok" - produced in France. The vaccine contains DTP and polio vaccine. The drug, if necessary, is co-administered with the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine.
  • "Infanrix" is one of the most common drugs in the post-Soviet space. Made in Belgium. It does not contain merthiolate and formaldehyde, which determines its significant advantage. The pertussis component does not contain virus cells; it is replaced by an toxoid. This is due to the absence of side effects in the post-vaccination period.
  • "Bubo-Kok" is a drug of Russian origin. The manufacturer combines DPT and hepatitis B vaccine.

Tetanus adsorbed liquid DTP

It cannot be said unequivocally that an imported drug is more effective than a domestic one. However, it has been statistically proven that the DPT analog produced in Belgium and France is much easier to tolerate by the child’s body. Fundamental differences different manufacturers consist in the degree of purification of its components, as well as the presence of harmful preservatives.

Parents often ask about so-called gentle vaccination methods. Instead of the usual DTP, they ask for the DPT vaccine. It is distinguished by the absence of the pertussis component, which significantly reduces the load on immune system. A significant disadvantage of this vaccine is that it does not promote the formation of an immune response against whooping cough.

Tetanus adsorbed vaccine (TAT toxoid) is usually administered to adults during revaccination, since for children over 12 years of age the risk of contracting the whooping cough virus does not pose a serious danger.

Vaccination is always done with the risk of an individual allergic reaction. Vaccination is needed to build immunity. Therefore, ideas that children's body you should regret not having this or that vaccination. It is advisable to spend time and money choosing a high-quality, effective drug.

DPT vaccination price

How much the vaccine costs depends on the country of origin. Imported ones are usually more expensive. Public procurement is more focused on affordable, but at the same time effective drugs domestic production. That is why cases of allergic reactions after vaccination offered by the government medical institution occur much more often than in private clinics.

Each parent has the opportunity to choose where and with what vaccine to vaccinate their child.

The vaccination itself, offered by the pharmacy, costs much less than the entire range of services from a private clinic. You need to understand that the price of the clinic takes into account the work of the staff, rent of premises and other costs that ensure the operation of the institution.

There is an option to purchase the vaccine through a pharmacy, and then get an injection at the local clinic, having previously discussed all the details with the doctor.

Prices are approximately as follows:

  • “Pentaxim” - the price ranges from 1050 to 1450 rubles.
  • “Tetrakok” - 850–1300 rub.
  • "Tritanrix" - about 1500 rub. But this drug is quite difficult to obtain for a private individual; as a rule, it is available only through commercial clinics.
  • "Infanrix" - 1450–1800 rub.
  • “Bubo-Kok” - approximately 1600 rub.

The price of drugs can vary significantly depending on the pharmacy's markup, as well as the manufacturer's price set for distributor companies.

Infanrix (infanriks): diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

One of the most popular vaccines is Infanrix. Many have heard about its “light effect” on the body.

This is one of the Belgian-made DTP drugs. It is easily tolerated by children; the vaccine rarely causes allergic reactions. Aimed at forming a stable immune response against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus.

Infanrix has analogs that differ in composition (providing an additional immune effect). Among them are Infanrix Hexa, Butrix Polio, Infanrix IPV. Depending on the individual needs of the child, health status, and vaccination plan, the appropriate drug is selected.

"Infanrix IPV"

By receiving one DPT vaccination with Infanrix IPV, the child receives the advantage of automatically receiving an inactivated polio vaccine. That is, there is no need to give two injections. The vaccine preparation "Infanrix IPV" contains toxoid against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, plus polio antigen.

Moreover, protection is formed against three types of polio at once. For a complete set of DPT vaccinations, 3 repeated injections are given.

In this case, IPV usually requires 2 injections, after which polio is inoculated with oral drops containing the “live virus”.

Infanrix Hexa

"Infanrix Hexa" is easily transported, temperature after vaccination rarely rises. This is due to the content of so-called purified components in the vaccine. The DPT vaccination given with the drug "Infanrix Hexa" helps to form immunity against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and polio. The drug contains tetanus and diphtheria toxoid, whooping cough and polio antigens.

Vaccine "Pentaxim"

As a rule, a pronounced acute reaction to the Pentaxim vaccine is rare; its components activate the formation of immunity against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio virus, as well as diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae infection.

It is impossible to say for sure which vaccine is better than Infanrix or Pentaxim. They provide the same protection as any other DTP vaccine. The advantage of Pentaxim is provided by the content of an additional component of Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide. Based on the individual needs of the child, as well as eliminating the possibility of allergies, they are vaccinated with one of the vaccines.


"Tetrakok", like other DTP drugs, does not provide a 100% guarantee of the absence of adverse reactions. Vaccination with this drug occasionally causes complications after vaccination, such as:

  • pain at the injection site;
  • hyperthermia at a level of 38.5 and above;
  • allergic manifestations (urticaria, itching, rash);
  • rarely anaphylactic shock.

The frequency of negative reactions is insignificant. For any side effects You need to consult a doctor by phone or immediately call an ambulance. The occurrence of an allergy indicates that it is then necessary to vaccinate with another drug.

Vaccine "Bubo-Kok"

Mostly the drug contains hepatitis B antigen. Like most modern vaccines, the injection is given in the upper thigh area. It is unacceptable to administer the drug intradermally or intravenously.

The use of Bubo-Kok is especially justified in regions where common childhood diseases include whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B virus.

Which vaccine is better?

Each company strives to produce a prophylactic product with maximum effectiveness, while minimizing possible risks for the child. The difference between the drugs for vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria lies in the manufacturer’s pricing policy and the risk of an allergic reaction, but not its effectiveness.

Each family individually decides for itself where and with what drug to vaccinate with DPT. Will it be private or public clinic, medical workers are required to notify parents of all the advantages and disadvantages of the vaccine.

You can buy imported drugs, but you can get the vaccination itself for free by visiting a public clinic or on a commercial basis, paying a little more. Free vaccinations provided by the state are not inferior or of lower quality. Individual intolerance often depends on the child’s health condition.

According to pediatricians, reactions to Infanrix and Pentaxim still occur, although less often than to drugs containing preservatives or whole viral cells.
