Dangerous professions for men. “All professions are harmful”: the most harmful jobs for health

Thanks to research by the International Labor Organization in all areas of people's work, several of the most dangerous professions in the world have been named. These are, first of all, professions associated with risk to life. Unconditionally in first place. Difficult and very dangerous working conditions, high nervous tension are constant companions of this profession. The risk here is incredibly high.

Despite the high risk, the work of a miner is usually highly paid.

The second most dangerous profession associated with risk to life is the profession of the head of state.

The main danger for heads of state lies in the possibility of their physical elimination. They put their lives at professional risk almost every day, and even high salaries do not compensate for this risk. An analysis of the biographies of presidents and heads of state who lived in the twentieth century showed that many of them never saw a peaceful old age.

The third place in terms of the danger of professional activity belongs to professions related to law enforcement agencies. This work falls into the category of professions involving risk to life. The statistics of victims in the sphere related to the activities of law enforcement agencies always has a high rate.

It is also a profession with particular risk. The process of creating the next story or report is very often associated with a real danger to life, especially if it is sent to a hot spot. The level of earnings of a journalist depends almost entirely on the uniqueness of his report or article. According to unofficial statistics, about half of journalists have received external threats against them at least once during their entire creative career.

Associated with special risk professions is the fact that every day in the world almost six thousand people die from various injuries and injuries associated with one or another professional activity. Moreover, about 90% of all victims are representatives of the stronger sex.

Direct research revealed an interesting fact that employee injuries at an enterprise directly depend on the size of the company. The optimal size of such an enterprise from the point of view of injuries would be the size of a company with a staff of two dozen people.

According to research results, high-risk professions included the professions of a nanny, teacher, builder, doctor, entrepreneur, politician and many others.

Occupational diseases also often threaten the health of employees of industrial enterprises and the healthcare system. To support all the above arguments, you can see the list of the top ten most dangerous professions in the United States. According to Washington ProFile magazine, the list of the most dangerous occupations in the United States includes: fishermen, loggers, flight engineers and commercial pilots, steelworkers, waste management workers, farmers, electricians, farm workers and construction workers.

All professions are important, all professions... are harmful! No, but how could it be otherwise?! We have to spend most of our lives at work, as a result of which it robs us of our youth and, in general, our best years. But if time passes by our personal order, then no one has signed up to give up their health to work. But this is exactly what happens. Whether it's sitting at a computer for many hours, constantly moving around the city on your feet, sitting in the driver's seat or constantly lifting heavy objects. Almost any job has an irreparable impact on your health.

So, yes, if you want to stay beautiful and healthy all your life, make the right choice - stop working... well, or at least don’t do the work that is most dangerous and harmful to your health. So that you understand what we are talking about, Careerist.ru studied research data from the American Medical Association, on the basis of which the Analytical Center compiled a rating of the most harmful professions. Consider everything below and think: perhaps it’s time to think about changing your profile?

Accountant and other office workers

Your back is unlikely to thank you for 9 hours of sedentary work in a stuffy office. According to statistics, about 40% of office workers suffer from back pain. Even regular exercise does not help - the colossal loads on the cervical and lumbar spine cannot be compensated for by almost anything. Everything gets worse if your workplace is not equipped with comfortable office furniture - in this case, you are guaranteed pain and obesity.

However, regular physical activity will still help somewhat compensate for the loss of health. No, this is not working at the dacha on weekends, but stable training in the gym. At the same time, you’ll get your figure in order. And yes, AMA experts advise taking walks in the fresh air more often.

Cooks and other catering workers

In Soviet times, the work of a cook in a canteen was considered very lucrative - it was rare that a catering worker went home without several bags full of food. Today, in fact, nothing has changed. As a result - 75% of workers in this field are obese due to constant overeating. Of course, they have less stress at work than other representatives of this list, but it is difficult to envy them in this regard. They constantly have to stand on their feet in elevated temperatures, which also adversely affects their health. High blood pressure, constant back pain, and heart problems are just some of the things chefs have to deal with.


Sellers and other trade workers are another area whose representatives traditionally suffer from high cholesterol, obesity and heart problems. Ungrateful customers, standing work, daily rudeness, stress - all this negatively affects the health of sellers.

Plus, a very low salary, due to which it is impossible to compensate for all professional losses and afford to eat normally. Health problems caused by such work are obvious, so not everyone today is ready to choose this previously revered profession.

Medical workers

Doctors, of course, lead a much more active lifestyle than office workers, which, however, does not make the impact of their work on health less significant. Thus, a traditionally poor diet, a serious overload of stress hormones caused by constant night shifts, many patients and their health problems, leave an indelible mark on the health of doctors, paramedics and nurses. This, in particular, is reflected in an increased risk of the onset and development of diabetes, the spread of intestinal colitis and heart problems, such as heart attacks, among them.


The work of law enforcement officers is traditionally associated with serious stress caused by both the specifics of the work, irregular work hours, and the contingent with whom they have to communicate. In addition to the serious threat of getting a heart attack due to stress, every third law enforcement officer suffers from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which, naturally, does not have any beneficial effect on their bodies.

Plus, there are objective threats to life and health caused by the work itself - a huge number of police officers are injured every year and even lose their lives when catching criminals.


Working behind the wheel has never brought anyone any benefit. Drivers have a constant risk of getting into an accident, which requires constant attention from them, since they are often also responsible for passengers, and this causes them constant tension. As a result, fatigue and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. But this is not the only problem. The fact is that driving is fraught with stagnation of blood in the pelvis. And this, as is known, is the cause of such unpleasant diseases as hemorrhoids and prostatitis. Plus, you constantly have to breathe in exhaust fumes - your body definitely won’t like them.


The risk of getting burned or injured is by no means the worst thing that awaits domestic firefighters. The fact is that most of them do not end their lives from old age and do not die in fire - they usually have a heart attack. This is all due to constant stress, tension, work in a non-standard, irregular mode and constant combat readiness.

In fact, it is difficult for firefighters to ever relax, because at any moment the need to go to a call may arise! In addition to this, constant lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and participation in physically demanding activities. No wonder firefighters suffer from heart attacks...

Miners, metallurgists and other working professions

It is difficult to imagine that this kind of profession could bring any health benefits at all. Hard physical labor speaks for itself. But problems, for example, with the back, are only trifles compared to what working in metallurgical plants or mines is fraught with for hard workers. Large domestic industrial enterprises literally poison their workers, forcing them to breathe coke and sinter emissions and carcinogens. It has been repeatedly proven that workers at metallurgical plants are many times more at risk of developing cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The situation is similar with miners who have to breathe coal dust. It is not for nothing that all these professions are classified as the most harmful and dangerous at the legislative level.

The decisive factor when choosing a profession or running a business in most cases is the amount of wages. Everyone is interested in how profitable the activity will be. But besides the financial benefit, there is also a risk factor. Typically, the higher the paying job, the more risk required. Sometimes the work can be deadly.

Everyone knows what risks truck drivers face, especially those who travel frequently. They transport huge loads over long distances throughout the country. In most cases this happens at night. And on the roads, accidents occur very often due to weather conditions, road surface conditions, human factors, etc. And the fate of drivers who transport highly flammable cargo, fuel is even more dangerous.

Agriculture-related jobs have high levels of stress and danger. Farmers are among the 12 most dangerous occupations for mental health. The level of risk depends on the style and type of business. In developed countries with high technology it is lower than in less developed countries. Risks include attacks by dangerous animals, including bulls, pigs and dogs, injury and even death when using machinery and equipment during operation.

Builders are roofers, carpenters, installers of metal building structures, bridge builders, etc. Their work is associated with difficulties and risks. For example, roofers always work at heights, which means they risk their health and life. Even if all precautions are taken, there is still the possibility of accidents occurring. For example, a worker may fall from a ladder that is several tens of meters high or from a roof, or be injured when using tools, including hammers, saws, nails, chisels, etc.

Catching and keeping predators such as lions, elephants, crocodiles, snakes, and killer whales is an extremely dangerous and difficult task. Of course, the people working with them are specially trained, they are masters of their craft, but we must not forget that they are dealing with strong, unpredictable potential killers. For example, an animal can kill a zoo worker if he enters its enclosure. There is also a danger that the animal could escape from the zoo and kill any person it meets along the way.

The level of risk of these professions is determined by the place and conditions of the person’s work. These people may be attacked by robbers, bandits or get into accidents for some reason. Cash collectors who move huge amounts of cash from bank to bank risk being killed by armed robbers. Bodyguards are always at gunpoint.

People who sweep streets, clean up areas, and deal with garbage run the risk of accidentally coming into contact with hazardous and infectious materials, which can cause them to get sick and even die. They are also at risk of respiratory diseases, especially those working in waste processing. Those involved in street sweeping may be hit by a car while carrying out their daily duties.

Working daily under high voltage while installing power lines and cables is extremely dangerous. Electricians die from electric shock both on the ground and while in a helicopter and lowering the cable down. Those who work on telecommunications towers also put themselves at risk of death from high voltage and falling from heights.

This is considered a peculiarity of African countries. Thousands of young people involved in street vending risk dying in accidents. The fact is that this is much more profitable than stationary trading, although the risk of losing health and even life is high.

The services of rescue and search teams are called upon when it is necessary to clear the rubble of buildings, during fires, after ship accidents, earthquakes, landslides, floods and other man-made and natural disasters. Whenever and wherever disaster occurs, the work of rescuers involves risks to health and life. They are forced to go to the most dangerous places, where they can get injured and even die.

The work of a military man and a police officer could top the list of the most dangerous professions, since, due to their patriotism, people risk life and health. They are ready to give their life for the life of another person. In cases of armed robberies or crimes, they may be killed by the criminals. When restoring order or during military operations, they do not have the opportunity not to risk their lives, since this is their duty.

The work of firefighters is associated with great risk when extinguishing a fire in the forest, when rescuing people from burning buildings. To perform their job duties, they are exposed to both physical and psychological risks. For example, while extinguishing a fire, an explosion may occur, firefighters may fall into a fire trap, or they may catch fire themselves. When inhaling combustion products, they suffer poisoning, injury and respiratory diseases.

It is true that air transport is considered the safest mode today, but this applies more to passengers who do not fly daily. Those whose profession is to fly risk their lives and health every day. This profession is considered dangerous due to the high degree of chance and the low probability of being saved by falling from a great height at high speed.

It is well known that the miner's profession is accompanied by great difficulties and risks. This is such a dangerous job that every time a miner goes down into the mine, he is required to take with him a special kit for breathing protection and oxygen supply, in case of accidents, in order to survive until rescuers get to the scene of the accident and pull him to the surface. In addition to the risk of rubble, miners are exposed to an invisible danger - an explosion due to the release of methane. They breathe dust every day, are exposed to heavy metals, very loud noise and toxic fumes. Although the work of a miner is highly paid, life is more expensive.

This work involves high risk and a high degree of chance. According to researchers, up to 24,000 fishermen die each year around the world. They may be subject to attack by sea animals, low temperatures, storms, storms, etc.

Despite all precautions, felling and dangerous tools are factors that increase the risk of this profession. Every day a lumberjack faces danger. Many trees fall off course and can kill a worker, or just one of the branches can fatally injure a logger. He may be injured if the chainsaw is used carelessly. In addition, loggers work in the forest for many hours at a time, subjecting themselves to physical stress, which leads to chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and disability.
However, there are professions that are not just life-threatening, but also very, very difficult to even cleanse yourself from.

According to doctors, lawyers and salespeople are the worst. But the lucky ones are the officials.

Doctor and nurse

They are more often at risk of developing colitis and heart attacks. The reason for this is the stress hormones that are produced in representatives of these professions due to night shifts and the flow of patients.

Conscript soldier

Unusual physical activity, the need to constantly make decisions in various situations, and separation from loved ones play a role.


Work is paid by the hour or by contract - the longer the working day, the more you get. Not everyone can stop in time. In addition, lawyers are constantly under pressure - from the client, from the court.


Bus drivers, taxi drivers and truck drivers are more likely than others to have exacerbations of chronic diseases. Plus the harm of exhaust gases.

Florist and landscape designer

Working with flowers and plants is stress-free and normalizes blood pressure. Among other bonuses, scientists note that florists find themselves close to people at the most exciting moments for them - that is, they are charged with positivity.


Bonuses in the form of service apartments, cars, good food (just remember the legendary canteen in the State Duma, where you can dine for pennies). And even if people criticize them, officials do not take it to heart.

Fitness instructor on the career ladder, then at least improve your skills. Vocation plays a significant role.

Some people have a talent for selling, but for others, offering a product will be stressful. The atmosphere in the team is also important - among like-minded people, even the most difficult and dangerous or, conversely, routine work is always easier to do.

Every day, several hundred thousand people around the world go to work, not knowing whether they will return home after a hard day. Of course, we can say that danger awaits us everywhere: there is a chance of accidentally falling out of the blue and getting seriously injured. Or hit your temple on a cabinet and die. But this is completely different.

There are still professions in the world about which they say: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”. And there are dozens of them. Dangerous work involves more than just the potential for fatal injuries and injuries, and these professions include more than just firefighters and police officers. Would you ever think that many more electricians die at work than police officers, or miners than rescuers? Today we will talk about the most dangerous jobs and risks that arise in production. Perhaps this article will make many people reconsider their attitude towards this or that profession.


They still joke about such people that they make mistakes only once. And this is the case when a theory does not need proof. Lately, sappers have probably only had more work to do. And, unfortunately, they test their knowledge not only during exercises in military units, but also on real trips, because terrorist attacks occur everywhere. Who else will defuse explosive devices?

In addition to bombs planted by terrorists in crowded areas designed to kill as many people as possible, there are also mines planted decades ago that kill civilians every year. In some countries, there are entire areas literally filled with explosive devices. Therefore, it is impossible to cope without sappers, and it is not for nothing that this heroic profession is considered one of the most dangerous.


Many will probably be surprised to see this profession on the list of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Journalists are different, in the sense that everyone conducts their activities in their own way. Some sit quietly in cozy armchairs and, sipping aromatic green tea or strong coffee, write about the family squabbles of pop stars or how scientists have begun to develop a unique drug. But not everyone agrees to spend time in a comfortable office. Many journalists literally chase headlong for fresh facts that excite the blood, and photographs that make the same red liquid run cold in their veins. The profession is dangerous because a person can be caught and not released because he has learned or seen too much. As a rule, this is associated with corruption. Journalists also take part in hostilities, risking their lives for sensational news and photographs.


Of course, this profession will never leave the list of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Every year, fire takes the lives of thousands of firefighters. Even modern equipment and the latest technologies used to produce fire-repellent uniforms do not allow us to exclude the profession from this rating.

The main risk of this work is clear without explanation. But you should also know that these people regularly find themselves in stressful situations; many of them have never learned to put up “protection” and let human pain pass through themselves. Therefore, firefighters often die from heart attacks and other heart diseases.


We are talking about people who are engaged in deep-sea fishing. Why is this profession ranked among the most dangerous jobs? Because fishermen regularly find themselves in extremely low temperatures in an endless sea or ocean, which can begin to rage at any moment, and hardly anyone will be awarded the opportunity to escape. People in this profession often need to work at night, and all this together has a negative impact on health, which threatens the development of a variety of diseases. According to statistics, the mortality rate among representatives of this profession is 117 deaths per 100,000 people. However, all professions related to the sea are dangerous.


This is most likely the most reasonable answer to the question of what is the most dangerous job in the world. There is no need to even explain why the miner. Not every person can work underground; this is actually extremely exhausting, complex and dangerous work. The conditions are unbearable: hot, stuffy, instead of clean air there is stone and coal dust with a toxic effect. And also the thought that an explosion or collapse could occur at any moment.

Russia, China and Ukraine are the 3 most dangerous countries to work as a miner. Mortality rates for miners vary widely around the world because much depends on the equipment used in the cutting process. Accordingly, the older and worse it is, the greater the likelihood of a mortal danger.


Every person has been electrocuted at least once in their life. It all depends on the power of the blow - such a phenomenon can bring either slight discomfort or death. The profession of an electrician is on the list of the most dangerous jobs, as a person can receive serious injuries from high voltage electric current. As American statistics show, mortality occurs in 33 cases out of 100,000, and this is a fairly high level.

Working with high-voltage lines is especially dangerous. The current power in them is extremely high. Add to this conditions such as snow, rain and strong winds, as well as the altitude of the climb, and the risk of life-threatening injuries becomes even higher.

Police officer

People in this profession risk their lives even in countries where the crime rate is at a minimum. Like a miner, a policeman is one of the most dangerous jobs in Russia and the world. First of all, these are employees of operational search groups who daily have to deal with a wide variety of elements of society. The mortality rate of police officers in countries with a low social level is especially high - from several hundred to a thousand people annually. In addition, there is a high risk of gunshot and knife wounds, as well as other injuries that are dangerous to health and life.

High altitude worker

High-rise buildings are a profitable investment in terms of space: they can accommodate a huge number of premises for offices and/or apartments, while occupying a small area. Such buildings are handled by high-rise workers - roofers, builders, as well as people from service companies - during construction and after they are rented out. Need I say why this work is among the top most dangerous jobs? At any moment, something may not turn out well, a person will break down and simply break. So every time they go up, high-altitude workers clearly understand that they are risking their own lives, and still do not quit their jobs. Therefore, they can also be safely called heroes.

Small aircraft pilots

Many people are well aware that the plane today is one of the safest modes of transport. Unfortunately, this only applies to liners carrying passengers. But every time small aircraft workers get into the cockpit of a corn maker, they run the risk of crashing somewhere in a field. It is believed that being a small aircraft pilot is dangerous. And this is true, because even an ordinary thunderstorm and light wind pose a danger. So don’t underestimate the job of a small aircraft pilot.

Sanitation workers

The last place in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the world is occupied by these specialists. Employees of the sanitary and hygienic service dispose of more than just household waste and therefore expose themselves to great danger every day. They have to remove waste from various chemical laboratories, medical institutions and other organizations where toxic residues accumulate. You can get infected from such garbage even through a tiny scratch or an injection, which then won’t hurt. And this, in turn, leads to a variety of consequences, ranging from blood poisoning to death a few hours after the dangerous substance enters the body.

Listed above are only 10 professions that are considered the most dangerous. In fact, there are many more of them. Many workers put their lives in danger, even taxi drivers who have to transport different people, and unpaid travel is the most harmless thing that can happen. Every day, lumberjacks, blacksmiths, and mechanics face danger. Those who put their lives at risk are drillers, bodyguards, construction workers, stuntmen, couriers, astronauts, mountain guides and prison guards. That is why it is very difficult to say which job is the most dangerous - many of the professions carry risk to one degree or another.
