Abstract of the GCD in the senior group “Journey to the Land of Polite Words. Cognition III

"In the Land of Polite Words" |

(Game workshop)

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    consolidating the knowledge of schoolchildren about the rules of greeting, greeting techniques with peers, seniors and juniors;

    nurturing ethical standards of behavior and general personal culture of junior schoolchildren.

Lesson Description

Teacher: Guys, the Marquis of Etiquette invites us today to go with him to the mysterious Land of Polite Words. But getting there is not easy, you need to get a pass. So, each of you should think and take turns saying one polite word. The one who names a polite word receives a “pass” to the Land of Polite Words.

The guys take turns saying polite words, for example, “thank you”, “please”, etc.

Teacher: Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello:

    Good morning!

    Good morning!

Sun and birds.

    Good morning!

Smiling birds.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting...

May good morning

Lasts until evening.

(N. Krasilnikov “Good morning”)

Now be more careful, I will read the quatrain, and you will finish it in unison. Get ready, let's start!

The old stump will turn green when it hears: “Good...(day.)

    The boy, polite and developed, says, meeting...("Hello!"")

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word...("Thank you!")

    When they scold us for pranks, we say: “Sorry...(Please")

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom...("Thank you!")

    In both France and Denmark they say goodbye...("Goodbye!")

    With great love I wish you all strong...(health.)

The teacher reads a poem by A. Kondratiev about polite words:

Kind day

    Good afternoon - they told you.

    Good afternoon - you answered.

    How two strings are connected -

    Warmth and kindness.


    Hello! - you tell the person.

    Hello! - he will smile back

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Thank you

Why do we say “thank you”?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.

Kind words

These words have been known to everyone for a long time,

You see, they are both simple and not new.

But I’ll repeat it again anyway:

- Good people, be healthy!


Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps, without “please”

We feel uncomfortable.


Sorry, I won't do it again

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And what he promised - forget.

But if I still forget -

Sorry, I won't do it anymore.

Game impromptu

“Hello is not complicated, but it wins hearts”

An impromptu game on knowledge of proverbs and sayings about greetings, meetings and hospitality. The teacher names the beginning of the proverb, the children name its continuation.

    They meet you by their clothes...(they accompany you according to your mind.)

    To an empty table...(guests are not seated).

    Dear guest...(And the owner is happy).

    What's hello...(this is the answer).

    To the red guest...(red place).

    Don't be picky about people...(A be friendly).

    He knew how to invite...(know how to greet guests).

    A friendly word...(anger wins).

    The guest is honored...(honor to the owner).

    Good word...(And nice for the cat).

    Lunch is not expensive...(dear hello).

If no one guesses the proverb, then the teacher helps the children and asks them to remember it. The impromptu is repeated two or three times so that the children remember all the proverbs.

Teacher: Wake up, please!

Jump up like the early birds!

Let's smooth out the cowlicks

And we’ll dress up our pigtails with ribbons.

Crowd of kids with flowers

The morning cool rushes through.

Please be cheerful

Collecting notebooks in a briefcase!

At the beginning of autumn,

Please be kind

Don't sleep on the move like a grouse,

And clean the school feathers!

After all, we splashed around in the river,

We fried in the solar oven, -

Please be cheerful

At the beginning of autumn!

At the beginning of autumn

I take colored balls

And I fly into school,

I write and read, -

Be quiet, please!

Sharpening balusters in class,

Play pranks

Make faces

Play the fool

Answer from the ceiling -

Don't hesitate, please!

Fill your pens with ink,

Please be kind!

Attention! The teacher enters -


And also a thinker.

Everyone -

Keep your ears on top!

Please be cheerful!

(Yu. Moritz “First of September”).

Game workshop “Animal greetings”

Teacher: Very correct, very wise,

Let laziness not be a hindrance,

In the morning tell everyone “Good...(children they say in unison "morning"),

Well, during the day say “Good... (day”),

And there’s nothing to rack your brains about here,

You just have to be very kind.

In the evening we will say “Good... (evening”),

Let's wish "Good... (night)" for the night.

Guys, do you think animals greet each other?.. I think so.

Teacher: How do pigs, for example, say hello?

Guys: Oink-oink!

Teacher: How do dogs greet each other?(Woof-woof!).

And the roosters?(Ku-ka-re-ku!)


What about frogs?(Heroon!)


Well, what about the wolves?(Oooh!)

Joke game “In a cheerful clearing”

Teacher: We remembered how some animals and birds greet each other, let's remember how they behave and play a comic game.

I'll tell you, guys,

Very cute riddles.

forest drummer,

Long-eared coward

Loves carrots. Who is this?..(Bunny.)

That's right, bunny. Let's try to drum on our knees like bunnies... Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! Well done, guys! Another mystery.

All winter he slept in a den

Yes, he sucked his paw sweetly,

In the spring, I began to feel sleepy.

Guys, who is this?..(Teddy bear.)

That's right, little bear. Let's stomp like the young Toptygins... Top-top-top! Top-top-top! We're doing great. Next riddle.

In the yard in a tub

The girlfriends croaked

Then he jumped out of the tub...

Who is this?..(Little frogs.)

Indeed, frogs. Come on, let's squat down and croak like frogs. Kwa-kwa-kwa! Kwa-kwa-kwa! And the last riddle.

The clouds in the sky ran

I'll open my umbrella, D

the drops danced together.

This means...(Rain.)

It's raining. How can we show it?.. And like this. We will clap our hands and say: “Drip-drip-drip!”

Game workshop “Shake! Hello!"

Teacher: Now let's play another game.

Hello guys!

Boys and girls!

Dear kids,

Let's play from the heart

Let's greet each other:

“Hello, friend”, “Hello, friend!”

Possible timid greetings from the guys.

Why is it so unfriendly?

Not hot and not cold,

Not wet and not dry,

Not bitter and not sweet,

Not wobbly or wobbly?

Let's say hello

A little unusual:

First, the boys are in chorus,

Girls, you are silent!

Then - the girls in chorus

They will answer the greeting.

But to make it fun,

Be careful not to oversleep!

So when I say, “Hello, guys!” - all the boys in the first row will shout: “Fireworks!” and wave to me. Let's try: "Hello!"(The boys in the first row from the windows greet.)

Teacher: Girls of the first row, I offer you my greeting “Hello, girls!” answer in French like this: “Bonjour!” and blow me a kiss. So, let’s rehearse: “Hello, girls!”(The girls in the first row from the windows greet.)

Teacher: Dear middle row boys, I ask you to say hello in the Eastern way. In response to my words: “Greetings!”, you need to fold your palms in front of your chest, make a small bow and say: “Salaam alaikum!” So: “Greetings!”(The boys in the middle row greet.)

Teacher: And all the guys in the third row responded to my greeting: “Hello, guys!” they will answer in unison: “Shake!” and clap twice over your head. Shall we try? "Hello, guys!"(Students in the third row respond to the greeting.) Do you remember your responses to my greetings? Be careful, the game begins:

    Hello guys!

    Hello guys!


    Hello girls!

The teacher repeats the greetings several times in different orders.

Summing up. The teacher concludes that it is necessary to greet in all situations, but at the same time remember the norms of greeting in a wide variety of situations. The meeting ends with verses read by the teacher:

We said hello very well,

We had great fun too.

We walked around the Country together,

Did anyone sit still?

You are in the Land of Beautiful Words

Always ready to hit!

We just need to say goodbye

And come back.

Everyone is finally back

This is the end of the lesson!

We will visit tomorrow too

In this fabulous Land,

Maybe we'll find out later

How to be polite everywhere.

We will continue to joke and play

And, of course, dance.

Only polite words

Apply everywhere, always.

Class hour in 1st grade “Journey through the Land of Politeness”

Subject: Journey through the land of Politeness.

Target: Education of ethical standards of behavior.


Introduce ethical standards of behavior;

Give ideas about polite communication;

Form the habit of using polite words.

Equipment: phonogram of the song “Smile” from the film “Little Raccoon”, tape recorder, full houses with the names of stations, full houses with rules of politeness, drawing of a sun with rays.

Progress of the event

    Organizational moment:

- Guys, the sun greets you. Let us also welcome him.

Hands raised up like rays. Let's all say together:

- Sunshine, sunshine, we are your rays,

Teach us to be good people!

Everyone, everyone, smile at each other and sit down quietly!

    Formulation of the topic of the class hour.

The sun also gives you his smile, gives you his rays, which have questions for you.

Let's find out what the sun wants to know from you. (removes beams of light with questions)

1.What word do we say when we meet? Friend with a friend? ( Answer: hello).

2. What word do we use to make a request? (Answer: please).

3. What word do we say when we say goodbye? (Goodbye)

4. What do we say when we ask for forgiveness? (Sorry)

What do these words have in common? (these are kind, magical, polite words)

Determine the topic of our conversation. (Polite words)

Teacher: - That's right. We will talk about politeness, the most important quality of a well-mannered person.

    Absentee travel through stations

We will take an absentee trip to the Land of Politeness.

To get into this country, you need to know the rules of this country... Find them in your office and read them out loud, then we will get into this country.

1. Say hello when you meet.

2. Don't be rude, even if you're angry.

3. Show kindness to people.

4. Respect others.

Well done. Here comes the land of Politeness. What kind of people do you think are in this country?

Teacher - That's right, polite, well-mannered."Polite " - Old Russian "vezha" - knowledgeable, courteous.

In the land of Politeness, only well-mannered residents live. They are always kind, polite, friendly, smiling. Magic words are heard everywhere in this country. Do you know them?

1 Station "Greetings" -The residents of this station know a lot about greetings.

Listen to the poem.

What is "hello"?

The best of words

Because "hello"

It means “be healthy.”

Remember the rule.

You know, say it again.

Speak this word to your elders first.

In the evening we parted

We met in the morning.

So the word "hello"

It's time to talk.

What does the word "Hello" mean? (That's right - be healthy, wish you health)

What greeting words do you know? -How else can you greet each other?

(children's answers)

Teacher: - The knights raised the visors of their heavy helmets and pulled their combat gloves off their hands. - The ladies of high society curtsied deeply. - The military salute each other. -The musketeer takes off his hat and bows. - Residents of the island of Guinea rub their noses)- In the old days in Rus', in the villages it was customary to say hello even to strangers.

Teacher: - All these greetings have one thing in common - “a wish for good and well-being.”

Blitz survey: -Do you know how to say hello in different situations? Who says hello first if you meet:

A) - Junior and senior? - boy and girl? - two boys? - student and teacher B) - You are walking with a friend down the street. He greeted a person you didn’t know and paused. Should I say hello to you too? - Do you need to say hello to a teacher who doesn’t teach you?

C) November 21st is International Greetings Day! The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to two American young men, the McCormick brothers, who in 1973 proposed holding a day of friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world.

Teacher: - So we got to the second station.

2 Station “Polite words and good deeds”

At this station we will check what you know about magic words and good deeds.

Task “Say a Word”

Say a kind word in unisonriddles about politeness:

It’s not too lazy to tell your friends, Smiling: “good... day"!

When we say goodbye to each other, we will say... “goodbye.”

You shouldn’t blame a friend for being offended, it’s better to apologize to him as soon as possible.

How beautiful it is, the kind word... “thank you.”

How similar the word “reign” is to the friendly… “hello.”

When you are at fault, rush to say: “Please, please...sorry.”

Never get involved in someone else's conversation, and you better not... interrupt adults!

If you can't eat anymoreWe’ll tell mom…..(thank you).

You need to know how twice is two Everything... (magic words)

Well done, children!

- Say magic words more often!

Teacher: -Not only words, but deeds must be polite. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “It’s not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.” How do you understand it?

Game "Polite - Impolite."

(If polite, clap twice, if impolite, clap once).

Say hello when meeting - 2 claps

Help to get up – 2 claps

Pushing and not apologizing -1 clap

Get a ticket on the bus – 2 claps

Enter the building and take off your hat -1 clap

Pick up fallen things - 2 claps

Do not give up your seat in public transport -1 clap

Not noticing mom's displeasure - 1 clap

Shouting out in class - 1 clap

Well done, children!

Teacher: - Do you know how to do good deeds? Tell us about them. (children's answers)- Do good deeds!

- ListenG. Yudin's story "A Visiting Pig". One day a dog invited his pig neighbor to dinner. I set the table in the garden and laid out a beautiful tablecloth. I prepared all kinds of food. The pig came, didn’t even say “hello”, climbed onto the table and ate everything. Then she lay down on the tablecloth and said:

- You're boring, dog! You should read poetry. The dog got angry and barked! The pig fell to the ground in fright and ran away.

Teacher: - Do you think it’s difficult to be educated? (children's answers) That's right, for this you need to have a kind heart and be very attentive to the people around you.-Are you attentive? Let's check it now.

Game "Attention please." I will make requests of you, but you only need to comply with those that include the word “please.” Please be careful while playing.

Teacher addressesto students with the following requests:

- raise your right hand...

- lift left hand, Please…

- touch the tip of your nose, please...

- close your eyes...

- jump...

- please sit down...

- please smile...

- Let's continue the journey with the cheerful song “Smile”The soundtrack of the song “Smile” plays.

What is the song about? (Children's statements are listened to.)

What is the power of a smile? (mood improves, people become kinder, ...)

Smile, guys, give a smile to each other, to our guests, to the sun.

A smile like the sun. We smiled and immediately felt warmer...

-Give people a smile!

Teacher: - We’ve arrived at the last station in the land of Politeness.

3 Station “Important rules”. Students read poetry.

The guys are waiting for us at this station. They know important rules politeness is very good.

1.Meeting friends and acquaintances,I look into their eyes with a smile,Being polite is very easy for meI'll be the first to say hello.

2. Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,
Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends!

3. It was beautifully invented by someone -Thank you for your help,The usual word "thank you"We must not forget to speak.

4. " See you! Goodbye!"

Say goodbye to everyone

Tomorrow we will again greet the new day with a smile!

5. Respect the people around you, elders and younger ones too.

Then you, my friend, will be called good.

Thanks guys for the important rules.

Know the rules of politeness and always follow them!

    Bottom line.

Our journey has come to an end.. - What new things did you learn during the trip that you especially remember?

Why in life do you need to be polite and good people? (So ​​that all people live calmly, amicably, cheerfully, respect each other; so that there is peace on earth)


Clap your hands if you enjoyed the trip...

Thank you guys for the correct answers, I present you with the candy of politeness and kindness.

Summary of a lesson on etiquette for a teacher-psychologist in 2 younger group"Journey to the land of polite words"

Target: Formation of children's ideas about various forms polite communication.

Software tasks:

  • Form emotional intelligence in preschoolers.
  • Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.
  • Develop coherent, dialogical, intonation, expressive speech, consolidate the ability to use polite words.
  • Develop artistry.

Preliminary work.

Social and communicative development: Compiling a story on the topic: “Polite puppy.”, “Our good deeds.” Reading V. Oseev “Magic Words”; S. Marshak “A Lesson of Politeness”; fairy tale “Two Greedy Bears.”

Cognitive development:

Didactic game: “Box of good deeds”

Conversation on the topic: “About good and bad deeds.”

We looked at the posters: “Be polite.”, “Etiquette for little ones.”

Plot- role playing games: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “And we have guests.”

Speech development:

Vocabulary work (etiquette, at the same time, magic words.)

Learning proverbs, solving riddles.

Artistic and Aesthetic Development:

Drawing: “Gift for Mom” (napkin); “The sun is happy, the sun is sad.”; coloring coloring books.

Application: “Sun”

Modeling: “Exhibition of dishes” (table setting)

Construction: "Furniture for guests."

Physical development:

Outdoor games: “Help a friend”, “The sea is worried”, “Catch up - say a polite word.”

Equipment: house, 2 trees, mask (cows), toys (cat, hedgehog, pig, cockerel, chicken, squirrel, calf, cow). Scarf for girls.

Progress of the lesson.

Psychologist: Hello! Guys, say hello to our guests. Today we will remember and tell our guests about the magic words that help people live together.

Children, have you ever been to the land of polite words?

Children: No.

P: Do you want to visit there?

Children: Yes.

P: Let's go to the land of polite words.

Children: Let's.

P: Turn to the window. Close your eyes.

(fairytale music sounds, the teacher puts on a fairy costume.)

P: Open your eyes.

Fairy: Hello children. You are in the land of polite words. And I am a fairy of this wonderful country.

Adults and children know

A lot of words in this world!

And with magic words,

We walk around the world with you!

Tell me, what are these magic words?

Children answer: Thank you, please, excuse me, excuse me, hello, goodbye, etc.

And every word has its place.

Fairy: Thank you, well done!

Why do people call polite words magic words?

Children: Because polite words make people kinder.

Fairy: Right!

Polite words are like little wizards. These words make faces brighten. People begin to have a better attitude towards the person who utters these words. Polite words help people communicate with each other and treat each other better.

Please remember what word we use to greet and wish you health?

Children: Hello!

Fairy: Right! Kind people, especially children, are happy to say hello to everyone in the world. We say hello and seem to be sowing goodness. Good, which then returns to us.

It's like this little secret, you need to know him. (emphasize with voice.)

Children, look who is sitting there under the tree. Let's see.

Children: Hedgehog.

Fairy: What should you tell the hedgehog?

Children: Hello hedgehog.

Fairy: Guys, let me read you two poems about how the guys communicate with a hedgehog. And you tell me which conversation you liked better. And why?

Listen carefully.


Hello, hedgehog by the path!

You are in the grass, and I am in the dust.

I reach out my palms to you

Don't inject me.

(address the hedgehog louder than necessary, with a challenge.)

Listen, hedgehog by the road!

You are in the grass, and I am in the dust.

Get off your feet quickly

And don't inject me!

So which conversation did you like best?

The children answer.

Fairy: Well done. Let's release the hedgehog and let him run on. Goodbye, hedgehog.

Imagine that animals in my country can also talk to us. Listen to how the girl talks to the cow.

Girl: Where was the cow?

Cow: Far away.

Girl: Cow, what did you bring?

Cow: Milk.

Girl: Thank you for bringing so much!

Cow: You won’t find my milk tastier!

Girl: I love fresh cow's milk!

Cow: Please, dear, drink to your health!

Fairy: What were the magic words here?

Children:"Thank you" and "Please"

Fairy: And there was also a magical wish “Good health!” To the one who ate, drank and said “thank you”, we answer.

Children:" Please"

Fairy: Can you say "please" instead?

Children:"To your health"

Fairy: Oh! Who is crying. Let's see. (Tanya, look who's crying there.)

Tanya: This is a kitten.

Fairy: Guys, ask the kitten. Why is he crying?

Kitty: A girl offended me.

Fairy: Guys, if someone accidentally offends someone, what should he do?

Children: Ask for forgiveness, apologize, etc.

Fairy: Yes, well done!

And who will ask the kitten for forgiveness? And he will tell us a poem with the magic word “Sorry.”

Sorry, I'm a kitten

What drove you away!

I'm probably sleepy

I didn’t understand anything!

I was wide awake -

Don't be angry kitten!

Fairy: Well done. Look, the kitten is happier. You kitten are no longer offended by the girl.

Kitty: No.

Fairy: Let's say goodbye to the kitten.

Children: Goodbye.

Fairy: The story of the kitten happened to girls and boys who were visiting their grandparents. And when they returned home, what magic word did they say goodbye to their friends, birds and animals?

Children:" Goodbye."

Fairy: Now listen to how wonderful it was.

1st child.

Goodbye, goslings!

And funny piglets!

Goodbye, cockerel!

And the chicken fluff!

2nd child.

Goodbye, hundred tracks,

Where the hedgehog roams!

It's a pity you can't see it behind the pine tree

The red squirrel is mischievous!

3rd child.

I'll say goodbye to the kitten.

And with a cow. And with a calf.

I'm going to the city, I'm home!

I will come to you in winter!

Fairy: Well done guys! We said goodbye to everyone and didn’t forget anyone.

But when the boys and girls returned home, they told all their relatives and friends...

Children:" Hello!"

Fairy: And when they sat down at the table, they wished everyone...

Children: Bon appetit!

Fairy: And when they ate, they said...

Children: Thank you!

Fairy: And in the evening the children walked up to their toys and quietly said...

Children: Good night, pleasant dreams.

Fairy: Great, well done. You all know the magic words so well. I really believe and hope that these magic words will always be with you!

Your journey through the land of polite words ends, it’s time for you to return to kindergarten.

While you are on the road, sing the song “What is etiquette?”

What is etiquette?

We will now give the answer:

These are the rules.

You need to know them from an early age!

What to say when entering,

How to behave when visiting

What's with the magic words?
Do at home and on the go.

If you become polite

And be educated

They will always and everywhere

Respect and love you!

Here we are kindergarten. Guys, say goodbye to our guests.

Target: formation of moral attitudes among students, development of skills to communicate with their peers and adults.

1.Organizational moment

2.Creating a problem situation

Guys, I want to start our journey with one story.

“Alyosha was sitting on the tram. He kept spinning around and swinging his legs. His neighbor moved away. She was afraid that the boy would stain her coat.

Boy, sit still, please. “You can’t behave like that,” the old woman sitting opposite remarked to Alyosha.

What did I do? - Alyosha objected. - Just think! Please, I will sit quietly.

And he, sulking, began to look out the window.

Tell me, guys, what is the same word you heard in this story. Both the boy and the old woman said the word “please.” Can Alyosha’s word be called polite? Why? In such cases, it is appropriate to remember the saying: “That would be a word, but he said it wrong!” After all, one and the same word can be said in different ways, and good, good word may become angry and impolite.

Anya, Alyosha's friend, invited him to take a trip to the land of Polite Words. But their journey begins only when you form the important words. (Work in a group or in pairs. The task is to assemble words from letters - p, a, b, g, y, d; -o, b, o, d, p, t, a; c, g, l, a , i, s, e, o.) what words did they make up? Why are these words so important?

Let's join you and Anya and Alyosha. (slide 1, 2).

3. Teamwork

Our heroes walked for a long, long time, and then a magnificent castle appeared in front of them, over which a bright rainbow flaunted. As they approached, they heard the magic words: “Welcome to our home!” (slide 3).

Alyosha and Anya walked across the bridge and found themselves in the castle. The room was quiet, calm, everything around was pleasing: the toys, the gentle light, and the order that reigned everywhere. The children were very surprised: “Who lives here?” (slide 4). And suddenly magic words were heard. Alyosha, listen to how they should be pronounced.

Come on, guys, we also say these words affectionately, looking at each other (work in pairs). It was pleasant for you to say them, but to hear them? Alyosha realized what his mistake was. He decided to return home with Anya and always say polite words gently and kindly.

4. Game "Magic words"

The children left the castle, walked along the paths of the park and saw a castle on the gate. At the gate they heard: “You can open the gate only when you complete the task without mistakes!” Guys, will you help them?

Game "Polite words" (add a word)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

The old stump will turn green

When he hears... (good afternoon).

The boy is polite and developed

He says, when meeting,... (hello)

When we are scolded for pranks.

We say: “Excuse me, ... (please)!

Both in Russia and Denmark

At parting they say: “Goodbye!”

All the magic words

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

I say... (please)

Anya and Alyosha received the keys. The song sounds, the children in the chorus pronounce polite words in chorus. (slide 5)

Guys, we thank you!

5. Reflection

Only in the evening did our heroes get home. Alyosha accompanied Anya home; they remembered their journey and polite words for a long time.

Guys, what polite words do you remember? What words will help you greet adults and acquaintances? What words of gratitude will you say? How should you pronounce polite words?


- Good afternoon - they told you- Good afternoon! - you answered.How two strings are connectedWarmth and kindness.They wish us “Bon voyage!”- It will be easier to go and go.- Hello! - you tell the person,- Hello! - he will tell us in response.And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,And you will be healthy for many years.Why do we say “thank you”?For everything they do for us.And we couldn't rememberWho was told how many times.Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”?We repeat it every minute,No, perhaps, without “please”We feel uncomfortable.These words are most wonderfulEveryone is very happy to hearAdults and children are getting healthierAnd they rush to smile at you.

Draw a picture of your mood after this trip.

Elena Davydova

Target: Parenting for children politeness, cultural behavior and communication skills.


Expand knowledge of meaning polite words, activate and enrich vocabulary stock for this topic: « polite words» , "Thank you", "Sorry", "Hello", "Goodbye" etc.;

Practice spontaneous speech while maintaining intonation;

Develop coherent speech and communication skills;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Foster a culture of communication, the ability to be friendly and politely talk to others.

Materials and equipment:

Desktop - printed games: "Etiquette Lessons", "Mood Theater".

Scissors, colored paper, glue, children's palms cut out of green paper, a poster with a drawn outline of a Christmas tree.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on topics: "We will polite» , « Polite words» , "What is good and what is bad", "How to behave at the table" etc.;

Reading fiction literature: S. Marshak "Lesson politeness» , S. Pogorelovsky "What does it mean to be polite» , V. Oseeva "Magical word» , E. Moshkovskaya « Polite word» .

Consideration illustrations on this topic. Series "Picture Conversations" Feelings. Emotions.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: How good are we? words are needed!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe not words - deeds are important?

Things are business, and words - words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

Today we invited guests. Guys, let's say hello to the guests. (Children greet guests.)

2. Surprise moment.

(There's a knock on the door).

Educator: - Guys, someone is knocking. Who could it be?

An adult dressed as Dunno comes in.

Dunno: - Oh, there are a lot of children, what are you doing here?

Educator: - We have gathered here today to talk about polite words.

Only Dunno, you forgot to tell the guys something. Guys, what did Dunno forgot to say? (children's answers).

That's right, he forgot to say hello. And we know that when we meet, we must say hello.

Dunno: - But I don’t know how to do this.

3. Didactic exercise "Say hello properly".

Educator: - Guys, let's teach Dunno how to say hello.

(The child comes out into the circle and greets the children, guests and Dunno).

Dunno: - I now understand how to say hello. Hello!

Educator: - Well done Dunno, now you know that when you meet, you must say hello. Dunno:- Hello – this is beautiful and important word, I just want to repeat it all the time! Hello, hello, hello!

Educator: - That's right Dunno, don't ever forget about it.

Hello, I tell you, hello!

To all relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Be happy and just, hello,

Peace, joy and prosperity to you!

But this is just one of many polite words, which must be known and spoken to all people.

Do you guys know polite words? (Children call polite words one at a time) . And they stand in two teams. Teams choose captains using a countdown.

4. Board - printed game "Etiquette Lessons".

Team captains draw out the topic of the game situation (culture of behavior at a party, at home, in transport, in the yard, in the theater). On the tables there are cards depicting correct and incorrect behavior. Children choose cards that show correct behavior and explain their choice. A conversation takes place - a discussion with each team.

5. Physical education minute

"Let's do exercises!"

1234 - stomp our feet!

1234-clap our hands!

1234 - arms wider to the sides!

12345 - don't forget to hug yourself!

"Once!" - rise, stretch

"Two!" - bend over, straighten up!

"Three!" - clap your hands three times!

Three nods!

Four - arms wider!

Five - wave your arms!

And quietly stand in place!

6. Educator:- And now a riddle.

My family lives there:

Dad, mom, brother and me.

I always feel comfortable in it -

This is my dear... (house).

6. Didactic exercise “Name your family members affectionately”.

7. Educator: - Guys, these are mood cards, another name for emotions (shows cards to children).

Looking and naming cards: anger, joy, sadness, fear, etc.

Game "Emotions" (pronunciation polite words with different emotions) .

Conclusion: Polite words you need to speak kindly, kindly, in a good mood.

Then these words will please people.

8. Practical activities children: "Christmas tree of goodness"(children, together with Dunno, glue cut out palms onto the template and decorate the resulting Christmas tree with balls).

9. Finger gymnastics. Fingers say hello.

Visiting the big toe

Thumbs up.

They came straight to the house

We connect the fingertips of both hands at an angle.

Index and middle

Alternately, the called fingers are connected to the thumbs on both hands at the same time.

Nameless and last

The little finger itself

He knocked on the threshold.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the little fingers are pointed upward.

Together fingers are friends,

Fists knock on each other.

They cannot live without each other.

Rhythmic clenching of the fingers into a fist on both hands. Then an exercise is carried out in which children learn to unclench their fingers from their fists one by one.

11. Summary classes.

Educator: - Guys, look what a wonderful Christmas tree we got.

Dunno:- Thanks guys, I learned a lot today. Now, I always will try to be polite.

Educator: - And we will also not forget the culture of behavior and polite words.

Children read poetry:

We all learned sometime

Walk, draw, talk.

Let's remember, guys,

How kind and be polite.

Meeting friends and acquaintances,

I look into their eyes with a smile,

Be polite is very easy for me,

I'll be the first to say hello.

Someone came up with a beautiful idea -

Thank you for your help,

Normal word"Thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

When we say goodbye, we all “goodbye”

We always tell each other

"Please" - if desired

Or we want to fulfill the request.

There are so many useful things in the world,

Beautiful and affectionate words.

Please just be polite,

After all, this is the basis of the basics.

Reflection:- Children, what did you like, remember, etc.

Bottom line classes.

Material prepared teachers: Davydova E. A., Olimpeva I. V., Mayorova I. V. MBDOU No. 583, Ekaterinburg
