Tsniimash accounting. Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (tsniimash) (korolev)

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering" is the head institute of the Russian state corporation for space activities "Roscosmos". Its history dates back to 1946. In the 40-50s of the 20th century, hundreds of German specialists in rocket technology worked at TsNIIMash, among whom was Helmut Gröttrup, an assistant to the famous scientist Wernher von Braun. Thanks to them, the first R-1 ballistic missiles were created in the USSR.

The Institute includes the Flight Control Center, which provides command and software support for the flight of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, manned transport and cargo spacecraft Soyuz and Progress, spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes. The Institute is the main analytical center of the Roscosmos State Corporation in the field of system-wide research into the problems of development of Russian rocket and space technology with a wide range of tasks: from concept design and long-term prospects for the development of rocket and space technology to specific technological developments and their conversion in the interests of other industries. The company's head office is located in the city of Korolev, Moscow region. Official website.

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The Institute is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency and is engaged in the design, experimental testing and research of spacecraft and rockets. The institute includes the Roscosmos Flight Control Center.
TsNIIMash is the head institute of the Federal Space Agency.

TsNIIMash is an advanced research institute with a history dating back to 1946, has the largest experimental base in the rocket and space industry,
carries out comprehensive scientific research and experimental testing of products using a systematic approach to solving the problems facing the institute,
staffed with highly qualified scientific personnel,
has an educational and methodological base for training highly qualified scientific personnel.

TsNIIMash is one of the first enterprises in the country's rocket and space industry. Founded in 1946 as the State Research Institute of Jet Weapons (NII-88 until 1967). Since its formation, the enterprise has been involved in solving the most important problems of the domestic rocket and space industry. TsNIIMash gave a “start in life” to several of the largest enterprises in the rocket and space industry, which separated from the institute as independent organizations. Among them: OKB-1 with plant No. 88 (now RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev with an experimental mechanical engineering plant), NII-229 (since 2008, part of the Scientific Testing Center of the Rocket and Space Industry ), OKB-2 (now a branch of the State Research and Production Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev - KBKhM named after A.M. Isaev) and other organizations.

Technical equipment
The Institute is equipped with modern research equipment and unique test benches and installations that allow for comprehensive scientific research and experimental testing of rocket and space technology.
Research activities: structure and main directions
One of the leading divisions of the institute - the Flight Control Center (MCC) - provides command and software support for the flight of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, the Soyuz and Progress spacecraft, and spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes.
The Institute is the main analytical center of Roscosmos in the field of system-wide research into problems of the development of Russian rocket and space technology (functions of the System Design Center) with a wide range of tasks: from concept design and long-term prospects for the development of rocket and space technology to specific technological developments and their conversion in the interests of other industries.
Specialists from the Center for Heat Transfer and Aerogas Dynamics and the Center for Strength carry out applied research and research work to ensure ground-based experimental testing of rocket and space technology.
The Information and Analytical Center for Coordinate-Temporal and Navigation Support (IAC KVNO) conducts systemic research for Roscosmos to formulate development strategies for GLONASS and KVNO as a whole, provides scientific, methodological and information support for the Federal Target Program "Global Navigation System", provides information to consumers of global navigation satellites systems
The institute is working to create and improve industry systems of quality, reliability and safety, standardization of space technology, as well as the Federal Certification System for Space Technology.

International connections
TsNIIMash is actively developing international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of space activities. The Institute takes part in most international projects with the participation of TsNIIMash and regularly conducts joint work with scientific organizations, scientists and specialists from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, China, Japan and other countries.

Personnel potential
The institute employs scientists and highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the development, authoring support and operation of space and ground systems wide range appointments.

Printed publications
The Institute's publications have a half-century history. Since 1959, a weekly industry bulletin “Rocket Technology” has been published (since 01/01/1965 “Rocket and Space Technology”) based on materials from the foreign press. Main sections: “Manned Flight Programs”, “Scientific Programs”, “Navigation Programs”, “Satellite Communications”, “Transport Space Systems”, etc.
The journal “Cosmonautics and Rocket Science” (published since 1993) is included in the list of leading scientific publications in the Russian Federation. The magazine publishes: scientific and technical articles by TsNIIMash scientists, foreign specialists, texts of reports by specialists at conferences, meetings and symposiums, abstracts and reviews of new books, as well as information about dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and their results.
The corporate newspaper “Progress” (published since 1967) is addressed to the staff of the institute. “Progress” is the latest news, analytical articles and reviews on current topics, opinions and comments from the institute’s staff, photo reports on events, interviews and much more.

The high-quality scientific personnel of the enterprise have been awarded well-deserved awards, including those at the government and industry levels.
For high achievements in the creation of rocket and space technology, TsNIIMash was awarded the Orders of Lenin (Certificate for the successful completion of the Government's task to create special equipment, Decree of April 20, 1956) and the Order of the October Revolution (Certificate for merits in the creation and production new technology, Decree of January 15, 1976).

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering" - the head institute of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)

Information for 2012

TsNIIMash - the largest research and testing center in the country - is involved in all domestic developments in the field of space rocket technology, and participates in most international (with the participation of Russia) space programs and projects.

TsNIIMash became the cradle of leading rocket and space enterprises that separated as a result of the reorganization of the institute:

  • 1956 OKB-1 with plant No. 88 NII-88 (JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Korolev)
  • 1956 Branch 2 NII-88 (Federal State Enterprise "Research Center for the Rocket and Space Industry")
  • 1958 Branch 1 NII-88 (Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrument Making named after Academician N.A. Pilyugin “Zvezda Plant”)
  • 1959 OKB-2 NII-88 (Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering named after A.M. Isaev")
  • 1966 Complex 5 NII-88 (JSC Scientific and Production Association of Measuring Equipment)
  • 1968 Capital Construction Department of TsNIIMash (OJSC Stroyinvest)
  • 1973 Complex 7 TsNIIMash (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Organization "Agat")
  • 1975 Branch 3 of TsNIIMash (JSC Composite)
The Institute is equipped with modern research equipment and unique test benches and installations that allow for comprehensive scientific research and experimental testing of rocket and space technology.

Research activities: structure and main directions

One of the leading divisions of the institute - the Flight Control Center (MCC) - provides command and software support for the flight of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, the Soyuz and Progress spacecraft, and spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes.

The Institute is the main analytical center of Roscosmos in the field of system-wide research into problems of the development of Russian rocket and space technology (functions of the System Design Center) with a wide range of tasks: from concept design and long-term prospects for the development of rocket and space technology to specific technological developments and their conversion in the interests of other industries.

Specialists from the Center for Heat Transfer and Aerogas Dynamics and the Center for Strength carry out applied research and research work to ensure ground-based experimental testing of rocket and space technology.

The Information and Analytical Center for Coordinate-Temporal and Navigation Support (IAC KVNO) conducts systemic research for Roscosmos to formulate development strategies for GLONASS and KVNO as a whole, provides scientific, methodological and information support for the Federal Target Program "Global Navigation System", provides information to consumers of global navigation satellites systems

The institute is working to create and improve industry systems of quality, reliability and safety, standardization of space technology, as well as the Federal Certification System for Space Technology.

Personnel potential

The institute employs scientists and highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the development, authoring support and operation of space and ground systems for a wide range of purposes.

Printed publications

The Institute's publications have a half-century history. Since 1959, a weekly industry bulletin “Rocket Technology” has been published (since 01/01/1965 “Rocket and Space Technology”) based on materials from the foreign press. Main sections: “Manned Flight Programs”, “Scientific Programs”, “Navigation Programs”, “Satellite Communications”, “Transport Space Systems”, etc.

The journal “Cosmonautics and Rocket Science” (published by TsNIIMash since 1993) is included in the list of leading scientific publications in the Russian Federation. The journal publishes: scientific and technical articles by scientists from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIMash, foreign specialists, texts of reports by specialists at conferences, meetings and symposiums, annotations and reviews of new books, as well as information about dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and their results.

The corporate newspaper “Progress” (published since 1967) is addressed to the staff of the institute. “Progress” is the latest news, analytical articles and reviews on current topics, opinions and comments from the institute’s staff, photo reports on events, interviews and much more.


The high-quality scientific personnel of the enterprise have been awarded well-deserved awards, including those at the government and industry levels.

For high achievements in the creation of rocket and space technology, FSUE TsNIIMash was awarded the Orders of Lenin and the October Revolution.

Order of Lenin

Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the successful completion of the Government’s task to create special equipment - Decree of April 20, 1956

Order of the October Revolution

Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for merits in the creation and production of new equipment - Decree of January 15, 1976

International activities of FSUE TsNIIMash

One of the most important tasks of the international activities of FSUE TsNIIMash is the development of scientific and technical relations with leading foreign organizations and universities working in the field of rocket and space technology, including such areas as: satellite navigation, spacecraft flight control within various scientific programs etc. Currently, the Institute’s partners, along with organizations from the CIS countries, are dozens of organizations, centers and universities in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia and Africa. Also, FSUE TsNIIMash is a member of the International Astronautical Federation.

At the request of foreign organizations, TsNIIMash specialists carry out comprehensive research to optimize the directions of development of rocket and space technology, carry out computational, theoretical and experimental work on aerogasdynamics, heat transfer and thermal protection, strength, dynamics, etc.

International cooperation of TsNIIMash:

  • Australia: University of Queensland (UQ)
  • Brazil: International Accreditation Forum (IAF), Agencia Espacial Brasileira (AEB)
  • UK: BritishAerospace, Excalibur Almaz Ltd., Yuri Gagarin 50
  • Germany: DARA, Deutsche Aerospace AG (DASA), German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), ERNO
  • Europe: European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC), European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), EAC, European Space Operations Center (ECOS)
  • Israel: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, IAI/MBT
  • India: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
  • Spain: Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A.
  • Italy: BPD Difesa E Spazio
  • China: China National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corp., China National Regulatory Commission for Certification and Accreditation (CNCA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
  • USA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Air Force's Global Positioning Systems Wing (USAF GPS Wing), Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Texas Tech University ( TTU), Sverdrup Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USUF, GASL, Drapper Laboratory, Aerojet Corp., SDL-USU, CCSD, Sverdrup Inc., Loral, Boeing, Johnson Space Center (JSC)
  • France: Center National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Aerospatiale, DERSI, DASSO
  • South Africa: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
  • Japan: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)
  • Ukraine: State Enterprise “Design Bureau “Yuzhnoye” named after M.K. Yangel”
  • South Korea: J.M. Co
Register of licenses of FSUE TsNIIMash
Type of activity License number License issue date License expiration date
Name of the authority that issued the license
To carry out space activities
No. 1133K 08.06.2009 08.06.2014 Federal Space Agency
To carry out work using information constituting a state secret
№ 2701 30.05.2007 30.05.2012 Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the FSB of Russia
To carry out activities and provide services in the field of protecting state secrets
№ 2803 02.11.2007 30.05.2012
Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the FSB of Russia
For the operation of fire and explosion hazardous production facilities. Page 1. Page 2.
No. VP-02-002062 (K) 18.09.2009 18.09.2014
Application of explosive materials for industrial use. Page 1. Page 2.
No. VP-02-002309 (V) 18.09.2009 18.09.2014 Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
For installation, repair and maintenance of support equipment fire safety buildings and structures. Page 1. Page 2.
№ 2/18307 29.12.2006 29.12.2011 Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs, emergency situations and disaster relief

For the provision of local telephone services, with the exception of local telephone services using payphones and public access facilities
№ 45157 24.10.2006 24.10.2011 Federal Service for Supervision of Communications
To carry out educational activities on educational programs. Application
№ 10607 26.06.2008 26.06.2013 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

The company FSUE TSNIIMASH 5018034218 was registered at the address 141070, MOSCOW REGION, KOROLYOV GOROD, PIONERSKAYA STREET, 4. The company was registered on 10/22/2002. The organization has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number: 1025002032791. According to the registration documents, the main activity is Scientific research and other developments in the field of natural and technical sciences. Full name of the company: FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING". It is headed by the GENERAL DIRECTOR SERGEY VLADIMIROVICH KOBLOV. To obtain more detailed information, you can go to the company’s card and check the reliability of the counterparty.

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 23 for the Moscow Region registered the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIMASH on October 22, 2002. Then the registration procedure was carried out with the State Institution - Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 17 of Korolev, Moscow Region, which was subsequently dated August 14, 2018. Branch No. 10 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation registered the company on 11/17/2016 00:00:00. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the last entry about the organization has the following content: Termination legal entity through reorganization in the form of transformation.
