What will happen to us in the future. What awaits Russia in the near future? Analytics and prophecies

After speaking with technology and innovation experts at Singularity University in California, Pete Flint compiled a variety of predictions about the future: how we will think, the opportunities we will face, and the challenges society will face.

Pete Flint

Investor and technology consultant, founder and director of the online real estate service Trulia, founder of Lastminute.com, an online travel service.

An optimistic view of things assumes that technological development will solve some big problems in various fields - from medicine to transport and energy. This will allow you to achieve a qualitatively new standard of living.

Already, the speed of change is very high: in business and technology, something new appears literally every week. In the future, the speed of progress will only increase. And this entails changes in ethics, culture and society. New problems will arise that humanity will have to solve.

Features of innovation development

1. It is actually very difficult to predict the future because it is too illogical and the principles of exponential growth do not apply in many areas of life. As for technology, many of them are developing exponentially. As a result, we often overestimate the consequences of scientific discoveries in the short term and underestimate them in the long term.

2. It is often difficult to predict the future due to companies introducing innovations that appeal to a limited number of people. The public either does not notice such innovations or ridicules them. However, these companies grow quickly and secure decisive advantages for themselves, while other organizations either do not have the opportunity to use the new product, do not want to do so, or do so but it is too late.

3. Innovation is like a relay race, where one group of people creates something and passes it on to another. First, dreamers pass on their ideas to innovators, who, in turn, pass on products to entrepreneurs, and they pass on to big businessmen, creators of empires, in order to put the product on a financial basis and introduce it to the masses. Successful technology investing depends on your timing and understanding how innovation evolves.


4. We should be enthusiastic about the possibility of a superintelligence that will help solve many problems. important issues. Especially considering the fact that technological breakthroughs occur both when deeply immersed in one science and at the intersection of different disciplines.

5. Consumer technology is constantly improving. Usability, data analysis, and analytics will become increasingly important. Companies that do this now have excellent prospects for the future.

6. Some technology companies whose operations are based on proprietary data, public data or intellectual property assets will, on the contrary, weaken. Because other companies and communities provide data for free or for very little money to attract users to their services.

7. or artificial intelligence will make many people happy.

Adam McIver/Flickr.com

8. have almost become a consumer product. In the future, increasing power and number of sensors, lower prices, more advanced interfaces and lower costs will contribute to the further spread of robots.

Richard Unten/Flickr.com

9. Robots will become much more interesting when they begin to do things that are inaccessible to humans, instead of simply replacing humans, as is happening now.

10. The transition to self-driving electric vehicles will greatly impact everyday life in general. And this will happen much earlier than expected, and before people have time to prepare for it. The fact that during the trip you can do whatever you want and not watch the road, cities and areas. In large cities, this will affect the quality of life and will likely lead to a surge in urbanization.

11. The adoption of electric vehicles will start slowly and then quickly gain momentum. As gas stations become less popular, over time it will become less and less profitable to own a regular car.

12. Changes in robotics and innovation in manufacturing and agriculture will destroy the traditional production chains that exist now. This will create many business opportunities.



13. In the near future, 3D printing will make it possible to create cartilage and bones taking into account the characteristics of a particular person. In the long term, molecular and nanoprinting will create devices and robots that will radically change medicine. For example, with the help of such printing it will be possible to create organs for transplantation.

14. The cost of genomic testing is rapidly falling, and in the next decade this procedure will cost pennies. This will have a major impact on and at the same time the emergence of consumer health products and crazy ideas like smart toilets and showers based on sensitive sensors.

15. The ability to conduct inexpensive genetic testing coupled with data analysis will shift the focus of medicine from treatment to diagnosis and prevention of disease. This will make it possible to find cures for the most scary killers modern times - cancer and neurological disorders.

16. For accounting huge amount With information obtained from sensitive, inexpensive sensors, medicine will require analytics and artificial intelligence. Fragmentation and accounting of information will become the main problems of medicine.

17. People born in developing countries today have a good chance of living 2.5 years longer than those born 10 years ago. As technology advances exponentially, human life expectancy will increase with each passing decade. So in the future, those who will be born in a few decades will have every chance of living for a very, very long time (if, of course, they can afford it). In this regard, a number of problems will arise - financial, cultural and social.

Finance and Economics

18. Blockchain - a technology for reliable distributed data storage - will soon change the work of financial institutions. They will become almost invisible to us.


19. will develop until it becomes virtually indistinguishable from the real world. Moreover, it will surpass the reality in terms of quality of experience and functionality. This will go really far and will have a huge impact on our society.


20. The cost of obtaining solar energy will fall, so it will be used more and more often.


21. Over the past few decades, changes in the energy sector have been slowed down not by technology, but by politics and social factors.

22. Innovations in energy storage and transportation matter even more than new energy production technologies.

23. Transferring information to digital format will create potential threats, so investments in security will be very impressive.


24. Most likely, the skills required for the job are . To stay afloat, a specialist will need to undergo repeated training. A new approach to education and careers will be required.

25. Our children and grandchildren will live in a different world. For them to be successful, we must provide them with continuous learning and knowledge in the field of technology, engineering, and develop critical thinking, creativity and sensitivity.

Organizations of the future

26. With the development of technology, the demands on the productivity of organizations and managers will increase. This will shorten the lifespan of most companies. The most successful organizations of the future will be those that continue to train employees and implement new technologies throughout their existence.

27. Companies that have the ability to quickly implement technological innovations and change will always keep pace with progress.


28. To prevent drastic job losses, the government will need to provide everyone with a basic income, whether they work or not, and help them through changes in society and the workplace.

29. The number of jobs in the United States is expected to be halved over the next 20 years due to computerization and the replacement of humans by robots. In less developed countries this figure will be lower.

30. Job losses due to the introduction of robots and artificial intelligence are predictable and inevitable, just as it was in the past with the automation of enterprises. But it is difficult to predict how the government and society will react to this.

31. The rapid development of technology should help people in all areas of life. But unless major changes occur in government and society, technology will only be available to a small number of wealthy people, further dividing society into classes.

32. Some developing countries will be able to outpace others in building certain types of infrastructure and gain an economic advantage in the same way that established companies can beat others by adopting a new, more efficient operating model.

33. The future reflects many stories that are woven into traditional religions: life after death, out-of-body experiences, eradication of disease, cure for paralysis, superintelligence, and so on. Is this a coincidence? Or has it been our human nature throughout history that has driven us to solve these problems? And how will religions react to the fact that miracles become commonplace?

34. Perhaps society will become more humane or perhaps value human nature more in digitized life. As technology becomes increasingly invisible, people move up Maslow's hierarchy of needs and begin to appreciate the things around them in a way that no generation before him could.

A future with aliens - why not? Some are sure that aliens are already among us. Detecting extraterrestrial intelligent life will most likely be difficult, bordering on the impossible. It will be necessary to develop space technology to a qualitatively different level, to take all possible precautions... But the end of the trademark “loneliness in the universe” is definitely worth it.

A future outside of Earth is sad, but not the worst option. Our planet may be destroyed by natural disasters, or we will simply run out of mineral resources, and then we will have to look for a new home. Mars seems like a good starting point... but the main dreams, of course, are related to the colonization of other star systems.

A future with limitless energy and a clean environment can be achieved through the invention of advanced nanorobots. They would purify water and air, while providing for the needs of humanity by collecting solar energy. Considering the current problems of the Earth, I would like to see such a step as soon as possible.

A future without the problem of overpopulation. The Earth's population is growing by 1−1.5% every year, and at this rate it will double in a hundred years. And if there is enough space on the planet for a hundred times more people, then the issue of world hunger is much more pressing. The solution is not only technology that allows you to create nutritious and cheap food out of thin air, but also the correct distribution of material resources.

The technological future implies not only the development of technology, but also a literal fusion with it. Today we use information and entertainment gadgets more and more; Perhaps the day is not far off when displays will be built directly into the eyes? The merging of man and computer is not as scary as it seems - at least there will be no fear of the uprising of machines.

The future with intelligent machines is a logical continuation of the previous point. If we are unlucky enough to meet aliens, intelligent robots created by us may become our neighbors. Considering how much artificial intelligence will develop over a thousand years, it will definitely not be boring.

Exploring space from Earth will play a vital role in the future. We will be able not only to understand how the universe works, but also to predict any cosmic dangers that threaten our planet in order to effectively prevent them. In addition, the search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence and new planets for colonization has not been canceled.

The future we'd like to see in space travel should be as easy as moving around on Earth. Not only are there endless technological aspects to consider, but also the negative impact that long periods in space have on humans. Perhaps this can be solved by modifying human DNA.

Extending human life into the future is one of those tasks that is unlikely to ever cease. A possible solution is medical nanorobots that cleanse and protect the body along with white blood cells, slow down aging and, of course, cure cancer. And this brings us to the next point...

Immortality in the future is the very ideal that, if not all, then the vast majority of people count on. Whether it will be achieved through biotechnology, nanotechnology or the fusion of people with machines is not so important. In 1800, the average life expectancy was 37 years, today it is about 70. Will we reach the limit or will we be able to break through it? Everything depends on ourselves.

Let’s not touch on options like the enslavement of humanity by aliens or robots, a zombie apocalypse or an ordinary world nuclear war - science fiction writers and Hollywood will happily do that for us. Let's try to look at the distant future with a positive attitude - maybe some of us will even be able to live to see it?

Have there ever been situations in your life when you really wanted to look into the future, how everything would turn out?

Or are you faced with a choice that is very difficult to make? It can concern absolutely any area. Who should I marry? Move abroad or stay in your hometown?

What job should I choose and, in general, what should I do in life? Where is the best place to meet New Year and with whom? What gift should you choose for your loved ones?

We'll look at 5 methods that can help you look into the future, make a choice or make an important decision! Moreover, the New Year is coming soon - a time of fortune-telling and plans for the future.

Every person is free to choose any destiny for himself.
The only freedom we have is
is freedom of choice.
Everyone can choose whatever they want.

Vadim Zeland

How to find out what the future holds for you

So what can we use to accomplish right choice and make the best decision?

I offer you several different ways to find out what awaits you in the future. And you yourself can determine which one is right for you.

#1 Make a plan, thinking through all the details

When planning our life, we arrange everything logically possible options to choose the best one. But is it possible to think through everything down to the smallest detail and take into account various side factors, risks, sudden circumstances etc?

If I'm going to the prom and have already thought in advance what kind of hair I'll wear, choose a dress, order a taxi, can I assume that the lights will suddenly go out and I won't be able to get ready for the ball?

Or there will be an accident on the highway, the road will be blocked, and I won’t get to the right place. There are hundreds of other possible scenarios that we cannot even imagine.

I described a small situation. What if the question concerns a fateful decision?

Marry successful sportsman Andrey, presenter healthy image life, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail? And it seems that with him I feel like I’m behind a stone wall.

Or choose the kind and understanding Mikhail, with whom I feel so comfortable and cozy!

How can I understand what will happen to my marriage in 5-10 years? What will these young people turn into? What will I become? And how much our aspirations and desires will be compatible?

You see that relying on reason and logic cannot take into account everything that can happen. Accordingly, the result of your actions may be very far from expected. And there are probably cases in your life that confirm this.

#2. Tell your fortune...

So, what will help us avoid negative moments in the future and choose best option actions?

Let's start with fortune telling. They are very different. It all depends on your imagination! The simplest ones are based on what is at hand.

A cup of coffee or tea, for example. You just need to finish the drink, turn the cup over and carefully examine the drawings resulting from the spilled coffee grounds or strangely formed patterns of tea leaves.

But here you need a lot of experience and remarkable imagination to extract the answer to your question from the “message”! There is, of course, a list of images that can be seen most often, but the list of possible interpretations is also limited.

Another option is fortune telling by beans. You take out several beans of different colors from the bag: white, black or variegated.

If there are more blacks, the answer is no. If whites predominate, the answer is yes. If it is motley, then success depends on additional circumstances.

In this case, a question can be asked that can only be answered “yes” or “no”. And no specifics.

Advanced people can tell fortunes using cards. Each card has its own meaning and shows a specific situation or character in your past. present or future.

Again, you need to learn this, and it takes time.

You can also use a pendulum. This is a small metal object (usually a ring) on ​​a long thread. You determine for yourself what the positive and negative answer will be, and ask questions.

The pendulum moves in a certain way, answering your question. Again, you can only get “yes” or “no” answers.

#3. Ask for a sign from the Universe

There is also a way for the “advanced” - ask the Higher Powers to give you a sign of what to choose and where to move.

As an example, I will give the story of the founder of the Institute of Reincarnation, Māris Dreshmanis.

Before meeting his wife Alena Starovoytova, he was in a relationship in which he did not feel completely happy. But a sense of duty prevented them from breaking them.

To find a way out of a difficult situation, Maris asked the Universe to give him a sign on what to do.

And soon a client came to him for a consultation, who bluntly said that the woman who was now next to him was not his. And that he will soon meet his fate.

And then events began to develop in such a way that they eventually led Maris to a meeting with Alena. And although there were many obstacles along the way, several joined different people so that it still takes place. And now they are happy together.

But this is not just a union of a man and a woman. The combination of what each of them does for people leads to synergy and powerful results.

Together they bring people much more love and light, helping them develop and become happier than they could separately.

So, by trusting the Universe and asking it for help, you can also find your way.

You just need to be able to understand its signs and follow them, even if it seems to you that your actions are wrong from the point of view public opinion and habitual stereotypes.

#4. Contact a psychic or astrologer

Nowadays, there is a very wide choice of services offered by all possible types of fortune tellers, shamans, psychics, numerologists, astrologers, etc.

Behind each of these specialists is an extensive system of knowledge, a teaching that they master over the years and polish with long-term practice.

The more powerful and popular a specialist, the more difficult it is to get to him and the more expensive his services. But he will tell you everything and explain: where you should go and what to do, and what you absolutely cannot do.

The whole question is how much you can trust such a specialist. After all, even being a professional, he can make a mistake due to some additional circumstances.

Is Trump's Victory Destiny or...

On the eve of the US presidential election, many predicted Hillary Clinton's victory. The specialists had everything calculated, and the signs pointed to it. But what was the amazement of many when fate smiled at Donald Trump!

And then the “seers” rushed to study what went wrong? What could change the supposedly predetermined fate?

It turns out that Donald also does not shy away from esoteric practices and actively uses them! After the elections, they began to name the names of his assistants and the methods by which he was able to correct his path.

It turns out that everything is not so simple! If you are destined to become someone or achieve a certain goal, this does not mean that it will happen by itself.

In addition to the fact that our soul plans its incarnation and its key meetings, events, there is also share of free choice. It all depends on your goals and actions.

And here the question of CHOICE arises.

  1. First you need to decide on your goals.
  2. Knowing your goals, you need to choose methods to achieve them.

But how to make this very choice?

#5. Alternative future planning

In addition to fortune telling and turning to specialists, I will tell you about another method with which you can peek into your future.

It lies in the fact that you can directly contact your immortal soul who knows her tasks for this life and is more interested in solving them than anyone else.

From the level of the soul, everything looks completely different from what it seems to us, people. Sometimes the path that looks attractive can ultimately lead to disappointment.

Or, on the contrary, what does not seem like the most promising business may turn out to be a success in the future. But how do you know?

And there is one more important nuance. Choosing from the options that we have at the moment, often we can even don't assume about those possibilities that the Universe provides us.

The value of this practice is that you independently see how events in your life will develop with this or that choice. There are no intermediaries between you and your soul. And most importantly, how you will feel in the future.

After all, it also happens that outwardly everything looks safe and successful, but at the same time you may not be completely comfortable. Or maybe the option is not the most brilliant, but you feel so good there!!!

The best option is a surprise

Irina, at 42 years old, found herself on the verge of divorce. The relationship with her husband had long since faded; many things irritated her.

And then a man appeared in her life, from whom her heart lit up, her eyes lit up, and she felt as if she were 15 years old again!

What to do??? Destroy a family by causing injury to a child or live as you live? This is how many people live. How will your relationship with the new man develop? After all, the euphoria of falling in love is so fleeting!

With these questions, Ira set off on a journey through her future. There she saw that if she stayed with her husband, then everything would drag on sadly.

If she divorces and creates a relationship with a new lover, then in the end it will not be much better.

Imagine her amazement when she saw the third option: she was next to a stranger and with a baby in her arms. And the main thing is that she is immensely happy, and she is so comfortable next to this person!

After completing her internship, Irina realized that she should not continue her outdated relationship with her husband. But you shouldn’t rush into new ones either.

It’s better to be alone with yourself for a while, take a few steps in the direction she needs, and then she can be happy in her new family.

From this story you can see that when we are in the moment of choosing a decision, we cannot always see all the options.

And among them there may be the best ones for you! And of course, the valuable thing is that you can “try it on for yourself” right in the process - how you feel after having already made this or that choice.

How to find out your future

So, we have considered the following options:

  • Make a plan, thinking through all the details
  • Fortune telling (on coffee grounds, tea leaves, beans, cards, pendulum)
  • Ask for signs from the Higher Powers of the Universe
  • Contact a psychic, fortune teller, numerologist, astrologer, etc.
  • Use the practice “Alternative future planning”

Some can be used even daily, even in the smallest situations. Others are suitable for making serious decisions and fateful choices.

Now you know how you can look into your future and, based on the information and feelings received, make the best decision on which path to choose. I believe that everyone will find an option to their liking!

If you want to master the alternative planning method, then come study at Ir!

For example, Professor Steve Jones from University College London says that the driving forces of evolution no longer play an important role in our lives. Among people who lived a million years ago, it was literally survival of the fittest, and hostile environment had a direct impact on the human appearance. In the modern world with central heating and with an abundance of food, mutations are much less likely.

However, there is a possibility that our bodies will continue to develop. Humans can continue to adapt to the changes taking place on our planet, which is becoming increasingly polluted and dependent on technology.

According to the theory, animals evolve faster in isolated environments, while people living in the 21st century are not isolated at all. However, this issue is also controversial. With new advances in science and technology, people were able to exchange information instantly, but at the same time they became more isolated than ever before.

Skin color

Yale University professor Stephen Stearns says that globalization, immigration, cultural diffusion and ease of travel are all contributing to the gradual homogenization of the population, which will lead to a homogenization of facial features. Recessive traits in humans such as freckles or Blue eyes, will become very rare.

In 2002, a study by epidemiologists Mark Grant and Diane Lauderdale found that only 1 in 6 non-Hispanic white Americans had blue eyes, whereas 100 years ago, more than half of the white population in the United States had blue eyes. It is predicted that the skin and hair color of the average American will darken, leaving very few blondes and people with very dark or very light skin.

In some parts of the planet (for example, in the USA), genetic mixing occurs more actively, in others - less. In some places, unique physical traits adapted to the environment have a strong evolutionary advantage, so people won't be able to give them up so easily. Immigration in some regions is much slower, so, according to Stearns, complete homogenization of the human race may never happen. However, the Earth as a whole is becoming more and more like a big melting pot, and a scientist has declared that in a few centuries we will all become like the Brazilians.

It is possible that in the future people may acquire the ability to consciously change the color of their skin thanks to the artificial introduction of chromatophores into the body (pigment-containing cells present in amphibians, fish, reptiles). There may be another method, but in any case it will provide some advantages. Firstly, interracial prejudices will finally disappear. Secondly, being able to change will help you stand out in modern society.


The trend toward increased growth has been reliably established. Primitive people are thought to have had an average height of 160 cm, and human height has been steadily increasing over the past centuries. A particularly noticeable jump has occurred in recent decades, when human height has increased by an average of 10 cm. This trend may continue in the future, since it largely depends on diet, and food is becoming more nutritious and affordable. Of course, at the moment, in some regions of the planet, due to poor nutrition with a low content of minerals, vitamins and proteins, this trend is not observed, but in most countries of the world people continue to grow. So, for example, Every fifth resident of Italy is taller than 180 centimeters, while after World War II there were only 6% of such people in the country.


Researchers have previously found that more attractive women have more children. the less attractive, and most of the children born to them are girls. Their daughters grow into attractive, mature women, and the pattern repeats itself. Scientists from the University of Helsinki concluded that the trend towards an increase in the number beautiful women intensifies with each new generation. However, the trend does not apply to men.

However, the person of the future will likely be more beautiful than he is now. His body structure and facial features will reflect what most are looking for in a partner today. He will have finer facial features, an athletic build and a good figure.

Another idea, proposed by evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics, seems to be inspired by ideas from classic science fiction. According to his hypothesis, the human race will over time be divided into two subspecies: a lower class, consisting of short people who look like underdeveloped goblins, and a higher class of tall, slender, attractive and intelligent superhumans, spoiled by technology. According to Curry's forecasts, this will not happen soon - in 100 thousand years.

Big heads

If a person continues to develop, turning into a more complex and intelligent being, his brain will become larger and larger.
With technological progress, we will depend more and more on the intellect and brain and less and less on our other organs.

However, paleontologist Peter Ward from the University of Washington in Seattle disagrees with this theory. “If you have ever experienced or witnessed childbirth, then you know that with your anatomical structure We're at the very edge - our big brains are already causing extreme problems during childbirth, and if they got bigger and bigger, it would cause more maternal deaths during childbirth, and evolution won't go that way."


A recent study by Columbia University and Oxford University researchers predicts that by 2030, half the US population will be obese. That is, there will be 65 million more adults with problematic weight in the country.

If you think that Europeans will be slim and elegant, then you are mistaken. Obesity rates have more than doubled in most European Union member states over the past two decades, according to a report published by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a result, on average, more than 15% of European adults and one in seven children suffer from obesity, and the trends are disappointing.

Will the people of the future become obese and lazy creatures, like the characters from the cartoon "Wally"? Everything is in our hands. There are other points of view on this matter. The fact is that modern diets have high content fats and cheap “empty calories”. There is currently quite a negative attitude towards the problem of obesity, which will make people in the future better adjusted and picky eaters. In popularizing the concept of proper nutrition, as well as with new technologies “”, everything will fall into place.

When humanity finally figures out healthy eating, it is likely that heart disease and... diabetes mellitus, which are currently one of the leading causes of death in developed countries, will disappear.


Homo sapiens is often jokingly called a naked ape. But like all mammals, humans grow hair, of course, in much less quantity than our hominid cousins ​​and ancestors. Even Darwin, in The Descent of Man, stated that the hair on our bodies is a vestige. Due to the ubiquity of heating and affordable clothing, the previous purpose of body hair has become obsolete. But the evolutionary fate of hair is not easy to accurately predict, since it can act as one of the indicators of sexual selection. If the presence of body hair continues to be an attractive aspect to the opposite sex, then the gene responsible for it will remain in the population. But it is likely that people in the future will have much less hair than they do today.

Impact of technology

Computer technologies that have become part of our everyday life, will undoubtedly affect the development of the human body. Constant use of keyboards and touch screens can cause our hands and fingers to become thinner, longer and more dexterous, and the number of nerve endings in them will increase dramatically.

As the need to use technical interfaces increases, priorities will change. With further technical progress, interfaces (of course, not without surgical intervention) may migrate to human body. Why shouldn’t a person of the future have a keyboard in the palm of his hand and learn to press the conventional OK button with a nod of his head, and answer an incoming call by connecting his index and thumb? It is likely that in this new world, the human body will be stuffed with hundreds of tiny sensors transmitting data to external devices. An augmented reality display can be built into the retina of the human eye, and the user will control the interface by moving the tongue along the front incisors.

Wisdom teeth and other rudiments

Vestigial organs such as wisdom teeth that are surgically removed may also disappear over time as they no longer serve their function. Our ancestors had larger jaws with more teeth. As their brains began to enlarge and their diets began to change and food became less tough and easier to digest, their jaws began to shrink. It was recently estimated that about 25% of people today are born without the rudiments of wisdom teeth, which may be a consequence of natural selection. This percentage will only grow in the future. It is possible that jaws and teeth will continue to become smaller and even disappear.

Bad memory
and low intelligence

The theory that future people will have higher intellectual abilities is also questionable. A study from Columbia University shows that our dependence on Internet search engines greatly harms our memory. The Internet replaces our brain's ability to remember information that we can easily find on the Internet at any time. The brain began to use the Internet as a backup memory. “People are less likely to make the effort to remember something when they know they can always find that information later,” the study authors said.

Neuroscientist and Nobel Prize laureate Eric Kandel also points out in his article that the Internet is making people dumber. Main problem The point is that excessive use of the Internet does not allow you to concentrate on one thing. To master complex concepts, you need to pay serious attention new information and diligently try to associate it with knowledge that is already in memory. Surfing the Internet does not provide this opportunity: the user is constantly distracted and interrupted, which is why his brain is not able to establish strong neural connections.

Physical weakness

As noted above, evolution follows the path of eliminating traits that are no longer needed. And one of them can be physical strength. Comfortable transport of the future, exoskeletons and other machines and tools of our ingenuity will save humanity from the need for walking and any physical activity. Research shows that we have already become much weaker compared to our distant ancestors. Over time, advances in technology may lead to changes in limbs. The muscles will begin to contract. The legs will become shorter and the feet smaller.


According to a recent study, the population of the United States has fallen into vicious circle constant stress and depression. Three in ten Americans say they are depressed. These symptoms are most common among people aged 45 to 65 years. 43% report regular outbursts of irritability and anger, 39% report nervousness and anxiety. Even dentists are seeing more patients with jaw pain and worn teeth than thirty years ago. Because of what? Due to the fact that stress causes people to clench their jaws tightly and literally grind their teeth in their sleep.

Stress, as experiments on laboratory rats show, is a clear sign that the animal is becoming increasingly unfit for the world in which it lives. And as Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace astutely noted more than 150 years ago, when a living creature's habitat is no longer comfortable, the species goes extinct.

Weak immunity

People of the future may have weakened immune system and become more susceptible to pathogens. New medical technologies and antibiotics have greatly improved general condition health and life expectancy, but also made our immune system more lazy. We become more and more dependent on medications, and over time our bodies may stop “thinking” for themselves and instead rely entirely on medications to carry out basic bodily functions. Thus, people from the future may actually become slaves to medical technology.

Selective hearing

Humanity already has the ability to direct their attention to specific things they hear. This feature is known as the "cocktail effect". At a noisy party, among many conversations, you may well focus on one specific speaker who has attracted your attention for some reason. The human ear does not have a physical mechanism for this; everything happens in the brain. But over time, this ability can become more important and useful. With the development of media and the Internet, our world is becoming overcrowded with various sources of information. The man of the future will have to learn to more effectively determine what is useful to him and what is just noise. As a result, people will be less susceptible to stress, which will undoubtedly benefit their health and, accordingly, will take root in their genes.

Strange faces

Artist Nikolai Lamm and Dr. Alan Kwan presented their speculative view of how the person of the future will see. Researchers base their predictions on how the human body will be affected by the environment - that is, climate and technological advances. One of the biggest changes, they believe, will be in the forehead, which has become wider since the 14th century. The researchers also said that our ability to control our own genome will affect evolution. Genetic engineering will become the norm, and facial appearance will be increasingly determined by human preferences. Meanwhile, the eyes will become larger. Attempting to colonize other planets will result in darker skin to reduce exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation outside of Earth's ozone layer. Kwan also expects people to have thicker eyelids and pronounced brow ridges due to low-gravity conditions.

Post-gender society

With the development of reproductive technologies, reproduction in the traditional way may become obsolete. Cloning, parthenogenesis and the creation of artificial wombs can significantly expand the potential for human reproduction, and this in turn will completely erase the boundaries between men and women. People of the future will not be attached to a particular gender, enjoying the best aspects of life as both. It is likely that humanity will completely intermingle, forming a single androgynous mass. Moreover, in the new post-gender society, not only will there be no physical genders or their supposed signs, gender identity itself will be eliminated and the line between the role models of behavior of men and women will be erased.

Flexible skeleton

Many creatures, such as fish and sharks, have a lot of cartilage in their skeletons. Human beings could follow the same developmental path to develop more flexible bones. Even if not thanks to evolution, but with the help of genetic engineering, this feature would provide a lot of advantages and protect a person from injury. A more flexible skeleton would obviously be extremely useful in childbirth, not to mention its potential for future ballet dancers.


As Guardian columnist Dean Burnett writes, he once spoke to a colleague who doesn't believe in evolution. When he asked why, the main argument was that people do not have wings. According to the opponent, “evolution is the survival of the fittest,” and what could be more convenient for adapting to any environment than wings. Even if Burnett's theory on this matter is based on immature observations and a limited understanding of how evolution works, it also has its right to exist.


What will happen in the year 3000? Many people would like to know for sure. For now, we can only say with certainty that it will not, according to the Gregorian calendar, begin and end on Wednesday. And it will also be the last in the 20th century and 3rd millennium. But this, of course, is not all that is known about the distant future.


If we talk about what will happen in the year 3000, it is worth noting that it will include the CCLXXVII (277th) Summer and CCLXI (261st) Paralympic Games. The place where they will take place will be determined 7 years before, in 2993. This will happen within the framework of the 1105th session of the International Olympic Committee.

These two events are not the only ones in the field of sports. Also in the new year 3000 the 261st European Football Championship will be held. And also the 1064th World Hockey Championship.

The year will also be busy in the political sphere. In 3000, presidential elections will take place in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Burundi, Bangladesh, Brazil, Austria, Hungary, etc.

In addition, two solar eclipses are expected. They say they can be observed either in the northern or southern hemisphere. The probability is 50%.

By this year, due to precession, Gamma Cephei will become a polar star, which it will remain until approximately 5200. By the way, in the year 3000 the difference between the solar and Gregorian calendars will be equal to only 1 day.


Looking ahead to the future, it is also worth noting that the next end of the world should occur in the year 3000. 729th, to be more precise. According to the most common point of view, it is timed to coincide with the beginning of the new millennium. But people who count from one, and not from zero, do not count on the end of the world. Because for them the millennium begins the next year after the year 3000.

The British politician also made his prediction. The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said that this year the European Union will be “replenished” with Turkey.

There are also forecasts that are more unusual for us. A theorist named Oliver Curry, part of the Darwin group of the London School of Economics, argued that already in the year 3000, not people, but cyborgs two meters tall will live on Earth. And their average lifespan will be 120-150 years.


Speaking about what will happen in the year 3000, it is also interesting to note that it is in this year that the events of the novel take place called “Battlefield Earth: The Saga of the Year 3000,” written by the mid-twentieth century science fiction writer Ronald Hubbard.

Another song by the Jonas Brothers is dedicated to this period, far from the present. It's called Year 3000.

Also, the famous satirical animated series “Futurama” begins with the meeting of the year 3000. And the story by the American science fiction writer Harry Harrison called “The Road to the Year 3000” tells about the achievements of people that were achieved in the 3rd millennium.

People of the future

Perhaps the most interesting is the humanity of the year 3000. What will happen to people at that time? What will they become? The forecasts are very different. They say that people will improve technology so much that they will be able to use it to control their development. Genetic selection and bionic organs will enable potential parents to select their child's characteristics before birth. Which is not bad, since in this way it will be possible to eradicate unwanted signs and defects.

And, most likely, pure races will cease to exist. Nowadays there is a strong national mixture. What will happen in the year 3000? Most likely, pure nations and races will completely cease to exist, and visual differences between people will be almost invisible.

Physiological changes

It’s worth talking about them finally, looking ahead to the future. So, here are the changes scientists predict will happen to people by the year 3000:

  • The head size will likely change. The more common version is that it will become smaller.
  • Most likely, the little toes will disappear. Before evolution, fingers were used for grasping. Then they began to decrease as people began to climb less. Thumb maintains balance, but the little finger has no purpose. Hence the version.
  • Memory will deteriorate. This is already being observed. The Internet and technology have made our lives much easier, and memorizing large amounts of information is no longer necessary. It is possible that the brain's ability to store data will completely atrophy by the next millennium.
  • The wisdom teeth will disappear. Even now, approximately 1/3 of the population does not have them from birth. They also say that the teeth of people in the year 3000 will be smaller. After all, over the past 100,000 years they have already halved.
  • Hair may also disappear. They initially performed a warming function. But it is outdated, since in the modern world there are warm clothes and heaters.
  • People will become tall. Over the past two centuries, on average, people have “added” 10 centimeters in height. It is believed that this is due to the abundance of food available to us. The more often and more abundantly children eat, the more energy they have for growth.
  • Muscle atrophy is possible. There is no need to develop strength - technology can perform labor-intensive tasks. AND muscle mass will be lost if people continue to explore space. Even modern astronauts, having spent for a long time outside the Earth, they return here having lost 40% of their ability to perform physical work.
  • Immunity will deteriorate. People will become even more dependent on medical technologies and susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Pure races will cease to exist. Nowadays there is a strong national mixture. What will happen in the year 3000? Most likely, pure nations and races will completely cease to exist, and visual differences between people will be almost invisible.