Keldysh center on Onega history. International scientific and technical cooperation

Brief information

Leading Russian scientific organization on rocket engines and power plants. The main activity is the research and development of scientific foundations and the creation of a scientific and technical basis for rocket engine building and power plants; scientific and technical support, ensuring reliable operation of the operated rocket engines of rocket and space complexes; carrying out research, development and experimental work to find fundamentally new solutions for creating rocket and space technology products, selecting materials and fuels based on the latest achievements of science and technology using high modern technologies.

It is the leading organization of the rocket and space industry in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.

On the basis of the FSUE “Keldysh Center”, the “Center for the Application of Nanotechnologies in Energy and Power Supply of Space Systems” was created, which also functions as a Center for Collective Use.

Founded (created)

The company was founded in 1933. Has awards: Order of the Red Star (1942), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975). Government Decree Russian Federation On November 22, 2008, the enterprise was awarded the status of a state scientific center of the Russian Federation.

Work on priority areas and critical technologies for the development of science, technology and engineering

Participates in the implementation of priority areas “Nanosystems Industry”, “Information and Telecommunication Systems”, “Advanced Types of Weapons, Military and Special Equipment”, “Rational Environmental Management”, “Transport and Space Systems”, “Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving, Nuclear Energy” and sixteen critical technologies.

Innovative projects

Study of the permeability of oil reservoirs for the purpose of extracting oil from hard-to-reach wells. Development and commissioning of a Fourier spectrometer, which makes it possible to increase the reliability of weather forecasts. A technology has been developed and a site has been created for the production of superthin nanoporous membranes and filter elements from them.

Research experimental base

The enterprise has a unique research and experimental base, a powerful high-voltage energy facility, and pilot production, which provide the necessary material for carrying out experimental research. The company has developed and uses unique equipment and installations: a plasma generator, particle accelerators - electron beams (stationary beam power 1000 kW).

Patents, certificates

129 patents, 90 certificates.

Number of personnel engaged in research and development

Basic departments, scientific schools

Training of scientific personnel at the basic department of thermal processes of MIPT and correspondence industry graduate school of the enterprise. There are two scientific schools, one of which won a competition for state support.

Main partners

The company cooperates with institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Space Research, Institute high temperatures etc.), universities (MSU, MIPT, MSTU, MAI, etc.), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (CIAM, GosNIIAS, GIPH, etc.), scientific organizations (TsNIIMash, NIIKhimmash, NPO Energomash, etc.), scientific institutes Ministry of Defense.

International scientific and technical cooperation

The company actively cooperates with foreign partners from the USA, France, China, India, Korea, Kazakhstan, etc. Participates in the international projects “International Space Station”, “Russia-EU Dialogue on Cooperation in Space”.

85 years ago, by Decree of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR dated October 31, 1933 No. 104, the first state rocket organization in the country and the world was created - the Jet Research Institute RNII (now the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center"). RNII was created on the basis of the Leningrad Gas Dynamic Laboratory and the Moscow Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion. The institute was headed by 1st rank military engineer Ivan Terentyevich Kleimenov.

In a short time, RNII became a research and development organization that organically combined the design, manufacture and testing of missiles and missile shells, aircraft and engines for them with scientific research, which ensured the creation of these rocket technology objects.

Subsequently, the institute was renamed the Research Institute of Thermal Processes (1965), became part of the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering and became the leading research enterprise of the rocket and space industry in rocket engine building, in 1995 it was renamed the FSUE "Keldysh Center", and in 2008 By decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the FSUE "Keldysh Center" was given the status of a State Scientific Center. In 1992, the institute became part of the Russian Space Agency (RKA, Roscosmos).

Currently, the Keldysh Center is a multidisciplinary head enterprise of the rocket and space industry in rocket engine building, space energy and functional nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for space technology. It is part of the Roscosmos State Corporation and is actively involved in the development, production and testing of promising samples various types rocket engines (RD), space power plants, high-energy beam generators and particle accelerators. In this case, special attention is paid to the quality and reliability of the products being developed.
Large-scale space projects for research, defense and national economic purposes have been carried out at the Keldysh Center, a new aspect of activity is actively developing - international, which has made it possible to establish interaction and implement a number of joint promising projects with leading rocket and space companies in the USA, Europe and Asia.

Since 2003, the institute has been working in the field of creating infrared hyperspectral equipment for remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere. An on-board infrared Fourier spectrometer of the IKFS-2 series has been created, designed to meet the needs of global and regional operational meteorology and climatology. In 2014, IKFS-2 was put into operation as part of the Meteor-M No. 2 spacecraft; to this day it is in orbit and continues to operate. In terms of the main characteristics of IKFS-2, with the exception of spatial resolution, it is not inferior to foreign analogues (European IASI device, American CrIS), and in terms of energy and mass characteristics it surpasses them. The next generation device is currently being developed.

In 2007, the Keldysh Center was designated the parent organization of Roscosmos in the field of nanotechnology in the direction of “functional materials for space technology” and the Center for the Application of Nanotechnology in Energy and Power Supply of Space Systems. Employees of the Center for the Application of Nanotechnologies in Energy and Power Supply of Space Systems have mastered the technologies of plasma-cluster coating, atomic layer deposition, synthesis of diamond plates, production of powders (nano-sized range of oxides and micron range for additive technologies), developed gas composition sensors using new materials , sensors physical quantities and other devices. Specialists are conducting a large amount of research to support the work of emergency commissions to understand the causes of abnormal launches, as well as studies of components and materials of rocket and space technology (RKT) in order to determine the changes that took place during fire tests.

Work is successfully underway on modeling working processes in rocket engines and their design, including gas dynamics and heat and mass transfer, combustion and thermochemical processes, problems of vibration combustion in liquid rocket engines, processes of interaction of structural materials with an oxidizing and reducing environment. Research and theoretical developments are also carried out that contribute to the introduction of advanced technical solutions into the practice of engine building.

Today, work is being carried out to create and develop the main elements and assemblies of sustainer reusable liquid-propellant rocket engines, including a diagnostic and emergency protection system, engines of new circuit solutions for upper stages, work to modernize the operating propulsion systems of launch vehicles and upper stages in order to increase their reliability, implementation and the use of structural elements made of carbon-carbon and carbon-ceramic composite materials in rocket technology, and much more.

In addition, the Keldysh Center has developed and manufactured a series of electric rocket engines of various sizes, a wide power range and increased specific impulse, used in spacecraft for various purposes. Motors with a power of 100 W to 10 kW have been created. Work is also underway to create ion engines with a specific impulse of 3500...7000s. Laboratory models and prototypes of motors with a rated power of 50...35000 W have been developed and tested.

The center has accumulated extensive experience in the field of interaction of electric magnetic waves with plasma formations.

The Institute widely introduces key space technologies into the national economy, paying special attention to the creation of environmentally friendly technologies and processes. In production wide range water treatment equipment for the purification of natural and desalination of sea and brackish waters to the level drinking water, for wastewater treatment from industrial enterprises.

The Keldysh Center has a unique research and experimental base. Many testing facilities and stands throughout the complex technical characteristics belong to the category of unique ones, having no analogues in Russia and other countries with a developed rocket and space industry.
Since 1942, more than 700 employees of the Keldysh Center have been awarded orders, more than 80 have become laureates of State Prizes, Russian Government Prizes, more than 13 have received honorary titles of Honored Scientists. For the successful development of new weapons in 1942, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute's staff was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

The Keldysh Center currently employs highly qualified specialists at its unique research and experimental facilities. Thus, the Keldysh Center employs 2 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18 doctors of science, 73 candidates of science. To increase the scientific potential of employees, the institute has created and successfully operates a correspondence graduate school, as well as a dissertation council. In 2017, the graduate school received a certificate of state accreditation.

All the achievements of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" over 85 years are the result of the enormous creative activity of several generations of its employees (scientists, engineers, technicians, workers), the result of close interaction with our colleagues and partners in Russia and abroad, the result of enormous assistance from management of the State Corporation "Roscosmos".

From 1 to 3 October 2019 year in Moscow, on the basis of JSC NIKIET, a conference of young specialists “Innovations in Nuclear Energy” was held. V.V. Chernakov, a specialist from the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”, took part in the conference. with the report “Calculation studies of the joint operation of two modules of gas turbine energy conversion in a space nuclear power plant” (authors of the work: Chernakov V.V., Reznikov I.K., Katunin N.V., Iksanov Kh.S., Tsvetkov A.G.) .

September 18-20, 2019 year, the international conference “Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics” was held in St. Petersburg

    “Measurements of relative erosion rate of ceramics insulators in hall thruster with external layer using low-temperature plasma spectral analysis” - “Measurements of the relative erosion rate of ceramic insulators in a Hall thruster using spectral analysis low-temperature plasma" (authors D.A. Kravchenko, D.D. Krivoruchko, A.S. Shashkov);

    “Development of 5-cm ion thruster and preliminary numerical simulation of plasma in its discharge chamber” - “Development of a 5-cm ion thruster and preliminary simulation of plasma in its gas-discharge chamber” (authors D.A. Kravchenko, A.S. Lovtsov, S.V. Madeev).

September 15-20, 2019 The 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference was held in Vienna (Austria). At the conference, employees of the Department of Electrophysics of the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” presented the following reports:

    “Study of the operation of a power propulsion system based on a gas turbine energy conversion system using a closed Brayton cycle and electric rocket engines” (authors A.S. Koroteev, L.E. Zakharenkov, A.V. Karevsky, A.S. Lovtsov, M.Yu. Selivanov , A.V. Semenkin, A.E. Solodukhin).

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On July 1, 2019, in Nizhny Novgorod, at the residence of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, a working meeting was held between the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Gleb Nikitin, and the General Director of the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) Vladimir Koshlakov. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Andrey Nikolaevich Gneushev and the Deputy Governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Andrey Nikolaevich Kharin.

During the meeting general manager The Keldysh Center acquainted the leadership of the Nizhny Novgorod region with the history, with the main activities of the institute he heads and with the areas of activity within the framework of the program for diversification of enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

​The topics for discussion were the implementation of the national project “Ecology”, cooperation between the Keldysh Center and the Scientific and Educational Center (REC) of the Nizhny Novgorod region and higher educational institutions of the region.

The Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region supported the participation of the Keldysh Center in the work of the REC. “As the head of a specialized working group of the State Council, I am interested in developing systemic and replicable solutions that could be offered to the whole country. Naturally, all work of the national project “Ecology” requires scientific support. Therefore, one of the specializations of the Nizhny Novgorod REC will be ecology: the development of technologies for eliminating accumulated environmental harm, working with industrial waste, and much more. We are open to cooperation with you and are ready to take it to a new level,” the governor noted.

The Keldysh Center is currently dealing with issues of production diversification. Ecology is a very important area for the whole country, our institute has been working on it for a very long time, and we are ready to cooperate with the region in solving environmental problems. At the same time, I would also like to talk about the development of space technologies, because space energy is developing very actively. In this part, we actively cooperate with universities and we would like to develop interaction with Nizhny Novgorod educational institutions,” said Vladimir Koshlakov.

Also during the visit to Nizhny Novgorod, an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation was signed between the Keldysh Center and the Nizhny Novgorod University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NNGASU). The agreement was signed by the rector of NNGASU Andrey Lapshin and the general director of the Keldysh Center Vladimir Koshlakov. It was noted that the parties agreed to actively interact in areas of research in the field of engineering and environmental systems and technologies, information technology, as well as mathematical modeling.

At the rally, General Director V.V. Koshlakov, as well as honored and young employees of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” spoke with words of gratitude to the veterans - all those who defended our Motherland in battles and brought Victory closer with their heroic work in the rear.

From March 26 to March 29, 2019, the XXII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “ARCHIMEDES-2019” was held. The State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" received a Diploma of Respect and Gratitude for its active participation in organizing and conducting the Salon.

By the decision of the International Jury of the Salon “ARCHIMEDES -2019”, the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” was awarded medals for all presented inventions:

– Gold medal for invention under RF patent No. 2610732 dated 02/15/2017, “Refrigerator-radiator panel”, authors V.V. Mironov, N.N. Volkov, L.I. Volkova, P.V. Gribkov, Kushinsky A. M., Khamdamov S. S.;

– Bronze medal for invention under RF patent No. 2651355 dated April 19, 2018, “Small-sized installation for selecting particles of solid fuel combustion products,” authors V. V. Mironov, D. M. Borisov, M. L. Kuranov, S. Degtyarev . A., Khakimov D. V., Mishchenko M. A.

From February 12 to 14, 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod on the basis of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky hosted the conference “Materials Science of the Future: Research, Development, Training of Scientific Personnel.” The conference was organized by Lobachevsky University together with the All-Russian public organization “Russian Professorial Assembly”.

At the conference an oral report “Study of the structure of the amorphous alloy Ti 50 Ni 25 Cu 25 under the influence of electropulse heat treatment”, authors Khabibullina I.A., Mitina D.I., was made by an engineer of the 3rd category of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Keldysh Center” Khabibullina I.A.

The report was published in the collection of scientific papers of the conference: “Materials science of the future: research, development, scientific training”: Abstracts. – Nizhni Novgorod: Nizhni Novgorod University Press, 2019, p. 43. (Link for electronic access –

From February 12 to 15, 2019, the V International Conference “Laser, Plasma Research and Technologies - LaPlaz 2019” was held at the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow). At the conference, employees of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” presented oral reports:

1. “Study of Al-Zr composite with a ceramic-like coating obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation”, authors L.E. Agureev, S.V. Savushkina, A.A. Ashmarin, K.A. Anikin, speaker senior researcher S. Savushkina .IN. The report was published in the collection of scientific papers of the conference: V International Conference “Laser, Plasma Research and Technologies”. Collection of scientific works. Part 1. M.:NRNU MEPhI, 2019. P.63-64;

2. “Study of heat resistance and critical load of destruction of plasma gradient coatings with a top layer of hafnium oxide”, authors S.V. Savushkina, G.V. Panasova, E.A. Vysotina, speaker senior researcher S.V. Savushkina The report was published in the collection of scientific papers of the conference: V International Conference “Laser, Plasma Research and Technologies”. Collection of scientific works. Part 2. M.:NRNU MEPhI, 2019. P.95-96;

3. “Study of ceramic-like zirconium dioxide coatings formed by microarc oxidation with the addition of submicron yttrium oxide powder”, authors G.V. Panasova, S.V. Savushkina, A.A. Ashmarin, I.O. Kondratsky, A.M. Borisov. , speaker engineer G.V. Panasova The report was published in the collection of scientific papers of the conference: V International Conference “Laser, Plasma Research and Technologies”. Collection of scientific works. Part 1. M.:NRNU MEPhI, 2019. P.133-134. The link for electronic access to the collection is

From January 29 to February 1, 2019
at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow, the XLIII Academic Readings on Cosmonautics were held, dedicated to the memory of Academician S.P. Korolev and other outstanding domestic scientists - pioneers of space exploration. The readings were held in the format of plenary and sectional sessions, discussions and round tables. Employees of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Keldysh Center” took part in the readings with the following reports: – “An outstanding figure in rocket and space science and technology (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.Ya. Likhushin)”, author Gafarov A.A. – “Study of processes in the hydraulic paths of the system for ensuring the temperature regime of the power propulsion system of a spacecraft”, authors: Katunin N.V., Iksanov Kh.S., Tsvetkov A.G., Chernakov V.V.

January 30, 2019 within the framework of the XLIII Academic Readings on Cosmonautics before the start of the first meeting of section 1 " Pioneers of space exploration. History of rocket and space science and technology » Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Interregional public organization“Veterans of the Command and Measuring Complex” O.A. Conducted an award ceremony for many years of active support and assistance to members of the organization in the work of the Academic Readings on Cosmonautics. The following employees of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" were awarded commemorative badges issued in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Interregional public organization "Veterans of the Command and Measuring Complex":

– head of the sector, candidate of technical sciences and head of section 1 – Gafarov A.A.;

– senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences and scientific secretary of section 1 – Kuvshinova E.Yu.

November 27, 2018 The newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” published an article “New Technologies for Space...” with an interview with the General Director of the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” V.V. Koshlakova. The materials of the article can be found by following the link.

From 18 to 19 October 2018 The All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Rocket and Space Propulsion Systems” was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the “Rocket Engines” Department of MSTU. N.E. Bauman. At the conference, employees of the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” presented the following reports: – “Calculation and experimental studies of the ignition conditions of structural materials of the oxidizing gas path of a liquid propellant rocket engine due to combustion organic matter", author - Pozvonkov D.M. – “A method for minimizing total losses from leakage and output speed for a high-temperature radial-axial turbine”, authors – Ishaev R.O., Markelov N.S.

From 16 to 19 October 2018 on the basis of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named after. A.A. Baikov RAS (Moscow) the XV Russian annual conference of young researchers and graduate students “Physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials” was held. At the conference, G.V. Panasova, engineer of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” An oral report “Study of the structure and properties of zirconium dioxide coatings obtained by microarc oxidation with the addition of submicron yttrium oxide powder” was presented. The report was published in the electronic collection of conference materials, p. 476-477, (link for electronic access –

June 20, 2018 in the testing complex Chemical Automatics Design Bureau(JSC KBKhA, Voronezh), for the first time in Russia, successful tests of a laser system for igniting oxygen-hydrogen fuel of a liquid rocket engine were carried out. Information about the tests is presented on the official website of NPO Energomash JSC ( A total of three starts were carried out, during which for the first time the ignition of oxygen-hydrogen fuel in the engine was carried out by a laser ignition system directly in the combustion chamber, without the use of a special ignition device.

Photo from the website of NPO Energomash JSC

These tests were carried out as part of joint work JSC KBKhA and State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center". The laser system developed at the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" has shown reliability during repeated engine starts over the entire range of modes, including exposure to cryogenic temperatures and thermal effects during and after start-up. The uniqueness of this system lies in its weight, size and energy parameters. Thus, the weight of the laser is 450 g, the weight of the power supply is 900 g. The laser is docked directly to the combustion chamber, the power of laser pulses reaches 20 MW at a high pulse repetition rate throughout the entire engine starting process.

Photo of a working laser with optical breakdown in air

The principle of fuel ignition in the combustion chamber is based on the initiation of optical breakdown in the volume of the flammable medium (RF patent No. 2468240). The plasma temperature in the breakdown region reaches 500 thousand degrees, which ensures the ignition of any fuel pairs in a wide range of component ratios. The minimum dimensions of the laser are achieved through the use of diode pumping, which does not require special thermal stabilization over a wide temperature range.

During from May 24 to May 31, 2018 The XII International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in the Aerospace Industry (NPNJ’2018) was held at the MAI Educational Center “Alushta” in the Republic of Crimea.

Employee of the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" D.V. Prodan presented the report “Splitting method for modeling gas-dynamic flows in arbitrary three-dimensional regions” (authors: I.V. Laptev and D.V. Prodan) in the direction of “Computer modeling. Numerical methods. High Performance Computing".

The splitting method is a generalization of the large particle method (LPM), described by O.M. Belotserkovsky and Yu.M. Davydov for three-dimensional calculations. The authors of the report propose an algorithm and a difference scheme for three-dimensional structured and unstructured meshes. A program has been developed that supports the block structure of grids and uses the independence of parameter calculations in a cell at a certain time step from the parameters in neighboring cells at the same time step to parallelize the calculation across processor cores. The report presents some results of calculations using the method.

From May 14 to 18, 2018, the 6th International Conference on Space Propulsion (Space Propulsion 2018) was held in Seville (Spain). Employees of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” took part in the conference and presented the following reports:

– “Features of construction and prospects for the use of spacecraft with powerful power propulsion systems”, authors: A.S. Koroteev, V.N. Akimov, L.E. Zakharenkov, A.V. Karevsky, E.Yu. Kuvshinova, A.V. Semenkin and A.E. Solodukhin;

– “Modern directions of development of electric propulsion engines based on a discharge with closed electron drift and prospects for their improvement,” authors: L.E. Zakharenkov, V.P. Kim, A.S. Lovtsov, A.V. Semenkin and A.E. Solodukhin;

– “Modern trends in the development of electric rocket propulsion systems with a very high level of power generated by solar and nuclear energy sources,” author A.V. Semenkin;

– “Results of the development of electric rocket engines at the Keldysh Center”, authors: A.S. Lovtsov, V.A. Muravlev, M.Yu. Selivanov, D.A. Tomilin, A.A. Shagaida.

From May 14 to 18, 2018, the 60th International Conference “Current Problems of Strength” was held in Vitebsk (Belarus). At the conference with an oral report “Electropulse crystallization of rapidly quenched amorphous alloys Ti50Ni50-xCuh with a Cu content of more than 30 at.%” by N.N. Sitnikova, A.V. Shelyakova, I.A. Khabibullina. Senior Researcher of Department 30 of the State Scientific Center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" N.N. Sitnikov spoke. The report was published in the collection of conference materials, p. 382-384.

During the period from May 15 to 17, 2018, the 14th Moscow International Forum and Exhibition “Precise Measurements – the Basis of Quality and Safety” was held at VDNKh (Moscow), which are held annually in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2014 . No. 541-r, and dedicated to World Day metrology - May 20. The events are organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg of Russia) and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) with the assistance of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Employees of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” presented the following developments: – “Installation and methodology for studying thermal conductivity and determining the thermal cyclic resistance of heat-protective coatings” by authors S.V. Savushkina, M.N. Polyansky, S.S. Ignatiev. (the development was awarded a gold medal); – “Installation for diagnostics of parameters of an electron beam released into the atmosphere” by A.A. Barmin, R.I. Rudshtein. (the development was awarded a gold medal); – “Installation for determining the mechanical properties of materials at temperatures of 20...2000 °C” by I.N. Laptev; – “Installation for determining internal friction by ultrasonic method” by I.N. Laptev.

From April 2 to April 6, 2018, the “XLV International Zvenigorod Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion” was held, at which the report “Study of high-frequency oscillations of the plasma potential in a Hall thruster under various discharge combustion modes” was presented (authors I.A. Khmelevskaya, D.A. Tomilin, A.S. Lovtsov)

Employees of the State Research Center FSUE "Keldysh Center": senior researcher Savushkina S.V. (project manager), researcher Agureev L.E., leading engineer Ashmarin A.A. became the winners of the 2018 Project Competition for fundamental scientific research carried out by young scientists (My First Grant) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Topic: “Development of ways to increase the strength properties of powder aluminum composites for working in elevated temperatures due to mechanical alloying with metals (Zr, Cr, Co, Ti, Cu) and the formation of protective ceramic-like coatings with the determination of the structural-hereditary relationship of their properties depending on the composition of the base.”

Employees of the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center": engineer 3rd category Khabibullina I.A. (project manager), engineer 2nd category Mitin D.I., senior researcher Sitnikov N.N. became the winners of the 2018 Project Competition for fundamental scientific research carried out by young scientists (My First Grant) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Topic: “Study of the influence of the stressed state of amorphous rapidly quenched TiNiCu alloys during electric pulse heat treatment on crystallization processes.”

Employees of the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center": researcher Agureev L.E. (project manager), engineer Ivanov B.S., engineer Kanushkin A.I. became the winners of the competition for the right to receive a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science (Competition - MK-2018). Topic of work: “Development of a powder nickel composite with additives of nanoparticles of refractory compounds and discrete carbon fibers for critical components of turbopump units of liquid and nuclear rocket engines and liquid-salt nuclear reactor housings.”

Employees of the State Research Center FSUE "Keldysh Center": senior researcher Sitnikov N.N. (project manager), engineer 3rd category Khabibullina I.A., senior researcher Mitina N.A. became the winners of the 2018 Project Competition for Fundamental Scientific Research of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Topic: “Study of crystallization and amorphization processes of rapidly quenched high-alloy alloys of the quasi-binary TiNi-TiCu system under large plastic deformations.”

From March 1 to March 6, 2018 in the village. Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria) hosted the XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (XXXIII International Conference “Equations of State of Matter”). At the conference, a poster presentation “Investigation of zirconia plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings by nuclear backscattering spectrometry” was presented by S.V. Savushkina, a senior researcher at the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”.

On February 7 – 8, 2018, a meeting of representatives of Russia and China on cooperation between the two countries in the field of research and use of outer space for peaceful purposes was held at the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”.During the meeting, reports were heard on the state and prospects for the development of Russian and Chinese relations in the field of study and development of near and deep space. The result of the two-day visit of representatives of the CNCA and the meetings held was the Minutes of the meeting signed by both parties.The Chinese delegation appreciated the high level of organization of ROSCOSMOS events and expressed confidence and interest in continuing bilateral consultations of this format.

Information source – website of the state corporation “ROSCOSMOS”

From January 24 to 25, 2018, the XXI Conference “Plasma-Surface Interaction” was held at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). At the conference, a senior researcher at the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”, S. Savushkina, gave an oral report “Formation and research of plasma gradient coating based on hafnium oxide”, authors S.V. Savushkina, M.N. Polyansky, E.A. Vysotina. IN. The report was published in the collection: Interaction of plasma with surface Proceedings of the XXI Conference, 2018, p. 60-61.

From January 23 to January 26, 2018 at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow, the XLII Academic Readings on Cosmonautics were held, dedicated to the memory of Academician S.P. Korolev and other outstanding domestic scientists - pioneers of space exploration. Employees of the State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Keldysh Center” took part in academic readings on cosmonautics and presented reports: – “Laser ignition of oxygen-hydrocarbon fuels in rocket engines”, authors S.G. Rebrov, V.A. Golubev, A.N. Golikov; – “Features of construction and possible applications powerful nuclear power propulsion systems of promising spacecraft”, authors V.N. Akimov, L.E. Zakharenkov, A.V. Karevsky, E.Yu. Kuvshinova, A.V. Semenkin, A.E. Solodukhin; – “Results of design studies of the Mars expedition under the leadership of S.P. Korolev”, author: A.A. Gafarov; – “Modern principles for the safe use of nuclear energy in outer space”, author K.D. Dolgunichev.

From November 20 to 23, 2018 on the basis of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after. A.A. Blagonravov RAS (Moscow) hosted the International Innovation Conference of Young Scientists and Students on modern problems Mechanical Science (MIKMUS-2018). At the conference, two oral reports were presented from the State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center": 1) "Formation of an aluminum composite alloyed with zirconium with a ceramic-like oxide coating" by the authors Savushkina S.V., Agureeva L.E., Ashmarin A.A., report presented by senior researcher of department 30, Savushkina S.V.; 2) “Formation and study of ceramic-like MAO coatings on zirconium alloy E110 with the addition of submicron yttrium oxide powder” by G.V. Panasova, S.V. Savushkina, the report was presented by the engineer of department 30, G.V. Panasova.

November 13, 2018 V Rossiyskaya newspaper(Federal issue No. 7718 (255)) published an interview with General Director V.V. Koshlakova. The interview materials can be found at this link.

From October 29 to November 2, 2018 The X International Conference “Phase Transformations and Strength of Crystals” (FPPC-2018) was held in Chernogolovka. At the conference, the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” presented two poster reports:

1) “Study of the influence of severe plastic deformation on the crystallization processes of amorphous alloys of the TiNi-TiCu system with a high copper content” by N.N. Sitnikova, A.V. Shelyakova, R.V. Sundeeva, I.A. Khabibullina; 2) “Study of the influence of electric pulse heat treatment on the structure of amorphous TiNiCu alloys” by I.A. Khabibullina, D.I. Mitina. The reports were published in the collection of abstracts of the X International Conference “Phase Transformations and Strength of Crystals” (FPPC-2018), p. 157 and 158 respectively (link for electronic access –

October 25-26, 2018 An industry scientific and technical conference “Current problems of space propulsion engineering” was held at the State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Keldysh Center.

Representatives of the Roscosmos State Corporation, more than 20 enterprises of Roscosmos, Rosatom, Rostec, and Russian universities took part in the conference.

October 18, 2018 On the territory of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" an Open darts tournament was held among rocket and space industry enterprises, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Keldysh Center, in which 11 rocket and space industry enterprises took part (FKP "SRC RKP", JSC "NPO Lavochkina", FSUE "NPTsAP named after Academician Pilyugin", JSC "NII TP", JSC "RKS", etc.), which in total entered 15 teams into the tournament.

The guests of honor at the tournament were representatives of the Roscosmos sports society ANO Roscosmos-Sport (the society organizes all sporting events under the auspices of Roscosmos).

At the end of the tournament, the winners were:

– Team competition:

1st place – FKP “Scientific Research Center RKP”(Peresvet) – 2133 points;

II place – JSC “NPO im. S.A. Lavochkin”(Khimki) – 2113 points; III place – State Scientific Center FSUE “Keldysh Center”(Moscow) – 2109 points. – Men's competition: I place – Surikov Andrey Valerievich(JSC “NPO named after S.A. Lavochkin” (Khimki)) – 947 points; 2nd place – Bazhenov Vadim Stanislavovich(SSC FSUE “Keldysh Center” (Moscow)) – 858 points; III place – Filippov Vladimir Anatolyevich(FKP “National Research Center RKP” (Peresvet)) – 781 points. – Women's competition: I place – Artanova Valeria Igorevna(“NII TP” (Moscow)) – 660 points; 2nd place – Zilina Anastasia Yurievna(FSUE “NPTsAP im. Pilyugin” (Moscow)) – 635 points; III place – Gavrikova Olga Stanislavovna(FKP “National Research Center RKP” (Peresvet)) – 617 points. The winners of the tournament were awarded cups, medals and commemorative certificates.

From September 17 to 19, 2018 at the Leadership Training Center of the National research university“Higher School of Economics”, St. Petersburg, the 9th international conference “Beam technologies and application of lasers” took place.

Employees of the State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" took part in the international conference and presented the report "Runaway electron beams in stationary open discharge for technological applications", authors V.S. Voiteshonok, A. Golovin O.I., Turkin A.V., Shloido A.I.

The report examines several design options for electron accelerators. The results of studies of the functioning of generators are presented. The efficiency of formation of runaway electron beams in various gases (air, helium, water vapor, argon xenon) was measured at various pressures for various cathode materials. The work was carried out on a proactive basis. It is noted that electron beam generators operating directly in a gas environment are a promising means for solving technological problems.

September 13, 2018 A scientific and technical conference “Innovative technologies in rocket science” was held at JSC “GRC Makeev” (Miass, Chelyabinsk region). Representatives of research and industry institutes, leading universities and research and production associations took part in it. At the conference, the General Director of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” V.V. Koshlakov made a report “Innovative technologies in rocket engine building”.

From July 17 to July 20, 2018 The 9th International Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings was held in Shenzhen, China.

At the conference, senior researcher at the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” Savushkina S.V. The following reports were presented: – oral report “Formation and investigation of nanocomposite gradient coating with upper layer of hafnia”, authors – Savushkina S.V., Polyansky M.N., Vysotina E.A. etc.; – poster presentation “Study of ceramic-like oxide coatings on zirconium obtained in electrolyte with submicron yttria powder additives”, authors – Savushkina S.V., Ashmarin A.A., Panasova G.V. and others. The reports were published in the electronic collection of conference materials, p. 430-431 and p. 212-213 respectively. Link to view the materials:

From June 27 to 29, 2018, the Youth Conference “New materials and technologies in rocket, space and aviation technology” was held in Star City. Employees of the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" presented a report at the section "Systems and devices for rocket, space and aviation technology": "A promising system for electrochemical air regeneration based on a solid polymer electrolyzer and a molten carbonate fuel element" (authors: M.A. Erokhin, E .A. Kudryavtseva, S.B. Kudryakov). As part of the conference, a competition was held, according to the results of which the report took second place.

At the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" based on rapidly quenched layered amorphous-crystalline alloy tapesTiNiCuminiature tweezers have been developed for microassembly systems

Based on a rapidly quenched layered amorphous-crystalline tape made of TiNiCu alloy, which has a reversible shape memory effect on bending, with a thickness of a crystalline layer of 10 μm and an amorphous layer of 30 μm, microtweezers prototypes were developed and manufactured for the task of grasping heterogeneous submicro- and microobjects. The device consists of two functional amorphous-crystalline elements mounted on a separating plate and equipped with a thin-film heater (Figure 1). The free parts of the amorphous-crystalline composite form the clamping parts. This device is capable of making reversible movements of the clamping parts when an electrical voltage (about 4 V) is applied to the contacts of a thin-film heater, thereby performing the function of microtweezers. The dimensions of the prototype are 3.2x2x1.5 mm, and the gap of the microtweezers can be adjusted in the range from 10 to 500 μm depending on the size of the captured microobjects (Figure 2).

Figure 1 – Diagram of a microgripper layout based on functional elements with EOPF

Figure 2 – Clamping parts of microtweezers at T< М н и Т >And to

For three-dimensional positioning, the microgripper model can be attached to the moving part of a micromanipulator. The cell temperature is determined by measuring the change in electrical resistance of a thin film platinum sensor.

Shape memory materials for space technology

The shape memory effect (SME) is a physical phenomenon consisting in the restoration of the original shape when heated, which is observed in some materials after preliminary deformation (Figure 1). The SME in alloys is based on a structural phase transformation called thermoelastic martensitic transformation. The SME is implemented as follows: in the initial martensitic state I, the sample is deformed (state II), when heated it returns to its original shape III (transition to the austenitic state) and upon further cooling it retains it (transition III – I).
Figure 1 – Schematic representation of the SME

Alloys with SME are often classified as so-called intelligent materials, with the help of which it becomes possible to create fundamentally new designs and technologies, and their areas of application are very diverse and constantly expanding. The prospects of alloys with SME in space technology are currently associated, first of all, with single- and multiple-acting actuators, holding and opening devices, thermomechanical connections of various types, temperature sensors, smart composite materials, devices for active damping of vibrations of extended structures and micromechanisms. The unique simplicity and flexibility of the design of SME-based elements, combined with a variety of ways to obtain activations, makes them good candidates for micromechanical problems. The use of nanostructured alloys with SME makes it possible to create miniature functional elements with increased service life and thermomechanical characteristics, which is especially critical for the creation of micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems. In addition, in this case of using microelements with SME, the limitations that arise during cooling for conventional actuators with SME are significantly reduced. Alloys with SME will be unrivaled when used in devices designed for small and ultra-small satellites, in which weight and size are of paramount importance. Devices based on nanostructured functional materials with SME will not only make it possible to successfully replace some of the existing analogues, but also, due to their unique characteristics, will contribute to the solution of fundamentally new intelligent designs of spacecraft.

From April 4 to April 8, 2018, the XXI Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes-2018” was held in Moscow, at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center. Employees of the State Research Center FSUE “Keldysh Center” took an active part in the work of the Salon (12 developments were presented). The State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" was awarded a Diploma for active participation in the organization and conduct of the Salon.

The State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" received the following awards:

Gold medals:– Patent No. 2522702 dated July 20, 2014, authors Li I. P., Puchkov P. M., Shutov V. N. “Cathode of a plasma accelerator (options).” – Patent No. 2617841 dated April 28, 2017, authors N. N. Sitnikov, R. N. Rizakhanov, A. V. Shelyakov “Thermal-sensitive drive element.”

Silver medals: – Patent No. 2552020 dated June 10, 2015, author Ponomarev N.B. "Rocket engine nozzle." – Patent No. 2623781 dated June 29, 2017, author Drondin A.V., Zernov O.D., Yanchur S.V. “Method of manufacturing cellular honeycomb core from composite materials.” – Patent No. 2559412 dated August 10, 2015, authors: Filatov N. I., Baranov A. E., Kozhevnikov V. A., Aronchik A. M., Mavrov V. A. “Shell-plate heat exchanger.” – Patent No. 2529288 dated September 27, 2014, authors: Filatov N. I., Baranov A. E., Lyalin D. A., Kozhevnikov V. A., Mavrov V. A. “Package of heat exchanger plates.” – Patent No. 2546974 dated April 10, 2015, authors Polyansky M. N., Ignatiev S. S. “Plasmatron for coating in a dynamic vacuum.”

Bronze medals: – Patent No. 2514570 dated April 27, 2014, authors D. F. Slesarev, V. I. Tararyshkin “Device for regenerative cooling of the supersonic part of a liquid rocket engine nozzle.” – Patent No. 2603698 dated. 11.27.2016, authors Mironov V.V., Volkov N.N., Volkova L.I., Gribkov P.V., Kushinsky A.M., Khamdamov S.S. “Element of the low-potential energy release device for a spacecraft " – Patent No. 2612309 dated 03/06/2017, authors Petrunin S.V., Ishaev R.O., Kukolnikova A.A., Markelov N.S. “Centripetal turbine.”

85 years ago, by Decree of the Labor and Defense Council of the USSR dated October 31, 1933 No. 104, the first state rocket organization in the country and the world was created - the Jet Research Institute RNII (now the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center").

RNII was created on the basis of the Leningrad Gas Dynamic Laboratory and the Moscow Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion. The institute was headed by 1st rank military engineer Ivan Terentyevich Kleimenov.

In a short time, the RNII became a research and development organization that organically combined the design, manufacture and testing of missiles and missile shells, aircraft and engines for them with scientific research that ensured the creation of these rocket technology objects.

Subsequently, the institute was renamed the Research Institute of Thermal Processes (1965), became part of the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering and became the leading research enterprise of the rocket and space industry in rocket engine building, in 1995 it was renamed the FSUE "Keldysh Center", and in 2008 By decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the FSUE "Keldysh Center" was given the status of a State Scientific Center.

In 1992, the institute became part of the Russian Space Agency (RKA, Roscosmos).

Currently, the State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" is a multidisciplinary parent enterprise of the rocket and space industry in rocket engine building, space energy and functional nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for space technology. It is part of the structure of the Roscosmos State Corporation and is actively involved in the development, production and testing of promising samples of various types of rocket engines (RE), space power plants, high-energy beam generators and particle accelerators. In this case, special attention is paid to the quality and reliability of the products being developed.

The State Research Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" has carried out large-scale space projects for research, defense and national economic purposes, a new aspect of activity is actively developing - international, which has made it possible to establish interaction and implement a number of joint promising projects with leading rocket and space companies in the USA, Europe and Asia.

Since 2003, the institute has been working in the field of creating infrared hyperspectral equipment for remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere. An on-board infrared Fourier spectrometer of the IKFS-2 series (spectral range 5...15 µm, spectral resolution 0.4 cm -1) was created, designed to meet the needs of global and regional operational meteorology and climatology. High spectral resolution makes it possible to reconstruct vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and ozone from the measured spectra, which are the initial data for numerical weather forecasts. In 2014, IKFS-2 was put into operation as part of the Meteor-M No. 2 spacecraft; to this day it is in orbit and continues to operate. In terms of the main characteristics of IKFS-2, with the exception of spatial resolution, it is not inferior to foreign analogues (European IASI device, American CrIS), and in terms of energy and mass characteristics it surpasses them. To date, a sample IKFS-3 for development tests and an electrical prototype have been manufactured.

In 2007, by a decree of the Government, the State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" was determined to be the parent organization of Roscosmos in the field of nanotechnology in the direction of "functional materials for space technology" and the Center for the Application of Nanotechnologies in Energy and Power Supply of Space Systems. Employees of the Center for the Application of Nanotechnologies in Energy and Power Supply of Space Systems have mastered the technologies of plasma-cluster coating, atomic layer deposition, synthesis of diamond plates, production of powders (nano-sized range of oxides and micron range for additive technologies), developed gas composition sensors using new materials , sensors of physical quantities, there are interesting applications for materials with shape memory effect. A large amount of research is being carried out to support the work of emergency commissions to understand the causes of abnormal launches, as well as studies of components and materials of rocket and space technology (RKT) in order to determine the changes that took place during fire tests.

Since 2009, the State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" has been the lead organization in the implementation of the project to create a space transport and power module (TEM) based on a nuclear power plant (NPP), which has no analogues in the world, focused on the implementation of large-scale programs for the study of outer space, on creation of qualitatively new means of high power supply. In cooperation with the enterprises of the Roscosmos State Corporation, Rosatom and the Russian Academy of Sciences, work is underway to develop, manufacture and ground-based testing of megawatt-class nuclear power propulsion elements, blocks and assemblies and TEMs based on it.

Work is being successfully carried out on modeling working processes in rocket engines and their design, including gas dynamics and heat and mass transfer, combustion and thermochemical processes, problems of vibration combustion in liquid rocket engines, processes of interaction of structural materials with an oxidizing and reducing environment. Research and theoretical developments are also carried out that contribute to the introduction of advanced technical solutions into the practice of engine building.

Today, work is being carried out to create and develop the main elements and assemblies of sustainer reusable liquid propellant rocket engines, including a diagnostic and emergency protection system, engines of new circuit solutions for upper stages, work to modernize the operating propulsion systems of LV and RB in order to increase their reliability, implementation and use in products RCT of structural elements made of carbon-carbon and carbon-ceramic composite materials, new solid propellant rocket engines based on promising fuel components for propulsion systems of launch vehicles and inter-orbital transportation means.

The State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" has developed and manufactured a series of electric rocket engines of various sizes, a wide power range and increased specific impulse, used as part of spacecraft for various purposes. Motors with a power of 100 W to 10 kW have been created.

Work is underway to create ion engines with a specific impulse of 3500...7000s. Laboratory models and prototypes of motors with a rated power of 50...35000 W have been developed and tested.

We have accumulated extensive experience in the field of interaction of electric magnetic waves with plasma formations.

The Institute widely introduces key space technologies into the national economy, paying special attention to the creation of environmentally friendly technologies and processes. A wide range of water treatment equipment is manufactured for the purification of natural and desalination of sea and brackish waters to the level of drinking water, for the purification of wastewater from industrial enterprises.

The State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" has a unique research and experimental base. Many test installations and stands, according to the set of technical characteristics, are classified as unique, having no analogues in Russia and other countries with a developed rocket and space industry.

Since 1942, more than 700 employees of the Keldysh Center have been awarded orders, more than 80 have become laureates of State Prizes, awards of the Government of the Russian Federation, more than 13 have received honorary titles of Honored Scientists.

For the successful development of new weapons in 1942, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute's staff was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

For his great contribution to the creation of highly advanced combat missile systems land and sea-based NIITP was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 17, 1975.

The State Scientific Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" currently has a large number of highly qualified specialists, as well as a unique research and experimental base that corresponds to the world level. The Keldysh Center employs 2 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18 doctors of science, 73 candidates of science. To increase the scientific potential of employees, the institute has created and successfully operates a correspondence postgraduate course. In 2017, the graduate school received a certificate of state accreditation.

The State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" has a dissertation council and holds meetings of the scientific and technical council. Many leading specialists of the institute participate in the activities of various Russian scientific and technical organizations.

All the achievements of the State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center" over 85 years are the result of the enormous creative activity of several generations of its employees (scientists, engineers, technicians, workers), the result of close interaction with our colleagues and partners in Russia and abroad, the result of enormous assistance from management of the Roscosmos State Corporation.
