Why is water served after coffee? Why drink cold water after coffee?

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Coffee is the most popular drink made from roasted and ground beans, and is where most people start their day. But few people know how to drink coffee correctly in order to get the maximum benefits and pleasure.

The subtleties of tasting include the following nuances:

  • The strongly brewed drink is poured only into small cups made of fine porcelain.
  • Cappuccino is poured into earthenware cups with a volume of 150 ml.
  • It is more convenient to drink coffee with milk or whipped cream from standard tea cups.
  • Various spices are added to the drink, saturating it with a deeper taste and giving it a unique aroma: ground ginger or a piece of grated root, cardamom, the grains of which can simply be flattened with a spoon, cloves. According to the recipe, coffee prepared in the oriental style should not be stirred vigorously so that sediment does not rise from the bottom of the dish. Therefore, in many countries, when setting a table, a spoon is not served. Sugar is poured into the cup first or is absent altogether.
  • Black coffee goes well with high-quality sweet liqueur or cognac. Alcohol can be added directly to the cup, or it can be drunk separately in small sips, alternating with the drink. Biscuits, rich muffins and low-calorie cakes are a pleasant addition to the coffee ceremony; lemon can be added if desired.
  • A drink made from coffee beans is usually drunk slowly and with pleasure.
  • It is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, as heartburn may occur, which later develops into an ulcer.

Some people drink it with chilled water. The liquid enhances the taste and aroma, while the invigorating properties of coffee appear more intensely. Coffee lovers with many years of experience advise before drinking hot drink, take a couple sips of cool water, then the aftertaste will last for a long time.

Many coffee shops serve water with coffee. It is believed that this tradition originated in Greece, then it was adopted in Turkey, from where it followed to European countries. A glass of cold water is usually served with various types espresso and Turkish coffee.

Lovers of an invigorating drink often wonder why they serve cold water with coffee? There are several reasons for this:

  • The drink, if brewed according to the rules, has a dense taste and a pronounced aroma. These qualities are not fully felt due to the fact that the receptors responsible for taste adapt to the stimuli and the person does not receive proper pleasure. Pure cool water, odorless and tasteless, consumed in small sips, cleanses the receptors. This allows you to again feel all the shades of aromatic, slightly bitter taste.
  • Medical professionals recommend alternating coffee with water. After all, the drink contains caffeine, which increases blood pressure, and the cool liquid has the ability to prevent its negative effects on the human body. It reduces the mass fraction of caffeine, regulates heartbeat rhythms, and prevents sudden surges in blood pressure. This action is also useful for people with stomach problems.
  • Coffee, consumed daily by people, stains the enamel of teeth, forming a yellowish coating on it. A sip of water taken after a drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth, as it has time to wash away the pigment, preventing it from being absorbed.
  • Water served with coffee in hot weather gives you the opportunity to get double pleasure: firstly, it gives the body an additional charge of vigor, and secondly, it refreshes. A coffee drink warms up the body, increasing its tone, and cold liquid cools it down a little. For example, in countries with hot climates, a glass of water is served after drinking coffee, without alternating drinks. This way a brighter freshness effect is achieved.
  • Water prevents dehydration of the body and replenishes losses from the effects of caffeine, which has a diuretic property.

Water quality

The best water to serve with coffee is boiled, purified in bottles or spring water that does not contain chlorine. It should be cold, but not cold, with a soft, neutral taste. Too cold a liquid, especially with ice, drowns out the sensitivity of taste buds, creating a significantly sharp temperature difference.

Many people like to drink coffee, then take mineral water. It has its own taste, which influences the perception of the drink. The contrast between them still remains, expressing the caffeine content more strongly.

To flavor the liquid, you can add a slice of lemon, orange zest, fresh mint leaves and leave for a little while. The ingredients should be dosed, otherwise the taste will be too strong, interrupting the desired aroma.

How to drink coffee with water correctly?

To get maximum pleasure from drinking the drink, you should follow certain rules, which, of course, can be adjusted to your preferences:

  • do not rush, before you start drinking coffee, you should take a couple of sips of water to cleanse the receptors, preparing them for the perception of aroma and taste;
  • when alternating coffee and water, you need to take small sips, holding them in your mouth for a short time;
  • do small intervals, because the rapid alternation of drinks dulls sensitivity, drowning out the taste and having a detrimental effect on the teeth;
  • water washes away the aftertaste of the aromatic drink, so everyone decides for themselves whether to drink the coffee to the bottom.

A coffee drink allows you to feel fresh and invigorated, toning your body for the whole day. After coffee, you should drink water, because alternating will bring more pleasure and allows you to get a richer, bright aroma.

Once in a coffee shop or restaurant, visitors often wonder why they are served a glass of water with their espresso. Connoisseurs of taste who are meticulous about the process of preparing a drink from coffee grinder to coffee maker, as well as its tasting, will appreciate this approach.

Many people know that it is correct to drink coffee with water, but the reason for this tandem is not known to everyone. Where does such an unusual tradition come from and what is it for?

It is believed that cold water was served with coffee for the first time in Greece. Supporters of this version explain such an unusual combination by the hot climate of the country and the opportunity to freshen up after a hot drink. In Turkey, the custom of serving a glass of water along with coffee also took root, from where it was brought to Europe. Later, in Vienna, the tradition was reinvented in a European way and began to accompany a glass of water.

In southern and European countries, they drink water with espresso or just black coffee in different ways. Residents of Europe are more accustomed to alternating sips of coffee with water, while southerners start drinking water after a hot drink.

Each method of administration gives a different effect:

  • If you drink a hot drink alternately with cold water, your taste buds will be cleansed. Each new sip of coffee is rich and bright;
  • If you drink water after espresso, the dehydrating effect of coffee on the body is reduced and the coffee aftertaste is removed.

Why is drinking coffee with chilled water becoming increasingly popular?

Arguments for

Gourmets around the world savor espresso combined with cold water. This is not so much a tribute to fashion as concern for health.

The ceremony includes: grain preparation, drink preparation and tasting. Coffee is consumed slowly, in small sips, assessing the taste and aroma. An important role in a coffee ceremony is played by table setting and serving of the drink. The containers used should not exceed a volume of 90 ml and maintain the temperature of the drink for up to 15 minutes.

If the menu includes sweets or light snacks, then they should be placed to the left of the coffee utensils.

Chilled water is served in an individual container for each participant in the ceremony and served simultaneously with the coffee drink.

If the event is organized as a coffee party, then the timing is important: between lunch and dinner. This is dictated by the etiquette of today, modern fashion traditions and ceremonies of the past. When holding cozy home gatherings, time limits can be neglected, limiting yourself to pleasant company and a positive attitude.

photo: depositphotos.com/lada 10, Neirfys, tairen 10

Many people know about the tradition of drinking coffee with water, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly and why. Today we will look at these issues in more detail.

A similar tradition came to us from the ancient East, when people washed down coffee with water to get a refreshing effect on hot days. After some time, this custom began to be used in Turkey, and it has survived to this day.

After coffee I want to drink water

Experts count several reasons for feeling thirsty after drinking coffee:

  • The invigorating drink dehydrates the body due to its diuretic properties. This negatively affects the mucous and skin tissues. This is where the tradition of serving slightly cool water with espresso arose;
  • It has a bright and rich taste, as well as characteristic sourness and bitterness. To dilute the sugariness a little and experience all the peculiarities of taste, it is advisable to alternate drinking the drink with water. Subsequently, you will not feel thirsty. Also, water helps cleanse the taste buds, which allows you to re-experience all the features of an invigorating drink;
  • If in a cafe they bring you a glass of water along with your coffee, you should not ignore this gesture. Water after an invigorating drink will help protect tooth enamel from the characteristic yellow plaque;
  • contain a large amount of caffeine. When drinking double espresso, don't forget about water. This will protect the cardiovascular system from heavy loads and prevent dehydration.

How to drink coffee with water - serving rules

Many people wonder how to drink coffee with water correctly and what liquid is best to choose. In most cases, coffee lovers use bottled water, mineral water and, in some cases, boiled water.

Also, there are certain submission rules:

  • Coffee is served hot, and the water temperature should not be lower than +10 degrees. This helps protect tooth enamel from microcracks;
  • You need to drink water slowly, in small sips. After drinking coffee, try to rinse completely oral cavity;
  • According to the rules of etiquette, water should be served in a glass with high walls, and it should not be filled to the brim;
  • On hot days, it is customary to add juice or a slice of lemon or lime to the water. This helps cool the body and quenches thirst;
  • Experts recommend drinking some water after drinking coffee. It helps reduce the load on internal organs.

The effect of coffee drink on the body

Instant and brewed coffee generally affect the human body. This action can be both positive and negative, it all depends on the specific case and general condition health.

Instant coffee has less strong effect per person, unlike natural, because it contains only 10% caffeine. Some people feel drowsy after coffee, so it is necessary to drink large quantities of water after coffee to neutralize the effect. Be sure to try drinking coffee with water and get an unforgettable experience from the process and discover new taste characteristics of the drink.

In decent cafes and restaurants in many European countries, it is customary to serve a glass of cold water along with a serving of coffee. On the menus of popular French and Italian establishments you can even see a note specially made for tourists: “Don’t order water! It will be served with coffee.” There is a heated debate among coffee lovers about the order in which you should drink coffee and water.

How did the tradition of drinking coffee with water originate?

To become a gourmet, you need money and time. Therefore, the custom of slowly sipping coffee, washing down each sip with water, originated in the palaces of Arab nobles. Then in the 16th century the Turks adopted this habit, and from them the Greeks.

In hot countries, alternating hot coffee with cold well or spring water is pleasant and healthy: water not only refreshes the receptors, sharpening the perception of taste, but also quenches thirst and prevents dehydration.

However, in Western Europe, where the climate is colder, the custom of serving coffee with water appeared much later, around the end of the 19th century. It is believed that the fashion for this method of serving originated in Austria.

Prim, noble ladies who ordered Viennese coffee experienced serious difficulties over the coffee spoon. Placing it, smeared in coffee and cream, on the edge of the saucer seemed terribly inelegant, and the only way to clean the spoon - by licking it - was even worse. Therefore, coffee shops began to serve a glass of water along with coffee, in which adherents of strict etiquette could rinse the coffee spoon.

Later, other uses were found for water. In those days, visitors spent a lot of time in coffee shops, reading newspapers or discussing the latest news. Not everyone’s health allowed them to drink several servings of strong coffee in a row. The elderly gentlemen found a way out: they ordered just one cup of coffee and drank it for the rest of the evening, in small sips, alternating with water. Over time, the custom was adopted in Germany, France and Italy.

How they drink coffee with water in different countries

In Greece and Turkey, the most popular type of coffee is Turkish brewed. Here it is still customary to refresh the receptors with water before each sip of coffee. In Greece, cold water is served free of charge to any customer who has just entered the establishment even before he places an order.

In Italy, with its cult of espresso, a slightly different tradition of drinking coffee with water has developed. In the South, especially in Naples and Sicily, it is customary to take a large sip of water before drinking coffee. It is considered acceptable to drink coffee with water only if you do not like the drink and want to remove the unpleasant aftertaste. If a customer drinks water with his coffee, the barista takes it as an insult.

In the northern regions, except for Piedmont, drinking coffee with water is much more tolerant. In Rome and Milan, in general, coffee with water is not served everywhere.

In Spain they also prefer to drink water before rather than after coffee. Although black coffee here is significantly inferior in popularity to cortado (coffee with milk), which is not served with water.

In France, there is always a jug of water on the table during meals (both at home and in a restaurant). Everyone pours themselves as much as they want. A customer who orders coffee is always brought a large glass of water. French baristas believe that water should be drunk before coffee, not after it.

In Germany, coffee is often served with sparkling water. The Germans do not have clear rules about drinking water before or after coffee.

In Scandinavian countries, boiling water is sometimes served instead of cold water. If desired, the guest dilutes the coffee with it.

Types of coffee served with water:

  • espresso and all its varieties (lungo, ristretto, Americano);
  • any black coffee brewed using a hot method;
  • macchiato;
  • Viennese coffee;
  • black coffee with yolks.

Water is not served with coffee milkshakes and iced coffee, even if it does not contain milk.

Choice of water

Properties of water for serving with coffee:

  • softness. Water can be bottled, well, spring, but in no case chlorinated or distilled;
  • temperature – from +10 to +15 °C, in hot weather it can reach +20 °C.

Water is served in a tall glass goblet. Sometimes a few drops of lemon or other fruit juice or a little herbal infusion are added to it. The main thing is that all ingredients are natural, no sugar or sweeteners! But even natural flavoring additives must be handled with extreme caution so that they do not suppress the sourness in the taste of coffee. Usually, juices and decoctions are mixed with water only if coffee is prepared according to an original recipe and they want to emphasize some shades in the taste of the drink.

Comparison of methods of drinking coffee with water

Even world-famous experts cannot come to a consensus on how to drink coffee with water. Let's consider the arguments of both sides.

Why do they suggest drinking coffee with water?

  • Caffeine has a diuretic effect, so it promotes dehydration. By washing down a serving of coffee with a large glass of water, a person restores water balance.
  • If you drink a lot of water immediately after coffee, the liquids will mix in the stomach, and the effect of caffeine on the cardiovascular system will be weakened.
  • Water supposedly washes away yellow plaque from teeth.
  • As a rule, plaque forms on teeth when you don’t brush them too thoroughly. To remove plaque, it is better to consult a dentist; an extra sip of water is unlikely to help.
  • If you drink hot coffee with a glass of cold water (in bars it is often cooled to +10 °C), the temperature contrast will negatively affect both tooth enamel and the throat.
  • When you drink coffee with water, you lose the pleasure of the aftertaste.

Arguments from supporters of drinking water before coffee:

  • Water cleanses the receptors, making taste better.
  • A pleasant aftertaste remains.
  • Once in the body, caffeine contributes to the narrowing of all blood vessels, except the renal ones, which, on the contrary, dilates. This effect lasts about 20 minutes, then the effect of caffeine weakens, but the influence of another alkaloid, theobromine, increases. As a result, the kidney vessels narrow, and all the others dilate (at this moment, a weak nagging pain). To prevent constriction of the blood vessels in the kidneys, you should drink a glass of water.

Sometimes a person, not knowing why water goes with coffee, drinks it right away, completely killing the aftertaste. It makes sense to do this only when the coffee has an unpleasant taste that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Conclusion. If you are satisfied with the taste of the drink, but you need to reduce the concentration of caffeine (to weaken its effect on the cardiovascular system), it is better to drink 100-150 ml of water before coffee. If a portion of coffee exceeds 15–25 ml, then take a large sip of water before each small sip of the drink. The last sip of coffee is not washed down, enjoying the aftertaste. After 20 minutes, you should drink 200–250 ml of water at room temperature.

Why drink water after coffee?

Coffee is considered one of the most popular drinks, especially on the menu of restaurants and cafes. Often at home, for example, at breakfast, many people prefer to use instant, but more and more often there are fans who prefer to cook it in the morning, and sometimes even grind it themselves to do this. Few people know that home-brewed black coffee must be washed down. Abroad, coffee shops usually serve water with espresso and other types of black coffee, but so far this is most common in Europe, especially in Greece. Russian cafes and restaurants are just beginning to adopt these traditions.

Tradition or necessity

Some people consider drinking a drink made from aromatic fragrant grains a necessity, while others consider it only a tradition. Defenders of each point of view have their own arguments. As a tradition, serving water with coffee dates back, according to most sources, to Ancient Greece. Historians claim that for the first time they began to offer it there so that a person could freshen up a little after drinking a tart drink, which is known to invigorate, especially in such a hot climate.

The Turks, who are considered the creators of coffee, then became interested in drinking this aromatic drink not immediately, but only after several decades. And much later, the tradition reached Europe, having undergone certain changes along the way. Viennese coffee connoisseurs have added innovation to this traditional way of drinking. Currently, it is believed that there are two options for how to drink coffee. Some Europeans, as well as other lovers, prefer to alternate water and coffee, while others drink only after the invigorating drink itself has been drunk to the end.

Two such different ways not out of whim, but because water was supplied to achieve different purposes. Each method gives a different result. When alternating, the taste buds are more likely to be cleansed, and the aftertaste from each next sip of coffee turns out to be as bright as the very first. Useful action, it seems, is consolidated, while the harmful is minimized.

In the second method, when a person drinks coffee with water, he not only becomes toned, but is refreshed, according to the generally accepted opinion. But the impressions and effects of drinking the drink do not change in any way, and as a result, tooth enamel is cleaned and acidity decreases.

Now a third method has emerged, which to some extent mixes these two. You can drink water first, and then alternate as you wish, and at the end, wash down the coffee with the remaining water. In any case, you should drink freshly brewed black coffee in small sips, savoring it to fully experience the aromatic taste.

With all three methods, the coffee drink should be served in a small cup if it is without the addition of milk or its derivatives. You can add spices or, if desired, cognac or sweet liqueur. However, it is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach, as it can cause ulcers.

Why water after coffee is a must

There are several reasons why water after coffee is necessary for proper consumption and increased benefits from it:

  • For brightness of taste. The taste buds are cleansed, each sip tastes just like the first.
  • For pressure control. Caffeine contained in bitter beans is known to increase blood pressure, which is why it is even recommended for people suffering from hypotension. Water helps reduce the effects of caffeine on the body and normalize heart rate.
  • Preservation of teeth color. Coffee has a negative effect on tooth enamel, making it darker. Using water can prevent or reduce this effect. After each sip, the pigment present in coffee and affecting the color of teeth is washed away.
  • Reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body, which reduces heartburn or helps get rid of it altogether.

What kind of water do they serve in restaurants?

Each restaurant that serves coffee with this fresh addition will serve different water, but there are some common standards that are followed by virtually all such establishments.
It is advisable to serve chilled, but not very cold, and at the same time as a drink. The best type is boiled water, purified or bottled spring water. It is recommended that it does not contain chlorine.
If desired, the water can be mineral. When combined with coffee, it provides a contrast that has significant taste differences that attract many coffee lovers. Lemon juice can also be added to the water. This makes the taste more piquant, highlighting the coffee beans themselves and emphasizing their rare taste more vividly.

In any case, no matter what water you choose, drinking it with a drink or after coffee will bring both benefits to the body and new taste sensations. You can practice drinking coffee with water yourself at home, but you must remember that it is better not to drink it on an empty stomach. In this way, you can invigorate and cleanse your body. In addition, drinking water before and after coffee will make the breakfast itself much more satisfying, even if it was not too dense.

Why should you drink water after coffee?

Coffee is an invigorating drink known to mankind since time immemorial. Its discovery occurred around 850 BC. e. It is noteworthy that in order to cheer up, people initially ate the berries of the coffee tree and only then began to brew a drink from the beans.

Often coffee is served with water - this gesture on the part of the barista is most often found in expensive coffee shops. Sometimes people don't understand the reason for their actions service personnel. Although the explanation is not obvious, it is there.

Caffeine and theobromine

The coffee bean contains two alkaloids - caffeine and theobromine. Both substances have a psychostimulating effect, however, they have fundamentally different effects on the body. Thus, caffeine promotes contraction blood vessels throughout the human body with the exception of the kidneys. Theobromine, in turn, has the opposite effect - it dilates small and large arteries throughout the body, but narrows them in the organs of the excretory system.

The action of the two alkaloids in the human body occurs alternately. So, after drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine begins to work first, bringing a feeling of emotional uplift and vigor. Blood pressure rises, and the urge to urinate occurs.

However, after 20-25 minutes theobromine comes into action, lowering pressure throughout the body and increasing it in the kidneys. Against this background, people often experience a feeling of unpleasant heaviness in the lower abdomen and lower back - this feeling is due to the action of theobromine. So, coffee is washed down with water in order to prevent circulatory problems in the excretory system.

Coffee: freeze-dried and whole grain

Despite the variety of types of coffee known to mankind, the fundamental difference in their effect lies not in the accompanying ingredients, but in the type of coffee used in the drink.

The fact is that the outer shell of the coffee bean contains caffeine, and the inner shell contains theobromine. When preparing drinks from whole bean coffee, the resulting liquid contains both alkaloids. The freeze-dried product is made, as a rule, only from the inner part of the grain and contains only theobromine. This substance has a similar effect on the central nervous system as caffeine. nervous system, however, has a less pronounced invigorating effect.

Some people are almost immune to theobromine - it does not have a psychostimulating effect on them. It happens that a person complains that drinking a cup of coffee does not awaken in him a thirst for activity - on the contrary, he wants to sleep. In this case, it is possible that he drinks a freeze-dried drink.

A similar phenomenon is common among truck drivers; in the professional community it is called the “Thirtieth Kilometer Effect.” Often people involved in this field buy a drink at gas stations in tin cans. It is usually based on freeze-dried coffee that does not contain caffeine.

The essence of the “Thirtieth Kilometer Effect” is that after 20 minutes a person begins to feel sleepy and this means that theobromine has begun its effect. This state persists for an hour.

Because of this, it is better to drink instant coffee with cold water. This will help reduce the feeling of drowsiness during the theobromine phase. You can also replace the drink with strong black tea. There is no less caffeine in it - even more, and theobromine is completely absent.

Other reasons

It is worth drinking espresso with water, as well as other coffee drinks, because they can cause dehydration. An unnaturally caused urge to urinate ultimately removes fluid from the body, which is dangerous to health by disrupting the process of thermoregulation.

In order to keep your heart rate normal without getting the same effect from coffee as increased blood pressure, you should also drink water. The liquid does an excellent job of optimizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thus, by drinking a glass during or after drinking coffee, you don’t have to worry about high blood pressure.

The drink contains a pigment that can color tooth enamel darker. This effect is not to everyone's liking. So, to prevent your teeth from losing their whiteness, you can drink a little water after each sip of coffee. The dyes will not have time to settle on the enamel, thereby not changing its shade.

Coffee is a wonderful drink. Studies regarding its effect on the human body have shown that moderate amounts reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

How and why to drink cold water with hot coffee

Coffee shops often serve a glass of cool water with espresso, Americano, Turkish or Viennese coffee. Many sincerely believe that this tradition originated in Ancient Greece, and from there it migrated to Turkey. The custom came to Europe from eastern countries. Since the custom is new to Russians, they often ask: how to drink coffee with water correctly, and is there any benefit? Let's figure it out.

What is the name of coffee served with water?

The drink does not have a specific name. Do not dilute any coffee or milk drinks. In Turkish and European coffee shops, any hot brewed coffee is served with a glass of water: Americano, macchiato, black with yolk and others. In Italy they prepare ristretto - this is the same espresso, only with the addition of less water. It takes only 15-20 ml per serving. It is customary to drink this coffee with water immediately after drinking it. Why do you add water to coffee or drink it with it? Read on.

Why drink coffee with water: the history of the custom

According to history, coffee with cold water began to be served in Ancient Greece. It all started with the fact that in one house a hospitable owner placed a glass of invigorating drink in front of a tired traveler. And so that the guest could immediately freshen up after a long journey, he splashed a little cool water into the bowl with the liquid. The taster liked the unusual combination so much that in the future he drank the “elixir” only this way, and “infected” his habit first with his friends, and then with everyone around him.

Some historians refute this version of the origin of the tradition of drinking coffee with cold water. They believe that the custom was invented in Turkey, where it is almost always hot. The goal is to cool down a little and quench the thirst that the hot drink caused. It is no longer possible to determine which version is correct. The Turkish tradition is as follows: drink the first half of water before drinking the invigorating “elixir”, the second - after.

Why is it common to serve water with coffee?

People drink coffee with water for a variety of reasons. So, Turks do this to cool down a little in the heat, Europeans do this to reduce the strength of their favorite drink and quench their thirst. Gourmets prefer to combine liquids to fully enjoy the taste of the “elixir of life.” Water cleanses the taste buds well, preparing them for new sensations. Doctors recommend drinking coffee drinks with water to:

  • reduce the level of caffeine exposure to the body;
  • neutralize the effect of theobromine, a substance that relaxes and puts you to sleep;
  • preserve the whiteness of tooth enamel from coffee plaque;
  • protect yourself from overheating in hot weather;
  • lower blood pressure and normalize heart rate.

Doctors also advise alternating fluids correctly to reduce the load on the kidneys and heart. Best time to drink water in this case – 20 minutes after finishing the coffee meal. But it is quite possible to reduce it. So, many Turks drink both drinks at the same time, they prefer it. Nobody knows what to do correctly. You can drink coffee with added water as your body dictates. Just take your time, enjoy every sip.

What kind of water is served with coffee?

Any water that does not contain bleach or other harmful impurities is allowed to be served. You can use: bottled, mineral, spring, well, boiled liquid. It all depends on your personal preferences. Special requirements are placed on temperature. The drink should be moderately cold, but not icy. The best option- 10°C. If the liquid is colder, you may catch a cold. It’s up to you to add water to coffee or vice versa, there’s not much difference.

In hot weather and when preparing signature drinks, it is allowed to dilute the cold liquid with juice or herbal decoction, or serve with it orange zest, a sprig of mint, a slice of lime or lemon. There should not be a lot of flavoring products; they can interrupt the taste and aroma of the finished coffee. It is strongly recommended to avoid sugar and sweeteners.

How to drink coffee with water correctly

It is not always necessary to combine two liquids. So, if it is better to drink espresso and Americano as much as possible to reveal the full aftertaste, then cappuccino is not necessary. You need to approach things correctly. So, if you want to enjoy the exquisite taste of the drink, then it is better to drink water before your coffee meal - to cleanse your taste buds. But you should only alternate a sip of coffee with a sip of water if you are a professional taster. Possible option drinking habits are as follows:

  1. Take a sip of water to refresh your mouth.
  2. Hold it for a while and savor it.
  3. Sip your coffee slowly and enjoy the amazing taste.
  4. About 20 minutes after the meal, drink some water.

Interestingly, drinking coffee with water 40 minutes before dinner helps reduce appetite. As a result, the portion eaten in the future will be smaller than usual. And this, in turn, cannot but have a positive effect on your health and weight. If you want to normalize your heart function, doctors recommend drinking 100-150 ml of boiled liquid before coffee. But you can always focus on your taste.

Interesting fact: why do people in Turkey drink water after coffee?

Turkish connoisseurs add water to coffee or serve it in another cup not only for refreshment in hot weather. There is another reason why the Turks do this. Namely, so that immediately after the coffee ceremony you can continue to calmly continue talking with the people sitting at the common table. There are usually a lot of guests in the houses of local residents; it would be strange if they began to walk around the rooms in search of a drink with which to quench their thirst.

As a conclusion

Now you know why cold water is served with coffee in Eastern and European countries. Namely: to cool down in hot weather, strengthen general tone and lift your mood. Drink the “elixir of life” with water to prolong the coffee ceremony and feel more energetic. Enjoy the taste of your favorite drink, let your health only get better every day.

Why do you need water for coffee?

About 1.6 billion cups of coffee are drunk per day worldwide. Some studies claim that these statistics are incorrect, and daily consumption of coffee drinks is approaching 2.7 billion cups, which amounts to at least 500 billion coffee drinks per year.

There are many variations on the coffee theme: black (espresso, Americano), with milk (cappuccino, latte), frosted with ice cream, Viennese with whipped cream, Greek frappe with ice, brewed on sand with spices, and so on.

The above coffee preparation options, in turn, are also divided into subtypes, for example, depending on the serving size, espresso (approximately 30 ml) can turn into ristretto (15-20 ml) or lungo (60 ml).

Most coffee shops and restaurants serve water with coffee. But not everyone understands why this happens. It is not necessary to dilute the drink with water; it seems like it should be washed down too. Then why is it needed and at what point should it be used? This article is devoted to these issues.

All self-respecting establishments serve water to:

Why is cold water served with coffee?

Regarding cold spring water, which usually complements coffee in southern countries, the reason is obvious: water cools, cleanses the receptors, quenches thirst and helps prevent dehydration.

It has been proven that coffee provokes excessive loss of moisture in the body, and adding to this extreme high temperatures, you can get not a surge of vigor, but unbearable thirst.

Water after coffee - why?

The European tradition of serving a glass of water with coffee originated in Vienna, around the 19th century, and absolutely did not involve the use of this water.

The fact is that Viennese coffee, which was very loved by European aristocrats of that time, adds whipped cream, which forms a dense foam on the surface of the drink. After stirring the drink, the noble ladies were faced with the question of a dirty spoon: you can’t put it on a saucer, etiquette doesn’t dictate it, and you can’t even lick it, it looks terribly inelegant.

A glass of water solved this problem: the spoon was dipped into the water, and then they calmly continued to enjoy the coffee drink.

Why water for coffee?

There, in Europe, the habit of drinking coffee with water took root. In the 19th-20th centuries, and even now, Europeans spent a lot of time socializing, reading books and discussing news in coffee shops. People were supposed to relax by drinking coffee, but not all elderly visitors to the establishment could treat themselves to several cups of coffee in a row due to health reasons. Therefore, having ordered one, it was alternated with sips of water, which made it possible to calmly communicate for the rest of the evening without overusing caffeine.

The tradition took root in all European countries, and later spread throughout the world.

Why do they serve water with coffee?

The water that complements a cup of coffee performs a number of functions:

Coffee is a rich and dense drink. Due to these properties, taste buds quickly “turn off” and stop perceiving subtle coffee notes. Alternating a sip of coffee with a sip of liquid helps restore sensitivity.

It is common knowledge that coffee increases blood pressure. Water consumed in parallel with coffee reduces the concentration of caffeine in the body, preventing sudden surges in blood pressure.

Coffee drinks contribute to the formation of plaque. To prevent the pigment from settling on your teeth, you need to drink your coffee with water.

Due to the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach in response to coffee entering the body, this drink should not be consumed in its pure form. Water regulates the production of hydrochloric acid, having a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and preventing heartburn.

Why a glass of water with coffee?

Bottled, boiled or spring water at 10-15°C is best suited for coffee drinks (if the region is hot, then up to 20°C is allowed). It should not contain unnecessary odors (for example, bleach) and be too cold, because tooth enamel is very susceptible to sudden temperature changes.

If desired, you can add citrus fruits or mint to the water. However, you should be careful with the dosage, because obvious side flavors will not allow you to fully experience the taste of coffee.

Why do you drink coffee with water?

As for the rules for drinking coffee with water, there are several of them:

  • when alternating drinks, you need to take small sips and hold the liquid in your mouth for a short period of time;
  • Do not replace coffee with water too quickly;

Whether to wash down the final coffee sip with water is an individual question. The density and richness of the drink leaves a noticeable aftertaste, so many people refresh their mouths by ending the pleasant process of drinking coffee with a large sip of water, thereby erasing the coffee aroma.

The best thing to do is not to drink the aromatic drink; give yourself half an hour to fully perceive the aftertaste. And only then refresh yourself by drinking a whole glass of water.

The traditions of drinking coffee developed several centuries ago, and we modern people, the specifics of the coffee ritual are often unclear. For example, why should you drink water after coffee, and, if so necessary, then how to do it correctly?

Why is coffee served with water?

In a good coffee shop or cozy bar, a cup of strong espresso will be accompanied by a tall transparent glass, two-thirds filled with cold still water. Where did this tradition come from and what is its meaning?

  • They began serving water for coffee at the courts of Arabian sheikhs. It is difficult to reliably say what exactly caused the custom. Perhaps it was a luxurious habit of those in power. In those days in the East, both coffee and cold, clean water were equally a luxury, so coffee with water was a truly royal treat. Perhaps cold water was needed to dilute the thick coffee bitterness, which was seized by viscous oriental sweets. There is another version - the mouth was washed with water before drinking coffee in order to feel the taste of the drink’s bouquet. It is this version that modern gourmets insist on.
  • With the emergence of the first public coffee shops, the tradition of serving water with coffee arose. The hot and strong drink raised the body temperature; in order to freshen up a little, it was washed down with water. Some researchers are of the opinion that water helped restore the body's hydrobalance, because in hot climates the body quickly loses moisture, and coffee contributes to this even more. Coffee shop visitors were thirsty after drinking coffee, so they washed the drink down with water. There is a version that water simply helped soften the bitterness of the strong drink, because sweets or honey were expensive and not everyone could afford it. In this case, water turned out to be more accessible and played the role of a kind of topping.
  • The Turks continued the tradition of serving water with coffee. By preparing coffee in copper cezves heated in sand, they obtained a strong and bitter drink, which they drank with water. They drank water after coffee in order to remove the aftertaste of the strong drink and quench their thirst. In addition, it was considered correct, before tasting a cup of coffee, to prepare the taste buds for this by washing them with a few sips clean water. This is where the Turkish way of drinking water with coffee originates, when half of the liquid is drunk before drinking coffee, the other half after.

The custom of drinking coffee with water spread throughout the continent. From Transcaucasia and Greece to northern Europe, you will be offered a glass of clean water with a cup of strong natural coffee.

Ritual or necessity?

Is it really necessary to drink coffee with water or is this custom a tribute to the glorious past? There are practical reasons why coffee is still taken with water.

  • Water helps cleanse the taste buds to perceive the bouquet of the drink, so after a hearty lunch it won’t hurt to use the Turkish recipe - a few sips of water before coffee and drink the rest after.
  • Water helps restore the body's hydrobalance and quench thirst, which often occurs after a cup of strong coffee. If you don’t feel the need, you shouldn’t force yourself to drink water after coffee. Contrary to what some people think, coffee does not dehydrate the body, except that it has a weak diuretic effect. Drinking water will only strengthen it.
  • Water helps reduce caffeine levels and reduce the effects of strong coffee. So, if you are afraid of the strength of the drink, feel free to drink it with water. In this case, you can use the technology of Arabic traditions and alternate sips of coffee and water.
  • From the point of view of oral hygiene, water helps to get rid of coffee residues on the teeth and tongue, but for this it is not enough just to take a few sips; it is better to rinse your mouth. If this is not possible, at least just put water in your mouth and hold it for a few seconds before swallowing.

Conclusion - why you should drink water after coffee

  • To get rid of the aftertaste.
  • To reduce caffeine concentration.
  • To quench your thirst.
  • To soften the taste of coffee.
  • To cleanse the mouth.