October is the month of the first school holidays in the new school year. Weekend November 6 school day at school

September 2017

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October 2017

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30 31

November 2017

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December 2017

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January 2018

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
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29 30 31

February 2018

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
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26 27 28

March 2018

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April 2018

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May 2018

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
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7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
  • Weekends and holidays are highlighted in red on the calendar.
  • Vacation days are highlighted in green.

In total, during the 2017-2018 academic year there will be 167 school days and 106 days off with a 5-day school week.

  • September 2017: total days - 30, school days 21, days off - 9.
  • October 2017: total days - 31, school days - 20, days off - 11.
  • November 2017: total days - 30, school days - 19, days off - 11.
  • December 2017
  • January 2018: total days - 31, school days - 18, days off - 13.
  • February 2018: total days - 28, school days - 19, days off - 9.
  • March 2018: total days - 31, school days - 16, weekends - 15.
  • April 2018: total days - 30, school days - 21, days off - 9.
  • May 2018: total days - 31, school days - 17, days off - 14.

Please note that the academic calendar for 2017-2018 is a recommendation. These dates may vary and are subject to change.

Vacations in the 2017-2018 academic year

  • Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on October 28, 2017 and end on November 5, 2017. The duration of the autumn holidays 2017 will be 9 days.
  • Winter New Year holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on December 23, 2017 and will last until January 7, 2018. The duration of the winter holidays will be 16 days.
  • Spring break in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on March 24, 2018 and will last until April 1, 2018. The duration of spring break will be 9 days.
  • Summer holidays in 2018 will begin on May 26, 2018 and will last until September 1, 2018.

Additional holidays for first-graders may be introduced from February 17 to February 25, 2018. In addition, students in Russian educational institutions will have days off on February 23, 2018, March 8, 2018, May 1, 2018, and May 9, 2018.

It is also necessary to recall that vacation dates are only recommended by the Ministry of Education, and the final decision on the dates and duration of vacations rests with the teaching council of educational institutions.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

Additional holidays or rescheduling of holidays in schools and other educational institutions are possible for the following reasons:

  • Low air temperature– minus 25 degrees Celsius for primary school; minus 28 degrees – for high school; minus 30 degrees for students in grades 10 and 11.
  • Low temperature in classrooms. When the air temperature in classrooms is below +18 degrees, it is prohibited to conduct classes.
  • Quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine can be declared in a separate school, a separate district, city or region if the epidemic incidence threshold of 25% of the total number of students is exceeded.

Weekends in the 2017-2018 academic year

In addition to traditional Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the following dates for public holidays are established in the 2017-2018 academic year:

  • November 4, 2017- day off in honor of the Day national unity. Since the holiday falls on Saturday, schoolchildren Monday 6 November will be an additional day after the autumn holidays.
  • February 23, 2018- day off in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8, 2018- International Women's Day holiday;
  • May 1, 2018- holiday of Spring and Labor;
  • May 9, 2018- Day off Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

Vacations for students in the 2017-2018 academic year

There will be fewer vacations at institutes, universities and other higher educational institutions during the 2017-2018 academic year, since students rest only in winter and summer. Each university sets the exact vacation schedule for students depending on the session dates. Winter holidays for students begin at the end of January and end in mid-February. During the summer period, the dates of student holidays also depend on the session and practice, which is often scheduled for June, which means you can go on vacation only in July. Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, you need to clarify the data with the university administration. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

Teachers, students and their parents, as well as students need to know about the number of school days and weeks in the upcoming school year. Students are primarily interested in the number of even and odd weeks, since the usual university schedule is built on this principle. This is important for preparing for theoretical and practical classes, for proper distribution of time for study, rest and work (for most students). Let's try to figure out how many school weeks there are in the new 2017/2018 academic year.

Even and odd weeks for universities

The first of September (no matter what day of the week this date falls on) always refers to the first week of school, which means odd. Thus, the duration of the 2017/2018 academic year in weeks looks like this.

Month Odd week Even week
September September 1 – 2 4 – 9 September
September 11 – 16 September 18 – 23
September 25 – 30
October October 2 – 7
October 9 – 14 October 9 – 14
October 16 – 21 October 23 – 28
November October 30 – November 4 November 6 – 11
November 13 – 18 November 20 – 25
November 27 – December 2
December December 4 – 9
December 11 – 16 December 18 – 23
December 25 – 30
January January 1 – 6 January 8 – 13
January 15 – 20 January 22 – 27
January 29 – February 3
February February 5 – 10
February 12 – 17 February 19 – 24
February 26 – March 3
March March 5 – 10
March 12 – 17 March 19 – 24
March 26 – 31
April April 2 – 7
April 9 – 14 April 16 – 21
April 23 – 28
May April 30 – May 5
May 7 – 12 May 14 – 19
May 21 – 26 May 28 – June 2
June June 4 – 9 June 11 – 16
June 18 – 23 June 25 -30

Schoolchildren are rarely interested in the evenness of the week, since the schedule is drawn up uniformly for the beginning and end of the 2017/2018 school year.

The 2017/2018 school year begins on Friday. Parents and students, having visited school on September 1, can immediately plan the next 2 days off. Although in the first week the working day for students and schoolchildren is limited to one day (Friday 1 September) with a five-day work week, this is considered the first week of school.

The end date for school is traditionally May 25th. This day in 2018 falls on Friday. High school students celebrate the last bell holiday on this date. After this, it is time for graduates to take exams in the form of various types certifications:

  1. In 9th grade - this is (the main state exam), which is synonymous with GIA (state final certification);
  2. In 11th grade - this is the (unified state exam).

Total number of school weeks for schoolchildren

Depending on which class the child is sent to, we can talk about the number of school weeks in the upcoming school year. The total duration of the 2017/2018 academic year in weeks is as follows:

  • for students in first grade – 33 weeks;
  • for students in grades 2-8 – traditional 34 weeks;
  • for students in grades 9-11 – 35 weeks.

The Ministry of Education limits the length of the school year within this framework - from 33 to 35 school weeks.

School weeks in the first quarter

Traditionally, the first quarter covers September and October. In September there will be 5 school weeks (counting the first week as one day), 21 school days. In October there are 4 school weeks, 20 school days. On October 30, the first holidays for schoolchildren - autumn - begin. They will end on November 7 (the National Unity Day - November 4 - falls on Saturday and is moved to Monday, November 6).

School weeks in the second quarter

The second quarter also lasts two months – November and December. In the coming school year in November there will be 4 school weeks, 18 school days. In December, children will also attend school for 4 weeks, 18 school days. It is planned to end the second quarter on December 27; on December 28, the second holiday for schoolchildren will begin - winter.

School weeks in the third quarter

The third quarter of school is traditionally considered the longest, most difficult and decisive. It lasts January, February and March. In January, schoolchildren will spend 3 weeks, 15 days in classes. In February, 4 school weeks are planned, 20 school days. In March, 3 school weeks, 17 school days. On January 11, the Ministry of Education recommends that students begin their studies, and on March 26, students are released for their next, third, spring break.

School weeks in the fourth quarter

The fourth quarter is the final quarter, it lasts April and May. In April there are 4 school weeks, 21 school days. In May there are 4 school weeks, 17 working days. Schoolchildren will return to their desks on April 2 and will spend the days at them until the end of May.

Study weeks at universities

In universities, the total number of academic weeks is limited to 40 weeks. Vacations for students are timed to coincide with. You can find out more precisely only from the administration of a particular university. The only thing that can be said is that in winter they last 2 weeks, and in summer – at least 6.

Knowing how many school weeks there are in the 2017/2018 academic year is important for vacation planning. We suggest that you obtain a complete answer to this question from the administration of the educational institution or the class teacher.

October is the month of the first school holidays in the new school year. You will find out what date the holidays start in 2017 and until what date they last from our article.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the dates of the autumn holidays are established by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, but educational institutions in the regions have the right to adjust them at their own discretion. According to the law, the start date of the holidays can be moved forward by no more than two weeks.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, schoolchildren will have an additional day added to their fall holidays. The national holiday National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4, falls on a Saturday, which means that the Monday following the holiday will be a day off.

  • With a five-day school week - from October 28 to November 6, 2017 (10 days).
  • With a six-day school week - from October 29 to November 6, 2017 (9 days).

As you know, some schools in Russia use a trimester education system. In such educational institutions, vacations are established after every 5 weeks of study.

  • The first autumn holidays are from October 9 to October 15, 2017.
  • The second autumn holidays are from November 20 to 26, 2017.

In the coming years, according to representatives of the Ministry of Education, the number of schools offering education in trimesters will grow steadily. Studies claim that a trimester system will improve the health of schoolchildren and will also help ensure that school does not cause apathy in children. The thing is that in the new program, training time is divided evenly, and additional holidays are introduced.

From November 4 to 6, Moscow will celebrate National Unity Day. During this period, many entertainment events are planned in the city, both for Muscovites and city guests.

The celebration of National Unity Day in Moscow in 2017 will take place in the very center of the city. A large-scale festival “National Unity Day 2017” will be held in Moscow. Four sites will become central: - Revolution Square, Tverskaya and Manezhnaya Squares, as well as New Arbat.

Concerts of folk art groups will be held at these venues, master classes and games will be organized. Each site will have its own historical theme. Thus, Tverskaya Square will become a base for demonstrating the traditions of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East.

Revolution Square will turn into a cultural platform to demonstrate the traditions of the peoples living in the central part of the country. On Novy Arbat they will show the culture of the South-Western regions, and the site on Manezhnaya Square will be dedicated to all regions at once.

Over the course of three days, the capital will host more than 100 festivals, 100 sports games and 400 master classes, of which 100 will be devoted to cooking, and 300 to crafts. In addition, representatives of 40 Moscow restaurants will pamper city guests with their cuisine.

The Day of National Unity on Manezhnaya Square will be held under folk motifs. Festival guests will be able to have fun with street performers and take part in folk games and have a snack national dishes. The main highlight of the holiday will be treats from restaurateurs from different parts of the country.

On Revolution Square there will be venues from different regions of central Russia, where folk music and dance groups will perform. A culinary school of Central Russian cuisine will operate.

Visitors will be able to learn how to cook kulebyaka, Bryansk pancakes, kalitki, Volga-style pike perch and other delicacies. In addition, two craft workshops will operate on the square - weaving and pottery, writes Rosregistr. There will be master classes on wicker weaving and pottery.

It will be delicious on Tverskaya Square. Guests of the holiday will be treated to a large-scale battle of chefs. Folklore groups of northern peoples will perform at the venue, in particular the ethno-dance ensemble “Chukotka” will be involved. Children will be shown the interactive play “Discovery of Siberia”.

The main feature of the performance is the opportunity for the audience to participate in the production. Guests of the festival will be able to get acquainted with the traditional clothing of the peoples of Siberia and Far East, and also learn carpet weaving and making amulets dolls.

The venue on New Arbat will delight visitors with a concert of folk music from residents of Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia. There will be a photo exhibition and fair for visitors, and there will also be a blacksmith shop. Everyone will be able to take part in master classes on embroidery patterns and pottery.

The vacation schedule varies slightly from year to year, “sliding” according to the calendar. And this causes inconvenience for parents who prefer to plan their lives in advance - after all, in order to think through a travel route or other family vacation options, you need to know in advance the school holiday schedule for the 2017-2018 school year. When will children be free from school?

According to a long-standing tradition, autumn holidays in schools are held in the first week of November. In Soviet times, they were “combined” with the celebration of the anniversary of the October Revolution, but now they coincide with National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4. In 2017, the holiday will be a Saturday, and due to the postponement of the day off to Monday, November 6, adults will have a three-day mini-vacation. For schoolchildren, these days, naturally, will also be “time off” - an additional day of rest will be “added” to the usual weekly duration of the November holidays.

Autumn holidays at school in November 2017: from what date

In most Russian schools, autumn holidays 2017 will take place according to the following schedule:

the duration of the autumn school holidays in 2017 is 8-9 days;

the official start of the autumn school holidays in 2017 is October 30 (Monday) or the previous Sunday;

The last day of rest for the autumn school holidays in 2017 is October 6 (Monday) or October 7 (Tuesday).

School holiday schedule for the 2017 - 2018 school year. School holidays 2017-2018 academic year: autumn, winter, spring

Autumn holidays 2017– from October 29 to November 6, 2017. For those who study in trimesters, autumn will give short rest twice: from October 2 to 8 and from November 13 to 19, 2017.

New Year holidays We have in common: all schoolchildren rest for two weeks, regardless of whether they study in quarters or trimesters. from December 31, 2017 to January 10, 2018, schoolchildren will be completely free.

Additional holidays - February 18 - February 25 - are provided for 1st grade students, as well as in some cases for 2-4 grades in agreement with local governing bodies. With a modular teaching mode, the school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 is somewhat different from the traditional one.

Vacation dates: October 1 – October 8, 2017, November 5 – November 12, 2017, December 31 – January 10, 2018, February 18 – February 25, 2018, April 8 – April 15, 2018

The end of the school year in a “traditional” school is scheduled for May 23 (or May 26, if there were additional holidays during the year). With a modular education system, children will go on summer vacation a little later, on May 31.

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in Moscow and other regions of Russia, the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will be held from Monday October 30 to Monday November 6, 2017 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday October 28 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will return to classes on Tuesday, November 7.

November 6 will be an additional day off for the holiday week. This is due to the fact that Saturday, November 4, is National Unity Day. According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, weekends in honor of public holidays that fall on Saturday or Sunday are transferred to the next working day. In 2017 it is Monday 6 November.

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (Moscow)

For students by trimester in Moscow, the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday October 2 to Sunday October 8, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday September 30 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday November 6 to Sunday November 12, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday November 4).

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students by trimester in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday October 9 to Sunday October 15, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday October 7 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday November 20 to Sunday November 26, 2017 (in fact, the vacation will begin on Saturday November 18 - with a five-day training system).

In Russia, the decision on when to dismiss schoolchildren for vacation is made by the educational institution itself. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, the duration of the holidays, their start and end dates are determined by the school. Only the general duration of school and vacation periods is regulated, allowing children to cope with curriculum without "overloads":

  • the academic year for first-graders must last at least 33 weeks, for students in other grades - at least 34;

  • period summer holiday children are at least 8 weeks old;

  • short holidays within the academic year must total at least 30 days, and first-grade students are entitled to an additional week.

Despite the freedom of choice, most Russian educational institutions adhere to the traditional scheme that developed in Soviet times when approving the vacation schedule: four quarters, a week of rest in November, two for the New Year holidays, another week at the end of March. Regional education departments usually send out recommended holiday dates ahead of the start of the school year, but the final decision rests with the school administration.

Moscow is an exception. Here, the vacation dates are uniform and are established by the capital’s Department of Education for two versions of the academic schedule - traditional (quarter) and trimester (modular), when the year is divided into equal intervals and five weeks at a desk are followed by one vacation.

The dates may vary slightly in the regions, but the vast majority of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums will have the same academic schedule.

Start and end dates of the academic year

The 2017-2018 academic year traditionally starts September 1, on the Day of Knowledge. This year, the first week of school will be very short - the first day of autumn falls on Friday, so students will have the opportunity to smoothly transition from rest to study.

The end date of the school year may shift slightly due to the nature of the academic schedule. Primary classes will be the first to go on summer holidays - their school year will end May 22-24. Middle and high school students will study several days longer; for them, the last day of school will be May 25-26. In Moscow schools that have chosen a modular mode of study, high school students will sit at their desks the longest - until the 31st.

Students in grades 9 and 11 taking their final exams will be freed from the hassle of studying according to their exam schedule. The Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination will begin in the last week of May and will last until the end of June.

Proms for most it will pass during the period from May 23 to 25(they are not recommended to be held on June 22, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow), but if a student takes any exams on reserve days, his exam marathon can continue even after receiving a certificate.

Dates of autumn holidays in 2017

According to a long-standing tradition, autumn holidays in schools are held in the first week of November. In Soviet times, they were “combined” with the celebration of the anniversary of the October Revolution, but now they coincide with National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4. In 2017, the holiday will be a Saturday, and due to the postponement of the day off to Monday, November 6, adults will have a three-day mini-vacation. For schoolchildren, these days, naturally, will also be “time off” - an additional day of rest will be “added” to the usual weekly duration of the November holidays.

In most Russian schools, autumn holidays 2017 will take place according to the following schedule:

  • duration – 8-9 days;

  • official start– October 30 (Monday) or the previous Sunday;

  • last day of rest– October 6 (Monday) or October 7 (Tuesday).

Winter holiday schedule at school in the 2017-2018 academic year

The middle of the school year will traditionally be marked by a two-week period of winter rest, timed to coincide with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. This is perhaps the most significant holiday in the school year. If only because the January holiday ten-day period in Russia is the only time when both adults and children are freed from daily hassles for a long time and can plan quite long trips with the whole family. Therefore, finding out the exact dates of winter holidays in schools is especially important.

According to tradition, schoolchildren are dismissed for vacation 3-4 days before the New Year, and they go “to the bench” almost simultaneously with adults - either on the same day or the next, and the period of the all-Russian weekend completely “fits in” with children's holidays.

In the winter of 2017-2018, the “typical” school holiday schedule will be as follows:

  • duration – 14 days;

  • first day of rest– December 28 (Thursday);

  • last day of vacation– January 10 (Wednesday).

Additional holidays for first grade students – 2018

The third quarter is the longest and usually the most difficult for students. To “unload” the little ones, first-grade students are given an extra week of rest in February. In addition, the February holidays are recommended for students of correctional schools, and in some educational institutions even the entire “beginning class” - from 1st to 1st grade - can take a break in February.

The timing of additional holidays is the most variable; in some regions they prefer to be held at the beginning of February, and in others at the end of the month, on the week when Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated.

In 2018, the first classes will have a rest for either a week from 5 to 11 February(this option may be the most common), or from 17th to 25th.

Spring break schedule at school in 2018

The date to which spring break is “aiming” is April 1st. The fourth quarter usually began on this day. In 2018, the first day of April will be Sunday. And in most schools the rest schedule will be like this:

  • duration – 8-9 days,

  • the beginning of the holidays– March 24 (Saturday) or March 25 (Sunday);

  • last day of rest– April 1 (Sunday).

In a number of schools, the schedule may be shifted a week ahead, and students will rest a week later, from April 1 to April 8.

Official holiday schedule for Moscow schools: traditional and trimester (modular) teaching modes

In the capital, vacation dates for the 2017-2018 academic year are dictated by a special order of the city department of education. It was signed on 03/09/2017.

In accordance with the order in schools where children study By, holidays will be announced:

  • in October– from 1st to 8th;

  • in November– from 5 to 12 (in fact, children will start resting a day earlier, November 4 is a general day off);

  • on New Year's holidays– from December 31 to January 10;

  • in February– from 18 to 25;

  • in April– from 8th to 15th.

In educational institutions of Moscow operating according to the “classical” system four quarters, the following vacation dates will be established:

  • autumn - from October 29 to November 6;

  • winter - from December 31 to January 10;

  • additional February– from February 18 to February 25;

  • spring – from April 1 to April 8.

How to find out the exact dates of your child's holidays

Since the final decision on the timing of holidays is made by school management, their start or end dates in different educational institutions may not coincide with the “average” schedule.

There are several ways to find out the holiday schedule at your school.

  1. Refer to the official website of the school. By law, all “calendar” information must be contained there. As a rule, it is located in the “Organization of the educational process” or “Schedule” section.

  2. Look into the child. The vacation schedule may be published in the announcement or parent information sections. But even if this is not the case, you can try to “scroll through” the journal for the period of the proposed holidays and “calculate” the exact dates - no lessons will be planned for them;

  3. Ask your child's class teacher. The schedule is usually approved in the summer, sometimes even earlier. By the time school roll calls are conducted, teachers usually already have this information.

  4. Call the reception and check the dates of the holidays with the secretary of the educational institution.

In one day, a child manages to live a whole life filled with adventures, new acquaintances, studies, games, research, quarrels and reconciliations. But even the most energetic and successful children need rest. And its proper organization is already the task of adults.


Daily routine

A daily routine is useful for any person. It helps you eat on time, get enough sleep, work productively and relax. The regime is useful for the child. Children cannot organize themselves yet. From complete permissiveness, irregular nutrition and sleep, they get tired very quickly, not only physically, but also emotionally. Naturally, there are situations when the regime has to be broken, for example, travel, illness, or. But if this happens occasionally, it only adds color and emotion to everyday, familiar life.

The best way for a child to regain strength is during sleep. And if in infancy, and then in kindergarten no one disputes the need for daytime sleep, then in school age parents often brush him off. However, most pediatricians agree that for a primary school child nap very helpful. There is no need to fill your child’s whole day with additional activities and clubs. Just one pleasant hour in a well-ventilated room will breathe strength into a tired student after class. A well-slept, rested and calm student gains knowledge much easier than his nervous and overtired counterpart.

Active leisure

Despite active propaganda healthy image life and the introduction of additional weekly training in schools for children leaves much to be desired. Outdoor games, walks in the park and hikes in the forest are also relaxation, which a growing body needs like air. However, the vast majority of schoolchildren prefer the computer to playing football in the yard. It is necessary to accustom the child to physical exercise from the very early age, literally after he learns to walk. But if you yourself spend whole evenings sitting in front of the TV, and the offer to take a walk in the evening causes you bewilderment, it is naive to expect success in sports from your child.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: How to relax on New Year 2017: weekends and January holidays

January 1 of the New Year 2017 – Sunday. With this holiday everything is quite clear. People will traditionally celebrate the New Year with family or friends, and some will sleep and simply relax after a stormy New Year's Eve from the 31st to the 1st. It is worth noting that 2017 eastern calendar is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, so bright red shades should be present in festive outfits and decorations. Astrologers predict that the coming year may be difficult in all respects, so it is important to meet it joyfully, with a positive attitude and faith in the best.

Weekends and January holidays for the New Year 2017 will continue from January 2 to January 8. And again, debates about the advisability of such a long New Year holidays continue to rage. Older Russians still remember the times when they only officially took a vacation on January 1st and 2nd. According to surveys, most people have nothing to do after the holiday. In addition, production and the country’s economy have been virtually idle for a whole week, which has a negative impact on them. The government is discussing the possibility of postponing part of the New Year holidays to the first week of May in order to provide Russians with more comfortable conditions for recreation, but the issue is still open.

On January 7, Orthodox Russians will celebrate the great church holiday of the Nativity of Christ. This day is loved by almost all people, including those who have atheistic views. Who doesn’t like to gather at the table with family, loved ones and loved ones, congratulate each other and exchange pleasant gifts? In addition, in recent years Russian folk Christmas traditions are being actively revived, for example, carols, which are very popular with children and young people. Thus, the next long-awaited weekend and January holidays will come very soon, and to make them interesting and memorable, it is worth preparing for such an event in advance.
