How to save on central heating. How to save on heating a private country house

Of all the variety of existing heating systems, gas remains the most efficient, convenient, profitable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, replacing gas heating units with others (solid fuel, electric, heat pumps) is most often unprofitable. However, in order not to give up everything you own for fossil hydrocarbons, you should consider measures to increase energy efficiency.

You need to start saving energy from the very beginning - with the purchase and installation of a modern heating boiler.

  • The required boiler power is calculated based on the following rule: per 10 sq.m. heated area is 1 kW of thermal energy, while the ceiling height for this calculation is taken no higher than 3 meters. So, a house with an area of ​​200 sq.m. can heat a boiler with a power of at least 20 kW. After carrying out the necessary calculations, a heating unit with a slight upward tolerance is purchased and pipes are laid out. The most advantageous heat carrier distribution system is considered to be a collector one.
  • This system makes it possible to regulate the temperature in each room depending on the frequency of its use by residents. This can be done manually, or you can install thermostats that will regulate the heat of the water in the radiators.
  • Automation of the heating device. There are many on the market different types automation, from the simplest to the very expensive. For example, one of the new products is thermostats with outside air temperature sensors. As the air temperature “overboard” increases, the automation begins to supply less fuel to the burners, and this is a real gas saving when heating a private home.
  • According to many experts, a more profitable type of coolant supply is the “warm floor” system. When installed, warm air is more evenly distributed throughout the building. In this case, water is supplied to the pipes in the floor at a temperature of 65 degrees, and to the heating radiators at a temperature of 95 degrees. True, it becomes more difficult to regulate the temperature in different rooms.
  • Security hot water for household needs it is best to organize using a gas instantaneous water heater(columns) or double-circuit boiler. It should be noted that a double-circuit boiler has one burner, so when it heats water for the bathroom, the heating does not work at that time.

How to save gas when heating your home, additional methods

However, no matter what modern heating system you install, people will always use it. Therefore, other things being equal, gas consumption differs quite significantly between different owners. There are many related tricks that will help you achieve the desired savings:

  • Insulation of the external walls of the house, attic and basement.
  • Installing new energy-efficient windows and doors or carefully sealing old ones.
  • The use of energy-reflecting screens made of aluminum foil between the wall of the room and the heating radiator, which allows you to return some of the heat back into the room.
  • Carrying out thermal insulation of cold bridges.
  • Curtains should not cover working radiators, this steals heat.
  • Insulation of the boiler and boiler, as well as pipes extending from them, if the equipment is located in an unheated room.
  • The heat exchanger of a gas boiler should be cleaned at least once a year. The dirt and dust that accumulates there causes the unit to consume more energy.
  • The burner in a non-working gas column should not be in an active state. The asking price is 1 cubic meter of gas per day.

If at least some of these tips are put into practice, then the owner of a private house can count on savings of 20-30%.

Energy efficiency

How to reduce heating costs?

Another important category utilities is... warm. It turns out that you can also save on heat supply. And this is more than relevant for Russians, given the monopolization of heat supply services and constantly rising tariffs. It would seem, what can be done here? Pay yourself and pay to be able to heat yourself with central heating. However, already now paying heating bills is proving to be unaffordable for 10% of the country's population. And for a good half of Russians, paying for heating eats a noticeable hole in their home budget, especially in winter. Of course, saving on heat is more difficult than saving on electricity, but it is also possible. This requires certain efforts and investments, which, however, will more than pay off in a few years.

The very first thing you need to do is, as with electricity, install a meter. As a rule, the heat meter is installed on the entrance or house, so you need to resolve this issue with the HOA or management company. In most new houses, heat meters are installed outright, but in many houses the heat supply is still assessed independently by the service company. At the same time, the price paid by the consumer includes all the costs of the service company for heat loss even before it reaches the house. This is why heat meters are needed, so as not to pay extra, but only for the service actually provided, that is, the real amount of heat in the apartment. Practice shows that the owner of a three-room apartment in a house with a heat meter ends up paying less than the owner of a two-room apartment in a house without a heat meter. Therefore, find out this issue right away, get a heat meter installed and don’t pay extra.

If you have metering of supplied heat, then by reducing heat losses, you can save your money. First, determine where you have insufficient insulation. First of all, pay attention to your windows and doors. Through them, 30-40% of the heat in the house is usually lost. The simplest thing is to make sure that there are no gaps through which cold air penetrates. A more complex option is to use heat-insulating glass or triple glazing. Double doors or thick curtains are also used at the main entrance to the house from the street. Good thermal insulation of doors and windows can reduce heat loss by almost one and a half times!

Another method of reducing heat loss is the thermal insulation of walls, which is especially important for residents of panel high-rise buildings. In living rooms, you can lay a layer of heat-insulating material on the walls, which greatly reduces heat loss. There is also a mini version. You can’t insulate the entire room, but only increase the thermal insulation near the radiators. As a rule, the battery heats up the wall near itself, and this heat simply goes outside. Behind the battery, you can attach a layer of thermal insulation to the wall.

Often the problem is not only heat loss, but also excess heat.

How to save on heating?

In this case, people often keep their windows open all the time in winter. But this is not the best way, since frequent drafts can cause you to catch a cold. The room should be ventilated in winter by simultaneously opening two or three windows for 5-10 minutes, no more. If the room overheats, you should use methods other than keeping the window open. As a rule, special thermostats can be installed on heating radiators, which allow reducing the heat supply to the apartment. Thus, you can regulate the heating of the apartment yourself and maintain the optimal temperature.

There are also radical methods to reduce heating bills. We must... refuse the services of the heat supplier company! This can be done if you transfer the house from centralized to alternative individual heating. This method is quite common in the USA, precisely because it allows you to control the supply and consumption of heat as efficiently as possible. In Russia, this practice is not common due to the legacy of the Soviet system, when the main costs of heat production were paid by the state. Now the state is trying to shift these costs onto consumers, and in the end it turns out that the entire country is paying for an inefficient heat supply system. The transition to more cost-effective forms of heating is possible in principle, although it requires significant investment in refurbishment of the house. There are several options. For example, installation of electric convector heaters. The advantage is that in this case, in each apartment and even room you can set your own microclimate, and not depend on the general heat supply. The downside is the high consumption of electricity, which is still two to three times cheaper than paying for traditional central heating. There are also gas convector heaters, which can be cheaper to maintain, but more difficult to install.

Another alternative heating option is to install a communal boiler that can run on electricity. Such a boiler replaces the previous heating source in terms of heat supply and therefore there is no need to install individual new heaters. At the same time, residents have a choice when to start and end the heating season, regardless of citywide plans. But the main advantage of alternative heating is that people have an incentive to reduce heat loss, since this directly saves money.

An interesting and, perhaps, the most promising type of alternative heating is the use of solar collectors. These are special devices that are installed on the roof and allow you to concentrate solar heat. The efficiency of heating collectors is greatest in spring and autumn. The main advantage is that heating with the combined use of collectors and an electric boiler requires approximately half as much electricity as if only an electric boiler were used. The efficiency of solar heating increases dramatically with the use of warm floor and ceiling technologies. But this is usually only possible in low-rise buildings, industrial or office premises. An additional bonus of solar collectors is virtually free hot water in the summer when heating is not required. Solar heating technologies are becoming increasingly widespread abroad – in Europe and Asia. An illustrative example is the Chinese “eco-house” in Shandong province. A huge office building with an area of ​​over 75 thousand square meters. meters is 70% heated by solar collectors and only 30% by electricity. The limitation for the use of collectors in our country is the amount of solar heat, so the use of this technology is optimal in more southern regions and some regions of the middle zone.

What can be achieved by applying the above methods? Some methods are simpler, some are more difficult to implement. But the main thing is that it is possible to reduce heating costs by two or more times! It is important that you can improve your own comfort by maintaining the temperature in your home appropriate for the season. Reducing heat consumption not only saves money, but also helps preserve the environment by saving fossil fuel resources.

Five tips on how to reduce your expenses...

  • - Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances- this allows you to save 10-30% energy
  • — Use modern energy-efficient equipment of classes A and B— such equipment consumes two to three times less electricity
  • — Install a multi-tariff meter— such meters allow you to separately account for night consumption at a lower tariff
  • — Install the refrigerator in the coolest place in the apartment- this reduces the energy consumption of the refrigerator sometimes by half
  • — Change incandescent lamps to energy-saving LED lamps- although the price of LEDs is high, they consume 8 times less energy than conventional lamps and last over 10 years

Full article on ways to save energy and reduce costs...

  • — Buy ​​an economical car- the more economical the car, the less gasoline and money it consumes
  • — Do not drive at speeds above 100 km/h- for most cars, gasoline consumption almost doubles at speeds over 100 km/h
  • — Carry out the necessary maintenance in a timely manner. servicing your car— change filters, oil, pump up tires in a timely manner - all this helps reduce gasoline consumption
  • — Use public transport— by metro, bus or tram you save money on gasoline and nerves on finding parking
  • - Try to move more, walk or bike- for short distances and good weather walking Or is riding a bike healthier than driving a car?

Five tips for using green energy in your country house or cottage:

  • — Install solar panels if the need for electricity is small— if energy consumption is less than 400 kWh/month, then it is better to use a solar system
  • — Install a wind or wind-solar system to fully provide your home with electricity— with high energy consumption and average annual wind speed in the area over 5 m/s, it is rational to use wind generators
  • — Use solar heat collectors for heating and obtaining hot water — in combination with underfloor heating technology, solar collectors can heat a room, reducing heating costs many times over
  • — Find out about the possibilities of using biogas and heat pump plants- home heating is possible thanks to new green technologies
  • — Plan your home to make maximum use of natural light and warmth— competent planning, orientation of the house to the cardinal directions and the use of technological materials can significantly reduce the need for heating and artificial lighting in the house

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According to statistics, about 65% of the energy spent on heating buildings is wasted. There are several reasons for heat loss, which not everyone knows about. However, it is possible and even necessary to identify and eliminate them, because saving heat is one of the ways to save the family budget. Proper insulation and taking certain steps will help achieve maximum comfort in your home.

There are many ways to save heat in a residential area: the use of special equipment, devices and modern insulating materials.

Where does the heat go?

But you need to understand that cheap heating is not cheap equipment, so you shouldn’t save much on this point, since often it is the quality factor that influences saving the family budget in the future.

Radiator automated thermostats

Radiator regulators are one of the the best ways save energy – 20-30% per season. The principle of their operation is the ability to change the temperature of each radiator, regardless of the boiler settings.

This device is installed at the junction of the pipeline and the radiator. Using the thermostatic head, the desired temperature is fixed, and the control valve monitors its changes and, if necessary, opens or closes the access of hot water to the radiator.

You need to select a thermostat based on the type - oil, dry, cast iron - and the pressure in the system. Therefore, it is better to trust professionals in this matter who will make high-quality calculations and install the sensor.

The price range also depends on the quality, manufacturer and other factors.

The simplest one can be purchased for about 1,500 rubles, but there are much better and more reliable electronically controlled sensors. If desired, such a regulator can be installed not only on the radiator, but also on heated floors; it will be attached to the wall at eye level, which is very convenient.

Windows that retain heat

The most affordable are plastic windows, that is, in PVC frames - from 5,000 rubles. per glass unit. They are durable, non-flammable, sealed, which guarantees the preservation of an acceptable temperature. However they don't
airtight, that is, the room will need to be ventilated.

Wooden frames are more expensive - from 8,000 rubles. They are environmentally friendly, have a long service life and allow air to pass through, which, unfortunately, affects heat transfer.

Combined frames are made of wood and metal. They are durable, high-quality, but difficult to manufacture and install, and therefore the most expensive - from 15,000 rubles.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the double-glazed window itself, because the more chambers it has, the better the heat transfer. Three-chamber double-glazed windows are considered optimal. This means that there are 4 glasses installed in the frame, each of which is soundproof, and the air cushion between them guarantees minimal loss of thermal energy.

Double and triple glazing

Heat-saving wallpaper

Thermal wallpaper is an innovation in the field of interior decoration. They allow you to reduce the thermal conductivity of walls thanks to a special substrate - the composition includes polystyrene foam or natural cork. They are environmentally friendly
They level the surface well and are not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage.

The disadvantages include a higher cost compared to other wallpapers - on average from 800 rubles. for 1 sq. m. entirely made of natural material. There are also fairly inexpensive types of such wallpaper, but they already contain polyethylene and other chemicals.

There is also a risk of condensation appearing between the wall and the coating, but this will not happen if you take care of the external insulation of the walls.

Proper ventilation

If the ventilation in the room is installed incorrectly, then along with the exhaust air, most of the thermal energy can leave the room. In such cases, an additional system is installed - a recuperator, which guarantees
supply of heated and purified air to rooms during the cold season.

A special cassette consisting of plates is inserted into the ventilation hole. The air leaving the building gives off some of the heat to these plates, and the cold outside air, passing through them in the opposite direction, heats up.

A more budget-friendly option is special ventilation grilles, the width of the dampers can be adjusted manually. In the cold season, you can reduce the distance between the grille sections, thereby reducing the flow of cold air from the street.

Warm floor

The "warm floor" system is becoming more and more popular. It is used both in apartment buildings and in private ones. The reason for this is availability, quality and convenience. Any energy source and any floor covering can be used. The space is heated evenly, and the temperature required is 2 °C lower than when using other heating sources. This guarantees up to 15-20% savings.

Unfortunately, such floors cannot cope with heating very large rooms. It is also possible for glass to fog up at a level above 2 m from the floor. Some experts also point out such a disadvantage as poor heating of floors near the walls and in
corners of the room.

Insulation of the house

Tips that are relevant for both a private building and an apartment can be divided into 2 groups. The first will include suggestions for the correct use of insulating materials, and the second will include recommendations for preserving existing warm air. High-quality insulation implies:

  1. Sealed window packages. It is through them that the greatest heat loss occurs (up to 40%).
  2. External insulation. The humidity level in the room also depends on this factor.
  3. Installing heated floors is one of the most effective ways heating.
  4. Adjusting doors to prevent gaps from forming.
  5. The use of high-quality materials for ceiling and roof insulation is another factor
    greatest heat loss.
  6. Optimization of the ventilation system.

The comfort, mood, performance and health of a person depend on how warm the home is. Particular attention should be paid to bedrooms and children's rooms. For each type of housing, there are special tips for maintaining optimal temperature.

In the apartment

In apartments with central heating, residents do not have the opportunity to influence the temperature of the radiators. Often you have to endure the heat if the weather warms up. But the question of preserving heat in rooms often arises when it is still cold outside, but utility workers decide to reduce the intensity of heating. In this case, you can use the following methods:

  1. Use of heat-reflecting film behind radiators and on window glass.
  2. Brief ventilation of rooms.
  3. Using heat from household appliances, for example, leaving the oven open after use.
  4. Do not block heating appliances with furniture.
  5. Take care of the balcony glazing.

If the apartment has an autonomous heating system, then it is quite enough to simply adjust the boiler temperature in accordance with the weather.

In a private house

In the private sector, you can apply the same tips as for an apartment. Additionally, it is worth closing the windows with thick curtains at night, since in the dark the cold penetrates into the building more actively through this route. In the morning, on the contrary, open the curtains, since the thermal conductivity of glass is high, which means that the sun’s heat will penetrate into the home faster. Take care to eliminate all kinds of cracks in walls, frames, and doors.

In an apartment building

The topic of heat conservation is especially relevant for owners of living space on the upper, lower floors and so-called corner apartments. The main cause of cold in these dwellings may be:

  1. Clogged piping system, including air pockets in batteries.
  2. Broken glass in the entrances and an unclosing front door.
  3. Thin walls of the building.
  4. Uninsulated roof.
  5. High humidity in basements.

Most of these issues are the responsibility of management companies, so residents have the right to count on their resolution upon request to the appropriate authority. It will be enough to insulate the roof and walls, install an intercom on front door, insert new glass, fix leaks in the basements and then the living space will become warmer.

The main goal of any savings is to save the family budget. The goal is important and topical for any person. After all, for payment utility payments, according to statistics, the average citizen spends up to 40% wages. These days, there are many ways to reduce these costs, and most of them are quite budget-friendly.

If you conduct a survey about which housing and communal services are the most expensive, almost everyone will name heating.

  • This line of the receipt often contains the most significant amount. In a small apartment - up to two thousand, and in a large apartment it can easily exceed three thousand.
  • It is not always clear where these numbers come from. And why does anyone pay for heat in the summer?
  • When the heat is on in full force in the fall and spring, you have to pay for the heat and stuffiness. Or turn off the radiators and open the windows - and still pay.
  • Sometimes, on the contrary, they drown somehow unconvincingly. If in winter the batteries couldn’t cope and you had to buy heaters, the amount on the receipt is especially annoying.

If your heating is extremely bad (in the apartment it is less than 18 °C during the day or 15 °C at night), you can try to get a recalculation.

Let's figure out how the heating fee is calculated and whether it can be somehow reduced.

What is the amount on my receipt?

The heat energy that enters your home is measured in calories. A calorie is a tiny quantity; that’s exactly how much energy is needed to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree. Since any home needs a lot of heat, we are usually talking about gigacalories (abbreviated as Gcal). One gigacalorie is the amount of heat that can heat one thousand tons of water by one degree.

Heat bills are billed in gigacalories per square meter of space. To make it clear what quantities we're talking about: one gigacalorie is enough to heat 40 to 60 m2 for a month. And it costs, depending on the tariff, 1500-2000 rubles.

How is the heating fee calculated?

It depends, firstly, on whether you have heat meters - communal and individual. If not, then you pay according to the so-called heating standards.

Secondly, heating fees can be charged (at the choice of the city or district administration):

  • only during the heating season - five to seven months a year, when they really heat;
  • or monthly in equal parts throughout the year.

Without counter

If there are no meters, the fee is calculated based on “heating standards per 1 m2” (they are simply multiplied by the tariff and the area of ​​the apartment). The standards depend on the region, the time the house was built and the number of floors. However, they have nothing to do with the temperature outside the window or the quality of heating. That is, frankly speaking, they have nothing to do with reality.

There are simply standards, and they are not beneficial to you. For example, they implicitly include heat loss in old mains - that is, you pay for the heat that went into the ground.

The Ivanovs live in an apartment with an area of ​​45 m², the “heating standard” in their house is 0.02 Gcal per m2 per month, and the tariff is 1950 rubles. per Gcal.

It turns out that they pay per month: 45 m2 × 0.02 Gcal/m2 × 1950 rubles/Gcal = 1755 rubles.

With house meter

If a common house meter is installed, residents pay only for the heat that actually reaches their home. The amount in the receipt depends on what proportion of the apartment’s area is from the total area of ​​the house.

A heat meter was installed in the house where the Ivanovs live. The apartment is the same (45 m2), the same tariff - 1950 rubles. per Gcal. The total area of ​​the house is 9000 m2. The meter shows that last month 170 Gcal of thermal energy was received.

The Ivanovs pay (45 m2 / 9000 m2) x 170 Gcal x 1950 rubles/Gcal = 1657.5 rubles.

With apartment meter

If all apartments have individual heating meters, each tenant pays only for the heat consumed. Plus your share for heating common areas (stairs, landings, etc.).

Let's return to the Ivanovs. Tariff - 1950 rub./Gcal, apartment - 45 m2, house - 9000 m2. In addition to the common one, all residents installed individual meters. It took 18 Gcal to heat the stairs and landings - the difference between the readings of the house meter and all apartment meter readings.

The Ivanovs have 0.7 Gcal on their meter. They pay “for themselves” (0.7 Gcal x 1950 rub./Gcal) = 1365 rub., plus “for stairs” (45 m2 / 9000 m2) x 18 Gcal x 1950 rub./Gcal = 175.5 rub. Total - 1450.5 rub.

Why do I pay for heating in the summer?

Heating charges can be charged either only during the heating season (as in the examples above) or all year round.

The same amounts are obtained per year, but the first one is simpler and, most importantly, it is transparent for the recipient of the receipt. The second method is quite complicated and often causes confusion among residents. In this case, all heating costs for the year are added up and divided by twelve.

The Petrovs have the same apartment as the Ivanovs, but the local administration chose the second method, payment during the calendar year. There are no meters.

Let the heating season last 7 months. Divide 7 by 12 to get approximately 0.58. Let's multiply by the number obtained in the first example: 0.58 × 1755 rub. = 1023.75. This is the amount you will have to pay for heating every month throughout the year.

If there is a house or apartment meter, and the fee is calculated in the second way, everything is not so simple. It is not the latest meter readings that are taken into account, but the average monthly heat consumption for the past year (total heat for the entire heating season divided by twelve). Or, if the meter has just been installed, the same “heating standards”.

The result, naturally, never coincides with reality, and at the beginning of the next year it has to be corrected. Therefore, deductions or additional payments appear on receipts - so that the amount that appears on the meter is obtained.

Is it profitable to install meters?

Household meter

According to Law No. 261 “On Energy Saving”, all apartment buildings must have communal meters, except for dilapidated, unsafe ones and those subject to demolition. Previously, an exception was made for houses that spent less than 0.2 Gcal per hour on heating (that is, 144 Gcal per month), but now this clause is no longer valid.

So, if your house is not completely on its last legs, you need to install a common heat meter. There are two news, good and bad.

Good: it really helps to save on heating bills - from 5 to 30%. The total bill for heating the house in which the meter is installed always decreases. If only because you no longer need to pay for heat loss on the way from the boiler room.

The Ivanovs paid “according to the standards” 1,775 rubles. per month, and with a common house meter they pay 1657.5 rubles. Let us assume for simplicity that this figure is constant (although, of course, in practice, each month turns out differently).

It turns out that they save 97.5 rubles. per month - approximately 6%. It's a small thing, but nice.

The bad news: the residents pay for the meter, and this is not a cheap pleasure. It is difficult to even predict the amount that the device itself, installation, and possible replacement of the heating unit will cost - two hundred thousand? half a million? This is not the limit - some complain about “golden” meters costing one and a half to two million.

Costs will be shared among all residents. Not quite equally - in proportion to the size of their apartments. This amount will either be given as a separate line on the housing and communal services receipt, or added to the heating fee. If the house is large, it will quickly pay off. But if the house is small and there are few apartments...

There are 180 apartments in the Ivanovs’ house (even if they are all the same, to make it easier to count). Suppose the meter costs 300 thousand. Then each apartment costs 1,667 rubles.

The Ivanovs save 97.5 rubles monthly, which means they will cover the cost of the meter in 17 months.

The Sidorovs live in a small house with 20 apartments. When they made an amendment to the law “On Energy Saving”, they had to install a meter. The management company settled on 150 thousand, but it’s still 7,500 per apartment.

Even if the Sidorovs save 200 rubles. per month - the meter will pay off only after three years. It’s good if by then it doesn’t need to be repaired - and these are new expenses.

Simply put, in a large house the meter pays for itself quickly, but in a small house it punches a hole in the residents’ budget, promising benefits someday in a bright future.

Pay attention! The meter is useless if the house loses heat - you pay for heating the street. So try to insulate the entrance, install an entrance door with a closer, and tidy up the windows. Ideally, it is good to sheathe the facade of the building with polystyrene foam; this will help save up to 30% of heat energy.

Individual counter

It is possible to switch to apartment meter registration only for the entire house, although the legislation on this matter is not entirely clear. If you want to install a meter, but your neighbors are not particularly interested, contact the management company or the board of the HOA. Couldn't reach an agreement? Organize a general meeting of homeowners and put this issue to a vote.

The house as a whole will continue to pay according to the common house meter. The difference between his readings and the sum of the apartment readings is heating of common areas, they pay for it together.

Some residents will benefit from installing individual meters and some will lose. Those whose apartments are well insulated will pay less. And some of the neighbors - with old radiators and cracked windows - more.

Tidy up the windows. Replace old batteries with new ones with adjustment valves. Place screens made of foil or metal behind the radiators - this way the heat will not escape into the walls. It is also useful to insulate the balcony - it will create an air cushion between the street and the apartment.

An individual meter costs from 2 to 20 thousand rubles. - depending on the type, model, etc. It will pay for itself in a few years, but only if you really don’t waste heat energy.

The Ivanovs, as you remember, eventually acquired an individual counter. It seems that everything is in order with windows and radiators, because they save, as can be seen from the second and third examples, 1657.5 - 1550.5 = 107 rubles. per month.

Not bad, but, let’s say, a meter costs 5,000 rubles. will pay for itself in four years.

An apartment meter will make it possible, by turning off the batteries during a thaw or during a winter holiday, not to pay for heat that you did not use. Well, not counting your share for heating the platforms and stairs, but it’s just tiny.

Pay attention! Unfortunately, according to the law, individual meters cannot be installed in old houses with vertical pipe distribution (many risers, each with one battery). There they would still not pay for themselves - they are not cheap, and they would have to be installed on every radiator.

In new houses, horizontal wiring is usually provided - one heating riser enters the apartment, and all the radiators are powered from it in a ring.

What else can you do?

Sometimes you pay more than you should simply because you are being scammed. For example, they record the same service twice under different names. Or management company pays the heat supplier according to the meter, and demands from residents according to the standards per square meter. The difference is in your pocket. If you manage to catch the crooks by the hand, demand a recount.

Savings in the sauna

If the house is not new or was built without taking into account the climate in the region, then it is advisable to insulate it. For this purpose they are now releasing a lot good materials: both cheap and not very cheap. In any case, thermal insulation of the building, with the installation of normal windows and doors, will significantly reduce the loss of internal heat. The main way to reduce heating costs is to optimize the heat supply system.


The simplest thing you can do is to put it on the heating radiators thermostats (thermostats). Their cost is low, and the return will be a reduction in fuel consumption by 15-20%. Accordingly, the “life” of the boiler will be extended. These are, so to speak, pleasant side effects, the main function of thermostats is to set the temperature required for each room. Now, due to the heat, there will be no need to open the windows, releasing expensive heat onto the street. 101.74% At night, the temperature can be slightly reduced, and this is not even for the purpose of saving, it’s just healthier to sleep - doctors recommend. If there is a room (maybe more than one) in which no one lives, then why maintain + 20-24°C there, + 6-8°C is quite enough.

Balancing valves

Living in a house with more than one floor, you will notice that it is much warmer downstairs than upstairs. To properly heat the second and subsequent floors, turn on the boiler and/or circulation pump at full power. As a result, a normal temperature is established upstairs, slightly above 30°C on the ground floor, and fuel and electricity consumption increases significantly. To eliminate this situation, it is worth setting balancing valves. With their proper installation and adjustment, savings on heating can amount to 30-40%.

This is how just a few simple techniques can help you achieve cost reductions of up to 50-60%. And the amount saved in one heating season is quite capable of recouping the costs of optimizing the heat supply system.

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In winter, heating is the most costly for the family budget. Every year the cost of utilities, electricity, gas and water increases. That's why we decided
offer a number of tips on how you can save on heating your home.

Advice one. Install your own. Such a system, installed on your site, will allow you to fully or partially switch to an autonomous supply and independently meet your electricity and heat needs.

Tip two.“Wrap” in thermal insulation materials. By using high-quality materials for comprehensive insulation of walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, attics, basements and foundations, eliminating cold bridges in structures and insulating windows and doors, heat loss can be reduced by more than 50%, and overall energy consumption by 25%. The use of effective thermal protection will reduce annual energy from 250-350 to 100-150 kW/h per square meter of living space.

Tip three. Install a heat pump. Such a unit uses low-temperature heat from an underground source and transfers it to the heating system of the house. Both soil and groundwater are suitable, but the temperature of this source should never fall below 1 C°. Anything warmer than this mark is suitable for the heat pump to receive it thermal energy, strengthened it and made it work to heat the house. Thanks to this device, up to 75% of the energy needed to heat the house and water can be provided by nature.

Tip four. Install an air heating system. It heats the air inside the duct and allows you to set your own temperature for each room in the house.

Tip five. Install temperature programmers. These devices simultaneously monitor the comfortable temperature in the house and reduce energy consumption by almost half. The principle of their operation is the rational consumption of energy at different periods of time: when you are at home, the heating maintains the desired temperature; when you leave, the programmable controller reduces the temperature in the room to the minimum comfortable.

Tip six. Apply heat-reflecting film to windows. This is an optically transparent material with a special multilayer coating that is installed on the inner surface of the window. The film transmits 80% of visible light, and reflects about 90% of thermal radiation into the room, keeping the room warm in winter and cool in summer.

Advice seventh. Install. This will allow you to save heating costs in those rooms that you do not use and use heating systems more efficiently.

Eighth tip. Very simple. The means of heat conservation can be... ordinary ones. If you plant them around your house, they will help protect your home from cold winds and keep it warm. Trees should be planted at a distance from the walls that is at least twice the height of adult plants. It is clear that when winter is already in full swing, it is impossible to use this advice. But with the onset of spring, planting trees around the house can be not only useful in terms of heat conservation during the winter, but also beneficial for health.

It's getting cold and you've taken out the heaters? We will tell you how to keep your apartment and house warm before the heating season and how to save money when the radiators are hot.

Money loves counting, and heat loves saving. You still have to wait until the heating season; now is the time to think about additional insulation of your home.

Where does the heat go?

The most common heat leaks occur through windows, doors, floors and roofs. These losses cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be minimized.

There are others, for example, losses due to unsuccessful installation of an air conditioner or small cracks in the wall. Unfortunately, only a specialist with a thermal imager can notice them. But they are easy to eliminate.

Maintaining the temperature in the apartment

To minimize the use of the heater before the heating season begins, maintain natural warmth in the apartment:

  • Place carpets on the floor to reduce leakage.
  • Open all the blinds so that daylight enters the apartment and warms the rooms.
  • Minimize heat loss through windows. Cover them with good old foam rubber.

After the start of the heating season, do you still reach for the heater? It's time to think about saving energy and minimizing heat loss in the apartment:

  • Remove batteries from furniture, curtains or decorative grilles.
  • Place special foil behind the battery. This way it will warm the room and not the wall.
  • Adjust balcony doors. The cracks in them can cause serious leaks.
  • Close interior doors. This will prevent the heat from escaping.

Global measures to keep your home warm

  • Insulate the facade of the apartment. The lion's share of your money literally flies through the walls.
  • Replace old windows with new metal-plastic ones.
  • In a private home, pay special attention to the roof and foundation. They need to be insulated along with the walls.
  • Replace interior doors with thicker ones.
  • Install new batteries. Old cast iron ones with a thick layer of paint do not heat well.

How to save money on heating

Install a heat meter in new apartments. In old homes, unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this due to the specific design of the heating system. Then the solution is to install a heat meter on the house. This way they won’t be able to “increase” excess heat on you.

In a private house, it is better to replace the gas boiler with a combined heating system: gas, wood or coal. This way you will save on your gas bills.
