Frontal plane of the body. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

To indicate the position of the human body in space, the location of its parts relative to each other, the concepts of planes and axes are used. It is customary to consider the initial position of the body when a person is standing, legs together, palms facing forward. Chadovek, like other vertebrates, is built on the principle of bilateral (bilateral) symmetry, its body is divided into two halves - right and left. The boundary between them is the median (median) plane,

When the mutual parallelism conditions of the paper machine rolls are not met, many undesirable phenomena such as so-called wrinkling, uneven thickness, and paper cuts occur. To ensure the correct line geometry, it is necessary to perform the required deviations from the axis of the device; deviations are checked again using the previously listed tools. For the correct operation of these devices, it is necessary to correctly set and fix the auxiliary measuring points around the machine, or to fix the measuring axis of the machine, which is parallel to the axis of the machine, just bounced into the free space.

located vertically and oriented from front to back in the sagittal direction (from
Latin sagitta - arrow). This plane is also called the sagittal plane.

The sagittal plane separates the right half of the body (right - dexter) from the left (left - sinister). vertical plane, oriented perpendicular to the sagittal and separating the front of the body (anterior - anterior) from the back (posterior - posterior), is called frontal (from lat. irons - forehead). This plane in its direction corresponds to the plane of the forehead. As synonyms for the terms "anterior" and "posterior" when determining the position of organs, the terms "abdominal" or "ventral" (ventrdlis), "dorsal" or "dorsal" (dorsdlis) can be used, respectively.
The horizontal plane is oriented perpendicular to the two previous ones and separates the lower parts of the body (lower - inferior) from the overlying ones (upper - superior).
These three planes: sagittal, frontal and horizontal - can be drawn through any point of the human body; the number of planes can be arbitrary. According to the planes, directions (axes) can be distinguished that allow the organs to be oriented relative to the position of the body. The vertical axis (vertical - verticalis) is directed along the body of a standing person. Along this axis are the spinal column and the organs lying along it ( spinal cord, thoracic and abdominal parts of the aorta, thoracic duct, esophagus). The vertical axis coincides with the longitudinal axis (longitudindlis), which is also oriented along the human body, regardless of its position in space, or along a limb (leg, arm), or along an organ, the long dimensions of which prevail over others. The frontal (transverse) axis (transverse - transversus, transversdlis) coincides in direction with the frontal plane. This axis is oriented right to left or left to right. Sagittal axis(sagittal - sagittdlis) is located in the anteroposterior direction, like the sagittal plane.

For all geodetic measurements in industry, it is necessary to start with a network of measuring points. In industrial geodesy, points of points of points and heights are not used, but a separate microscope is required. Its points then serve as a geometric base for measurement, layout for assembly work, control measurements and correction. The microscope lengths are relatively short. In general, the microscope can cover an area, for example 60 x 15 m, as long as it refers to the object being measured. The location of the points themselves depends on the size and, in particular, on the severity of the mechanism.

To indicate the position of organs and parts of the body, the following definitions are used, which are included in the list of anatomical terms: medidlis - medial, if the organ (organs) lies closer to the median plane; lateralis - lateral (lateral), if the organ is located further from the median plane; intermedius - intermediate, if the organ lies between two adjacent formations; internus - internal (lying inside) and externus - external (lying outside), when talking about organs located respectively inside, in the body cavity and outside it; profundus - deep (lying deeper) and superficidlis - superficial (located on the surface) to determine the position of organs lying at different depths.

The microscope is independent of its accuracy and orientation at external positions and heights attached to reference systems. In mechanical engineering, more emphasis is placed on geometric notation and continuity of individual parts of the machine than on determining the position in the space of the production hall.

The shape of the base microscope is usually rectangular. Figure 2. Each axis is implemented with at least two points and is regularly added with additional points. The density and number of points of the microsatellite are also not precisely defined. It can vary from two points, when only one axis of the machine is running, to dozens of dozens for more complex machines. When measuring in industry, it is not possible to see and measure all required items from one point of view. Therefore, surveying must frequently correct the meter and reorient it.

Special terms are used to describe the upper and lower limbs. To indicate the beginning of the limb, the part that is closer to the body, use the definition of proximdlis - proximal (closest to the body). The part of the limb remote from the body is called distdlis - distal. Surface upper limb relative to the palm, they are denoted by the term palmdris - palmar or voldris - located on the side of the palm, and lower limb regarding the sole - plantdris - plantar. The edge of the forearm from the side of the radius is called radidlis - radius, and from the side of the ulna - ulndris - ulna. On the lower leg, the edge where the fibula is located is designated fibuldris - fibula, and the opposite edge, where the tibia lies, - tibialis - tibial.

Therefore, it is important that there are enough visible points for any position around the production machine. The specific shape of the microscope and the location of the main points depend on the structural requirements, articulation and geometric definition of the individual pieces of equipment. These points are not only the surveyors used, but also the designers of the production line, who can easily check the correct positioning and continuity of individual parts during the construction or reconstruction of the production machine.

To determine the projection of the boundaries of organs (heart, lungs, pleura, etc.), vertical lines are conventionally drawn on the surface of the body, oriented along the human body. The anterior median line, linea tnedidna anterior, runs along the front surface of the human body, on the border between its right and left halves. Posterior median line, linea medidna posterior, ids! along the spinal column, above the tops of the spinous processes of the vertebrae. Between these two lines on each side, several more lines can be drawn through the anatomical formations on the surface of the body. The sternal line, linea sternlis, goes along the edge of the sternum, the midclavicular line, linea medioclaviculdris, passes through the middle of the clavicle, often coincides with the position of the nipple of the mammary gland, which is why it is also called linea mammildris - the nipple line. The anterior axillary line, linea axillaris anterior, starts from the fold of the same name (plica axillaris anterior) in the axillary fossa and runs along the body. The middle axillary line, linea axillaris media, starts from the deepest point of the axillary fossa, the posterior axillary line, linea axillaris posterior, from the fold of the same name (plica axillaris posterior). The scapular line, linea scapuldris, passes through the lower angle of the scapula, the paravertebral line, linea paravertebral, runs along the spinal column through the costotransverse joints (transverse processes of the vertebrae).

Using common stations, height and position measurement components can no longer be defined separately using theodolites and leveling devices and different point fields. The height is determined trigonometrically, and the positional component is determined by the 3D polar method. The measuring point microscope then provides the surveying with the necessary basis for all measurements.

When creating a microscope, the following cases may occur. Building microscience from existing points means that existing points are used and the microscope is simply destroyed for the purpose of measuring geodetic data. This method is used when the measured object is being gradually mounted.

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The vertical plane passing through the axis of rotation Oz intersects the surface along a curve called the meridian (curves A B, AC), and the plane perpendicular to the axis Oz intersects the surface of revolution along a circle called the parallel. Let us denote by r1 the radius of curvature of the meridian arc (Fig. 7.13, b), and by r2 the radius of curvature of the normal section of the surface perpendicular to the meridian arc. This radius is equal to the segment of the normal between the surface and the axis of rotation. The radii r1, r are functions of the angle p, the angle between the normal and the axis of rotation.

These moments are important for workers who roughly place individual parts of the machine in a future position using stretched silon and plumbing. The main points are fixed and stabilized on the floor of the production hall, but for the vast majority of surveyors it is not enough, and the microsystems must destroy the points stabilized on the walls of the hall due to their gradual inaccessibility. Creation of a new microscope where there is no measured point around the measured object. Rice. 3. The vertical axis of the cylinder is a perpendicular that will represent the axis of the machine being measured.

The vertical plane directly in front of us is called the frontal projection plane. It is denoted by the Latin letter V. At a right angle to it, a projection plane is located horizontally, called the horizontal plane.

The vertical plane m, passing along the line of intersection of the planes i (p /) and i (p /), defines two half-spaces.

However, for geodetic measurements, the axis of the machine must be removed from the object being measured. The axes thus obtained are stabilized by means of points which can be permanently or temporarily stabilized for measurement repeatability. At present, a special general station for industrial measurements, gyroscopic measuring systems and, more recently, laser trackers are used, which greatly speed up the measurement time. In mechanical engineering, all nominal values ​​​​are given in millimeters, and tolerances are on the order of tenths, hundredths of a millimeter.

The vertical plane passing through the axis of the inclined well is called the apsidal plane. In the apsi-far plane lies the zenith angle. A vertical well with an inclination angle of 90 does not have an azimuth. The zenith angle of the vertical well is zero.

Vertical planes are processed on longitudinal planers with through cutters fixed in horizontally located calipers; on cross-planing machines with scoring and through cutters installed at a certain angle to the surface being machined (Fig. 265, b); in addition, vertical planes are processed on slotting machines.

Therefore, measurements measure the accuracy of these devices. Required Components include sturdy tripods with a sliding center point and flats instead of spikes. This type of tripod is more suitable due to the type of floor for measuring in industrial halls and provides sufficient stability for the fixed meter. For sharp tips, these points must be stuck in the floor, which can cause damage; The client doesn't like to see it.

Industrial measurements do not use passive reflection. A large number of polished metal parts are parts of the machine, and it is not clear from which specific part and location the beam was reflected. The accuracy of passive reflection also does not match the accuracy required for engineering measurements. Therefore, reflective prisms or reflective plates with a magnetic pedestal are used, which are placed on the object to be measured.

The vertical plane passing through the axis of the gyroscope will then rotate by an angle dtp.

The vertical plane in which the axis of the well is located or tangent to it at a given point is called apsidal.

The vertical plane in which the axis of the well is located or tangent to it at a given point is called ancHj far. If the azimuth angle remains constant for All intervals, i.e. if the axis of the well is located in the same apsidal plane, the curvature of the well is called flat.

From building pyramids, they differ especially in designs, where they are part of a prism plate for measuring horizontal surfaces and shafts. In addition, sliding gauges or dials are used, but also tape or tape meters.

The use of geodetic measurements using total stations has proven to be good in the paper industry. The measurement itself is simple and fast in terms of overall station maintenance and time requirements for shutting down and restarting the machine.

The vertical plane passing through the tangent to the axis of the well at the measurement point is called the apsidal plane of the well at that measurement point.

The vertical plane passing through the axis of the well and the vertical intersecting at the point A is called the plane of curvature, or the apsidal plane.

Vertical planes containing gentle paths are therefore members of groups of equivalent planes containing breakdown paths, since they change their slope with temperature.

Position measurements are based on the longitudinal axis of the machine or microscope points stabilized around the paper machine. This is a measurement in the horizontal plane, where deviations in the parallelism of the axes of the cylinders are determined, i.e. deviations of perpendicularity from the longitudinal axis of the machine. Height measurements are made at relative height where only measured parts such as cylinders are measured.

Absolute heights are used only occasionally when renovating or building a new machine, where it is necessary to maintain the height of the building structure. Before starting the measurement, it is necessary to allow the meter, tripod and other measuring instruments to be set up. The climatic conditions in the industrial hall are significantly different from conventional geodetic methods. For measurement purposes, it is also necessary to measure the temperature, pressure and humidity of the air, which are then entered into the general station as input to determine the atmospheric correction.
