Long cough in a child without fever Komarovsky. Prolonged cough in a child without fever Komarovsky Long wet cough in a child Komarovsky

Cough in normal and pathological conditions

Dr. Komarovsky talks about a child’s cough primarily as an assistant in the fight against illness, an important immune mechanism, and in addition to this, as a harbinger of infectious and non-infectious diseases. In sputum secreted by the mucous membrane respiratory tract, contain enzymes that suppress pathogens.

Purely mechanical removal of inhaled pathogens along with mucus also plays a role. Therefore, the frequency of coughs in diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract increases, as the need to remove accumulated mucus increases.

Therefore not always the best option there will be a quick elimination of this reaction. Please note: cough is not a separate disease, but a symptom! Among the diseases manifested in this way are:

  • infectious diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, for example, ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, etc.;
  • allergy, bronchial asthma;
  • neoplasms in any organs respiratory system;
  • Komarovsky classifies whooping cough, which has attacks of barking cough in a child, as a known, but thanks to vaccinations, rare infections.

This list can be expanded for a long time, but the main thing you need to understand is that eliminating the cough reflex will not help you cure these diseases. Medicines that affect the cough center in the brain inhibit the manifestation of this reflex, but do not help the body cope with the causes of the disease.

As a result, the cough reflex is suppressed, and mucus continues to accumulate in the lungs, which is quite dangerous.

Healthy children normally cough up to 20 times a day. But if this happens more often, and the attacks are prolonged and painful, take your child to the pediatrician.

Most often, children cough with a viral cold, in which case there is a cough, fever and runny nose. Komarovsky also draws attention to the fact that rhinitis can cause attacks at night, or more precisely, in a lying position, when snot flows down the nasopharynx, interferes with breathing and causes a cough.


Komarovsky believes that the main thing in treating cough in children is not to self-medicate, not to rush to give the child medicine, but to pay attention to the cleanliness and humidity of the air, and also to increase the amount of fluid they drink. Such measures have a thinning effect on sputum, preventing it from drying out.

Before deciding how to treat a child’s cough, Komarovsky suggests paying attention to the properties of medications often used for this task.

The effects of medications can be aimed at:

  • suppression of the cough reflex, which has a control center in the brain;
  • thinning of sputum;
  • activation of ciliated epithelial cells that push mucus upward;
  • stimulation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • decreased sensitivity of the respiratory tract mucosa
  • fight against inflammatory processes.

Types of Medicines Used

There are two main groups used in treatment, the first - removes cough (suppresses the reflex), the second - improves productivity, cleansing of mucus (mucolytics and others).

When are drugs that suppress the cough reflex used?

  • whooping cough, since the cough is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membrane;
  • pleurisy not accompanied by sputum production;
  • tumors in the chest or upper respiratory tract;
  • irritating cough resulting from prolonged exposure to dry, hot air, dust, etc.

As you may have noticed, such remedies are prescribed when there is no sputum, the lungs are clean and the cough is not beneficial.

Self-medication with antitussives can lead to dangerous consequences!

In other cases, Komarovsky recommends not stopping wet and dry coughs, but promoting cleansing processes by reducing the viscosity of mucus and activating bronchial contractions. Among the drugs with such properties, Komarovsky recommends mucaltin, bromhexine, ambroxol.

The commercial names of drugs containing these components are different - see the active ingredient on the package. The dosage of use should be clarified by the doctor depending on the age of the child and the severity of the case.

Also note medicinal herbs, for example, marshmallow root, licorice, almost pine, thyme and others. They have an expectorant effect, which is why they are so popular as components of cough syrups.

The doctor also emphasizes that these drugs, as well as inhalations, have an effect that can be achieved by simply drinking plenty of fluids and humidifying the air. These are the main elements that relieve cough, and ignoring them will negate the effectiveness of any pills and procedures.

Taking mucolytics is justified only when the sputum is too thick and viscous, coughing it up is difficult and causes painful sensations in the chest.

Please note that the simultaneous use of drugs that inhibit the cough reflex and drugs aimed at increasing the amount of mucus and thinning it is unacceptable.

Treatment of infants

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the treatment of cough in infants is significantly different from the treatment of adults. Many drugs are contraindicated for them, for example those affecting the cough center.

The child does not know how to cough, moreover, his muscles are not yet developed enough, and his lung capacity is too small to expel mucus effectively. Sick infant It’s worth showing it to a doctor; a consultation will not be superfluous in any case.

Situations in which emergency medical care is needed:

Along with viral infections, cough in infants can often be caused by a runny nose, as well as teething, which is especially noticeable in the horizontal position of the child’s body. If you have a runny nose, saline solution in your nose will help clear your nasal passages, mucus will not interfere with breathing, and the cough will stop.

And during the period when teeth are cutting through, the gums swell, a lot of saliva is released, and the child literally gags, which is why he clears his throat. Raise your head, place your baby on a higher pillow, this will help wait out the teething time.


As you noticed, the main idea is not to rush to mindlessly stuff a coughing child with medicine, but to work on his living conditions, and thus create the preconditions for a speedy recovery, without interfering with his immune system.

At the same time, the doctor emphasizes that cough can be a symptom of more serious, dangerous diseases.

Therefore, he urges you to trust your pediatricians, because no online consultation can compare with a face-to-face examination.

Thus, it is impossible to cure a cough, but you can cure the disease - the root cause, and the unpleasant the symptom will go away by myself.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about some of the nuances of treating cough in a child in the video attached below.

The appearance of a cough in a child worries not only the baby himself, but also his parents. They immediately begin searching for ways to alleviate their child’s condition and relieve him of unpleasant symptom. Some people prefer to be treated folk remedies, someone with medicines from the pharmacy. In this case, it is worth listening to what the popular doctor Komarovsky thinks about a child’s cough.

Cough as a symptom of a concomitant disease

Do not forget that a lingering cough is only a symptom of a disease. For example, acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. Therefore, first of all, you need to cure the cause and simultaneously relieve the symptoms. In addition, coughing begins when the immune system is active. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body and in many cases it is not necessary to suppress it.

Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that a child’s cough without fever does not need to be eliminated. On the contrary, its effectiveness should be increased. To do this, it is necessary to influence the quantity and quality of sputum through frequent drinking and the appearance of moist, cool air.

Symptom relief

Cough treatment should be approached comprehensively. In addition to eliminating the cause itself, coughing should be achieved, which will significantly alleviate the child’s condition as a whole. This becomes especially relevant when the cough does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by a high temperature.

Indoor air humidification

A dry cough brings much more discomfort to a child than a wet cough. That is why before starting treatment it is necessary to provide the baby with cool and slightly humid air. In addition, it must be clean. This is explained by the fact that the child’s need to breathe purified air increases significantly.

When such conditions are created, the body stops spending energy on independently purifying and heating the air. The activity of the immune system will increase noticeably, and the disease will immediately begin to recede.

Frequent and coughing increases the load on the respiratory tract. It is for this reason that it is worth limiting the baby’s access to irritating factors. Dr. Komarovsky, speaking about cough in children, advises adhering to the following at home:

  • Prevent your child from coming into contact with various foreign odors and substances. For example, try not to use an air freshener in the room where the baby is lying, wash the floors with a product that has a strong smell, etc.;
  • limit your child’s exposure to tobacco smoke if there are smokers in the family;
  • Reduce the number of things that can accumulate dust. This includes toys, books, various items interior;
  • Periodically carry out wet cleaning of the room. Again, you should not vacuum in front of your child for the reason previously stated. You can take him to another room for a while;
  • Maintain constant humidity. For this purpose, you can use a special humidifier, but if it is not available, wet sheets or containers with plain water will do;
  • Keep the room temperature within 18-20 degrees.

The most important thing is to follow these recommendations at night. When a child sleeps, the mucous membranes dry out due to being in a lying position, causing a long cough. If you follow the advice of Dr. Komarovsky’s school, this will be an excellent prevention for your baby from nighttime and lingering coughs during illness.

Providing your child with plenty of fluids

Everyone knows that to prevent dehydration during illness, you should saturate your body with plenty of fluids. Treatment according to Komarovsky involves the constant intake of liquid by the child, heated to approximately body temperature. This is due to the fact that such a drink will be quickly absorbed in the stomach and enter the blood, diluting it.

The list of permitted drinks includes:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • green or black weak tea. You can add a little sugar and fruits or berries;
  • juices;
  • fruit drinks;
  • compote of fresh berries and fruits to which the child is not allergic;
  • ordinary water without gases and any flavoring additives;
  • Regidron.

The last option is the most preferable, however, if the temperature is no more than 38 degrees, then you can limit yourself to what the child asks. In addition to these drinks, you can give your baby watermelon, which is known to be a natural source of large amounts of moisture.

Infants need extra fluids. Mother's milk is not able to fully replenish the lack of fluid. For such children, a rehydration solution, children's teas and plain water without gases or flavorings are suitable.

In addition, you should give your baby more water if a one-year-old child, in addition to coughing, has the following list of symptoms:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • heat;
  • dyspnea;
  • severe dry cough;
  • infrequent urination, in which the urine takes on an unnatural dark shade.

How to treat a child's cough

Purpose medicines- this is the prerogative of doctors, according to Komarovsky. In particular, he is against parents’ independent choice of medications. The exception is whooping cough, in which cough can last for several months, oncological processes in the respiratory tract and pleurisy.

Children as young as 2 years of age begin to experience negative effects on the respiratory system as a result of the use of cough suppressants. Therefore, taking medications must be agreed upon with the pediatrician after examining the child.


There are 2 groups of drugs that can facilitate expectoration of sputum: mucolytics and resorptive-reflex drugs. The principle of their operation is similar to each other. The first group dilutes sputum, and the second acts on the nerve endings of the bronchi, stimulating the release of mucus accumulated in them.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, resorptive and reflex drugs are safer for children, and mucolytics may not even be used if the child has ARVI in mild form and residual wet cough. Otherwise, the drug can even cause harm, and treatment will become unproductive.

Use of folk remedies

The famous pediatrician also offers folk remedies for treating coughs in children. Different methods will be used to treat dry and wet cough after ARVI. For example, for dry and persistent type, compresses are best suited. Treatment is based on increasing blood flow to the site where they are applied. They can also reduce pain and inflammation.

Please note that compresses cannot be used if there are scratches, cuts or other bleeding wounds on the skin.

So, to treat a dry cough in a child, you can use compresses with potatoes. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Boil a couple of potatoes.
  2. Grind them into puree.
  3. Add half a glass of vodka and mix thoroughly.
  4. While the potatoes are still warm, form them into a flat cake.
  5. Then wrap it in cloth and place it on the child’s back, in the area between the shoulder blades.
  6. Dress your baby and wrap him in a blanket.
  7. After 40 minutes, the compress can be removed. The procedure can be performed no more than 2-3 times per day.

If you need to carry out treatment as quickly as possible, then oil compresses are suitable for this purpose:

  1. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a water bath.
  2. Soak a towel in it.
  3. Place it on top of the baby's back.
  4. Cover with parchment paper or a plastic bag, and then wrap with a warm scarf.
  5. The baby should spend at least 2-3 hours with the compress. During this time, the bronchi will warm up sufficiently, and the cough will subside for a short time.

If a strong barking cough occurs, you can use rinses. This is done several times a day, an hour before or an hour after meals. Solutions can relieve inflammation, relieve pain and sufficiently moisturize the airways, eliminating dry cough. You can use the following recipes:

  • a glass of warm water is mixed with ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • A decoction is made from calendula, eucalyptus and sage. To do this, you need to take a couple of glasses of water and a teaspoon of each of the listed plants;
  • a couple of teaspoons of pharmaceutical chamomile are mixed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes.

Keep in mind that an effective remedy must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body. It is strongly recommended to consult a pediatrician before treatment.

Use of mustard plasters

Among cough medicines, there is a method that has been familiar to many since childhood. In addition to improving blood flow, mustard plasters help warm up the bronchi. The use of mustard plasters is acceptable for children from 3 months. You can make them yourself, or you can buy ready-made mustard plasters at the pharmacy.

So, to carry out the wrap you need to do the following:

  1. Mix ½ tablespoon of mustard powder and half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and let it cool until warm so as not to burn the baby's skin.
  3. Soak a towel in the liquid, wring it out and place it on the child’s back for a few minutes. The duration will depend on the age of the baby: for infants - 2 minutes; if you are already 3 years old, the duration increases to 5 minutes; over 7 years old – up to 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the towel and rinse any remaining mustard from your skin.

Please note that this method is not used if there are various wounds, abrasions, pimples and other abnormalities on the skin.

If the cough persists for 5 days or more, be sure to consult a doctor for qualified assistance. medical care and do not get carried away with self-medication.

Preventive measures

Preventing the onset of a disease is much easier than getting rid of the consequences it causes. Try to pay more attention to your child. Especially during the onset of cold weather. Children's immunity more vulnerable than an adult and needs constant support.

To avoid cough caused by various diseases respiratory system, stimulate immune system baby: give vitamins, make sure the child leads active image life and most importantly, add as many vegetables and fruits as possible to your daily diet. As everyone knows, they are natural sources useful substances for the body, the lack of which is very acute during the off-season.

Select a category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods treatment of Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for Sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Dr. Komarovsky has gained wide popularity in the CIS countries thanks to his simple and effective advice on how to raise children healthy, treat their illnesses and educate them. The doctor expressed a competent opinion regarding most of the diseases that modern parents face: colds, coughs, runny nose, various inflammations...

Many people are interested in the question of whether a child has a cough Komarovsky - what does a professional think about the classic treatment regimens for the disease and how best to cope with such a common symptom.

It is better for every parent to know as much as possible about the physiology of their own child in order to understand where diseases come from and how to treat them. Komarovsky tells a lot about cough, including: the causes and mechanism of its occurrence, why cough occurs with adenoids, where does a child’s cough after sleep come from, what signs indicate serious illnesses (in particular, the doctor pays special attention to whooping cough), what treatment for cough Suitable for children of different age categories.

Understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease makes it possible to objectively independently assess the need for certain therapeutic measures:

  • Coughing is a normal reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract. Each of us has coughed at least once due to exhaust fumes on the street or when inhaling dust while cleaning. Children's body it's built exactly the same way. This is why children may cough sometimes. Fine healthy child coughs up to 15-20 times and this does not indicate illness;
  • The cough reflex is quite complex; its implementation involves the endings of the vagus, glossopharyngeal, laryngeal nerve (sensory fibers), as well as the recurrent laryngeal nerve and spinal (cervical 1-4) nerves (motor fibers that move the diaphragm and intercostal muscles) ;
  • Mechanistically, a cough is nothing more than a sharp expulsion of air through an open glottis in a child. The specific sound and effect of a reflex act arise due to the fact that first a deep breath is taken, the glottis closes, and then all possible respiratory and auxiliary muscles are sharply tensed. The air suddenly leaves the lungs;
  • During this act, the bronchi narrow, due to which a strong air flow is able to carry foreign particles and mucous secretions that accumulate on the walls of the bronchi outside the respiratory system;
  • There are dry and moist cough. Both varieties are characterized by the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, but with a dry (non-productive) cough it cannot be eliminated through a reflex act. Sometimes seizures occur for this reason. A wet cough is characterized by the discharge of sputum and is called productive;
  • According to the course of the disease, it is divided into acute (up to 3 weeks), subacute (over 3 weeks) and chronic (lasting more than 3 months). It should be understood that a chronic cough indicates the constant presence of infection in the respiratory tract, destructive processes in the bronchi;
  • In most cases, it appears due to viral infections affecting the upper or lower respiratory tract. Later, the virus may be accompanied by bacterial invasion, which only worsens the condition.

It is necessary to fight a cough and you need to start by determining the cause of its occurrence. By ignoring this sign of illness, you risk causing your child to have complications such as:

  • The occurrence of hernias;
  • Pneumothorax;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Headache;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Vomit;
  • Incontinence.

To describe a cough, Dr. Komarovsky recommends answering the following questions:

  • Has your child been coughing for a long time?
  • What preceded the problem?
  • Was there a whistling or gasping sound during this reflexive act?
  • Are there signs of inflammation in the upper and middle respiratory tract (snot, red throat)?
  • Are there any stomach symptoms?
  • Is the cough associated with any external factors (plant flowering, contact with animals, etc.)?
  • Is the child taking any medications that may cause a cough?

The main task of the doctor is to establish what pathology became the trigger for the appearance of the cough symptom, and the parent is to help with this.

Although the treatment of young children is usually considered according to Komarovsky, the characteristics of respiratory tract diseases in adolescents should not be overlooked. A child’s cough after a sore throat, a child’s cough due to passive smoking (when adults smoke in the house, the baby inhales cigarette smoke), a hormonal imbalance, growth spurts in adolescents, and the possibility of developing their own may attract your attention. bad habits in boys and teenage girls.

How to treat dry cough in a child Komarovsky

The peculiarity of Dr. Komarovsky’s method is that he recommends wisely combining the use of medications and the body’s natural resources. Moreover, Dr. Komarovsky speaks of cough as a symptom, which is often only worsened due to improper treatment or the use of unnecessary medications.

A dry, non-productive cough is caused by the fact that there is not enough discharge or it is very thick, which is why the child is unable to cough it up. Classic treatment regimens suggest the use of mucolytics and expectorants for a speedy recovery.

Famous Ukrainian doctor, main character These are articles of a different opinion. First of all, Komarovsky draws attention to the following facts:

  • The use of mucolytics for children under 2 years of age gives more side effects, than the benefits;
  • This was confirmed in France back in 2010, when a high-profile situation arose: after treating small children with mucolytics, the latter developed serious complications. After this, doctors banned the use of these drugs to treat children under two years of age;
  • Later, the Italians came to the same conclusion, banning drugs based on bromhexine, acetyl- and carbocysteine, ambroxol and several other common active ingredients (sobrerol, erdostein, neltenexin, telmestein) for the treatment of children of this age;
  • In our country, such drugs are sold without a prescription, and television advertising constantly convinces people that they are necessary;
  • To date, there is no convincing evidence that mucolytics help better than drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the nose and gargling, humidifying and cooling the air. Dr. Komarovsky notes that mucolytics are drugs of unproven effectiveness, and the course of the disease depends only on the conditions in which the child is;
  • In many cases, the initial illness is not serious, but symptoms intensify due to the use of mucolytics. The doctor thinks that the disease is progressing, he prescribes other drugs, including hormones and antibiotics, although there is no reason for this.

Dr. Komarovsky insists: a non-productive cough in a baby under 2 years old cannot under any circumstances be treated with a mucolytic. In older children, this is also not necessary, since the effectiveness of the drugs has not been proven.

There is no better remedy for cough in children than moist air, airing the room, drinking plenty of fluids and walking (if there is no fever or feeling unwell). Drug therapy It is only required in case of bacterial inflammation, when the situation is really serious.

Komarovsky also describes the causes of a child’s night cough as a consequence of insufficient humidity in the room, high temperature in the room (above 20-21 degrees). If a child is absolutely healthy, but coughs at night, it means that external conditions are not good enough for his respiratory system. If the baby has signs of illness (pain, fever, etc.), you need to contact your pediatrician for help and still improve the conditions in which the child is located as much as possible.

Wet cough - treatment according to Komarovsky

A wet cough is a natural continuation of a dry cough, which indicates the path to recovery. Usually at this stage, doctors prescribe expectorants, which worsen the cough and increase the amount of sputum.

The need for these medications has been proven only in cases of bronchitis and pneumonia, but their treatment is carried out exclusively by doctors. You cannot treat bronchitis or pneumonia in a child on your own.

In all other cases, you should get rid of sputum classical methods: humid air in the room and temperature 16-20 degrees, rinsing the nose and gargling, drinking plenty of warm drinks. If your child is feeling well, quiet walks will be beneficial for him.

In some cases, it may be justified to use badger fat for children's coughs, mustard in children's socks. Read the rules for performing these manipulations so as not to harm the child.

Coughing during sleep can also disturb an already recovering child. You should not use antitussives on your own. They are prescribed in exceptional situations and only a pediatrician does this. If your baby coughs at night, provide good ventilation and high humidity in the room. Before bedtime, give your child milk and honey, offer inhalation with essential oils. It's useful, inexpensive and definitely won't do any harm.

How to treat a lingering cough in a child Komarovsky

Persistent cough is a vague term that usually describes a symptom that lasts more than 3 weeks.

Depending on the examination data obtained, your pediatrician or ENT specialist will choose the appropriate treatment tactics.

How to treat residual cough in a child Komarovsky

After a respiratory tract illness, the symptom of cough may remain for some time. The child is already healthy, eager to go to kindergarten or study, and active. What to do?

How to treat residual cough in a child Komarovsky says: no way. Hydration, drinking, nasal rinsing and gargling, walking, fresh air. All this will help the symptom disappear faster.

But if the baby sits in a hot, stuffy room with dry air because of the obsessions of his parents and grandparents (“He still has a cough, where should he go for a walk!”), then the cough will not go away.

And finally, some advice from a doctor on cough treatment:

  • Almost all cough remedies are either mucolytics, expectorants, or antitussives. They are indicated only in a limited number of cases and this can only be decided by a pediatrician. These include acute bronchitis and pneumonia. In other situations, they will only aggravate the illness and confuse the symptoms of the disease;
  • In most cases, a child's cough occurs when there is an infection in the nose or throat. Do not give mucolytics or expectorants. They will only increase the amount of mucus and worsen the situation;
  • Expectorants help only if there is wet sputum. Otherwise, they intensify the unproductive tearing cough. On the other hand, if the child drinks a lot and the air in the room is moist and cool, then the sputum itself will go away just fine without medication;
  • Obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia are common complications due to the use of mucolytics and expectorants. The amount of mucus and the urge to cough are growing, but the child is simply unable to due to insufficient physical development cough up Sputum accumulates in the bronchi and lower parts of the lungs;
  • Don't believe product advertisements on TV. The best means: warm clothes for the child, room temperature 16-20 degrees, rinsing the nose and gargling, humidifying the air, lots of warm drinks, walks (if health allows).

No need to heal the child! Be prudent and appropriate when treating any disease.

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Select a category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Treatments for Sinusitis Treatments for cough Treatments for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
A cough without fever in a child, according to Komarovsky, in most cases indicates the presence of an allergy or infection in the respiratory tract. The appearance of this symptom in a baby greatly worries his parents. Many people are confused by the fact that there is a cough without fever, runny nose or any other symptoms. Dr. Komarovsky advises not to wait for more severe symptoms to appear, but to visit a doctor who can identify the cause of the symptom.

There are many reasons for dry or wet cough in children:

  1. A dry cough in a child without fever or snot may indicate an allergy. It is provoked by: pollen, dust, food, clothing material, etc. The cause of such a cough can also be too dry air in the room. Few parents know what humidity is in their apartment and do not care about maintaining it at an optimal level.
  2. With ARVI, a slight cough and snot are often observed in a child.
  3. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in initial stage accompanied by a dry cough and slight rhinitis without fever. This could be bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.
  4. A dry cough without fever and runny nose can be caused by reflux disease of the esophagus: gastric juice is thrown into the organs of the respiratory system and has an irritating effect.
  5. The initial stage of tuberculosis.

First aid for severe cough

To relieve a child’s cough without fever, Komarovsky recommends the following:

  1. Check the condition of the blood by the nature of the mucous discharge from the nose: if it is liquid, then the blood is normal; if the snot is thick, then the consistency of the blood is thicker - then it is necessary to thin it. This can be ensured by drinking plenty of warm drinks: compotes, milk, fruit drinks, teas.
  2. Parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to walk with their child when they have a cough. Dr. Komarovsky always says that if a child feels fine and does not have a temperature, there is no need to limit walks in the fresh air, because it is very beneficial for the body.
  3. The level of air humidity in the room should be controlled. In order to increase it, in winter you can place a basin of water near the heating radiators. In summer, you can hang wet towels and change them as they dry. Of course, it is best to get a special humidifier, which will quickly and without unnecessary manipulations increase the humidity to optimal levels of 45-70%.
  4. The air temperature in the house should not be too cold so that the baby does not freeze.
  5. Regularly carry out wet cleaning and wipe off dust from furniture.
  6. The baby should be protected from tobacco smoke or foreign chemical odors.

It is better not to give cough medications without a doctor’s prescription, otherwise the condition may worsen. Different kinds coughs require individual treatment. For example, you should never mix mucolytic and expectorant drugs, otherwise the bronchi will become clogged with mucus, which will not be able to clear. If you have a wet cough, it is not recommended to suppress it; sputum should come out of the respiratory tract freely.

Cough in infants

Sometimes a cough may appear in newborns after waking up. Komarovsky advises not to attach much importance to this symptom - this is how the lungs are freed from phlegm that has accumulated overnight.

You need to be wary if the cough is regular, severe or paroxysmal.

A barking cough in a child without fever is sometimes a sign of whooping cough. Put your ear to the baby's chest and listen to how he coughs; if a characteristic hum appears during an attack, this confirms the disease. But only a doctor should make a final diagnosis.

Komarovsky also says that a cough in an infant without fever often appears due to allergic reaction. In this case, it is important to quickly identify the allergen and prevent the baby from coming into contact with it.

More often than older children, infants suffer from reflux disease of the esophagus, when gastric juice is thrown into the respiratory tract and provokes a symptom.

The cause of a dry cough without other symptoms can be dust, the filling of a pillow, a favorite soft toy or blanket.

Treatment of dry cough

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication. To get rid of a dry cough, expectorants and antitussives are prescribed. Expectorants transform a nonproductive cough into a wet one and promote the release of mucus from the bronchi. These include:

  • Stoptussin Fito,
  • Lazolvan,
  • Ambroxol.

Antitussive medications should not be taken on your own without your doctor's permission. These drugs are prescribed only in as a last resort for certain diagnoses, for example, with a strong barking cough, which is caused by whooping cough, oncology or allergies. Diseases in which mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract are not treated with antitussives, as they will interfere with the natural release of secretions, and this will significantly worsen the child’s condition.

Komarovsky categorically does not recommend giving antitussives to children under 2 years of age, since at this age they can have a depressing effect on the respiratory center.

A well-known pediatrician does not recommend treating a coughing baby with homeopathic medicines, since their effectiveness has not been proven.

To cure an allergic cough in a child, doctors always prescribe antihistamines, For example:

  • Suprastin,
  • Eden,
  • Loratadine.

Komarovsky recommends mitigating dry coughs in children using the following methods:

  • warm milk with soda, honey or figs;
  • weak tea with raspberries;
  • inhalations with saline solution;
  • warm compresses;
  • warming rubs chest and back (in the absence of fever).

With a runny nose and cough, the mucus that flows down the back wall of the throat in children is often an irritating factor. These manifestations occur especially strongly at night. When a child lies down, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx and irritates the throat. As a result, the cough becomes more frequent and prevents the baby from sleeping. Therefore, it is important to clean your nose well before going to bed and drip it with the recommended drug.

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to bathe a child with a runny nose. Dr. Komarovsky believes that if the baby feels well, then it is possible. The main thing is that the water temperature is comfortable – 30-33ºC.

Treatment of wet cough

The following diseases can cause a wet cough without fever:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • tuberculosis.

According to Komarovsky, a wet cough in a child without fever generally does not require drug treatment. If the cause is a common cold and the baby is not tormented by other symptoms, then all therapy can be reduced to drinking plenty of fluids and ensuring optimal air humidity.

A well-known pediatrician categorically does not recommend treating a wet cough in a child with expectorants and antitussives. The former will only increase the volume of expectorated sputum and lead to increased coughing. The latter will ensure that the mucus, which is a mass of dead and weakened bacteria, will not come out and will lead to complications.

If a child has bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis or other diseases of the respiratory system, with a wet residual cough, mucolytics are prescribed, which accelerate the liquefaction and removal of sputum. These include:

  • Ambroxol,
  • Ambrobene,
  • Mukolwan,
  • Bromhexine.

It happens that cough for a long time does not go away, despite the fact that the parents follow all the doctor’s recommendations. If your child has a persistent cough, you should contact your doctor again. medical institution. Perhaps the diagnosis was made incorrectly or the prescribed drug does not give the desired effect, then the doctor will replace it with another one.

A child’s cough worries not only the baby, but also his parents, who strive to help their son or daughter in every possible way. Some are starting to use folk recipes on the advice of relatives, others go to the pharmacy to buy syrup, while others take inhalations. Let's figure out whose actions are correct in the opinion of a specialist, and how the popular pediatrician Komarovsky advises treating a cough.

Before giving your child any medications, be sure to consult your pediatrician. Symptomatic treatment

First of all, when a child of any age coughs, Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that this is just a symptom of some disease affecting the respiratory tract. In addition, this symptom is protective, so in most cases it should not be suppressed.

A popular doctor calls ARVI the main cause of cough in childhood. And therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases of cough in a child, eliminating its cause, according to Komarovsky, is impossible. But there is no need to leave the child without help, so a well-known pediatrician advises symptomatic treatment.

Wherein He calls the main principle of such cough treatment not eliminating the symptom itself, but increasing the effectiveness of the cough. This can be achieved by influencing the quantity and quality of sputum using:

  1. Humid and cool air.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids.

For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Humidify and purify the air

Komarovsky calls providing the child with moist and cool air one of the most important tasks of parents. This will reduce the load on the baby’s respiratory tract and also prevent drying out of the mucous membranes.

If you optimize the conditions in which the child is located, his body will not waste effort on processing the air (heating, cleaning and humidifying it), but will focus on developing antiviral immunity.

In addition to temperature and humidity, the popular doctor draws attention to the need for clean air in the room where the coughing child is. Komarovsky notes that Children's need for clean air when coughing increases several times. This is primarily due to nasal congestion during acute respiratory infections and reduced activity of the epithelium in the respiratory tract. When dust enters the respiratory tract, it leads to poor ventilation and additional mucus production.

Komarovsky advises:

  • Reduce the number of possible dust accumulations in the room, for example, hide books behind glass, put toys in boxes, take out carpets.
  • Avoid child contact with foreign odors and substances, for example, do not use deodorants and perfumes indoors, do not wash the floor with chlorine, and do not spray insect repellent spray.
  • Avoid exposing your child to tobacco smoke.
  • Carry out frequent wet cleaning. A well-known pediatrician does not recommend vacuuming a room with a sick child, and if a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, the child should be sent to another room while the room is being cleaned.
  • Maintain the room temperature at +18 degrees.
  • Maintain indoor humidity at 60-70%. Optimal choice will use a humidifier, but if there is no such device in the family, Komarovsky recommends using containers with water and wet sheets.

It is especially important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels at night. This will prevent night coughs caused by dry mucous membranes and staying in a lying position, as well as coughs after sleep.

Air humidifiers will help maintain an optimal level of humidity in the children's room Let the child drink more

According to Komarovsky, drinking plenty of fluids is irreplaceable for a child with a cough. It will maintain and restore the properties of sputum by influencing blood rheology, that is, first drinking will make the blood more liquid, which will increase blood circulation in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and improve their ability to form normal mucus. In addition, the child's body spends a lot of fluid with increased temperature and rapid breathing, which also necessitates frequent drinking.

To ensure that the liquid you drink is absorbed faster, Komarovsky advises giving any drink heated to approximately body temperature. In this case, the liquid will be immediately absorbed in the stomach and enter the blood.

As for the drinks themselves, you can give your child:

  • Rehydration solutions.
  • Not a strong tea, maybe with sugar and safe fruit.
  • Dried fruits compote.
  • Raisin infusion (infuse a tablespoon of raisins with 200 ml of water for 30-40 minutes).
  • Compote of berries and fruits that the child tried before illness.
  • Fruit drink or juice.
  • Still mineral water with a neutral taste.
  • Watermelon.

Komarovsky calls rehydration solutions the best choice of drink, however, with a body temperature of up to +38°C, sufficient air humidification and no breathing problems, you can be guided by the child’s wishes.

A popular doctor advises that infants with a cough should be given something to drink in addition to breastfeeding, since human milk does not cover pathological fluid losses. IN early age The baby can be given a rehydration solution, children's tea, still mineral water and raisin decoction.

You need to give your baby more water if:

  • The air in the room is dry and warm.
  • The child's body temperature is high.
  • Urination is rare, and the urine itself is darker than usual.
  • There is severe shortness of breath and a dry cough.
  • The skin and mucous membranes are dry.

With a slight deterioration in the condition, low temperature, as well as access to cool and moist air, Komarovsky calls the child’s thirst the main criterion for the frequency of drinking. At the same time, you need to offer a drink very often and whenever possible. Supporting the drinking regime is also important in cases where the child has a prolonged and residual cough.

Drug treatment

Komarovsky calls the prescribing of any medications for children with cough the prerogative of the doctor. This is especially true for coughs in infants.


Since coughing is a necessary protective reflex, in most cases such medications are not needed. Komarovsky calls their use justified for whooping cough, when the child is tormented by coughing until he vomits. Also, medications that suppress the cough reflex are needed for pleurisy, oncological process in the respiratory tract and with irritating cough caused by factors affecting nerve endings.

Komarovsky is categorically against parents independently prescribing antitussive medications to their children. He reminds that Some drugs in this group are narcotic and can cause addiction. In addition, many antitussives can also depress the respiratory center, which is especially dangerous in children under 2 years of age. So these drugs can be used in children over 2 years of age only when indicated and after being prescribed by a pediatrician.


The main purpose of using such medications is called by a popular pediatrician to cleanse the respiratory tract of phlegm. It is very dangerous, according to Komarovsky, to combine such medications with antitussives, because in such cases the sputum accumulated in the lungs will not be coughed up.

A well-known doctor divides all expectorants according to their mode of action into resorptive (they are absorbed in the stomach and released in the bronchi, affecting mucus) and reflex (they activate nerve endings in the stomach and affect the muscles of the bronchi and mucus production).

Majority modern drugs refers to drugs with reflex action. Komarovsky emphasizes that they are safe for children, but their effectiveness has not been proven, and the nature of the cough is more influenced by the conditions in which the child is located than by any expectorant medications.


Such drugs affect the sputum itself, changing its rheology. Komarovsky names ambroxol, bromhexine, carbocysteine, acetylcysteine ​​and guaifenesin among the drugs in this group. A well-known doctor notes that it is advisable to use such drugs in the presence of viscous, thick sputum. If a child has a mild version of ARVI and has a wet cough, according to Komarovsky, mucolytics are not needed and may even worsen the cough. In addition, the effect of such drugs will be ineffective if the rheology of the blood is not additionally influenced by drinking plenty of fluids.

It is unlikely that there is at least one mother today who has not heard of Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky. His methods of treating and preventing diseases in children of different ages are the most popular in the arsenal of thousands of parents.

School of Doctor Komarovsky

“Doctor Komarovsky’s School” is a media project that was born in 2010, and quickly won ratings among viewers not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also far abroad. In a broad sense, the “Komarovsky school” is a technique, adherence to the principles of which makes it possible to raise a healthy child without the use of medications in places where it is possible to do without them.

Doctor Komarovsky first appeared on television screens back in 1992. At that time there was an outbreak of diphtheria, and the pediatrician was invited to explain in detail to the public the dangers of such a disease. Since then, the doctor has been repeatedly invited as an expert in various programs, which as a result grew into the idea of ​​​​creating the author’s project “Schools”.

Why did Evgeniy Olegovich make such a decision? According to him, parents and grandparents trust the guy on TV more than the average pediatrician, even if he has an academic degree. One way or another, since the advent of Doctor Komarovsky’s School, many fathers and mothers have really begun to approach the system of treatment and hardening of their children more carefully. A popular pediatrician teaches parents in an accessible way to use common sense in different situations. Including in the treatment of cough.

Cough with fever in a child

A child's cough is always a cause of concern for parents. Komarovsky emphasizes that this is just a symptom of a respiratory tract disease. If it occurs with fever, then it is not allergic, but infectious in nature (which, however, does not exclude the opposite: hyperthermia is not always observed during infection).

A cough is the body's reaction to a viral or bacterial irritant. When pathogenic microbes enter the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the body tries to cleanse itself of them by producing more mucus. This phlegm must be removed. This is how a cough occurs. The main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out and stopping the cough reflex. The first task is accomplished by moist air and drinking plenty of fluids; the second task is accomplished by the absence of cough suppressants in the arsenal.

When coughing with fever, parents are frightened by the unknown: what is its cause? Cough with fever in 90% of cases is viral in nature. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Excessive mucus is produced when:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Almost any acute respiratory infection is accompanied by a cough reflex. The cough can be dry (unproductive) or wet (productive). Treatment in each case is different and is aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist, and parents must take measures to create favorable conditions, in which the body will fight infection: moist, cool air and drinking plenty of fluids.

Self-medication for cough with fever is unacceptable. The doctor must determine which parts of the respiratory system are affected. The upper respiratory tract cannot be treated with expectorants, and bronchitis and pneumonia require specific treatment, depending on the pathogen and the severity of the process.

Cough without fever in a child

A child's cough without fever may be of an allergic nature or infectious. The problem is not the cough itself, but what causes it. It will pass when the reason for its appearance disappears:

  • Acute respiratory infections - they are not always accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract - for example, with an adenoid, mucus constantly flows down the back wall of the larynx and causes a cough reflex;
  • allergies are one of the most common reasons, in which there is both mild coughing and obstruction;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - stomach contents are thrown into the esophagus and enter the respiratory tract, causing irritation and coughing;
  • Whooping cough is a serious childhood infection that is dangerous for babies.

Sometimes the cause of a cough without fever is an unfavorable microclimate in the room. For example, if the air in the room is too dry or very dusty.

Treatment of cough using the Komarovsky method

Parents make a huge mistake when, in case of any coughing, they decide to “stuff” their child with antitussives or expectorants. Komarovsky says that not a single sane parent abroad would think of buying an arsenal pharmaceuticals without first consulting a doctor. Treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract is carried out using different means and methods.

The main mistakes that parents make when children cough:

  • give yourself antitussives - drugs that suppress the cough center are permissible only for whooping cough and under the supervision of a specialist;
  • self-prescribe expectorants - the harm from such self-medication is less than from antitussives, but has its own nuances. For example, if given to a child with a dry, nonproductive cough expectorant, this will only intensify the attacks;
  • independently give the child antitussives and mucoltics with expectorants at the same time - this is extremely dangerous, since these drugs have mutually exclusive effects: some provoke copious discharge mucus, while others block its removal;
  • close all the windows in the apartment and dress the child warmly - this creates conditions for even greater viscosity of the mucus;
  • They put the baby in bed and put mustard plasters on - this thereby provokes a deterioration in the removal of sputum.

Komarovsky draws the attention of parents: with any cough, there is time to see a doctor. And only after his recommendations can you begin treatment.

Your home medicine cabinet may contain relatively harmless sputum thinners (mucaltin, anise drops, ambroxol), but it is advisable to use them after consultation with a specialist. The main task of parents is to give the child something to drink, humidify and ventilate the room. If you don't have a fever, you can and should take a walk when you cough. Fresh air plays a major role in treatment. And there are much fewer diseases for which you cannot go for a walk than for which you need to go for a walk.

Dr. Komarovsky’s main advice: for any illness, it is important to give your child water. The viscosity of blood and mucus depends on the amount you drink. The less moisture, the thicker the phlegm. Normally, if a child drinks a normal amount of fluid, he pees on average once every three hours. A smaller amount indicates insufficient drinking regime. This raises the question: what can you give your child to drink? Tea, compote, water or any drink that the baby agrees to drink will do. In this case, the principle applies: it is better to drink at least something than not to drink at all.

Komarovsky’s second main advice: a favorable indoor microclimate. The child should breathe fresh, clean, cool air. Do not forget about moisturizing the mucous membranes with regular saline solution.

Third tip: do not self-medicate. Any medications are prescribed only after diagnosis by a specialist.

Why is it so important to give your child something to drink? First of all, because with any respiratory viral infection, a person loses great amount liquids. Firstly, because the temperature is high, and secondly, because there is shortness of breath, the child sweats, he humidifies the inhaled air all the time, in addition to this, the nose is often stuffy, you have to breathe through the mouth, this additionally leads to drying out of the mucous membranes.

Scientists have long proven that the viscosity of mucus and the viscosity of blood are directly related. And if the blood is thick, the mucus is thick; if the blood is thin, the mucus is thin. If a child does not drink and the blood thickens, then mucus thickens everywhere, and there is snot in the nose and phlegm in the lungs. And when thick phlegm accumulates in the lungs, it is in the bronchi main reason complications. Thick mucus has accumulated in the bronchi - this is bronchitis or pneumonia. How to prevent this? How to prevent blood clotting?

One of the main rules is to reduce fluid loss by making the air cool and humid. But the second rule that must be followed is to give the child something to drink. And here we have the main questions.
What to drink? How much to drink? How to give water if you don’t want to drink? Let's talk about all this one by one.

How much fluid should a sick child drink per day?

In fact, the amount of liquid a child needs to drink depends on such factors - first of all, how high is the temperature, how often does he breathe, what is the temperature and humidity of the room? The more actively a child loses fluid, the more fluid he needs to drink, so it is impossible to determine exactly how much is needed. But there is a main rule - we need to prevent blood from thickening.

There are very convenient symptoms that you can use to navigate. The most basic symptom is that the child must pee at least once every 3 hours. If he pees once every 3 hours, then you are giving him enough water. If he pees rarely, if he has a dry tongue, then this is a reason to drink, drink and drink.

What's better to drink? Hot water or room temperature?

You should know that liquid will begin to be absorbed from the stomach into the blood when the temperature of the liquid is equal to the temperature of the blood; if a child drinks a liquid at room temperature, it will begin to be absorbed when it warms up to body temperature. Hence the elementary rule - that the liquid used for drinking should be the same as the body temperature. Of course, there is no need to measure with an accuracy of 36.6, plus or minus 3-4 degrees is not important, but it is optimal that the temperature of such a liquid is 32-39 degrees, this is ideal and this means the liquid will be absorbed from the liquid as quickly as possible gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true when the child has attempted vomiting and nausea.

We need to reduce the time the liquid remains in the stomach. Remember, the temperature of the liquid used for drinking must be equal to body temperature, this is very important.

How to treat a cough according to Dr. Komarovsky

Every person, perhaps, at least once in his life has encountered such a problem as a cough. Despite the fact that this is a natural reaction of the body, you should not ignore the symptom.

  • How to treat a cough according to Dr. Komarovsky
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Living conditions
  • Medicines
  • How to treat a dry cough in a child: Komarovsky and other views on the problem
  • Cough - what is it?
  • Causes of cough according to Komarovsky
  • Treatment methods
  • Advice from Dr. Komarovsky
  • How to relieve the condition
  • Prevention
  • How to treat children's cough: advice from Dr. Komarovsky
  • Determining the cause
  • What is it?
  • How does it manifest?
  • Basic healing techniques
  • How to treat children's cough at home, Dr. Komarovsky
  • The child has a dry cough without fever
  • How to treat a child's cough. Types of cough
  • Cough medicine for children
  • Treatment of children's cough: advice from Dr. Komarovsky
  • Related posts:
  • Treatment of dry cough according to Komarovsky
  • Classification of dry cough in children
  • Causes
  • How to treat dry cough?
  • We recommend reading

How and what to treat cough according to Dr. Komarovsky most effectively?

A pediatrician from Kharkov has his own professional opinion on this matter.

It is worth understanding that a cough is not a disease, but only its manifestation. No self-respecting specialist will prescribe cough medicine to a patient without understanding the causes of its occurrence. However, few people go to doctors with complaints about such a symptom: most people prefer to deal with the problem on their own. Today, the choice of pharmaceutical products that promise to combat coughs in a short time is very rich. However, by eliminating a symptom, you will not get rid of the very cause of its occurrence.

And, most likely, after some time the cough will return again. How does Dr. Komarovsky suggest treating a cough? First of all, he recommends getting to the root cause of the symptom. Cough can be associated not only with inflammation of the respiratory tract, but also with heart disease, as well as nervous system. This is due to disruption of the cough center, located directly in the brain, or stagnation of blood in the lungs, which causes the volume of sputum in them to increase. Thus, we can conclude that cough is a symptom of a wide variety of diseases. The most common causes of its development are:

  • Viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections (acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • Allergic diseases of infectious and non-infectious nature (bronchial asthma and others);
  • Tumors localized in the respiratory tract;
  • Chemical damage to the bronchi (inhalation of paint or gasoline);
  • Whooping cough.

Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that, first of all, one should not ask the question of how to treat a cough, but what caused its appearance. By acting directly on the original source of the problem, you will not only get rid of the unpleasant symptom, but also prevent the occurrence of complications.

Perhaps the easiest way to get rid of a cough is to influence the cough center. Potent drugs that contain codeine are active in this direction. However, these medications cannot be purchased without a doctor’s prescription. What else does Dr. Komarovsky suggest to treat cough? Instead of drugs that contain codeine, the doctor recommends using more harmless and safe drugs that are suitable for both children and adults. However, cough treatment is not limited to just taking medications.

Living conditions

If you have a severe cough, whether dry or wet, you should drink plenty of fluids and, if possible, warm ones. Thus, the sputum is liquefied, which means it leaves the lungs easier and faster. To achieve the same goal, it is recommended to periodically ventilate the room in which the patient is located. Don't forget to monitor the air humidity: dry air irritates your throat even more. According to Dr. Komarovsky, daily walks in the fresh air are also useful to reduce coughing attacks, but only if the patient does not have a high body temperature.


How does Dr. Komarovsky suggest patients with this problem to treat cough? There are several groups of drugs that act directly on the cough center:

  • Expectorants or mucolytics that increase the volume of sputum;
  • Antitussive medications that relieve coughing attacks.

However, it is worth remembering that frequent changes of drugs and their use for other purposes are not only pointless, but also quite dangerous occupation. Dr. Komarovsky focuses special attention on the treatment of cough in infants. In this case, you should absolutely not use mucolytics, as they are dangerous to the health of children under 2 years of age.

In the following video, Dr. Komarovsky explains the most effective means for treating cough:

An alternative to potent drugs that are safe for use in both children and adults for cough is mucaltin, ammonia-anise drops bromhexine and ambroxol. In the early stages of cough development, they can be very effective, but it is better to check the dosage of a particular drug with a qualified specialist.

Find out more on the topic

  • How to treat a wet cough Doctors distinguish two types of cough - dry and wet. The latter, according to doctors, is more productive. Many of us know how...
  • How to treat a cough in a baby With the arrival of cold weather comes a period of colds, especially among young children. Newborn babies are especially susceptible to colds. How and with what to treat...
  • How to treat a cough A cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritants that enter the mucous membrane of the throat. There are two types of cough - wet and...
  • How to treat a dry cough As you know, a cough is the body’s reaction to an irritant. A severe dry cough requires a special approach to treatment. How and with what...
  • How to treat barking cough Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, but it is not always advisable. A paroxysmal cough can only bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient...


How to treat a dry cough in a child: Komarovsky and other views on the problem

The child coughed - it couldn’t be worse! A continuous cough torments our beloved child - the whole family has no peace! You think to yourself: “It would be better if I got sick a hundred times...” Is this a familiar picture? There is a way out of this situation. Dr. Komarovsky, famous on the Internet, gives advice on treating dry cough in a child. His recommendations are given in this article.

Cough - what is it?

What is a cough? This is an important mechanism of the body that contributes to the normal functioning of the respiratory system. The mucous membrane of our bronchi constantly produces a certain substance. It includes necessary components, which in turn allow you to maintain the elasticity of fabrics.

Dust entering the respiratory system is absorbed by sputum. Komarovsky notes that it is this sputum that is the body’s main fighter against infections that enter the child’s body along with inhaled dust. It also contains antimicrobial substances:

Komarovsky also draws attention to the following nuance. Sputum has certain physical and chemical properties: viscosity and density. In medical language, this is the rheology of sputum. It is logical to assume: if the mucus has abnormal rheology, then it will not be able to perform its functions in full.

Now regarding dry cough. A dry cough occurs at the beginning of inflammation of the mucous membranes, when there is still no mucus in the bronchi. This is the stage in the development of the disease when the infection causes irritation in the respiratory tract.

If there is a cough, the body cannot cope with it on its own. He needs help!

Causes of cough according to Komarovsky

A dry cough, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is most often not accompanied by a runny nose or fever. Attacks of dry cough last a long time and exhaust the child’s body.

Important! Attacks of dry cough worsen at night due to the peculiarities of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, you need to act directly on the cough center.

It should be remembered that cough is only a symptom of the disease. To overcome a cough, you must first determine the cause of its occurrence. If you self-medicate and suppress only the symptoms, the disease will soon return. Komarovsky claims that by promptly influencing the very cause of the cough, you can get rid of not only the irritating symptom, but also all sorts of complications of the disease.

A dry cough can be not only a symptom of respiratory tract diseases, but also a harbinger of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The most common causes of dry nonproductive cough:

  • viral infections
  • bacterial infections
  • mixed type infections (viral-bacterial etiology)
  • allergens
  • localized tumors in the respiratory tract
  • bronchial lesions chemicals(gasoline, glue, paints)

There are many causes of dry cough. The most important thing is to choose effective treatment.

Treatment methods

What treatment method does Dr. Komarovsky recommend? The simplest treatment for dry cough is a targeted effect on the cough center. Medicines will come to the rescue, active substance which is codeine. These drugs should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Komarovsky claims that not only codeine will help save a child from the disease. It is quite possible to get by with more gentle means that alleviate attacks of unproductive cough.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide variety of antitussives:

  • expectorants (mucolytic), which act to increase the volume of sputum
  • drugs that have an antitussive effect and stop coughing attacks

Important to remember! Frequent use other than as directed by a specialist can lead to complications of the disease. Mucolytic agents should not be used in children under 2 years of age. This is dangerous for their health.

For children, it is better to use safer drugs. Komarovsky lists these as:

  • Mukaltin
  • Ammonia-anise drops
  • Bromhexine
  • Ambroxol

The treatment algorithm is selected only by the doctor. If the cause of a dry cough is diagnosed correctly, then getting rid of it will be much faster.

According to Komarovsky, the presence of moist air in the room is a necessary condition for the successful and rapid recovery of a child. The composition of the air directly affects the quantity and quality of sputum produced. Conversely, dry air, according to Dr. Komarovsky, contains a lot of dust and harmful elements that contribute to the increase in coughing attacks.

Hence the conclusion. Ventilate, ventilate and ventilate again! In the room where a sick child is located, the air should always be cool and humid. Temperature no more than 18°C, humidity – 50%. You can achieve the desired humidity using a humidifier. If it is not there, then you can place containers with ordinary water, which will evaporate and humidify the surrounding air.

Komarovsky's next advice is to get rid of household dust. The more dust in the room, the higher the likelihood of mucus drying out in the bronchi. Regular wet cleaning of the room will help. Cleaning should only be done clean water, without the use of chemicals.

Do not neglect the following important recommendation: drink as much fluid as possible. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid consumed is equal to body temperature. This promotes faster absorption into the blood. And, consequently, more successful dilution and separation of mucus in the respiratory tract. How much liquid should I drink? It depends on the age of the child, the condition of the air in the room, the presence elevated temperature.

You can find out whether your child drinks enough by the following sign. If the baby urinates at least once every 3 hours, then there is enough fluid in the body.

It must be remembered that if you have a runny nose. Sore throat and fever, treatment with mucolytic and antitussive drugs will be pointless.

Komarovsky also recommends keeping the child’s feet warm when coughing. If there is no temperature, carry out warming procedures: foot baths with mustard, wear warm socks. You can put a tablespoon of dry mustard in your socks. The use of mustard plasters will not be superfluous. They should be applied to the back and chest for 3-5 minutes. After using them, you should wear a warm blouse to prolong the warming effect.

How to relieve the condition

Dr. Komarovsky believes that to relieve attacks of unproductive cough, walking in the fresh air will be useful. But only if the child does not have a high temperature.

You can also use folk remedies to reduce dry cough:

  • a glass of warm milk with honey
  • half a glass of milk with soda
  • tea with raspberry jam

You can also prepare remedies to relieve coughing attacks with your child. Let him put three figs in a glass of milk. Bring the prepared mixture to a boil, cool slightly. The medicine prepared by the baby himself will be drunk with great pleasure!

Banana puree will help relieve cough. Add warm water to the prepared puree and serve to the child. The use of viburnum will also be effective. Tea is prepared from the berries, and a decoction is made from the flowers. Viburnum contains a large amount of vitamin C.

To alleviate the condition, you can do a light chest massage. Movements should be in the form of patting and tapping to promote better mucus discharge. Rub with warming ointments. apply compresses to the chest and back. Older children can be given inhalations with saline or mineral water. All kinds of cough drops will also help relieve the condition.

All of the above methods of relieving attacks of unproductive cough are a good help. But they do not replace drug treatment.


A little about prevention. Komarovsky never tires of repeating that the most important thing for preventive purposes is to prevent a decrease in the child’s immunity. It's no secret that weak immunity is more susceptible to infections and viruses.

Daily ventilation of a living space reduces the risk of infection by 2-3 times, because pathogens die in cold air.

A huge help in the fight against viral diseases (including influenza) are preventive vaccinations. They need to be done every year when the cold season sets in. Positive effect from vaccination occurs within two weeks. It is advisable that during this period the child does not come into contact with infectious patients.

Important! Only a doctor can refer you for vaccination! The child must be absolutely healthy. Vaccination can be done from 6 months.

During the cold season, for preventive purposes, Dr. Komarovsky recommends drinking rosehip decoction. This will strengthen the child’s immunity, since rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C.

If the child is sick colds more than 8 times a year, then doctors classify them as a group of people who are often and long-term ill (FSI). In this case, consultation with an immunologist is necessary. For frequently ill children, the pediatrician may prescribe sanatorium-resort treatment. And absolutely free! At the expense of the Ministry of Health.

Another effective preventive measure is hardening. But only in moderation. You should start by gradually reducing the water temperature. Reduce by one degree every day. Hardening should begin from the feet. For example, in the first days they soaked their legs in cool water, on the fifth day they soaked them up to their thighs, and so on. Only a healthy child should be hardened. Even if there is only slight runny nose– hardening should be stopped.

Any cough requires consultation with a qualified specialist. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! Not only will you not be cured, but you will also develop complications. The health of the child is only in your hands!

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Feb 18, 2017 Violetta Lekar


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LadyVeka.ru » Children » Children's health »

There are many ways to overcome the hated dry cough that torments a child, sometimes even causing him to vomit and preventing him from sleeping at night. However, before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to make sure exactly what caused the disease and which part of the nasopharynx is affected, so that the drugs used have the maximum effect. effective impact and did no harm.

One of best advice is given by the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky - he not only tells how to treat a dry cough in a child, but also explains in detail to parents how self-diagnosis is carried out, and what measures are taken in a given case.

Determining the cause

As a rule, a dry cough does not occur on its own - even in young children. Its cause is most often ARVI - in this case, it is necessary to ask the child in detail about a sore throat, difficulty breathing, and also look for other signs by measuring the temperature and carefully examining the throat.

A breastfeeding baby often experiences a skin reaction, which is accompanied by a rash or swelling in the upper part of the neck. By carefully feeling the area with your hand, you may feel a strong fever, which will be the main symptom of a cold.

However in the best possible way The solution to the problem of dry cough is to take the child to the doctor for diagnosis. You need to contact your pediatrician, who, if necessary, will write a referral to an otolaryngologist or infectious disease specialist. The doctor will carefully examine the throat, listen to breathing, and also prescribe appropriate treatment, which will be represented by medications.

In almost all cases, mucolytics are used various actions- only in the case of a bacterial complication of the disease, antibiotics and other, stronger drugs are prescribed for children.

It is also necessary to carefully examine the mucus, which is rejected by the child’s body and comes out - during a dry cough there may be practically no mucus, but a certain amount is still released. If the mucus is clear and there is no increase in temperature, then the dry cough is not caused by infectious disease, but a completely different factor. In this case, it is necessary to look for another cause and eliminate it as soon as possible in order to prevent complications from arising.

What is it?

Dr. Komarovsky says that dry cough in children of any age can be caused by a number of reasons, from harmless to very dangerous.

In an infant, you can notice a similar phenomenon immediately after waking up - he coughs several times, after which the urge stops and breathing returns to normal. This is completely natural and there is no need to treat any disease or look for another cause - the baby’s lungs get rid of the phlegm accumulated during sleep to ensure the free passage of oxygen into the blood.

The alarm should only be sounded if an infant develops a barking, hysterical dry cough, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the release of small clots of cloudy mucus.

Also a reason to start immediate treatment is the long duration of a dry cough, which is not limited to a few urges after sleep.

In addition, the cause could be a completely banal ARVI. However, Evgeny Komarovsky warns against treating all diseases with one method and the same medicines. First, the doctor must determine which part of the nasopharynx is damaged and what caused the dry cough.

How does it manifest?

Depending on the nature of the injury to the child’s throat, mucolytics, antiseptics are prescribed, and if bacterial infections- other means that can combat such an invasion of the body. In addition, a signal to begin intensive treatment is a sharp increase in body temperature and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication.

This is the first sign that the child has the flu, warns Komarovsky. Symptoms also include a severe cough that does not bring relief, but is accompanied by sharp pain in the sternum.

Coughing attacks that are barking in nature are very rare, but are evidence of a bacterial complication. Such a disease should be treated with supportive therapy in combination with folk remedies - unfortunately, effective medicines Very little has been developed against viral diseases.

Dry cough is quite often caused by more serious diseases - as an example, Dr. Komarovsky names whooping cough, which is often spread in kindergartens and schools by airborne droplets. At the same time, it is more likely to bark or even buzz - a characteristic strong resonating sound appears in the chest, clearly distinguishable even without careful listening.

In addition, evidence of the presence of whooping cough may be a sharp increase in temperature, which is resistant to many antipyretics. Self-treatment, including folk remedies, is also unacceptable in this case; immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary, which is usually followed by hospitalization.

In addition, it is necessary to take a closer look at the movement of the children's chest - if it literally bends during a dry cough, urgent hospitalization is also necessary to treat pneumonia.

The last point, which Evgeny Komarovsky mentions, is not related to infections at all - it is represented by reflux disease of the esophagus, in which stomach acid enters the respiratory system, causing a strong burning sensation and provoking a dry cough. In addition, sometimes a similar phenomenon can be represented by an allergy, including to ordinary household dust, which often accumulates in children’s rooms under carpets, beds and in soft toys.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the symptoms, as well as eliminate allergens from the child’s immediate environment as quickly as possible:

  • carry out wet cleaning of the house;
  • put aside soft toys;
  • use a gentle diet;
  • try to avoid wearing synthetic fabrics;
  • try to limit contact with chemical dyes.

However, it is worth noting that neither reflux nor allergies can cause a severe cough that is barking or buzzing in nature - this is a sign of an infectious disease.

Basic healing techniques

Traditional treatment of dry cough in children involves the use of a number of drugs that are prescribed for certain diseases. In particular, if a dry cough is caused by an acute respiratory viral infection in a child, then a fairly simple scheme is used. Treat viral disease almost impossible, so you just need to relieve the symptoms. For children under 1 year of age, exclusively natural herbal mucolytics are used, based on plantain syrup or ivy extract.

If your child's age has already exceeded this value, more strong treatment based on ambroskol (Lazolvan) or similar chemically synthesized substances.

In addition, it is also possible to treat viral colds using folk remedies as additional components of the regimen.

The best results for getting rid of dry cough are obtained by using decoctions based on honey, raspberries, lingonberries, and blueberries.

However, Dr. Komarovsky warns against prescribing treatment for children on their own. If you treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract with mucolytics, this will only worsen the dry cough due to the release of mucus, which will not be effectively rejected by the body. In addition, if you have a fever, or if your child has a barking cough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to receive professional treatment if there are signs of severe infection or pneumonia - only a specialist can deal with these diseases, and they cannot be eliminated with folk remedies.

To relieve dry cough in children, including infants, it is recommended to humidify the air in the room. Treatment supplemented with hydration can effectively thin mucus and turn a dry cough into a productive one.

In the absence of fever, walks in the fresh air are very important, even in winter - this is especially emphasized by Evgeny Komarovsky.

To stop a dry cough or relieve a barking cough, you need to drink more fluids. In the absence of fever, it is better for children to make moderately sweet teas with raspberries and lemon. Treatment should not involve the use of excessively hot liquid - many mothers force their children to drink practically boiling tea, which causes additional irritation of the larynx and worsens both dry and barking coughs.

If the temperature rises, it is recommended to give just warm liquid with a small amount of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice - the same recommendation is valid for an infant.

Remember that treatment for a severe dry cough must be medically justified and should not further harm the health of children. Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that self-medication is one of the least effective methods, especially in the conditions of information chaos that is happening on the Internet and on television. If your child develops a persistent cough of any kind, contact your doctor immediately.
