“Interaction between a speech therapist at a speech center and preschool teachers in the context of the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development.” Work plan of a speech therapist for interaction with educators

Often in preschool educational institutions the problem of interaction between specialists and educators arises. A group of speech therapists from a preschool educational institution in the city of Perm, as part of the work of a problem group at the MBOU "Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support" in the city of Perm, attempted to collect positive experience on this issue from different institutions. I want to analyze and present the generalized experience of this group.

Target: building a unified system of interaction between a speech therapist and preschool educators

  1. Develop unified (variable) approaches to the interaction between a speech therapist and a preschool teacher.
  2. Select new effective and exchange existing forms of interaction in the conditions of a specialized group or preschool educational institution and in the conditions of a logo center (interaction technology).
  3. To delineate the areas of responsibility of the speech therapist and preschool educators
    in correctional and developmental work.
  4. Select software for interaction between a speech therapist and teacher using ICT.

Work plan:

  1. Interaction between a speech therapist and educators during diagnosis, determination of volumes and spheres of influence, forms of cooperation.
  2. Interaction between a speech therapist and educators during correctional and developmental activities, forms of cooperation.
  3. Functionality of a speech therapist and educators.
  4. Building interaction using information and computer technologies.

Planned result: selection and development of unified (variable) approaches to the interaction between a speech therapist and preschool teachers.

Speech therapy center of a general education preschool educational institution: interaction between a speech therapist and teachers

The theoretical basis and practical material are presented in the manual by I. A. Mikheeva and co-authors “Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist.” The manual is aimed at attracting educators and parents to actively participate in corrective speech therapy work to overcome a child’s speech defect. The author-compilers divided them into lexical topics and included in the manual: descriptions of finger games and exercises for coordinating speech with movement; tasks aimed at developing general speech skills based on texts; a large number of games for the development of auditory and visual attention, phonemic awareness, to enrich the vocabulary and improve the grammatical structure of speech; as well as poems, riddles and texts for retelling. The exercises and texts proposed in the manual are aimed at working with children aged 5-7 years.

We have made an attempt to differentiate the work of the teacher and speech therapist in the main areas, to determine the points of contact of interaction: diagnosis, correction, prevention.

Diagnostic work

Educator Speech therapist teacher
Conducts diagnostics of general development.

Reports to the speech therapist the results of his observations of the child in various activities; the history of his early speech development and the conditions of family education.

Based on the diagnostic data of the speech therapist, he plans classes with children based on the main correctional tasks.

Conducts an annual comprehensive speech therapy examination of all children of middle and senior preschool age, the results of which are reflected for each group of children:
  • in the "Sound Pronunciation Screens", which clearly indicate sounds that are disturbed
  • in the pronunciation of each child, as well as the stages of work on them,
  • - “interaction tables”, which reflect the level of development of the structural components of speech;
  • - in the “Sheets for recording the results of examination of children”, in which each child is classified into one of the following groups: with normal speech development, sound pronunciation defects (simple dyslalia, complex dyslalia, erased dysarthria), lexical and grammatical disorders, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, syllabic disorders structures experiencing difficulties in mastering language analysis and synthesis.

Corrective work

Educator Speech therapist
Monitors children's speech in classes and during routine moments.

Engaged in the development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

Provides assistance in automating delivered sounds.

Helps improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop phonemic perception and syllable structure.

Conducts the necessary work with parents to optimize the correction process.

Provides assistance to the teacher in organizing individual and group work on speech development.

Preventative work

Forms of work on interaction with educators used in practice

1. Individual work for one month in the following sections: work on sound automation and control over them; work on fine motor skills; overcoming lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech on a certain lexical topic; development of coherent speech. Based on this table - a diagram of individual work, the teacher can build his classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. During a lesson on the sound culture of speech, you can ask each child to parse words with the sounds that they are corrected by a speech therapist.

2. Observations on the dynamics of sound production in children. Observing the dynamics allows the teacher to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all speech children in a group or a specific child. Based on conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can handle. It becomes easier for the teacher to choose poems for the holiday (in case of difficulties, a speech therapist helps). Fewer problems arise in classes: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child and does not strive to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in class, and there is no reinforcement of incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he cannot yet master. Sometimes teachers persistently ask to repeat a word with a sound that the child does not have, and begin to get angry if the child does something wrong.

4. Speech therapy memos and booklets, issued once every 2 months,
to help teachers and parents overcome speech problems. Production of thematic speech therapy booklets “Speech Therapy Path” and memos that would help educators and parents without special education master the skills of speech therapy correctional assistance for their children. Colorfully designed booklets attract the attention of not only adults, but also children who want to take part in playing with them.

5. Selection of speech material: pure sayings, rhymes, poems, tasks and exercises for correcting various components of speech activity. When selecting speech material, the teacher must remember the speech problems of each child. Therefore, we help select speech material that corresponds to the normal sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. We recommend that educators work with ready-made printed publications; we advise them to use literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy perspective.

Distinguishing the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher in a speech group and a speech kindergarten

  • Problems that complicate the joint activities of a speech therapist and a teacher: combining the program “Correctional education and training of children with general speech underdevelopment (5-6 years old)” by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina with the main general education program of the MDOU;
  • the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in the regulatory documents and methodological literature available today;
  • difficulty in distributing planned correctional work within working hours and SaNPiN requirements;
  • lack of a clear division of functions between the teacher and the speech therapist;
  • the impossibility of mutual attendance at classes between a speech therapist and a teacher in different age groups.

The combination of programs is discussed in the manual: L.R. Lizunova “Organization of a unified educational space for children with speech disorders in preschool settings.” The manual examines the issues of creating optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming and preventing speech disorders among pupils of preschool educational institutions. Structural, organizational and programmatic and methodological aspects of the upbringing and training of children with speech disorders are the result of research and correctional educational activities of preschool educational institutions. The presented program and methodological materials include a description of the structural components of the system of correctional, developmental and preventive work, directions for organizing a unified speech regime, program content and planning of complex educational activities of teachers of a preschool educational institution in order to organize a unified educational space for children with speech disorders .

Practicing teachers-speech therapists organize joint activities in accordance with the following goals:

  • increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work
  • eliminating duplication of speech therapist classes by the teacher
  • optimization of organizational and content aspects of the correctional and pedagogical activities of speech therapists and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

  • speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech-language pathologist children
  • teacher consolidates formed speech skills

Main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and teacher

1. Joint study of the content of the training and education program in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan.

2. Joint planning of the teacher’s classes, ensuring the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children’s activities.

3. Discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life.

4. Joint preparation for all children's holidays (the speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher consolidates it).

Educator Speech therapist
Plans and organizes classes taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are related to tasks of speech therapy classes. Plans and organizes classes taking into account the age and individual speech development disorders of children.
Forms in children the necessary level of knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, during drawing, modeling and design lessons. Conducts the main vocabulary work
The teacher teaches children to clearly express their requests and desires, and to answer questions in beautiful, complete sentences.

When observing objects of reality, the teacher introduces children with new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, their activation in children’s own speech.

Based on the knowledge gained during observations, he conducts correctional and developmental speech exercises and improves children's speech skills.
Necessarily encourages the child to take the initiative to speak out.

It does not stop children, suppressing their desire to speak out, but, on the contrary, supports initiative, expands the content of the conversation with questions, and creates interest in the topic of conversation among other children.

Working on familiarization children with new words, clarification of their meanings and activation, selects lexical material on the topic.
Forms technical and visual skills In subgroup classes consolidates technical skills and visual skills, with the goal of further forming such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, children’s speech in class becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.
Conduct classes on clarification movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises. Unlearning a set of necessary articulation exercises, provides them to the teacher for fastening.
Provides assistance speech therapist in introducing the sounds assigned by the speech therapist into the child’s speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. Places and enters sounds in speech prepares speech material for automation of sounds by the teacher.
Strengthens skills in coherent speech through poems, etc. Conducts development classes coherent speech, prepares material for reinforcement by the teacher.
Provides complete practical familiarity with objects and their intended use in everyday life. Deepens vocabulary work, forms lexical and grammatical categories in children, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.
Conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development) according to a special system, taking into account lexical topics;
  • replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this;
  • controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech throughout the entire time of communication with them;
  • When planning classes on writing and developing graphic skills, he is guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist.
In frontal classes, he formulates topics;
  • works with children on pronunciation, sound analysis,
  • teaches elements of literacy,
  • at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories.

Supervises the teacher’s work in expanding, clarifying and activating vocabulary, mastering grammatical categories, and developing coherent speech.

Functionality of a speech therapist:

  • Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.
  • Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.
  • Work on correcting sound pronunciation.
  • Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Work on correcting the syllabic structure of a word.
  • Formation of syllable reading.
  • Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.
  • Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.
  • Prevention of writing and reading disorders.
  • Development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functionality of the teacher:

  • Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.
  • Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.
  • Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.
  • Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.
  • Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.
  • Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, familiarization with fiction, work on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).
  • Strengthening reading and writing skills.
  • Strengthening children's speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist.
  • Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

Forms of interaction

Integrated classes - as a form of joint activity of specialists, educators and parents. Increase professional competence. They solve preventive problems in a comprehensive manner.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher using ICT

  • Conducting finger games with children and breathing exercises using a computer by the teacher of the speech therapy group during scheduled moments and during the speech therapy hour in the afternoon, on the recommendation of the speech therapist
  • the use of a certain video sequence (for example, picture material on lexical topics) for demonstration in complex classes conducted jointly by a teacher and a speech therapist of a speech therapy group, as well as for the teacher to reinforce educational material in his classes and during special periods in the afternoon
  • the use of various speech therapy games and exercises in individual lessons of the teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist.

Speech therapy classes using computer programs and technologies are conducted in compliance with SanPiNov standards:

  • using new computer models
  • working with a computer in one lesson for a short time (5-10 minutes) and no more than twice a week (individually, depending on the child’s age and nervous system)
  • Carrying out hygienic exercises for the eyes; while working, we periodically move the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5 - 2 minutes for a few seconds
  • inclusion in speech therapy classes of games aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relationships


  1. L.R. Lizunova. Organization of a unified educational space for children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions: Software and methodological manual. - Perm: Publishing house "From and to", 2010. - 114 p.
  2. Mikheeva I. A., Chesheva S. V., Chesheva S. V.
  3. Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist: A file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment. (Popular Speech Therapy) Series:

Murtazina Aisylu Radikovna
Educational institution: MADO kindergarten No. 29
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-08-13 Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher Murtazina Aisylu Radikovna MADO kindergarten No. 29 Organization of the educational and developmental environment, diagnostic and analytical activities, correctional and developmental work, scientific and methodological work, relationship with specialists and educators, relationship with parents.

View certificate of publication

Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher

Target:identifying and overcoming speech disorders that delay the child’s further development and create communication difficulties; creating conditions for the formation of the child’s personality and his successful socialization.


1. Timely identify speech disorders in children who need speech therapy help.

2. Determine the level and nature of speech disorders.

3. Develop the direction and content of speech therapy assistance for each child.

4. To explain to teachers and parents of children special knowledge of speech therapy in order to prevent speech disorders.

5. Involve preschool teachers and parents in the correctional pedagogical process.

Contents of the work




I . Organization of educational and development environment

1. Preparing the office for the new school year


Murtazina A. R.

Cabinet passport

2. Production of visual and demonstration material for speech therapy classes

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Visual and demonstration material

3. Production and design of didactic games and manuals for the speech therapy room

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Didactic games and manuals

4. Replenishment of the card index of finger and speech games, logorhythmic exercises

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Finger games, speech games, logorhythmic exercises

5. Acquisition of the necessary methodological literature

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Methodological literature

II. Diagnostic and analytical activities

1. Diagnostic examination of the speech of children in senior and preparatory school groups


Murtazina A. R.

2. Diagnostic examination of the speech of children of the middle group


Murtazina A. R.

Journal of examination of children's speech

3. Examination of children with severe speech impairments


Murtazina A. R.

Preparation of documents for PMPK

4. Enrollment of students in need of speech therapy assistance


Murtazina A. R.

List of children enrolled in speech therapy classes

5. Studying the medical records of children enrolled in speech therapy classes and filling out medical records


Murtazina A. R.

Medical records

6. Filling out speech cards


Murtazina A. R.

Speech cards

7. Scheduling speech therapy sessions


Murtazina A. R.

Schedule of speech therapy classes

8. Preparation of documentation for a speech therapist

September-October, May

Murtazina A. R.

1) log of attendance at speech therapy classes
2) a log of children’s speech examination

3) speech cards for each child
4) list of children enrolled in speech therapy classes

5) sound pronunciation screen
6) long-term planning for the academic year

7) calendar planning for the academic year

8) lesson planning of correctional work with children;
9) schedule and cyclogram of the work of the speech therapist teacher
10) schedule of speech therapy classes
11) individual notebooks for correcting sound pronunciation

12) notebook on the relationship between the speech therapist and educators

13) notebook on the relationship between the speech therapist and parents

14) self-education plan

15) report on the work done for the year, statistical and analytical report

16) cabinet passport

9. Analysis of correctional work


Murtazina A. R.

Statistical and analytical report

III. Corrective and developmental work

1. Conducting individual and subgroup classes according to the working time schedule

Murtazina A. R.

Lesson plans, individual notebooks

2. Literary evening in middle groups “Oh, these fairy tales!”


Murtazina A. R.

3. Literary evening in senior groups “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”


Murtazina A. R.

Conducting a literary evening, summary

4. Literary evening in preparatory groups “In the country of Lukomorye”


Murtazina A. R.

Conducting a literary evening, summary

IV . Scientific and methodological work

1. Drawing up a plan for self-education “System of working with non-speaking children of preschool age”


Murtazina A. R.

Self-education plan

2. Release of booklets for educators and parents:

– “Advice from a speech therapist to caring parents”

– “Development of speech breathing”
– “Articulation gymnastics”

– “Playing with our fingers – developing speech”

– “Fairytale therapy – the magical world around us”


Murtazina A. R.


3. Participation in city methodological associations of speech therapists in Neftekamsk

according to the GMO plan

Murtazina A. R.

GMO meeting, visiting colleagues' classes

4. Participation in seminars, conferences, meetings

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

5. Conducting open classes for teachers

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Self-analysis, analysis of colleagues

6. Scientific and methodological assistance to educators on speech correction issues

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

V . Relationship with specialists and educators

1. Meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council

throughout the year

Commission members

2. Conversation with teachers of the senior and preparatory groups based on the results of an examination of children’s speech


Murtazina A. R.

3. Conversation with teachers of the middle group based on the results of an examination of children’s speech


Murtazina A. R.

4. Consultations for educators:

– “Prevention of speech disorders”

– “Theatrical activities as a means of preventing speech disorders”

– “Game techniques in correcting sound pronunciation”

– “Logorhythmics in the system of correctional work with children to eliminate various types of speech disorders”

– “Methodology for conducting logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten”

– “Individual approach to working with preschoolers with speech impairments”

– “Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work”

– “Education of correct and clear speech in preschool children”

– “Early teaching reading to children with speech impairments: problems and difficulties”










Murtazina A. R.


5. Consultation for a music director: “Using logorhythmics in music lessons”


Murtazina A. R.

6. Consultation for a physical education instructor: “Outdoor games for children with speech disorders”


Murtazina A. R.

7. Master class “Fairy tale therapy as a means of speech development for preschool children”


Murtazina A. R.

Speech at the teachers' meeting, notes

8. Keeping a notebook of the relationship between the teacher-speech therapist and educators

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Notebook of interaction between speech therapist and educators

9. Attending classes

Goal: to determine the level of automation of corrected sounds in free communication.

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Exchange of experience, self-education, monitoring

10. Participation in holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

VI. Relationship with parents

1. Familiarization with the results of the examination at parent meetings and individually

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Notebook of relationship between speech therapist and parents

2. Questionnaires and individual conversations with parents whose children are enrolled in the logo center

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Application, questionnaire

3. Parental five-minute meetings:

– Sound pronunciation problem

Homework, work in notebooks

Our achievements and skills

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

4. Participation in parent meetings:

- “Why is it difficult to speak?” (first junior group)

– “Speech development in preschool children” (second junior group)

- “How to improve children’s vocabulary?” (middle groups)

– “Interaction between a speech therapist and parents in the process of correctional work with children with speech disorders” (senior groups)

– “Readiness for school” (preparatory groups)

throughout the year

Murtazina A. R.

Parent meeting notes

5. Consultations for parents:

- “What is a logopunkt?”

– “Work rules when doing homework”

– “Techniques for enriching the vocabulary of preschool children”

– “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech”

– “Development of coherent speech of children in the family”

– “Prevention of violation of the syllabic structure of a word”

– “Fairy tale therapy in the life of preschool children”

– “Speech readiness of children for school”

– “Teaching Reading”










Murtazina A. R.


6. Individual work in home notebooks.

throughout the year

, . . Speech at the RMO by speech therapists on November 17, 2016.

"Interaction speech therapist at the speech center and preschool teachers in the context of the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”.

Work plan for a speech therapist teacher for interaction with educators for 2016-2017.

The main goal of the joint work of a speech therapist and a teacher in the context of the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development” is the creation of optimal conditions that contribute to the correction and full disclosure of the potential speech abilities of preschool children.

How to build a unified system of cooperation between a speech therapist and educators in the educational field “Speech development?Replying tothis question, we would like to talk about the interaction between the speech therapist and educators in the implementation of the main directions of the “Program of Correctional and Developmental Work”:

    Organizational direction

The teacher is responsible for organizing correctional and developmental work.- speech therapist. Educators get involved in the work and incorporate the recommendations of the speech therapist into their educational activities. Draw up a joint work plan.

    Diagnostic direction

Diagnoses the speech development of children,

introduces the teacher to the results of the examination,

compiles “Sound Pronunciation Screens”, which clearly indicate the sounds that are disturbed in each child’s pronunciation, as well as the stages of working on them

in the “Sheets for recording the results of examination of children”, in which each child is classified into one of the following groups: with normal speech development, defects in sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical violations, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, violations of syllabic structure,
experiencing difficulties in mastering language analysis and synthesis.

Pplans educational activities with children, based on the diagnostic data of the speech therapist.

3. Correctional educational direction

There are no special speech therapy classes in the speech center,included in the network of classes,children with speech disorders receive correctional assistance in portions, ande daily, short-term (15-20 min.) and short-term (from 6-12 months) classes. Children with speech pathology currently have complex speech disorders (dysarthria, polymorphic dyslalia, etc.), where, along with long-term correction of sound pronunciationit is necessary to solve such problems as:

Development of articulatory motor skills;

Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements;

Formation of phonemic hearing,

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Enrichment of vocabulary;

Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Formation of coherent speech in accordance with age norms;

In the conditions of a logopunkt it is impossible to fully implement these tasks and with absolutely It is obvious that the solution to such a complex of problems is possible only through close cooperation withteacher, whose workhashuge, often decisive, importance in the effectiveness of the correction process. However, it turns out that organizing it at the optimal level is quite difficult and this depends on a number of reasons:

    lack of sufficient correctional pedagogical knowledge among teachers;

    proper awareness and adequate assessment of one’s role in overcoming speech development deficiencies;

    educators work in all educational areas, it is difficult for them to allocate time for correctional work.

Thus, the need arose for close interaction and mutual assistance between the speech therapist and teachers of the age group whose children attend speech therapy classes.

Automates sounds assigned by a speech therapist,exercises control over children’s speech in classes and during routine moments. Fixes sounds on the material, words, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, in the afternoon using the “Interconnection Notebooks”.

Creation of certain positions and training of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Depending on the nature of the sound disorder, the speech therapist develops and trains movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus that were incorrect or completely absent.

In a playful way, he clarifies with children certain movements and positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Gives monthly recommendations for planning group and subgroup games and activities taking into account age norms and lexical topics studied in a given period.

Contributes to the improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of phonemic perception and syllabic structure according to the “Interconnection Notebooks”

Conducts individual consultations - workshops with parents on the process of correcting the child’s speech

Conducts the necessary work with parents to optimize the correction process (ensure that parents bring notebooks for homework on time, attend parent-teacher meetings, etc.)

Develops fine motor skills

In the second half, the teacher organizes the children’s free activities: shading, tracing shapes along the contour, cutting, etc.

Thus, the creative interaction of a speech therapist and group educators makes it possible to build a correctional educational process in accordance with the developed “Program of Correctional and Developmental Work”, to achieve high rates in the correction of speech disorders and the development of personal qualities of future first-graders.

Work plan for interaction between speech therapist and teachers for 2016-2017.

Contents of the work

Form of work


1.Organizational and diagnostic work

Results of speech therapy examination of children of senior and preparatory groups

Teaching hour, parent meeting


Introducing educators to a correctional individual-long-term plan for a child



    Correctional and educational work

Methodology for performing articulation gymnastics. Introducing complexes of articulation exercises for various groups of sounds.

Workshop for



Individual approach in the organization

educational activities of the teacher with preschoolers with speech impairments.

Consultations and conversations with teachers

During the year

Games and exercises for the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language (for ONR children)



Conversation with teachers

During the year

Compiling a “Screen of Automated Sounds”. Control over correct pronunciation in classes, during routine moments, and in spontaneous speech.

Conversations with teachers

During the year

Design of sliding folders on the topics “Articulation gymnastics”, “Sound analysis and synthesis”, “Development of speech breathing”, “Games for the development of phonemic hearing”

Visual information for educators

During the year

Joint preparation for children's parties

Selection of speech material, learning poetry

During the year

3.Final stage

Carrying out the holiday “Pure Speech”



Implementation of correctional and speech therapy activities for children during the summer period


RECOMMENDED READING on this topic: Mikheeva I. A., Chesheva S. V., Chesheva S. V. Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist: A file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment. (Popular speech therapy). Publisher: , 2009)

Annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher for the 2018-2019 academic year

Speech therapist teacher: Proskurneva E.V.

MBDOU No. 34 “Rodnichok”

Target: creation of favorable conditions for preschool children to live, formation of a general culture of children’s personality, formation of prerequisites for educational activities, correction of deficiencies in the speech development of children.

Areas of activity:

Diagnostic- creating conditions for continuous diagnostic and prognostic monitoring of the correctional process in order to optimally select correctional goals, objectives and means of their implementation.

Correctional and developmental- creating conditions aimed at correcting the speech development of children and ensuring that a child with speech impairments achieves a level of speech development that corresponds to the age norm.

Preventive- creating conditions for increasing the competence of teachers and parents in matters of children’s speech development, social-emotional and cognitive needs and development opportunities.

Information and methodological- creating conditions for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of correction of speech disorders, allowing to increase the effectiveness of the correction process as a whole.

Types of activities


Final document



Work planning.

Enrolling children in speech therapy classes, completing documentation

Drawing up a schedule of classes and work schedule.

Drawing up individual educational routes.

Maintaining documentation.

Studying parents' opinions about the work of the speech therapy room.

Studying documentation, planning the work of a speech therapist for the school year


August-September 2018

Preparation of documentation

Class network

Working hours

Individual educational routes

Diagnostic Primary diagnosis

Primary examination of children

Identification of children with problems in speech development. Formation of a group of children to be enrolled in a speech center for the 2019-2020 academic year

Children of middle and older groups

Until December 2017

Preparation of lists of children sent for examination at TOMPK to clarify the speech conclusion

Incoming diagnostics

In-depth examination of children enrolled in a speech center

Identification of the level of speech development of children at the initial stage of education

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year

September 2018

Speech conclusion

Long-term work plan

Current diagnostics

Speech development monitoring

Tracking the dynamics of speech development during the correction process

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year


Comparative data analysis

Making adjustments to individual planning of correctional and developmental classes

Final diagnostics

Examination of children

Identification of the speech level of development of children at the final period of education

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year

Comparative data analysis

Analytical report

Correctional and developmental

Individual lessons with children to correct speech disorders

Development of the articulatory apparatus, correction of deficiencies in sound pronunciation. Formation of the native language system, taking into account specific manifestations of the defect caused by the form of speech anomaly

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year


Individual plans, individual notebooks

Subgroup GCD:

a) on the formation of mobility of the articulatory apparatus

b) on sound automation

c) on the development of coherent speech

Development of efferent articulatory praxis based on existing sounds

Consolidating the mechanisms of sound formation, introducing it into speech,

automation. differentiation

Formation of the lexico-grammatical and syntactic system of the native language. Improving communication skills

Subgroup of children with the most poorly formed efferent connections

Subgroups of children with similar sound pronunciation defects

Subgroup of children with OHP


Group GCD

Improving the pronunciation system. Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. Formation of the native language system

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year


Calendar-thematic plan, notes

Advisory activities

Individual consultations for parents

Individual consultations

Helping parents

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions

Throughout the year as needed

Consultation notebook

Consultations for parents

Design of the corner “Speech therapist advises” Design of the moving folder:

Does my child need classes with a speech therapist?

How does a child’s speech develop from 2 to 7 years old?

Developing vocabulary for preschoolers

Workshop consultation:

"Gymnastics for the tongue"

“Teaching children to read at home”

Round table for parents

“Preparing a child for school” - together with other specialists

Prevention of speech disorders

Helping parents

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions

Once every two to three weeks

Information sheet in the parent corner

Folder - moving

Parent meetings:

“My child is enrolled in a speech center”

“Summing up the results of the first half of the year and ways of further correctional work.”

"Our successes"

(summarizing the results of training for the year).

“Child’s speech readiness for school”

Introducing parents to the organization and content of correctional work for the new school year

Helping parents

Parents of children attending a speech center

Parents of children in the preparatory group

September 2018

December 2018

Speech at a parent meeting, notes for parents

Consultations for teachers


Increasing the efficiency of correctional work

Preschool teachers

As needed

Consultation notebook

Workshop consultation:

“Playing with sand as a means of developing coherent speech in a preschooler”


“Causes and types of deviations in the speech development of preschool children”

Methodological assistance to teachers

Preschool teachers

October 2018

March 2019

Methodical work

Speech therapy room equipment

Creation of a card index of visual, lexical, gaming and educational material.

Enriching the methodological repository with lesson developments, scenarios for parent meetings, consultations, and master classes.

Dissemination of teaching experience on pedagogical websites

Equipping the speech therapy room with teaching aids, didactic and visual materials. Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank, generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.

During the year

Speech therapy cabin equipment

Card indexes

Class notes

Professional development

Attending open classes for preschool teachers

Participation in teacher councils and round tables of preschool educational institutions

Participation in the work of the methodological association of speech therapists. Participation in pedagogical excellence competitions at various levels

Improving professional skills,

generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.

Teachers and administration of preschool educational institutions

During the year

Participant Certificates

Project activities

“The use of sand therapy in the correction of coherent speech of children with severe speech impairments”

Project “Professions of our parents”

"Development liaison speeches through fairy tales and theatrical activities"

Increasing the efficiency of correctional work, increasing professional skills

Children enrolled in the logo center for the 2018-2019 school year

Teachers and administration of preschool educational institutions

November 2018

February 2019

April - 2019

Speech at the pedagogical council, methodological recommendations

Control unit
