Prayer for mutual love of a specific man. Prayers for finding love - Irzeis

Lovesickness can drive a person to despair. Therefore, it is understandable that believers very often resort to prayers for love. When turning to God for help in love affairs, you need to remember your own spiritual purity. It is important not to wish harm to other people and not to harbor resentment towards anyone in your soul. When reading any prayer for love, you need to think, first of all, about spiritual connection, and not about bodily pleasures. It should be remembered that you can only pray for strong, bright and eternal love. If you ask for temporary pleasures, you will be punished by God.

The most powerful prayer for the love of a man (boyfriend, husband) to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The most powerful prayer is considered to be asking St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help.

The prayer sounds like this:

“Oh, All-Good, Saint Nicholas, during your life you were a shepherd and teacher for all believers and sought to help all those who suffered. And today I, the Servant of God ( given name) with faith in my soul I come running to you and in prayer I call on you for help. Protect me from everything bad that can happen in worldly life, and let all my desires come true. Let neither worldly rebellion, nor enemy invasions, nor internecine warfare harm me. Protect me from hunger and pestilence, from fire and battle, from vain death without remission of sins. Help me in all my good endeavors and do not let me succumb to devilish temptations. Deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal torment, for my known and unknown sins. Beg the Lord for forgiveness of my sins and give me hope for eternal life after death in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

It is better to pray to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for love in church, near his icon. If you offer a prayer with a pure heart, you will definitely be heard.

Prayer for mutual love of a girl or woman

Men who strive to achieve reciprocity from a representative of the fair half of humanity must definitely ask for help in this matter from the Higher Powers. The most powerful prayer for the mutual love of a girl or woman is an appeal to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos. In this case, you can ask for help in your own words, but before that you should definitely read the well-known prayer “Our Father”.

A prayer request for mutual love may sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name) turn to the Lord God, the Savior of the human race Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos for help. I ask you to show me the true path and determine my destiny. Attract true love into my life. Please take into account my desire to be together with the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). I truly love her, so let her love me back. I ask you to unite our destinies so that we cannot eat or drink without each other. I ask for help and blessings. Amen".

The prayer must be offered in front of the icon of Jesus Christ or Holy Mother of God within a week. Each time the prayer appeal should be repeated three times. It is very important to pray for love in solitude.

Every girl dreams of meeting true love in her life and creating a strong family. And special Orthodox prayers offered to various saints can help with this: St. Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Catherine the Great Martyr. If you dream of getting married, then you should visit the burial places of the Saints, or visit the places where the Saints’ relics are brought. We should also not forget to visit the temple on major religious holidays. Thus, the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos offered on the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is very effective.

You can turn to God for help in a happy marriage in your own words, but it is also permissible to use the following prayer text:

“Oh, All-merciful Lord, Almighty and All-Merciful, I, the Servant of God (my own name), ask for Your help in arranging my personal life. I understand that I will be happy when I love with all my soul, and they reciprocate. I pray to You about this and promise that I will do Your will in everything. I trust in Your wisdom and ask you to control my heart and my feelings, for I want to please only You alone. Lord, I trust You, control the impulses of my soul, so You are my Creator. Deliver me from manifestations of self-love and pride, grant me reason, let modesty and chastity become my adornment. You, Almighty, consider idleness a sin, so grant me the desire to work and bless my labors. Lord, You command all people to be in an honest marriage, so help me create a reliable family, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, since You said that it is not fit for a person to live alone. And woman was created by You as a faithful helper to man. You, by your will, blessed families to grow and multiply and populate the earth. Do not ignore my heartfelt request, Lord. Hear my humble prayer offered to You. Let me meet my betrothed, who will be a reliable and faithful spouse. So that we may live with him in love and glorify the name of the Lord. Amen".

Ivan Kupala is a unique holiday that combines pagan rituals and traditions Orthodox Church. It is on this day that you can turn to the Higher powers to attract love to yourself specific man.

To do this, you need to go to church early in the morning and when the bell rings there, say the following prayer:

“Lord, bless me, the Servant of God (proper name), for a good deed. I turn to the Savior, as well as to the Holy Apostles Paul and Peter, the heavenly governor Archangel Michael, and all other Archangels of Christ. I ask you to help me find not silver and gold in my life, but organize a meeting with a good fellow, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one), who will become my betrothed. Let him take me by the hand and speak to me with kind words. So that he would place a wedding crown on my head and put a ring on my finger. May we live with him in love and harmony. Let him become a reliable support in my life and take pity on me. So that he does not see other women. Just as there is only one moon in the sky at night, and only one sun during the day, so should I be alone in his life. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you should light candles for your own health and for the health of your chosen one.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for family happiness and love

For every person, family is a very great value. But, unfortunately, due to external circumstances, it is not always possible to preserve it. A prayer for family well-being directed to the Holy Matrona of Moscow can help with this.

In order for this prayer appeal to be heard by the Saint, it must be read correctly. If possible, then you need to visit the place where the relics of Matrona of Moscow are buried. You can also write a letter to the monastery asking for family happiness and love. The monks will take the letter to the grave of the Holy Elder, and your request will definitely be heard.

You can also pray at home, but you must do this in front of the Holy icon. To increase the effectiveness of the prayer appeal, you need to light a church candle and place a bouquet of fresh flowers in front of the image.

The peculiarity of the prayer to the Holy Matrona of Moscow is that the prayer appeal acts very quickly. After just one prayer, family life will be filled with peace and it will be very easy to find a common language with all household members.

“Oh, blessed Elder Matrona, standing with her soul in heaven before the Throne of God, but resting with her body on earth. You have been given the grace of God to perform various miracles. Pay attention to me, the Servant of God (proper name), sinful and grieving. Comfort me in my despair, save me from sinful temptations, heal all my terrible ailments. Beg forgiveness from the Lord for my sins, committed through my own foolishness. Help me through prayer to receive the Lord’s blessing for a prosperous family life. Drive away all sorrows and troubles from my family. And I will glorify the good deeds of the Lord from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

During her lifetime, the famous Bulgarian healer and soothsayer Vanga offered many prayers and spells for love. She understood that every woman dreams of family well-being, although she herself never knew happiness in family life.

Most of the spells and prayers for love offered by the famous healer are simple. During her lifetime, Vanga gave advice and shared her life wisdom only with kind people who sincerely believed in God. And today, prayers from the famous seer help to attract love into life only for those who use them for good purposes. They do not have a destructive effect, so they cannot be used to break up someone else’s family or separate loving people. And if prayers and conspiracies from Vanga are used for such purposes, then serious punishment will soon follow.

Prayer to attract good luck in love

If you know a person whose love you are trying to attract into your life, then you can use one of the powerful prayers proposed by Vanga. This prayer is an effective way to solve the problem of unrequited love.

The prayer must be read over a photograph of a loved one. It is very important that the man you love is shown alone in the photo. It is advisable to use a portrait photograph so that the eyes of the chosen one are clearly visible.

This prayer ceremony must be carried out during the waxing of the moon, on the night from Saturday to Sunday. It is very important to pray for love alone in a dark room. You need to stand by the window and put a photo to your lips, imagining that you are kissing the man you love. After this, you need to whisper a prayer over the photo, but at the same time very clearly say it.

It sounds like this:

“Lord, help me! My beloved, feel my strong love, let me appear in your thoughts and I will be the only one there. Remember me and may you have a desire to meet me, forget about your freedom and wish to know life together in harmony and love. Just as the sun appears in the sky every morning, let great pure and strong love appear in your heart. Let it be so.”

After reading the prayer, you should light a church wax candle and drop a few drops of melted wax onto the photo. After the wax has hardened, the photograph should be placed under the pillow, and a burning candle should be placed on the windowsill. You should stand near it until it burns out. All this time you need to think about your loved one. After the candle burns out, you need to go to bed. Moreover, it is very important not to be distracted from thoughts about your loved one and try to fall asleep with thoughts about your beloved man.

The above prayer begins to work gradually. It must be read once a week for at least 9 weeks in a row. If you miss even one week, the effectiveness of prayer will significantly decrease.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga understood that different situations could happen in family life, so she offered prayers and conspiracies for a variety of life situations. So, if you have the feeling that your husband has a woman on his side, then with the help of a special prayer you can awaken love in the soul of your spouse and, thus, keep him in the family. For the next prayer ritual, it is also recommended to use a photograph of your loved one. The photo should be small. Having retired to a separate room, you should place a glass of spring water in front of you. It is necessary to set fire to the photograph using a pre-lit church candle. When the photo burns out, the ashes should be shaken into water and the following words should be said:

“Lord, I ask you to save my love. I want my betrothed to be only with me. My love is strong, so it will enter you and you, my beloved, will not be able to live without me. Just as your photo burned, so your heart will burn with a bright flame if you reject my love. And you won’t be able to survive such pain. Amen.

After this, you need to drink water in one gulp. This ritual can be performed at any time, and it is so strong that one time is enough to awaken a man’s cooled love feelings.

Prayer to Fevrona and Peter to preserve love and fidelity in the family

A happy family can only exist if the hearts of the spouses are filled with love for each other. Saints Peter and Fevronya are the heavenly patrons of marriage; prayer addressed to them helps strengthen love feelings and harmonize relationships. The day of these Saints is celebrated on July 8th. And it is on this day that prayer to them is considered the most effective. Prayer to preserve the family will help avoid divorce. It should also be used if the spouse left the family, but in this case, you need to start praying to the Saints for the return of your spouse as soon as possible after his departure. Prayer will be especially effective if you have children. Prayer must be offered in front of the icon of the Saints. This Shrine has great power. Prayer words spoken in front of her become more powerful, because the image is a reminder great love two people. It is believed that every family should have an icon of Saints Fevronia and Peter. Today it is customary to give it to newlyweds during their wedding. In a family home, this image should be in a prominent place. It will be a reminder of the need to maintain fidelity and purity in family relationships. The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, Peter and Fevronya, I turn, the Servant of God (my own name) in moments of my painful thoughts. My family has lost its former love, so help me restore it. May all suffering caused by strife, suspicion and mistrust disappear. Let the atmosphere of our family be filled with harmony and mutual understanding again. I ask you to beg the Lord for forgiveness of my sins. Give me wisdom and tell me what to do right. I pray for your intercession and support. With your life you have proven how important true, indestructible and sincere love is for people. Protect our family life from demonic snares, save us from the temptations of the devil, protect us from enemies visible and invisible. I will glorify your philanthropy in my prayers. Amen".

Prayer for a loved one is a strong and simple way to support him in any situation. life situation. Whether it's a quarrel with a loved one, a long journey, illness, or just important event— prayer will support and help you gain strength.

A sincere prayer for a loved one will definitely be heard, because you put all the strength of your feelings into it. Alas, in life we ​​are often overwhelmed by doubts and oppressed by anxiety and fear for our loved ones. It is at such moments that it is time to turn to prayer.

Even at a great distance, you can support your loved one by turning to God and the heavenly powers with a request for help.

Orthodox prayer for a loved one

There are many Orthodox prayers for health and love. In no case should they be confused with conspiracies and love spells - they have nothing in common.

Prayer for your loved one will allow you to act as if he were his messenger in the face of the Lord - to ask on your behalf jointly for health, good luck and happiness in love.

Here is the strongest orthodox prayer for your loved one.

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Holy Almighty, give my beloved strength so that he can do everything he has in mind and dreams of. Save and have mercy on him, Lord. Forgive him his sins, deliver him from temptations, keep him pure. Reward him for his kindness, for his loving heart. Don’t let him be disappointed in people, strengthen his strength, his hopes, help him in his plans, send him love and happiness. Let those whom he loves love him, let his enemies love him, and let no one do harm. Let my beloved know how much I love him and let him rejoice. Have mercy, Lord! Amen!"

There is also a short prayer for a loved one - it can be used in your daily appeal to the Lord. Here she is.

“Save, Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may your grace, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person, dwell in him, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to pray for your loved one correctly

Many women worry that their prayers may not be answered if they are said incorrectly.

However, remember once and for all: what is more important is not the words you say, but the feelings you put into them!

Jesus said: it doesn’t matter what prayer you choose, it doesn’t matter what words you say - what matters is the appeal to God itself, “for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

So, in praying for a loved one, the most important thing is the sincerity and tenderness that you put into it, and the positive image of events that will be before your eyes during prayer.

Now you are submitting your request to the Higher Power - which means you trust it and believe that you and your loved one will be taken care of. So try to calm down and be joyful while waiting for the fulfillment of your request - after all, it is said that God will never leave those who believe in his help to the end.

There are several general rules for prayer for a loved one, which both Orthodox priests and any people who believe in the existence of Higher Powers consider necessary:

  1. In prayer, try to avoid “non-words” and “non-phrases”: it is important to say and ask for what you want to happen - and not for what should not happen.
  2. Concentrate on the good and under no circumstances remember the negative moments from your relationship with your loved one, especially if you don’t feel that you have fully lived and let go of this situation.
  3. When praying for a loved one, like anyone else, it is important to fully gather your thoughts around your request and appeal to God. Don't be distracted by extraneous thoughts and activities, find a quiet corner where no one will disturb you, and relax.

Remember that heaven will definitely hear your prayer for your loved one, even the shortest one, in your own words, because God is love, which means that your pure, full of feelings requests are the most important thing in the world, and everything will definitely come true.

Without love, a person's life becomes meaningless and a person begins to fade away.

Therefore, very often, if you are not lucky enough to meet it in life, people turn to a wide variety of ways to attract this energy into their lives.

Today we’ll look at one, maybe the most effective way, attracting the circumstances of meeting the man of your dreams. It sounds somewhat unusual from the point of view of traditional atheistic philosophy. However, this method works extremely well. This is a prayer for love, a prayer to the Almighty that he will send you a loved one. No matter how strange the method of attracting love into your life through prayer may seem to those who do not believe in anything and consider talk about God an empty fantasy, it will definitely work if you pray correctly and comply with all the necessary conditions.

Prayer is a fairly powerful tool in a person’s mouth. Everyone knows the words from the Bible that you ask and what you ask for will definitely appear in your life. This also applies to love. It's about about pure love with a free person, whose heart is not occupied by another person, and who, especially, is not married. Prayer from the lips of a believer is capable of much.

Prayers for love are indeed very effective, but in order to translate them into reality, a person must strongly believe in what he is asking for from the highest powers and in relation to what/whom he is applying them to.

As a rule, the divine powers react very favorably to a person’s prayers for love. All that remains is to learn to pray.

It is a mistake to think that prayer is a memorized text, half of which a person does not understand. Prayer is an appeal to God, the Mother of God, and All Saints in your own words. This is a kind of conversation with higher powers, so there is no point in memorizing certain phrases for conversation. Just pray in your own words.

Prayer has a certain structure, but this does not mean that it must be strictly adhered to. If a person prays in his own words, then it is enough just to remember the most important church prayer, “Our Father,” in which a person first glorifies the power of God, thanks him for the blessings that God has sent him already in life, then asks him for what needs, asks for forgiveness for wrong actions.
It is important to understand that prayer is not a conspiracy to achieve certain goals, it is not a magic wand that fulfills all a person’s desires. A prayer for love is a request to give a person feelings, love, a soul mate, as it was with Adam and Eve, and not only for pleasure, but for procreation, and only if it is the will of the Lord.

Girls very often pray for love to the Mother of God, as well as to Saints Anna, Barbara, Natalya, and Tatiana. Very strong prayers in relation to guardian angels by name, as well as by date of birth.

Before prayer, relax, enter the state of the maximum possible personal positivity for you, focus in the middle of the chest (on the so-called “emotional heart”), tune in to the feeling of your own “royal” charm; charm, attractiveness, as if synchronizing yourself with the mood and inner state of the man of your dreams.

And then, start asking the Almighty to send a meeting with this person into your life. Try to put your prayer request into one phrase (for example, “Lord, send me a loved one for love and mutual improvement” , in principle, you can formulate any phrase that inspires you). And slowly, consciously passing through each word, repeat this formula, a prayer for love, about 15 - 20 times in a row with thoughtful faith and concentration.

Then stop repeating, as if giving the energy of your prayer request to the Almighty. In total, such a prayer for love should take no more than 3-4 minutes at a time. During the day, a similar prayer can also be used several times over several months. Sooner or later it will work. You just need to be persistent and behave correctly with a man who may appear in your life. If you do not make obvious mistakes in subsequent, real communication, both during acquaintance and during the development of relationships, everything should turn out favorably for you.

Prayer from N. Pravdina

Imagine the person you want to see next to you and read this prayer:

“I thank the Universe for everything I have. I know that I deserve the best. Now I am attracting into my life a partner who is right for me. I gladly give him my love, kind heart and pure thoughts, and he answers me the same. I deeply believe that the Divine power already knows where this person is, and every day he is getting closer and closer.
Now I turn to the eternal and only Divine power that created me for happiness and joy.
I ask you, let the most best man for me will manifest itself in my life. Bless me. Bless our relationship.
Let them be filled with trust and tenderness.
I ask you to open my heart for him and his heart for me.
I recognize him immediately by the look in his eyes. I open myself up to happiness. Our relationships are created on deep mutual love. I thank
That’s how I want it, and that’s the way it is!”

Prayer for love

When saying a prayer, it is necessary to put your right hand on the heart and say:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask for, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick path to the only one who is capable to illuminate my whole life with new light and to open my heart towards mine for the miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen"

Prayer for loneliness

“I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new, successful path so that the great influence of the Lord will help me to be satisfied with the Light and my loneliness, caused by the unclean spirit, will pass. I will block the river with three nets in order not to miss my happiness and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a miracle meeting will happen with the only one I need in the world and our paths will be united by the light of true Love. Amen".

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for finding love

“Blessed Mary, Mother of our God Jesus Christ,
I ask you, look into my soul,
Find me a loved one, bring him to me,
The one who is also looking for love, the spouse of my soul,
The one I love
And who will love me until the end of our days,
You, who know the sufferings and secrets of a woman,
I ask humbly in the name of our God."

Prayer to attract your other half
by Ariel Ford.

Say the following prayer only in a calm and balanced state, simply giving thanks for what you already have. Light a candle, stretch out on your big and beautiful bed, feel your home, your life and your heart as a cozy place where your loved one will want to land.

Let each word flow through you as you read the prayer out loud.
Daily Prayer to Attract Your Other Half

“Oh God!
In this moment I am grateful for the release of my heart
from ANYTHING that would prevent me from attracting my soulmate.
At this moment I remember that my ideal,
the right partner is attracted to me
and my only job is
it's calm to wait in absolute confidence,
that his heart is already united with mine while I enjoy the wait.
Thank you".

Prayers for love are considered absolutely harmless, because a person will not be given something that can harm other people, even if he very much asks for it in his prayers.

But as for love conspiracies, it should be noted right away that conspiracies are magic. Moreover, even love spells can be from the section of White magic, or maybe from the section of Black magic. Depending on what forces are called upon to carry out this or that conspiracy.

It should also be noted that White magic conspiracies cannot harm a person or a third party, but Black magic conspiracies operate in such a way that, regardless of the outcome, a certain goal is achieved, even if people pay for it with their lives. That is why it is necessary to choose love conspiracies extremely carefully, since the possible negative energy from them will have to affect someone’s life, and not one person is immune from the fact that they will not suffer as a result from their own conspiracies.
Based on materials from,,,

Prayers for love

Without true love, life for every person and even for the most avid bachelor can become meaningless. Prayer can help you meet your soulmate and find mutual love. Prayer words for love are harmless, since a person cannot receive something that can harm someone, so you only need to ask for pure feelings with a free partner.

A prayer for the mutual love of a girl or guy has a specific structure, but this does not mean that it must be strictly observed. You can also pray in your own words, but in this case you must first say the “Our Father” prayer, in which, first of all, a person will glorify the power of the Lord God and thank him for all the blessings he has sent, and then he should ask for what he wants. Also, do not forget to ask for forgiveness for wrong or bad actions.

You need to understand that prayer is not a conspiracy or a magic wand that instantly fulfills everything planned. Prayerful words about love are a request to grant a person mutual tender feelings, a loved one, and not only for fleeting pleasure, but to create a strong family and procreate.

In addition, you need to know that a request made in prayer can only be fulfilled if it is the will of the Lord. Often people come up with specific missions in life, but this does not mean that this is their true purpose. Therefore, a prayer for mutual feelings and love of a man or woman should be precisely a prayer to the Almighty to show the right path, including in this area of ​​life. By signs sent from above, everyone can determine their purpose; you just need to listen to your intuition and carefully observe what is happening around you.

Prayerful words about love are a very powerful weapon in the hands of a person, especially a lover. With its help, the person asking will definitely find his soul mate and, if he follows the law of love, he will preserve this long-awaited relationship for the rest of his life. However, we must remember that in any prayers we must thank the Lord God for his help.

Prayer words for the love of a young man

A prayer for the guy’s mutual love is said before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos or before the images of Faith, Hope, and Love. The girl needs to put her right hand on the heart area and say:

“Before You, Most Holy Mother of God, I bow and only before You can I open my heart. You know, Mother of God, everything that I, God’s servant (name), want to ask for, for my heart is free, empty, it cannot live without hot love. I pray and ask, give me a quick way to the only one who can illuminate my whole life with light and open his heart towards mine for the long-awaited and happy merger of our destinies and the acquisition of one soul for two. Amen".

Prayer words for the warm feelings of a husband

Prayer to the Evangelist John the Theologian

There is a period in every family when it seems that love is gradually fading away and previous relationships begin to crumble. Mostly women have such thoughts; they begin to find fault with their husbands, look for any evidence of their dislike, etc. The prayer to the evangelist and holy Apostle John the Theologian will help to give confidence in yourself, as well as in your husband:

“Oh, All-Praised and Great Evangelist and Apostle John the Theologian, Jesus’ confidant, our intercessor and quick helper. Ask the Almighty God to grant me, God’s servant (name), and my husband, God’s servant (name), forgiveness of our sins, for we have sinned from our youth and throughout our lives in word, deed, thought and feelings. Pray to the Almighty God to preserve our marriage and our eternal love. Amen".

Prayer to martyrs Natalia and Adrian

The image of these martyrs can be purchased in a temple or church shop.

“Oh, sacred duo, holy martyrs of Christ Natalia and Adrian, blessed spouses and sufferers. Hear me, God's servant (name), praying to you with pain and tears, send patience to the body and soul of God's servant (name) and God's servant (name of husband), and ask our Almighty, may he have mercy on us and send us his sacred mercy, May we not perish in our terrible sins. Holy martyrs Natalia and Adrian, I beg you, accept the voice of my request, and deliver us from destruction, famine, betrayal, divorce, invasion, abuse and swearing, from sudden death and from all sorrows, troubles and illnesses. Amen".

A strong prayer for finding love

This is very strong prayer for mutual love, or rather to attract it. Not everyone has warm relationships in life; many suffer from loneliness and strive to meet and find true love. It is this prayer that will help you gain such long-awaited feelings:

“I, your servant of God (name), bow low to the ground and pray to You, Lord, for Your mercy and help. Forgive me, God's servant (name), for all my sins, insults, anger, hatred and my other vices. Send me a quick path to my one and only true love. I pray for your help, Lord, I am lost in this huge world, and I alone am unable to find my betrothed among many people. I ask for your help, merciful God, I hope and trust in you alone. Send the only thing to me, I ask for love, I ask for warmth, I ask for the merger of our souls. Amen".

All prayers must be said with a pure heart and from the soul, only then will they be heard by the Lord God.
