Chronic fatigue. Causes of constant weakness and fatigue Why does a person feel tired?

Text: Olga Kim

Haven't been on vacation for a long time? Do you feel like a squeezed lemon every day? Are you experiencing health and skin problems? You may have what is called chronic fatigue syndrome. What can it lead to and how to deal with it?

Constant fatigue: what is the reason?

Constant fatigue observed in people in their prime, between the ages of 20 and 50. Both men and women are subject to it. This happens due to a decrease in the activity of a number of genes, which contributes to the deterioration of the human body’s resistance to all kinds of diseases, stress and the aging process.

Constant fatigue is a disease that first manifests itself as a common flu, with loss of energy, aching muscles, slow reactions and mental activity. In this case, headaches, enlarged lymph nodes, drowsiness, depression, and memory impairment may occur, which can last for months or even a year.

Constant fatigue causes weakness and lethargy of the body, and even proper sleep and rest do not relieve them. Any load, even the smallest one, be it going to the store or doing housework, seems incomprehensible and irritating to a person with constant fatigue. At the same time, a person’s joints and muscles hurt; they can get stronger or weaker, but they are present regularly.

How to deal with constant fatigue?

The first step on the path to recovery is to see a doctor. First, you need to be examined to identify other diseases in which constant fatigue can also be observed. If none are found, then the patient is prescribed treatment.

Firstly, it is a relaxing massage. Perhaps your stressful everyday life has exhausted you physically and pain in your joints and muscles is caused by this. Ask your family to give you a body massage, or you can make an appointment with a massage therapist and do it regularly.

Secondly, taking vitamins. Constant fatigue can be caused by the change of season. At this time, the body naturally feels a lack of vitamins. In this case, multivitamin complexes will help. Consult your doctor regarding this matter.

Thirdly, constant fatigue can cause depression. Then the doctor will prescribe you mixed type antidepressants. If depression is not found by your doctor, try drinking an infusion of valerian, mint, motherwort or St. John's wort at night. And in the morning you can drink adaptogens: tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, rosea and aralia radiola.

Fourthly, if you are on a diet and prefer not to eat much, denying yourself breakfast, then this meal plan is completely unsuitable for you. In this case, constant fatigue is quite understandable. Breakfast should be hearty, and each meal should include complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Fifthly, women often feel constant fatigue during menstruation. This is caused by a lack of iron in the blood. In such a situation, take vitamins containing iron and eat foods that contain it: meat, apples, beans, cereals.

Constant fatigue can last for years if you don't take proper steps to eliminate it. Watch your sleep, it should be healthy and try to devote enough time to it even on the busiest days. Get out into the fresh air and eat healthy, nutritious foods. If you follow all the above recommendations, constant fatigue will soon disappear from your life.

Fatigue and apathy after a long day of work are normal and natural. To get back to normal, a healthy person just needs to get a good night's sleep or just survive until the weekend. But if even rest doesn’t help you get back on track, it’s time to think about visiting a doctor.

When you wake up in the morning, do you find it difficult to get dressed and feel lethargic for the rest of the day? On weekends, do you lack the strength and desire to even go for a walk, and even more so on weekdays? After walking a couple of flights of stairs, are you ready to fall down from weakness? All these signs may indicate serious health problems; Some of them, however, can be solved on your own, while others require the help of a specialist. The authors of the book “Your Body's Red Light Warning Signals,” published in America, named the 8 most common causes of constant fatigue.

1. Lack of vitamin B12

This vitamin helps your body's nerve cells and red blood cells function. The latter, in turn, are involved in transporting oxygen to the tissues, without which the body cannot process nutrients into the energy it needs. Hence the weakness due to B12 deficiency. This condition can also be recognized by other signs: for example, it is very often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes by numbness of the fingers and toes and memory problems.

What to do. Vitamin deficiency is detected by a simple blood test. If it shows a positive result, you will most likely be advised to eat more meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The vitamin is also available in medicinal form, but is poorly absorbed and is usually prescribed only in extreme cases.

2. Vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is unique because it is produced independently by our body. True, for this you need to spend at least 20-30 minutes in the sun every day, and the latest criticism of tanning enthusiasts does not help this at all. The press is full of warnings that sunbathing can lead to premature aging, age spots and cancer. This is partly true, of course, but excessive caution is no less dangerous to health. Vitamin D deficiency, doctors warn, can result in heart problems, high blood pressure, neurological disorders and some types of cancer.

What to do. Vitamin D levels are also checked with a blood test. You can replenish it with a fish diet, eggs and liver. But sunbathing is also necessary. 10 minutes in the fresh air a day will be enough to get rid of fatigue.

3. Taking medications

Read the package insert for the medicine you are taking. Possibly side effects include fatigue, apathy, and weakness. However, some manufacturers may “hide” this information from you. For example, antihistamines (used for allergies) can literally drain your energy, although you won't read it on the label. Many antidepressants and beta blockers (hypertension medications) have a similar effect.

What to do. Each person reacts to medications differently. The form and even the brand of the drug may matter. Ask your doctor to find another one for you - maybe changing pills will get you back into shape.

4. Malfunction of the thyroid gland

Thyroid problems can also include changes in weight (especially difficulty losing weight), dry skin, chills, and menstrual irregularities. These are typical signs of hypothyroidism - an underactive thyroid gland, due to which the body lacks metabolism-regulating hormones. In an advanced state, the disease can lead to joint diseases, heart disease and infertility. 80% of patients are women.

What to do. Go to an endocrinologist and decide how intensive treatment you need. As a rule, patients have to remain on hormone replacement therapy for the rest of their lives, although the results justify the costs.

5. Depression

Weakness is one of the most common companions of depression. On average, about 20% of the world's population suffers from this scourge.

What to do. If you don't want to take pills and go to a psychologist, try playing sports. Physical activity is a natural antidepressant, promoting the production of the “happy” hormone serotonin.

6. Intestinal problems

Celiac disease, or celiac disease, affects approximately 1 in 133 people. It lies in the inability of the intestines to digest the gluten of cereals, that is, as soon as you sit on pizza, cookies, pasta or bread for a week, bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the joints and constant fatigue begin. The body reacts to a lack of nutrients that it cannot receive due to the intestines’ inability to absorb them.

What to do. First, undergo several tests to make sure that the problem is really in the intestines. In some cases, endoscopic examination is required to confirm the diagnosis. If the answer is yes, you will have to seriously reconsider your diet.

7. Heart problems

About 70% of women who have had a heart attack complain of sudden and prolonged attacks of weakness and constant fatigue that precede the heart attack. And although the heart attack itself is not so painful for the fair half of humanity, the percentage of deaths among women is constantly growing.

What to do. If you have other symptoms of heart problems - loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, rare but sharp chest pain - it is better to consult a cardiologist. You may need an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, or ultrasound examination of the heart. Treatment depends on the results. To prevent heart disease, you can change your diet to a low-fat diet and do light exercise.

8. Diabetes

This insidious disease has two ways of wearing you down. First: when a patient's blood sugar level is too high, glucose (that is, potential energy) is literally washed out of the body and goes to waste. It turns out that the more you eat, the worse you will feel. By the way, the state of constantly elevated blood sugar has its own name - potential diabetes or prediabetes. This is not yet a disease, but it manifests itself in the same way in persistent fatigue.

The second problem is strong thirst: the patient drinks a lot, and because of this he gets up several times a night “out of need” - what kind of healthy sleep is that?

What to do. Other symptoms of diabetes include increased urination, increased appetite and weight loss. If you suspect you have this disease, the best way to check your suspicions is to get your blood tested. If you have diabetes, you will have to follow a diet, regularly check your blood sugar, take medications, and possibly exercise. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, losing weight and increasing physical activity can prevent the condition from getting worse.

The desire to curl up in a ball, not touch anyone and do nothing simply because there is no more strength, visits each of us. But if this condition does not go away for a long time, it may be worth seeing a doctor, because this may indicate a serious illness.

We have compiled a list of diseases in which constant fatigue is among the main symptoms. Read and be healthy!

Iron deficiency

With a lack of iron (anemia), hemoglobin production decreases, cells do not receive enough oxygen, which causes constant fatigue.

Other signs:

  • the desire to eat something strange (most often ice, sometimes earth, starch);
  • constantly cold hands or feet;
  • chest discomfort, shortness of breath;
  • pale skin, brittle, peeling nails;
  • a painful, swollen, or inflamed tongue.

In the initial stages, the situation can be corrected by increasing the amount of iron-containing foods in the diet. The champions in iron content are shellfish, meat and animal by-products, and legumes.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Fatigue is one of the first signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. This element is contained only in products of animal origin, so vegetarians are the first to be at risk.

Other signs:

  • bad mood, tearfulness, anxiety;
  • blurred vision, the appearance of unusual shadows;
  • pale or yellowish skin, smooth tongue;
  • numbness, tingling, numbness of the limbs.

If there is a lack of vitamin B12, correcting the diet will only help if there really is not enough meat in it (for example, you were on a diet). In all other cases, it is necessary to take a synthetic analogue, the correct dose of which will be prescribed by the doctor.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid insufficiency (hypothyroidism), in which there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, is accompanied by fatigue.

Other signs:

  • swollen face and eyelids, swelling of the legs (less often);
  • increased sensitivity to cold;
  • pain, discomfort in muscles, joints;
  • hoarse voice;
  • dry skin, thinning or hair loss.

This condition is corrected by taking synthetic hormones.

Intestinal diseases

With intestinal dysfunction, the number of harmful bacteria in it increases greatly. When these microorganisms die, they release a toxin that has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, causing fatigue.

Other signs:

  • excessive gas formation, abdominal pain;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • nausea.

Treatment of the intestines depends on what disease (this could be dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome) has disrupted its normal functionality.

Adrenaline fatigue

Adrenaline fatigue is an excess of adrenaline in the blood. This hormone is produced during stressful situations and in small doses brings only benefits, but in excess it provokes a feeling of weakness.

Other signs:

  • low blood pressure;
  • body aches;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • hair loss, darkening of skin.

Adrenaline surges cannot be excluded from real life. But getting enough sleep, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, and playing sports will help you cope with stressful situations less painfully.

Liver diseases

The most common liver diseases that are accompanied by fatigue are hepatitis A and B. Lack of strength is also observed with impaired outflow of bile, inflammation of the bile ducts, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Other signs:

  • pain under the ribs on the right side;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea, poor appetite.

In this case, it is impossible to do without taking special medications (and in some cases, without surgical intervention).

Chronic dehydration

Chronic dehydration is not as obvious as acute dehydration, so this condition is often not given importance. A constant lack of water entails many problems, including constant fatigue.

Other signs:

  • constant desire to eat something sweet;
  • difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • dry mouth, unpleasant odor.

To check your body for dehydration, pinch a fold of skin on the outside of your wrist with two fingers, pull it half a centimeter, and then release it. The skin should completely smooth out and return to its original position in 1-2 seconds.

Chronic dehydration is corrected by increasing the volume of fluid in the diet (from 1.5 to 2.5 liters depending on weight).

If constant fatigue and other symptoms do not go away within several weeks, do not waste time and consult a doctor, because the success of the fight against any disease depends on how timely treatment was started.

You probably know how important it is to get enough sleep - it affects your overall health. It is recommended to sleep six to eight hours per night. However, sometimes you may notice that your tiredness persists even if you go to bed early, sleep eight hours, and don't wake up too early.

In such a situation, you still constantly want to sleep more. This increased fatigue may be associated with chronic fatigue. There is no diagnosis for this disease; scientists are still speculating about the reasons for the development of this condition. Sometimes this situation becomes a real mystery, but some reasons have already been identified.

You are anemic

If you consistently feel tired throughout the day, you may have anemia, a blood disorder that occurs when your red blood cell count is low. As a result, sufficient oxygen does not reach cells and tissues. There are some forms of anemia that run in families, but the most common form of anemia is due to a lack of iron in the diet. The most common symptom of this condition is fatigue, which is accompanied by headache, weakness and dizziness. If you are familiar with all these symptoms, be sure to go to the doctor to undergo all the necessary tests and diagnostics. Fortunately, iron deficiency anemia can be easily treated by taking a vitamin supplement and making some changes to your diet. There are many foods that contain enough iron, so you can find a suitable diet for yourself.

Are you depressed?

Three hundred fifty million people worldwide suffer from depression. This is a serious psychological disorder that can be associated with a variety of genetic and adverse factors, including genetic predisposition, poor diet and lack of physical activity. If you have unexplained sadness that bothers you for more than two weeks, this is a clear sign of depression. In addition, the disorder can also manifest itself physically, leading to increased fatigue, pain and difficulty sleeping. If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

You don't play sports

If you feel tired all the time, it may seem counterintuitive to hit the gym. Eventually, a serious workout can completely exhaust your strength. However, if you exercise regularly, your energy levels will increase. Exercise stimulates the formation of new mitochondria in cells, which increases energy at the cellular level. Studies have shown that sedentary people who incorporate moderate exercise into their schedule noticeably reduce their levels of fatigue. Sometimes just starting to walk for thirty minutes every day is enough. Put on some comfortable shoes and go for a walk to improve your health. It is worth overcoming fatigue several times in order to then completely forget about this feeling for a long time.

Do you have diabetes?

About a third of adults suffer from diabetes, often undiagnosed. You may be living with this disease and not even know it. People with type 2 diabetes do not metabolize glucose correctly, causing the sugar to accumulate in the blood rather than be used as an energy source. Chronic fatigue is one of the first signs of diabetes; in addition, the disease manifests itself through constant thirst, hunger and frequent urination. Visit your doctor to get blood tests to see if you have problems with your sugar levels.

You have hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland, located in the neck, produces two important hormones that control many body functions, such as energy expenditure, body temperature control, and digestion. In addition, the thyroid gland determines the condition of many internal organs. If it doesn't work correctly, you experience hormonal problems and severely reduced energy levels. With hypothyroidism, the body has too few of the necessary hormones, so the cells do not work properly. This manifests itself through chronic fatigue and weight gain, as well as increased cholesterol and decreased libido. Be sure to visit your doctor and undergo all necessary tests.

You are not getting enough calories

Losing weight requires creating a balance of proper nutrition, exercise, enough water and hours of sleep, but you still need to cut calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will inevitably lose weight. However, you may be cutting calories too much. Then your body will not have enough strength to function normally. One of the telltale signs of low calorie intake is constant fatigue. Never eat less than twelve hundred calories a day. If you lead an active lifestyle, you need one and a half thousand calories or even more. Eating less will make you feel tired, slow down your metabolism, and undermine your efforts.

You eat too much sugar

Your body needs glucose for energy, but too much sugar will affect you negatively. If you eat something too sweet, your sugar levels will spike and then crash and you won't feel your best. If you regularly consume sweets, your body will constantly suffer from such changes.

You're not drinking enough water

If you constantly feel tired and reach for coffee or soda again, stop doing it. Your body may need water, not caffeine. Dehydration often causes low energy levels, causing you to want to eat or drink caffeinated drinks. Pour yourself a glass of water regularly and drink. In addition, you can make detox water - just add citruses, frozen berries, cucumber or spices to the glass. This will fill the drink with incredible aroma and make it more nutritious. In addition, you will hydrate your body and increase your energy levels.

You're eating too few carbohydrates

Severely restricting carbohydrates is a popular diet that many people turn to when they want to lose weight quickly. Every gram of carbohydrates you eat retains a gram of water. If you cut carbs, you'll lose water quickly, but it may seem like you're losing fat. Carbohydrates are hugely important for your energy levels, so you shouldn't give them up completely - you won't have any energy throughout the day, and you won't want to go to the gym at all. Just choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Even if you're trying to lose weight, carbohydrates should still make up 45 to 65 percent of your daily diet, which is between one hundred and two hundred grams. If you eat less, you will feel constantly tired and irritable.

Do you need vitamin D

While wearing sunscreen is helpful, you shouldn't avoid sunlight completely. Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, and many adults don't get enough. If you live in a cloudy climate or constantly wear sunscreen, you need to take a vitamin D supplement.

Good day, dear friends/ Do you have the feeling that no matter how much you sleep, constant weakness and fatigue remain your constant companions? Increased fatigue is often accompanied by weakness and severe sweating.

If you constantly struggle with fatigue, then you should take into account not only sleep, but also diet, hormonal balance, physical activity, level of psychological stress and heredity. All of these factors affect your hormonal levels, many of which can impair your sleep at night and your ability to cope during the day.

What are the causes of drowsiness and weakness? Most of us know that a good night's sleep is important, but few of us actually make nighttime sleep a priority. Many of us even forget what a state of complete relaxation means; we are used to living in constant tension and overload.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that our circadian rhythms are attacked by various stimulating drinks (coffee, energy drinks). Fortunately, there are various ways to avoid overwork and fatigue. But to do this you need to find out what causes weakness and fatigue. Let's look at the main causes of drowsiness and weakness and how to deal with them.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a widespread disease; women suffer from it 4 times more often than men. This is especially true for women aged 40–60 years. People suffering from this disease are characterized by weakened immunity, insufficient hormone levels, frequent exposure and overgrowth of yeast in the body.

In order to increase your energy level, you can use the following methods:

  • Adjust your diet, minimize the consumption of caffeine, sugar and carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, and processed foods.
  • Eat healthy fats, proteins and plenty of fresh vegetables.
  • It is advisable to consume various adaptogens: magnesium, vitamins B5, B12, C and D3, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc.
  • Reduce the level through regular exercise, learn to relax, and get enough sleep.

Weakness after eating - poor nutrition

You may have already noticed that the way you eat can affect how you feel. This is because your diet ultimately affects:

  • Hormone balance
  • Functioning of neurotransmitters
  • Sleep cycles

If a person is addicted to flour and sweets, this can significantly weaken his body. Such people do not receive adequate proteins, fats and a variety of nutrients contained in natural and healthy foods.

To avoid feeling weak after eating, try to change your diet to include these types of food that will fill you with energy:

  • Types of foods rich in vitamin B (wild fish, free-range eggs, and a variety of green leafy vegetables).
  • Foods rich in calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc, which can help reduce the effects of stress and promote better sleep (natural dairy, avocado, wild salmon, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds).
  • Healthy sources of fats including omega-3 fatty acids (fatty wild fish, seeds, olive oil, avocados and nuts).

At the same time, try to avoid the following types of foods:

  • Sweet foods that destabilize your body's energy.
  • Refined flour products rich in simple carbohydrates that destabilize sugar levels.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption promotes anxiety and disrupts sleep.
  • before bedtime can make it easier to fall asleep, but the quality of sleep is significantly reduced, which can cause weakness and fatigue in the future.

Sugar level imbalance

Many people don't know that spikes in blood sugar can lead to weakness and fatigue. Over time, an imbalance in sugar levels can lead to serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of sugar imbalance include:

  • Feeling tired.
  • Spontaneous development of hunger.
  • Headache.
  • Mood swings.
  • Sense of anxiety.

Causes of sugar imbalance:

How to deal with sugar imbalance in the body:

  • Extremely minimize the consumption of products containing refined sugar and premium flour.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Avoid foods containing large quantities

Weakness during menstruation

When we are dehydrated, we feel thirsty. Period weakness can be caused by dehydration and anemia. The most common cause of dehydration is not drinking enough water or replacing it with soda and sweetened juices. Dehydration affects the viscosity of your blood, as well as the amount of fluid your heart needs to pump throughout your body.

When there is a lack of fluid in the body, the heart sends less oxygen and nutrients to the brain, muscles and other organs. As a result, weakness in the body may develop.

Mood swings, clouded thinking may begin, weakness and trembling in the arms and legs may occur, concentration and attention may deteriorate. These negative effects can be combated by drinking enough water throughout the day, as well as eating vegetables and fruits that contain the necessary electrolytes.

Severe weakness throughout the body - anemia

Anemia is a disease in which the number of red blood cells in the blood is reduced. This disease leads to a reduced supply of oxygen to the body's cells. Anemia is usually associated with a lack of iron, as well as insufficient intake of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Anemia can develop with blood loss during menstruation. Symptoms of this disease include:

  • Sharp weakness throughout the body.
  • Weakness during exercise.
  • Decreased attention.
  • Overwork.
  • Other symptoms.

Reducing symptoms of anemia can be achieved by improving your diet and including foods that contain iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Sedentary lifestyle

Many people are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle due to their profession, which can lead to unpleasant feelings. After a day spent at the office desk, you often feel weak and your whole body hurts. Our bodies are designed to move, not to sit in an unnatural position at a desk for long periods of time.

Regular physical activity helps balance hormones, improve insulin resistance and help normalize sleep, which is important in achieving the desired level of energy and getting rid of fatigue. Exercise releases endorphins, increases stamina, improves mood and increases energy.

How to increase your exercise level:

  • Sometimes it can be helpful to sit on a large exercise ball rather than a chair if the situation allows.
  • During sedentary work, periodically take breaks, walk, and stretch your muscles. Stretching is a good way to exercise effectively.
  • It's a good idea to get some exercise before or after work.

Low quality sleep

Research shows that most adults require an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each day to feel normal.

Causes of sleep disturbances may include:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Late bedtime.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Certain medications and supplements.
  • Hormone imbalance.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Noise pollution.
  • Use relaxation techniques that improve your bedtime.
  • Sometimes using salt baths and aromatherapy before bed helps.
  • Magnesium supplements can help relax muscles and reduce muscle pain, which can sometimes promote sleep.
  • Avoid eating sweet and starchy foods, especially before bed.
  • Try to avoid consuming caffeine-containing products in the afternoon.

Weakness the day after training

This is often caused not by the workout itself, but by the fact that you simply didn’t sleep enough. A slight but constant lack of sleep can, over time, lead to a significant deterioration in well-being and the development of constant weakness and fatigue.

Emotional stress

Worries can significantly undermine your energy reserves. Particularly dangerous are chronic neuroses, which constantly steal a person’s reserves of strength and energy. Anxiety neuroses can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Biochemistry of the brain.
  • Diet.
  • Problems with the digestive system.

To combat emotional stress, the following may be helpful:

  • Adequate sleep and exercise levels.
  • Avoidance of various stimulants, including caffeine and various processed foods and sweets.
  • What vitamins should I take? To combat stress, it will be useful to consume B vitamins, as well as magnesium supplements.

Dizziness and weakness in arms and legs - depression

It is one of the most common causes of persistent weakness and fatigue in people in developed countries. At the same time, the feelings of weakness and fatigue experienced by a person are actually an element of depression.

Therefore, treatment of weakness in this case must be based on the fight against depression. Dizziness and weakness in the arms and legs in some cases can be caused not by physiological, but by psychological reasons.

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • Increased stress.
  • Unresolved emotional problems.
  • Imbalance of neurotransmitters.
  • Hormone imbalance.
  • Abuse.
  • Lack of certain substances in the diet.
  • Insufficient exposure to sunlight.
  • Toxic effects of heavy metals.
  • Presence of food allergies.

Treatment of weakness - turning to specialists

What to do if you feel dizzy and weak? If these sensations persist for a long time, then it makes sense to consult a therapist. Vomiting and weakness in the child , undoubtedly is a cause for concern and immediate attention to a specialist.

It is a specialist who can adequately assess the state of health, identify the cause and prescribe appropriate medications for fatigue. Weakness during pregnancy can be caused by a variety of reasons, to clarify which you will need the help of a qualified health worker, a gynecologist.

Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor, do not delay, and you will soon return to a vigorous, active and interesting life.
