Mustafa Ismail has the biggest biceps. The biggest biceps in the world

When you first see photos of this guy, you get the impression that this is just someone's work in Photoshop. But in fact, the photos are real and the name of this bodybuilder is Mustafa Ismail, he earned himself a place in newest edition The Guinness Book of Records goes on sale today in London. Mustafa Ismail is the man with the biggest biceps in the world!

Mustafa is 24 years old; at the age of 14 he began to intensively pump up his biceps and has since achieved stunning results. His biceps currently measure 31 inches (78 cm) in circumference! The guy works out hard twice a day, lifting 500 kg of weight, and absorbs protein-containing foods in incredible quantities. His daily diet is several boiled chicken, approximately 500 g of steak or fish and 3 liters of protein shakes.

Mustafa Ismail himself, nicknamed “Big Mo,” claims that excellent genetic data also played a big role in building such huge biceps; the guy’s father was an Egyptian wrestler.

Five years ago, the bodybuilder moved from Egypt to America with his 30-year-old wife Caroline, and now he combines his daily training with work at a gas station near his home in Massachusetts. Friends often compare him to the famous cartoon character “Popeye” (he’s a sailor with huge hands), but he laughs and claims that, unlike “Popeye,” he hates spinach and believes that his hands are already much larger than those of the cartoon character !

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    Thanks to his world's largest biceps, bodybuilder Mustafa Ismail earned the nickname "Popeye the Sailor Man." Although this Egyptian Popeye has a severe allergy to spinach, unlike his cartoon counterpart, who got his strength from this plant, Mustafa cannot tolerate greens. The 24-year-old Egyptian, whose biceps measure 78cm in girth, says spinach is to him what kryptonite is to Superman.

    Mustafa entered the Guinness Book of Records last year as the man with the largest biceps. The bodybuilder was born in Alexandria and then moved to the States in 2007.

    As a child, he was very fat, but soon returned to his homeland as a real “Hulk.” Mustafa Ismail lives with his wife Caroline in the USA. “I am the first Egyptian to be included in the Guinness Book of Records. In Egypt they gave me a real celebration because they were very proud of me.” Thanks to his body, Mustafa has already visited many countries.

    Many people stop him on the street and ask him to touch his biceps - many do not believe that they are real. Many also say that he inspired them to go to the gym.

    Although Mustafa has critics: many claim that his muscles are not real, that he uses steroids, implants or synthol - a synthetic oil that bodybuilders use to “chuff” their muscles. But “Big Mo” (as Mustafa was nicknamed) denies all this. He can lift 272 kg. He even had an ultrasound on Japanese television to prove his biceps were real.

    "It hurts, but I'm proud of myself." Despite his fame, Mustafa still keeps his feet on the ground and works 70 hours a week at a gas station in Milford, Massachusetts. IN free time it can only be found in the gym.
    His three-hour workouts begin at 5 am. IN adolescence Mustafa was a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    “It’s not about lifting a lot of weight, it’s about proper technique and achieving best results" Mustafa eats 3 kg of meat, 4 kg of carbohydrates and drinks 11 liters of water a day, and then washes it all down with three protein shakes. “Before I started working out, I was fat and was always embarrassed to take off my T-shirt. I always wore a T-shirt in the pool." However, Mustafa is not happy with his record. He intends to add another 20cm to his biceps to reach a girth of 101cm.

    He also plans to make his shoulders even bigger than his biceps. “I will try, although it will take maximum effort. You will have to concentrate and prepare properly. To reach this level, you will have to believe in yourself. And I can do it if I just keep training. Maybe it will take about a year.” The only drawback, according to Mustafa himself: “I will look scary.”

    Grueling visits to the gym and jogging in the morning are not tough for everyone, but not for the heroes of our material about the largest biceps. These guys were ready to do anything just to prove that they had the largest biceps on the planet.

    Greg Valentino

    This unique athlete had a turbulent career, but one way or another he still achieved his goal and for many years held the title of "The Man with the Biggest Biceps in the World." Over the course of 10 years of grueling training, Greg managed to pump up his biceps, the girth of which reached 53 centimeters. The athlete literally swore that he achieved this result without the use of steroids and other prohibited chemical-based drugs. What can I say? Well done Greg! Keep it up!

    But, apparently, it wasn’t enough for the athlete, and he still decided to resort to using steroids, citing the fact that he wanted to achieve a much greater result. The result was stunning: the athlete’s arm circumference increased to 71 centimeters! With this result, Greg Valentino entered the Guinness Book of Records.

    But everything is not as rosy in Greg's life as it seems at first glance. After starting to take steroids, the athlete began to have health problems. Even though muscle mass in his arms grew before his eyes, Greg’s vitality slowly but surely melted away every day. As time passed, Greg's muscles even began to fester. But he didn’t even try to hide this terrible fact and posted photos with disgusting wounds on the Internet.

    According to Greg himself, he allegedly posted these photos for young guys so that they would understand what excessive use of steroids can lead to. But even health problems were not the worst page in the athlete’s life. The thing is that Greg had to go to war after serving in the army. After the war, the record holder began distributing illegal drugs, for which he ended up serving time in prison. Now Greg Valentino has come to his senses and put his head together; soon the athlete is going to write and publish a book about his life.

    Mustafa Ismail

    The colorful Egyptian athlete, Mustafa Ismail, managed to pump up the largest biceps in the world. Now the 24-year-old bodybuilder lives and works in America. Mustafa is famous not only for his biceps (79 centimeters in girth), but also for having the largest forearms.

    As a joke, Mustafa's friends call him Popeye the sailor because of his disproportionate arms. But Mustafa is a cheerful guy and is not at all offended by humorous statements directed at him. The young athlete has been fascinated by sports since childhood and dreamed of achieving what others cannot. Already at the age of 14, Mustafa began to play sports professionally. The young man’s main emphasis was on pumping up his biceps. After moving to America, the young guy became available best conditions to make your dreams come true. As time passed, Mustafa pumped up his biceps to a record level. Today the athlete confidently lifts 226 kg on his biceps.

    The young bodybuilder said that in order to achieve results, he had to get up at 4 am almost every day, get to the gym and lift for 3 hours. Then the athlete still had to go to work, where he worked almost until lunch. Then the athlete took a break, ate a hearty meal and went to his second job, where he worked until the evening. But even now, Mustafa claims that he was able to achieve such outstanding results not only thanks to discipline and grueling training.

    The main factor was proper and regular nutrition. On the day, the young man had to eat 3 kg of protein food, 4 kg of carbohydrates, and also had to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. To this day, the bodybuilder consumes 1.5 kilograms of meat per day, eats 4 cups of almonds and drinks up to three liters protein shake.

    The athlete is also in excellent health and assures the whole world that he has never taken illegal drugs during his short but already very successful career. Many are inclined to doubt the veracity of the bodybuilder’s words and claim that biceps of such unrealistic sizes could only be pumped up with the help of synthol or thanks to silicone implants.

    But, despite everything, Mustafa Ismail continues to do what he loves and easily fends off any negative statements from the press and ill-wishers in his direction. At the moment, although Mustafa is the owner of the largest biceps in the world, he has not yet entered the Guinness Book of Records. What should I add here? Everything is still ahead.
