Cough during teething. Cough and runny nose during teething in children Wet cough on teeth

Teething in a baby is often accompanied by coughing attacks. In most cases, this symptom is not a sign viral diseases.

Can there be a cough during teething, and what are the reasons?

During the eruption of baby teeth, blood circulation in the gum area and the nearby nasal cavity increases. Because of inflammatory process A runny nose develops, and with constant crying, mucus accumulates in the nostrils. Subsequently, it begins to flow down the throat and fill respiratory tract, which leads to a cough.

There is another reason why the symptom may occur. When teeth are being cut, the baby produces a large amount of saliva, which flows down the throat and causes coughing attacks. In this case, irritation occurs in the mouth area, the skin becomes red and inflamed.

Other symptoms that indicate a cough is caused by teething:

  • anxiety, tearfulness;
  • poor appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • the need to pick up and chew various objects.

What is a cough during teething?

Cough during teething is rare, and breathing is clear and free from wheezing. You should also pay attention to snot when a symptom appears. If your baby is teething, the discharge will be watery and clear.

A dry cough is observed in the initial stages, when mucus begins to flow down the throat. If parents do not take measures to cleanse the nasal cavity, snot continues its movement through the nasopharynx and accumulates in the respiratory tract. The result is the development of a wet cough.

The symptom can appear at any time of the day. In most cases, it occurs during sleep when the child is lying down. In this case, mucus passes unhindered into the upper respiratory tract, causing coughing attacks.

Ways to alleviate the condition

Coughing in infants is a natural reaction of the body to the appearance of incisors, but it can and should be dealt with. To avoid the development of a symptom, you need to eliminate its main cause - increased salivation and runny nose during teething. To do this, you need to do 2 things: regularly moisturize the nasal cavity and eliminate accumulated mucus. To prevent the formation of mucus, you can place a small pillow under the child's head (this will prevent mucus from flowing down the nasopharynx).

You can moisten your baby's nose with homemade saline solution or Aquamaris. Doctors (pediatricians) recommend using nasal drops with sea ​​water, which relieve swelling and irritation.

Fangs appear at a conscious age, when a child can blow his nose on his own. Responsibility for removing snot from babies lies with their parents. To clear the nasal passages in children when teeth appear, you can use a nasal aspirator or syringe. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a saline solution, a decoction of sage or chamomile.
  2. Take the baby so that he is standing or in a reclining state.
  3. Turn the child's head to the side, drop 3-5 drops of a pre-prepared solution or decoction into the nostril.
  4. Insert the tip of the aspirator into the nostril, and pinch the second nasal passage with your finger. Suck out the mucus.
  5. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril.
  6. Wash, disinfect and dry the device.

Before using any aspirator, you should read the instructions for its use. During the procedure, you need to ensure that the baby does not worry and that the tip of the aspirator does not touch the walls of the nose. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in damage to the mucous membrane and the development of bleeding.

Parents who do not know how to use the device or are afraid of injuring their baby should contact their pediatrician or nurse. The specialist will perform the first procedure and show you how to properly remove mucus. In this case, attention should be focused on the actions of the physician. If necessary, the procedure can be recorded on the phone.

Another way to improve your child’s well-being is to buy teethers at a pharmacy or baby store. They affect the teeth and gums, develop fine motor skills of the hands, promote the formation of a correct bite and prepare for the process of chewing food. There are also battery-powered models and finger teethers with small brushes. Cooling options with water or gel deserve special attention. Before use, they are placed in the refrigerator for 20-60 minutes.

  1. The product must be safe for the baby. It is worth choosing products from trusted manufacturers made from high-quality hypoallergenic materials.
  2. The teether must be appropriate for the child’s age and abilities. It’s good if the product arouses interest in the baby and fits easily in the hand and mouth.
  3. Products must be disinfected regularly to avoid the accumulation of harmful germs and infection.

Do I need to treat a teething cough?

When teeth come through, the child coughs, and snot interferes with sleep. During this period, children behave restlessly, refuse food and cry a lot. However, it is not recommended to treat them, since the use medicines in the absence of disease, it can cause harm. In such cases, it is recommended to monitor the children’s well-being and wait until the cough goes away on its own. During this period, you can alleviate the condition of the baby using the above methods.

There is no need to give mucolytics (drugs that thin sputum and promote expectoration) to the child, since they will not bring the desired result. Children under 3 years of age cannot spit out mucus, so these medications are not prescribed to them.

If a child has recently suffered an infectious disease, it is necessary to prepare the body for a new test. To do this, you should contact your pediatrician and ask him to prescribe an immunostimulating drug. In some cases (when there are severe pain), your doctor may prescribe a safe analgesic. All medications must be used with the permission of a specialist. If this requirement is not met, the child's condition may worsen.

How long does the cough last?

In most cases, a child’s cough when incisors appear lasts for 2-4 days and goes away on its own. Sometimes this does not happen, and symptoms of respiratory diseases are added to the cough. This may indicate an infection has entered the body.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Even severe cough, which occurs during the eruption of incisors, is not a reason to consult a doctor (the exception is situations where the symptom persists for 4 or more days). You should contact your pediatrician if signs of respiratory illness appear. These include:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • wheezing in chest, shortness of breath;
  • increase in body temperature to +38°C and above;
  • redness of the throat, the appearance of a white coating;
  • frequent painful cough for 4 or more days;
  • persistent runny nose with thick, yellow or green discharge.

When a child begins to teethe, the overall condition of the body worsens and symptoms may even occur. colds eg cough. Parents think that this indicates the development of serious diseases, raise panic, and commit rash acts. However, teething cough sometimes occurs.

Can children have a teething cough?

When teething, a child experiences various symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent crying;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • nasal congestion;
  • increased salivation;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • itching in the gum area;
  • stool disorder.

Cough occurs less frequently than high temperature or itchy gums. It is important to monitor the baby’s condition in order to promptly identify changes occurring in the body and consult a doctor to prescribe the proper course of treatment.

Frequent crying

How to identify the problem?

Sometimes the development of alarming signs can be caused by an infection that occurs against the background of a weakening of the body’s defenses. If the baby has following symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor:

  1. Runny nose and sore throat. During the examination, the doctor will check your throat. Redness of the tonsils, runny nose, and the appearance of green mucus indicate the development of viral infections. If a child has a sore throat, a large amount of saliva may be produced.
  2. Frequent urge to cough. A dry cough can last more than 7 days. The throat becomes inflamed and the lymph nodes become enlarged.
  3. Wheezing, coughing up sputum.
  4. When the body is affected by infections or viruses, the child’s body temperature quickly rises to 38 degrees.

What is a cough like when teeth appear?

If a child coughs when teething, this does not always mean the need drug treatment. A wet cough may appear due to increased salivation. Tablets and sprays can harm a growing body. There is redness around the child's mouth. The duration of natural coughing is no more than 3 days. Frequent urges, the presence of wheezing, and the duration of symptoms for more than 72 hours indicate the presence of viral diseases. In this case, you should consult a therapist.

A dry cough in children may occur due to prolonged crying. After crying for a long time, the throat becomes dry and coughing reflexes appear. It can torment the child in his sleep, which worsens the general condition. The symptom lasts no more than two days.

How long does it last?

By the duration of the cough, you can determine why it is dangerous for the body. The period of teething occurs differently for all children. If the cough appears due to teething, it will last no more than 5 days. When coughing occurs due to illness, it can last more than 10 days.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons that cause cough. In adults, it can occur after the removal of a wisdom tooth or other molars. The following factors can cause coughing during teething in children:

  1. Copious secretion of saliva that fills the throat. A wet cough appears.
  2. Stuffy nose.
  3. When you have a runny nose, mucus flows down your throat, causing you to cough.
  4. Respiratory diseases that occur due to weakened immunity.

If coughing is associated with teething, you need to wait 3-5 days. The unpleasant symptom will go away on its own.

Increased salivation

Do I need to treat a teething cough?

Coughing during teething can indicate various factors. If symptoms indicate the presence of a viral disease, you should consult a doctor immediately. If coughing is associated with salivation, use medications it is forbidden.

The method and need for cough treatment depend on the factors causing the symptom. When the symptom appears due to increased salivation, foreign object entry - the use of medications will lead to worsening general condition. Treatment should be started if there are other symptoms that indicate the development of viral or infectious diseases.

How to help your baby?

If the cough occurs due to teething, you can help the child yourself. To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Increase the number of hours spent outdoors.
  2. Control the humidity level in the child's room.
  3. Carry out daily wet cleaning. Wipe off dust from shelves, wash floors.
  4. Ventilate the apartment more often.
  5. Give your baby plenty of warm liquid.
  6. Use a nasal aspirator to clear mucus from your sinuses.

To remove painful sensations in the gum area, you can use a special anesthetic gel, which is sold in any pharmacy.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

When parents comply with the conditions presented above, they clear the baby’s sinuses of mucus, and the cough does not go away for more than 5 days. It is necessary to take the child to the attending physician. A specialist will conduct a medical examination to determine the cause of the appearance. unpleasant symptoms. After diagnosis, comprehensive treatment is prescribed.

Is it possible to treat teeth while coughing?

At an older age, it is not possible to treat or remove teeth when coughing in all situations. Initially, you need to discuss this problem with a therapist. The doctor will prescribe complex therapy aimed at strengthening the immune system, destroying pathogens, and relieving pain.

In the presence of viral diseases, it is advisable to refrain from dental intervention until the condition improves. Mandatory treatment is carried out for fluxes and herpes wounds around the mouth.

When a baby is teething, parents can observe a full set of symptoms characteristic of colds and viral infections: high fever, runny nose, cough.

Can there be a cough during teething, what should I do? Instill drops, treat a throat, measure out a mixture with spoons? Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose. But it is also useful for parents to understand the nature of the same cough in order to competently help their child cope with problems.

In the article, read about whether coughing is possible in children during teething, what a mother should do with dry, wet, night and day coughs at such an important time for the child.

Can it appear and why?

If adults treat teething as a difficult but natural process, then Cough is definitely alarming. Adults fear for the baby’s health and do not always communicate dangerous symptom with the appearance of teeth. In fact, this happens often and is caused by increased salivation.

It is not difficult to verify that children are coughing from saliva during teething.

Look carefully at the skin around the baby's mouth and at his chin: drool gets to them, the surfaces become irritated and reddened.

If the cough is caused by sputum formed as a result of colds or infectious diseases, then such a picture is not observed.

Sore throat symptoms caused by teething usually last two to three days. If they do not go away, and they are accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest, this may indicate the onset of respiratory illnesses.

Don’t miss this moment; be sure to report your suspicions to your doctor. The fact is that such a development of events is not uncommon: during a difficult period for the baby, the immune system weakens, and the baby becomes more vulnerable to various viruses and infections.

Causes of appearance in children

The blood supply to the gums and nose is so interconnected that its increase in the oral cavity activates processes in the nasal cavity.

As a result, mucus begins to be produced in the nose more actively than usual - it is enough for snot to start flowing from the nose, and for the mucus, flowing down the throat, to reach the upper respiratory tract, causing discomfort.

In babies, who spend most of their lives lying down, mucus moves freely through the nasopharynx and deep into the nasopharynx. This makes tickling almost inevitable.

Types of coughing in infants

A “dental” cough can be dry or wet, strong or weak, but it is especially important to be able to distinguish it from a viral, respiratory one. The latter can also be wet or dry, but it is distinguished by prolonged attacks.

The cough caused by the appearance of teeth is quite rare, with a pronounced expectorant effect, breathing is without wheezing, clear, and in cases with it it is difficult, there is wheezing, shortness of breath.

It's also worth pay attention to nasal discharge. If there are no infections, they are watery and transparent (such, by the way, also happen with ARVI), but if there is any kind of infection in the body bacterial infection, or yellow.

Dry or wet

A cough associated with teeth is initially dry, since the snot has not yet had time to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. Sometimes at this stage problems can end safely if the spout is regularly cleaned, not allowing mucus to make its way into the body.

By the way, there is another reason for this type of ailment: a child who is teething becomes anxious, cries a lot, as a result, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx become irritated and a cough appears. If you manage to calm the baby down and redirect his attention, his state of health will improve significantly.

The reason for teething in children is strong salivation, in which saliva is present almost all the time in the throat, causing irritation.

Can teething be accompanied by a cough, why is it wet? Your pediatrician will tell you about this:

Night or day

There are more reasons for night cough than for daytime cough, since the child lies down all the time, and mucus easily penetrates the upper respiratory tract.

  • clean the child’s nose with a bactericidal solution before going to bed;
  • place a small pillow under his head to prevent mucus from flowing towards the respiratory tract.

Daytime cough is less common than nighttime cough. That is why it must be treated with extreme caution, as it can be triggered by any disease.

Strong or weak

Keep track of what kind of cough appears during teething and what its intensity is. Weak, infrequent, and clearly not of a viral nature should not cause alarm.

However, if it begins to turn from weak to weak and is accompanied by other suspicious symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath), then it is imperative to show the baby to the doctor.

Is it necessary to treat and how?

If the cause of the cough is teething, then this particular problem needs to be solved in order to bring relief to the baby. This can be done by regularly clearing mucus from your nose. The baby himself cannot blow his nose yet, so you need to use a nasal aspirator or a blower.

Rinsing your nose with chamomile decoction will make you feel better.– the liquid will not only cleanse the passages, but also soothe irritated tissues.

You will have to give up medications, for example, mucolytics (sputum thinners and against dry cough) - they will not give the expected effect.

Special teethers speed up the process of the birth of teeth (and therefore shorten the period when the baby is unwell). They are purchased at the pharmacy and given to the child chilled.

What Doctor Komarovsky says

The little person becomes especially vulnerable, and the risk of viral infections becomes real. It is important not to confuse the natural process of teething with a disease. Here are some recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky:

It is very difficult to treat a baby who cannot explain to mom and dad what hurts him and why. Parents need to be extremely attentive to every change in their child’s well-being in order to help him in time and not make mistakes.

Now that you know whether your baby can cough when teething, we want to remind you that cough is one of the controversial symptoms that may indicate serious illness or accompany the natural process of teething. Don't trust your feelings, consult your pediatrician.

Doctors in the Soviet Union said that teething cough can only be caused by infectious diseases. Today doctors admit the presence of this symptom in a healthy child. Cough during the growth of baby teeth can be physiological and last for 3 days.

Why does a cough occur during teething?

The appearance of cough during teething is possible for physiological and pathological reasons. Physiological ones are not related to the disease. Pathological causes imply the presence of a respiratory or other disease that provokes a cough reflex.

During teething, infants may experience a cough.

Causes of the cough reflex:

  • Standard option: copious discharge saliva, dryness of the mucous membrane of the trachea and pharynx.
  • Pathology: tracheitis, runny nose with copious mucus, pneumonia, sore throat, bronchitis.

These reasons should be separated so as not to miss respiratory diseases that can lead to complications.

How does a physiological cough manifest in children?

During the growth of teeth, children's gums hurt very much. They swell, turn red, and itch. Pain during tooth growth can radiate into the jaw or into the orbit, depending on the location of the tooth. Pain syndrome disrupts the baby's sleep pattern and increases anxiety. The baby constantly cries and is nervous, pulling his fingers into his mouth. During this period, the baby's mood changes. The pain prevents the child from eating normally, so he often refuses to eat.

When a tooth breaks through the gum, the child's saliva production increases. Throughout the day and night, saliva is released abundantly. More often it flows out through the lips, causing redness around the mouth. The formation is very itchy and painful.

Cough during teething occurs due to dryness of the laryngeal mucosa or excessive salivation

Saliva may flow into back pharynx, which leads to choking and coughing. The sputum with this cough reflex is liquid and transparent. It appears due to the accumulation of saliva in the tracheal cavity.

Often parents do not know how long a physiological cough lasts. The duration of the symptom is usually 2-3 days. If the duration of the cough reflex increases, you should consult a doctor.

During teething, the baby cries a lot. Prolonged and frequent crying leads to dryness of the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx. Infants drink little because their appetite is poor. Due to the dryness of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, a cough reflex occurs. He has no phlegm. A dry cough additionally irritates the walls of the trachea and larynx, which can contribute to its intensification.

The cough is wet due to the flow of saliva. No wheezing is detected during listening. Conductive wheezing is possible, which is not dangerous and appears due to the presence of saliva in the baby’s mouth.

At night, the baby may have coughing attacks. The cough reflex caused by dry mucous membranes is more stable. If saliva flows into the tracheal cavity, then after coughing up the sputum, the cough reflex stops and the baby falls asleep.

In medicine there is such a concept: severe teething syndrome. He talks about the presence of a cough, runny nose, and severe choking during teeth growth. With such a severe course, even a slight increase in temperature is possible.

Symptoms of pathological cough in infants

As teeth grow, the baby's immunity is greatly reduced, so he can catch a bacterial or viral infection. Often a virus or bacteria lands on the damaged mucous membrane of the trachea or larynx and begins to multiply. This causes tracheitis, pharyngitis, and sore throat. If the infection goes lower, bronchitis and pneumonia may develop.

Pneumonia in a baby under one year of age is caused by bacterial or viral infection. It may be asymptomatic. X-rays of the lungs may also show no lesions. This makes diagnosis very difficult.

If the cough persists for more than 3 days, you should immediately contact your pediatrician in order to promptly diagnose a respiratory disease and prevent complications.

Pneumonia is usually characterized by a wet cough. The sputum has a yellowish tint. The disease is accompanied by a temperature of up to 39 °C. When an antibiotic is prescribed, hyperthermia begins to subside in the first 2 days, and the cough gradually stops.

Classic bronchitis in infancy occurs with a cough. It can be dry or wet. At the initial stage of the disease, a dry cough prevails, gradually turning into a wet one. Inflammation bronchial tree necessarily accompanied by an increase in temperature.

How to treat physiological and pathological cough

Doctors advise first of all to relieve pain caused by a growing tooth. For this purpose, gels with lidocaine and soft teethers are used. You can massage the gums and distract the child with games.

Teethers and lidocaine gels help reduce gum pain in children

The teether distracts the baby, accelerates tooth growth, and massages the gums. Lidocaine relieves pain. These therapeutic measures help prevent prolonged crying, improve the baby’s sleep and appetite. Before buying a gel with lidocaine, you need to consult a dentist, since not all gels are suitable for infants. Some products have a high concentration of lidocaine, which is dangerous for the baby.

The physiological cough reflex does not need to be treated. It goes away on its own. Pathological cough requires the prescription of not only antitussive and expectorant drugs, but also antiviral or antibacterial drugs. Before starting treatment, you should consult your pediatrician. He will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Self-administer cough, antiviral and antibacterial agents it is forbidden. Improper use of drugs can harm the health of the baby.

If the pathological cough is wet, it is better to use mucolytic agents. Mucolytics gently liquefy mucus and promote its removal. A dry cough caused by the disease is treated with antitussives. They help reduce attacks of the cough reflex, especially at night.

If your baby develops snot while teething, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages with saline solution. To do this, just drop 1 drop of 0.9% sodium chloride into the nasal passage, and then use a special syringe to suck out the mucus along with the solution. There should be 2-4 washing procedures per day.

Pressurized saline sprays should not be used to rinse the nose of children. Strong pressure of liquid can frighten a child. Large amounts of liquid lead to choking or choking.

When should you go to the doctor?

Physiological lasts for 2-3 days. If the cough reflex persists for more than 3 days, you should see a pediatrician. A bad sign during tooth growth is temperature. She can talk about the presence respiratory disease. If hyperthermia is above 37 °C, you should consult a doctor.

The presence of a cough while teeth are growing does not always indicate pathology, but parents should be very careful and consult a doctor at the slightest change in condition. The presence of a cough and runny nose for more than 3 days or a high temperature should alert adults.

Children often develop a cough when teething. Although in most cases the cause is physiological, parents need to make sure that it is not a manifestation of any respiratory or infectious disease.

The fact that the cough is caused by a natural phenomenon can be clearly indicated by the fact that a few days earlier the following were noted:

  • copious amounts of saliva from the mouth;
  • significant swelling of the gums;
  • their strong redness;
  • runny nose;
  • nipple bites during breastfeeding;
  • desire to bite or chew something;
  • jaw clenching;
  • sudden changes in the child’s mood;
  • lack of appetite in the baby;
  • frequent awakenings at night;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • the occurrence of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;

Such manifestations indicate that the baby is cutting a tooth, the gums are opening to let it out, and the oral cavity is reacting to these changes.

The cough during teething in children is most often wet with copious mucus discharge.

It can also be unproductive (dry), but this is more often observed at the very beginning of tooth growth. The reason is that the bronchial secretion simply has not yet had time to develop in response to such a phenomenon.

However, the child’s parents need to take into account that a cough may be present simultaneously with the development of ARVI, bronchitis, allergic reaction, flu or colitis. Therefore, in any case, you should call a doctor. Only he can say for sure whether everything is okay.

An urgent visit to the pediatrician is required if the child exhibits signs of suffocation, has developed a strong fever, there are profuse rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, and complete nasal congestion is noted. Such signs of illness require urgent treatment.

The order of appearance of teeth

In order to be understanding about the occurrence of cough in a child, it is worth knowing the timing in which different types teeth. They appear in each baby individually, but the approximate diagram is as follows:

  • in the period from the sixth to the ninth month, two front incisors grow in the lower row;
  • from seven to ten months - parallel to two on top;
  • by twelve months, the incisors appear on the sides;
  • by the age of one and a half years, molars grow;
  • After the age of sixteen months, fangs erupt, which gradually become larger over three years.

Typically, when a child is two or three years old, he already has about twenty teeth in the upper and lower rows.

The period of their appearance is very important in the baby’s life, since his body reacts sharply to this event, as a result of which a cough may appear, which is sometimes accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the baby so as not to miss the development of a cold.

Causes of cough during this period

The main impetus for the emergence of a cough reflex in this case is the child’s strong salivation, which is a reaction to teething.

The liquid flows into the respiratory tract, where it irritates the mucous membrane. Gradually, it becomes more and more, and in response, mucus begins to be produced, which is coughed up by the baby. Similar symptoms can also be accompanied by a runny nose due to saliva entering the nasal cavity.

In cases where the cough is very severe, and the secretion has not yet formed, it can cause nausea and even vomiting. In these cases, a responsible attitude of parents is required, because such manifestations are also characteristic of a number of infectious diseases.

You also need to know that boys' teeth begin to appear a little later than girls' teeth.

It is especially important to pay attention to cough when teething in children under one year old. U infant it does not always appear. Therefore, it is advisable to clearly understand what causes it:

  • severe drooling, as a result of which a large amount of liquid enters the windpipe, which is why such a symptom occurs. At the same time, the child experiences irritation on the lips and cheeks;
  • runny nose, developing due to irritation of the upper gums, anatomically connected to the nasal cavity. Its mucous membrane swells, swells, turns red and begins to secrete a large volume of liquid mucus. That, in turn, flows into the respiratory tract, causing a wet cough;
  • prolonged crying due to pain in the gums, which leads to dryness and irritation of the throat. As a result, a severe cough develops;
  • a cold added to existing manifestations. It is indicated by fever, whistling in the chest that lasts longer than three days, and difficulty breathing. In this case, there is no redness around the lips and nose. The cough itself can be either productive or unproductive.

Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the child’s condition so as not to miss signs of the disease, since coughing during teeth growth in children of six months occurs precisely for these reasons.

Subsequently, they begin to appear quite actively. However, different children will experience marked differences in the course of this period.

At 6 months of age, cough becomes a symptom due to a number of factors. Its intensity, duration and productivity largely depend on the genetic factor, the characteristics of the season and weather conditions, the child’s nutrition, and the activity of his water-salt metabolism.

The nature of children’s behavior is also important, namely, how actively they gnaw and bite objects, stimulating blood circulation in the gums and helping themselves with teething.

How to relieve your baby's condition

After consulting with a doctor, if he has diagnosed the absence of any concomitant diseases, you can try to help the child cope with this difficult period.

Parents are advised to:

  • take measures to combat a runny nose;
  • rinse the child’s nasal cavity;
  • instill a solution of chamomile or calendula into it;
  • moisten its inner surface with boiled water with sea ​​salt or special children's drops;
  • do not allow the air in the child’s room to become too dry;
  • buy a teether;
  • use a special children's anesthetic gel;
  • massage the baby's gums;
  • in a dream, turn the child from side to side for better discharge of saliva and mucus;
  • give him water treatments more often;
  • distract your baby with your favorite games and activities;

Such therapeutic measures will reduce the manifestations of a runny nose, reduce cough, improve the baby’s well-being, rid him of the accumulation of sputum, make it easier for the child to breathe properly and eliminate irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Let's sum it up

It is worth regularly giving your baby a massage in the place where the next tooth grows.

The symptom of cough in children 2 years old gradually decreases in intensity as more teeth appear in the mouth. At this time, the baby is already able to let his parents know about his well-being. If he complains of pain, then you need to lubricate his gums with an analgesic or anesthetic prescribed by the doctor.

If the pediatrician prescribes additional medicines to stabilize the condition of a small patient, his recommendations should be strictly followed.

The period when the first tooth begins to cut and fangs appear requires special attention. This is usually the busiest time. The intensity of symptoms depends on the child’s health and hereditary predisposition.
