Reishi mushroom - medicinal properties. Using Reishi Mushroom Tincture, Extract or Tea to Treat Diseases

Reishi mushroom is widely known in narrow circles. Scientists know it as Polypore lacquered or Ganoderma lacquered. There are many dosage forms based on it, but the most popular is tincture. Dosage forms based on the mushroom:

  • alcohol tincture of wood mushroom,
  • capsules for oral use,
  • mushroom based powder,
  • Reishi based teas.

Reishi naturally grows on the trunks of dead trees. The growing area is very wide, but in nature it is quite rare. It has long ceased to be scarce. In Japan and China, the first mentions of the healing properties of the “imperial mushroom” date back to the 2nd century. BC e. Since the mushroom was quite rare in nature, it was considered a national treasure, and everyone who found it had to hand it over to the state treasury. There were times when this wonderful product was valued more than precious metals. In 1972, this problem was solved once and for all - Japanese scientists found a way to grow reishi in laboratory conditions.

Today, reishi, which was previously only available to the rich and courtiers, is affordable for everyone.

Reishi tincture and its healing properties

In ancient times, healers claimed that it has the ability to heal almost all organs and systems. As was subsequently proven by laboratory experiments and research, they were not far from the truth.

Today, preparations (tinctures, powders, tablets, etc.) based on the reishi tree mushroom are successfully used:

  • in the prevention and treatment of cancer,
  • diseases of autoimmune etiology,
  • for certain diseases of the organs of vision, liver and kidneys.

This mushroom has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and has a powerful antihistamine effect. Used as an antiviral drug in general therapy hepatitis of various etiologies, herpes virus, ARVI and influenza. Moreover, today research into the properties of this mushroom continues in all countries, and more and more new healing properties of reishi are constantly being added to this list. Transfer beneficial properties we can continue ad infinitum.

In terms of therapeutic properties, the use of reishi is not inferior in effectiveness even to the world famous “cure for all diseases” - ginseng.

Powders and tablets are made from the reishi tree mushroom.

Making a tincture of reishi mushroom

The pharmaceutical industry today offers a huge number of drugs based on reishi. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use a small amount of powder as a seasoning for ready-made dishes. For treatment various diseases An alcohol or water tincture based on the reishi tree mushroom is used.

Preparing the tincture is not particularly difficult. Take 10 grams of mushrooms and pour 0.5 liters of medical alcohol. Wrap the container well in thick paper or newspaper (to prevent direct sunlight) and place it in a cool, dry place. Leave for 5-6 weeks, after which the drug is ready for use. The drug is used both for oral administration (diluted slightly with water) and for external use. Effectively combined use.

Another way to obtain an alcohol extract: you need to pour 10 grams of crushed raw materials with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2-3 weeks, then use for oral administration or rubbing. Unlike infusion with alcohol, it does not require dilution with water.

There is another form of use - an aqueous tincture of reishi mushroom. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of dried mushrooms or ready-made powder, pour 1 liter of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 20-25 minutes. After this, you need to strain the infusion through a sieve, pour it into a thermos and leave for 1 day. The infusion should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, unless the doctor recommends otherwise. Store this infusion in the refrigerator, otherwise the shelf life is reduced to 2-3 days.

For medicinal purposes, it is possible to use reishi powder or dried mushrooms

How and for what diseases should reishi mushroom tinctures be used?

The tincture has an effective anti-inflammatory effect for joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.). The simultaneous use of the tincture orally and in the form of rubbing is effective. Treatment lasts approximately 5-6 months with short breaks. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of Reishi water or alcohol tincture 3-4 times a day for one month. At the same time, you should rub the affected joints with alcohol tincture 2 times a day. This combination therapy has proven effectiveness.

For chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, it is recommended to take a water infusion 3-4 times a day, and rub your back at night. Then wrap your back in a warm scarf and leave until the morning. Continue the procedure until symptoms disappear completely. For liver diseases, you need to drink 10 grams of tincture in water early in the morning (at 4-5 am, 2-3 hours before the first meal), and in the evening make a compress with vodka infusion. The number of procedures is 25-30, after which you need to take a short break and repeat the course of treatment.

For allergies, diabetes, diseases gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency of various origins, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc. you should adhere to the following treatment regimen: 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture of reishi mushrooms is diluted in 30 grams (a small glass) of water and taken 3-4 times a day for 1 month. Then they take a break for 1-2 weeks and continue treatment. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take reishi infusion for at least six months.

There is evidence of the effectiveness of the use of this mushroom in the complex therapy of oncological diseases, such as liver and kidney cancer, prostate gland, pancreatic and intestinal cancer, sarcoma, cancer bone tissue and many other forms of malignancies. Patients who have undergone such therapy tolerate radiation and chemotherapy better, the growth of atypical cells slows down and metastasis is prevented, the general condition of the patients returns to normal and improves. muscle tone and appetite.

Reishi mushroom, the use of which is very helpful in oncology, is gaining wide popularity among traditional methods cancer treatment. This is due to its numerous healing properties, which are due to the rich composition of the fungus. The main components are polysaccharides and triterpenes.

Reishi mushroom, or, as it is also called, Veselka, helps not only destroy cancer cells, but also copes well with pathogenic bacteria, as it contains antibiotics that have no side effects.

But it should be remembered that the mushroom can only be used in combination with special treatment, but in no case as a replacement for chemotherapy.

What does this treatment provide?

First, we should consider what effect the treatment of cancerous tumors with this type of fungus ultimately gives and how this is justified. Organic germanium and special substances, polioses, allow you to gradually kill cancer cells. Using it gives the following effect:

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How to use the mushroom?

So, now it’s time to move on to considering recipes where the use of reishi mushroom is justified, the use of which in oncology gives good results. There are many ways, but now it is advisable to focus on the most common and effective of them.

In order for the disintegration of a malignant tumor to occur as quickly as possible, painlessly and without leaving a trace for human health, it is necessary to consume 20 drops of tincture three times a day immediately after a course of chemotherapy. But it is important to remember that it is better to coordinate the time of taking the tincture with your doctor, since each organism has its own specifics. Some may need very little time for the tumor to completely disintegrate, while others may need much more time.

In order for the treatment to have the maximum effect and not only kill cancer, but also completely heal the body, experts advise mixing two or more types of mushrooms. Indeed, today there are several subspecies of fun. This is good even when you have been cured of cancer, but your health needs to be restored. And for diseases other than cancer, such treatment will only be beneficial.

So, the main features of the treatment of oncological diseases and the restoration of the body after them using the reishi mushroom are considered. And if you periodically consume this mushroom in small doses, you can even protect yourself from cancer to a certain extent.

More information

The mystery of the healing power of the Reishi mushroom.

How does Reishi affect the body?

Since the mid-20th century, research in pharmaceutical mycology, the science of the medicinal properties of mushrooms, has led to a number of high-profile discoveries, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular drugs. Scientists drew attention to a previously unexplored layer of raw materials for pharmacology. After all, mushrooms, like plants, contain a huge amount of substances that have been little studied by science. A large amount of time and money was spent on scientific research, which ultimately led to sensational conclusions and discoveries.

Substances with strong antitumor properties have been identified in mushrooms.

Several types of mushrooms have been found that have the ability to treat cancer, and what is most interesting is that they have different mechanisms of action on tumors.

We are talking about a rare and unique mushroom: the lacquered tinder fungus (Ganoderma lucidum), or “ling zhi” (this is the name of this mushroom in China), or “Reishi” (the Japanese name) and its ability to cope with human diseases.

The uniqueness of the herbal medicine Reishi-kan lies in the special extraction and bioavailability of the healing components of the Reishi mushroom.

Granules based on an extract of wild reishi mushroom collected in the foothills of Altai,

To preserve vitality, vigor, youth and longevity.


Reishi mushroom extract, stevioside, concentrated extracts of cranberries, sea buckthorn, fiber (cranberry and sea buckthorn meal, burdock roots, wheat grain hull).

100 gr. dry extract in granules is enough for a monthly preventive course (spring and autumn). The granules are diluted in hot water, but not boiling water, and Reishi mushroom tea is drunk.

If desired, you can also make compositions with other ingredients, or make tinctures with Reishi mushroom.

Reishi mushroom(lacquered tinder fungus, other names - “sacred mushroom”, “imperial mushroom”) was first discovered in Japan and China on old plum trees. Several thousand years ago it was so scarce that it was consumed only by members of the imperial family. Contains steroid compounds, flavonoids, saponins, amino acids, alkaloids, polysaccharides (arabinogalactans), water-soluble proteins, coumarins, macro- and microelements: Ad, Ca, Fe, K, Na, P, Mn, 2p, Ba. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins (B 3, B 5, C and O). Currently, reishi is widely cultivated in China on cotton-growing substrates. Several years ago, the reishi mushroom was discovered in old larch clearings in the Altai Mountains. Altai tinder fungus contains water-soluble polysaccharides specific to larch, the most important of which is arabinogalactan (the extract contains up to 45%). Arabinogalactan is a strong immunomodulator that stimulates the formation of macrophages and the proliferation of spleen and bone marrow cells.

Among medicinal plants, reishi mushroom contains the most active polysaccharides. This type of mushroom provides a group of triterpenoids known as ganoderic acids, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. Composition research medicinal mushrooms showed that their antitumor effect is associated with the polysaccharides and lipids they contain. Biologically active substances Reishi neutralizes free radicals and prevents their accumulation, increasing resistance to stress.

Stevioside- a natural sugar substitute. Stevioside (a glycoside isolated from stevia) is 300 times sweeter than sugar with minimal calorie content. When stevioside is absorbed, virtually no insulin is released. Stevioside slows down the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms (in particular bacteria), and easily copes with them in the oral cavity. The use of stevioside as a sugar substitute improves the digestion process, activates the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and normalizes carbohydrate and lipid (fat) metabolism.

Cranberries. Contains large quantities of organic acids (quinic, benzoic, ursolic, citric, ascorbic), flavonoids, pectins, catechins, saponins, carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose), dyes, macro- and microelements (iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc , silver, chrome, cobalt). Cranberries are especially rich in ursolic acid, which is similar in physiological effects to some female hormones. Cranberry tones, increases mental and physical performance, improves digestion.

Sea buckthorn fruits. Contain beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamins (C, B., B g, B 8, E, P, P), folic acid, inozide, organic acids, flavonoids (rutin). Sea buckthorn fruits prevent the development of hypo- and vitamin deficiencies. The carotene complex is useful for the normal functioning of the organ of vision, accelerates the healing of eye tissue and is very effective for dry eyes. Bioflavonoids improve blood circulation in the eye vessels and help improve visual acuity. Biologically active substances of sea buckthorn improve lipid metabolism in the liver, prevent the development of the atherosclerotic process.

Fiber. Used as a filler, improves intestinal function, normalizes weight, cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins.

Mechanism of action

Polysaccharides and ergosterols together have a stimulating effect on natural immune functions. The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level.

They have no toxic effects on the human body and are safe to use medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, including in AIDS, and antitumor activity depend on the duration of treatment using Reishi.

Ganoderic acids have an antiallergic effect and improve oxygen absorption.

It is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic drug. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen it helps to adapt to stress.

Clinical trials:
Modern laboratory and clinical studies revealed the anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiallergic and antitumor properties of reishi.

Clinical trials have shown that in 65% or more of patients, reishi normalized blood pressure, and it is also effective for symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and diseases, including angina, palpitations, arrhythmia, dizziness, headache, difficulty breathing, insomnia and fatigue, memory loss.

is a true adaptogen that improves the health and normal functioning of the body. It enhances some components of the immune response in cancer patients, and also suppresses pathological changes in the immune system in autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis.

Reishi has been reported to reduce the production of histamine associated with allergic reactions and help prevent anaphylactic reactions. In 2000 patients with chronic bronchitis, an increase in the level of immunoglobulin A was noted.

Reishi mushroom has particular therapeutic value for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In one study, patients with chronic bronchitis took a decoction of reishi for 2 weeks. 60-90% of them showed a marked improvement in their well-being.

An almost mystical property of reishi is its ability to increase mental strength, increase a positive emotional mood.
More than two thousand years ago, the invaluable book "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" was written in Japan, which is the original textbook of Eastern medical science. This source mentions 365 species of herbs and mushrooms, which are not only classified but also explained. Medicines classified mainly into three categories:
120 are “superior” drugs, another 120 are “average”, and 125 are classified as “fair” drugs.
The “fair” category includes herbs and mushrooms that have properties to treat certain diseases.
Among the "superior" medicines listed in the text, reishi was number one. Centuries ago, reishi, according to learned aesculapians, was a remedy that could ensure eternal youth and longevity.
At the same time it was claimed that this was the most valuable remedy for cancer of all types. Always inconsolable relatives of cancer patients who were given a “death sentence” by doctors looked for reishi, since this was the only way of salvation.
In Japan and China, reishi extract is used for almost any disease, but each disease has its own dosing method.
Reishi has five main healing properties:

First- strong antitumor effect (when taking the drug from Reishi, any tumors regress - both benign and malignant).

Second- treat cardiovascular diseases, and it is so pronounced that it is not only not inferior to shiitake, but exceeds its effect by an order of magnitude.

Third- Reishi treats mental illness. This rare property was first noted in the 18th century, when the epileptic disease of the heir Mikado was cured with the help of reishi.

Fourth- treat allergic diseases. When researching chemical composition Reishi at the American Cancer Institute made an amazing discovery: a substance called “lanostan” was found that inhibits the formation of antibodies. Now bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations are successfully treated (and cured!) with the help of reishi.

Fifth- treatment of any pulmonary diseases.
Of course, treatment with Reishi is a long process (it takes one to two years), but it is effective and does not cause any side effects!

Help for a specialist:
Polysaccharides and ergosterols of the Reishi mushroom have a stimulating effect on natural immune functions. The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. When the method of growing Reishi was discovered by the Japanese Shigeaki Mori in 1972, it ceased to be a rare mushroom and became available to most sick people. In addition, the availability of sufficient quantities of grown mushroom for experimentation gives impetus to serious scientific research in the field of medicine and pharmacology.

The mushroom is grown in China on special plantations in special climatic conditions on wood fruit trees. The mushroom is extracted under pharmaceutical production conditions according to the GMP standard.

1 . Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

From the archives we know that Chinese doctors of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and earlier periods treated with drugs from patients with heart disease and prescribed it to those who complained of “tight chest.”Over the past decades, scientists in China, Japan, Korea and Canada, taking as initial data the positive effects of Reishi on the cardiovascular system known for a long time, have conducted large studies, first on animals, and subsequently on volunteers. It turned out,

that numerous components of the fungus can have strong effect on blood vessels and the human heart. It has been established that there are several mechanisms of action and this determines the complex effect of the fungus on the affected organs:

- Reducing cholesterol levels. Reishi helps normalize fat metabolism, reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood plasma and reduce the amount of oxidized cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. This mechanism is extremely important because The level of oxidized cholesterol determines the development of atherosclerosis - a terrible disease, a harbinger of fatal human diseases - myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.The effect of Reishi on lipid metabolism disorders is associated with the ability of Reishi triterpene ganoderic acids to reduce the level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins in the blood plasma by 68-74% in people at risk and actively inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis (the higher the level of hypercholesterolemia, the more significant the therapeutic effect).

- Decreased arterial low pressure.Due to the presence of active triterpenesthe mechanism of inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme is implemented, which leads to a pronounced antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) effect. Angiotensin-2, which is derived from renin, is the most powerful vasoconstrictor known, so blocking the enzyme that converts renin into angiotensin leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Reishi triterpenes block the action of this enzyme and significantly reduce blood pressure.

- Reducing oxygen starvation of the myocardium. A number of cardiac effects of Reishi are also associated with high content pure organic germanium. This element attracted medical interest in 1950 when it was shown to increase oxygen supply to tissues.It is assumed that in the blood organic germanium behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge and, like hemoglobin, is involved in the process of oxygen transfer in the tissues of the body. WhenWhen a molecule of this element enters the tissue, it “drags along” six molecules of oxygen. This prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level.

- And most importantly - Reducing heart failure: The presence of Reishi nucleotide in the fruiting bodies adenosine causes a number of positive effects:-reducing the aggregation (sticking together) of platelets in the blood, which leads to an increase in blood flow speed and improved blood supply to tissues and a reduced risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.,- adenosine is able to reduce the heart rate and, as a result, reduce the load on the heart, as well as maintain the myocardium ina period of oxygen starvation due to the expansion of the coronary arteries and a decrease in oxygen consumption by the myocardium.- Reishi has a moderate cardiotonic effect and helps reduce the manifestations of heart failure. These effects are associated with both the polysaccharide and water fractions. According to the data, taking Lingzhi in a specialized cardiology clinic was effective in 81.8% of patients when prescribed for a month, and in 93.3% of patients when taking the drug for up to 4 months.

2. Allergic diseases.

Recently, we have seen an unprecedented increase in the number of allergic diseases in industrial developed countries. Knowing that reishi was used for healing chronic bronchitis and allergies for many centuries, prompted Japanese pharmacologists to study the active components in the hope of finding the best remedy to combat this disease. In the 1970s, several large-scale studies were conducted in China on the use of reishi extract in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and other types of allergies. More than 2,000 cases of these diseases were studied in various hospitals and clinics. Reishi mushroom extract was prepared for testing inhospitals during 1973-1974. It was effective in 60-91.6% of cases.An allergic person produces a large amount very quickly immunoglobulin E in response to certain allergens. Thanks to the extremely high levelIgE there is contact with a huge amount mast cells followed by degranulation (destruction) and the release of histamine, which increases vascular permeability and causes spasm of smooth muscles. In 1985, Japanese researchers announced that they had been able to isolate ganoderic acids C2 andDas two of the main histamine inhibitors and anti-inflammatory ingredients in reishi mushroom. They explained that Ganoderova acid B44 (also antihypertensive) and Ganoderova acid Awere also active, although not as active as C 2 and D, with A was at least 50% less active.Other anti-allergic agents in reishi include oleic acid, sulfur and protein. Ling Zhi -8: - oleic acid was isolated as the active component of reishi mycelium by the Japanese in 1987. They found that thiscommon acid significantly inhibits histamine release in rat mast cells in a dose-dependent manner: the more oleic acid, the greater the inhibition.- In further attempts to unravel the mysterious reputation of reishi in the treatment of allergic diseases, scientists discovered a form of the sulfur-like anti-allergic component of the mushroom called cyclo-octasulfur . Its mechanism of action was unclear, but cyclo-octasulfur was very potent in inhibiting histamine release in mast cells.Immunomodulatory protein from reishi calledLing Zhi -8 ( LZ -8), also has a certain antiallergic effect, but, as in the case of the sulfur component, the principle of its operation is not entirely clear. LZ -8 is found in small quantities in the mushroom. It was first isolated in Japan in 1988. “Experiments on animals showed that LZ -8 significantly reduces, but does not completely stop, the production of antibodies and that it is active in preventing a severe reactionhypersensitivity I type. Mice that received protein injections twice a week showed none of the symptoms seen in mice that did not take the protein. LZ -8, with the introduction of an intravenous injection of a powerful allergen. In mice that did not take LZ -8, convulsions, rapid breathing and death from anaphylactic shock were noted. In mice that were pretreated LZ -8, there was no anaphylactic reaction. LZ -8 also prevented the development of autoimmune diabetes I type in mice, suggesting that it may be useful in other types of hypersensitivity reactions IV type such as contact dermatitis and ulcerative colitis.

3. Autoimmune diseases

Sometimes the human immune system stops recognizing its own cells and starts making mistakes. In this case, the defender cells begin to attack healthy cells of the body and damage them. This is the principle of the development of autoimmune diseases: various types allergies, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and many others. In addition, many diseases of a viral and bacterial nature have a so-called autoimmune component. In this case, the reaction of the immune system to a virus or bacteria becomes more dangerous than the infectious factors themselves.Traditionally, the presence of an autoimmune disease is a contraindication to the use of immunostimulating drugs. This is due to the fact that stimulation of the immune system will lead to increased damaging effects on one’s own tissues. The uniqueness of Reishi lies in the fact that its extracts do not have a stimulating, but a regulating effect, increasing suppressed functions and restraining overly activated ones.indicators. Therefore, Reishi preparations are ideal for complex treatment and preventive programs for patients with various autoimmune diseases.

4. Correction of carbohydrate metabolism disorders

Research recent years show that maintenance is stable normal level blood sugar is important in preventing a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer and many others. As metabolic disorders progress, medications that normalize blood sugar levels may be required.Reishi is used as an antidiabetic supplement. Mushroom extract enhances and prolongs the action of insulin, increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. As a result, with long-term useReishi is observed to reduce sugar levels, stabilize diabetes and reduce the dose of hypoglycemic drugs.Except diabetes mellitus, stabilization of blood sugar levels is important in immunodeficiency conditions, frequent colds, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension and many other diseases.

5. Effects on the central nervous system

This property has been used since ancient times by Buddhist monks to achieve a state of “closeness with nature.”Reishi affects the activity of the central nervous system by influencing regulatory molecules (endorphins) and their receptors. Reishi calms down "overexcited" woman nervous system, but does not cause drowsiness. Secretlies in the fact that Reishi components do not depress or excite, but regulate. Thus, the changes are not quantitative, but qualitative. The result of this harmonizing effect is an improvement in both sleep parameters and activity during wakefulness.

6. Antioxidant activity

Due to the content of a complex of antioxidants and vitamins, Reishi extracts have their own antioxidant activity. But the most valuable thing is the ability

Reishi influences the increase of its own antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase). These enzyme systems increase their activity in all organs and tissues, but the greatest protective effect was found in the liver. This effect is especially important for increasing the body’s resistance to a wide range of influences and inhibiting the aging process. It is the antioxidant activity that determines the cosmetic effects of long-term use of Reishi.

7. Anti-inflammatory effect

Among the kings of medicinal mushrooms (Shiitake, Cordyceps, Maitake) Reishi

has the most pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Reishi preparations reduce swelling and pain associated with inflammation. Ganoderic acids A, B, G, H and substance C6 isolated from the extract Ganodenna lucidum, have pronounced antinociceptive activity and reduce pain of various origins.

8. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COPD is a group of diseases that are manifested by chronic expiratory shortness of breath caused by impaired bronchial obstruction;

COPD includes chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema (sometimes also cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans).An exacerbation of the disease is characterized by abundant secretion of mucus, which leads to deterioration of bronchial obstruction, shortness of breath increases, weakness appears, and acute respiratory distress is possible.

failure. Most often, infection due to decreased immunity leads to exacerbation. Reishi extract improves immunity parameters and allows you to achieve best results standard therapy, reduce doses of toxic drugs, reduce their side effects and improve the quality of life of patients. During the period of remission, taking Reishi extract helps prevent the development of exacerbation.

9. Diffuse liver diseases

This group unites a large number of diseases of various natures, accompanied by damage to liver tissue.For all liver diseases, it is necessary to prescribe so-called hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotectors are a conditional isolated group of substances, one of the effects of which is to increase the resistance of hepatocytes to various exogenous influences.Reishi extract can be taken in combination with antiviral drugs, and as a separate treatment.

What can Reishi do under these conditions?

First, reduce viral activity. Reishi ulu polysaccharideschange parameters immune defense, increase the production of their own interferon, which counteracts the replication of the virus.

Secondly, improve biochemical parameters that reflect the degree of liver damage. As a result of Reishi administration, the activity of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase decreases, the level of bilirubin decreases, and the level of albumin in the blood serum increases.

Thirdly, therapy with medicinal mushrooms is accompanied by an improvement in the quality of life, which cannot be achieved by any other methods. The fact is that weakness and decreased performance are the most common manifestations of chronic hepatitis. Many people are forced to stop working and give up their favorite job.

The effect of taking Reishi is so pronounced that some patients are afraid of the onset of good health and a surge of strength. In addition, long-term mushroom therapy helps reduce skin itching with high bilirubin, reduces pain and a feeling of heaviness in the liver area, and pain in various joints.

Fourthly, medicinal mushrooms inhibit the processes of fibrosis and the development of the cirrhotic stage. In the cirrhotic stage, the importance of fungotherapy increases many times, since in most cases doctors refuse any treatment.In conclusion, we can say that Reishi has a huge therapeutic spectrum due to the presence of a large number of active ingredients. Found in its composition

famous b -glucans with strong antitumor and antibiotic properties; at least one hundred ganoderic acids - bitter triterpenoids that stop allergic reactions and lowering blood sugar levels; substance cyclooctasulfur and protein LZ -8 blocks the action of autoimmune processes, and the presence of Reishi nucleotide in the fruiting bodies adenosine determines its use in cardiovascular diseases.

For more than two millennia, sages and shamans believed that the mind and body were strengthened by regular consumption of this mushroom in tea form, which has both a calming and restorative effect. Reishi was an object of fascination. The beauty and forms of Reishi are endless. The curved shapes of Reishi caps, covered with spiral rings corresponding to the years of growth, evoke a feeling of peace and infinity. To be beautiful and healing is the personification of the miracle of nature.

Fundamental development of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the scientists of Biolit LLC created a unique

Reishi-kan drug. Reishi-kan is a source of health, longevity and youth.

After one 4-month course, you will notice a complete renewal of the body, improved functioning of all organs and systems, a lasting rejuvenating effect, a surge of energy and optimism, weight loss for those suffering from obesity, new rejuvenated skin, nails and hair, a new quality of life. In children and adolescents during rapid growth will compensate for calcium deficiency.

10. Oncology (suppression of malignant tumors)

As a result of cooperation between the National Center for Cancer Research and the Department of Agrochemistry of the University of Shizuoka (Japan), in 1980 there was a sensational discovery of one of the most powerful b - Reishi glucans. He was named GL - I -2 a - b , which means G anoderma L ucidum - AND immunomodulator.

In a healthy body, there is a constant struggle against mutating cells - the body does not allow newly formed cells to atypical cells unite and form a dense tumor. This fight is being waged by the so-called. antitumor immune surveillance - three types of cells: Macrophages, Natural Killer cells (NK cells) and Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The macrophage eats and digests the malignant cell; The CTL, having detected it, releases polymer proteins “perforins”, which make holes in the outer membrane of the malignant cell, thereby equalizing the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell, as a result of which the cell dies, and if not, then the so-called “granzyme” proteins that destroy its core. Natural Killer is a special cell, one of the most powerful

Antitumor, it recognizes any altered cells that are not recognized by Macrophages and CTLs.In cancer patients, all three types of cells are in a depressed state: the majority are young, immature elements, incapable of active action; moreover, their maturation rate is extremely low. The lifespan of these cells is short, and most importantly, their antitumor activity is low. It is possible that the combination of these factors leads to the destruction of the body's antitumor shield.

What is the mechanism of the antitumor effect of Reishi?

1.b -Reishi glucans accelerate the maturation of these cells, which contributes to the emergence of a large number of mature, combat-ready forms;

2. increase the lifespan of Macrophages, CTLs and NK cells several times;

3. and most importantly, they activate Macrophages, CTLs and NK cells, after which they not only become capable of destroying atypical malignant cells, but also exhibit high cytotoxic activity towards any altered cells.

Also, Reishi polysaccharides cause a 10-30 fold increase in Tumor Necrosis Factor - a (TNF-a ) and interleukins 1 and 6. In addition, it has been established that Reishi triterpenoids have a direct inhibitory effect on the tumor.

Clinical studies have shown that patients taking Reishi tolerate chemotherapy and radiation better. They do not have a pronounced drop in leukocytes and immunological parameters.

Health and success for everyone!

For example, according to world-renowned mycologist Paul Stamets, “of the 140,000 species of fungus-forming microorganisms, science is familiar with only 10 percent.” What a shame it is when you realize that mushrooms are one of the most powerful natural medicines on the planet, yet realize that you know nothing about them.

Luckily, there are many scientists looking for health benefits in the plant kingdom—especially the Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum). It is known for its immunomodulatory, antitumor, antiaging and other properties. More recent research highlights the antibody-mediated, multi-mechanistic power that makes Reishi a super cancer fighter.

How is Reishi able to specifically destroy cancer cells?

1. Reishi helps the immune system prevent secondary infections. Secondary attacks on immune system from pathogenic environmental influences such as viruses and bacteria, make the immune system especially vulnerable for those already experiencing cancer problems.

2. Reishi helps breast cancer patients. Inflammatory breast cancer is the most common cancer of this type. New research findings confirm that Reishi is a suitable therapeutic agent for the treatment of inflammatory breast cancer due to its ability to selectively inhibit cancer cell viability.

3. Reishi has multifaceted immunomodulatory effects. Research shows how Reishi mushrooms are able to identify potential pathogens by enhancing the activity of natural killer cells. Because the therapeutic effect of Reishi can destroy fibrinogen ( outer layer, which protects cancer cells), these mutant cells become more vulnerable.

4. Reishi helps maintain healthy cells. In a study that examined the effects of Reishi on ovarian cancer cells and cell-mediated responses, this mushroom inhibited cell colony formation and cell migration, demonstrating the ability to protect healthy cells. The study also highlights that Reishi mushroom helps in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells.

5. Reishi regulates programmed cell death. Associated with apoptosis, reishi extract has the ability to stop cancer cells. Eventually all healthy cells die, but some cancer cells do not undergo apoptosis and divide endlessly, wreaking havoc within. Reishi successfully promotes the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death).

6. Reishi blocks the spread and growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells, through a protein-degrading enzyme called Matrix metalloproteinase, squeeze into healthy cells and destroy surrounding tissue. They can also enter the bloodstream and metastasize. Reishi mushrooms have been shown to block the enzyme and prevent cancer from spreading to other tissues.

Remember that not all Reishi supplements are created equal. To get the maximum benefit from taking them, it is important to use standardized Reishi extracts containing tested levels Ganoderma Lucidum, an active therapeutic agent.

Ask your integrative medicine practitioner to suggest dosage and high-quality Reishi supplements for you.

Eastern medicine is the oldest and most developed in the world. Thousands of years ago, Chinese and Japanese doctors used herbs and mushrooms to treat diseases that even today medicine struggles with great difficulty.

It occupies first place in Eastern medicine, where it is rightly called the “mushroom of longevity”, “mushroom eternal youth", "a cure for all diseases." This unique mushroom can also fight such a terrible disease as cancer.

What is cancer?

In humans, all cancer diseases are associated with the phrase “ malignant neoplasms" People think they have a good idea of ​​what cancer is, but do they really?

The term cancer is commonly used to describe uncontrolled cell growth and division. But why is this happening?

U healthy person constant growth and division of cells to replace damaged and old cells takes place according to a certain algorithm. A special mechanism warns about the presence of errors in the algorithm and corrects them. The mechanism for preventing and correcting errors confidently copes with the task until it is influenced by carcinogens - substances that promote cancer, hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in tissues, or the body receives severe trauma (thermal, therapeutic, physical). Unable to function correctly under such conditions, the mechanism that controls proper cell division breaks down.

The reason for the onset of cell mutation can be various factors:

  • Carcinogens;
  • Viruses;
  • Poor nutrition and diets;
  • Ionizing radiation;
  • Hereditary mutations.

In a healthy body, when DNA is damaged, special “rescuers” (3 types of cells: Macrophage, Killer Cell and Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) destroy the antigen and restore the damaged cell. In a cancer patient, the “defense mechanism” is weakened and the cells that are so necessary to fight the disease are not able to develop as quickly as necessary.

The difficulty of treating cancer also lies in the fact that even if you destroy 10,000,000 cancer cells, but accidentally leave one surviving, the disease will return. Survivor cancer cell, will continue dividing and produce millions of their own kind, reducing the effect of treatment to zero.

Reishi mushroom can wake up the body, and the mechanism of division and development of defense cells is restored with the intake of Reishi extract. The cells again become active enough to perform their functions efficiently.

The macrophage can again capture and “digest” toxic substances and destroy bacteria. Killer cells detect “pests”, and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes begin to fight the antigen.

Scientists have been puzzling over the question for decades now. how to beat cancer. Numerous studies have not brought the desired result; the disease claims millions of lives every year.

No one claims that the Reishi mushroom as a “magic pill” will instantly heal a hopeless patient. But, as practice and numerous studies by scientists around the world show, Reishi can really defeat the disease, as it helps the body fight harmful antigens, restoring it to its former strength, and with it health.

The treatment process may take a long time and require patience, but the result is worth the effort: defeating the disease and becoming healthy again is the dream of every patient.

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