What to do after getting a tetanus shot. Tetanus vaccination is a salvation from a fatal disease. Emergency administration of toxoid

Tetanus represents infectious pathology which is caused by the entry of the microorganism Clostridium into the human body - Clostridium tetani. Clostridia in a huge number are found in soil, saliva and animal feces, and can enter the human body through various wounds. Naturally, both adults and children everyday life often encounter various injuries, in which the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is compromised, and their subsequent contamination with soil elements can lead to the development of tetanus if a person does not have an infection. In developing countries, a large number of newborn babies are infected with tetanus during childbirth due to unsanitary conditions.

To achieve immunity to tetanus, a person must be vaccinated with special vaccines, containing toxoid and neurotoxin, which activate the immune system producing protective antibodies.

Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine

In our country, as a rule, children receive vaccination, containing antitetanus and antidiphtheria components. That is, one vaccination contributes to the formation of immunity to two dangerous infections at once. The antitetanus component in such vaccines is no different from that in a single preparation, therefore the rules for immunization and the timing are the same. The diphtheria component of the vaccine can be full (ADS or DT) or low dose (ADS-m or dT).

It is best to vaccinate children with drugs that contain both tetanus and diphtheria components. Moreover, preparations with a full toxoid are intended for vaccinations in children under 7 years of age, and with a low dose - for adults and children over 7 years of age.

When to vaccinate against tetanus?

This vaccine is also used to prevent tetanus, alone or with tetanus antibodies, when a person whose vaccines are not up to date has a dirty wound, regardless of the cause. Other reminders are recommended at 6 years, 11 to 13 years, 25, 45, 65, and every 10 years for adults over 65 years of age.

What is known about tetanus and vaccination

As a result, there is no need to return to this. In this case, it is recommended to do a catch-up vaccination, that is, repeat the booster against diphtheria, tetanus and polio. Administration of several vaccines at the same time does not cause any side effects on our body.

Tetanus vaccination

Isolated tetanus vaccination can be successfully used to immunize people of any age - both children and adults. It is especially important to vaccinate women before childbirth who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus, as this can reduce the risk of maternal and neonatal (infant) tetanus to virtually zero. Additionally, antibodies against tetanus are passed from mother to newborn, protecting the baby for two months.

In this regard, immunization against tetanus begins at three months. To develop full immunity to infection, it is necessary to administer five doses of tetanus vaccine. In Russia, three doses are administered before the age of 1 year, the fourth at 1.5 years, and the fifth at 6–7 years. It is recommended that adults, especially women of childbearing age, be revaccinated throughout their lives, which will ensure immunity to infection for life. In Russia, adults are recommended to receive a booster vaccination against tetanus every 10 years.

Our immune system allows us to simultaneously respond to millions of microorganisms. And combination vaccines help protect against multiple diseases by limiting the number of injections. Do you need to get a flu vaccine every year? - It is recommended that people age 65 and older get a flu vaccine annually. - Flu vaccination is also recommended for pregnant women and anyone who has some chronic diseases. This vaccination is recommended every year because the influenza virus mutates every year and the vaccine is adapted for the better.

Should I get a tetanus vaccination?

Tetanus is very dangerous disease, which often ends in the death of the infected person. Last year, there were more than 200,000 deaths from tetanus worldwide, with the vast majority of these being infant and maternal deaths. Tetanus toxin attacks the nerve trunks, causing severe cramps and contractions of all muscles, including the respiratory muscles. It is due to the spasm of the respiratory muscles caused by tetanus toxoid that most people infected with tetanus die.

Since the tetanus bacillus is in the soil, any contact of the wound surface with dirt can be potentially dangerous from the point of view of infection. A tetanus vaccination helps reduce the risk of infection to a minimum. Protection is especially important for all children and adults who work in constant contact with soil (for example, employees of agricultural enterprises, rural residents, etc.).

Can be vaccinated at any age against whooping cough if you are not aware of this vaccine. But it is mainly the expectant parents and the family circle of the pregnant woman who are concerned about the whooping cough recall from 25 years of age. This vaccine protects infants under 3 months of age who have not yet been effectively protected. new pregnancy, she is considered vaccinated if the last recall is more than 10 years old. Little one, I had measles, suddenly, didn’t I need to be vaccinated? Indeed, when we are infected with this disease, we retain protective antibodies, but you should know that: - if the measles vaccine is more mandatory, it was before.

Many adults mistakenly believe that there is no place for a child in the city to become infected with tetanus. In fact, every child falls, breaks his knees and elbows, boys can fight, sometimes children bite and scratch each other - in general, traumatic injuries to the skin and mucous membranes are not so rare. In the city there is dirt, dust, soil, and feces of dogs and cats, particles of which can get into a child’s wound. If a child is not vaccinated against tetanus, then the likelihood of infection in such a situation is very high, since the tetanus bacillus lives in large quantities in the soil of both cities and villages. The danger increases significantly when a child travels outside the city - to a dacha, to a children's health camp, to the sea, where the frequency of injuries and contact with soil increases many times over. Considering the fact that it is very easy to become infected with tetanus, and the course of the disease is extremely severe, with a high probability of death, you should be vaccinated against this dangerous infection.

But if you have doubts, a blood test allows us to know whether we are protected from rubella or not. If you are unprotected, you may want to have the injection again, especially if you have a pregnancy in sight or babies due. Because rubella in a pregnant woman can lead to serious complications in the fetus.

If you have any doubts, your doctor can tell you whether you need to be vaccinated. The hepatitis B vaccine is mandatory. For drug addicts who take drugs intravenously. Vaccine against chickenpox not recommended regularly. This is only useful for women who have never had chickenpox and who want a baby, because the infection can harm the fetus if it occurs while you are pregnant.

Depending on treatment methods, condition and individual characteristics of the body, tetanus can result in death in 10 - 70% of patients. In the absence of treatment with antitetanus serum, the mortality rate is 100%. It is important to know that successfully surviving tetanus with full recovery does not guarantee immunity to future infection. This means that having been ill once, a person can easily become infected a second or third time. Many believe that once a person has had an infection, he or she is immune for life, but this statement is only true for a number of diseases that do not include tetanus. Immunity to this disease can only be created through immunization, that is, vaccinations. Moreover, to form this immunity, a certain number of vaccinations is necessary, and not one or two, as some people believe. Therefore, it is better to get all the necessary vaccinations against tetanus, and then spend carefree time in nature, at sea, in the forest, in general, live and not think that every wound with dirt that gets into it can become a source of a deadly disease.

We are still thinking of taking a blood test to check if the immunologist is immunized against chickenpox, and therefore Do not vaccinate during pregnancy and avoid pregnancy for a month after vaccination. Thanks to Dr. Christina Jestin and Khaduja Chemal from Inpex.

Vaccination: Are you modern? Tetanus vaccination is the only vaccination that accompanies us from birth to life. Often we don't even realize how important it is and what it really protects from us. This bacterium is found primarily in the digestive tract of horses, cattle, and sometimes humans, and fecal excretion is included in environment. Here it is able to encapsulate and the spores can survive in various extreme conditions for several decades.

Should I get a tetanus shot - video

Tetanus vaccination for adults

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 174 dated May 17, 1999, adults are given a booster vaccination against tetanus at the ages of 18–27, 28–37, 38–47, 48–57 and over 58 years. If a person has been vaccinated against tetanus, then one dose of tetanus toxoid is administered every 10 years. If an adult has not previously been vaccinated against tetanus, then he is given two doses of the vaccine, with a break of 1 month between them. Then, after 1 year, a third dose is administered, after which the vaccination course is considered complete. The countdown begins from this last vaccination, since the next immunization is carried out 10 years later.

Revaccination every 10 years allows you to become immune to tetanus. Vaccination is mandatory for students, military personnel, construction industry workers, diggers, railway workers, as well as all adults living in a region where the epidemiological situation regarding tetanus is unfavorable. Adults receive the ADS-m, AD-m, Imovax or Adult vaccine.

Revaccination in children takes place three times

The body receives minor or more injuries. They then become active again in the body. A poisonous substance that spreads to the central nervous system and affects the innervation of the striated muscle, is absorbed and excreted into the body. The nerves that control these muscles become more irritated and the muscles become out of place.

Vaccination rules for children

Then there are spasms, which are very painful. The infected person experiences them in full consciousness. We're talking about generalized tetanus, the most common type of tetanus. Other types: native, cephalic and local tetanus - occur only at the site of injury.

In addition, if situations arise that are dangerous from the point of view of tetanus infection, it is necessary to urgently administer a prophylactic dose of the vaccine if more than five years have passed since the full course of vaccinations. Basically these are:

  • injuries;
  • animal bites;
  • home birth;
  • criminal abortions;
  • operations on the digestive tract.

Tetanus vaccination for children

Children are vaccinated against tetanus with a complex immunobiological preparation - DPT, which contains not only an antitetanus component, but also an antidiphtheria and antipertussis component. Immunization can also be carried out with vaccines only with diphtheria and tetanus components, if the child has a strong reaction to pertussis. Tetanus vaccination for children includes five doses of the vaccine:
1. At 3 months.
2. At 4.5 months.
3. At 6 months.
4. At 1.5 years.
5. At 6–7 years old.

After administering these five doses of the vaccine, a stable immunity to tetanus is formed, which reliably protects the child. However, to maintain this immunity, booster vaccinations are required every 10 years. Typically, the first revaccination is carried out in adolescents 14–16 years old in order to maintain immunity to the disease for another 10 years for young and active people.

For smaller wounds, the use of hydrogen peroxide, which releases oxygen into the wound, can prevent the proliferation of anaerobic tetanus bacteria. Antibiotic therapy, antidiabetic immunoglobulin, booster and many other procedures are complex, time-consuming and not always successful. Big percentage infected people dies from breathing or heart failure.

How to get a tetanus shot

Additionally, infection does not guarantee immunity against other infections and only vaccination will be provided here. In the Czech Republic, vaccination against tetanus is mandatory and paid for by insurance companies. The child's first vaccination is between a week of life, the second and third doses are given a month later, and the fourth dose is given after 6 months. However, experts tend to be at a higher level.

Immunization against tetanus during pregnancy

The second half is a contraindication for any vaccinations, including against tetanus. However, if an emergency occurs, they resort to administering a prophylactic dose during the first half of pregnancy. In this case, it is not the vaccine that is used, but immunoglobulins. Therefore, it is best to get vaccinated against tetanus before a planned pregnancy, so that the woman is reliably protected and can transfer antibodies against a dangerous infection to her newborn baby, which will protect him during the first two months of life. After vaccination against tetanus, you should protect yourself for 1 month, after which you can plan a pregnancy. If pregnancy has occurred, and no more than 5 years have passed since the last revaccination, then there is no need to fear infection, since the immune system is still active and creates good immunity to the disease.

However, if the intended birth will be in an area where there is a high probability of contracting tetanus, then pregnant women are vaccinated at least two weeks before birth to prevent the development of infection in both the mother and the newborn. In such regions, pregnant women are vaccinated with three doses of the drug, if the woman has not previously been vaccinated.

If a booster has not been completed within 15 years of the previous one, it will be boosted with three vaccines. Moreover, in case serious injuries vaccination is carried out if the last vaccine was administered more than five years ago. Fatigue and fever may occur as a reaction to vaccination, especially in young children. It may also feel tender or swollen after the injection. More pronounced allergic reactions are rare. However, people who are not sick or weakened, or people who have had a significant overall response to previous vaccinations, are not expected to receive the vaccine.

When is vaccination carried out?

Children and adolescents are vaccinated against tetanus, according to the national calendar:
1. At 3 months.
2. At 4.5 months.
3. In six months.
4. At 1.5 years.
5. At 6–7 years old.
6. At 14 – 16 years old.

After the last revaccination at 14–16 years of age, it is necessary to get a tetanus vaccine every 10 years until death. If the child had contraindications to vaccination, then vaccinations begin as soon as it becomes possible to do so, observing the necessary intervals, which are 30–45 days between the first and second injections, and the second and third. Then between the third and fourth - 1 year. At 6–7 years of age, a booster dose is administered to help consolidate immunity, and vaccination at 14–16 years of age is considered the first revaccination, after which all subsequent ones are carried out every 10 years.

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease. Parents and other relatives may be naturally healthy because the disease is passed on by carriers of a defective gene, which is detected if both parents pass the defective gene to the child. The severity of the disease can also vary, and there may be cases of diagnosis even in adults if the disease is mild. Further diagnosis and treatment is required by a cystic fibrosis specialist. Unfortunately, according to this search engine, there is no such clinic in Świętokrzyski.

Piotr Sawicki Laryngologist, Bydgoszcz Appointment Agreements

This is probably also in Warsaw.

Cough caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

Is it possible to let a child with a crankcase walk? Firstly, the antibiotic Zinnat is a highly effective antibiotic and every estimate of the doctor’s working time saves the patient, because you cannot generalize the time of therapy ranges from 5 days to several tens of days in situations that require all this information, you find, of course, a leaflet drug but always recommend sticking to the doctor to others is the fact that the use of antibiotics by the child is sterilized with pathological bacteria, but also physiological, and therefore short walks are suitable for a dressed child is acceptable, but it is unacceptable to take the child to the nursery because, firstly, he it still cannot be adequately cured and infect other children, and secondly, what is even worse for your child is very vulnerable to bad colonization of bacteria, which will take over the nursery from other healthy children, who are often the only carriers of these bacteria or children cho agro cultural, which should not go to kindergarten, but also with parents of necessity or ignorance they send and children who, at the beginning of the most common viral infection, often after such antibiotics and other superinfections of children in kindergarten from other children, parents come to the doctor with similar symptoms, claiming that the treatment was an ineffective antibiotic was bad and would like to get another antibiotic.

If an adult has not been vaccinated, then he can be vaccinated at any age, in the absence of contraindications. In this case, the course of full immunization consists of three doses - the first, a month later the second and six months later - a year the third. After the third booster vaccination against tetanus is carried out every 10 years.

How long does the tetanus shot last?

If a person has received a full course of vaccination against tetanus, then his protection lasts for 10 years. The course of vaccination is considered complete if the child has received five vaccinations (at 3, 4, 6, 18 months and 6 years). If vaccinations were given to an adult who had not previously been vaccinated, then the course of vaccination is considered complete when the patient has received three doses of the drug (the first and second with a break of 1 month between them, and the third after a year). To renew immunity against tetanus, a vaccinated person only needs one dose of the vaccine every 10 years.

Where is the vaccine injection given?

The tetanus shot must be administered strictly into a muscle. Therefore, it is recommended to administer the vaccine to those places where the muscle layer is well developed, subcutaneous fatty tissue is practically absent, and the skin is quite thin. All these requirements are met by the lateral surface of the thigh in children under 3 years of age, and in adults by the area of ​​the deltoid muscle of the shoulder or the part of the back under the scapula. Therefore, a tetanus shot can be administered under the shoulder blade, in the shoulder, or in the thigh. It is strictly not recommended to vaccinate against tetanus in the buttock, since the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed here, and the muscles lie quite deep. Therefore, when injecting into the buttock, the risk of administering the vaccine subcutaneously rather than intramuscularly is too great.

Where is immunization carried out?

Tetanus vaccination can be done at a clinic at your place of residence or work, at a paramedic and midwifery station, or at specialized immunization centers. In any of the listed institutions, only high-quality anti-tetanus drugs are used, registered and approved for use in Russia.

After a tetanus shot

After vaccination against tetanus, the human body begins the process of producing special cells - antibodies, which will provide immunity. If a person undergoes revaccination, then the immune system is already familiar with the toxoid, and the production of antibodies will be rapid, and a large amount of them will be synthesized, which is enough for an average of 10 years of active defense of the body. If vaccination is performed for the first time, then several doses of the vaccine must be administered in order to develop a sufficient amount of antibodies to ensure immunity.

Due to data physiological phenomena, after vaccination against tetanus, vaccine reactions may develop, which should not be feared, since they go away on their own and do not harm the body. In general, a person can lead his normal lifestyle without restrictions.

Is your child speech impaired?

It's a vicious circle. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is otherwise treated with cognitive behavioral cognitive therapy and pharmacotherapy.

Does Tongue Heal?

The same disease of geographical language cannot be cured. Her daughter's age gives her the opportunity to experience such changes. It does not indicate sexual orientation. You are important to your daughter. You write that this is a problem because she behaves like this, and she doesn't, she rebels. It would be good to support good contact with your daughter, don't try to force anything to change.

Is it possible to soak a tetanus shot and wash after it? After a tetanus vaccination, the injection site can be wetted, since water does not affect the effect of vaccination in any way. However, doctors usually recommend refraining from water procedures for 2–3 days to minimize the risk of irritation of the skin and injection site. Therefore, it is better to refrain from washing, but such a need exists, then taking a shower will not do any harm. Avoid bathing with bubble baths, oils or salt as this can cause severe skin irritation. If you wash with a washcloth, do not rub the injection site.

Youth at this age looking at each other on the way to adult life, but rebellion is very similar to the behavior of a small child crawling, who experiments and uses, which can go from there, but always keeping an eye on her so as not to lose sight of her - He still needs her and cannot afford to lose her. This doesn't mean you don't need support, and although it may be difficult, it would be good to have you in this position. Ultimately, the daughter tries to be independent, strong, wants to make decisions for herself and learns to take responsibility for her choices.

Combination of tetanus shot and alcohol. Within three days after a tetanus vaccination, drinking alcoholic beverages is absolutely contraindicated. This is due to the fact that the process of developing immunity to tetanus also involves digestive tract person, and the ingestion of alcohol can lead to negative consequences.

Can a child's fever be caused by contact with a dog?

This will focus on her future life. You must also take care of yourself during these difficult times. Good morning, Madagascar symptoms may be an emotional reaction to the arrival of a small dog in the family, also requiring care, attention and care. A child of this age does not create stories from anything. It is based on what he sees, hears and experiences. By telling these kinds of stories or engaging in this kind of information, he is trying to cope with what he has experienced. The fact that the child is talking about such content should encourage the caregiver to be on the highest alert to investigate.

What not to do after a tetanus vaccination. After vaccination, you cannot engage in active sports for 3 days, swim in the pool, visit baths and saunas, or use alcoholic drinks. You should also refrain from visiting crowded places and hiking trips. You can't eat a lot, especially heavy food. within 3 - 4 days after vaccination it should be light - vegetables, liquid cereals with water, dairy products, etc. It is optimal to follow a semi-starvation regime with plenty of warm fluid intake (for example, tea, milk, chamomile infusion, etc.).

No response can convince a child that they cannot count on them to help, and that they should not treat possible sexual abuse as a reason to seek help. It may also signal to him that no one is taking him seriously. As the content says, it can be assumed that he feels safe with the person being spoken to. Listen carefully to what he says. Just let your child talk. If we feel that we cannot do this calmly, we will turn to a good child psychologist who will conduct a good and correct interview with the child.

Reaction to tetanus vaccine - common consequences

After vaccination, a person may experience so-called vaccine reactions or consequences, as they are often called in everyday life. These symptoms are not a pathology, they only reflect the body’s reaction to the administration of the vaccine. Reactions to a tetanus shot are a short-term change in a person’s normal condition, and the symptoms go away on their own and do not lead to serious health problems.

The tetanus vaccine has very low reactogenicity, that is, the development of post-vaccination reactions is very rare. Usually the vaccination is easily tolerated. But most often it causes local reactions, such as redness of the injection site, swelling, hardening or even the formation of a “bump”. These reactions are normal and go away on their own over time. It is also possible to develop general reactions - fever, lethargy, drowsiness, irritability. Let's look at the most common reactions to a tetanus shot.

The tetanus shot hurts. This phenomenon is possible, but with proper administration of the vaccine, the pain goes away on its own after 2 to 3 days. Most often, pain develops when the vaccine drug gets into the subcutaneous tissue, and not into the muscle, from where it poorly enters the bloodstream and causes local inflammation, accompanied by pain. In this case, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.

My arm hurts after getting a tetanus shot. Pain in the arm radiates from the injection site under the shoulder blade or on the shoulder. This phenomenon is also observed when the vaccine preparation enters the subcutaneous layer. In this situation, the aluminum hydroxide present in the vaccine can cause severe local inflammation, which will subside only after the entire drug is absorbed into the blood. It is the inflammatory reaction at the injection site that causes painful sensations. To speed up the absorption of the drug into the blood, you can use ointments Troxevasin or Aescusan, and to relieve pain - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac, Nimesil, etc.

After a tetanus shot, a lump formed. A lump also forms at the injection site if a large amount of the vaccine preparation gets into the subcutaneous tissue. The fact is that tetanus toxoid is adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide, which allows it to be released gradually. Such a gradual release of toxoid is necessary for the formation of antibodies, since if the entire amount of the drug enters the blood at the same time, then foreign cells will simply be destroyed immune system. That is, such a gradual release of toxoid is necessary for the formation of immunity.

In order for the drug to enter the bloodstream, it must be injected into the muscle. In practice, the vaccine often gets into the subcutaneous tissue, where there is less blood vessels than in the muscles, from where it enters the blood very slowly. As a result, due to the presence of aluminum hydroxide, a reserve is formed at the injection site, which can form a lump. In this situation, there is no danger to health, but you will have to wait for the drug to completely dissolve, which will occur within 1 to 2 months, after which the lump will disappear by itself.

The tetanus shot is swollen. The site of the tetanus shot may swell, and the severity of this reaction varies. This is normal, as local inflammation develops at the injection site, which is always accompanied by redness, swelling and pain. The swelling will go away on its own after the drug is completely absorbed from the injection site.

Temperature after tetanus vaccination. The temperature reaction can be stronger or weaker and last up to 3 days. In this situation, a rise in temperature is not a pathology. However, since an increase in temperature does not help to build immunity against tetanus, but only brings various unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to bring it down. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc. If the temperature rises three or more days after vaccination, then this has nothing to do with vaccination - in this case, you need to consult a doctor for an examination and identify the causes of the development of fever. Acute respiratory infections, etc.;

  • exacerbation, diathesis or any;
  • exacerbation;
  • presence of high temperature;
  • immunodeficiency states.
  • The purpose of any vaccination is to protect the human population from deadly diseases. Among the mandatory procedures is vaccination against tetanus in early childhood; at a later age it is given if there is a high probability of infection. Like any injection, an injection may be accompanied by side effects and complications, starting with compaction in the injection area and the appearance of pain.

    What is known about tetanus and vaccination

    The cause of infection with tetanus, acute infectious disease, the bacterium Clostridium tetani enters the human blood. The vital activity of the microorganism is accompanied by the production of a large amount of toxins, which threatens the infected person:

    • disorders of the nervous system;
    • skeletal muscle cramps;
    • increased excitability;
    • breathing problems, death from suffocation.

    The process of vaccination, forming immunological memory, ensures the individual immunity of the body to a certain type of infection. Therefore, vaccination begins in early childhood, continuing to vaccinate a person throughout his life.

    How many times are they vaccinated?

    Tetanus vaccination schedule
    Vaccinations Age Notes
    1 3 months Small children tolerate the injection much more severely than adults. After vaccination, food refusal may occur, bad dream against the background of increased body temperature. The injection area may become swollen
    2 4.5 months
    3 6 months
    4 18 months Tetanus revaccination
    5 6-7 years Vaccination before the start of the school period, noticeable adverse reactions not usually observed with precautions
    6 14 years old Last mandatory revaccination

    If children’s reactions to the injection are not severe, then this is an indirect sign of the correct formation of immunity to the disease. To develop temporary immunity, adults receive vaccinations at intervals of 10 years. Due to the danger of side effects and possible complications After tetanus vaccination, many people are hesitant about whether or not to give the injection to themselves or their children.

    It is important to remember that since the effect of the vaccine is not long-term, revaccination is mandatory for all children. Vaccination does not guarantee lasting immunity to the disease, so vaccination is mandatory for adults if tetanus bacillus enters the body.

    What might the body's reaction be?

    The tetanus vaccine (DTP) is given with a special drug called a toxoid, which stimulates the body to produce its own antibodies to fight the toxin that attacks nerve structures. The injection is given strictly into the muscle, in places free from subcutaneous fat.

    Important: serious problems with the action of tetanus serum are associated not with the antigenic components of the drug, but with ballast substances that ensure the effectiveness and stability of the vaccine.

    Although the tetanus shot is well tolerated by adults, there may still be unpleasant local effects that make people wary of getting the shot. What could be the possible consequences of vaccination?

    • the injection site begins to hurt, which is accompanied by redness and swelling with the formation of a compaction;
    • irritability may appear, followed by lethargy and drowsiness;
    • a significant rise in body temperature (up to 38 degrees and above);
    • loss of appetite or refusal to eat, diarrhea and vomiting are possible;
    • vaccination can cause severe headaches.

    Advice: the presence of such symptoms should not influence the decision about the advisability of injection. The consequences are not considered a pathology, they are just the body’s response to the administration of toxoid. The effect is short-term, the return to normal occurs on its own without serious health problems.

    Where to inject and what to do if it hurts

    For children under three years of age, the vaccine is administered into the lateral part of the thigh (in front), adults and children over three years of age are given the vaccine into the shoulder (deltoid muscle) or subcutaneously into the subscapular area in case of emergency prophylaxis after injury. Pregnant women are not vaccinated.

    Not only children, but also adults complain that the injection site hurts. Why do unpleasant consequences appear?

    Advice: Children should be given painkillers with caution, as they may reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine. Additionally, the pain may be caused by other conditions rather than a reaction to the tetanus shot.

    Important: the occurrence of severe complications that can result from vaccination against a terrible disease is associated with non-compliance with the generally accepted schedule for routine immunization, violations of the storage conditions of the drug, and the quality of the vaccine itself.

    Among the main complications of vaccination, the most dangerous are allergic reactions, which threaten not only a skin rash, but also convulsions, as well as angioedema. The development of serious consequences accompanying tetanus vaccination requires immediate hospitalization and refusal of vaccination. However, complications after an injection are extremely rare, and timely immunization will save not only health, but also life.

    Discussion: 20 comments

      I am 59 years old, five days ago I received a tetanus shot at the emergency room, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts to raise my arm, it turned red and I can’t even lie on my left side. What should I do?

      Me too

      I am 29 years old. Got a tetanus shot. The next day, the injection site was swollen (the injection was given in the shoulder), a slight itch appeared, I felt pain in the bones, an aching sensation similar to rheumatism. At first I thought it seemed. On the second day, rheumatism no longer seemed but was felt after gently squeezing the wrist with the other hand. Rheumatism only on the hand with the vaccine.

      My child (8 years old) was vaccinated against tetanus 3 days ago, on the first day there was nothing on the arm at all, on the 2nd day it was slightly swollen, on the 3rd day it turned red and swollen thoroughly, it itches very much, if tomorrow the redness does not become less, let's go to the doctor, let him prescribe an ointment, I know that this seems to be a normal reaction of the body, but it’s still a little annoying that every day there are some changes that are not for the better. Good luck everyone!

      Dear friends! I strongly advise against getting a tetanus vaccination. A month has passed since my vaccination and the injection site is spasming in waves, I am wobbly and dizzy. Please do not vaccinate yourself or your children. She may have extreme dangerous consequences for your body.

      While drinking on January 14 or 15, he fell in the apartment and cut his eyebrow. They stitched it up and gave me an injection in the triceps or something, it hurt for about 4 days, there was swelling. but we continued drinking until January 23rd. It turns out that it is necessary to duplicate the injection, because It doesn't work with alcohol.

      A 9-year-old child was vaccinated at school 2 days ago. The child didn’t go to school the next day. The child was lethargic. And the injection site on the forearm turned red and swollen. He won’t let him touch his hand; it hurts under the armpit and goes to the shoulder blade. I’m very worried... at least everything goes away normal. I read that it seems like such a reaction is normal, but I’m still on my nerves for the second day. I used to have the same vaccination, but I’ll remind you of these side effects.. Next time they doubt whether to do it or, well, this DPT.. such strange vaccines have come... God forbid I can’t forgive myself for what happens next! Everyone get better quickly after vaccination! Good health to you and your children.

      Hello, I'm 25 years old. 02/13/17
      Three days ago they took this injection in the triceps, on the first day everything was absolutely normal, on the second it started to hurt, it was swollen and red the size of a matchbox, I could hardly move my arm, and in the evening it got worse and worse, weakness and temperature 38.2
      On the third day, a red tumor the size of a palm, it hurts, there is a spasm under
      evening temperature again.
      I don’t know what awaits me next!
      Tomorrow I'm going to another doctor! But I think that the vaccine itself is normal, but the doctor is not, she did it wrong or chose the wrong place.
      It's up to you to make the habit or not!!!

      I am 14 years old. Felsher had her leg vaccinated at school. It's been painful to walk for two days now. Makes life very difficult. Not only is my room on the second floor, but I also have to run up and down during school hours. I will never allow myself to get this vaccine again.

      During training, I injured my leg... stitching up is not an option (the skin is thin in this place), the wound is deep. In the hospital they gave me an injection for tetanus, on the 6th day I don’t get out of bed, the temperature drops to a maximum of 38, on the 3rd day I can’t get anything except water and medicine , otherwise “Bath”...Plus a cough, in the hospital they refer to the “body response”, what should I do?

      My arm hurts a lot, but not that much, but it still hurts to raise my arm, and the place where the vaccine was given is swollen
      After vaccination I feel a little nauseous

      Yesterday, March 12, 2017, I had a severe cut on my finger, I got vaccinated, my arm hurts, I can’t lift it, I can’t move it, there is no redness or swelling, but it hurts very badly, I had no appetite. A cut on your finger doesn't hurt like your shoulder hurts.

      After a severe burn on my arm, leg and head, I was vaccinated against tetanus! Here. Not only that, when replacing bandages, they stick to the wounds, you have to peel them off!!! It’s painful enough, I must say, also the injection site (right shoulder blade). This is the third day now, and every day it hurts more strongly!!! It seems that they hit it there 15 times with good force! There is almost no desire to sleep!!! Previously, I was given painful injections such as magnesium, etc. The injection site hurt for 3 days and not so much!!! Perhaps the nurse injected me in the wrong place! injection! Perhaps! But sleeping and especially getting out of bed is quite problematic on the right side!

      She received a head injury. Got a tetanus shot. Within a week, my hand became swollen and red. I can't move my arm. I went to the doctor and they explained that this was a normal reaction. But if it doesn’t go away in a week, then wake up and stick it in. One thing I can’t understand is that if this is a normal reaction, why would it be necessary to open it?

      She fell two days ago and was given a tetanus shot. On the second day, the injection site became red and swollen. itches... Tell me, for whom and in what time frame does this go away?

      I injured my leg and was given a tetanus shot. They did it in the shoulder, after a couple of days the shoulder started to hurt a little, there was no redness, no swelling. It's difficult to move in a certain direction, but tolerable. Feels like a slight stretch of the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (I think athletes will understand) or like sore throat.

      I injured my finger, at the emergency room they put two stitches and gave me a tetanus shot under my shoulder blade. On the first day there was no change, on the second day I began to notice pain when I leaned my back against the back of a chair. On the third day, it began to itch and hurt when pressing on the area of ​​redness at the injection site (about 2 cm). There was no temperature, my health and appetite were fine. The only dissatisfaction so far is the feeling on my back like a pimple.

      Tell me, is it normal that after a tetanus shot you feel very unwell? The temperature has risen, which cannot be brought down. You feel sick. When you lie down, everything is fine, but when you start to walk, your leg gives way in severe pain. Frequent cramps.

      I am 14 years old, I was given a tetanus shot in my shoulder, my arm has been hurting for the 3rd day, it is almost impossible to write, doing homework and writing in class has become sheer torture. Thanks for the article, I think your advice will help me

      I'm 14. We had a vaccination at school under the shoulder blade for the 3rd day now, my shoulder hurts, everything is fine, the body’s reaction, but my shoulder hurts very much so I can’t lie down. The pain is mainly when touching or moving the hand, but is severe. Tell me what to do to relieve the pain.
