Spelling tsy and. We study exception words in Russian

Class: 2


  • learn to write combinations correctly tsi-tsi in words;
  • develop competent writing skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

Equipment: textbook, flashcards, reference cards.

Lesson progress

I. Class organization.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic.

1) analysis of notebooks

- open your notebooks. Look. You made me very happy.

Completed the job without errors ...person

1-2 mistakes were made ... people

I was happy for the work:...

Trying: ...

I love the notebooks:...

Be careful. Try.

2) Working on the riddle

a) write on the board: (highlight connection lcd, shk color chalk)

Live in a difficult book residential complex e
Cunning brothers shk And.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

– Read (read independently)

- Read it, prove that you read it? (riddle, because the object is described but not named)

- Guess (the numbers). prove.

– Re-read, think:

  • How many sounds [zh] are there in the riddle? (1)
  • How many [w] sounds are there in the riddle? (2)

– What can you say about these sounds? (always hard, paired in sonority and deafness, hissing)

– What letters represent these sounds? (“zhe” “sha”) cards Ж Ш on the board

b) min. calligraphy

– Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

-Teacher demonstration.

– Write down the connections of the LCD ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

Result: Well done! Written in calligraphy correctly. We tried.

c) - What other hissing sounds do you know? (h sch c)

– What letters represent sounds? (“che” “sha” “tse”)

cards on the board

– What spelling spellings with these letters do you know?

(ZHI – SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA – SHCHA I write with the vowel A; CHU – SHCHU I write with the vowel U)


– What do we know about the spelling with C? (Nothing)

d) Re-read the riddle.

-What is this? (numbers)

– Let’s do it sound-letter analysis words “numbers” (children perform

independently) RULE OF LANDING


– Let’s check how we did it?

-Who has this? (children signal red; if green, why? I doubt it)

– What’s wrong with you? ( I post. "AND"; I post. "Y")

- But I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

– I doubt which letter should be written.

- So what are we going to work on?

I post it on the board

3) Work in pairs.

a) – Take a green card.

– Read the task

– What is unclear? We are working.

b) Check

– What two groups did you divide the words into?

(words with spelling. TSY with a letter Y

words with spelling CI with a letter AND)

c) Re-read the words of group I. (children read the words)


– Re-read the words.

TSY comes at the end of a word)

– Read the words of group II. (children read the words)

A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination CI

– Re-read the words.

– What interesting things did you notice? ( CI in the middle of a word)

RESULT: Well done! They found the correct spelling and proved it.

CONCLUSION: When it is written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of the word)

- When it is written CI with the letter I (written in the middle of a word)


4) Work on the text.

- Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

- Read it. (children read)

– What did you read? (offers)

- Let's reread it. (read one sentence at a time)

– What task do you think we will perform?

- Compose a text from these sentences.

Animals also freeze in winter. 5
The children are happy about the snow. 2
Birds have difficulty finding food. 4
So winter has come. 1
What about birds and animals? 3


– Read the text you got. Prove it. (this is a text, because all sentences are connected in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

– What is the text about? Theme (the coming of winter)

– Read the text again.

– Find and write down sentences that talk about birds.


- How many sentences did you write down?

- Read it.

– Find words with a new spelling. Prove it.

(TSY I write with the letter Y because it’s at the end of the word)

RESULT: Well done! You did the job right.

5) Open the note on the board:

- Read it. (read words in a chain)

– What interesting things did you notice? ( TSY– in the middle of a word, but this can’t happen)

- Guys, it turns out that in the Russian language there are words that do not fit the spelling. You need to remember the spelling of these words. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTION WORDS

– To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I pronounce)

The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says “chick” to the chicken.

- Let's say it all together.

RESULT: Well done! Remember the spelling of these words to avoid mistakes.

6) Let's return to the word (scheme)


– What letter will we write in this word?

- Prove it. (I write QI with the letter I, because QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word)

- They proved it right.

- Let's draw a conclusion.

– When is QI written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

– When is TSY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

– Who remembered all the exception words?

– Name them.

RESULT: Well done! They proved it correctly and made a conclusion.

7) Independent work.

- Let's work on the assignment.

– Take the card ( yellow)

b) Verification.

Read……the words you wrote down.

What's in common? (each word has a spelling)

Which word is "superfluous"? (France – state, snowflake – spelling zhi – shi)

– Read the words using the spelling “tsi I write with the letter y”

  • Gypsy
  • Streets
  • Chicks

– What word is “extra”?

Gypsy (word exception)

– Read the words with the spelling “qi is written with the letter i”

  • France
  • Cylinder

– When is tsi written with the letter s? (at the end of a word and in exception words)

– When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

– What question were we looking for an answer to? (when TSY is written in words, and when TSI)

– Have we answered this question?

– When is TSY written with the letter Y, QI with the letter I?

III. Reflection:

- Continue the sentence:

  • I was wondering...
  • I wanted...
  • I found out that….
  • I did it...


- Guys, I was pleased.

– You were real scientists. We found the spelling and proved it.

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Russian language - spelling:


Spelling tsy - tsi and tse - tso

Letter s after ts is written in noun endings (cucumber s , No chickens s ), in endings and suffixes -yn adjectives ( kuts th, pale-faced th, sisters yn ).

In words ts s gan, ts s films, c s kidneys, c s ts and in other words of the same roots ( ts s Ghanaian, ts s p-c s p, on c s kidneys, c s roll etc.) is written tsy. Can remember: ts s gan on ts s kidneys s film c s knuckled s c.
In the rest cases it is written qi, For example: stanza And I, c And tata, ts And rk, c And fra, c And rulnik, ts And mbaly, c And bik, ts And nga, ts And new, c And boule, ts And garka, ts And Mlyanskoe.

In stressed syllables according to the pronunciation after ts is written O, For example: ts O kat, ts O kohl, persons O, well done O m, father O in, pepper O vyy, faces O vka, vytants O howl, dance O r etc.
No accent after ts instead of O is written e, For example: towels e, finger e m, Komsomol member e in, kuts e go, calico e wow, well done e cottony, glossy e howl, dance e Valny, dance e wow, harz e come on, sprinter e wat.




Spelling words using letters from A to I look at the list of letters >>>

The most important spelling rules.

Letters b and b.

In other cases, the letter is used as a separating character b , For example: Boer b yang, V b yun, sparrow b other, chickens b smart, fox b I, fox b e, fox b And, night b yu, without b Yana, under b yachy, rouge b e, face b yu, gray b smart, h b e, h b I, h b And.

Note 1. In many borrowed words the letter b used as a separator before a letter O , For example: battle b He, blvd b He, Gil b Otina, pocket b ola, company b He, medal b He, min b He, pavil b He, mail b He, champignon b He.

Note 2: Separating ъ is not written in the following cases:

a) in complex abbreviated words: Gosyurizdat;

b) after prefixes and after the first part difficult words before A , O , at , uh : trouble-free, subdepartment, insane, save money, three-arshin, two-story.

Spelling sibilants with vowels.

9. After the letters and , w , h , sch Russian words have no letters s , I , yu , and letters are written And , A , at .

In some foreign words after and , And w , and also after ts letters are written I And yu : brooch yu ra, and yu ri, C yu rich, Svents I us.

Spelling TSY - TSI and TSE - TsO.

10. Letter s after ts written at the endings of nouns ( cucumber tsy , No smoke tsy ), in endings and in suffixes - yn adjectives ( ku tsy th, pale-faced tsy th, sisters tsy n).

Besides, tsy written in words tsy gan, tsy films, tsy kidneys, tsy ts, and in other words of the same root ( tsy Ghanaian, tsy p- tsy n, on tsy kidneys, tsy roll etc.). In other cases it is written qi , For example: mill qi I, qi tata, qi rk, qi fra, qi rulnik, qi mbala, qi bic, qi nga, qi new, pan qi ry, qi boule, qi garka, qi Mlyanskoe.

11. In stressed syllables in accordance with pronunciation after ts is written O , For example: tso roll, tso stake, whether tso , young tso m, from tso V, lane tso vyy, obli tso vka, pulled out tso howl, tan tso r etc.

No accent after ts instead of O is written e , For example: canvases tse , finger tse m, Komsomol tse V, ku tse th, sit tse vyy, young tse cottony, look tse twisted, tan tse shaft, tan tse wat, gar tse wat, sprin tse wat.

Note. In unstressed syllables O written only in words tso cat and some foreign words, for example: palace tso , sker tso .


Spelling TSY – TSI. 2nd class


  • learn to write combinations correctly tsi-tsi in words;
  • develop competent writing skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

Equipment: textbook, flashcards, reference cards.

I. Class organization.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic.

1) analysis of notebooks

- open your notebooks. Look. You made me very happy.

Completed the job without errors ...person

1-2 mistakes were made ... people

I was happy for the work:...

Be careful. Try.

2) Working on the riddle

a) write on the board: (highlight connection lcd, shk color chalk)

Live in a difficult book residential complex e
Cunning brothers shk And.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

– Read (read independently)

- Read it, prove that you read it? (riddle, because the object is described but not named)

- Guess (the numbers). prove.

  • How many sounds [zh] are there in the riddle? (1)
  • How many [w] sounds are there in the riddle? (2)
  • – What can you say about these sounds? (always hard, paired in sonority and deafness, hissing)

    – What letters represent these sounds? (“zhe” “sha”) cards Ж Ш on the board

    b) min. calligraphy

    – Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

    – Write down the connections of the LCD ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

    Result: Well done! Written in calligraphy correctly. We tried.

    c) - What other hissing sounds do you know? (h sch c)

    – What letters represent sounds? (“che” “sha” “tse”)

    cards on the board

    – What spelling spellings with these letters do you know?

    (ZHI – SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA – SHCHA I write with the vowel A; CHU – SHCHU I write with the vowel U)


    – What do we know about the spelling with C? (Nothing)

    d) Re-read the riddle.

    -What is this? (numbers)

    – Let’s perform a sound-letter analysis of the word “numbers” (children perform

    independently) RULE OF LANDING


    – Let’s check how we did it?

    -Who has this? (children signal red; if green, why? I doubt it)

    – What’s wrong with you? ( I post. "AND"; I post. "Y")

    - But I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

    – I doubt which letter should be written.

    - So what are we going to work on?

    I post it on the board

    3) Work in pairs.

    a) – Take a green card.

    – What is unclear? We are working.

    – What two groups did you divide the words into?

    (words with spelling. TSY with a letter Y

    words with spelling CI with a letter AND)

    c) Re-read the words of group I. (children read the words)


    TSY comes at the end of a word)

    – Read the words of group II. (children read the words)

    A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination CI

    – What interesting things did you notice? ( CI in the middle of a word)

    RESULT: Well done! They found the correct spelling and proved it.

    CONCLUSION: When it is written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of the word)

    - When it is written CI with the letter I (written in the middle of a word)


    4) Work on the text.

    - Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

    - Read it. (children read)

    – What did you read? (offers)

    - Let's reread it. (read one sentence at a time)

    – What task do you think we will perform?

    - Compose a text from these sentences.

    Animals also freeze in winter. 5
    The children are happy about the snow. 2
    Birds have difficulty finding food. 4
    So winter has come. 1
    What about birds and animals? 3

    – Read the text you got. Prove it. (this is a text, because all sentences are connected in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

    – What is the text about? Theme (the coming of winter)

    – Read the text again.

    – Find and write down sentences that talk about birds.


    - How many sentences did you write down?

    – Find words with a new spelling. Prove it.

    (TSY I write with the letter Y because it’s at the end of the word)

    RESULT: Well done! You did the job right.

    5) Open the note on the board:

    - Read it. (read words in a chain)

    – What interesting things did you notice? ( TSY– in the middle of a word, but this can’t happen)

    - Guys, it turns out that in the Russian language there are words that do not fit the spelling. You need to remember the spelling of these words. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTION WORDS

    – To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I pronounce)

    The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says “chick” to the chicken.

    - Let's say it all together.

    RESULT: Well done! Remember the spelling of these words to avoid mistakes.

    6) Let's return to the word (scheme)

    – What letter will we write in this word?

    - Prove it. (I write QI with the letter I, because QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word)

    - Let's draw a conclusion.

    – When is QI written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

    – When is TSY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

    – Who remembered all the exception words?

    RESULT: Well done! They proved it correctly and made a conclusion.

    7) Independent work.

    - Let's work on the assignment.

    – Take a card (yellow)

    Read……the words you wrote down.

    What's in common? (each word has a spelling)

    Which word is "superfluous"? (France – state, snowflake – spelling zhi – shi)

    – Read the words using the spelling “tsi I write with the letter y”

    – What word is “extra”?

    Gypsy (word exception)

    – Read the words with the spelling “qi is written with the letter i”

    – When is tsi written with the letter s? (at the end of a word and in exception words)

    – When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

    – What question were we looking for an answer to? (when TSY is written in words, and when TSI)

    – Have we answered this question?

    – When is TSY written with the letter Y, QI with the letter I?

    III. Reflection:

  • I was wondering...
  • I wanted...
  • I found out that….
  • I did it...
  • - Guys, I was pleased.

    – You were real scientists. We found the spelling and proved it.


    School XXI century

    (c) we all learned a little

    Dictations: combinations of qi, qi

    Fun reminder! to make it easier to remember words in which the root words are after C is written AND, teach the following saying to your children:

    The gypsy on the gypsy kidneys approached the gypsy film
    and tsk pointed at him: “Tsk ts!”

    After c, the letter s is written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sister, lisitsyn, as well as in the words gypsy, chicken, on tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, u is always written after q, for example: station, mat, zinc, medicine.

    qi, qi.

    Fathers, fighters, blacksmiths, knitting needles, pages, bulbs, drummers, palaces, chicken, chick-chick, on tiptoe, birds, streets, sellers, cucumbers. (16 words.)

    Write down the words. Emphasize combinations qi, qi.

    Hares, foxes, tits, borders, singers, fingers, station, acacia, compass, circus, zinc, figure, gypsy, circus, compass, figure, station. (17 words.)

    Write the words in the plural.

    Father - fathers, fighter, blacksmith, hare, cucumber, end, fox, tit, palace, finger, knitting needle, onion, border, caterpillar.

    Lesson plan for a lesson in the Russian language (grade 3) on the topic:

    Russian language lesson in 3rd grade.

    Russian language lesson in 3rd grade

    Topic: Spelling Tsy and Tsi. Consolidation.

    Lesson type: lesson to consolidate knowledge.

    Technologies used: activity-based learning technologies, student-centered learning, cooperation pedagogy, information and communication technologies, TRIZ, problem-based dialogue learning, technology for the development of critical thinking.

    Objectives of the lesson: to create conditions for actively consolidating the writing of combinations of CI and CI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

    — enrich students’ vocabulary;

    — improve spelling knowledge and skills.

    — development of the ability to formulate and prove one’s point of view;

    — development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    — develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    — development of students’ creative and speech abilities;

    — formation of logical skills;

    — development of group and pair work skills.

    — education of a value-based attitude to words;

    — creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

    — interaction of students in group and pair work: development of respect for each other.

    2. Present information in the form of a diagram.

    3. Forecast upcoming work.

    1. Formation of the ability to listen and hear.

    Equipment: cards for individual work, computer, presentation, visual aids for board design.

    My friends, I am very glad to enter your friendly class. And for me the reward is the attention of your smart eyes. I wish you a great mood and good luck in this lesson. What do we learn in Russian language lessons? (Speak and write correctly, beautifully, competently). In order to prepare our tongues to give only correct and competent answers, we will start the lesson with a simple saying, which will also lift our spirits.

    For smiling.

    - For shaking hands.

    - I like you so much!

    “You’re not pretending at all.”

    You're trying to understand me,

    You are coming towards me!

  • Updating basic knowledge.
  • 1) There is a poem on the cards and on the slide. Let's read it.

    Ts.filnok performed in the Ts.RK

    He played the central balls,

    I rode around on a motorcycle,

    And he knew a lot of ts.fr.

    He took it out of the cylinder

    Carrot and cucumber.

    And there was only one thing I didn’t know

    Where do they write CI, where is CI:

    - Guys, do you understand all the words in this poem? How can we find out the meaning of words we don’t understand? (Use a dictionary). Guys, how can you find the meaning of the desired word in the dictionary? This will probably take a very long time, because there are a lot of words in the dictionary, until we read everything. (All words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.) Now we need to find the meaning of the words “cylinder” and “dulcimer” in the dictionary, they both start with C, how can we find out which word will be in the dictionary first? (Look at 2 and then 3 letters; the word “cylinder” will come before the word “dulcimer”).

    Two students read out the meanings of words from explanatory dictionary. The sound of cymbals is turned on.

    1) What did the chicken in this poem not know? Do you know? Today I invite you to become experts in the Russian language in class and play the game “What? Where? How?".

    - So, what will be the theme of our game? – “Spelling combinations of CI and CI. Consolidation.”

    — What goal will we set for ourselves? – “Practise the correct spelling of words with combinations of Tsy and Tsi”

    - And during the lesson we will answer three questions from the name of our game.

    WHERE should I check?

    Let's answer the first question:

    What should I check? Letters of vowel sounds Y or I after C..

    Where should I check? In a root, ending or suffix.

    How should I check? Apply the rule.

  • Solving a learning problem.
    1. Let's now remember the rule about spelling the combinations Tsy and Tsi. To do this, there are signs on the board, from which you need to make a rule.
    2. — What do you need to know to correctly write the vowel letter after C? (in which part of the word is the spelling located)

      If [TSY] is in the root, then we write CI, except for the exception words: gypsy, chicks, tsiknut, chicken, tsyts.

      If [TSY] is at the end, we write Y.

      If [TSY] is in the suffix –UN, we write Y.

      If [TSY] is in nouns ending in -tion, we write I.

      And now, who can, using the diagram on the board, tell when after C we write Y, and when I. (Students’ answers)

    3. Now, applying this rule, let's complete the task. (Two students go out in turn to the board (work with the words “circus”, “collection”, then four go out and work in pairs, one pair chooses words with the letter Y, the other pair chooses words with the letter I) go out and work in pairs, the rest work in pairs on a card) Check.
    4. Reflection. Evaluate yourself. If you completed this task without difficulty or mistakes, draw a smiley face on the top step, if you made one mistake, then on the middle step, and if you had difficulty completing this task, then on the bottom step.

    5. Primary consolidation. Work in pairs.
    6. Guys, next to the words of the first column I will put a question mark. Why do you think? I’ll give you a hint – put emphasis on these words. (The student at the blackboard puts emphasis on the words, the rest in the notebook). What did you notice? What two groups can these words be divided into? (For words where the combination of CI is stressed, and for words with an unstressed combination of CI).
    7. Now complete this task. (on cards). Insert the missing letters, select a test word, sort the words according to their composition. Three pairs of children work at the blackboard.
    8. Chain, rated, digital

      So what conclusion can we draw? Is it always possible to write the letter I at the root of a word after C? (No, not always, if under stress, then we write I or Y in exception words, and if without stress, then you need to either check it or look it up in the dictionary)

    9. Independent work. Test.
    10. Now let's check how you can apply the rule. Let's do the work ourselves. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

      Fox.n, portion, chick, prince, ts.film, finger, ts.fray, cucumber, ts.rk, ts.kat, ts.rkul, dance..

      1. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.
      2. The famous teacher of Russian language and literature Yuliy Anatolyevich Khalfin wrote a poem in which he collected words for the rule that we were working on today. Let's read it.

      The chickens lay on the mat all day.

      The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy.

      The gypsy tiptoes them to the hospital.

      The doctor ordered them to be treated there with cibuls.

      — Explain the meaning of the highlighted words. How did the doctor tell chickens to treat scurvy? This item is in my box. It comes in red, white, green, and even pearl. But the most popular is onion. What is this? (Onion)

      (There was a doctor in a robe, like a beetle in a shell.

      “Tsibulya,” he said, “is not a potion, but an onion.”)

      Mat - A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for bedding on the floor, for packaging.

      Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamins in the body and manifests itself in loosening and bleeding of the mucous membrane of the gums, muscle-vascular pain, weakness

    11. Onions, like other vegetables or fruits, are very beneficial for our health. Let's come up with riddles about vegetables or fruits, and we will get a kind of vitamin salad from riddles that we will hang on the board. And in order for us to get a riddle, we need to fill out the following table. In the first column write down the words that answer the question: what? (onion), and in the second - that it is the same. Let's practice.
    12. Now try to write a riddle about any vegetable or fruit. You can do it on your own, or you can do it in pairs or in a group. Children write riddles, several riddles are read out.
    13. Was today's lesson useful for you? How?

      What tasks did you find necessary?

      Which tasks did you find difficult?

      What tasks did you like?

    14. Write out three phraseological units from the dictionary with words with combinations of Tsy and Tsi, write down the sentences.
    15. Come up with tasks for classmates on the topic “Spelling Tsy and Tsi.” ( Vocabulary dictation, cards, crossword, text for copying with missing letters, test)
    16. Preview:

      Slide captions:

      Russian language lesson 3rd grade Spelling Tsy and Tsi. Consolidation.

      - I like you so much! - For what? - For smiling. - I like you so much! - For what? - For shaking hands. - I like you so much! - For what? “You’re not pretending at all, you’re trying to understand me, you’re coming towards me!”

      He performed in the church. He played the music, rode around on a motorcycle, and he knew a lot of music. He took out carrots and cucumbers from the central linden. And there was only one thing I didn’t know, Where do they write CI, where is CI: Collection.ya, Sinits.n, Special.ya and Spits.n.



      WHAT needs to be checked? Letters of vowel sounds Y or I after T. WHERE should I check? In the root, suffix, ending of words. HOW should I check? Apply the rule.

      TEST YOURSELF! Foxes n portion chicks prince s s films fingers s s cucumbers cucumbers roll s circle dance

      The chickens lay on the mat all day. The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy. The gypsy tiptoes them to the hospital. The doctor ordered them to be treated there with cibuls. There was a doctor in a robe, like a beetle in a shell. “Tsibulya,” he said, “is not a potion, but an onion.”

      Making up a riddle Fill in which table? (bow) what (who) is the same? Round ball bitter medicine Healthy milk It makes them cry with resentment 2. By connecting what is written in both columns of the table with the words but not, read the riddle

      Round, but not a ball. Bitter, but not medicine. Healthy, but not milk. It makes them cry, but not offensive.


      Self-analysis of the teacher's lesson primary classes Anna Lvovna Nosova

      Spelling TSY and TSI. Consolidation.

      Technologies used in the classroom

    • Technology of pedagogical cooperation
    • — problem-based dialogue learning technology

    • Health-saving technologies
    • Person-centered approach
    • Methods by source of knowledge

    • verbal;
    • practical;
    • visual
    • Methods by level of cognitive activity

    • reproductive (reproduction of previously acquired knowledge during a conversation);
    • partially search.
    • Methods of mental activity

    • analysis;
    • synthesis;
    • observation;
    • comparison;
    • generalization.
    • the principle of a differentiated approach;
    • principle of visibility;
    • principle of accessibility (material is selected taking into account age and psychological characteristics students).
    • Motivation for learning at different stages of the lesson

    • emotional methods - encouragement, creating a situation of success;
    • cognitive methods - creative task;
    • social methods – creating a situation of mutual assistance and cooperation.
    • Pair and group, collective, individual

      Lesson objectives: to create conditions for the active consolidation of the writing of combinations of CI and CI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

      — consolidate the spelling algorithm for letter combinations CI and CI;

      - repeat morpheme parsing words;

      — implementation of a systemic activity approach;

      — development of critical thinking;

      — development of the ability to rely on the studied material;

      — fostering interest and respect for the native language;

      — creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

      1. We develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, and texts.

      3. Identify the essence and features of objects.

      4. Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

      5. Summarize and classify according to characteristics.

      1. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task.

      4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

      2. The ability to clearly and clearly express one’s opinion and build speech structures.

      3. The ability to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

      When constructing the lesson, I used the following principles: scientific, problematic, visual, active, accessible, systematic and consistent.

      To achieve the goals of the lesson, I chose: methods of means - problematic (language material), visual (cards for pair work, table, diagram).

      In this lesson, work was carried out on the formation of universal educational actions.

      During the lesson the following work was carried out:

      - on mastering the skills of oral and writing;

      - by analyzing the word according to its composition.

      The topic, purpose, and content of the lesson correspond to the level of students’ knowledge acquisition and the level of development of their skills. Each stage of the lesson was a continuation of the previous one and preparation for the next.

      The didactic task of each stage, its content, teaching methods and techniques, forms of organizing students’ cognitive activity and the real result are organically interconnected.

      During the lesson I tried to create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, co-creativity and communication, including emotional sphere child.

      The use of ICT technology has made it possible to increase the motivation of students, to present the material being studied on the topic more clearly (it is well known that with the integrated perception of information using the organs of vision and hearing, the amount of information received increases to 65%), independent work made it possible to quickly track students' progress on the topic.

      I believe that the lesson corresponds to the set goals and objectives. The children completed the proposed tasks during the lesson, which means that the goal of the lesson was achieved.

      The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: visual and illustrative, control (self-control, self-esteem), verbal, practical. To effectively systematize knowledge, the technique of drawing up a diagram was used, which children will use in the following lessons, which contributes to the development of logical actions: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

      I used teaching technologies that meet the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard: student-centered learning, cooperation pedagogy, information and communication technologies, TRKM, TRIZ, health-saving technologies, problem-based dialogue learning.

      Student activity was at a high level. The material was mastered, as the children were able to apply the acquired knowledge. In my lessons, I try to develop students' independence, from independent goal setting to summing up results.

      The system for assessing student work that was presented (self-assessment sheet) is very effective because children become more active and everyone sees the result of their activities and can evaluate themselves.

      The lesson plan is completely completed. I think that the time in the lesson was distributed rationally.

      I try to give a positive emotional attitude at the beginning and at the end of each lesson, which creates a so-called situation of success for each student, which means there is a greater desire to learn, and, therefore, to learn the material well.

      The lesson was characterized by friendly cooperation both between the teacher and students, and among students.

      The project of this lesson was developed according to the program of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov. It will allow students to organize their work so that the children themselves discover the way to designate the sound Y after C and formulate a rule. This knowledge will result research work students under the guidance of a teacher.



      Lesson Project

      Teacher: Kulikova Irina Gennadievna

      School: No. 124 Nizhny Novgorod

      Class: 1A

      Subject: Russian language

      Program: developmental education according to the program of D.B. Elkonin –

      V.V. Davydova

      Lesson topic: “Spelling QI – TSY”

      Lesson objective: discover the way to designate the sound [ы] after Ts


      Educational:in the course of research work, acquire knowledge about the spelling of Tsi-Tsy in words of the Russian language

      Educational: in the course of research activities, the children learn that QI is written in the middle of a word, TSY is written at the end of a word, they learn that there are exception words to this method that must be remembered;

      Educational: must understand that the knowledge gained makes them more literate; to cultivate in children a spirit of cooperation and unity.

      Lesson progress

      Stage I. Motivational orientation

      1. Making contact.

      The long-awaited call was given -
      The lesson begins.
      To be literate,
      We have a lot to learn.

      2. Creating a situation of success.

      We opened our notebooks.

      We carry out the task of penmanship. During the test, I wrote down the tasks in my notebook in advance.

      What did we go through in the last Russian language lesson? (We learned to write words with the spellings ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SHCHU.)

      Let's check how we can apply rules while writing. There are sound diagrams of words on the board. Write these words in letters, separated by commas.

      [SH'UKA], [CH'AS],[ [SPRING],[EARS],[UCH'US'],[CH'ASCH'A].

      Let's do a mutual check. If you find an error, we don’t correct it, but put a stick in the margin so that the children themselves can find it and correct it. What will we evaluate? (Right)

      Raise your hands, who did the job? Well done!

      II. Executive.

      1. Knowledge gap situation

      Since you and I cope with tasks so well, then you will definitely fulfill Znayka’s request. He left on business and asked us to check Dunno’s essay about how he spent his day off. I printed it out so that each of you can try to apply your knowledge. (The text of the essay is on the children’s desks. The children work on this piece of paper.)

      Let's check what happened.

      (During the test, a dispute should arise about the spelling of words with [TSY]. The guys already have an idea that in the Russian language words with TSI and TSY are spelled.)

      What caused our dispute? (We don’t know when [TSY] is written with the letter I, and when with the letter Y)

      Who can make a model of our ignorance on the board. (The entry QI appears on the board? TSY)

      2. Statement of the educational task.

      The reason is serious. It turns out that we failed to cope with Znayka’s request and did not help him. And he had so much hope for us. What are we going to do? (You need to find out when [TSY] is written with the letter I, and when with the letter Y)

      When will we do this? (Let's go to class now.)

      Do you all agree? (Yes)

      3. Study planning.

      Is this new knowledge for us? (Yes) (If the guys say that they have already encountered such words and know the spelling of some of them, then we need to find out whether this knowledge is enough.)

      How can you gain new knowledge? (From a textbook, ask an adult, open it yourself)

      Which method will we choose? (We choose the last one, although the others are faster and easier, but this will not be our discovery, and we can quickly forget such knowledge)

      What needs to be researched to find a way to designate the sound [І].

      (I bring the children to the fact that in the Russian language lesson we work with words, so we need to explore words)

      Do we need any words? (No, only those where there is a combination [TSY])

      Where can I get them? (In books, ask an adult to write.)

      Suppose we found such words and wrote them down. What will we do next? (We need to divide them into columns with QI and CI. Compare. Draw conclusions.)

      Have we planned our work? (Yes)

      Let's review the work plan again. I'll write it on the board

      Find and write down words with [TSY] in 2 columns

      TZI QI


      Conclusion. (In words or diagram)

      How will we work? (In groups.)

      (Children are divided into groups)

      Since we don’t have much time, I’ve already selected several stories from books, excerpts from poems, and I wrote you a few words myself.

      (I offer the children to work with the material that I prepared in advance)

      Group 1 - a selection of poems

      (the material is printed in large print on a separate sheet of paper and given to the group)

      Group 2 – stories printed on a piece of paper from V.V. Repkin’s Primer Part 2 “How Little Chick Hatched”, “Wrestling Bears”.

      Groups 3, 4 – a set of words with the spelling TZI-TZI

      The guys start working.


      Bear wrestlers performed in the circus.

      They didn't scratch or bite each other.

      They behaved sportily and honestly. Well done, bears! In the end, the two cubs defeated the father bear. The clown treated the brave men to lollipops. And he gave the adult bear sugar.


      In the end, Tsyp realized:

      It's kind of dark in here!

      And it hatched: it hit the shell with its beak and broke through the window. Then Chick stood up on tiptoe and saw the sun.

      And below it is a yard, adult birds and an unfamiliar chick.

      Hello, Chick! - said the stranger. – Go out into the street: we’ll fight, we’ll have a blast.

      Tsits! - said the mother chicken. And suddenly I noticed:

      Look! They all look the same!

      It’s okay,” answered the chicken named TsyTs. - We are twins. Right, Brother Chicken?

      That's right, that's right! - Tsyp was happy. – We will never be bored.

      And they ran to the other chickens.

      Numbers, daredevils, motorcycle, circus, chicken, gypsy, citrus, cucumbers, well done, chicks, compasses, wrestlers, zinc, starlings, singers.




      CONCLUSION: After C we write the letter I _______________________________________________________


      After C we write the letter Y ______________________________________________________________



      We are nimble sisters -
      Craftswomen run fast.
      In the rain we lie down.
      We run into the snow.
      This is our regime.

      Fathers raise babies
      They put you in a motor car,
      Driven in the front seats
      Somewhere to the circus or cinema.
      And children are respectable and important
      Looking out the window of the tram.

      Birds, birds, how are you doing?
      Birds, birds, what are you drinking?
      - Well, as long as we live,
      We drink raindrops
      And we sing songs to you
      In the mornings and evenings.

      On a walk
      Two chickens
      Three little goslings
      We went out to the river for a walk.
      The girl counted them:
      One, two, three, four, five!
      And three goslings swam -
      The goose can't catch them!
      Only two chickens left
      Sunbathe on the sand.

      The three goslings have returned,
      The girl began to count:
      Three goslings,
      Two chickens -
      Now there are five of them again!

      Here is one or one,
      Very thin, like a knitting needle.

      But this is number two.
      Admire what it's like

      The deuce arches his neck,
      The tail is dragging behind her.

      And look behind the deuce -
      The number three appears.

      What kind of station is this?
      Dibuny or Yamskaya?
      And from the platform they say:
      - This is the city of Leningrad.
      He shouted: What a joke!
      I'm going for the second day,
      And I came back
      And I came to Leningrad!
      That's how absent-minded
      From Basseynaya Street!

      (Groups 1 and 2 are additionally given a form to fill out the results of the discussion)








      CONCLUSION: After C we write the letter I ________________________________


      After C we write the letter Y ______________________________




      4. Modeling method

      (The groups hang their work on the board. Then the person in charge comes out and tells what conclusion they made from their observations, how they wrote it down. It turns out that there are exception words.)

      As a result, we draw a general conclusion:

      After C we write the letter Y at the end of the word.

      After C we write the letter I in the middle of the word.

      The letter Y after T is written in the middle of a word in words


      As a result of comparison and conclusions, we formulate a rule and create a model of this rule.)


      QI………. ………..TSY

      (circus) (cucumbers)







      The guys then copy this model into their discovery notebook.

      III. Reflective-evaluative stage

      What important discovery have we made today? (Say the rule)

      Now can we fulfill Znayka’s request? (Yes)

      Let's take Dunno's story and check it carefully again.

      What did we get? (Children read and explain)

      Well done to you and me. The rule was opened, the essay was checked. Did Dunno become smarter because of this? (No)

      Can we help him? (Yes)

      How can this be done? (Tell him this rule and teach him how to use it)

      Let's come to an agreement. First, try teaching this method of denoting the sound Y after T to your family at home. Then we’ll teach Dunno.

      And tomorrow we’ll find out what you did.

      Do we need this rule just to teach Dunno? (To be literate ourselves)

      Was it interesting for you today?

      What do you remember most?

      I also enjoyed working with you. Thanks for your cooperation.

      (In the next lesson, during the research work, the model is transformed. We find out that this method works for the stressed vowel sound Y after C. In other cases, this is a different rule. The model is being transformed and the method is being developed.)

      Russian language is one of the most complex languages in the world. Many spelling and punctuation rules, vocabulary and grammar - all this creates difficulties not only for foreigners, but also for native speakers. In addition, exceptions to Russian spelling rules there are a great many, and every literate person needs to know them.

      Loan words

      One of the simplest rules in the Russian language is after sibilants. WITH primary school Everyone knows that after Ш and Ш you can’t write the letters Yu and Z: thicket, pike, tentacles.

      However, many people wonder: how to spell the word brochure or, for example, parachute, and why. These words came to us from French. Jury, brochure, parachute are written with the letter Y after the sibilant and are exceptions.

      Often when writing a word causes difficulty hood, since it has two unstressed vowels, and the stressed O is located after the sibilant. It is also of foreign origin, and its spelling should be remembered.

      Advice! The spelling of names coming from other languages ​​should be remembered, since it often does not correspond to the rules of Russian spelling. When in doubt, it is better to consult a dictionary.

      Exception verbs

      As practice shows, for schoolchildren one of the most complex rules is writing . It would seem that everything is simple here: there are only two conjugations in the Russian language.

      Need to learn to determine conjugation, and depending on this, write the desired letter at the end. But this rule is complicated by a large number of exceptions.

      • endure (tolerate too much);
      • twirl (turns head);
      • offend (offend over a trifle);
      • depend (depend on circumstances);
      • hate (we hate bad weather);
      • see (sees poorly);
      • look (look in different directions);
      • hear (hear strange sounds);
      • breathe (breathes with difficulty);
      • keep (keeps everyone on their toes);
      • drive (drive at breakneck speed).

      It is considered correct to include all other verbs that do not end in -it in the 1st conjugation. initial form, which means for any other combination of letters. But here too there are words that do not obey the rule. This acquaintances from school years:

      • shave (you don't shave your beard),
      • lay (softly lay, but sleep hard).

      The first conjugation also includes the obsolete word “to be founded”, which is no longer used in modern speech.

      Important! To avoid mistakes in ending a verb, you need to know well not only the rule, but also learn all the insidious exceptions.

      O/Y after sibilants: exceptions to the rule

      The rule about writing o, e and e after sibilants is much simpler than it might seem.

      To avoid mistakes, you must first determine Is the spelling at the root of the word? or in its other parts (suffixes, endings).

      • If we're talking about about the root, then write the letter correctly e in those words that can be matched with the same root with e. Brush - bristles, comb - comb, click - click. If you can’t find such a replacement, then after the hissing you need to write about: glutton, shock. Often such cases are remembered as exceptions to the rule.
      • In the suffix and ending, choosing the right letter is even easier. E (е) is written in verbs and verbal forms, as well as in denominate parts of speech without stress: flows, condensed milk (from condensed), river.

      In a word gooseberry mistakes are made very often, but if you figure it out, it’s not at all complicated. If we analyze the morphemic composition, we will see the root in this name -kryzhov- and the suffix -nik-. There are no related word forms with e, which means you should write the letter o.

      Vowels after C: how not to make a mistake

      One of the most simple and favorite rules of grammar for children is the choice of letter. And or s after c. The algorithm of actions here is similar to that discussed in the previous rule.

      First thing to do. - determine in which morpheme the spelling pattern that is difficult for us is located.

      At the root after ts need to write And: funny circus, metal compass, watch dial. Only a few lexical units do not correspond to this rule:

      • Gypsy;
      • tiptoe;
      • chick;
      • tut (colloquial word);
      • tsyts (interjection).

      All of them are easy to remember if you put them into a funny phrase known to everyone.

      Important! Nouns ending in -tion are subject to the same rule: in them CI is also in the root: contact the police, valuable share, fragrant acacia, etc.

      In endings and suffixes after ts always written s, and there is no exception to this rule: delicious cucumbers, marten fur, skilled craftswomen, playful tits, etc. In other words, all the words on tsy written only with the letter Y.

      Writing N and NN in different cases

      Another insidious part of Russian grammar is the number of Ns in different morphemes. To write correctly, in case of doubt you need start by identifying the part of speech and further follow the relevant rules:

      • In nouns and adjectives in Russian, two N are written at the junction of the root and the suffix: desert-nik, strange-ny, crown-ny.
      • You need to write as many Ns in as there are in the adjectives from which they are derived. Strange - from strange, foggy - from foggy, spontaneous - from spontaneous.
      • The full form is always written double -n-. Fish fried in oil, knitted socks, a time limit, a fashioned snowman. In the short form it is always written -n-: the socks are tied, the fish is fried, the deadline is measured.
      • The situation is somewhat more complicated with. They can contain either one -n- or two. –N- is written in the suffixes –in-, -an- and –yan-: mouse fuss, falconry, clay jug, leather jacket. There are only three exceptions to this rule in our language, which are written with -nn-: glass glass, wooden chair, tin soldier.

      Exception words in Russian

      We study what exception verbs there are


      Literacy always evokes a positive impression of a person, his education and culture, so it cannot be neglected. To be literate, you need not only to know the rules of the Russian language well, but also to learn all the cases that do not obey the rules. The letters o or e/e in words, and or ы, n or nn, and or e in an unstressed position - all these cases require attentiveness and erudition, and sometimes the etymology of words will help.

      Class: 2


      • learn to write combinations correctly tsi-tsi in words;
      • develop competent writing skills;
      • develop spelling vigilance;
      • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
      • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

      Equipment: textbook, flashcards, reference cards.

      Lesson progress

      I. Class organization.

      Checking readiness for the lesson.

      II. Work on the topic.

      1) analysis of notebooks

      - open your notebooks. Look. You made me very happy.

      Completed the job without errors ...person

      1-2 mistakes were made ... people

      I was happy for the work:...

      Trying: ...

      I love the notebooks:...

      Be careful. Try.

      2) Working on the riddle

      a) write on the board: (highlight connection lcd, shk color chalk)

      Live in a difficult book residential complex e
      Cunning brothers shk And.
      Ten of them, but these brothers
      They will count everything in the world.

      – Read (read independently)

      - Read it, prove that you read it? (riddle, because the object is described but not named)

      - Guess (the numbers). prove.

      – Re-read, think:

      • How many sounds [zh] are there in the riddle? (1)
      • How many [w] sounds are there in the riddle? (2)

      – What can you say about these sounds? (always hard, paired in sonority and deafness, hissing)

      – What letters represent these sounds? (“zhe” “sha”) cards Ж Ш on the board

      b) min. calligraphy

      – Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

      -Teacher demonstration.

      – Write down the connections of the LCD ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

      Result: Well done! Written in calligraphy correctly. We tried.

      c) - What other hissing sounds do you know? (h sch c)

      – What letters represent sounds? (“che” “sha” “tse”)

      cards on the board

      – What spelling spellings with these letters do you know?

      (ZHI – SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA – SHCHA I write with the vowel A; CHU – SHCHU I write with the vowel U)


      – What do we know about the spelling with C? (Nothing)

      d) Re-read the riddle.

      -What is this? (numbers)

      – Let’s perform a sound-letter analysis of the word “numbers” (children perform

      independently) RULE OF LANDING


      – Let’s check how we did it?

      -Who has this? (children signal red; if green, why? I doubt it)

      – What’s wrong with you? ( I post. "AND"; I post. "Y")

      - But I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

      – I doubt which letter should be written.

      - So what are we going to work on?

      I post it on the board

      3) Work in pairs.

      a) – Take a green card.

      – Read the task

      – What is unclear? We are working.

      b) Check

      – What two groups did you divide the words into?

      (words with spelling. TSY with a letter Y

      words with spelling CI with a letter AND)

      c) Re-read the words of group I. (children read the words)


      – Re-read the words.

      TSY comes at the end of a word)

      – Read the words of group II. (children read the words)

      A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination CI

      – Re-read the words.

      – What interesting things did you notice? ( CI in the middle of a word)

      RESULT: Well done! They found the correct spelling and proved it.

      CONCLUSION: When it is written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of the word)

      - When it is written CI with the letter I (written in the middle of a word)


      4) Work on the text.

      - Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

      - Read it. (children read)

      – What did you read? (offers)

      - Let's reread it. (read one sentence at a time)

      – What task do you think we will perform?

      - Compose a text from these sentences.

      Animals also freeze in winter. 5
      The children are happy about the snow. 2
      Birds have difficulty finding food. 4
      So winter has come. 1
      What about birds and animals? 3


      – Read the text you got. Prove it. (this is a text, because all sentences are connected in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

      – What is the text about? Theme (the coming of winter)

      – Read the text again.

      – Find and write down sentences that talk about birds.


      - How many sentences did you write down?

      - Read it.

      – Find words with a new spelling. Prove it.

      (TSY I write with the letter Y because it’s at the end of the word)

      RESULT: Well done! You did the job right.

      5) Open the note on the board:

      - Read it. (read words in a chain)

      – What interesting things did you notice? ( TSY– in the middle of a word, but this can’t happen)

      - Guys, it turns out that in the Russian language there are words that do not fit the spelling. You need to remember the spelling of these words. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTION WORDS

      – To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I pronounce)

      The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says “chick” to the chicken.

      - Let's say it all together.

      RESULT: Well done! Remember the spelling of these words to avoid mistakes.

      6) Let's return to the word (scheme)


      – What letter will we write in this word?

      - Prove it. (I write QI with the letter I, because QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word)

      - They proved it right.

      - Let's draw a conclusion.

      – When is QI written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

      – When is TSY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

      – Who remembered all the exception words?

      – Name them.

      RESULT: Well done! They proved it correctly and made a conclusion.

      7) Independent work.

      - Let's work on the assignment.

      – Take a card (yellow)

      b) Verification.

      Read……the words you wrote down.

      What's in common? (each word has a spelling)

      Which word is "superfluous"? (France – state, snowflake – spelling zhi – shi)

      – Read the words using the spelling “tsi I write with the letter y”

      • Gypsy
      • Streets
      • Chicks

      – What word is “extra”?

      Gypsy (word exception)

      – Read the words with the spelling “qi is written with the letter i”

      • France
      • Cylinder

      – When is tsi written with the letter s? (at the end of a word and in exception words)

      – When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

      – What question were we looking for an answer to? (when TSY is written in words, and when TSI)

      – Have we answered this question?

      – When is TSY written with the letter Y, QI with the letter I?

      III. Reflection:

      - Continue the sentence:

      • I was wondering...
      • I wanted...
      • I found out that….
      • I did it...


      - Guys, I was pleased.

      – You were real scientists. We found the spelling and proved it.
