How to take metronidazole before or after meals. How to take the drug Metronidazole - composition, mechanism of action, release form, dosage for children and adults

One of the most effective antibacterial drugs wide range action is the medicine Metranidazole.

Release form, composition and packaging

A significant advantage of the medicine is its wide range of forms and releases. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly expand the possibilities of taking the drug: externally, intravenously, orally, vaginally.

To make taking Metronidazole as comfortable as possible, the following is offered for sale:

The drug "Metranidazole" belongs to a group of drugs that are available without a prescription. Each package includes instructions for use, as well as a list of indications and contraindications.

It is allowed to store the drug for up to 3 years; after the specified time, it is strictly forbidden to take it.

pharmachologic effect

The drug was first developed in France more than 60 years ago. Today, the medicine is produced by all pharmaceutical companies in America, Russia, and Ukraine.


The spectrum of exposure covers the most common pathogenic microorganisms:

Often, drinking patients are prescribed to take Metronidazole for the treatment of alcoholism; with its regular use, a clear aversion to strong alcoholic drinks is formed.


The active substance is completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed into all tissues of the body.

Approximately 75-80% of the active element is excreted through the functioning of the kidneys, the rest through natural emptying.

Indications for use

Instructions for use

The dosage and method of administration directly depends on the form of the medication taken.


The course of therapy, dosage and duration directly depend on the specific disease:

  • To treat amebiasis, adults are prescribed 1.5 g per day for a week, dividing the dose into three times.
  • To eliminate trichomoniasis in women, a single dose of 2 g is recommended for 10 days. In parallel with tablets, it is recommended to use vaginal suppositories.
  • In the treatment of vaginitis, it is recommended to take 500 mg of the drug Metronidazole twice a day for 7 days.

Metronidazole must be taken during or immediately after eating, and the tablet must be swallowed whole. Drink with cool water or milk.


The product is designed specifically for intravenous injections, as well as in situations where standard techniques are strictly prohibited or impossible:

  1. Adults are prescribed a one-time dose of 500 mg of continuous intravenous medication. The course is determined individually, taking into account the fact that no more than 4 g can be taken per day.
  2. If a prophylactic course of administration is prescribed, Metronidazole is prescribed to adults at 0.5-1 g per day in the form of infusions. Subsequent dosage and course of treatment depends on the specific situation.
  3. For renal failure or liver disease, patients are prescribed 1000 mg.

Gel for external use

Metronidazole products must be applied to the skin in a thin layer and gently rubbed in twice a day. To eliminate dermatological problems, specialists often prescribe the use of cream along with general antibiotic therapy.

Vaginal gel

It is prescribed to be taken intravaginally, the daily dose is 5 g twice a day for 5 days.

Vaginal suppositories

Intravaginal use of a suppository, in which you need to take 1 pc. twice a day for 10 days.

Side effects

If the norm or dose of Metronidazole is not followed, the following side effects may occur:

  • Vomit, ;
  • Abdominal cramps, pain;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Dry mouth, glossitis;
  • Loss of coordination headache;
  • Irritability, clouded consciousness;
  • Weakness, depression;
  • Cramps.

You may also experience a reddish-brown color to your urine.


When taking an excessive dose, effects such as ataxia, vomiting, and, in severe situations, epilepsy attacks may occur.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Taking Metronidazole is strictly contraindicated in the first trimester of a woman’s “interesting situation.”

In the remaining two trimesters, the drug should be taken only in emergency cases under the guidance of a doctor, under his strict supervision.

Under no circumstances should Metronidazole be taken during lactation.

Application for children

Doses and duration of useThe drug Metronidazole for children depends on the disease and its severity:

  1. For the prevention of infectious complications for children from 5 to 12 years old prescribed to take 125 mg every 8 hours for 2 days.
  2. With the development of anaerobic bacteria in the body Children over 12 years of age should take 2 tablets 3 times a day for at least 7 days. Children from 2 to 12 years old take 7.5 mg per 1 kg of baby’s weight, taken three times a day.
  3. For trichomoniasis in children from 2 to 5 years old They are prescribed to take 250 mg per day, children from 5 to 10 years old need to take 375 mg per day, over 10 years old no more than 50 mg per day. The total dosage is divided into two doses per day, the course of treatment should be 10 days.
  4. For the treatment of giardiasis you need to take the drug 500 mg twice a day for 7 days.
  5. Children suffering from ulcerative colitis, the medicine is not recommended to be taken.

Use for kidney disorders

If patients have renal dysfunction, when tests show clearance below 10 ml/min, a reduced dose should be taken twice a day.

In this case, when the drug is reused, patients may develop accumulation.

Use for liver disorders

Other uses

It is used not only in the treatment of people, but also in the prevention of disease in poultry farming.

The medicine is widely used for preventive purposes against diseases such as:

  • Coccidiosis;
  • Histomoniasis;
  • Trichomoniasis and many others.

Metronidazole is used in the treatment of adult turkeys, ducks, and geese. It is necessary to mix 1.5 grams of medicine into the daily diet of poultry for each kg of feed. Therapy should be carried out for at least 10 days.

It is also good to use the drug Metronidazole to treat seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and annuals in the flowerbed against phytodiseases, or other problems. To do this, it is necessary to treat with the solution at the initial stage of germination before planting the seedlings in open ground. Such preventive actions will help prevent the death of crops.

Interaction with other drugs

It is important to know how to take Metronidazole with other medications:

Alcohol compatibility

Metronidazole is often used to treat severe alcohol addiction or in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Proper combination of the drug Metronidazole with alcohol can even give positive effect subject to dosage and dosage regimen. This is due to the fact that Metronidazole is a completely safe drug.

special instructions

Metronidazole should be taken with extreme caution by people who have:

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Kidney failure.

While taking Metronidazole, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of leukocytes in the blood in laboratory conditions and, based on the results, the picture of the peripheral system.

If, according to the medical history, there is a suspicion of the development of ataxia, leukopenia or any other neurological disorder during the period of taking Metronidazole, it is necessary to urgently stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Effect on laboratory tests

After taking Metrogidozole, a significant slowdown in treponemas is observed, which in turn leads to a false-positive indicator Nelson test (TPI test),

  • Blood plasma;
  • Glucose;
  • Triglyceride levels.

It is also worth noting that while taking the drug Metronidazole, it is possible to obtain false characteristics of liver transminase activity.

The effect of taking Metronidazole on driving

When taking Metronidazole, the patient may experience slight dizziness, so during treatment you should refrain from driving complex mechanisms and vehicles. Also, do not engage in hazardous activities.

Use for sexually transmitted infections, venereal diseases

During the period of treatment, doctors recommend limiting sexual intercourse or refusing altogether. When treating sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases, both sexual partners should take the course. But women should stop treatment during menstruation.

After completing the treatment process, it is necessary to conduct control tests and examinations during 2-3 menstrual cycles.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug Metronidazole is sold in city pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

Store the drug Metronidazole in a dry place; it is recommended to protect it from direct sunlight and out of reach of animals and children. It is recommended that the storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The shelf life should not exceed 2 years.

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The cost of the drug Metronidazole differs depending on the volume and form of release:

  • Metronidazole 100 ml bottles – from 50 to 80 rubles.
  • Metronidazole tablets 250 mg (40 pcs) – from 150 to 170 rubles.
  • Metronidazole suppository 500 mg (10 pcs) – from 180 to 220 rubles .


If, after an examination, the doctor prescribed Metronidazole, purchasing it is not difficult; it is sold in every pharmacy and is quite affordable in price.

Metronidazole is prescribed as a potent antibiotic; in the right doses, its use is considered completely justified. Useful and effective remedy, but only if you strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. Otherwise, side effects cannot be ruled out.

Before use in certain cases, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

The active substance Metronidazole has antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects against:

  • Peptococcus niger.;
  • Bacteroides spp., including Bacteroides distasonis, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium spp., Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides vulgatus;
  • Entamoeba histolytica;
  • Clostridium spp.;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • Eubacterium spp.;
  • Peptostreptococcus spp;
  • Metronidazole in combination with amoxicillin is also effective against Helicobacter pylori.

    According to the instructions, Metronidazole causes sensitization to alcohol, increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and stimulates reparative processes.

    Release form

    Metronidazole is available in various dosage forms:

  • Flat-cylindrical white tablets Metronidazole, 250 mg of active ingredient, 20 pieces in jars, 10 pieces in a blister;

  • Metronidazole suppositories containing 0.1 g of metronidazole in each suppository. 10 candles per package;
  • A yellowish transparent solution for infusion in polyethylene bottles containing 500 mg of active substance;
  • Colorless 1% vaginal gel. 100 g of gel contains 1 g of active ingredient. In aluminum tubes of 30 g, complete with applicator.
  • Indications for use of Metronidazole

    According to the instructions, Metronidazole is used to treat:

  • Infections that are caused by Bacteroides species – abdominal cavity, including peritonitis and abscess of the liver, pelvic organs, including endomyometritis, endometritis, infections of the vaginal vault after surgery, abscess of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, as well as infections of soft tissues and skin;
  • Infections caused by Bacteroides and Clostridium species – sepsis;
  • Gastritis or ulcers duodenum which are caused by Helicobacter pylori;
  • Protozoal infections - intestinal amebiasis, balantidiasis, extraintestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, including amoebic liver abscess, trichomonas vaginitis, giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomonas urethritis;
  • Infections caused by Bacteroides spp., including B. distasonis, B. fragilis, B. vulgalus B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron - infections of joints, bones, central nervous system, including brain abscess and meningitis, as well as pneumonia, bacterial endocarditis, empyema and lung abscess;

  • Alcoholism;
  • Pseudomembranous colitis, which is associated with the use of antibiotics.
  • Metronidazole is also used according to the instructions:

  • For the prevention of postoperative complications in the peri-rectal area and colon, gynecological operations and appendectomy;
  • For radiation therapy in oncology, as a radiosensitizing agent.
  • Metronidazole suppositories are used for urogenital trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis, which are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.


    According to the instructions, Metronidazole is contraindicated for use in:

  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system, including epilepsy;
  • Leukopenia, incl. in the anamnesis;
  • Liver failure if large doses are prescribed.
  • The first trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and the lactation period are contraindications to the use of Metronidazole.

    Metronidazole is prescribed with caution in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as in cases of renal or liver failure.

    Instructions for use of Metronidazole

    Metronidazole tablets are taken after meals. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the disease:

  • For trichomoniasis - 2 tablets of Metronidazole twice a day for 10 days. Also, during treatment, it is necessary to use Metronidazole suppositories intravaginally, 2 suppositories twice a day - in the evening and in the morning. In this case, it is recommended to start therapy with Metronidazole suppositories at the beginning menstrual cycle, and during this period avoid douching. If necessary, the course of treatment for trichomoniasis can be repeated after a month. For children, the dosage of the drug depends on age - at 2-5 years old, 250 mg per day is prescribed, at 5-10 years old - up to 375 mg, older - up to 500 mg per day;

  • For giardiasis, Metronidazole is used for 5-7 days twice a day, 2 tablets;
  • If a cyst is detected with asymptomatic amebiasis, take 2 Metronidazole tablets up to 3 times a day for 5-7 days;
  • For chronic amebiasis, the daily dose of Metronidazole is 1.5 g, which can be divided into three doses. Take within 5-10 days;
  • For acute amoebic dysentery - until symptoms stop, take 2.25 g, divided into 3 doses;
  • For liver abscess in combination with tetracycline antibiotics and other methods of therapy - a maximum of 2.5 g of Metronidazole for 3-5 days;
  • For balantidiasis - for 5-6 days, 750 mg 3 times a day;
  • For ulcerative stomatitis - 2 Metronidazole tablets twice a day, up to 5 days;
  • To treat chronic alcoholism, take 2 Metronidazole tablets per day for up to six months.
  • In case of severe renal impairment, the daily dose should be halved.

    If it is impossible to use Metronidazole orally, as well as in severe cases of infection, the drug is used intravenously.

    The usual dose is 500 mg, but not more than 4 g per day. When improvement occurs, switch to oral administration of the drug.

    Side effects

    According to reviews, Metronidazole can cause the following: side effects:

  • Diarrhea, anorexia, constipation, nausea, glossitis, dry mouth, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, pancreatitis;
  • Cystitis, dysuria, urinary incontinence, polyuria, candidiasis, red-brown coloring of urine;
  • Dizziness and impaired coordination of movements, confusion, irritability, depression, hallucinations, increased excitability;
  • Urticaria, fever, skin rash, skin flushing, nasal congestion, arthralgia;
  • Neutropenia and leukopenia.
  • According to reviews, Metronidazole most often causes insomnia, headache, and weakness.

    According to reviews, Metronidazole causes intestinal colic, stomatitis, convulsions, ataxia and fever much less frequently.

    Caution must be exercised when using Metronidazole simultaneously with other medicines due to the possibility of developing unwanted side effects. According to reviews, it is not recommended to use alcohol during Metronidazole therapy due to the possibility of developing neurological symptoms and the appearance of spastic abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea.

    Storage conditions

    The drug is available only with a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of Metronidazole tablets and suppositories is 2 years.


    General information about the drug

    The active ingredient is Metronidazole 250 mg. The medicine is available in white tablets and in the form of a gel and solution for infusion.

    How does Metronidazole affect the body and what does it help with? Distinctive feature is the rapid penetration of active components into the cell, as well as tissue and internal organs. The medicine, penetrating inside the body, begins to interact with the DNA of the cells that caused the disease.

    The spread of infections is stopped. Since the active substances of Metronidazole harm only bacterial cells, the human body does not suffer. To achieve results, it is often prescribed medicine. If necessary, the dosage is reduced. The tablets are not a food supplement.

    The drug penetrates almost completely into the blood. After just a couple of hours, the effect of the treatment composition is observed. The highest concentrations are observed in saliva, genital secretions, lungs, skin, liver and brain. After 7 hours, the drug is almost completely excreted in the urine.

    The drug is dispensed in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. Expiration date different manufacturers differs and can be 3 or 5 years. average price for the drug in tablet form is about 100 rubles.

    Cases in which it is advisable to use the medication

    The scope of the drug Metronidazole is wide. As a result of taking the drug, they go away painful sensations, nausea disappears, stool normalizes, and the patient’s general well-being improves. What does Metronidazole help with:

    1. Infections caused by protozoan pathogens: amoebic dysentery, liver abscess, giardiasis, trichomoniasis, trichomonas vaginitis or urethritis.
    2. Diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria type of bacteroides. Joints and bones, the central nervous system, and the brain may be affected (meningitis, abscess).

    3. The medicine is used in the treatment of diseases caused by clostridia, peptococci and peptostreptococci. Against their background, peritonitis, liver abscess, endometritis, and ovarian abscess can develop.
    4. Metronidazole can treat stomach and duodenal ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
    5. The medication treats gastritis and duodenitis.
    6. Prescribed for prophylaxis after surgery.
    7. Metronidazole is taken for cancer. The drug increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation.

    Why can women be prescribed Metronidazole? Women are more susceptible to genital infections. This is due to physiological characteristics body structure. These pills are often prescribed to solve gynecological problems. Prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, cystitis, thrush, and inflammation of the epididymis.

    Feedback from patients is positive. Tatyana, 41 years old: “I took this drug for gynecological diseases. There were no side effects, and the price was pleasantly surprising. I used tablets for cystitis.”

    For what diseases can medication be prescribed for men? For men it is prescribed for trichomoniasis, amoebiasis, giardiasis. The reason for prescribing the drug is a lung or liver abscess, pneumonia, meningitis, peritonitis.

    Damage to the male genital organs occurs infectious processes. The prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles and their appendages are affected. In these cases, it is advisable to use Metronidazole for men.

    They also come mostly from men. positive reviews. Igor, 34 years old: “I take the drug as part of complex therapy for giardiasis. Already on the second day, the symptoms of the disease decreased. They prescribed me to drink it for 7 days.”

    Precautionary measures

    During treatment with Metronidazole, contraindications to the drug should be taken into account:

    • high sensitivity to at least one of the components of the drug;
    • decreased level of leukocytes in the blood;
    • epilepsy and other disorders related to the central nervous system;
    • the first three months of bearing a child;
    • breastfeeding period.

    Take with caution for liver and kidney diseases, patients with diabetes mellitus. Prescription in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    If you take Metronidazole long time or do not follow the recommendations of a specialist, may develop adverse reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of rash, urticaria, nasal congestion. There may be attacks of dizziness and headaches. Sometimes there is loss of consciousness, irritability, sleep disturbance. Symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, loss of appetite. In some cases, candidiasis and cystitis develop.

    Concomitant use with other medications may lead to allergic reactions, constant constipation. Therefore, it is important to tell the doctor about the medications the patient is taking. Can it be combined with antibiotics? The drug can be taken in parallel with antibacterial drugs.

    An overdose can lead to poisoning. Pain in the abdomen and stomach develops, nausea and vomiting occur, and convulsions appear. Worried about weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite.

    How to take Metronidazole correctly? There are several important features:

    1. The risk of side effects increases if you simultaneously drink alcoholic beverages.
    2. It should not be prescribed together with Amoxicillin to patients under 18 years of age.
    3. While taking the pills, the urine becomes dark in color.
    4. When taking the drug for a long time, your blood counts should be checked.
    5. During the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, sexual intercourse is excluded. If a diagnosis is made, both partners should undergo treatment.
    6. If after treatment of giardiasis the symptoms still persist, then you should retake the tests three weeks after the last tablet. Sometimes there are cases where the disease has been successfully cured, but the symptoms of helminthic infestation remain.
    7. For the entire course of treatment, activities that require increased concentration, including driving, should be excluded. The decrease in reaction occurs immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

    Only a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics, can replace the drug with another Metronidazole analogue that has a similar effect. The following medications may be prescribed: Trichopolum, Metrogyl, Ornidazole, Dazolic.

    Clinical and pharmacological group

    Antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


    How much does Metronidazole cost? The average price in pharmacies is 20 rubles.

    Release form and composition

    Metronidazole tablets are white or white with a yellow-green tint, flat-cylindrical in shape with a dividing line. The main active ingredient of the drug is metronidazole, its content in one tablet is 250 mg. It also includes auxiliary components:

    • Talc.
    • Potato starch.
    • Stearic acid.

    Metronidazole tablets are packaged in blister packs of 10 and 20 pieces. A cardboard pack contains from 1 to 10 blisters with the corresponding number of tablets and instructions for use of the drug.

    Pharmacological effect

    The antibacterial drug has a special mechanism of action, which consists of activating the biochemical reduction of the fifth nitro group using intracellular transport proteins of protozoa and anaerobic mechanisms, as described in the instructions for use. Restored cells interact with the DNA of microorganisms, which is accompanied by inhibition of the synthesis of their nucleic acid. As a result, immediate death of bacteria occurs.

    The instructions for the antibacterial tablet drug contain information that it is effective against gram-negative and some positive anaerobes. Minimum inhibitory concentration for destruction pathogenic microorganisms a dose of 0.125-6.25 mcg/ml is considered. The antibiotic, together with amoxicillin, is active against Helicobacter pylori, since such a combination of drugs helps suppress the development of resistance.

    The drug "Metronidazole" is not active against aerobic microorganisms and facultative forms of anaerobes. It should be noted that in the presence of mixed flora, this drug acts synergistically with antibacterial agents, which are effective against simple aerobes. Metronidazole affects tumors, increasing their sensitivity to radiation. The drug has a disulfiram-like effect, causing sensitization to alcohol, and also turns out to be a stimulator of reparative processes.

    Indications for use

    What does it help with? Metranidazole is used in the following cases:

    • with alcoholism;
    • for the treatment of gastritis and duodenal ulcers;
    • for infections caused by Bacteroides spp. (infections of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, infectious diseases soft tissues and skin, abscess of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, infections of the vaginal vault after surgery);
    • for protozoal infections (intestinal or extraintestinal amebiasis, balantidiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomoniasis, trichomonas urethritis, giardiasis, trichomonas vaginitis);
    • for the treatment of infectious diseases of the central nervous system, bones and joints caused by the activity of Bacteroides spp.;
    • with pseudomembranous colitis associated with the use of antibiotics; for the prevention of postoperative complications during appendectomy, gynecological surgical interventions, operations on the peri-rectal area.

    Metronidazole suppositories are used to treat urogenital trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.


    • lactation period;
    • leukopenia (including history);
    • organic lesions of the central nervous system (including epilepsy);
    • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug Metronidazole, which may cause side effects;
    • liver failure (if large doses are prescribed);
    • pregnancy (1st trimester).

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    If it is necessary to prescribe Metronidazole to the mother, it is advisable to transfer the infant to artificial feeding.

    Dosage and method of administration

    The instructions for use indicate that Metronidazole tablets are taken orally, during or after meals (or with milk), without chewing.

    1. For giardiasis - 15 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses for 5 days.
    2. For giardiasis - 500 mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days. Children under 1 year old - 125 mg/day, 2-4 years old - but 250 mg/day, 5-8 years old - 375 mg/day, over 8 years old - 500 mg/day (in 2 doses). The course of treatment is 5 days.
    3. For chronic amoebiasis, the daily dose is 1.5 g in 3 divided doses for 5-10 days.
    4. Adults: for asymptomatic amebiasis (if a cyst is detected), the daily dose is 1-1.5 g (500 mg 2-3 times a day) for 5-7 days.
    5. For acute amoebic dysentery - 2.25 g in 3 doses until symptoms stop.
    6. For balantidiasis - 750 mg 3 times a day for 5-6 days.
    7. For liver abscess - the maximum daily dose is 2.5 g in 1 or 2-3 doses, for 3-5 days, in combination with antibiotics (tetracyclines) and other methods of therapy. Children 1-3 years old - 1/4 adult dose, 3-7 years old - 1/3 adult dose, 7-10 years old - 1/2 adult dose.
    8. For pseudomembranous colitis - 500 mg 3-4 times a day.
    9. For ulcerative stomatitis, adults are prescribed 500 mg 2 times a day for 3-5 days; In this case, the drug is not indicated for children.
    10. During treatment anaerobic infection maximum daily dose -1.5-2 g.
    11. In the treatment of chronic alcoholism, 500 mg/day is prescribed for a period of up to 6 (not more than) months.
    12. To prevent infectious complications - 750-1500 mg/day in 3 divided doses 3-4 days before surgery, or 1 g once on the 1st day after surgery. 1-2 days after surgery (when oral administration is already allowed) - 750 mg/day for 7 days.
    13. For eradication of Helicobacter pylory - 500 mg 3 times/day for 7 days (as part of combination therapy, for example, combination with amoxicillin 2.25 g/day).
    14. For trichomoniasis - 250 mg 2 times / day for 10 days or 400 mg 2 times / day for 5-8 days. Women must additionally be prescribed Metronidazole in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets. If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment or increase the dose to 0.75-1 g/day. Between courses you should take a break of 3-4 weeks with repeated tests laboratory research. An alternative treatment regimen is to prescribe 2 g once to the patient and his sexual partner. Children 2-5 years old - 250 mg/day; 5-10 years - 250-375 mg/day, over 10 years - 500 mg/day. The daily dose should be divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    In case of severe renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/min), the daily dose should be halved.

    Side effects

    The drug has a number of side effects on many body systems.

    1. Digestive problems may include vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, glossitis, and pancreatitis.
    2. From the genitourinary system there may be cystitis, candidiasis, urinary incontinence, staining of urine.
    3. Hives, itching, and hyperemia may occur on the skin.
    4. The nervous system may respond with headache, insomnia, peripheral neuropathy, hallucinations, confusion, irritability, excitability, impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, and depression.

    All of the above signs refer to symptoms of intoxication; if they occur, you should urgently stop treatment, then rinse your stomach or skin and consult a doctor. Symptoms of giardiasis may appear with successful treatment of the pathology; they need to be rechecked every 3-4 days 3 times.


    If an overdose of the drug occurs, the patient may experience ataxia, nausea, and vomiting. In cases of severe overdose, peripheral neuropathy as well as seizures may occur.

    In this case, symptomatic therapy is practiced; there is no specific antidote.

    special instructions

    Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

    1. Colors urine dark.
    2. In combination with amoxicillin, it is not recommended for use in patients under 18 years of age.
    3. With long-term therapy, it is necessary to monitor the blood picture.
    4. With leukopenia, the possibility of continuing treatment depends on the risk of developing an infectious process.
    5. The appearance of ataxia, dizziness and any other deterioration in the neurological status of patients requires cessation of treatment.
    6. May immobilize treponemes and lead to false positive test Nelson.
    7. When treating trichomonas vaginitis in women and trichomonas urethritis in men, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity. Simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is mandatory. Treatment does not stop during menstruation. After treatment for trichomoniasis, control tests should be carried out during three consecutive cycles before and after menstruation.
    8. After treatment of giardiasis, if symptoms persist, after 3-4 weeks, perform 3 stool tests at intervals of several days (in some successfully treated patients, lactose intolerance caused by infestation may persist for several weeks or months, resembling the symptoms of giardiasis).

    Alcohol compatibility

    During the treatment period, ethanol intake is contraindicated (a disulfiram-like reaction may develop: cramping abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, sudden rush of blood to the face).

    Drug interactions

    When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account interactions with other medications:

    1. Sulfonamides enhance the antimicrobial effect of metronidazole.
    2. Strengthens the effect of indirect anticoagulants, which leads to an increase in the time of prothrombin formation.
    3. Similar to disulfiram, it causes ethanol intolerance.
    4. When taken simultaneously with lithium preparations, the concentration of the latter in plasma may increase and symptoms of intoxication may develop.
    5. It is not recommended to combine with non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (vecuronium bromide).
    6. Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of metronidazole, which may lead to an increase in its concentration in the blood serum and an increased risk of side effects.
    7. The simultaneous administration of drugs that stimulate microsomal oxidation enzymes in the liver (phenobarbital, phenytoin) can accelerate the elimination of metronidazole, resulting in a decrease in its plasma concentration.
    8. Concomitant use with disulfiram can lead to the development of various neurological symptoms (the interval between prescriptions is at least 2 weeks).


    We have selected some reviews from people who have taken the drug Metronidazole:

    1. Catherine. I took 2 tablets in the morning and evening along with doxycycline for 7 days. At first I didn’t understand why I was dizzy, making noise, making me stagger and feel sick. I read about the horror side effects, and I definitely collected half of them. I hope it really helps and I didn’t suffer in vain.
    2. Elena. For anyone who has noticed side effects from treatment with the drug: keep in mind that such symptoms can be caused by intoxication with the breakdown products of Giardia, which are killed by metronidazole, perhaps you just have chronic latent giardiasis...
    3. Karina. I used metronidazole for severe acne, my cosmetologist prescribed it for me, I liked the effect, there were much fewer pimples. I just felt a little nauseous after taking it, and then the nausea somehow went away on its own.
    4. Tatiana. Metronidazole is a lifesaver drug for me. I always have it in my purse. Like many women, I often suffer from cystitis. It happens that this illness takes you by surprise at work. In this case, I have metronidazole, and I know that it will definitely help. This is an old, proven remedy that my mother used. It is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicine. Tablets are round in color, slightly yellow. The taste is very bitter, and this is the only negative for me. When cystitis worsens, it helps me within 20 minutes after taking it. The only thing I would like to say is that, like any effective antimicrobial medicine, metronidazole also kills beneficial microflora, therefore, to avoid problems with the intestines, it is advisable to drink bifidobacteria after taking it.


    Structural analogues of the active substance:

    • Batsimex;
    • Deflamon;
    • Klion;
    • Metrovagin;
    • Metrogil;
    • Metroxan;
    • Metrolacare;
    • Metron;
    • Metronidazole Nycomed;
    • Metronidazole-AKOS;
    • Metronidazole-Altpharm;
    • Metronidazole-LecT;
    • Metronidazole-UBF;
    • Metronidal;
    • Metroseptol;
    • Orvagil;
    • Rosamet;
    • Rosex;
    • Cyptrogyl;
    • Tricho-PIN;
    • Trichobrol;
    • Trichopolum;
    • Trichosept;
    • Flagyl;
    • Efloran.

    Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The tablets should be kept in places with low humidity, shielded from sunlight, at a temperature of ≤ 25°C. Keep away from children!

    The shelf life is 2 years from the date of issue; do not use after the expiration date.

    What is this

    Metronidazole is medicine with activity against protozoan microorganisms, anaerobic and some gram-positive bacteria.

    This drug is used not only against acne, but also in the treatment of other diseases.

    But Metronidazole for acne is especially popular, as it allows you to effectively get rid of inflamed rashes if they are caused by microorganisms sensitive to this substance.

    It is often prescribed to treat teenage acne.

    How it works

    Metronidazole is integrated into the respiratory chain of pathogens, which also cause rashes on the face. It disrupts this function, which leads to the rapid death of protozoa and anaerobes.

    It is used as monotherapy and in combination with other antimicrobial drugs.

    As part of complex therapy, the drug is active even against bacteria that are resistant to it.

    Therefore, it is often combined with other antibacterial agents.

    The main properties of Metronidazole are as follows:

    • antiprotozoal (active against protozoan microorganisms);
    • antibacterial;
    • trichomonacid;
    • antiulcer.

    When taken simultaneously with Amoxicillin, Metronidazole is active against Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastric ulcers. It is also used as an anti-alcohol agent, which creates an aversion to alcohol.

    Despite its antibacterial properties, Metronidazole does not belong to the category of antibiotics because it acts in a specific way.

    This allows it to be prescribed in a larger number of cases and combined with antibacterial drugs.

    Release form

    Depending on the problem, the doctor selects the drug in the form that will be most effective.

    Metronidazole is available in three forms:

    • pills– for oral administration;
    • gel– dental and for external use;
    • injection.

    Metrogyl ointment is used to combat acne ( active substance– metronidazole) and tablets. Moreover, the drug in tablets is taken not only internally, as prescribed by the instructions, but also externally as part of masks, talkers, and facial lotions.

    The price of Metronidazole is quite affordable, and in any form.

    You can verify this based on data from Moscow pharmacies:


    Depending on the form, the range of indications for Metronidazole is quite wide.

    It is used to treat:

    • rosacea, juvenile, vulgar acne caused by microorganisms (Metrogil gel);
    • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity(Metrogil Denta gel);
    • protozoal and anaerobic infections various systems body, postoperative infections and their prevention, sepsis, abscesses (tablets and solution for injection Metronidazole).

    For acne, the doctor can prescribe not only gel, but also tablets, if acne moderate or severe form.

    Video: “Causes of acne and the most effective remedy for acne”

    Features of using the gel

    The safest form of taking Metronidazole for acne is the gel.

    But you still need to first consult with your doctor about the need to use this particular drug.

    • Instructions for use of Metrogyl gel (and this is Metronidazole) advises applying the drug to previously cleansed and dry skin. The gel is applied to problem areas in a thin layer, distributing it over the entire area of ​​the rash.
    • There is no need to rub the drug in. However, it is quickly absorbed by itself, leaving no traces on the face or in contact with clothing. This is the advantage of this dosage form over ointment or cream, the absorption rate of which is much lower.
    • Apply gel or ointment to the skin 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed. If it is necessary to use decorative cosmetics, first apply this medicine, and then, after it is completely absorbed (about half an hour), proceed to makeup. It is not advisable to wash off the gel during the day.

    A noticeable effect from the use of the gel occurs after 3 weeks of use, but the entire course of treatment with the drug lasts up to 4 months (its exact duration must be determined by the doctor).

    The gel can be used not only on the face, but also on other areas of the skin where the problem has arisen.

    How to take Metronidazole tablets for acne

    Sometimes there is a need not only for external use of Metronidazole, but also internal use.

    It occurs with severe acne; tablets are also prescribed for subcutaneous acne if they are prone to frequent relapses.

    • The doctor determines how to take the pills. This form has side effects, so taking the medicine yourself can harm yourself.
    • The usual dosage of the drug is one tablet 2 times a day, but it can be adjusted depending on age or the severity of the problem.
    • The average course of treatment is a week (from 5 to 10 days). Courses can be repeated several times, but between them there should be breaks of 3-4 weeks.


    But there is an alternative way to take Metronidazole tablets for acne.

    It consists of preparing medicinal mixtures based on them for external use.


    A mask with Metronidazole is prepared as follows:

    • take white clay and powdered tablets in equal parts;
    • add a little water and mix thoroughly;
    • the mass should have a thick consistency;
    • Apply a mask to previously cleansed skin and leave for 15 minutes;
    • wash off with warm water.

    More strong effect has a mask with Levomycetin and Metronidazole.

    • To prepare it, you will need to grind 3 tablets of one and the other drug into powder and dilute 20 ml pharmacy tincture calendula.
    • This mask is applied locally, exclusively to areas with rashes.
    • Keep it on for 10-15 minutes and wash off.

    If your skin remains red after this, use a facial moisturizer.


    Lotion with Metronidazole tablets also gives good results.

    It is prepared like this:

    • Grind 5 tablets into powder and dilute with boiled water (no more than half a glass);
    • With the resulting mash, wipe the problem areas with a cotton pad twice a day.

    Typically, Metronidazole for acne has positive reviews, regardless of the form in which this drug was used.

    How to enhance the effect

    To make acne treatment with Metronidazole as effective as possible, you should reduce the influence of those factors that will provoke the appearance of new rashes:

    Comprehensive health care will speed up the effect of treatment and improve its outcome.


    Gel for external use (Metrogyl) is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to metronidazole and is not recommended for use by pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

    For Metronidazole in tablet form, the list of contraindications is wider. Added to it:

    • leukopenia(even if it was previously);
    • central nervous system diseases(including epilepsy);
    • liver diseases(if you need to take significant doses of the drug).

    Patients with kidney disease should take this drug under medical supervision.


    • A complication of Metronidazole, regardless of the form of administration, can be allergic reactions of the body, which are expressed in rashes on the skin and are accompanied by itching and burning.
    • Exceeding the dosage of the drug may result in nausea and vomiting, convulsions, and loss of orientation in space.

    If you notice any symptoms after starting to use the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Metronidazole is the first active substance, which at one time was used to destroy pathogens in gastritis, gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcer stomach.

    The drug of the same name is actively used in anti-Helicobacter therapy to this day.

    This medicine belongs to the group of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agents and is a synthetic broad-spectrum drug.

    Metronidazole helps not only with HP-associated inflammation of the stomach, but also with giardiasis, trichominiasis, peritonitis, and pneumonia.

    Instructions for use of metronidazole

    The tablets are white, with a yellowish-greenish tint, flat-cylindrical; there is a transverse stripe.

    In addition to the key component, the composition includes povidone, stearic acid and potato starch.

    Components of the drug disrupt protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, prevent tissue respiration of bacteria.

    The active substances are involved in metabolic processes and are metabolized in the liver, and then very slowly removed from the body.

    Excretion is carried out mainly in urine (up to 80%) and to a lesser extent in feces.

    How to take metronidazole - before or after meals?

    The drug is usually taken after or during meals. The tablet is not chewed.

    Dose for adults: 2 tablets three times a day.

    How many days should I take the drug?

    The course of anti-Helicobacter therapy usually lasts 7 days. Often it is combined - that is, at the same time the patient is asked to take other pills (for example, amoxicillin, amosin).

    Metronidazole analogues

    It may be useful for you to know the names of other medicines produced on a similar basis:

    • trichopolum;
    • ornidazole;
    • secnidazole;
    • Tinidazole

    Their auxiliary components differ, which is important when prescribing medicine to patients with a tendency to one or another allergic reaction.

    Side properties and contraindications

    Due to its high penetrating ability, metronidazole is distributed in biological fluids - saliva, urine, breast milk, etc. It penetrates the placental barrier and can concentrate in brain tissue.

    This causes many side effects and limitations. The drug is extremely it is undesirable to use at:

    • pregnancy;
    • during breastfeeding baby;
    • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
    • renal and liver failure;
    • serious blood diseases.

    The product is also contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

    You need to know about - even if not very high! - the likelihood of a negative effect of metronidazole on the nervous system. At the first signs of causeless depressive mood, headaches, insomnia, consult your doctor about the advisability of further taking the medication.

    Otherwise, very serious consequences cannot be ruled out - convulsions, hallucinations, psychoses, epileptic seizures.

    From the outside digestive system Possible (although rare) stool disorders, nausea, stomach cramps, and appetite disturbances.

    Pay attention to the frequency of urination. If it becomes suspiciously more frequent, temporarily stop taking the medication. Another nuance: since a significant part of metronidazole is excreted in the urine, the substance affects the composition of the latter (urine may turn dark from it). Be prepared for this.

    Finally, take a closer look to see if you have any allergic reactions to the drug - itching, rash.

    Here is such a bouquet. However, do not rush to get scared. The listed inconveniences do not arise in all cases. When a doctor prescribes antibiotics, they are aware of all the potential additional effects of the drug and consider the risks.

    To avoid unpleasant surprises, just follow the dosage and monitor your health.

    Metronidazole is antibacterial drug broad spectrum of action, used to treat infectious diseases. In order for therapy with this drug was effective, it is important to know the basic rules for taking it regarding dosage and duration of treatment.

    Characteristics of the drug

    This drug from the group of antibiotics is popular and in demand because it very quickly and effectively copes with pathologies of bacterial origin, as well as with various inflammatory processes.

    Absorption of the active substance metronidazole occurs in the organs of the digestive system, and it is excreted along with urine without accumulating in the body.

    Most common dosage form of this drug are tablets, but metronidazole is also found in the form of creams and ointments, suppositories and solutions. The choice in favor of one remedy or another should be made by the attending physician; self-medication with metronidazole is unacceptable in any case.

    For what diseases is it prescribed?

    Application of the considered medication appropriate for the following diseases:

    1. Peptic ulcer caused by Helicobacter.
    2. Gastritis.
    3. Infectious lesions of the genitourinary system, mainly in women.
    4. Sepsis or blood poisoning.
    5. Peritonitis.
    6. Pneumonia.
    7. Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain.
    8. Alcoholism.
    9. Giardiasis.
    10. Furunculosis, demodicosis and other skin lesions.

    The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of metronidazole is explained by the fact that when it enters the body, it begins to act directly on the DNA of pathological cells, gradually destroying them and preventing their reproduction.

    The drug is ineffective only against colds and viral infections.

    How to take metronidazole

    Typically, the treatment regimen with this drug is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis established for the patient and the severity of the pathology. It is also necessary to take into account the patient’s age and weight, and the presence of concomitant diseases. The instructions for using metronidazole state that the duration of its use should not exceed 10 days. And so that there is treatment effective tablet It is recommended to take metronidazole before meals on an empty stomach with a glass of water, or one hour after meals. The time interval between doses should be approximately 5 hours.

    How many days should you take metronidazole for various pathologies?

    The duration of treatment with this drug and the dosage usually depend on what disease the patient suffers from.

    When treating trichomoniasis, the course of therapy is usually 10 days, you need to take 250 g of the drug twice a day. Treatment of women involves the simultaneous use of vaginal suppositories to increase the effectiveness of the effect on the disease.


    Alcoholism is treated with tablets of 500 g per day. The duration of the course is approximately 5 days, after which the dosage should be halved and the medication should be taken for 6 months.


    In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

    The drug in question is not suitable for use in all patients, since, like any drug, metronidazole has its own contraindications:

    • Pregnancy in the first and third trimester, breastfeeding.
    • Leukopenia.
    • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
    • Liver failure.
    • Severe kidney pathologies.
    • Epilepsy.
    • Children under 3 years of age.

    Side effects

    Some patients may experience negative reactions from the body in response to taking this drug. These may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, headaches, and fever. Sometimes an allergic rash appears on the skin, accompanied by intense itching. If such symptoms occur, you should stop treatment with metronidazole and consult a doctor.

    Taking the drug together with alcohol is incompatible, as there is a risk of neurological symptoms. It is also important to know about drug interactions, since there are groups of medications whose simultaneous use is impossible due to the high likelihood of developing more severe side effects.

    In order for treatment with metronidazole to have a quick and positive effect, it is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, as well as the instructions for use of the drug.

    Active substance


    Release form, composition and packaging

    10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
    10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (PVC/boom) (2) - cardboard packs.
    10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (2) - cardboard packs.
    20 pcs. - cans (1) - cardboard packs.

    pharmachologic effect

    Antiprotozoal and drug, a derivative of 5-nitroimidazole. The mechanism of action is the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. The reduced 5-nitro group interacts with the DNA of the microbial cell, inhibiting the synthesis of their nucleic acids, which leads to the death of bacteria.

    Active regarding Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Gardnerella vaginalis. Giardia intestinalis, Lamblia spp., as well as obligate anaerobes Bacteroidcs spp. (including Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides distasonis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacleroides vulgatus), Fusobacterium spp., Veillonela spp., Prevotella (P.bivia, P.buccae, P.disiens), and some gram-positive microorganisms ( Eubacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp.). The minimum inhibitory concentration for these strains is 0.125-6.25 μg/ml. In combination with, it is active against Helicobacter pylori (amoxicillin suppresses the development of resistance to metronidazole).

    To metronidazole not sensitive aerobic microorganisms and facultative anaerobes, but in the presence of mixed flora (aerobes and anaerobes) it acts synergistically with antibiotics effective against ordinary aerobes.

    Increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation, causes sensitization to alcohol (disulfiram-like effect), stimulates reparative processes.


    Absorption - high (bioavailability of at least 80%). It has a high penetrating ability, reaching bactericidal concentrations in most tissues and body fluids, including lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, cerebrospinal fluid, brain, bile, saliva, amniotic fluid, abscess cavities, vaginal secretions, seminal fluid, breast milk, penetrates the blood-brain and placental barrier. Vd in adults is approximately 0.55 l/kg, in newborns - 0.54-0.81 l/kg. Cmax of the drug in the blood ranges from 6 to 40 mcg/ml, depending on the dose. Time to reach Cmax - 1-3 hours. Protein binding - 10-20%. About 30-60% of metronidazole is metabolized in the body by hydroxylation, oxidation and glucuronidation. The main metabolite (2-oxymetronidazole) also has antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects. T1/2 with normal liver function - 8 hours (from 6 to 12 hours), with alcoholic liver damage - 18 hours (from 10 to 29 hours), in newborns born at a gestational age of 28-30 weeks - approximately 75 hours, 32 -35 weeks - 35 hours, 36-40 weeks - 25 hours. 60-80% is excreted by the kidneys (20% unchanged), through the intestines - 6-15%. Renal clearance - 10.2 ml/min.

    In patients with impaired renal function, after repeated administration, accumulation of mstronidazole in the blood serum may be observed (therefore, in patients with severe renal failure the frequency of administration should be reduced).

    Metronidazole and its main metabolites are quickly removed from the blood during hemodialysis (T 1/2 is reduced to 2.6 hours). During peritoneal dialysis, it is excreted in small quantities.


    - protozoal infections: extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis (amoebic dysentery), trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balantidiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomonas vaginitis, trichomonas urethritis;

    — infections caused by Bacteroides spp. (including B. fragilis, B. distasonis, B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. vulgalus): infections of bones and joints, infections of the central nervous system (including meningitis, brain abscess), bacterial endocarditis, pneumonia , empyema and lung abscess;

    - infections caused by Bacteroides species, including the B. fragilis group, Clostridium, Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus species: abdominal infections (peritonitis, liver abscess), pelvic infections (endometritis, endomyometritis, abscess of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, infections of the vaginal vault after surgical operations), skin and soft tissue infections;

    - infections caused by Bacteroides species, including the B. fragilis group and Clostridium species: sepsis;

    - pseudomembranous colitis (associated with the use of antibiotics);

    - gastritis or duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori;

    - alcoholism;

    - prevention of postoperative complications (especially interventions on the colon, near-rectal area, appendectomy, gynecological operations);

    radiation therapy patients with tumors - as a radiosensitizing agent, in cases where tumor resistance is due to hypoxia in tumor cells.


    — leukopenia (including history);

    — organic lesions of the central nervous system (including epilepsy);

    - liver failure (in case of prescribing large doses);

    — pregnancy (first trimester);

    - lactation period;

    - increased sensitivity.

    Carefully- pregnancy (II, III trimesters), renal/liver failure.


    At trichomoniasis- 250 mg 2 times/day for 10 days or 400 mg 2 times/day for 5-8 days. Women must additionally be prescribed Metronidazole in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets. If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment or increase the dose to 0.75-1 g/day. Between courses you should take a break of 3-4 weeks with repeated control laboratory tests. An alternative treatment regimen is to prescribe 2 g once to the patient and his sexual partner. Children 2-5 years old- 250 mg/day; 5-10 years- 250-375 mg/day, over 10 years old

    At giardiasis- 500 mg 2 times/day for 5-7 days. Children under 1 year- 125 mg/day, 2-4 years- but 250 mg/day, 5-8 years- 375 mg/day, over 8 years old

    At giardiasis- 15 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses for 5 days.

    For adults: at asymptomatic amoebiasis(if a cyst is detected) daily dose - 1-1.5 g (500 mg 2-3 times / day) for 5-7 days.

    At chronic amoebiasis daily dose - 1.5 g in 3 divided doses for 5-10 days.

    At acute amoebic dysentery- 2.25 g in 3 divided doses until symptoms stop.

    At liver abscess- maximum daily dose - 2.5 g in 1 or 2-3 doses, for 3-5 days, in combination with antibiotics () and other methods of therapy. Children 1-3 years old- 1/4 adult dose, 3-7 years- 1/3 adult dose, 7-10 years- 1/2 dose for an adult.

    At balantidiaze- 750 mg 3 times/day for 5-6 days.

    At ulcerative stomatitis adults prescribed 500 mg 2 times/day for 3-5 days; children in this case the drug is not indicated.

    At pseudomembranous colitis- 500 mg 3-4 times/day.

    For eradication of Helicobacter pylory- 500 mg 3 times/day for 7 days (as part of combination therapy, for example, combination with amoxicillin 2.25 g/day).

    At treatment of anaerobic infection maximum daily dose -1.5-2 g.

    At treatment of chronic alcoholism Prescribe 500 mg/day for a period of up to 6 (not more than) months.

    For prevention of infectious complications- 750-1500 mg/day in 3 divided doses 3-4 days before surgery, or once 1 g on the 1st day after surgery. 1-2 days after surgery (when oral administration is already allowed) - 750 mg/day for 7 days.

    At severe renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/min) the daily dose should be halved.

    Side effects

    From the digestive system: diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, constipation, metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth, glossitis, stomatitis, pancreatitis.

    From the nervous system: dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, confusion, irritability, depression, increased excitability, weakness, insomnia, headache, convulsions, hallucinations, peripheral neuropathy.

    Allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, skin hyperemia, nasal congestion, fever, arthralgia.

    From the genitourinary system: dysuria, cystitis, polyuria, urinary incontinence, candidiasis, red-brown coloring of urine.

    Others: neutropenia, leukopenia, flattening of the T wave on the ECG.

    Drug interactions

    Strengthens the effect of indirect ones, which leads to an increase in the time of prothrombin formation.

    Similar to disulfiram, it causes ethanol intolerance.

    Concomitant use with disulfiram can lead to the development of various neurological symptoms (the interval between prescriptions is at least 2 weeks).

    Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of metronidazole, which may lead to an increase in its concentration in the blood serum and an increased risk of side effects.

    The simultaneous administration of drugs that stimulate microsomal oxidation enzymes in the liver (phenobarbital, phenytoin) can accelerate the elimination of metronidazole, resulting in a decrease in its plasma concentration.

    When taken simultaneously with lithium preparations, the concentration of the latter in plasma may increase and symptoms of intoxication may develop.

    Sulfonamides enhance the antimicrobial effect of metronidazole.

    special instructions

    During the treatment period, ethanol intake is contraindicated (a disulfiram-like reaction may develop: cramping abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, sudden rush of blood to the face).

    With long-term therapy, it is necessary to monitor the blood picture.

    With leukopenia, the possibility of continuing treatment depends on the risk of developing an infectious process.

    The appearance of ataxia, dizziness and any other deterioration in the neurological status of patients requires cessation of treatment.

    May immobilize treponemes and lead to a false-positive Nelson test.

    Colors urine dark.

    When treating trichomonas vaginitis in women and trichomonas urethritis in men, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity. Simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is mandatory. Treatment does not stop during menstruation. After treatment for trichomoniasis, control tests should be carried out during three consecutive cycles before and after menstruation.

    After treatment of giardiasis, if symptoms persist, after 3-4 weeks, perform 3 stool tests at intervals of several days (in some successfully treated patients, lactose intolerance caused by infestation may persist for several weeks or months, resembling the symptoms of giardiasis).

    Pregnancy and lactation

    Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. Use with caution in II and III trimesters pregnancy.

    Use in childhood

    Orally, during or after meals (or with milk), without chewing.

    At trichomoniasis children 2-5 years old- 250 mg/day; 5-10 years- 250-375 mg/day, over 10 years old- 500 mg/day. The daily dose should be divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    At giardiasis - children under 1 year old- 125 mg/day, 2-4 years- but 250 mg/day, 5-8 years- 375 mg/day, over 8 years old- 500 mg/day (in 2 doses). The course of treatment is 5 days.

    At liver abscess - children 1-3 years old- 1/4 adult dose, 3-7 years- 1/3 adult dose,

    Storage conditions and periods

    List B. The drug is stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 2 years. It is recommended to use before the expiration date indicated on the package.
